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Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: Buddy J.B. on October 22, 2005, 11:16:31 PM

Title: Is adopting a full grown dog from a shelter a bad idea?
Post by: Buddy J.B. on October 22, 2005, 11:16:31 PM
I'm thinking about getting a 2nd dog. I would love a Black labrador/Golden retriever mix. I have a female pure lab, such a warm-hearted companion, it's just lonely in my home with only my mom and one dog. Our house is not small and our back yard is big enough to play fetch with her. I would have to get a male right? I heard 2 of the same genders don't get along with each other. I asked a friend , she said that it's better to start from the beginning when they are pups for training. But I just feel terribly sad how those grown dogs are just thrown in a shelter and people not wanting them because they're not cute little puppies anymore. What's your advice?

Title: Re: Is adopting a full grown dog from a shelter a bad idea?
Post by: Jagged Little Pill on October 23, 2005, 03:19:14 AM
You can still train a dog when it's not a puppy, just so long as its not old. I think that if you want to get another dog then get another dog. It's up to you, your decision. If its really want you want then go for it. Giving a dog a home regardless of it's age is a good thing.

Title: Re: Is adopting a full grown dog from a shelter a bad idea?
Post by: Buddy J.B. on October 23, 2005, 04:03:18 AM
You can still train a dog when it's not a puppy, just so long as its not old. I think that if you want to get another dog then get another dog. It's up to you, your decision. If its really want you want then go for it. Giving a dog a home regardless of it's age is a good thing.
yeah that's what I was thinking too.

Title: Re: Is adopting a full grown dog from a shelter a bad idea?
Post by: Sin Cut on October 23, 2005, 05:33:28 AM
I'm thinking about getting a 2nd dog. I would love a Black labrador/Golden retriever mix. I have a female pure lab, such a warm-hearted companion, it's just lonely in my home with only my mom and one dog. Our house is not small and our back yard is big enough to play fetch with her. I would have to get a male right? I heard 2 of the same genders don't get along with each other. I asked a friend , she said that it's better to start from the beginning when they are pups for training. But I just feel terribly sad how those grown dogs are just thrown in a shelter and people not wanting them because they're not cute little puppies anymore. What's your advice?

I got two females dogs and I've never had any trouble with them, they don't fight etc.

If you get a dog from a shelter there's always a possibility it has been treated bad and you will have a hard time training it.

Title: Re: Is adopting a full grown dog from a shelter a bad idea?
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on October 23, 2005, 09:41:28 AM
they have exactly what you need here, but i think they're full breed.

Title: Re: Is adopting a full grown dog from a shelter a bad idea?
Post by: MCT on October 23, 2005, 12:35:17 PM
My uncle adopted a three year old staffiger (I think that's what it is and how it's spelled) from the SPCA that used to belong to a squeegee kid. Apparently the poor dog was abused and needless to say he wasn't trained at all. Anyway at first the dog (Josh) was a real handful, shitting in the house, tearing up stuff, going after the two cats, you name it. But eventually he came around and he's now the best trained dog that I've ever laid eyes on. He's perfect. Better than my lab even. And my lab is pretty decently trained and has a great temperament. But Josh is just that step or two higher than any well trained dog that I've seen around.

So it is possible to have a successful story to tell after a shelter adoption. But it's gonna take a bit of work either way on your part. Especially if the dog is completely untrained.

So if you're willing to go the whole nine yards, do it.

Title: Re: Is adopting a full grown dog from a shelter a bad idea?
Post by: Mikkamakka on October 23, 2005, 02:13:10 PM
You can still train a dog when it's not a puppy, just so long as its not old. I think that if you want to get another dog then get another dog. It's up to you, your decision. If its really want you want then go for it. Giving a dog a home regardless of it's age is a good thing.

 : ok:

Two years ago I adopted a 2-years old dog. Now she's 4 and gave me as much love as noone else in my life. And before you'd feel sorry for me, I have a great life with a lot of friends, and I have a good relationship with my family, they all gave me a lot of love, but this dog, 'Masni' is the one who loves me the most. I know (and she knows)  that I saved her life when I took her out from the flayers, but I think she gave me more in return.

Title: Re: Is adopting a full grown dog from a shelter a bad idea?
Post by: RichardNixon on October 23, 2005, 04:26:17 PM
For my 16th birthday we got a mutt from a shelter, he was about 3 years old. I just turned 26 and it's been a wonderful ten years.

Title: Re: Is adopting a full grown dog from a shelter a bad idea?
Post by: Sterlingdog on October 23, 2005, 11:19:06 PM
One of my dogs came from a rescue organization where he was left due to abuse.  When we first got him, he was pretty fearful of strangers and usually preferred to be left alone.  We didn't do a lot of work with him, just treated him well and loved him.  Now he is the sweetest dog.  He's 75 pounds but always tries to sit in people's laps.

As far as the gender thing, I have been told by a vet that 2 female dogs are more likely to fight than two male or one male and one female.  I strongly believe in getting dogs from a shelter or rescue group.  Then you are not only getting yourself a companion, but you are saving an animal's life. 

Title: Re: Is adopting a full grown dog from a shelter a bad idea?
Post by: Mikkamakka on October 24, 2005, 07:02:05 AM
As far as the gender thing, I have been told by a vet that 2 female dogs are more likely to fight than two male or one male and one female.?

I think the opposite. I have 2 female dogs and although they fight sometimes, every time I had a male dog he hated every other male dogs and wanted to fight.

Title: Re: Is adopting a full grown dog from a shelter a bad idea?
Post by: Chelle on October 25, 2005, 12:53:05 AM
I have two female lab mixes and they get along great.   My lil girls   :-*  : ok: