Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: Mattman on October 20, 2005, 01:28:57 PM

Title: Has Axl stopped working?
Post by: Mattman on October 20, 2005, 01:28:57 PM
Seriously, how long has it been since we've had even the tiniest bit of real news regarding Chinese Democracy?  Even back in the 90s, Axl would occasionally surface with some new recordings or something.  It's been so long since the band actually did anything, and 2005 looks like another year to be written off...I wonder if Axl is even still doing ANY work on the new album.  I mean, you'd think by this point, even if he was working on those songs all the time...wouldn't he get bored after spending 12 years working on the same bunch of songs?

Title: Re: Has Axl stopped working?
Post by: ppbebe on October 20, 2005, 02:13:29 PM
I do hope so.

he said he could work on the lyrics like forever or something along those lines.

Title: Re: Has Axl stopped working?
Post by: coldenim on October 20, 2005, 02:38:17 PM
yeah well hopefully he has had enough time to put down lyrics as good as coma.

Title: Re: Has Axl stopped working?
Post by: busngabb on October 20, 2005, 05:01:49 PM
He hasn't worked since about 2000 I don't think.

Personally I'm starting to believe he's put himself in a cryogenic freezing tub so his genius can be released upon a more deserving generation.

Another interesting theory I have heard from a friend is the one about how people see time. People who have an regimented daily and weekly routine like working 9-5 and getting the kids ready for school and picking them up etc see time in a very different way to people who are not tied to any specific daily routine.

Title: Re: Has Axl stopped working?
Post by: AdZ on October 20, 2005, 07:07:19 PM
I do hope so.

he said he could work on the lyrics like forever or something along those lines.

I believe it was he could write poetry until he was blue in the face

[edit]oops, I was wrong,
"I can sit and write poetry 'til hell freezes over"

Title: Re: Has Axl stopped working?
Post by: PJ on October 20, 2005, 07:14:21 PM
some people (members, people with connection with the managment) have said that the recordings have stopped.. so this will happen soon...

Title: Re: Has Axl stopped working?
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on October 20, 2005, 08:38:35 PM
i believe axl is still working on CD in some capacity.

Title: Re: Has Axl stopped working?
Post by: -Jack- on October 20, 2005, 08:46:01 PM
The last time the band worked on it was '02 am I correct? Not sure..

Title: Re: Has Axl stopped working?
Post by: ppbebe on October 21, 2005, 10:16:47 AM
I do hope so.

he said he could work on the lyrics like forever or something along those lines.

I believe it was he could write poetry until he was blue in the face

[edit]oops, I was wrong,
"I can sit and write poetry 'til hell freezes over"
Cheers. Guess I'm a bit lazy lately.  :P

BTW, your (wrong) version is the best, I think.  :yes:  :confused:

Title: Re: Has Axl stopped working?
Post by: Crashdiet on October 21, 2005, 10:56:29 AM
We do know that the band members have not worked on the album in quite some time. When was the last time richard or dizzy were reporting working like late 2003. So maybe axl is working on vocals still? maybe he is adding the layers of studio gloss like he did to the illusions (extra sound effects, keyboards, layers of back up vocals)

I think he probably works in tangents. Loves it, leaves it, comes back and hates... repeats the cycle.

Title: Re: Has Axl stopped working?
Post by: Izzy on October 21, 2005, 11:06:49 AM
Maybe he's just bored of music and decided that life is more fun spending millions of dollars and annoying his former fans

After all he has his place in history and his diamond album - what more is there to do?

Title: Re: Has Axl stopped working?
Post by: killingvector on October 21, 2005, 11:11:23 AM
i believe axl is still working on CD in some capacity.

I would suspect the creative end of the album is probably done; He still maybe recording songs as a distraction from other unpleasantries in his life. Things will pick up in three weeks.

Title: Re: Has Axl stopped working?
Post by: ppbebe on October 21, 2005, 11:45:06 AM
Maybe he's just bored of music and decided that life is more fun spending millions of dollars and annoying his former fans

After all he has his place in history and his diamond album - what more is there to do?

to please n amaze the present GNR fans as well as the future fans. :hihi:

Title: Re: Has Axl stopped working?
Post by: BangoSkank on October 21, 2005, 05:06:46 PM
hes gotta release that shit soon... my boys gettin kinda old(er)

Title: Re: Has Axl stopped working?
Post by: jameslofton29 on October 21, 2005, 10:43:05 PM
 I was told by a journalist that no major work has been done on the album since 2002. I believe it, but I've been told by a few people that it isn't true. I guess there's really no way to prove whether its true or not. The journalist heard it from someone in the GNR camp, but that person could have been lying to him I guess.

Title: Re: Has Axl stopped working?
Post by: Krispy Kreme on October 21, 2005, 11:35:37 PM
Seriously, how long has it been since we've had even the tiniest bit of real news regarding Chinese Democracy?? Even back in the 90s, Axl would occasionally surface with some new recordings or something.? It's been so long since the band actually did anything, and 2005 looks like another year to be written off...I wonder if Axl is even still doing ANY work on the new album.? I mean, you'd think by this point, even if he was working on those songs all the time...wouldn't he get bored after spending 12 years working on the same bunch of songs?

some say I'm lazy, others  say its just me.

Title: Re: Has Axl stopped working?
Post by: Litti10 on October 22, 2005, 08:59:58 AM
Just because you dont hear about it it dont mean they ar not workin on it. just wait n' see<<<<<<<<<<<<

Title: Re: Has Axl stopped working?
Post by: mikegiuliana on October 22, 2005, 09:39:28 AM
axl works :o

Title: Re: Has Axl stopped working?
Post by: Butch Français on October 22, 2005, 09:41:08 AM
Axl's christmas holiday started a few weeks back. so he should resume the work on the album around march-april sometime...depends on the mood.

Title: Re: Has Axl stopped working?
Post by: Luigi on October 22, 2005, 10:20:00 AM
An artist is a slave to his own mind, he never escapes the feelings and the need to create. If your an Artist and your unproductive for to long you've got to answer to the pulse of gilt. I'm sure Axl has not stopped working. In some fucked up way I think if the lawsuit isn't settled were in for a long wait and we need to support Axl on this issue. Find out the next court date in November. There out ta get Axl. He needs our support, be positive. : ok:

Title: Re: Has Axl stopped working?
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on October 22, 2005, 11:36:09 AM
An artist is a slave to his own mind, he never escapes the feelings and the need to create. If your an Artist and your unproductive for to long you've got to answer to the pulse of gilt. I'm sure Axl has not stopped working. In some fucked up way I think if the lawsuit isn't settled were in for a long wait and we need to support Axl on this issue. Find out the next court date in November. There out ta get Axl. He needs our support, be positive. : ok:

It's great to hear other Gunners voice their support and understanding....  :D

It stands to reason that a portion of Axl's energy which could/would otherwise be directed towards his career work has been diverted to dealing with the lawsuits. 

Title: Re: Has Axl stopped working?
Post by: mikegiuliana on October 22, 2005, 12:09:26 PM
why do we need to support axl on this issue?? People act like he is the only person to ever have lawsuits or be some type of artist.. How does everyone else cope and move on.. I'm tired of the he's an artist bullshit so this gives him free reign to take forever, or the lawsuits.. is he to much of an artist or king ogf lawsuits to say to the fans I am sorry this album is taking so long but I am being sued and this is delaying the album or whatever.. I sometimes think people give him way to much credit for his behaviour and lack of respect to the fans..The man is doing an album not painting the vatican on his back

Title: Re: Has Axl stopped working?
Post by: ppbebe on October 22, 2005, 12:23:41 PM
why do we need to support axl on this issue?? People act like he is the only person to ever have lawsuits or be some type of artist..

No ppl're acting like he is their only fav musician to have lawsuits or be some type of artist, and that's perfectly normal with any other fandom I reckon. : ok:

Title: Re: Has Axl stopped working?
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on October 22, 2005, 12:25:31 PM
why do we need to support axl on this issue?? People act like he is the only person to ever have lawsuits or be some type of artist.. How does everyone else cope and move on.. I'm tired of the he's an artist bullshit so this gives him free reign to take forever, or the lawsuits.. is he to much of an artist or king ogf lawsuits to say to the fans I am sorry this album is taking so long but I am being sued and this is delaying the album or whatever.. I sometimes think people give him way to much credit for his behaviour and lack of respect to the fans..The man is doing an album not painting the vatican on his back

You don't need to do anything. ?No one - certainly not Axl - is asking or demanding it of you. ?Its a personal choice on my part, and others, to express support for Axl on this issue. ?

If you feel otherwise, that's your perogotive obviously. ?If you're not getting what you need in the way of aplogies or explanations from Axl in order to feel 'respected' ?- then a fan relationship with Axl Rose is not the one for you. ?Where's the trust dude? ?If you dont' think he gives a shit about you as a fan - then why would you WANT to be a fan anyway? ?And if that's what you think of him - why should he be so eager to earn your respect on your terms? ?What has he got to prove to you or me or anyone? ?Be a fan of the music when it comes out. ?You don't have to be a fan of the man. ?

Listen, I understand the frustration of not knowing this or that and the time passess and you don't hear anything and doubt is getting the best of you... ? A little trust would go a long way towards easing that for you. ? : ok:

Title: Re: Has Axl stopped working?
Post by: mikegiuliana on October 22, 2005, 12:33:03 PM
I'm a fan of his music , not his personal life or the reasons behind everything...

if someone posts a pic of axl smoking a cigar I say cool but I don't really give a fuck..

I am a fan of his work, maybe as a kid I was caught up in the every move of gnr..

You give to get,.. We supported him through the years and even the 2002 bullshit, we accepted his new group.. I say just give us some feed back and then I might change my feelings

Title: Re: Has Axl stopped working?
Post by: patience26 on October 22, 2005, 12:40:00 PM
why do we need to support axl on this issue??

Cause thats what fans, not bash...

Rock on  ;)

Title: Re: Has Axl stopped working?
Post by: mikegiuliana on October 22, 2005, 12:43:31 PM
why do we need to support axl on this issue??

Cause thats what fans, not bash...

Rock on? ;)
Well me typing on the net isn't going to help him.. And if the battle is over the name ior royalties I might not even agree with him.. I have supported him since I was like 12.. No new music really since 1991.. How much can one support the dude, comes a time when he needs to just get up adn do it..

Title: Re: Has Axl stopped working?
Post by: jarmo on October 22, 2005, 12:44:48 PM
why do we need to support axl on this issue?? People act like he is the only person to ever have lawsuits or be some type of artist.. How does everyone else cope and move on.. I'm tired of the he's an artist bullshit so this gives him free reign to take forever, or the lawsuits.. is he to much of an artist or king ogf lawsuits to say to the fans I am sorry this album is taking so long but I am being sued and this is delaying the album or whatever.. I sometimes think people give him way to much credit for his behaviour and lack of respect to the fans..The man is doing an album not painting the vatican on his back

Support? If he has stopped working, good for him!

None of us have the right to tell him how he should live his life.

If he wants to sit in the garden with a cold beer in his hand and enjoy what he has accomplished so far in his life, he can. If he wants to record new music without ever releasing it, he can. If he wants to start painting instead of making music, he can.

Just because we happen to like his music doesn't mean we have the right to tell him what to do, how to do it and when to do it. We can have opinions on what, how and when things could be done, but there's no way he or anybody else has to listen.

The sooner you start accepting the fact that Axl doesn't owe you shit, the better. Trust me, you'll be a happier person when you realize that. ?: ok:


Title: Re: Has Axl stopped working?
Post by: mikegiuliana on October 22, 2005, 03:21:44 PM
The sooner you start accepting the fact that Axl doesn't owe you shit, the better. Trust me, you'll be a happier person when you realize that.

I never said he owed me anything.. But if he decided to string the fans along by saying there will be an album and did a tour for the album he should at least be decent enough to explain philly or if the album is near completion.. That's just respect or common curtisy..  many people wouldn't be on these boards if they weren't expecting something because of words axl said..

Title: Re: Has Axl stopped working?
Post by: Luigi on October 22, 2005, 04:28:59 PM
Axl never said when the cd would be out, all I rember him saying to Kurt Loyder is " I don't know if soon is the word, but it will come.

Title: Re: Has Axl stopped working?
Post by: jarmo on October 22, 2005, 04:35:26 PM
I never said he owed me anything.. But if he decided to string the fans along by saying there will be an album and did a tour for the album he should at least be decent enough to explain philly or if the album is near completion.. That's just respect or common curtisy..?

As I said, stop expecting him to do things for you and you'll be happier.

Think of the silence as normal and anything else as abnormal.

many people wouldn't be on these boards if they weren't expecting something because of words axl said..

True, many people wouldn't be here whining if they stopped expecting things and getting let down every time a rumor turned out to be bullshit.


Title: Re: Has Axl stopped working?
Post by: mikegiuliana on October 22, 2005, 05:37:24 PM
Axl never said when the cd would be out, all I rember him saying to Kurt Loyder is " I don't know if soon is the word, but it will come.
he gave a month or season in an older interview.. I have read it somewhere on here but I have no idea where it is..

Title: Re: Has Axl stopped working?
Post by: jazjme on October 22, 2005, 07:34:18 PM
Guess it all come down to , what , where , when, how, why or why not.

THere is a question and opinion for every reponse, personally I think hes worked the album, finished it.

I've been there since day 1 myself, it has had been times of fustrations, but after the MSG show ,and eventual cancellation of the tour. For me, I wanted answers , but as time went on, I feel like they will be a time for that, so over the yrs since, I wait if ya call it that, I anticipate more like . A time when this thing finally comes, and after all the crazy twist an turns this band has been on it will be the music that will either keep me or not. And judging only from what I have and many have as far as "new material", I have faith in that.

I rather spend time like I have during this downtime, checking out and getting to know the individual members , and who they are, beit thier solo gigs, or shows with side project bands they have, if and when they are in my area. Listening to and finding other new music I can get into, and just sitting back, enjoying it.

Im sure at the right time, once the music is OUT THERE and GNR are in the public eye once again. Axl will more than be willin to talk about the process that got them to that point.