Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: Evolution on October 20, 2005, 12:01:12 AM

Title: Far Into The Future
Post by: Evolution on October 20, 2005, 12:01:12 AM
I was just thinking to myself, as it is 5am where i am and i can't sleep, what in the hell will the Planet Earth be like in two hundred years? Will we still be fighting wars? Will we still have the same types of energy sources? Will poverty still be a problem? Will we even live on Earth??

What do you think life will be like in 2205?

One thing i think is that we will all have access to "hover cars". Kinda like mini aeroplanes that travel at breakneck speeds so world travel becomes easy and solar travel (e.g Venus, Mars and The Moon) will become the new holidays for people.

What are your "predictions?"   :D

Title: Re: Far Into The Future
Post by: SLCPUNK on October 20, 2005, 12:21:58 AM
I was just thinking to myself, as it is 5am where i am and i can't sleep, what in the hell will the Planet Earth be like in two hundred years? Will we still be fighting wars? Will we still have the same types of energy sources? Will poverty still be a problem? Will we even live on Earth??

What do you think life will be like in 2205?

One thing i think is that we will all have access to "hover cars". Kinda like mini aeroplanes that travel at breakneck speeds so world travel becomes easy and solar travel (e.g Venus, Mars and The Moon) will become the new holidays for people.

What are your "predictions?"   :D

Fighting wars? Yes

Energy the same? I doubt it

Hover Cars: I dunno, doubt it though

Poverty? yes

My .02 cents.

Title: Re: Far Into The Future
Post by: Dr. Blutarsky on October 20, 2005, 07:47:15 AM
It will be like The Jetsons  :hihi: :rofl:

Title: Re: Far Into The Future
Post by: Sin Cut on October 20, 2005, 09:08:25 AM
I think I'm still alive 2205

Title: Re: Far Into The Future
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on October 20, 2005, 10:15:01 AM
I think if we still doing the same things as we are doing now the wars, the polution, corruption, unlimited breeding, the earth will not last to that time. As I always said the more human beings the more wars, conflicts, poberty, polution, less space to live, more green spaces to wreck, etc...
I still have hope for this world but it's pretty hard to change the path it is taking  :-\

Title: Re: Far Into The Future
Post by: Guns N RockMusic on October 20, 2005, 04:40:53 PM
Humans will never inhabit Venus.  It's the hottest planet in the solar system.  It is the definition of a runaway Greenhouse effect.  there is no water there to remove the Carbon out of the air.  Will there be poverty, depends on how you define it.  Some people define poverty as having a dvd player, ps2, AC and a home so yea.  Will there be flying cars, probably as they're being developed now.  New power sources, of course.  Wars, no - by then the UN will have whiped out anyone who disagrees with them and cameras will be in your home and on every corner to "protect you" from thinking outside the box.

Title: Re: Far Into The Future
Post by: Prometheus on October 20, 2005, 05:39:22 PM
Humans will never inhabit Venus.? It's the hottest planet in the solar system.? It is the definition of a runaway Greenhouse effect.? there is no water there to remove the Carbon out of the air.? Will there be poverty, depends on how you define it.? Some people define poverty as having a dvd player, ps2, AC and a home so yea.? Will there be flying cars, probably as they're being developed now.? New power sources, of course.? Wars, no - by then the UN will have whiped out anyone who disagrees with them and cameras will be in your home and on every corner to "protect you" from thinking outside the box.

actually Venus, Earth, and Mars all orbit within the habital zone of the sun. Venus is at the extreme closeness and Mars is at the max distance, give or take a few thousand kilometers. Though there is no direct H2O on Venus, it does rain sulphuric acid, and the necessary building blocks to make water are present. The trick is to find enough base material to neturalise the the acid. then through some boiling processes H2O can be extracted from the former acids, and acid salts. thus creating the water necessary for the terraforming of Venus.

Title: Re: Far Into The Future
Post by: Guns N RockMusic on October 20, 2005, 06:02:39 PM
Humans will never inhabit Venus.? It's the hottest planet in the solar system.? It is the definition of a runaway Greenhouse effect.? there is no water there to remove the Carbon out of the air.? Will there be poverty, depends on how you define it.? Some people define poverty as having a dvd player, ps2, AC and a home so yea.? Will there be flying cars, probably as they're being developed now.? New power sources, of course.? Wars, no - by then the UN will have whiped out anyone who disagrees with them and cameras will be in your home and on every corner to "protect you" from thinking outside the box.

actually Venus, Earth, and Mars all orbit within the habital zone of the sun. Venus is at the extreme closeness and Mars is at the max distance, give or take a few thousand kilometers. Though there is no direct H2O on Venus, it does rain sulphuric acid, and the necessary building blocks to make water are present. The trick is to find enough base material to neturalise the the acid. then through some boiling processes H2O can be extracted from the former acids, and acid salts. thus creating the water necessary for the terraforming of Venus.

Oh and that process will just take a couple hundred million years or so.  But again, Venus would again regress into an extreme greenhouse effect (which will happen naturally on Earth as the Sun gets brighter).  Mars on the other hand could be colonized, but Mars is either geolocially dead or soon to be (next millions years or so).  Therefore the only way to get sufficient C02 to create a pleasant climate would be human engineered.  I won't say nothing is possible, but I doubt man will ever inhabit Venus, but Mars is very probable in the next few hundred years IMO.

Title: Re: Far Into The Future
Post by: Prometheus on October 20, 2005, 09:16:11 PM
and as you put it it would regress back... but it would only take a few hundred million years.... and of note if you can do it once and are monitering it then you can keep it from going too bad or keep it good.

Title: Re: Far Into The Future
Post by: Jessica on October 21, 2005, 05:34:44 AM
This is not a prediction, it is a truth :

My companion worked for the army and for a few other whatnots.
What i'm going to say is not top secret so it's ok.
A lot of people know almost all countries from the develloped world have co created an international platform for space, able to host MILLIONS of people. I was not told where it is situated but assured it is neither on the moon, neither on Mars.

It has been planned for a very long time and we do, as i speak, have the technology to live up there.

We do, however, miss ( for all i know, maybe i am very wrong) a spacecraft big enough to transport so many people and a technology to build the dome.

Once we do have these, we're " going".

Our rulers, so it seems, have no intention whatsoever to " save" our planet, nor from pollution, nor from something else.

They have had their mind in the skies for as long as mankind remembers.

I'm just affraid only people who can " afford" their trip will be able to go. A bit like the space Titanic.

Title: Re: Far Into The Future
Post by: Guns N RockMusic on October 21, 2005, 07:31:01 AM
This is not a prediction, it is a truth :

My companion worked for the army and for a few other whatnots.
What i'm going to say is not top secret so it's ok.
A lot of people know almost all countries from the develloped world have co created an international platform for space, able to host MILLIONS of people. I was not told where it is situated but assured it is neither on the moon, neither on Mars.

It has been planned for a very long time and we do, as i speak, have the technology to live up there.

We do, however, miss ( for all i know, maybe i am very wrong) a spacecraft big enough to transport so many people and a technology to build the dome.

Once we do have these, we're " going".

Our rulers, so it seems, have no intention whatsoever to " save" our planet, nor from pollution, nor from something else.

They have had their mind in the skies for as long as mankind remembers.

I'm just affraid only people who can " afford" their trip will be able to go. A bit like the space Titanic.

Citation please or is this just another theory.  Your friend is in the Army eh?  What country's Army and what is his MOS and rank?  Any proof of this claim you can provide would be greatly appreciated.  I have a friend in the Navy who says we found the back door to hell by drilling for oil and that Satan is going to unleash his Army on all of mankind unless we switch to an alternate energy source.

Title: Re: Far Into The Future
Post by: Izzy on October 21, 2005, 08:41:42 AM
This is not a prediction, it is a truth :

My companion worked for the army and for a few other whatnots.
What i'm going to say is not top secret so it's ok.
A lot of people know almost all countries from the develloped world have co created an international platform for space, able to host MILLIONS of people. I was not told where it is situated but assured it is neither on the moon, neither on Mars.

It has been planned for a very long time and we do, as i speak, have the technology to live up there.

We do, however, miss ( for all i know, maybe i am very wrong) a spacecraft big enough to transport so many people and a technology to build the dome.

Once we do have these, we're " going".

Our rulers, so it seems, have no intention whatsoever to " save" our planet, nor from pollution, nor from something else.

They have had their mind in the skies for as long as mankind remembers.

I'm just affraid only people who can " afford" their trip will be able to go. A bit like the space Titanic.


Yes. ::)

I'm just affraid only people who can " afford" their trip will be able to go. A bit like the space Titanic.

So only the rich can go? Well if the only people left where all rich then there is the small matter of inflation. And why would anyone be intrested in making money from this scheme when there would be nothing to buy stuck out in space - or do they include Ferrari factories in the plans? :hihi: If they are all rich people - who fixes things up in space and does the tedious annoying jobs? :hihi:

Love these mad little theories

I have a friend in the Navy who says we found the back door to hell by drilling for oil and that Satan is going to unleash his Army on all of mankind unless we switch to an alternate energy source.

Oh god no! Did he say how much time we have left? :hihi:

Title: Re: Far Into The Future
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on October 21, 2005, 09:45:02 AM
Our rulers, so it seems, have no intention whatsoever to " save" our planet, nor from pollution, nor from something else.

What I'm afraid of this sentece is that is happening now, nobody (with power) cares about polution, So if we manage to scape to another planet we'll become parasits  :no:

Title: Re: Far Into The Future
Post by: Jessica on October 21, 2005, 10:56:53 AM
This is not a prediction, it is a truth :

My companion worked for the army and for a few other whatnots.
What i'm going to say is not top secret so it's ok.
A lot of people know almost all countries from the develloped world have co created an international platform for space, able to host MILLIONS of people. I was not told where it is situated but assured it is neither on the moon, neither on Mars.

It has been planned for a very long time and we do, as i speak, have the technology to live up there.

We do, however, miss ( for all i know, maybe i am very wrong) a spacecraft big enough to transport so many people and a technology to build the dome.

Once we do have these, we're " going".

Our rulers, so it seems, have no intention whatsoever to " save" our planet, nor from pollution, nor from something else.

They have had their mind in the skies for as long as mankind remembers.

I'm just affraid only people who can " afford" their trip will be able to go. A bit like the space Titanic.

Citation please or is this just another theory.  Your friend is in the Army eh?  What country's Army and what is his MOS and rank?  Any proof of this claim you can provide would be greatly appreciated.  I have a friend in the Navy who says we found the back door to hell by drilling for oil and that Satan is going to unleash his Army on all of mankind unless we switch to an alternate energy source.

WorkED ( as in : in the past)

Intelligence, at the mont valerien, for a general. Also worked for thomson, creating missile programs and guidance, the ones you bought ( usa) and who crashed  in the  first irak war because they were faulty.

The rest is NONE of YOUR business, and surely not on the net

Title: Re: Far Into The Future
Post by: gilld1 on October 21, 2005, 01:50:47 PM
Wow, Jessica, thanks for the great insight!  If it's none of our business whether this is true or not or if it can be verified then why the hell did you post it?  I have this friend, Dr. E. and he built a "time machine" so we can go back a right our wrongs.  This "time machine" will change our lives.

Title: Re: Far Into The Future
Post by: Evolution on October 21, 2005, 02:04:39 PM
It's just a conversation piece gilld1. Either way pretty interesting story/theory

Title: Re: Far Into The Future
Post by: Guns N RockMusic on October 21, 2005, 04:45:48 PM
It's just a conversation piece gilld1. Either way pretty interesting story/theory

I know we're not supposed to make personal insults, and I'm trying I really am.  But that theory is so fucking retarded that I really feel dumber for have reading it.  Even IF it were true, only Generals in the Defense Department would know about it, not some low level tech.  Last time I checked the US (who has the most advanced space program) doesn't discuss policies with low level enlisted types.  Conversation piece my ass, it's just straight babble used to attack the wealthy and elites.  We have enough reasons to dislike the elite, we don't need to make up wild theories and then get upset when someone asks for proof. It's none of your business where I came up with my theory, but it's 100% true and you're an idiot if you don't believe it.

P.S.  I got my theory on the back door to hell from a demon.  I waslking down a long black road and there shined a shining demon.  After I played him the best song in the world he told me the story.

Title: Re: Far Into The Future
Post by: Kujo on October 21, 2005, 05:04:40 PM
First let me say I love Jessicas stories. :peace:

However this brought to mind a sketch I saw on Saturday Night Live, I think. Stephen King is sitting on his sons bed and telling him a bed time story, but its a typical Stephen King, scare the shit out of you story, and the child is too afraid to go to bed.

For some reason I picture Jessica and her child having this same experience in the coming years :hihi:

Title: Re: Far Into The Future
Post by: Buddy J.B. on October 22, 2005, 03:19:05 PM
we'll be dead by then.

Title: Re: Far Into The Future
Post by: Evolution on October 22, 2005, 09:39:12 PM
I really feel dumber for have reading it.

I'm not trying to be funny here. But just don't read it. Simple  :)

Title: Re: Far Into The Future
Post by: Walk on October 22, 2005, 11:20:41 PM
There will be a totalitarian state in 2205. Consumer culture and widespread culture degradation and egalitarianism will cause it to happen. It might be Communist, Fascist, or worst, Democratic. Technology is changing so quickly and rapidly, it will allow a single state to control all nations on Earth, and eventually meld them into one easily controlled nation. Europe is already giving up control to the EU, and China could just run over the rest of Asia if it felt like it. America could refer to either the US or the whole Western Hemisphere continent. It's all about the same, or at least going to be very quickly.

National pride and unity were all the rage in Europe in the 19th century, and now nationalism is frowned on in most countries there. We'll all speak a universal language in 2205, too, at the rate things are going now. I'm betting on an English/Chinese hybrid.

There will be no good music, or any good art of any type. Today, 99% of it is worthless. It's not going to take much to drive that last 1% down. In the end, all this will happen because of dysgenics, egality, political correctness, egotism, and materialism. In a word, liberalism.

I think everyone should have their favorite belongings (music, art, etc) buried with them when they die. This will be the best way to preserve our values long after we're gone. It worked for the Egyptians.

Maybe the smartest people will colonize space before all of this happens. I'm thinking a LaGrange point station would be ideal, since it's so easy to do work in space when no gravity or air resistance gets in the way! Mars might have more resources than the asteroid field, but getting at those resources and maintaining bases would be very difficult. There are just too many advantages for living in space instead of on a planet.

Time travel is impossible. It's bad science fiction, since good science fiction relies on reasonably solid science.

Title: Re: Far Into The Future
Post by: Buddy J.B. on October 22, 2005, 11:33:47 PM
I wish there was time travel.

Title: Re: Far Into The Future
Post by: Walk on October 23, 2005, 01:35:30 AM
Time travel would be absolutely horrible.

Title: Re: Far Into The Future
Post by: POPmetal on October 23, 2005, 05:27:20 AM
Theoretically, the possibility of time travel can not be ruled out, at least with what little we know about the nature of space-time. But someone would first have to invent an anti-gravity suit so you can go through wormholes, and then maybe it could work.

Title: Re: Far Into The Future
Post by: Prometheus on October 23, 2005, 10:26:26 AM
There will be a totalitarian state in 2205. Consumer culture and widespread culture degradation and egalitarianism will cause it to happen. It might be Communist, Fascist, or worst, Democratic. Technology is changing so quickly and rapidly, it will allow a single state to control all nations on Earth, and eventually meld them into one easily controlled nation. Europe is already giving up control to the EU, and China could just run over the rest of Asia if it felt like it. America could refer to either the US or the whole Western Hemisphere continent. It's all about the same, or at least going to be very quickly.

National pride and unity were all the rage in Europe in the 19th century, and now nationalism is frowned on in most countries there. We'll all speak a universal language in 2205, too, at the rate things are going now. I'm betting on an English/Chinese hybrid.

There will be no good music, or any good art of any type. Today, 99% of it is worthless. It's not going to take much to drive that last 1% down. In the end, all this will happen because of dysgenics, egality, political correctness, egotism, and materialism. In a word, liberalism.

I think everyone should have their favorite belongings (music, art, etc) buried with them when they die. This will be the best way to preserve our values long after we're gone. It worked for the Egyptians.

Maybe the smartest people will colonize space before all of this happens. I'm thinking a LaGrange point station would be ideal, since it's so easy to do work in space when no gravity or air resistance gets in the way! Mars might have more resources than the asteroid field, but getting at those resources and maintaining bases would be very difficult. There are just too many advantages for living in space instead of on a planet.

Time travel is impossible. It's bad science fiction, since good science fiction relies on reasonably solid science.

well im glad you admit defeat :)

Title: Re: Far Into The Future
Post by: Guns N RockMusic on October 23, 2005, 10:47:36 AM
There will be a totalitarian state in 2205. Consumer culture and widespread culture degradation and egalitarianism will cause it to happen. It might be Communist, Fascist, or worst, Democratic. Technology is changing so quickly and rapidly, it will allow a single state to control all nations on Earth, and eventually meld them into one easily controlled nation. Europe is already giving up control to the EU, and China could just run over the rest of Asia if it felt like it. America could refer to either the US or the whole Western Hemisphere continent. It's all about the same, or at least going to be very quickly.

National pride and unity were all the rage in Europe in the 19th century, and now nationalism is frowned on in most countries there. We'll all speak a universal language in 2205, too, at the rate things are going now. I'm betting on an English/Chinese hybrid.

There will be no good music, or any good art of any type. Today, 99% of it is worthless. It's not going to take much to drive that last 1% down. In the end, all this will happen because of dysgenics, egality, political correctness, egotism, and materialism. In a word, liberalism.

I think everyone should have their favorite belongings (music, art, etc) buried with them when they die. This will be the best way to preserve our values long after we're gone. It worked for the Egyptians.

Maybe the smartest people will colonize space before all of this happens. I'm thinking a LaGrange point station would be ideal, since it's so easy to do work in space when no gravity or air resistance gets in the way! Mars might have more resources than the asteroid field, but getting at those resources and maintaining bases would be very difficult. There are just too many advantages for living in space instead of on a planet.

Time travel is impossible. It's bad science fiction, since good science fiction relies on reasonably solid science.

Unfortunately I agree with this.  Our world will be like 1984 and anyone who disagree with the majority will be labeled a racist or bigot and just "disapear".  Hmm, that sounds kind of familiar doesn't it?

Title: Re: Far Into The Future
Post by: Prometheus on October 23, 2005, 12:46:33 PM
lol your "insane" LOL

Title: Re: Far Into The Future
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on October 24, 2005, 12:59:00 PM
Time travel will exist.
I'll make sure of it, how?, dunno yet  :-\

Title: Re: Far Into The Future
Post by: Axls Locomotive on October 24, 2005, 03:14:16 PM
time travel is possible...if you know how...humans may attempt to time travel...but since all of you will end up as a pile of goo 4 billion years into the past, it is better you left time travel to the experts

Q the mischevious

Title: Re: Far Into The Future
Post by: Izzy on October 24, 2005, 05:43:18 PM
Time travel would be absolutely horrible.


U could finally fulfill ur dream of shaking Hitler's hand :yes:

Title: Re: Far Into The Future
Post by: Axls Locomotive on October 24, 2005, 06:17:19 PM
Time travel would be absolutely horrible.


U could finally fulfill ur dream of shaking Hitler's hand :yes:

and dont forget to take your digital camera...coloured prints of Hitler must be worth a fortune... :hihi:

Title: Re: Far Into The Future
Post by: Izzy on October 25, 2005, 10:47:42 AM
Time travel would be absolutely horrible.


U could finally fulfill ur dream of shaking Hitler's hand :yes:

and dont forget to take your digital camera...coloured prints of Hitler must be worth a fortune... :hihi:

Removing non-whites from the world is the only reward Walk seems to want :nervous: