Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: Guns N RockMusic on October 19, 2005, 06:23:00 PM

Title: Racists on this board?
Post by: Guns N RockMusic on October 19, 2005, 06:23:00 PM
It's often thrown out in a discussion that certain members of this board are racists and use racism to make their points.  The only names I've ever heard mentioned are Walk and Charity Case, both of which are not racist in my opinion (please show me a link where it was clear that these or anyone else made a serious racist comment).  Because I believe racism to be a serious offense and claim, I'd like some of our more infamous "racism" callers to point out what comments are racist and who said them.  I'm doing this because I'd like to keep this as a reference for the next time someone drops the word racist when they reply to a conservative idea they don't like.  Many of you say there are racist on this board, I'm asking you to proove it.

Title: Re: Racists on this board?
Post by: SLCPUNK on October 19, 2005, 06:32:05 PM

Walk hides behind words like "natural selection" for his racist comments. And has posted links to white supremacy websites cloaked in junk science.

While Charity Case uses the  "it was a joke" as his shield. Or "can't you wimps take a joke" or "Boo hoo hoo, you all are soooo sensitive."

Pretty straight forward. In fact CC was banned for using a racist comment prior.

Do a search. Why should anybody have to search for you? It's all right there.

Another racist comment was made in the hurricane thread....something along the lines of "Going back to get their Shaft DVD's"....purely racist. Of course the reply was "I was only kidding".

Title: Re: Racists on this board?
Post by: jarmo on October 19, 2005, 07:33:35 PM
please show me a link where it was clear that these or anyone else made a serious racist comment.?

Charity Case's old username.


Title: Re: Racists on this board?
Post by: Chris Misfit on October 19, 2005, 07:42:06 PM
Walk hides behind words like "natural selection" for his racist comments. And has posted links to white supremacy websites cloaked in junk science.

I find that a bit unfair. I don't know the guy that well, but have probably spoke to him more than anyone here. The fact he uses right wing websites means nothing. I'm very open to admit I listen to some right wing music, am I racist? Obviously there's a point I will go. But anyone can make some sense, no matter who they are, or what their belief. And just for the record, I dislike left and right, I've always stood up for myself, and don't need to hide behind a label, or a RATM album, as seems to be the trend.

Religon kills everything.

Title: Re: Racists on this board?
Post by: SLCPUNK on October 19, 2005, 07:55:51 PM
Walk hides behind words like "natural selection" for his racist comments. And has posted links to white supremacy websites cloaked in junk science.

I find that a bit unfair. I don't know the guy that well, but have probably spoke to him more than anyone here. The fact he uses right wing websites means nothing. I'm very open to admit I listen to some right wing music, am I racist? Obviously there's a point I will go. But anyone can make some sense, no matter who they are, or what their belief. And just for the record, I dislike left and right, I've always stood up for myself, and don't need to hide behind a label, or a RATM album, as seems to be the trend.

Religon kills everything.

I didn't say anything right wing, nor did I mean right wing.

Title: Re: Racists on this board?
Post by: Chris Misfit on October 19, 2005, 08:03:26 PM
Sorry, white supremecy.

It's a big hub-bub about nothing, because this board has become completly lob sided by a bunch of do gooders. It's worse than being in church.

Title: Re: Racists on this board?
Post by: Jim on October 19, 2005, 08:09:55 PM
Another racist comment was made in the hurricane thread....something along the lines of "Going back to get their Shaft DVD's"....purely racist. Of course the reply was "I was only kidding".

What, did you think that was actually what happened for a moment?

I hate all of this 'racism' bullshit, or rather what we are told to believe is racism because there are some people that don't like to hear things that are too close to a view or opinion that, in this day and age, is still held by some people.

I know that I am not racist. Yet I am fully aware of what racism is. But I can laugh at a racist jokes. Why?

If you have the capability of realising why they are funny, and look past that they are using a 'taboo' then maybe you can learn to understand them better...

If you are capable of understanding them in context; being that it is often a joke aimed at a society that could be ridiculous enough to give a fucking shit about skin colour in the first place, then maybe you will understand them better.

Now, how would I have dealt with a joke like that? (I'm refering, of course, to the one you referenced...I have done no homework on this guy) I would have told hime that it was inapropriate, not the right place, edited it and that would be that.

Maybe you have read what I just typed with an open mouth...that depends on how open minded you are, or rather, have the capability to be when required, or even, when you want to.

See, to understand the racist, you have to understand where it stems from. And it isn't the racist joke. A racist *joke* only becomes truly racist in nature when it becomes the exception. What I mean by this is that, when a joke [supposadly] offensive to black people can be funny, while a reference to the trailer trash [a nice synonym for white people, is it not?] of this world is not.

Though, after all, what is offensive? And we find we have come full circle... Now, I don't know. I think too deeply into such matters, and thus maybe the point of view that I have attempted to illustrate has become coloured...(Or, colored?)

Just so I am clear, I do not condone jokes of a racist nature on this board. I can appreciate that not all are comfortable with them. But, believe me that I speak true when I say, 'offensive' jokes are not the evil upon which this world is crumbling...

That, my friend, lies in far more tempting ventures, and the racist joke, on a grand scale, should be of little concern.

But, I digress...

Title: Re: Racists on this board?
Post by: SLCPUNK on October 19, 2005, 08:11:03 PM
Sorry, white supremecy.

It's a big hub-bub about nothing, because this board has become completly lob sided by a bunch of do gooders. It's worse than being in church.

Well yea if that were the case.

But when somebody gives a link to a white power website then that is a bit overboard. He was asking about racism after all. And if a poster is going to claim the white race superior....that's a bit much. That isn't left vs right IMO, it's just right vs wrong.

I find any "white power" or neo nazi supporters offensive. To me neo nazis condone the murder of thousands of people and violence against others.  I don't think it's fair to lump that in with what you are talking about.


Title: Re: Racists on this board?
Post by: SLCPUNK on October 19, 2005, 08:16:25 PM

Just so I am clear, I do not condone jokes of a racist nature on this board. I can appreciate that not all are comfortable with them. But, believe me that I speak true when I say, 'offensive' jokes are not the evil upon which this world is crumbling...

 I'm not saying they are. I'm just saying that somebody can (and will) make a racist remark and then when it is questioned answer "Gee whiz I was only joking."

The post is not about "racist jokes" the post was about racism and how it rears it's ugly head on this board.

I understand what you are saying though. 

But racist jokes are just that...racist.

Title: Re: Racists on this board?
Post by: Jim on October 19, 2005, 08:20:48 PM
To address an issue, you must also in turn address any relevant sub-issues. They're usually just as interesting, and sometimes even more so, anyway.? :)

Plus, I care little for a discussion of racism in terms of the board.

If there is outright racism displayed, then ban them.

It is as simple as that.

But, remember:

'I may not like what you say...'


Title: Re: Racists on this board?
Post by: POPmetal on October 19, 2005, 08:24:24 PM
please show me a link where it was clear that these or anyone else made a serious racist comment.?

Charity Case's old username.


He just goes off at al qaeda in that post because of 9/11. what's racist about that ???

Title: Re: Racists on this board?
Post by: SLCPUNK on October 19, 2005, 08:25:23 PM
please show me a link where it was clear that these or anyone else made a serious racist comment.

Charity Case's old username.


What a crazy thread. All the good ones are on there (now back with new names..... ;D) even holy war was on there!

Oh....the memories....... :hihi:

Title: Re: Racists on this board?
Post by: Evolution on October 19, 2005, 08:26:10 PM
He just goes off at al qaeda in that post because of 9/11. what's racist about that ???

I think it was the uncalled for "towel" slur

Title: Re: Racists on this board?
Post by: POPmetal on October 19, 2005, 08:27:25 PM
Saying "towel heads" is racist ?:rofl:

I wish Jarmo ran the US elections. That would automatically get Hilary out of the way. Surely her Ghandi runs a gas station comment should disqualify her racist ass from running ?:hihi:

Well, I for one, always thought it was "diapers"

Title: Re: Racists on this board?
Post by: Evolution on October 19, 2005, 08:32:21 PM
It is more than just a towel to muslims! It has meaning so i don't it should be made fun of really myself. Also that smelly jibe wasn't needed

Title: Re: Racists on this board?
Post by: POPmetal on October 19, 2005, 08:33:50 PM
He was talking about all Qaeda, not muslims in general. As far as I'm concerned, when it comes to talking al Qaeda, all gloves are off.

Title: Re: Racists on this board?
Post by: Carlos_f_Rose on October 19, 2005, 08:34:16 PM
It's often thrown out in a discussion that certain members of this board are racists and use racism to make their points.? The only names I've ever heard mentioned are Walk and Charity Case, both of which are not racist in my opinion (please show me a link where it was clear that these or anyone else made a serious racist comment).? Because I believe racism to be a serious offense and claim, I'd like some of our more infamous "racism" callers to point out what comments are racist and who said them.? I'm doing this because I'd like to keep this as a reference for the next time someone drops the word racist when they reply to a conservative idea they don't like.? Many of you say there are racist on this board, I'm asking you to proove it.

Well, I havent been insulted, in these threads,... ?never, but Once I talked to a girl who was from Argentina, and she was really nice, until she found out, that I was from Bolivia -- wich I told her-- and she refused to talk to me anymore she didnt say a racist comment but, she never talked to me again... and that hurts specially because People judge you, without even knowing you... I think everybody suffers some kind of discriminnation in their lives, but, that specially touched me, for the way indiference...

Title: Re: Racists on this board?
Post by: Evolution on October 19, 2005, 08:36:55 PM
He was talking about all Qaeda, not muslims in general. As far as I'm concerned, when it comes to talking al Qaeda, all gloves are off.

Fair enough. I guess our opinions differ.

Basically this board gets really over the top when it comes to political threads so this is my "let's leave this thing" post  ;)

Title: Re: Racists on this board?
Post by: Genesis on October 19, 2005, 10:08:52 PM
Saying "towel heads" is racist  :rofl:

(U.S.) anyone who wears a head turban. Derisively applied towards Middle Easterners and Muslims.

Well, I for one, always thought it was "diapers"

Ignorance is bliss, as they say...

Title: "Call me racists if you want. I could care less."
Post by: SLCPUNK on October 19, 2005, 10:17:54 PM
He was talking about all Qaeda, not muslims in general.

Obviously you don't read too well. This is from the FIRST PAGE of his post history. He got banned for this kind of crap. He had 14 more pages of history of crap like this.  ::)

"Call me racists if you want.  I could care less."

"Man we have a convenient store down the street owned by Iranians and they have to be ranked as the smelliest people ever."

 "And if they had spit on my wife, they'd have paid a price for that.  My wife would have kicked their smelly asses."

"They are taught hatred from day one in their schools and by their religion (the muslims)"

"Fact is that I don't care one iota about the Arabs or for the Arabs.    Their way of life sucks and their ignorance is at the root of it all."

"Who do you think helped/taught them how to both grab and refine the oil?  They didn't by any means learn or invent it on their own.  It was the Westerners that did that.  You know, smart people."

"So far I count zero things for which we have the Arabs to be thankful for unless you consider terrorist an invention worth mentioning. "

"And the Middle East is the king of the retards."

"Its a shame that we have to share our air with such stupid people."

Title: Re: Racists on this board?
Post by: Guns N RockMusic on October 19, 2005, 11:07:51 PM
He was talking about all Qaeda, not muslims in general.

Obviously you don't read too well. This is from the FIRST PAGE of his post history. He got banned for this kind of crap. He had 34 more pages of history of crap like this.? ::)

"Man we have a convenient store down the street owned by Iranians and they have to be ranked as the smelliest people ever."

 "And if they had spit on my wife, they'd have paid a price for that.? My wife would have kicked their smelly asses."

"They are taught hatred from day one in their schools and by their religion (the muslims)"

"Call me racists if you want.? I could care less."

"Fact is that I don't care one iota about the Arabs or for the Arabs.? ? Their way of life sucks and their ignorance is at the root of it all."

"Who do you think helped/taught them how to both grab and refine the oil?? They didn't by any means learn or invent it on their own.? It was the Westerners that did that.? You know, smart people."

"So far I count zero things for which we have the Arabs to be thankful for unless you consider terrorist an invention worth mentioning. "

"And the Middle East is the king of the retards."

"Its a shame that we have to share our air with such stupid people."

Ok, I see how those comments might be qualified as racism. :o However, people continually say that there are racists on the board.  Besides accusing Charity Case of being racist (I'm not stating that he is. it appears that he dislikes the Arab culture which is not racism) whom else on this forum is a "known racist" for their continued comments?  My point of this is to stop people from throwing out that word constantly and actually pinpointing the group of racists on the board.

Title: Re: Racists on this board?
Post by: SLCPUNK on October 19, 2005, 11:26:01 PM

Ok, I see how those comments might be qualified as racism. :o However, people continually say that there are racists on the board.  Besides accusing Charity Case of being racist (I'm not stating that he is. it appears that he dislikes the Arab culture which is not racism) whom else on this forum is a "known racist" for their continued comments?  My point of this is to stop people from throwing out that word constantly and actually pinpointing the group of racists on the board.

LOL, you are afraid to call his comments racists? Don't wanna lose somebody to back you? Gonna say "It appears he dislikes the arab culture" instead?

There are only a few people who were referred to as racists, and it was a while back. Why are you bringing this up again anyway?

Title: Re: Racists on this board?
Post by: ClintroN on October 20, 2005, 01:05:06 AM
It's often thrown out in a discussion that certain members of this board are racists and use racism to make their points.  The only names I've ever heard mentioned are Walk and Charity Case, both of which are not racist in my opinion (please show me a link where it was clear that these or anyone else made a serious racist comment).  Because I believe racism to be a serious offense and claim, I'd like some of our more infamous "racism" callers to point out what comments are racist and who said them.  I'm doing this because I'd like to keep this as a reference for the next time someone drops the word racist when they reply to a conservative idea they don't like.  Many of you say there are racist on this board, I'm asking you to proove it.

like.....who cares man...please hold... :hihi:

whats the big deal, why is it so important...

i think its racist that black people can rap shit about white people the way they do, but if i sing about black people it'll start a fuckin' war......

white n' black people are fucked, now work around that one will ya : ok: :rofl:

Title: Re: Racists on this board?
Post by: Axl_owns_dexter on October 20, 2005, 01:11:26 AM
Clintron, racism is all relative.  Some groups are allowed to get away with more.  For example, a racist comment made by a democrat is not going to be talked about as much as a racist comment by a republican, in the year 2005 at least.  Its a joke.  When talking about race in America, its more like a witch hunt than a genuine discussion.  And that is sad.

Title: Re: Racists on this board?
Post by: Skeletor on October 20, 2005, 03:32:41 AM

Charity Case's old username.

What's the point of banning someone if they're allowed to come back under a different username? I mean, assuming, like in this case, that the identity of the person is known for sure. Just interested, what is achieved there anyway?

Title: Re: Racists on this board?
Post by: Genesis on October 20, 2005, 03:47:09 AM
Just interested, what is achieved there anyway?

A chance to ban him a second time.  ;)

Title: Re: Racists on this board?
Post by: Rain on October 20, 2005, 03:49:27 AM
He was talking about all Qaeda, not muslims in general.

Obviously you don't read too well. This is from the FIRST PAGE of his post history. He got banned for this kind of crap. He had 34 more pages of history of crap like this.? ::)

"Man we have a convenient store down the street owned by Iranians and they have to be ranked as the smelliest people ever."

 "And if they had spit on my wife, they'd have paid a price for that.? My wife would have kicked their smelly asses."

"They are taught hatred from day one in their schools and by their religion (the muslims)"

"Call me racists if you want.? I could care less."

"Fact is that I don't care one iota about the Arabs or for the Arabs.? ? Their way of life sucks and their ignorance is at the root of it all."

"Who do you think helped/taught them how to both grab and refine the oil?? They didn't by any means learn or invent it on their own.? It was the Westerners that did that.? You know, smart people."

"So far I count zero things for which we have the Arabs to be thankful for unless you consider terrorist an invention worth mentioning. "

"And the Middle East is the king of the retards."

"Its a shame that we have to share our air with such stupid people."

Ok, I see how those comments might be qualified as racism. :o However, people continually say that there are racists on the board.? Besides accusing Charity Case of being racist (I'm not stating that he is. it appears that he dislikes the Arab culture which is not racism) whom else on this forum is a "known racist" for their continued comments?? My point of this is to stop people from throwing out that word constantly and actually pinpointing the group of racists on the board.

Wow this is not racism ? What is racism then ?? :nervous:
He doesn't dislike the Arab culture he totally denies it !

Title: Re: Racists on this board?
Post by: POPmetal on October 20, 2005, 04:05:27 AM

Ok, I see how those comments might be qualified as racism. :o However, people continually say that there are racists on the board.? Besides accusing Charity Case of being racist (I'm not stating that he is. it appears that he dislikes the Arab culture which is not racism) whom else on this forum is a "known racist" for their continued comments?? My point of this is to stop people from throwing out that word constantly and actually pinpointing the group of racists on the board.

LOL, you are afraid to call his comments racists? Don't wanna lose somebody to back you? Gonna say "It appears he dislikes the arab culture" instead?

Afraid? He called it like it is. I agree.

I mean, if the Iranians that own the convenience store down Charity's street really are smelly, why should he lie and deny that fact just so he can appear PC ???

There are only a few people who were referred to as racists, and it was a while back. Why are you bringing this up again anyway?

It gets brought up all the time whenever certain people lose an argument and attempt to switch the subject by calling people 'racists.' Someone raised this issue again just yesterday.

Title: Re: Racists on this board?
Post by: SLCPUNK on October 20, 2005, 04:10:48 AM

Afraid? He called it like it is. I agree.

I mean, if the Iranians that own the convenience store down Charity's street really are smelly, why should he lie and deny that fact just so he can appear PC ???

Imagine that, you giving your buddy a pass on racist comments. ::)

I think that wraps it up on this subject, although no big suprise.

You know what they say.....Birds of a feather and all.................

And I thought you said it was only AQ he was talking about? guess not...huh?

He was talking about all Qaeda, not muslims in general. As far as I'm concerned, when it comes to talking al Qaeda, all gloves are off.

Why not get into something more comfy while you post? You seem tense...


Title: Re: Racists on this board?
Post by: Skeletor on October 20, 2005, 04:14:00 AM
I mean, if the Iranians that own the convenience store down Charity's street really are smelly, why should he lie and deny that fact just so he can appear PC ???

And if I were to, for argument's sake, consider you an asshole, should I consider all Americans that way?

Title: Re: Racists on this board?
Post by: POPmetal on October 20, 2005, 04:18:15 AM
I mean, if the Iranians that own the convenience store down Charity's street really are smelly, why should he lie and deny that fact just so he can appear PC ???

And if I were to, for argument's sake, consider you an asshole, should I consider all Americans that way?

No, you should consider all Europeans, since I was born in Europe  :P

Title: Re: Racists on this board?
Post by: SLCPUNK on October 20, 2005, 04:27:29 AM
I mean, if the Iranians that own the convenience store down Charity's street really are smelly, why should he lie and deny that fact just so he can appear PC ???

And if I were to, for argument's sake, consider you an asshole, should I consider all Americans that way?

No, you should consider all Europeans, since I was born in Europe  :P

An asshole from anywhere....

Is still an asshole.


I wanna know to what extent will you defend one anothers actions?

When would you finally turn around and say "Hey that is wrong"? You clearly are defending, and condoning racist remarks. So how far will you go? Or are you just showing your true colors (my guess)?

Title: Re: Racists on this board?
Post by: POPmetal on October 20, 2005, 04:29:12 AM

Afraid? He called it like it is. I agree.

I mean, if the Iranians that own the convenience store down Charity's street really are smelly, why should he lie and deny that fact just so he can appear PC ???

Imagine that, you giving your buddy a pass on racist comments. ::)

I think that wraps it up on this subject, although no big suprise.

You know what they say.....Birds of a feather and all.................

And I thought you said it was only AQ he was talking about? guess not...huh?

He was talking about all Qaeda, not muslims in general. As far as I'm concerned, when it comes to talking al Qaeda, all gloves are off.

In the post in question linked, he was talking about AQ.

Why not get into something more comfy while you post? You seem tense...


This is just idiotic and very offensive. You say Walk is racist just because he posted links to "white supremacy websites," but now you post this :o Using your own logic, what does that make you?? ::)

Title: Re: Racists on this board?
Post by: SLCPUNK on October 20, 2005, 04:32:27 AM

This is just idiotic and very offensive. You say Walk is racist just because he posted links to "white supremacy websites," but now you post this :o Using your own logic, what does that make you?  ::)

Yea, he posted them to back his racist views. Racist views cloaked in junk science.

Me posting a picture of your different.

Title: Re: Racists on this board?
Post by: POPmetal on October 20, 2005, 04:45:02 AM

This is just idiotic and very offensive. You say Walk is racist just because he posted links to "white supremacy websites," but now you post this :o Using your own logic, what does that make you?? ::)

Yea, he posted them to back his racist views. Racist views cloaked in junk science.

Me posting a picture of your different.

I think this is the most insulting comment here yet. You claim to be against racism, but then you make a mockery of the issue and trivialize the seriousness of the KKK's crimes with juvenile comments like these. Talk about your pot calling your kettle black.

Title: Re: Racists on this board?
Post by: jarmo on October 20, 2005, 07:50:53 AM
Suddenly it's so offensive but when you call us Gestapo, we should just leave it because you were joking.

Think about that next time you call us Gestapo.


Title: Re: Racists on this board?
Post by: pilferk on October 20, 2005, 08:11:53 AM
Suddenly it's so offensive but when you call us Gestapo, we should just leave it because you were joking.

Think about that next time you call us Gestapo.


Ain't it funny how that works?   :hihi:

Title: Re: Racists on this board?
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on October 20, 2005, 10:27:16 AM
Well, I havent been insulted, in these threads,...  never, but Once I talked to a girl who was from Argentina, and she was really nice, until she found out, that I was from Bolivia -- wich I told her-- and she refused to talk to me anymore she didnt say a racist comment but, she never talked to me again... and that hurts specially because People judge you, without even knowing you... I think everybody suffers some kind of discriminnation in their lives, but, that specially touched me, for the way indiference...

Really? thats kinda stupid she's from Latin America too, Even though I tell you theres a lot of racism in South America between our countries  :no:

Title: Re: Racists on this board?
Post by: POPmetal on October 20, 2005, 02:24:12 PM
Suddenly it's so offensive but when you call us Gestapo, we should just leave it because you were joking.

Think about that next time you call us Gestapo.


When I said gestapo, I wasn't "joking," I was "hyperbolizing." A lot of things happened that day, other than me saying gestapo. People were getting banned and threatened with bans left and right, well, just right actually. I was "joking" about other things, like SLC being being loonier than Cindy Sheehan, and I got a ban threat for that. But now SLC is making light of the KKK, and it's no big deal for you guys. I rest my case.

Title: Re: Racists on this board?
Post by: SLCPUNK on October 20, 2005, 02:43:16 PM
But now SLC is making light of the KKK, and it's no big deal for you guys. I rest my case.

Actually.... I was making light of you.

Title: Re: Racists on this board?
Post by: Surfrider on October 20, 2005, 03:34:28 PM
But now SLC is making light of the KKK, and it's no big deal for you guys. I rest my case.

Actually.... I was making light of you.
Bringing up the KKK?  And people complain about being labeled anti-american? :o :o :o

Title: Re: Racists on this board?
Post by: jarmo on October 20, 2005, 03:41:26 PM
I rest my case.

Thank you.

This thread is pointless. Just like 90% of what's discussed in the political threads in this section.

"You said.."

"No, you said...."

"Show me I said..."

"I don't have to show you what you said..."





That's pretty much what you guys post day after day after day after day after day......

Now, try to talk about something else for a day or two. Or find a polical board where you can keep this going on until hell freezes over.

/jarmo (leftist anti-American nazi administrator from hell)