Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: dave-gnfnr2k on October 01, 2005, 12:42:59 AM

Title: Axl Rose A very special Aquarian
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on October 01, 2005, 12:42:59 AM
Axl Rose
A very special Aquarian

Axl Rose is the last of the great eccentrics. The funny thing is, he doesn't know it. He thinks his behaviour is perfectly normal. He sees himself as a pillar of propriety and a paragon of protocol.

Axl has strong views about every topic under the sun. There's not a subject he doesn't know about or a moral point he can't pontificate on. Axl is entitled to be a little arrogant. He knows an awful lot about an awful lot of things. He is well versed, well rehearsed, and deeply immersed in the kind of knowledge that we lesser mortals can only dream of attaining. Thankfully, he is there to shed the light and show the way.

This, he does generously and patiently, as befits a person of superior intellect. Axl Rose is wise, intelligent and (thankfully) oblivious to irony.
Or, at least, that's how Axl Rose is, at his worst. He can't help it. He's an Aquarian and Aquarians are infamous for their occasional outbursts of pomposity. Happily there is another truly delightful side to him. Axl is as honest as the day is long, as generous as the ocean is deep.

This is partly where the eccentricity comes from, for a person with such strong opinions Axl is surprisingly willing to please. he is keen to win friends and influence people. He loves to feel that he belongs. He always wants to be in on the action, part of the scene and one of the gang. Rather like Groucho Marx though, he is never sure that he would want to be part of any club that would want HIM as a member. He is always on the lookout for some new cause to support, or enterprise to sign up to.

You might think that this would make him fickle but actually Axl is exceedingly loyal. He may be forever expanding his horizons but he never forgets his friends and he never reneges on his commitments. This is why, despite the highly idiosyncratic nature of Axl's personality, so many people think the world of him.


Title: Re: Axl Rose A very special Aquarian
Post by: GNRisSLASH on October 01, 2005, 01:01:56 AM
What a bunch of nonsense.  Who cares if Axl is a good swimmer?

Title: Re: Axl Rose A very special Aquarian
Post by: killingvector on October 01, 2005, 01:10:50 AM
Wow, a joke.

Title: Re: Axl Rose A very special Aquarian
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on October 01, 2005, 01:12:47 AM
What a bunch of nonsense.? Who cares if Axl is a good swimmer?

Why even bother posting if? you are not going to add anything? The post actually gives us insight into Axls personality and what makes him tick. It fits him to a T if? you actually took time to read it.

Title: Re: Axl Rose A very special Aquarian
Post by: 0lorin on October 01, 2005, 02:35:09 AM
I'm an auquarian too, cant believe I never clicked that he was also.

I have read that kind of thing at a few aquarian websites, its like they mail-merged his name to replace "Aquarian".

Its kinda made me like him even more :beer:

Title: Re: Axl Rose A very special Aquarian
Post by: Genesis on October 01, 2005, 02:36:41 AM
Axl is entitled to be a little arrogant.

A Little? LOL  ::)

Axl is as honest as the day is long, as generous as the ocean is deep.

Man, the bullshit people put up on the net..  :hihi:

Axl is exceedingly loyal. He may be forever expanding his horizons but he never forgets his friends and he never reneges on his commitments.

As can been seen by his numerous efforts to contact the original GN'R band members, who played with him for 10 years and made him famous. I'm sure it's those assholes who haven't been returning his calls. Damn them all!  ;)

Title: Re: Axl Rose A very special Aquarian
Post by: 33 on October 01, 2005, 04:11:03 AM
Axl Rose
A very special Aquarian

Axl Rose is the last of the great eccentrics. The funny thing is, he doesn't know it. He thinks his behaviour is perfectly normal. He sees himself as a pillar of propriety and a paragon of protocol.

Axl has strong views about every topic under the sun. There's not a subject he doesn't know about or a moral point he can't pontificate on. Axl is entitled to be a little arrogant. He knows an awful lot about an awful lot of things. He is well versed, well rehearsed, and deeply immersed in the kind of knowledge that we lesser mortals can only dream of attaining. Thankfully, he is there to shed the light and show the way.

This, he does generously and patiently, as befits a person of superior intellect. Axl Rose is wise, intelligent and (thankfully) oblivious to irony.
Or, at least, that's how Axl Rose is, at his worst. He can't help it. He's an Aquarian and Aquarians are infamous for their occasional outbursts of pomposity. Happily there is another truly delightful side to him. Axl is as honest as the day is long, as generous as the ocean is deep.

This is partly where the eccentricity comes from, for a person with such strong opinions Axl is surprisingly willing to please. he is keen to win friends and influence people. He loves to feel that he belongs. He always wants to be in on the action, part of the scene and one of the gang. Rather like Groucho Marx though, he is never sure that he would want to be part of any club that would want HIM as a member. He is always on the lookout for some new cause to support, or enterprise to sign up to.

You might think that this would make him fickle but actually Axl is exceedingly loyal. He may be forever expanding his horizons but he never forgets his friends and he never reneges on his commitments. This is why, despite the highly idiosyncratic nature of Axl's personality, so many people think the world of him.


Dave my man, thats a pretty good read!

What a bunch of nonsense. Who cares if Axl is a good swimmer?

Why the fuck do you bother even posting messages? Mind you if you are only 12 years old or something, then I take it back because you are only acting your age.

Title: Re: Axl Rose A very special Aquarian
Post by: Walapino on October 01, 2005, 04:57:59 AM

Title: Re: Axl Rose A very special Aquarian
Post by: Sin Cut on October 01, 2005, 05:18:56 AM
What a bunch of nonsense.? Who cares if Axl is a good swimmer?
good one :)

Title: Re: Axl Rose A very special Aquarian
Post by: 33 on October 01, 2005, 05:25:36 AM
What a bunch of nonsense.  Who cares if Axl is a good swimmer?
good one :)

Why is it a good one? Its a childish response to a fairly decent post! It wasnt even funny!

Title: Re: Axl Rose A very special Aquarian
Post by: damien24 on October 01, 2005, 06:20:17 AM
What a bunch of nonsense.? Who cares if Axl is a good swimmer?

lol,   i just called TBS,  and thats sorta funny

Title: Re: Axl Rose A very special Aquarian
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on October 01, 2005, 06:25:17 AM
we don't care about axl rose
we care about what he does.

Title: Re: Axl Rose A very special Aquarian
Post by: Sin Cut on October 01, 2005, 06:54:28 AM
What a bunch of nonsense.? Who cares if Axl is a good swimmer?
good one :)

Why is it a good one? Its a childish response to a fairly decent post! It wasnt even funny!
Yes it was  :hihi:

A little funny :)

Title: Re: Axl Rose A very special Aquarian
Post by: willow on October 01, 2005, 07:41:09 AM
DAVE!! Now that was a great read! And so true. Hope Axl see's that one. Bet he could use a little pick me up!
 As usual there have to be a#sh=@les around here that only care about themselves. Very sad! Just remember people there is good Karma and bad.
Thanks again Dave!
amy l

Title: Re: Axl Rose A very special Aquarian
Post by: chineseblues on October 01, 2005, 09:44:07 AM
Axl is as honest as the day is long, as generous as the ocean is deep.

Man, the bullshit people put up on the net..  :hihi:

Actually Axl has always been very honest about stuff in interviews and in his onstage rants, maybe you should read up on it sometime.  : ok:
Axl is exceedingly loyal. He may be forever expanding his horizons but he never forgets his friends and he never reneges on his commitments.

As can been seen by his numerous efforts to contact the original GN'R band members, who played with him for 10 years and made him famous. I'm sure it's those assholes who haven't been returning his calls. Damn them all!  ;)

Again Axl remembers his true friends, not people who left him high and dry and tried to kill the band. People close to Axl always says he is loyal to you as long as you are loyal to him and dont try and screw him over or lie to him. Guess that proves why he dont talk to the ex-members eh?  ::)

Anyway, thanks for posting this Dave, its a very good read indeed. :)

Title: Re: Axl Rose A very special Aquarian
Post by: Luigi on October 01, 2005, 10:06:43 AM
Enjoyed the read, thanks Dave, Axl dosen't deserve to be bashed at all, you should feel lucky to hear his music, any of it! Axl Rose is a special person, I wish him the best for he is. :beer:     

Title: Re: Axl Rose A very special Aquarian
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on October 01, 2005, 12:02:39 PM
Axl is entitled to be a little arrogant.

A Little? LOL? ::)

Axl is as honest as the day is long, as generous as the ocean is deep.

Man, the bullshit people put up on the net..? :hihi:

Axl is exceedingly loyal. He may be forever expanding his horizons but he never forgets his friends and he never reneges on his commitments.

As can been seen by his numerous efforts to contact the original GN'R band members, who played with him for 10 years and made him famous. I'm sure it's those assholes who haven't been returning his calls. Damn them all!? ;)

Axl is always loytal to his friends until  you cross him. Once you cross him then its gloves off.

Title: Re: Axl Rose A very special Aquarian
Post by: patience26 on October 01, 2005, 12:50:05 PM
we don't care about axl rose
we care about what he does.

Speak for yourself!
I do care about him and also about what he does!

Rock on  : ok:

Title: Re: Axl Rose A very special Aquarian
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on October 01, 2005, 01:38:31 PM
kick ass Dave... thanks! ?: ok:   more for fun!:

Axl Rose is a Sun Sign Aquarius.? He was born February 6, 1962 in Layfayette, Indiana.? ?Although is birth time is unknown we can be sure his Moon is in Pisces between 3 and 18 degrees? ( /? Sun in Aquarius - January 21st to February 19th, Element: Air, Modality: Fixed, Planet: Uranus, Symbol: The Water Bearer, Colors: turquoise, neon colors, Body Part: The ankles and circulation? (

Sun in Aquarius
You are independent, friendly and analytical. ?Others can think you odd because you seem to follow your own beat and don?t give a care to conventions. ?You probably get a kick out of this and take it as a badge of pride. ?You like to be unusual, to try and see things differently from other people and to take the road less traveled. ?Although you can be quite practical and efficient ?you are at heart an idealist. ?You have many broad and lofty ideas about life and live by your own code. ?It can enrage you when others expect you to conform. ?You are not one for traditions because they bore you and besides your pretty sure you know a better way. ?The only real authority you respect is your own. ? Authority, following it and respecting it, can be a problem for you. ?These attitudes can lead you to be arrogant, unreasonable and unpredictable as you can often change your mind. ?This isn?t a wishy-washy quality though. ?When you do have an opinion it tends to be very firm, yet you can be very open minded in recognizing new ideas and incorporating them into your way of thinking. ?You value freedom; freedom to express yourself and live life as you choose. ? One of your goals in life is to try and sway people to see things your way. ?You are also a very friendly person and would rarely be described as shy. ?You can talk to just about anyone about anything. ?Most the people you know are acquaintances as you rarely form deep and lasting friendships. ?You are a humanitarian and tend to see everyone as equally valuable. ?This is a great quality but it does tend to limit lasting personal relationships when your siblings or love interest is as important as someone you just met at the supermarket. ? The lesson of an Aquarius is to form close personal bonds. ?You need to recognize that although everyone is equally special and has a great role to play in society and human evolution, people need to be appreciated as the individual they are and loved for it, not just as another fellow human being. ?Your high idealism and dedication to the brotherhood of man is of great value but can be cold without any personal involvement.

Celebrity Star Bio - AdZe's Natal Horoscope for Axl Rose - February 6, 1962 in Lafayette, Indiana

Five or more planets in Fixed signs - YOUR FORCE OF HABIT IS STRONG
More than likely, you're determined, purposeful and persistent. You could also be more introspective, strong-willed, slow and deliberate than most people. Before you act, you like to turn things over and over. Maybe you're more than a touch inflexible and stubborn. At any rate, you are not easily pushed, pulled or pressured. Once you've made up your mind, you stand your ground with firm conviction.? Once you make up your mind and are willing to pay the price, you usually get what you want. It may take time, and you may have to overcome obstacles, but that is no matter. If you are committed, you are a powerhouse. After you overcome inertia, you're persevering, steady and stable.[/b]

You're sensitive and psychically receptive to other people's feelings. You soak up people's thoughts the way paper towels soak up messes. Consequently, your own emotional life may be confused, adrift, and vacillating between optimism and melancholy. The conflict is not necessarily within you. It is within the feelings you experience from others.? Once you learn to meditate and apply the scientific method, all will be well in your world. You need to develop a positive sense of sanctuary. Treat yourself to long luxurious baths. You need periodic retreat from the world. Pursue a worthy ideal.? You've gone out of your way to please others. Do you remember your own way? You can squint your eyes and over look the most glaring shortcomings in others. When you're stressed out you can and often do sacrifice too much. There is no need to be a martyr or a victim or a masochist. Transcend this dilemma through the creative process.? Your imagination is fertile and active. Your work makes a strong and lasting impression on others. If you stuck to it, you could make it in any of the arts. Yes, you could merge with Art. Why not leave behind a great contribution? You are much happier when you pursue a spiritual, creative and uplifting vision. Work with the power of dreams.? As you mature and learn life's lessons, your relationships improve. Specifically, you need to integrate your erotic and your spiritual nature. That's good because an important side of you is nourished through sweet dreams, romantic love, and poetic dishes.


Title: Re: Axl Rose A very special Aquarian
Post by: Aquarius on October 01, 2005, 02:48:22 PM
I'm a very special Aquarian too :-* 

Title: Re: Axl Rose A very special Aquarian
Post by: FlashFlood on October 01, 2005, 05:06:09 PM
What a bunch of nonsense.  Who cares if Axl is a good swimmer?

Why even bother posting if  you are not going to add anything? The post actually gives us insight into Axls personality and what makes him tick. It fits him to a T if  you actually took time to read it.

actually hes right, who gives a fuck? im willing to bet that axl would rather have people not read such fucking spirtual garbage to try to figure him out. this friggin shit is based off of nothing. horiscopes are for losers who dont know who the fuck they are.

Title: Re: Axl Rose A very special Aquarian
Post by: -Jack- on October 01, 2005, 05:55:55 PM
I agree with the people who don't see a point to this thread. It has no importance and is really nothing more than speculation. Im not gonna say you shouldn't post things like this.. but don't get all pissed when people crack jokes about it. You act like this was supposed to enlighten us.


Title: Re: Axl Rose A very special Aquarian
Post by: killingvector on October 01, 2005, 07:39:31 PM
The board isn't designed to appeal directly to you. If you don't care for a particular thread, kindly feel free to leave it and find something to suit your fancy. No one here is required to gain the acceptance of the community before following through on a thread and I doubt those who were entertained by it are happy to see these bullshit posts stemming the discussion. It is a shame that I feel so motivated to reply to such idiocy.

As for the thread, I found the information interesting in a off-center kinda way. Since it deals with Axl Rose, i believe it has a place.

Title: Re: Axl Rose A very special Aquarian
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on October 01, 2005, 08:54:10 PM
The board isn't designed to appeal directly to you. If you don't care for a particular thread, kindly feel free to leave it and find something to suit your fancy. No one here is required to gain the acceptance of the community before following through on a thread and I doubt those who were entertained by it are happy to see these bullshit posts stemming the discussion. It is a shame that I feel so motivated to reply to such idiocy.

 : ok:

Some of you need to read the rules of the board.

"Stick to the subject"

"Don't post simply to complain... about the thread itself."

The thread topic/original post is about Axl... even if not about Axl in fact, it offers an opinion about Axl- still it is about Axl  AND other board members found it interesting

if you got a problem with a thread then use the "report to modertor" button  ::)

As for the thread, I found the information interesting in a off-center kinda way. Since it deals with Axl Rose, i believe it has a place.

Not quite as off-center as:  "What if Axl were a woman?"  or "Is Axl an alien?" though, eh?   :nervous:

Title: Re: Axl Rose A very special Aquarian
Post by: Katrin on October 02, 2005, 08:19:56 AM
Though I don' t really believe in astrology, this was interesting to read. Especially Eva' s post had some good points and it really seems to fit. It reminds me a lot of Axl and the way he acts.
Well, I' m an Aquarian too, maybe that' s why I can relate to Axl so much.   :love:

Title: Re: Axl Rose A very special Aquarian
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on October 02, 2005, 10:23:19 PM
I agree with the people who don't see a point to this thread. It has no importance and is really nothing more than speculation. Im not gonna say you shouldn't post things like this.. but don't get all pissed when people crack jokes about it. You act like this was supposed to enlighten us.

? ? ?-jack

What a bunch of nonsense.? Who cares if Axl is a good swimmer?

Why even bother posting if? you are not going to add anything? The post actually gives us insight into Axls personality and what makes him tick. It fits him to a T if? you actually took time to read it.

actually hes right, who gives a fuck? im willing to bet that axl would rather have people not read such fucking spirtual garbage to try to figure him out. this friggin shit is based off of nothing. horiscopes are for losers who dont know who the fuck they are.

You dont think Axl believes in this stuff? That is funny since he used to and may still talk to Yoda about spiritial things and when he should do certain things.

Again if you dont like this thread dont post it in but if  you dont think this fits axl very well then you dont know what you are tallking about.

Title: Re: Axl Rose A very special Aquarian
Post by: WAR41 on October 02, 2005, 11:41:06 PM
What a bunch of nonsense.  Who cares if Axl is a good swimmer?

hahaha dude that was good, I got a laugh out of it. 

Personally I have never been one to believe in astrology.  I think its pretty tacky.  If you think that the month you were born dictates your personality, then you may have some issues that need to be worked out.

Also dave, I would love to know what Axl talked about to Yoda.  It sounds like you have an article somewhere that specifically states what they talked about.  I have actually been wanting to hear about it for a long time.  Could you post it or just generalize the topics that they discussed?

Title: Re: Axl Rose A very special Aquarian
Post by: FlashFlood on October 02, 2005, 11:59:40 PM
I agree with the people who don't see a point to this thread. It has no importance and is really nothing more than speculation. Im not gonna say you shouldn't post things like this.. but don't get all pissed when people crack jokes about it. You act like this was supposed to enlighten us.


What a bunch of nonsense.  Who cares if Axl is a good swimmer?

Why even bother posting if  you are not going to add anything? The post actually gives us insight into Axls personality and what makes him tick. It fits him to a T if  you actually took time to read it.

actually hes right, who gives a fuck? im willing to bet that axl would rather have people not read such fucking spirtual garbage to try to figure him out. this friggin shit is based off of nothing. horiscopes are for losers who dont know who the fuck they are.

You dont think Axl believes in this stuff? That is funny since he used to and may still talk to Yoda about spiritial things and when he should do certain things.

Again if you dont like this thread dont post it in but if  you dont think this fits axl very well then you dont know what you are tallking about.

dude what i was saying was that axl is a very private person who attacks people for taking his picture. im suring he doesnt want people trying to analyze his fucking mind...especially when its based on nothing but baseless theory. jesus, quit being so damn sensitive.

Title: Re: Axl Rose A very special Aquarian
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on October 03, 2005, 12:49:07 AM
I agree with the people who don't see a point to this thread. It has no importance and is really nothing more than speculation. Im not gonna say you shouldn't post things like this.. but don't get all pissed when people crack jokes about it. You act like this was supposed to enlighten us.

? ? ?-jack

What a bunch of nonsense.? Who cares if Axl is a good swimmer?

Why even bother posting if? you are not going to add anything? The post actually gives us insight into Axls personality and what makes him tick. It fits him to a T if? you actually took time to read it.

actually hes right, who gives a fuck? im willing to bet that axl would rather have people not read such fucking spirtual garbage to try to figure him out. this friggin shit is based off of nothing. horiscopes are for losers who dont know who the fuck they are.

You dont think Axl believes in this stuff? That is funny since he used to and may still talk to Yoda about spiritial things and when he should do certain things.

Again if you dont like this thread dont post it in but if? you dont think this fits axl very well then you dont know what you are tallking about.

dude what i was saying was that axl is a very private person who attacks people for taking his picture. im suring he doesnt want people trying to analyze his fucking mind...especially when its based on nothing but baseless theory. jesus, quit being so damn sensitive.

Like I said, if you don?t like the thread don?t post in it. I am not being sensitive, but some people actually want to read Axl threads without stupid off topic comments or bashing what the thread is about. So stop posting in this thread if you don?t like or think the topic is meaningless because we don?t want to hear it.

You really don?t know your gnr history if you don?t think Axl believes in astrology.

Title: Re: Axl Rose A very special Aquarian
Post by: WAR41 on October 03, 2005, 01:14:23 AM
I agree with the people who don't see a point to this thread. It has no importance and is really nothing more than speculation. Im not gonna say you shouldn't post things like this.. but don't get all pissed when people crack jokes about it. You act like this was supposed to enlighten us.


What a bunch of nonsense.  Who cares if Axl is a good swimmer?

Why even bother posting if  you are not going to add anything? The post actually gives us insight into Axls personality and what makes him tick. It fits him to a T if  you actually took time to read it.

actually hes right, who gives a fuck? im willing to bet that axl would rather have people not read such fucking spirtual garbage to try to figure him out. this friggin shit is based off of nothing. horiscopes are for losers who dont know who the fuck they are.

You dont think Axl believes in this stuff? That is funny since he used to and may still talk to Yoda about spiritial things and when he should do certain things.

Again if you dont like this thread dont post it in but if  you dont think this fits axl very well then you dont know what you are tallking about.

dude what i was saying was that axl is a very private person who attacks people for taking his picture. im suring he doesnt want people trying to analyze his fucking mind...especially when its based on nothing but baseless theory. jesus, quit being so damn sensitive.

Like I said, if you don?t like the thread don?t post in it. I am not being sensitive, but some people actually want to read Axl threads without stupid off topic comments or bashing what the thread is about. So stop posting in this thread if you don?t like or think the topic is meaningless because we don?t want to hear it.

You really don?t know your gnr history if you don?t think Axl believes in astrology.

For some one who gets annoyed at people for "putting words in your mouth" you are certainly putting a lot of them in Axl's mouth.  Maybe I showed up late for my GNR history class that day, but where is it specifically stated that he is into astrology?  Where does that come from his mouth? 

Also, people can be spiritual and not believe in astrology. 

Title: Re: Axl Rose A very special Aquarian
Post by: GNRisSLASH on October 03, 2005, 01:24:09 AM
I agree with the people who don't see a point to this thread. It has no importance and is really nothing more than speculation. Im not gonna say you shouldn't post things like this.. but don't get all pissed when people crack jokes about it. You act like this was supposed to enlighten us.


What a bunch of nonsense.  Who cares if Axl is a good swimmer?

Why even bother posting if  you are not going to add anything? The post actually gives us insight into Axls personality and what makes him tick. It fits him to a T if  you actually took time to read it.

actually hes right, who gives a fuck? im willing to bet that axl would rather have people not read such fucking spirtual garbage to try to figure him out. this friggin shit is based off of nothing. horiscopes are for losers who dont know who the fuck they are.

You dont think Axl believes in this stuff? That is funny since he used to and may still talk to Yoda about spiritial things and when he should do certain things.

Again if you dont like this thread dont post it in but if  you dont think this fits axl very well then you dont know what you are tallking about.

dude what i was saying was that axl is a very private person who attacks people for taking his picture. im suring he doesnt want people trying to analyze his fucking mind...especially when its based on nothing but baseless theory. jesus, quit being so damn sensitive.

Like I said, if you don?t like the thread don?t post in it. I am not being sensitive, but some people actually want to read Axl threads without stupid off topic comments or bashing what the thread is about. So stop posting in this thread if you don?t like or think the topic is meaningless because we don?t want to hear it.

You really don?t know your gnr history if you don?t think Axl believes in astrology.

Alright, DaveGnfnr2k669 - Back up your words. Where is it written that Axl believes in astrology? Has he said it in an interview? Do you have an article with these words?  You sure are sensitive lately.  Relax. Smile.  :hihi:

Title: Re: Axl Rose A very special Aquarian
Post by: journey on October 03, 2005, 02:57:07 AM
What a bunch of nonsense.? Who cares if Axl is a good swimmer?

hahaha dude that was good, I got a laugh out of it.?

Personally I have never been one to believe in astrology.? I think its pretty tacky.? If you think that the month you were born dictates your personality, then you may have some issues that need to be worked out.

Are you a Taurus? :hihi:

I guess Yahoo has issues then. Not to mention every local newspaper and fashion magazine. ;)

Whether astrology is factual, is speculative. However, I think Axl sort of fits the Aquarian profile.

Title: Re: Axl Rose A very special Aquarian
Post by: WAR41 on October 03, 2005, 10:17:40 AM
What a bunch of nonsense.  Who cares if Axl is a good swimmer?

hahaha dude that was good, I got a laugh out of it. 

Personally I have never been one to believe in astrology.  I think its pretty tacky.  If you think that the month you were born dictates your personality, then you may have some issues that need to be worked out.

Are you a Taurus? :hihi:

I guess Yahoo has issues then. Not to mention every local newspaper and fashion magazine. ;)

Whether astrology is factual, is speculative. However, I think Axl sort of fits the Aquarian profile.

Journey you are right, they all have issues!  I find it amazing just how much of a market there is for the stuff.  I guess its an easy read obviously, and it provides you with a confidence boost if you need one.

I think you would be surprised though at how people always 'fit' their profile.  For example, when they say you are loyal to your friends.  No one is going to admit to themselves or anyone else that they are pieces of shit who are disloyal to their friends.  What does that say about yourself?

Or when they say you will meet a special person this week or this month or whatever.  I have had friends who swore they met that special person on a bus or in the supermarket.  But the thing is that because their horoscope said it would happen they were looking extra hard and any sign, whether it be inadvertant eye contact or somebody accidently bumping in to you, made them think they had found them. 

Title: Re: Axl Rose A very special Aquarian
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on October 03, 2005, 10:24:44 AM
I agree with the people who don't see a point to this thread. It has no importance and is really nothing more than speculation. Im not gonna say you shouldn't post things like this.. but don't get all pissed when people crack jokes about it. You act like this was supposed to enlighten us.

? ? ?-jack

What a bunch of nonsense.? Who cares if Axl is a good swimmer?

Why even bother posting if? you are not going to add anything? The post actually gives us insight into Axls personality and what makes him tick. It fits him to a T if? you actually took time to read it.

actually hes right, who gives a fuck? im willing to bet that axl would rather have people not read such fucking spirtual garbage to try to figure him out. this friggin shit is based off of nothing. horiscopes are for losers who dont know who the fuck they are.

You dont think Axl believes in this stuff? That is funny since he used to and may still talk to Yoda about spiritial things and when he should do certain things.

Again if you dont like this thread dont post it in but if? you dont think this fits axl very well then you dont know what you are tallking about.

dude what i was saying was that axl is a very private person who attacks people for taking his picture. im suring he doesnt want people trying to analyze his fucking mind...especially when its based on nothing but baseless theory. jesus, quit being so damn sensitive.

Like I said, if you don?t like the thread don?t post in it. I am not being sensitive, but some people actually want to read Axl threads without stupid off topic comments or bashing what the thread is about. So stop posting in this thread if you don?t like or think the topic is meaningless because we don?t want to hear it.

You really don?t know your gnr history if you don?t think Axl believes in astrology.

Alright, DaveGnfnr2k669 - Back up your words. Where is it written that Axl believes in astrology? Has he said it in an interview? Do you have an article with these words?? You sure are sensitive lately.? Relax. Smile.? :hihi:

Again you don't know your gnr history. Look up Axl and how he talked to YODA, like I already stated earlier. Stop spamming this thread and get back on topic. Its not about how dumb you think astrology  is or if its real, its about Axls profile and how it fits him. Stop going off topic.

Title: Re: Axl Rose A very special Aquarian
Post by: WAR41 on October 03, 2005, 10:29:39 AM
so you are putting words into Axl's mouth.  I do not remember Axl saying that he believes in astology.  Yes, apparently she was a spiritual adviser.  That does not mean that they definitely discussed astrology. 

Title: Re: Axl Rose A very special Aquarian
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on October 03, 2005, 10:34:49 AM

Read the damn article and get back on topic. You do know that astology is encompassed in the new age stuff that axl believes in right? Axl believes that he and Steph were together in past lives, that all has to do with astology.
Now move on and get back on topic.

Title: Re: Axl Rose A very special Aquarian
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on October 03, 2005, 11:14:53 AM
since when does every topic have to be about something which Axl would agree with or believe in?
it doesn't matter if Axl believes in it or not - or if you believe in it or not.. the fact remains that there are numerous astrology sites that provide profiles for celebrities - incluiding for Axl Rose it's called ENTERTAINMENT VALUE.
if its not entertaining to you then fine...  but STOP going off topic and complaining about the thread!
what a mess this thread has become.  :(

Title: Re: Axl Rose A very special Aquarian
Post by: FlashFlood on October 03, 2005, 11:43:15 AM
dave i never once said axl didnt believe in it i said that i didnt believe in it. im not trying to spam the thread im just saying that i think this stuff is worthless and made up by some heroine addict. for all i know, axl can tell the future in the stars.

Title: Re: Axl Rose A very special Aquarian
Post by: Jessica on October 03, 2005, 11:52:40 AM
Axl Rose
A very special Aquarian

Axl Rose is the last of the great eccentrics. The funny thing is, he doesn't know it. He thinks his behaviour is perfectly normal. He sees himself as a pillar of propriety and a paragon of protocol.

Axl has strong views about every topic under the sun. There's not a subject he doesn't know about or a moral point he can't pontificate on. Axl is entitled to be a little arrogant. He knows an awful lot about an awful lot of things. He is well versed, well rehearsed, and deeply immersed in the kind of knowledge that we lesser mortals can only dream of attaining. Thankfully, he is there to shed the light and show the way.

This, he does generously and patiently, as befits a person of superior intellect. Axl Rose is wise, intelligent and (thankfully) oblivious to irony.
Or, at least, that's how Axl Rose is, at his worst. He can't help it. He's an Aquarian and Aquarians are infamous for their occasional outbursts of pomposity. Happily there is another truly delightful side to him. Axl is as honest as the day is long, as generous as the ocean is deep.

This is partly where the eccentricity comes from, for a person with such strong opinions Axl is surprisingly willing to please. he is keen to win friends and influence people. He loves to feel that he belongs. He always wants to be in on the action, part of the scene and one of the gang. Rather like Groucho Marx though, he is never sure that he would want to be part of any club that would want HIM as a member. He is always on the lookout for some new cause to support, or enterprise to sign up to.

You might think that this would make him fickle but actually Axl is exceedingly loyal. He may be forever expanding his horizons but he never forgets his friends and he never reneges on his commitments. This is why, despite the highly idiosyncratic nature of Axl's personality, so many people think the world of him.


THIS is what i always thought he REALLY was.

Before, he was young. Most of us can't be proud of what we did at the same age, i'm not.

But i am SURE he is good.

That kind of makes me proud...I feel very motherly all of the sudden... ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Axl Rose A very special Aquarian
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on October 03, 2005, 02:12:08 PM
Well Im acuarius too, so is Steve Adler, so is Duff, so does that mean that they all have to be the same vibe as Axl I don't think so.
I'm in no league to compare myself as Axl, only in music  :hihi:, just kidding.
Anyway I think zodiac is not quite the best way know or expect a person could be  : ok:

Title: Re: Axl Rose A very special Aquarian
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on October 03, 2005, 02:18:28 PM
Well Im acuarius too, so is Steve Adler, so is Duff, so does that mean that they all have to be the same vibe as Axl I don't think so.
I'm in no league to compare myself as Axl, only in music? :hihi:, just kidding.
Anyway I think zodiac is not quite the best way know or expect a person could be? : ok:

The day and year also have a lot to do with it not just your sign. That is the simple fact you are missing.

Title: Re: Axl Rose A very special Aquarian
Post by: ppbebe on October 03, 2005, 02:25:37 PM
Axl has spoken in the past about his experiences with past-life-regression therapy. A typical past life regression sessions begins with hypnosis. During traditional psychotherapy, a patient placed in a trance may be able to recall traumatic events that have been repressed and that may lie at the root of current emotional problems. Freudian theory holds that recognizing and understanding such traumas, which often occur in childhood, can promote healing.
Under hypnosis by a past-life expert, the playing field expands. A patient may be able to remember back even further, to a life or lives that were lived hundreds if not thousands of years ago, and discover traumas that occurred then. Some patients may speak in the voice or the language of that long-dead being, whether it be a Roman ruler or a Southern plantation slave.
Past-life adherents tend to believe that one lives one's life with different incarnations of the same group of people. Axl, according to a confidant, believes he and Stephanie Seymour were together in fifteen or sixteen past lives.

Sorry Dave but this doesn't sound astrology to me.
As far as I know, Western Astrology in general doesn't deal with the transmigration /metempsychosis.
And it's true that you can be interested in mysticisms and yet unbelieving. Just like enjoying rumours without believing it blindly.

I've been surrounded specially by damn Aquarians.
One third of my family and a good quarter of my friends are Aquarians.
And none of them take the stars seriously although they do read the horoscope columns (when they are bored :P).

Anyways the article is interesting. It appears that it's very close to what many ppl here see in him.
Why the fuss?

Title: Re: Axl Rose A very special Aquarian
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on October 03, 2005, 03:18:13 PM

Anyways the article is interesting. It appears that it's very close to what many ppl here see in him.
Why the fuss?

That's the point.  :yes: That's why Dave thought it would be an enjoyable thread.  I believe the "fuss" is that some people still don't understand that the topic was not about whether Astrology is legitamate or even whether Axl has any belief in it.  My understanding of the topic was to examine and discuss how Axl has been astrologically profiled - and to have some fun seeing if any of it seems like Axl as far as we know him.  Instead, the thread has more than 1/2 off topic posts complaining about the thread and criticizing astrology in general.

Title: Re: Axl Rose A very special Aquarian
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on October 03, 2005, 03:22:46 PM

Anyways the article is interesting. It appears that it's very close to what many ppl here see in him.
Why the fuss?

That's the point.? :yes: That's why Dave thought it would be an enjoyable thread.? I believe the "fuss" is that some people still don't understand that the topic was not about whether Astrology is legitamate or even whether Axl has any belief in it.? My understanding of the topic was to examine and discuss how Axl has been astrologically profiled - and to have some fun seeing if any of it seems like Axl as far as we know him.? Instead, the thread has more than 1/2 off topic posts complaining about the thread and criticizing astrology in general.

Thats right Eva. People can believe in it or not but the profile fits axl very well. Its just the same usual suspects trying to ruin a good and fun thread by getting it off topic.

Title: Re: Axl Rose A very special Aquarian
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on October 03, 2005, 03:26:16 PM
Axl has spoken in the past about his experiences with past-life-regression therapy. A typical past life regression sessions begins with hypnosis. During traditional psychotherapy, a patient placed in a trance may be able to recall traumatic events that have been repressed and that may lie at the root of current emotional problems. Freudian theory holds that recognizing and understanding such traumas, which often occur in childhood, can promote healing.
Under hypnosis by a past-life expert, the playing field expands. A patient may be able to remember back even further, to a life or lives that were lived hundreds if not thousands of years ago, and discover traumas that occurred then. Some patients may speak in the voice or the language of that long-dead being, whether it be a Roman ruler or a Southern plantation slave.
Past-life adherents tend to believe that one lives one's life with different incarnations of the same group of people. Axl, according to a confidant, believes he and Stephanie Seymour were together in fifteen or sixteen past lives.

Sorry Dave but this doesn't sound astrology to me.
As far as I know, Western Astrology in general doesn't deal with the transmigration /metempsychosis.
And it's true that you can be interested in mysticisms and yet unbelieving. Just like enjoying rumours without believing it blindly.

I've been surrounded specially by damn Aquarians.
One third of my family and a good quarter of my friends are Aquarians.
And none of them take the stars seriously although they do read the horoscope columns (when they are bored :P).

Anyways the article is interesting. It appears that it's very close to what many ppl here see in him.
Why the fuss?

You are making my point for me. Like I said, axl believes in this stuff IE NEW AGE way of thinking. 

Title: Re: Axl Rose A very special Aquarian
Post by: Neemo on October 03, 2005, 03:44:41 PM
My friend has this book called "The Big Book of Birthdays" (or something like that anyway :) )

and it has a whole page dedicated to each day of the year (like horoscopes) and it says what the person is like depending on the day they were born and the strengths and weaknesses of character for each day. a detailed account then a summarization. and other famous people born on that day and important historical events which occured on that day.

anyway, I never read the page for Axl's birthday but the ones i did read seem to be pretty spot on. (or very close, for instance i thought that it had me down pretty good)

I know that this post doesn't really contribute to the topic but that book (more importantly the entry for Axl's birthday in it) seems like it may go well in this thread (if someone wanted to look into it and type out the page for February 6 it may be interesting for those interested in horoscopes and this thread :) )

Title: Re: Axl Rose A very special Aquarian
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on October 03, 2005, 05:50:59 PM
Well Im acuarius too, so is Steve Adler, so is Duff, so does that mean that they all have to be the same vibe as Axl I don't think so.
I'm in no league to compare myself as Axl, only in music  :hihi:, just kidding.
Anyway I think zodiac is not quite the best way know or expect a person could be  : ok:

The day and year also have a lot to do with it not just your sign. That is the simple fact you are missing.
Well I was born the 22nd of january just like Steven Adler and that doesn't mean I'm a great drummer, I'm not a junkie and I'm not a paranoic. I'm good guy who loves her mama, loves jesus and america too  : ok:  :rofl:

Title: Re: Axl Rose A very special Aquarian
Post by: ppbebe on October 03, 2005, 05:59:55 PM
Mr. Dick Purple,
Strictly speaking, the year, the time and the place of birth count for much in astrology.

Title: Re: Axl Rose A very special Aquarian
Post by: Elrothiel on October 03, 2005, 06:34:08 PM
My boyfriend is an Aquarian and he fits exactly what Dave said about Axl.... jeez, he even has red hair, and is a musically inclined...

Methinks Aquarius is a musical zodiac sign...

Anyhoo, quit with all the fuckin' arguin! It ain't doin' no good to the forum, and its just making this thread go off topic!
Axl IS into horoscopes, he may not have said it in those exact words, but if he had regression therapy, and if he had his own psychic healer called Yoda, then the answer is pretty obvious!  :smoking:

Title: Re: Axl Rose A very special Aquarian
Post by: GNRisSLASH on October 04, 2005, 01:06:27 AM
I agree with the people who don't see a point to this thread. It has no importance and is really nothing more than speculation. Im not gonna say you shouldn't post things like this.. but don't get all pissed when people crack jokes about it. You act like this was supposed to enlighten us.


What a bunch of nonsense.  Who cares if Axl is a good swimmer?

Why even bother posting if  you are not going to add anything? The post actually gives us insight into Axls personality and what makes him tick. It fits him to a T if  you actually took time to read it.

actually hes right, who gives a fuck? im willing to bet that axl would rather have people not read such fucking spirtual garbage to try to figure him out. this friggin shit is based off of nothing. horiscopes are for losers who dont know who the fuck they are.

You dont think Axl believes in this stuff? That is funny since he used to and may still talk to Yoda about spiritial things and when he should do certain things.

Again if you dont like this thread dont post it in but if  you dont think this fits axl very well then you dont know what you are tallking about.

dude what i was saying was that axl is a very private person who attacks people for taking his picture. im suring he doesnt want people trying to analyze his fucking mind...especially when its based on nothing but baseless theory. jesus, quit being so damn sensitive.

Like I said, if you don?t like the thread don?t post in it. I am not being sensitive, but some people actually want to read Axl threads without stupid off topic comments or bashing what the thread is about. So stop posting in this thread if you don?t like or think the topic is meaningless because we don?t want to hear it.

You really don?t know your gnr history if you don?t think Axl believes in astrology.

Alright, DaveGnfnr2k669 - Back up your words. Where is it written that Axl believes in astrology? Has he said it in an interview? Do you have an article with these words?  You sure are sensitive lately.  Relax. Smile.  :hihi:

Again you don't know your gnr history. Look up Axl and how he talked to YODA, like I already stated earlier. Stop spamming this thread and get back on topic. Its not about how dumb you think astrology  is or if its real, its about Axls profile and how it fits him. Stop going off topic.

Dave, can you read? Where did I say astrology was dumb? I never once commented on it being good or bad. I said that there is nowhere that says Axl believes in astrology.  You have yet to show anything that says he believes in astrology. You are drawing a conclusion.  And how the hell is that off topic? The topic was about Axl and astrology.  I posted that I don't know why you believe Axl believes in astrology. Of course that's on topic - that IS the topic.  I love when someone disagrees with you, your natural defense is to claim they "went off topic".  If Dave disagrees with you, you must've spammed the thread. Or you must be off topic. 

Title: Re: Axl Rose A very special Aquarian
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on October 04, 2005, 01:11:23 AM
How does if Axl believes in this or not have anything to do with what was said in the article? NOTHING.  It has to do with if the article fits Axls personality or not. NOT if he believes in it . Understand

Title: Re: Axl Rose A very special Aquarian
Post by: GNRisSLASH on October 04, 2005, 02:39:42 AM
You really don?t know your gnr history if you don?t think Axl believes in astrology.

Dave - the above quote was from YOU. You are the one who stated in this topic that Axl believes in astrology.  I didn't question whether he did until AFTER you posted this statement.  Go back and read the thread.  I wasn't the one who questioned anything until YOU made the statement above.  So I guess you were the one who went off your own topic, huh?

Title: Re: Axl Rose A very special Aquarian
Post by: Christos AG on October 04, 2005, 02:59:13 AM


Title: Re: Axl Rose A very special Aquarian
Post by: Queen of Everything on October 04, 2005, 03:03:35 AM
At 1st when I started reading this thread I was like  ::)  oh god here we go

But I must admit it is quiet interesting to have a different kind of direction to look at Axl... Thankyou!!  : ok:

Title: Re: Axl Rose A very special Aquarian
Post by: Jessica on October 04, 2005, 12:55:25 PM
a Roman ruler or a Southern plantation slave.

How very strange you should have chosen these two.

Title: Re: Axl Rose A very special Aquarian
Post by: Jessica on October 04, 2005, 12:59:54 PM
Oh, and to beginners, axl's personality cannot be defined unless you have his exact location of birth as well as TIME of birth, because the sign is supposed to be what we aim to be whereas the ascendant is supposed to be what we truly are inside, also, the moon house has a particular importance for some people ( especially people like me who, as cancerians, are ruled by cycles of moon and my moon being aquarian)

And having seen a portrait of what uranus could have looked like, seems like axl could be ruled by uranus ( at least partially ?)

Anyway, astrology is over 10.000 years old, some call it a science, some call it bullshit, and it doesn't change a thing to the fact that axl is a good guy.

Title: Re: Axl Rose A very special Aquarian
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on October 04, 2005, 01:15:17 PM
I'm not gonna discredit anything about astrology and stuff I just don't believe in it, ok?
I was born 22nd january but not the same year therefore we can not have the same vibe, feeling whatever.
A friend of mine was born exactly the same day as Steven Adler I always have consider him my friend, yes he's from Ecuador but doesn't like rock music. Now what? the same hour or something has to be same? I don't know but as for my point of view that doesn't influence your behaviour, your behaivour was made by the experiences in life.

Title: Re: Axl Rose A very special Aquarian
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on October 04, 2005, 04:09:28 PM
The profile takes into account:  Time and place of birth.  This is because the cosmos are constantly in motion..  (further, the relative location of the cosmos on any given time and day of the year does not duplicate the relative location of the cosmos at the same time and day of the year in a different year.)

Even twins being born within minutes of eachother, are born under a different map of the cosmos.

There are even some who would involve the moment of conception as a factor.  Two babies born in close proximity at the same moment were more than likely conceived under a different map!

It's all very interesting to ponder... yet I do believe that life's experiences influences our behavior and shapes our character.  Astrology, I believes, offers for consideration a one of the many possible factors that ifluence why a person may be inclined to react to thier experiences in one way or another.

Axl is special.  He is unique... as are you and I.  ;)

Title: Re: Axl Rose A very special Aquarian
Post by: ppbebe on October 04, 2005, 07:28:00 PM
Axl is special.  He is unique... as are you and I.  ;)

I often think one of the base messages of his songs is something like that. :yes:

a Roman ruler or a Southern plantation slave.

How very strange you should have chosen these two.

Hi! Mademoiselle  :D
not my choice, but why that's so strange?
BTW, Isn't he like an Aquarian-Aquarian-Aquarius? Just a guess.

I'm not gonna discredit anything about astrology and stuff I just don't believe in it, ok?

: ok: Bahahah! Mr. Dick Purple, as I said earlier all the Aquarians surrounding me are like that!!!! Paradoxically enough!
practical, reasonable and determined (well so they seem to me) still they enjoy reading the horoscope columns or talking about it.     :beer:,<-hehe

Not that I believe in astrology. I think there might be some truth to it and should be some reason people has inhered it for centuries.
Like this article,  it is quite far from the image the media has made FROM him and yet(!) is pretty close to his image many informed ones here got in their minds.

See this thread is very informative.  :yes:
Post yours neemo! plz.

Title: Re: Axl Rose A very special Aquarian
Post by: Neemo on October 04, 2005, 08:12:18 PM
See this thread is very informative.? :yes:
Post yours neemo! plz.

Alright, I'll see what I can do, but, It's my friend's book and he lives like 3 hrs from me, so he'll have to read it to me over the phone so it might take a few days to get it all sorted out, but I'll try  : ok:

I've always thought astrology fascinating myself.  (btw I'm an Aries) : ok:

Title: Re: Axl Rose A very special Aquarian
Post by: Aquarius on October 04, 2005, 08:35:59 PM
........So, here is some more info about Aquairans from author Linda Goodman

Generally kindly and tranquil by nature, Aquarians nevertheless enjoy defying public opinion, and they seceretly delight in shocking more conentional people with occasional ERRATIC conduct. ?These normaly soft-spoken and courteous souls can suddenly short circuit you with the most amazing statements and actions at the most unpredictable times.

Freedom-loving Uranians can be acutely funny, perverse, original, conceited and independent, but they can also be diplomatic, gentle, sympathetic and timid. ?The Aquarian will almost desperately seek the security of CROWDS(audience) and saturate himself with friendship. ?Then he'll fall into a gloomy, morose spell of LONELINESS, and want to be strictly left ALONE.

Look for a strange, faraway look in the eyes, as if they contained some kind of magic, mysterious knowledge you can't penetrate.

A peculiar sort of isolation hangs over the Uranian, and he's often misunderstood by mankind. ?That's because mankind hasn't yet caught up with the Aquarian utopia.

This sun sign is known as the sign of genius. ?On the other hand, a substantially high percentage of those confined in mental institutions, or who drop in for regular couch sessions with an analyst, are also Aquarians. ?There's a fine line between genius and insanity and sometimes your Uranian friends can make you wonder which side of the line they're on.

Ordinarily, it's difficult to get an Aquarian to make a precise appointment. ?He'd rather keep it loose, because he dosen't like to be pinned down to specific duties or obligations at specific times.

Threre are so many more, but I don't feel like typing them all out now...laters

Title: Re: Axl Rose A very special Aquarian
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on October 04, 2005, 09:00:38 PM
........So, here is some more info about Aquairans from author Linda Goodman

Generally kindly and tranquil by nature, Aquarians nevertheless enjoy defying public opinion, and they seceretly delight in shocking more conentional people with occasional ERRATIC conduct. ?These normaly soft-spoken and courteous souls can suddenly short circuit you with the most amazing statements and actions at the most unpredictable times.

Freedom-loving Uranians can be acutely funny, perverse, original, conceited and independent, but they can also be diplomatic, gentle, sympathetic and timid. ?The Aquarian will almost desperately seek the security of CROWDS(audience) and saturate himself with friendship. ?Then he'll fall into a gloomy, morose spell of LONELINESS, and want to be strictly left ALONE.

Look for a strange, faraway look in the eyes, as if they contained some kind of magic, mysterious knowledge you can't penetrate.

A peculiar sort of isolation hangs over the Uranian, and he's often misunderstood by mankind. ?That's because mankind hasn't yet caught up with the Aquarian utopia.

This sun sign is known as the sign of genius. ?On the other hand, a substantially high percentage of those confined in mental institutions, or who drop in for regular couch sessions with an analyst, are also Aquarians. ?There's a fine line between genius and insanity and sometimes your Uranian friends can make you wonder which side of the line they're on.

Ordinarily, it's difficult to get an Aquarian to make a precise appointment. ?He'd rather keep it loose, because he dosen't like to be pinned down to specific duties or obligations at specific times.

Threre are so many more, but I don't feel like typing them all out now...laters

that was awesome!  haha!  thanks for sharing.
that sure sounds like our good ol' Uncle Axl.
gotta love him! 

Title: Re: Axl Rose A very special Aquarian
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on October 05, 2005, 12:07:28 AM
See this thread is very informative.? :yes:
Post yours neemo! plz.

Alright, I'll see what I can do, but, It's my friend's book and he lives like 3 hrs from me, so he'll have to read it to me over the phone so it might take a few days to get it all sorted out, but I'll try? : ok:

I've always thought astrology fascinating myself.? (btw I'm an Aries) : ok:
Hey Neemo try to post something about 22nd of Jan and let see if I fit into Steven's personality.
Damn I hope not I won't be unique  :'(