Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: nesquick on September 23, 2005, 05:51:37 PM

Title: Omega 3
Post by: nesquick on September 23, 2005, 05:51:37 PM
a very interesting article, check it, the results seem spectacular on health.

Eat fish :)

Title: Re: Omega 3
Post by: Walk on September 23, 2005, 08:06:08 PM
Grass fed animals have a good amount of omega 3 fatty acids, too. Grain fed cattle, on the other hand, have too many omega 6's. Also, eat more olive oil and avoid soy at all costs.

All we need to do is eliminate the surplus population, so we can have enough land to raise all of our animals on grass. This isn't possible now with our ratio of people:land, but it's nothing harsh eugenics won't solve in a few generations.  :smoking: For the long term good of the species, you know. ;)

Title: Re: Omega 3
Post by: Genesis on September 24, 2005, 03:00:13 AM
All we need to do is eliminate the surplus population...but it's nothing harsh eugenics won't solve in a few generations. 

Well ain't u a motherfucking racist prick. It's a wonder ur ass hasn't been banned.  >:(

Title: Re: Omega 3
Post by: SLCPUNK on September 24, 2005, 03:12:22 AM
All we need to do is eliminate the surplus population...but it's nothing harsh eugenics won't solve in a few generations. 

Well ain't u a motherfucking racist prick. It's a wonder ur ass hasn't been banned.  >:(

Yea don't know why he's not yet. Such a dick.

I doubt anybody wants to hear his racist bullshit here.

I'm sure there is a Klan website he can post on...

Title: Re: Omega 3
Post by: Walk on September 24, 2005, 03:16:08 AM
There are 2 ways population can be managed: nature or man. Either way, it will happen. Check this site out.

My solution is simple to this, really. It doesn't require a fascist police state. In fact, it's the opposite! Just get rid of government social programs and cut my taxes. The situation can fix itself naturally, I believe. Most people really do carry their own weight. Welfare, however, is the problem.

By the way, welfare includes subsidies, tariffs, and incentives. It's hijacking the free market. People in a free market would either find a solution to this or face the consequences, instead of forcing others to carry their load.

Title: Re: Omega 3
Post by: SLCPUNK on September 24, 2005, 03:19:25 AM
I bet your Mom fucked a black guy and that is why you are so pissed...... :hihi:

Title: Re: Omega 3
Post by: Walk on September 24, 2005, 03:22:09 AM
Yea don't know why he's not yet. Such a dick.

I doubt anybody wants to hear his racist bullshit here.

This isn't about race. Caucasion overpopulation is why the Indians had to move to reservations. It was all unnecessary. All races can benefit from keeping their people and culture strong.

By the way, the race lawsuit thread has more to do with honoring one's employer than race. If he wants to give special benefits to his friends, that's his business. Matthew 20:1-16 explains the problem perfectly. The problem is greed on the part of the workers, who agreed to work for a day's pay, but are suddenly offended when someone else is given better treatment.

I'm sure there is a Klan website he can post on...

The KKK believes in a single, white race. They're ignorant and I don't care about them.

EDIT This is getting out of hand. The point is, omega 3 fatty acids are something only the rich can afford because of their scarcity. It's getting harder to live healthier every day because of this. We'll have to live on factory farmed meat if something isn't done about this; that's the reality. I don't care for making this any more of a flamewar.

Title: Re: Omega 3
Post by: badapple81 on September 24, 2005, 03:22:34 AM
I bet your Mom fucked a black guy and that is why you are so pissed...... :hihi:

And once you go black you never go back! ?:hihi:

Title: Re: Omega 3
Post by: SLCPUNK on September 24, 2005, 03:25:05 AM
Yea don't know why he's not yet. Such a dick.

I doubt anybody wants to hear his racist bullshit here.

This isn't about race. Caucasion overpopulation is why the Indians had to move to reservations. It was all unnecessary. All races can benefit from keeping their people and culture strong.

By the way, the race lawsuit thread has more to do with honoring one's employer than race. If he wants to give special benefits to his friends, that's his business. Matthew 20:1-16 explains the problem perfectly. The problem is greed on the part of the workers, who agreed to work for a day's pay, but are suddenly offended when someone else is given better treatment.

I'm sure there is a Klan website he can post on...

The KKK believes in a single, white race. They're ignorant and I don't care about them.

You are so full of shit, stupid, or a computer program.

Whatever you are, you are poorly programmed..

Title: Re: Omega 3
Post by: badapple81 on September 24, 2005, 03:25:39 AM
Yea don't know why he's not yet. Such a dick.

I doubt anybody wants to hear his racist bullshit here.

This isn't about race. Caucasion overpopulation is why the Indians had to move to reservations. It was all unnecessary. All races can benefit from keeping their people and culture strong.

By the way, the race lawsuit thread has more to do with honoring one's employer than race. If he wants to give special benefits to his friends, that's his business. Matthew 20:1-16 explains the problem perfectly. The problem is greed on the part of the workers, who agreed to work for a day's pay, but are suddenly offended when someone else is given better treatment.
I'm sure there is a Klan website he can post on...

The KKK believes in a single, white race. They're ignorant and I don't care about them.

A lawsuit filed today alleges that Tyson Foods, Inc. is responsible for maintaining a segregated bathroom and break room, reminiscent of the Jim Crow era, in its Ashland, Alabama chicken processing plant. Twelve African-American employees filed a complaint in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Alabama, alleging that a ?Whites Only? sign and a padlock denied them access to a bathroom in the Ashland plant. The complaint states that numerous white employees had keys to the bathroom that were not provided to African-American workers.

The African-American employees? complaint also alleges that, after they complained about the segregated bathroom, the plant manager told them that the bathroom had been locked because they were ?dirty? and announced the closing of the break room. According to the complaint, the same white employees who had keys to the ?Whites Only? bathroom formed their own, private break room, using Tyson materials to construct the furniture. Initially, a locked door segregated the private break room. To the present day, locked cabinets and a locked refrigerator maintain a private break room.

So you think these workers are greedy for wanting access to a bathroom? You are seriously twisted.

Title: Re: Omega 3
Post by: SLCPUNK on September 24, 2005, 03:26:35 AM

I don't care for making this any more of a flamewar.

Then take your racist bullshit somewhere else.

Title: Re: Omega 3
Post by: nesquick on September 24, 2005, 03:27:00 AM
ok, stick on topic.

Title: Re: Omega 3
Post by: Walk on September 24, 2005, 03:45:40 AM
By the way, flax seed oil is cheaper than fish or fish oil, but it's absolutely nasty. If you can't afford expensive fish, you'll have to stomach this stuff if you want omega 3's. There's also the issue of fish and fish oil spoiling, so maybe flax is better if you live inland.

Title: Re: Omega 3
Post by: SLCPUNK on September 24, 2005, 04:12:16 AM
I took flax for a while. You can ground it up and put it in salads too if you get the seeds.