Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: Chief on September 23, 2005, 01:35:37 AM

Title: Next American Tour?
Post by: Chief on September 23, 2005, 01:35:37 AM
how many dates should it be?  im thinking a mix of big theaters and arenas myself...
approximately 30 shows to start off with.


Title: Re: Next American Tour?
Post by: mikegiuliana on September 23, 2005, 02:25:57 AM
I don't know how many.. I think they should do a kind of test tour where they book 10-15 shows to see how it goes, to make sure axl makes the gigs.. If all goes good with attendance and no riots or problems hit as many states as possible, and if they are really big hit certain arenas twice (ie msg). I think whoever sponsors the tour is taking a big risk that is why the mini tour should happen first..

Title: Re: Next American Tour?
Post by: nesquick on September 23, 2005, 03:32:20 AM
They should Tour the world first (Europe, south america, japan, asia) and then later, tour in the US.
They should first play in Europe. arenas/stadiums gigs.

Title: Re: Next American Tour?
Post by: Sillything on September 23, 2005, 04:31:01 AM
A secret gig in my apartment would be nice ;D

Title: Re: Next American Tour?
Post by: Izzy on September 23, 2005, 05:03:51 AM

They should first play in Europe. arenas/stadiums gigs.

They were selling about 7,000 tickets a show - saying they should play stadiums is laughable. Maybe when the second album arrives.....

Title: Re: Next American Tour?
Post by: jameslofton29 on September 23, 2005, 06:42:55 AM
Mike is absolutely right. A mini tour has to take place before there is any mention of a world tour. Maybe something like the 'Here Today..Gone To Hell' tour of 1991. Just a few shows to generate buzz for something bigger, and it would be like live rehearsals for the band. But personally, I dont think a world tour is even feasible. No one is gonna back it, and if they did, they will gasp at what the insurance costs are gonna be. Plus the last tour wasn't a huge sellout. Promoters will not be lining up for GNR. Too much risk, not enough reward. Instead of a large world tour, GNR might have to do several mini tours in each part of the globe they wish to perform in.

Title: Re: Next American Tour?
Post by: spuddy1 on September 23, 2005, 06:48:22 AM
Simple really release a killer single and then follow that up with a great album, Then do a tour.

Title: Re: Next American Tour?
Post by: kyrie on September 23, 2005, 06:56:29 AM
Mike is absolutely right. A mini tour has to take place before there is any mention of a world tour. Maybe something like the 'Here Today..Gone To Hell' tour of 1991. Just a few shows to generate buzz for something bigger, and it would be like live rehearsals for the band. But personally, I dont think a world tour is even feasible. No one is gonna back it, and if they did, they will gasp at what the insurance costs are gonna be. Plus the last tour wasn't a huge sellout. Promoters will not be lining up for GNR. Too much risk, not enough reward. Instead of a large world tour, GNR might have to do several mini tours in each part of the globe they wish to perform in.

World tour is easy - the band will draw 30,000+ a night in most parts of the world. Asia, South America, and places in Europe, no problem. It's America where the mini-tour is needed. A true 30-date WORLD tour could look like this:


Hong Kong (warm-up gig)

Tokyo, Japan
Osaka, Japan (they can draw good crowds here)


some other european nations (maybe some festivals? RIR?)

North America:

New York
Los Angles
London (Ontario, Canada)
Edmonton/Calgary (or both)
Tampa Bay (or somewhere in Florida)
Los Vegas


And maybe one or two others. Iffy on Philly and Motown since the last shows there were fucked, but they had a sellout in Philly and a 2nd night had they showed up. 10-12 shows would be good.

Hit South America. Brazil, Chile, Argentina. Where ever else... and then back to North America, do some more shows building off the first ones, and then some more European dates, maybe Australia, and you've got a tour.

None of this 40 shows in places like Buttfuck Mississipi... not when you've been without an album for over a decade.

Title: Re: Next American Tour?
Post by: badapple81 on September 23, 2005, 08:03:32 AM
Don't forget Australia  :'(

Title: Re: Next American Tour?
Post by: ckgent on September 23, 2005, 08:18:55 AM
i think axl should arrange for a special show for those at this website. He contacts Jarmo gets a list of those who are registered up until today and its invite to these people only. The gig takes place a week before the new album comes out. There is no support act, we get an exclusive playback of the album instead. Gn'r then play 2hrs of mixed old and new stuff. There will be one off tshirts and programmes available to purchase limited to one per person.

It has to take place in la though just to add that quality touch.

I wish..............

Title: Re: Next American Tour?
Post by: SINSHINE on September 23, 2005, 08:37:24 AM
i think axl should arrange for a special show for those at this website. He contacts Jarmo gets a list of those who are registered up until today and its invite to these people only. The gig takes place a week before the new album comes out. There is no support act, we get an exclusive playback of the album instead. Gn'r then play 2hrs of mixed old and new stuff. There will be one off tshirts and programmes available to purchase limited to one per person.

It has to take place in la though just to add that quality touch.

I wish..............

LOL...I like this idea! I would hold it in N.Y. though  ;)

Title: Re: Next American Tour?
Post by: Carlos_f_Rose on September 23, 2005, 08:47:34 AM
As I have been telling you guys, if they are gonna play in Latin America, Guns N Roses should definitevily, play in Bolivia, because its the centre of the continent, and as I explained you before, I think thousands of GNR fans, from the whole continent are going there, if would be an amazing experince, a  50.000 stadium,  or even more, with latin american fans from everywhere,  Bolivia, Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Peru, Ecuador, colombia, and more, all Gathered to see the greatest  frontman of all times, Axl Rose...

well At least that is my dream...

@;-m,--,m-------m,-,-m tpr

Title: Re: Next American Tour?
Post by: Mateoson on September 23, 2005, 08:58:08 AM
Well whatever they end up doing, I really hope they don't tour until after the album comes out. I think it would be a big mistake. The crowds won't be very big, and Axl will be pissed.... again. They've gotta be smart enough to know this. Nobody knows this band and they really need some music the have created, not just covers of the old band... just my opinion.

Title: Re: Next American Tour?
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on September 23, 2005, 09:12:48 AM

They should first play in Europe. arenas/stadiums gigs.

They were selling about 7,000 tickets a show - saying they should play stadiums is laughable. Maybe when the second album arrives.....

No they weren't. In Europe they were playing in front of a lot of people. People in Europe, Asia, SA and Australia gnr could play stadiums easily.? As for the US they played in front of more than 7000 on a lot of venues sure some of the small cities they played in front of 7000 but that was for a tour with no new album and no promotion.

If gnr released CD, played RIR5, put a song on DVC sound track and played in Europe and Asia first, then played the US at the end of 2006 they could sell out arenas easily.

As for gnr playing clubs like VR that would piss a lot of fans off. Sure it would be awesome for the few fans that could see it but tix would be like $60-100 bucks and no  a lot of people could go. Areans are fine even if the low end if 9-10k people since everyone that want to see them that wanted to. Places like boston, ny and philly would sell out no  matter what, they should just not play in those places like Idaho where the tix wont sell. Just be smart where they play.

Title: Re: Next American Tour?
Post by: Carlos_f_Rose on September 23, 2005, 09:18:32 AM
Do you honestly think they would sell out arenas in USA man? Iam as all of you a real gnr fan, but  most of the people respect Slash, and the fact he isnt "IN"anymore, takes a lot of Gnr fans away, I didnt know they only had about 7000 persons, in the north american tours, that is a pitty dude, incredible figures, and unconceveible for a band that used to gather about 70.000 in their home country...    You know the entity, brings all the forces together... axl and slash...

Title: Re: Next American Tour?
Post by: madagas on September 23, 2005, 09:19:49 AM
If a frog had wings, he wouldn't bump his ass a hoppin'! ?: ok: Gnr averaged 8600 per night on the 16 date Us tour in 2002.

Title: Re: Next American Tour?
Post by: nesquick on September 23, 2005, 09:29:35 AM
Carlos, back in 2002 there was no promotion, nothing to promote; no new album, nothing. There was a poor media coverage, a poor promotion. Plus, the image of the new band was catastrophic (because of 2 guys, robin and buckethead), especially for the old fans. But things have changed. First Buckethead is gone, the band is more credible now. Then Robin changed. two problems fixed. When people will watch the band next time, they won't see the cold robotic shredder and the ex-MM wanabee onstage, but a cohesive bunch of guys who Rock together. Something more human, more "real".? Also, the Greatest Hits put GN'R in the hype again, 6 million copies worldwide with a ?few promotion, man this is great! the GTA-San Andreas thing helps Axl to be "cool" again for the youngest, and what is good for Axl is good for GN'R. Plus, Rock music is popular now. Rock comes back. The environement is better for Rock music.

Believe me, the band has much more potencial to hit the general public now than in 2002. GN'R can definitely sell out a couple of stadiums in Europe or South America. To tell you the truth, this is the best line-up since 1993. YES the fact Slash isn't in the band anymore will affect everything, album sales, ticket sales, popularity, everything. The man is a legend. but if the music is good, the new band can be very popular.

Title: Re: Next American Tour?
Post by: jarmo on September 23, 2005, 11:39:06 AM
Today it seems like bands who play stadiums are bands with a following and not just necessarily a hit album.

Here in Sweden Iron Maiden played in front of about 50000 people in Gothenburg.

AC/DC has played the same stadium.

Those two bands aren't exactly known for their recent hits.

But the promoters know they have a huge following and make the shows into these big happenings where everybody wants to be. Even people who aren't fans.


Title: Re: Next American Tour?
Post by: RichardNixon on September 23, 2005, 11:51:16 AM
I think everyone from America is huge in oversees. I bet right-said-Fred could play infront of 100,000 people. Yes, I know Maiden are from the UK :peace:

Title: Re: Next American Tour?
Post by: jarmo on September 23, 2005, 11:59:12 AM
I think everyone from America is huge in oversees. I bet right-said-Fred could play infront of 100,000 people. Yes, I know Maiden are from the UK :peace:

No, look at most of your current American "rock" bands.  :peace:


Title: Re: Next American Tour?
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on September 23, 2005, 11:59:23 AM
Yes, if the music is 'good', GN'R will be popular again. ?However, those who back tours don't make decisions based on subjective valuation of the quality of the music. ?(the music business itself does not/can not even make any such subjective valuation: ?"The industry harvests the aggregate taste of music lovers and sells it back to us as popularity..." ( ?The decion of those who back tours is primarily one of financial analysis based on how popular a band is. ?The popular appeal must be first established. ?Evidence that popular appeal has been established comes in the form of record/album sales, radio play, and a 'presence' in the market - a "buzz". ?How to establish that presence is the business of ?marketing. ?

The fact that Guns N' Roses is "Guns N' Roses" is of immense value and can not be underestimated. ?
Guns N' Roses only need not betray what "Guns N' Roses" is recognized as.
Some have pointed out that the abscense of Slash betrays what "Guns N' Roses" is.
What must be overcome is the perception that "Guns N' Roses" ceases to be "Guns N' Roses" due to Slash's absence.
Therefore, what "Guns N' Roses" is presented as, is what must be promoted to that end.
The history of Guns N' Roses must be cosidered, and its present state must be cosidered as evolution inherent in that history.
The changes manifested by that evolution must be recognized as, (therefore presented as), a necessary element or product of what is "Guns N' Roses".
As in evolution, the present state is derivative of the earlier stages, and to be considered 'good' must be considered as necessary.
To be accepted as "Guns N' Roses", Guns N' Roses as it is presently must be accepted and understood as the necessary and natural product of itself.

I believe that Axl has always maintained that the nature of "Guns N' Roses", beyond who was in the band, is defined by and is that which it produces.
Beyond even the actual music created, Guns N' Roses has produced an energy (or spirit) sustatined by its exchange - multiplied amongst those to whom it appeals, returning in an intesified state to its source - continually renewed through this circular motion I believe that this energy/spirit has remained constant. ?I believe that the spirit or nature of Guns N' Roses has not changed, and as such I believe that Guns N' Roses is what it has always been - and I believe that Guns N' Roses is what its nature has dictated it is destined to be.

Whatever market approach or promotion tools are employed, I expect that rather than trying to convince the market that Guns N' Roses is what it's always been, they will simply show / express what Guns N' Roses is - and it will be up to the individual to either recognize it to be (the same) Guns N' Roses, to decide whether it is authentic, and decide whether it appeals to them.

In my opinion, Guns N' Roses need only to be authentic to acheive popular appeal in the market. ?And I believe that Guns N' Roses was, is, and always will be authentic/true to its nature.

Title: Re: Next American Tour?
Post by: noonespecial on September 23, 2005, 12:20:47 PM
I think they should do 1 Pay Per View show this way he only has to show up for one show and it can be broadcast\rebroadcast to a lot of places at once. ;D

Title: Re: Next American Tour?
Post by: Gunner80 on September 23, 2005, 05:05:17 PM

They should first play in Europe. arenas/stadiums gigs.

They were selling about 7,000 tickets a show - saying they should play stadiums is laughable. Maybe when the second album arrives.....
Lets rephrase that - "Axl was selling 7,000 tickets a show."- That's pretty damned great for an artist that had been out of the limelight for nine years. Plus the European shows were doing 30,000+ a night.

Title: Re: Next American Tour?
Post by: Dust N Rose on September 24, 2005, 09:42:20 AM
I always wondered why GN'R cannot sell many tickets in U.S.A. as they do in Europe or South America. What the heck, 250 million people live in the states. Is the taste of music that different?

Btw, the Greatest Hits was a promotion of GN'R name after all. The 2002 shows would be less empty if they were done after GH, not to mention if they had an album to promote.

Title: Re: Next American Tour?
Post by: Evil Ash on September 24, 2005, 11:43:00 AM
but in europe it were festivals, there are always 30000+ people at a festival....

Title: Re: Next American Tour?
Post by: Carlos_f_Rose on September 24, 2005, 12:10:07 PM
I agree with the people who think, Nu Gnr, "comeback", will bring more people than in 2002, specially abroad USA, but, in the  States, I honestly think they  have really different tastes of Music, specially now, that Hip Hop, R&B. and black music style  is allegedly the coolest thing around... (Opinion wich I dont share), but until Rock becomes Popular in the mainstream again,  and considering that Nu Gnr, is a 1-man band only, there will be no more than 10.000, people gathered in Nu Gnr shows in the States.

@;--,.--.,------- tpr

Title: Re: Next American Tour?
Post by: HoldenCaulfield on September 24, 2005, 03:57:51 PM
They need to play a very small 1st leg in America/Canada, I'm talking theaters and clubs to raise word of mouth:

Los Angeles
New York

Then kick off the "international" part in Rio with a HUGE concert.

Play a few big shows in Asia:

Hong Kong

Over to a lengthy leg in Europe:


Some of those places they could pull a two nighter.

Head over to Sydney (Australia) for a couple of shows.

Back to America/Canada where they play arenas!

Boston (2-3 shows)
East Rutherford
Ft. Lauderdale
Chicago (2-3 shows)
Washington DC
Philadelphia (2-3 shows)
New York (2-3 shows)
London Ontario (2-3 shows)
Vegas (2-3 shows)
Los Angeles (2-3 shows)
San Diego

Finish with a huge show in Mexico City...

Title: Re: Next American Tour?
Post by: jabba2 on September 24, 2005, 04:28:54 PM
Axl will make money outside the states, its in the states were touring gets risky. Skeptisim among american GNR fans seemed to make Axl self-concious and he had trouble attending and finishing shows in North America. Hes more accepted in other countries though, so thats where he should be touring. Remember rumors that Axl would tour Europe last summer? It shows he thought of playing those areas first.

Title: Re: Next American Tour?
Post by: Chief on September 24, 2005, 05:10:30 PM
oh i totally agree with this. great replies in this thread.. i also do think they should start touring outside the US after the cd comes out and then start small and grow from there...

Axl will make money outside the states, its in the states were touring gets risky. Skeptisim among american GNR fans seemed to make Axl self-concious and he had trouble attending and finishing shows in North America. Hes more accepted in other countries though, so thats where he should be touring. Remember rumors that Axl would tour Europe last summer? It shows he thought of playing those areas first.

Title: Re: Next American Tour?
Post by: ClintroN on September 24, 2005, 05:15:11 PM
I think everyone from America is huge in oversees. I bet right-said-Fred could play infront of 100,000 people. Yes, I know Maiden are from the UK :peace:


Title: Re: Next American Tour?
Post by: ppbebe on September 24, 2005, 05:40:02 PM
While admitting that Minzhu's idea is realistic at this point of time, I expect

a dramatical turn of events to happen when MTV or the like puts their first video on the air.

Title: Re: Next American Tour?
Post by: nesquick on September 24, 2005, 06:03:48 PM
CHINESE DEMOCRACY will be the key of everything: a #1 album and a #1 single (da vinci code soundtrack? why not?) pushed by a solid and strong promotion, and things will re-start as the good old days. Maybe not as big, but big enough to satisfy everybody. The music is the most important thing and will always be. Don't forget that.

Title: Re: Next American Tour?
Post by: mikegiuliana on September 24, 2005, 06:24:26 PM
The music is the most important thing and will always be. Don't forget that.
unless int's contraband then it's album sales :rofl:

Title: Re: Next American Tour?
Post by: Dust N Rose on September 25, 2005, 07:00:49 AM
The music is the most important thing and will always be. Don't forget that.
unless int's contraband then it's album sales :rofl:


At least I have a feeling that Chinese Democracy will sell more than Contraband. More than 1,7 million, that is. Does anyone believe the opposite?

Title: Re: Next American Tour?
Post by: jabba2 on September 25, 2005, 07:47:59 PM
It should sell 2-3 million on name recognition alone. Im guessing CD will sell about 5 million in the US. I always thought that many bought greatest hits thinking there may be a new track on it.

Title: Re: Next American Tour?
Post by: Madcap on September 26, 2005, 10:24:29 AM
how many dates should it be?? im thinking a mix of big theaters and arenas myself...
approximately 30 shows to start off with.


funny thing! i was working on saturday, and this guy came in looking for Gn'R tickets. he goes on saying that his friend told him and that is was at the rogers centre (skydome). i was trying not to laugh, i just told him that there was no tour being planed. he looked disappointed.

when i get to work today i'll check ticketmaster just to make sure

Title: Re: Next American Tour?
Post by: Carlos_f_Rose on September 26, 2005, 07:02:30 PM
While admitting that Minzhu's idea is realistic at this point of time, I expect

a dramatical turn of events to happen when MTV or the like puts their first video on the air.

Well, I dont know if MTV, is really interested in showing a Nu Gnr video, maybe they will air it in MTV 2, and that is all, you know those guys and their tastes...

Title: Re: Next American Tour?
Post by: MATT-A-REAL-FAN on September 26, 2005, 08:16:24 PM
Yes, if the music is 'good', GN'R will be popular again. ?However, those who back tours don't make decisions based on subjective valuation of the quality of the music. ?(the music business itself does not/can not even make any such subjective valuation: ?"The industry harvests the aggregate taste of music lovers and sells it back to us as popularity..." ( ?The decion of those who back tours is primarily one of financial analysis based on how popular a band is. ?The popular appeal must be first established. ?Evidence that popular appeal has been established comes in the form of record/album sales, radio play, and a 'presence' in the market - a "buzz". ?How to establish that presence is the business of ?marketing. ?

The fact that Guns N' Roses is "Guns N' Roses" is of immense value and can not be underestimated. ?
Guns N' Roses only need not betray what "Guns N' Roses" is recognized as.
Some have pointed out that the abscense of Slash betrays what "Guns N' Roses" is.
What must be overcome is the perception that "Guns N' Roses" ceases to be "Guns N' Roses" due to Slash's absence.
Therefore, what "Guns N' Roses" is presented as, is what must be promoted to that end.
The history of Guns N' Roses must be cosidered, and its present state must be cosidered as evolution inherent in that history.
The changes manifested by that evolution must be recognized as, (therefore presented as), a necessary element or product of what is "Guns N' Roses".
As in evolution, the present state is derivative of the earlier stages, and to be considered 'good' must be considered as necessary.
To be accepted as "Guns N' Roses", Guns N' Roses as it is presently must be accepted and understood as the necessary and natural product of itself.

I believe that Axl has always maintained that the nature of "Guns N' Roses", beyond who was in the band, is defined by and is that which it produces.
Beyond even the actual music created, Guns N' Roses has produced an energy (or spirit) sustatined by its exchange - multiplied amongst those to whom it appeals, returning in an intesified state to its source - continually renewed through this circular motion I believe that this energy/spirit has remained constant. ?I believe that the spirit or nature of Guns N' Roses has not changed, and as such I believe that Guns N' Roses is what it has always been - and I believe that Guns N' Roses is what its nature has dictated it is destined to be.

Whatever market approach or promotion tools are employed, I expect that rather than trying to convince the market that Guns N' Roses is what it's always been, they will simply show / express what Guns N' Roses is - and it will be up to the individual to either recognize it to be (the same) Guns N' Roses, to decide whether it is authentic, and decide whether it appeals to them.

In my opinion, Guns N' Roses need only to be authentic to acheive popular appeal in the market. ?And I believe that Guns N' Roses was, is, and always will be authentic/true to its nature.

Wow. Now THAT is a great post. Good job,Eva.? I aggre with the "spirit" of GN'R. I mean,Axl is away for several years and averages thousands of people a night with no new album. I don't think many artists could do the same.
? I also agree with other posts about a small U.S. tour,maybe after a larger world tour. He has to prove he is reliable and can show up.? I'd say he should play no more than 20 cities in America.
 And PHILLY gets a FREE one!!!!!!!!? :yes:? :beer:? Hell,he should start the Tour HERE!!
Yes,you heard it here first!!? The new tour starts in Philly as "mea culpe" to us.? ;D?

Title: Re: Next American Tour?
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on October 02, 2005, 03:04:05 PM

I believe that Axl has always maintained that the nature of "Guns N' Roses", beyond who was in the band, is defined by and is that which it produces.
Beyond even the actual music created, Guns N' Roses has produced an energy (or spirit) sustatined by its exchange - multiplied amongst those to whom it appeals, returning in an intesified state to its source - continually renewed through this circular motion I believe that this energy/spirit has remained constant. ?I believe that the spirit or nature of Guns N' Roses has not changed, and as such I believe that Guns N' Roses is what it has always been - and I believe that Guns N' Roses is what its nature has dictated it is destined to be.

Whatever market approach or promotion tools are employed, I expect that rather than trying to convince the market that Guns N' Roses is what it's always been, they will simply show / express what Guns N' Roses is - and it will be up to the individual to either recognize it to be (the same) Guns N' Roses, to decide whether it is authentic, and decide whether it appeals to them.

In my opinion, Guns N' Roses need only to be authentic to acheive popular appeal in the market. ?And I believe that Guns N' Roses was, is, and always will be authentic/true to its nature.

Wow. Now THAT is a great post. Good job,Eva.? I aggre with the "spirit" of GN'R. I mean,Axl is away for several years and averages thousands of people a night with no new album. I don't think many artists could do the same.  

Thank you Matt!  :)

That's what we're all doing here, I believe, keeping that "spirit" or energy of GN'R alive amongst ourselves and readying to exchange it with GN'R upon their emergence.  Can you imagine how refreshed and re-newed it will be then... when tha spirit is imfused and imbued with the expressions and feelings of the new material.  Wherever they will tour - whenever it will be, it's going to be absolutely fuckin' amazin'.  The energy is going to be intense.  :drool:  As such, regardless of the specific venues they will play - the GN'R spirit will criss-cross the globe.   :beer:

Title: Re: Next American Tour?
Post by: Chief on October 02, 2005, 03:40:16 PM
let's hope so.  they definitely have a lot of PR to do to get their image back in the public eye.. and of course the new material is really important in that journey.

Does anyone know how long before an actual tour starts that a tour is planned?

GNRONLINE.COM Starts Now!!!!

Title: Re: Next American Tour?
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on October 02, 2005, 04:08:30 PM
let's hope so.? they definitely have a lot of PR to do to get their image back in the public eye.. and of course the new material is really important in that journey.

Does anyone know how long before an actual tour starts that a tour is planned?

GNRONLINE.COM Starts Now!!!!

I'm actually on the lookout for to open.

I think we're going to get all the announcements at once.  Album release date and tour plans.  I don't see any tour plans being revealed until the release date is announced. 

Title: Re: Next American Tour?
Post by: mikegiuliana on October 02, 2005, 05:20:58 PM
It should sell 2-3 million on name recognition alone. Im guessing CD will sell about 5 million in the US. I always thought that many bought greatest hits thinking there may be a new track on it.

I agree alot with what you say.. people also have to realise, people will always be there to see the shows to hear the music they loved growing up.. Whenever an older famous act plays most of the people are there to hear the songs that made them big.. So this is why an album like GH's could have such staying power and good sales.. I for one really don't care about mostr groups I grew up loving's new music... I go to see certain bands to hear the old stuff from my generation.. I am sure this will happen a lot with axl's band as well.. I have a real interest in axl's new work, but when I see his band again I will go crazy fior the classics like I did in the past..

So I am not sure how cd will sell.. Could be really big like 5 mill, or 2-3 mill

Title: Re: Next American Tour?
Post by: mrlee on October 02, 2005, 05:29:51 PM
Today it seems like bands who play stadiums are bands with a following and not just necessarily a hit album.

Here in Sweden Iron Maiden played in front of about 50000 people in Gothenburg.

AC/DC has played the same stadium.

Those two bands aren't exactly known for their recent hits.

But the promoters know they have a huge following and make the shows into these big happenings where everybody wants to be. Even people who aren't fans.


But, no offence to the new line up, alot of people who liked them back in the late 80s early 90s. And fans of those albums now. Liked them with the first few members, whereas it aint the same now.

Title: Re: Next American Tour?
Post by: Surfrider on October 02, 2005, 06:02:40 PM
If it eve exists, it should be small venues like VR.  Playing in half-filled stadiums is embarrassing.

Title: Re: Next American Tour?
Post by: RichardNixon on October 07, 2005, 09:33:40 AM
I think everyone from America is huge in oversees. I bet right-said-Fred could play infront of 100,000 people. Yes, I know Maiden are from the UK :peace:

No, look at most of your current American "rock" bands.? :peace:


Well Mr. Big is still huge in Japan! :hihi:

Title: Re: Next American Tour?
Post by: Thorazine Shuffle on October 07, 2005, 10:19:45 AM
If it eve exists, it should be small venues like VR.? Playing in half-filled stadiums is embarrassing.

I feel the same way.  GNR would be far better off with more intimate settings the next go around.  I think a stadium tour would be great with a band Like Tool or APC or even NIN.

But as great as this album will be, I don't see CD selling more than about 2 million in the US.  Face it, not as many people buy CDs like they did in the late 80s and early 90s, you know with internet capabilites.  I would like to see GNR embrace the internet through some type of legal downloading.

Title: Re: Next American Tour?
Post by: Nytunz on October 07, 2005, 10:56:18 AM
If it eve exists, it should be small venues like VR.? Playing in half-filled stadiums is embarrassing.

I feel the same way.? GNR would be far better off with more intimate settings the next go around.? I think a stadium tour would be great with a band Like Tool or APC or even NIN.

Ahh! This i liiiike  : ok: If GNR toured with Tool, they would be piced up by a alot of "hard getting throug people" who listen to music like Tool etc. And thats where i want GNR to be! A band who are popular from the music they make! Imagine a Axl and Maynard Duo!!!!!  : ok:  :-*