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Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: Tyson on September 23, 2005, 12:17:05 AM

Title: If after GNR's return at Rock in Rio 3......
Post by: Tyson on September 23, 2005, 12:17:05 AM
you were told that the album would, at earliest, be released in early 2006, how would you have reacted.  I know this is a somewhat useless thread, but until there is some type of official confirmation, aren't all of them?  God, I remember listening to Rock in Rio 3 in the computer lab at Penn State when I was a senior.  It just blows my mind that we are all still waiting for it.  Having said that, I am behind Axl 100 fucking percent and honestly believe, when it is ready, Chinese Democracy is going to be an absolute force to be reckoned with.  I'm not even referring to mainstream popularity, though its destined to have atleast some, but purely on artisitc means.  I will always be a Guns N Roses fan, come hell or high water.  Fuck anyone that says shit about Axl!  They will never know the ecstasy and awe that accompanies performing in front of thousands of fans.  They will never know the extreme gratification that comes from the millions of other souls embracing one's hearfelt expression.  Axl Rose has done more with his life than most people ever hope.  We will all get old and die and most of us will never reallly transcend fear and insecurity to a point that will allow for the reaching of their inherent greatness.  Axl did!  However brief, he gave us so much.  Rock on!

Title: Re: If after GNR's return at Rock in Rio 3......
Post by: jameslofton29 on September 23, 2005, 06:55:59 AM
Good post. :beer: If we had been told it wasn't until 2006, I dont think the fan reaction would have been as negative as you might think. Those of us who were fans since the beginning had already been waiting 8 years, so Axl announcing it would be 5 more years wouldn't have killed us. I also think fan frustration wouldn't be as high as it is right now. People would have known it was coming at a specific time. Not knowing anything in concern to CD's release is driving everyone mad. Also, knowing a specific date would have killed every bullshit rumor that we've had to endure over the years.

Title: Re: If after GNR's return at Rock in Rio 3......
Post by: Carlos_f_Rose on September 23, 2005, 08:54:42 AM
Remember my friend, that he didnt do it alone, we are waiting to see what Axl, the frontman, the human, the entity, has to say, and all I want and  what I really want to know, more than anything about NU GNR, is what Axl thinks, feels, and understands, according to his lyrics, since, I really love Slash's  work and of course he is no longer part of the band,  I only want to read Axl's Lyrics...  Slash (Yin) - Axl (Yang) a single entity....


Title: Re: If after GNR's return at Rock in Rio 3......
Post by: Litti10 on September 24, 2005, 01:17:26 PM
Ok, i honestly cant say exactly how i would have reacted since i found out about it in 2003-2004 dont remember. its because i didnt have internet back before then so. but ive been huge fan since AFD. im not complaining that the album hasnt arrived yet like axl said live ur life if it happens great if it doesnt u havent missed a thing. i dont think CD has been delayed that many times like other people might think cuz most of the "releasedates that have been announced have been rumours so ill wait for the official date announcement and when that gets pushed back thenb ill whine about it sum

Title: Re: If after GNR's return at Rock in Rio 3......
Post by: HoldenCaulfield on September 24, 2005, 03:31:18 PM
I've often pondered that. After the excitement of the combination of Vegas and Rio after 6 years of silence, who would've ever thought we'd still be as clueless about the project as we are coming up on 5 years later. It's quite funny. People would be infinitely more optimistic if they gave us something (ANYTHING) relating to a release block. It wouldn't have to be very specific at all, but I'm just tired of hearing "sometime next year". Don't worry though, I'll always be in Axl's corner...

Title: Re: If after GNR's return at Rock in Rio 3......
Post by: nesquick on September 25, 2005, 12:27:51 PM
I think the band wasn't as good as now back in 2001. Now they have more experience, and Fortus is now part of the band, Buckethead is gone, Things have changed a lot. The band is more solid for me now.

Title: Re: If after GNR's return at Rock in Rio 3......
Post by: Billo on September 25, 2005, 03:42:00 PM
Good post...I guess it would have saved alot of people getting there hopes up for a while.......Lets just hope its out soon.. ;)

Title: Re: If after GNR's return at Rock in Rio 3......
Post by: mikegiuliana on September 25, 2005, 05:55:06 PM
I think if he said that it would have made all the shit he did then even more meaningless..  At least back then I had hope and actually enjoyed each thing at the moment because I believed something was going to happen.. Axl had made it seem like thing were ready or coming together even before rio so him saying that would have made no sence... He hinted several times that it would be coming out,,

I don't even really know how to reply to this topic.. I am sure the product is really good and gnr fans will follow to see axl at least again