Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: Jessica on September 22, 2005, 12:04:41 PM

Title: Now that Rita's coming
Post by: Jessica on September 22, 2005, 12:04:41 PM
Let's see on an hour to hour, day to day, week to week basis.

Let's be the judges. After all, we've all got tvs.

Right, people flew from louisiana to texas.

Now, they fly texas.

How will the administration handle this ?

Anyone knowing a good bookmaker ?


Title: Re: Now that Rita's coming
Post by: gilld1 on September 22, 2005, 01:37:53 PM
I am sure glad that you can find fun and humor in a potentially horrible disaster.

Title: Re: Now that Rita's coming
Post by: SLCPUNK on September 22, 2005, 03:43:51 PM

About 80 percent of the world's petrochemcial production is right there. Imagine that going into the water. Oil cleanup is a bit different since it does not mix with water. These chemicals are made to mix with water which could make cleanup nearly impossible. The winters heating oil for US, Canada and Europe are sitting there waiting to be shipped up. And more refeneries could be blown away. To top it off the thing is heading towards the second most populous area of the USA. If it keeps in the direction it is now, we could see something worse than Katrina. Let's hope it does not unfold the way it may, because it can be very ugly this Saturday. They are already predicting 5 dollar gas because of this now.

Title: Houston Residents Struggle to Get Inland
Post by: SLCPUNK on September 22, 2005, 04:13:02 PM
GALVESTON, Texas - Hundreds of thousands of people across the Houston metropolitan area struggled to make their way inland in a vast, bumper-to-bumper exodus Thursday as Hurricane Rita closed in on the nation's fourth-largest city with winds howling at 150 mph.

Drivers ran out of gas in 14-hour traffic jams or looked in vain for a place to stay as hotels hundreds of miles in from the coast filled up. Others got tired of waiting in traffic and turned around and went home.

An estimated 1.8 million residents or more in Texas and Louisiana were under orders to evacuate to avoid a deadly repeat of Katrina.

The storm weakened Thursday morning from a top-of-the-scale Category 5 hurricane to a Category 4 as it swirled across the Gulf of Mexico, and forecasters said it could lose more steam by the time it comes ashore late Friday or early Saturday. But it could still be a dangerous storm ? one aimed straight at a section of coastline with the nation's biggest concentration of oil refineries.

"Whatever happens is going to happen and we are going to have a monumental task ahead of us once the storm passes," Galveston City Manager Steve LeBlanc said. "Galveston is going to suffer, and we are going to need to get it back in order as soon as possible."

In New Orleans, meanwhile, Rita's outer bands brought the first measurable rain to the city since Katrina, raising fears that the patched-up levees could give way and cause a new round of flooding.

Highways leading inland out of Houston, a metropolitan area of 4 million people, were clogged up to 100 miles north of the city. Service stations reported running out of gasoline, and police officers carried gas to motorists who ran out. Texas authorities also asked the
Pentagon for help in getting gasoline to drivers stuck in traffic, and sent gasoline tankers to take up positions along evacuation routes to help.

To speed the evacuation, Gov. Rick Perry halted all southbound traffic into Houston along Interstate 45 and took the unprecedented step of opening all eight lanes to northbound traffic out of the city for 125 miles. I-45 is the primary evacuation route north from Houston and nearby Galveston.

Trazanna Moreno tried to leave Houston for the 225-mile trip to Dallas on U.S. 90 but turned back after getting stuck in traffic.

"We ended up going six miles in two hours and 45 minutes," said Moreno, whose neighborhood is not expected to flood. "It could be that if we ended up stranded in the middle of nowhere that we'd be in a worse position in a car dealing with hurricane-force winds than we would in our house."

With traffic at a dead halt, fathers and sons got out of their cars and played catch on freeway medians. Others stood next to their cars, videotaping the scene, or walked between vehicles, chatting with people along the way. Tow trucks tried to wend their way along the shoulders, pulling stalled cars out of the way.

Hotels filled up all the way to the Oklahoma and Arkansas line.;_ylt=Atv42w619Km1pIbH5Rl9DjqCbpwv;_ylu=X3oDMTBiMW04NW9mBHNlYwMlJVRPUCUl

Title: Re: Now that Rita's coming
Post by: Dr. Blutarsky on September 22, 2005, 05:05:07 PM
here we go again. Rita has shifted more north, New Orleans may get whacked again. Water is now seeping back into New Orleans thru the weak levees since the first rain bands are now upon them. My god, how much more than these people take?

Title: Re: Now that Rita's coming
Post by: Kitano on September 22, 2005, 05:32:28 PM
here we go again. Rita has shifted more north, New Orleans may get whacked again. Water is now seeping back into New Orleans thru the weak levees since the first rain bands are now upon them. My god, how much more than these people take?

I would take it as nature saying, "rebuild the city somewhere better, like on a hill".

Title: Re: Now that Rita's coming
Post by: Jessica on September 23, 2005, 04:46:38 AM
I am sure glad that you can find fun and humor in a potentially horrible disaster.

Yes, my on horrible disastrous life has taught me that humor is what saves the soul from taking a shotgun and take a one way trip to see the angels.

I have seen leucemic kids laugh.

I have seen people dying laughing.

I have seen people who'd lost all laugh.

Maybe you have too much to understand ?

Title: Re: Now that Rita's coming
Post by: Izzy on September 23, 2005, 05:11:30 AM

I have seen people dying laughing.

Dying of laughter - how horrible, almost as horrible as the rubbish u post every day

Title: Re: Now that Rita's coming
Post by: Will on September 23, 2005, 06:33:21 AM
I just hope it won't be as bad as Katrina...

Title: Re: Now that Rita's coming
Post by: Sin Cut on September 23, 2005, 06:37:16 AM
I am sure glad that you can find fun and humor in a potentially horrible disaster.

Yes, my on horrible disastrous life has taught me that humor is what saves the soul from taking a shotgun and take a one way trip to see the angels.

I have seen leucemic kids laugh.

I have seen people dying laughing.

I have seen people who'd lost all laugh.

Maybe you have too much to understand ?

Title: Re: Now that Rita's coming
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on September 23, 2005, 06:47:30 AM
I am sure glad that you can find fun and humor in a potentially horrible disaster.

Yes, my on horrible disastrous life has taught me that humor is what saves the soul from taking a shotgun and take a one way trip to see the angels.

I have seen leucemic kids laugh.

I have seen people dying laughing.

I have seen people who'd lost all laugh.

Maybe you have too much to understand ?

White House press conference.

Title: Re: Now that Rita's coming
Post by: Jessica on September 23, 2005, 06:53:17 AM
I am sure glad that you can find fun and humor in a potentially horrible disaster.

Yes, my on horrible disastrous life has taught me that humor is what saves the soul from taking a shotgun and take a one way trip to see the angels.

I have seen leucemic kids laugh.

I have seen people dying laughing.

I have seen people who'd lost all laugh.

Maybe you have too much to understand ?

In hospital, where my grandmother was treated for a terminal cancer.
In hospital intio the kidney ward where i was in 1994 for my own problem and where people were dying, we had a good laugh, i was just out of coma myself.
I saw kids laugh where i sung in a british charity in north london, they had all leucemia.

etc etc

And today, i have health problems agaaain, and i find a way to laugh.

Title: Re: Now that Rita's coming
Post by: Jessica on September 23, 2005, 06:54:51 AM

I have seen people dying laughing.

Dying of laughter - how horrible, almost as horrible as the rubbish u post every day

Piss OFF, i meant i have seen terminally ill people, who could ( contrary to you it seems) find a way to laugh healthily. You can't can you ? you only take the piss out of people to make you look good.

Title: Re: Now that Rita's coming
Post by: Sin Cut on September 23, 2005, 07:59:51 AM
I am sure glad that you can find fun and humor in a potentially horrible disaster.

Yes, my on horrible disastrous life has taught me that humor is what saves the soul from taking a shotgun and take a one way trip to see the angels.

I have seen leucemic kids laugh.

I have seen people dying laughing.

I have seen people who'd lost all laugh.

Maybe you have too much to understand ?

In hospital, where my grandmother was treated for a terminal cancer.
In hospital intio the kidney ward where i was in 1994 for my own problem and where people were dying, we had a good laugh, i was just out of coma myself.
I saw kids laugh where i sung in a british charity in north london, they had all leucemia.

etc etc

And today, i have health problems agaaain, and i find a way to laugh.

I've seen people laugh when in a shock

Title: Re: Now that Rita's coming
Post by: shades on September 23, 2005, 08:34:32 AM
Bush actually 'ordered' Rita into a populas area.
preferably an area rife with minorities.
And help will arrive when they fuckin well are ready to arrive.
Were busy in Iraq, the oil, its all about the oil.

Title: Re: Now that Rita's coming
Post by: Cornell on September 23, 2005, 10:21:36 AM
Very funny, shades, but the truth is that it will Texas which is Bush's state so help will be there immediately!  ;)

Title: Re: Now that Rita's coming
Post by: Genesis on September 23, 2005, 10:43:24 AM
Very funny, shades, but the truth is that it will Texas which is Bush's state so help will be there immediately!  ;)

Bush Heads To Texas As Rita Nears

Determined to be seen on the job and focused on the hurricane, President Bush heads Friday for Texas....

Title: Re: Now that Rita's coming
Post by: sandman on September 23, 2005, 10:46:21 AM
Very funny, shades, but the truth is that it will Texas which is Bush's state so help will be there immediately!? ;)

i think the truth is that the LOCAL governments there are doing their jobs this time.

but i did hear phil donahue report that bush is the first president to create two massive hurricanes.

Title: Re: Now that Rita's coming
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on September 23, 2005, 10:49:35 AM
Very funny, shades, but the truth is that it will Texas which is Bush's state so help will be there immediately!? ;)

i think the truth is that the LOCAL governments there are doing their jobs this time.

but i did hear phil donahue report that bush is the first president to create two massive hurricanes.

yeah ! it's the local governments fault !!!  ?_____0

Title: Re: Now that Rita's coming
Post by: gilld1 on September 23, 2005, 11:16:33 AM
Jessica, there is a difference.  The people you described are laughing at their own situation where as you were making fun of the people of Houston's problem.  Get a clue.  Perhaps, your doctor should describe the ancient shotgun remedy for you, garunteed to work!

Title: Re: Now that Rita's coming
Post by: sandman on September 23, 2005, 12:10:04 PM
Very funny, shades, but the truth is that it will Texas which is Bush's state so help will be there immediately!? ;)

i think the truth is that the LOCAL governments there are doing their jobs this time.

but i did hear phil donahue report that bush is the first president to create two massive hurricanes.

yeah ! it's the local governments fault !!!? ?_____0

i think they share alot of the blame. are you saying they do not???

Title: Re: Now that Rita's coming
Post by: Will on September 23, 2005, 12:17:13 PM
Jessica, there is a difference. The people you described are laughing at their own situation where as you were making fun of the people of Houston's problem. Get a clue. Perhaps, your doctor should describe the ancient shotgun remedy for you, garunteed to work!

What Jessica said was offensive to the people in the South who will have to endure another storm, that's true, but there's no need for such comments, especially on the general board. If you want to attack someone personally, please use Private Messages (PMs). We don't want to read that here.

sandman, I think what WAT-EVER meant was that it was a climate issue in the first place, so it's hard to blame someone. I don't like Bush and his administration but I don't think any politician had anything to do with what happened. It was tough as shit to just enter New Orleans, and the evacuation beforehand wasn't as easy as some people would like to see it. Many people just didn't have the money to get out. Different problem of course in Houston.

Title: Re: Now that Rita's coming
Post by: SLCPUNK on September 23, 2005, 12:21:52 PM
It took my brother 15 hours to get out of Houston, and he left at 5:15 am. The drive usually takes 3-4 hours. He said the worst part was that the gas stations were out of gas!

Title: Re: Now that Rita's coming
Post by: Dr. Blutarsky on September 23, 2005, 09:30:57 PM
Very funny, shades, but the truth is that it will Texas which is Bush's state so help will be there immediately!? ;)

i think the truth is that the LOCAL governments there are doing their jobs this time.

but i did hear phil donahue report that bush is the first president to create two massive hurricanes.

Phil Donahue is an absolute moron.

Title: Re: Now that Rita's coming
Post by: SLCPUNK on September 24, 2005, 12:43:13 AM
I highly doubt Donahue said this.


Title: Re: Now that Rita's coming
Post by: sandman on September 24, 2005, 05:29:44 PM
I highly doubt Donahue said this.


i think he did. but either way, the statement is true....p. donahue is an absolute moron.

Title: Re: Now that Rita's coming
Post by: SLCPUNK on September 25, 2005, 12:31:50 AM
I highly doubt Donahue said this.


i think he did. but either way, the statement is true....p. donahue is an absolute moron.

Show linky or clam it.

Title: Re: Now that Rita's coming
Post by: kanga on September 27, 2005, 12:38:25 PM
It took my brother 15 hours to get out of Houston, and he left at 5:15 am. The drive usually takes 3-4 hours. He said the worst part was that the gas stations were out of gas!

I feel for him, it took me 15 hours to travel what is normally an hour and a half trip.  To save gas we had to turn off the a/c which was unpleasant to say the least, especially with a sick child in the car with a fever.  There was no gas available on the way and I ran out of gas 15 miles from where I was going, which doesn't sound too bad, but at 2:00 am on Friday morning 15 miles was taking 3 to 4 hours.  I hope I never have to go through that again.

Title: Re: Now that Rita's coming
Post by: SLCPUNK on September 27, 2005, 02:05:37 PM
It took my brother 15 hours to get out of Houston, and he left at 5:15 am. The drive usually takes 3-4 hours. He said the worst part was that the gas stations were out of gas!

I feel for him, it took me 15 hours to travel what is normally an hour and a half trip.  To save gas we had to turn off the a/c which was unpleasant to say the least, especially with a sick child in the car with a fever.  There was no gas available on the way and I ran out of gas 15 miles from where I was going, which doesn't sound too bad, but at 2:00 am on Friday morning 15 miles was taking 3 to 4 hours.  I hope I never have to go through that again.

Sorry you had to go through that...with a kid no less.

My brother called Mom and she gave him a "shortcut" through the boonies, off the interstate where he could find gas. If not for that, he would have run out.

Title: Re: Now that Rita's coming
Post by: kanga on September 28, 2005, 11:38:38 AM
It took my brother 15 hours to get out of Houston, and he left at 5:15 am. The drive usually takes 3-4 hours. He said the worst part was that the gas stations were out of gas!

I feel for him, it took me 15 hours to travel what is normally an hour and a half trip.? To save gas we had to turn off the a/c which was unpleasant to say the least, especially with a sick child in the car with a fever.? There was no gas available on the way and I ran out of gas 15 miles from where I was going, which doesn't sound too bad, but at 2:00 am on Friday morning 15 miles was taking 3 to 4 hours.? I hope I never have to go through that again.

Sorry you had to go through that...with a kid no less.

My brother called Mom and she gave him a "shortcut" through the boonies, off the interstate where he could find gas. If not for that, he would have run out.

My ex husband went through the boonies as well but he had his girlfriend with him so he didn't help show us the way.  I'm not sure I would evacuate next time.  I will probably let my daughter go with her dad (since he knows the way!), and I would just hole up in a cupboard.