Here Today... Gone To Hell!

The Perils Of Rock N' Roll Decadence => Duff, Slash & Velvet Revolver => Topic started by: Ignatius on September 16, 2005, 08:18:04 AM

Title: Almost two years Later --- Has VR reached your expectations?
Post by: Ignatius on September 16, 2005, 08:18:04 AM
It's been two years since the band got together. I can't remember whether the name had officialy been picked before the "El Rey" show or not, but in and out, I'd say it's been two years.

Time to look back now. This thread is about your input in whether the band has been successful and reached the expectations, or has not really leveled up with the hype it created.

We are not trying to review the album here - there's already a thread about that, not trying to review the shows here (another thread). Let's try to scracth the surface a bit.

Looking at facts, VR has achieved many things over the past 24 months.

- Debuted at number 1.
- Sold around 1,5 - 2 million copies
- Two number 1 singles all over the US (Modern Rock stations)
- One Grammy
- Featured in 3 different movie soundtracks
- Particpated in Live 8
- Toured the World in 15 months

Looking at those facts, we can say that VR has reached the most optimisitic expectations. The line up is solid despite a few arguments here and there, but looks like Scott has found the stability he needed and has become more reliable than I anticipated. The new album is due sometimes next year, so they have obviously shutted many people (myself included) who thought this band was not gonna last long.

Now let's try to point out other things that they were not so successful at:

Touring ---> Yes, the first tour was simply amazing. Sold out every venue in the US. However, the "Wonderland" tour has not sold out every venue. As a matter of fact, the venues were half empty (half full for the optimistic) in those smaller size markets.? Do you think it was a little too early to book an arena show? Also, VR has barely toured Europe. They did have a UK tour, but haven't really tour other places this year.

Promotion ---> VR public relations team has done a terrific job prior to the album release. VR was in every radio show all over the country. The hype created couldn't have been better. However, they could've done a bit more in Europe. Yes, the US market is their biggest priority, but Europe is still a strong market. Name recognition is important and VR is not well known here. The album did well in the UK, but I belive it hasn't even reached the top 20 in any other country. Maybe more touring or more TV appearances over here, could've push the album a bit more. What do you think?

Singles choices ---> The first two singles top the rock modern charts in America, but from that point onwards, the band hasn't really released a single. Apperantly DLT did get some radio play and so did suckert train blues, but label didn't really follow up on that. I still haven't seen the DLT video...I kinda believe VR faded away after the release of Falling To Pieces, they had a few more big guns (LTA, YGNR) but didn't really do anything with those.

Image ---> The image the band has tried to portrayed over the past few years doesn't reall match what the band is all about. Yes, this is a rock and roll band, a road band, but the element of "danger" they've self-proclaimed in many interviews, is no longer there. These guys are all married and well in their 40's...they could've just stick to their music instead of trying to fool people with their "dangerous" image.

Album re-re-re-releases ---> I'm not gonna review the album here.? How many times has the album been re-released? I don't know, but there album has been released many times with added new features (B-sides, dvds..) also, the three different covers (which i still think it ws a brilliant idea to get more sales of hard core fans) Do you guys think that was appropiate?

Fanbase ---> Does VR have a fanbase? let explain myself here. I don't know what VR will accomplish in the near future, but I have a feeling VR has accomplished as many things as they did because of the expectations they created. Everyone wanted to see what this band could do. But now that the album is been out for a while, touring is almost you guys think VR has a strong fan base built from the scracth? (Former GNR and STP fans don't count)

So taking all this into consideration, do you think VR has succeeded? Do you disagree with any of their decissions (theirs or label)? Do you think next album is gonna sell well? Do we have VR for a while?

On a side note. I'm not trying to bash VR. The above simple represent some facts and some opinions about the band and its accomplishements. So please do not take this into another VR vs GNR. This is all just about VR, so stick to it please.

Title: Re: Almost two years Later --- Has VR reached your expectations?
Post by: makane on September 16, 2005, 09:00:43 AM
I think theyve made a name for them, even here in Europe. What comes to single choices, well, they could've been much better. what's the deal with making a poll for next single, make a video for the choosed song, but then change it to another song ???(STB -> DLT)
Also the radio play for DLT, YGNR & Come on, Come in(which was a mistake release for them, for a mistake movie)
in Europe has somewhat been 0secs.
Otherwise, great succes, fucking great live shows and great music. It's all about their next album now, succes or defeat.

Title: Re: Almost two years Later --- Has VR reached your expectations?
Post by: Genesis on September 16, 2005, 09:08:21 AM
Yup, better than expected. Waiting for the new album, which by the way, I KNOW will come out.   ;)

Title: Re: Almost two years Later --- Has VR reached your expectations?
Post by: jarmo on September 16, 2005, 09:22:02 AM
Looking at those facts, we can say that VR has reached the most optimisitic expectations.

Saleswise yes they have, musically maybe not.

Touring ---> Yes, the first tour was simply amazing. Sold out every venue in the US. However, the "Wonderland" tour has not sold out every venue. As a matter of fact, the venues were half empty (half full for the optimistic) in those smaller size markets.? Do you think it was a little too early to book an arena show? Also, VR has barely toured Europe. They did have a UK tour, but haven't really tour other places this year.

The first half of the tour was promising. They played shows in North America, Europe, Asia and Australia. After that it seems like they've focused on North America with just a short European tour in June-July 2005.

Promotion ---> VR public relations team has done a terrific job prior to the album release. VR was in every radio show all over the country. The hype created couldn't have been better. However, they could've done a bit more in Europe. Yes, the US market is their biggest priority, but Europe is still a strong market. Name recognition is important and VR is not well known here. The album did well in the UK, but I belive it hasn't even reached the top 20 in any other country. Maybe more touring or more TV appearances over here, could've push the album a bit more. What do you think?

They've focused on the US. That's pretty clear.

I remember when the album was released and they were playing here in Sweden, there were some press. After that it's been very quiet.

Singles choices ---> The first two singles top the rock modern charts in America, but from that point onwards, the band hasn't really released a single. Apperantly DLT did get some radio play and so did suckert train blues, but label didn't really follow up on that. I still haven't seen the DLT video...I kinda believe VR faded away after the release of Falling To Pieces, they had a few more big guns (LTA, YGNR) but didn't really do anything with those.

If I wasn't following this band I wouldn't know there were singles after "Slither".

Nobody seems to know when the singles are even released. I tried checking when "Dirty Little Thing" was released here, I never found out.

Image ---> The image the band has tried to portrayed over the past few years doesn't reall match what the band is all about. Yes, this is a rock and roll band, a road band, but the element of "danger" they've self-proclaimed in many interviews, is no longer there. These guys are all married and well in their 40's...they could've just stick to their music instead of trying to fool people with their "dangerous" image.

I think this might have to do with the fact that you and me aren't the target audience.

We had GN'R, some are old enough to remember the Sex Pistols.

The teenagers today were too young when those bands were around. Instead they have Hoobastank etc. Now, compared to them, maybe VR really are dangerous and unpredictable?

It seems like they're targeting younger fans with their image.... And also trying to fill a void because apprently there's no dangerous rock bands around.

Album re-re-re-releases ---> I'm not gonna review the album here.? How many times has the album been re-released? I don't know, but there album has been released many times with added new features (B-sides, dvds..) also, the three different covers (which i still think it ws a brilliant idea to get more sales of hard core fans) Do you guys think that was appropiate?

I thought the three colors was a lame excuse to sell more albums. I still do. All the copies I've seen after that have been black. What happened? I'm not allowed to pick my favorite color anymore?

I also think the re-re-releasing is lame. But that's how the record companies make money these days I guess.

The ideal release is a double album for the hardcore fans and one regular for the rest on the day of release.

Oh, and the VR DualDisc was the worst DualDisc I own. I don't mean musically, I mean in regards to using the possibilities of the format.

Fanbase ---> Does VR have a fanbase? let explain myself here. I don't know what VR will accomplish in the near future, but I have a feeling VR has accomplished as many things as they did because of the expectations they created. Everyone wanted to see what this band could do. But now that the album is been out for a while, touring is almost you guys think VR has a strong fan base built from the scracth? (Former GNR and STP fans don't count)

Yes, as I pointed out earlier, they have a young fan base of fans who were too young when GN'R/STP were popular.

These fans don't have any other current bands who are "dangerous".

So taking all this into consideration, do you think VR has succeeded? Do you disagree with any of their decissions (theirs or label)? Do you think next album is gonna sell well? Do we have VR for a while?

They've succeeded saleswise and created their own image. It's still too early to say if they just did it on their own or how much their past helped.

I think they should've ended the touring with the Live 8 show in front of a global tv audience. Is there a need to promote the album more in the States?


Title: Re: Almost two years Later --- Has VR reached your expectations?
Post by: younggunner on September 16, 2005, 10:47:18 AM
not to start anything but to follow up on some stuff Jarmo mentioned...

I find it funny how some fans always blame some stuff Vr does on the record companies. FOr example re-releasing albums, different color albums. I would think part of being a "dangerous" rnr band is to put pressure on the label to do what you want and not what they want. They could have easily have said that kind of promotion is bullshit and been against it.

Title: Re: Almost two years Later --- Has VR reached your expectations?
Post by: W. Botaxl Rose on September 16, 2005, 11:18:21 AM
The record sales & touring schedule have far exceeded any expectations I had for the band. Weiland, in particular, has been a nice surprise. I never knew he was such a capable & captivating frontman, as he's really given this band an interesting edge. I'm really looking forward to seeing what this band comes up with after being together for a couple years now.

What disappoints me is that the band, I feel, has dropped the ball in the marketing of themselves. A great product, but a poor choice of singles & videos. Maybe a poor choice of songs for Live8, considering all the millions watching? And all that re-releasing records crap rubs me the wrong way. It seems, IMO, that they're going the corporate route marketing wise & there's nothing lamer than that.

Title: Re: Almost two years Later --- Has VR reached your expectations?
Post by: Falcon on September 16, 2005, 11:45:01 AM

 They could have easily have said that kind of promotion is bullshit and been against it.

You never know, they might have. 

Unfortunately in todays record climate, for the most part the artists are at the labels mercy.  Though coming from successfuls band with rich histories, VR was a crap shoot.  The Weiland factor was a huge gamble for RCA, and still is to a degree.  They obvously felf that had to maximize their profits while they could, not knowing if/when the whole thing might go down in flames.  With VR now a proven product, I'd would think the band may have a bit more say on releases and whatnot in the future.

Title: Re: Almost two years Later --- Has VR reached your expectations?
Post by: makane on September 16, 2005, 11:55:14 AM
I really don't mind the color thing, since there was only one record on sale here in Finland :) atleast what i saw. The color thing was actually pretty cool, you could've choose the one you liked...(if available ;D ) and if it was so damn important for someone to have all colours, go ahead, no ones forced to buy them all. though the re-release thing sucked.

Title: Re: Almost two years Later --- Has VR reached your expectations?
Post by: younggunner on September 16, 2005, 01:48:38 PM
Unfortunately in todays record climate, for the most part the artists are at the labels mercy.  Though coming from successfuls band with rich histories, VR was a crap shoot.  The Weiland factor was a huge gamble for RCA, and still is to a degree.  They obvously felf that had to maximize their profits while they could, not knowing if/when the whole thing might go down in flames.  With VR now a proven product, I'd would think the band may have a bit more say on releases and whatnot in the future.
I think it would be the opposite. being that all parties came from a great and respected background they should have been able to have more say.
Plus VR were getting bids from a handful of labels. Im sure they could have been more vocal about the situation

Title: Re: Almost two years Later --- Has VR reached your expectations?
Post by: Falcon on September 16, 2005, 02:03:19 PM

I think it would be the opposite. being that all parties came from a great and respected background they should have been able to have more say.

Who knows, I would suspect Weilands situation at the time weighed heavily on the labels mind.  He was still a junkie for all intents an purposes and highly unreliable.

Plus VR were getting bids from a handful of labels. Im sure they could have been more vocal about the situation

Again, maybe they were, maybe they weren't. 

The final responsbility obviously is with the consumer, if they want it bad enough they'll buy it, if not they won't.

Title: Re: Almost two years Later --- Has VR reached your expectations?
Post by: deliverthecow on September 16, 2005, 07:21:41 PM
I really think they exceded what expectations i had not musically but sales etc. I knew the record would do well but i honestly didn't think it would sell as many copies as it has. When a rock band goes gold nowadays that is pretty good but to go almost mulit-platinum , that doesnt happen that much these days, especially when you consider the fact that these guys are all in there 40's or damn close. I never thought that they would win a Grammy either. So all in all they have done a helluva alot better than i thought they would have. I am anxious to see how the new album will do, i think musically it will be even better than Contrband. I guess time will tell.

Title: Re: Almost two years Later --- Has VR reached your expectations?
Post by: mikegiuliana on September 17, 2005, 07:10:58 AM
not to start anything but to follow up on some stuff Jarmo mentioned...

I find it funny how some fans always blame some stuff Vr does on the record companies. FOr example re-releasing albums, different color albums. I would think part of being a "dangerous" rnr band is to put pressure on the label to do what you want and not what they want. They could have easily have said that kind of promotion is bullshit and been against it.

we all know they aren't dangerous, that was just the return to rock image they were selling.. The only danger is their former selves and the idea they could possibly fall apart from a reintroduction to their former addictions (esecially scott)..

As for the expectations.. I really enjoyed the album.. Done quickly and still managed a solid hard rocker,, I think they can improve but I have no idea where they want to go. They seem to write on the roade so I am not expecting ground breaking music, maybe just something better tyhen CB...

As for touring, they were amazing... Live to me they were great.. They really did live up to my expectations..

I think as far as being say mainstream that may be tough.. Not many people from former great bands are able to come back and take over the world again.. mainstream is radio friendly music kids like... I don't see guys in their 40's really getting that type of treatment (unless they were back in gnr or stp)

I think vr has developed a hard core fan base but will not have the same buzz they did being from such two big groups of their past..

They can be the type of band that has constant gold to one time platinum records but has great showings on tour.. Kind of like a mainden type band..

One thing I can say is a lot of people actually know who vr is, that was more then I expected

Title: Re: Almost two years Later --- Has VR reached your expectations?
Post by: Bridge on September 17, 2005, 10:52:12 AM
First of all I wanted to point out that the band HAS gone multi platinum in the U.S.  The album was certified at 2 million by the RIAA.  You can find that info at under the "recent certifications" listing.

Secondly I think Contraband is a good album with some killer songs, but I also think they can make an album thats even better, with more evenly good songs.  I mean there are great songs on Contraband but they are balanced out by some of the more standard songs like "headspace" and "illegal I song".  I think they are capable of creating an album that is more consistently good.

but for now, theyve accomplished a lot.  A solid grammy winning song and double platinum #1 debut album, good touring, and I believe theyve created good buzz for themselves.  I do believe they have an audience outside GNR/STP fans because I belong to message boards of other bands, and the teenagers at those boards like VR.

Title: Re: Almost two years Later --- Has VR reached your expectations?
Post by: audjon on September 17, 2005, 06:24:33 PM
Well, they exceeded my expectations, both musically and sales wise. I wasn't expecting much after a few sub par solo efforts by band members - so, Contraband was a nice surprise, a solid rock & roll album. Of course had a few too many songs on it (but hey, don't most albums these days?). Cut it down to 8-9 songs and that album would've been great.
And the success of Contraband was truly icing on the cake. It is nice to see your childhood heroes make such a strong comeback. Obviously bad single selections after Slither hurt its legs, but double platinum ain't too shabby.
And now for the difficult second album, hopefully they will evolve musically - one Contraband is quite enough for me.

Title: Re: Almost two years Later --- Has VR reached your expectations?
Post by: Rob on September 18, 2005, 03:31:56 AM
As a live act that damn sure fulfilled my expectations.  They're one of the best live acts going right now.  The album, however, most certainly did not.

Title: Re: Almost two years Later --- Has VR reached your expectations?
Post by: journey on September 18, 2005, 03:52:37 AM
Yes they have.

I'm looking forward to the second album.

VR =  8)

Title: Re: Almost two years Later --- Has VR reached your expectations?
Post by: mikegiuliana on September 18, 2005, 09:45:27 AM
I was watching some rock vidoes on the mtv 2 countdown last night (might had been another rock show) and they had a seether video... They praise bands that go gold like their album, so to go double platinum to me is a damn good job...

Title: Re: Almost two years Later --- Has VR reached your expectations?
Post by: tomass74 on September 18, 2005, 07:25:06 PM
I would have to say that they reached my expectations... I still listen to VR and the band has been working hard.. I don't think Contraband is a perfect album but it is a damn good one and I truly love some of the tunes... I was expecting it to sound different than it does but I am happy with the bands sound and am looking forward to the next album especially after hearing Come On Come In.. Also, they sold 2 million albums without the help of MTV and all that shit...? Plus they toured their ass off and I got to see them 4 times without getting bored.? Each show actually got better as they went and they evolved the setlists nicely for only having one album.? They aren't my favorite band but they definately kick ass and I think their music holds up to or is better than anything else being released these days..

Title: Re: Almost two years Later --- Has VR reached your expectations?
Post by: WAR41 on September 18, 2005, 11:51:35 PM
to be completely honest, I was not expecting much either.  When the album came out I was very pleased with it.  But I always set  my standards pretty low so that I am not dissapointed.  So as far as the music goes, I thought it was pretty solid. 

The tour was a lot of fun.  I saw them twice on the Wonderland tour and both times were a lot of fun, especially the NJ show.  Just being able to see 2 of the AFD players onstage together was good enough for me, but Scott actually really got the crowd into it.  I had a great time.

As far as marketing, look we all know this is not a 'dangerous' band.  I will give Axl credit for that one.  As far as inflicting bodily harm and jumping into the crowd to fight some one or incite riots, Axl takes the cake on that.  The rest of the guys were just junkies who could OD at any point.  So I never pictured them as dangerous.  If you want dangerous then go see the Bad Luck 13 Riot Extravaganaza.  Or go see Irate and Sworn Enemy in NYC.  That is dangerous. 

Promotion was great for the album, and if Axl decides to release Chinese Democracy I hope he uses the same plan.  It worked better than I expected obviously due to album sales. 

As far as re-releasing albums, all I got is the white album and nothing more.  I will wait to see what happens with all of that.  I always feel that the different album covers thing is tacky, but hey if it helped them with album sales then more power to them.  I know the Deftones did it successfully as well. 

There is no doubt in my mind that Velvet Revolver is a cash cow.  The label knows it and the band definitely knows it.  But think about it, you are back in the spotlight after being gone for so long.  One way to continue being relevant is by pumping out merch, playing your songs to death, and playing shows everywhere.  It is obviously working for them and I will never put down a band for trying to overexpose themselves IF IT WORKS. 

Title: Re: Almost two years Later --- Has VR reached your expectations?
Post by: metallex78 on September 19, 2005, 01:25:23 AM
With Contraband, I was expecting more along the lines of amazing guitar work that Slash played in GN'R, so I was a little disappointed and I found it quite bland, but then Contraband grew into one of my favourite rock albums of the last few years, one which I still listen to quite regularly.

Their live show was amazing, this was my chance to see Slash, Duff and Matt rip it up after missing seeing them in GN'R and they didn't fail to deliver. I became a big fan of Scott Weiland as a frontman too after seeing him comand a crowd!

As for the new album, I feel that they've only just tapped into their abilities from what is shown on Contraband, so I'm very excited about what they might produce next now that they've had time to gel as a band on the road.

Title: Re: Almost two years Later --- Has VR reached your expectations?
Post by: ClintroN on September 19, 2005, 03:18:06 AM
i dunno, the album didnt really impress me when i got it, some cool stuff but wasnt what it was all hyped up to be. :no:

they were great live in OZ : ok:  dont get me wrong, but all rock bands are great live, overall for some reason it just doesnt work for me :no:

I wish they got Bach :-\

i reckon if they called all the shots and had no record comp. presure then i reckon we would of had a different singer and sound all together :-\

Title: Re: Almost two years Later --- Has VR reached your expectations?
Post by: nesquick on September 19, 2005, 08:15:15 AM
I agree with Jarmo. They targeted a very yound audience. I never recognized myself in VR. You know, GN'R was 10 times bigger and better back in the days so...
I don't think they are THAT much successfull, at least, certainely not in Europe. They did focus on the US, because in Europe,I can tell you? a few people know who VR are.
The "modern rock charts" is bullshit. I'm sorry but it doesn't count for me. There is just one valid charts: the official Top 40. VR never had a single in the Top 40. I also never heard VR on french radiostations.
Finally, 2 million copies worldwide isn't that much also (the music isn't that great though). You know, usher last album sold over 15 million copies... that's what i call a successfull album.

I can't say i'm satisfied by VR, but I can't say i'm totally desapointed also. To tell you the truth, when "Contraband" came out, I expected 10 million copies. Then i listened to expectation quickly fell down at 5 million copies. Finally it sold 2 million copies.

My conclusion ----> Axl was the driving force of GN'R.

Title: Re: Almost two years Later --- Has VR reached your expectations?
Post by: makane on September 19, 2005, 08:32:01 AM
I agree with Jarmo. They targeted a very yound audience. I never recognized myself in VR. You know, GN'R was 10 times bigger and better back in the days so...
I don't think they are THAT much successfull, at least, certainely not in Europe. They did focus on the US, because in Europe,I can tell you? a few people know who VR are.
The "modern rock charts" is bullshit. I'm sorry but it doesn't count for me. There is just one valid charts: the official Top 40. VR never had a single in the Top 40. I also never heard VR on french radiostations.
Finally, 2 million copies worldwide isn't that much also (the music isn't that great though). You know, usher last album sold over 15 million copies... that's what i call a successfull album.

I can't say i'm satisfied by VR, but I can't say i'm totally desapointed also. To tell you the truth, when "Contraband" came out, I expected 10 million copies. Then i listened to expectation quickly fell down at 5 million copies. Finally it sold 2 million copies.

My conclusion ----> Axl was the driving force of GN'R.
Why do you care so much "how many copies it has sold"? musics greatness isn't determined by record sales/radio time.
Also, thanks for bringing Axl and GN'R into the discussion.

On a side note. I'm not trying to bash VR. The above simple represent some facts and some opinions about the band and its accomplishements. So please do not take this into another VR vs GNR. This is all just about VR, so stick to it please.

Title: Re: Almost two years Later --- Has VR reached your expectations?
Post by: badapple81 on September 19, 2005, 08:39:33 AM
I agree with Jarmo. They targeted a very yound audience. I never recognized myself in VR. You know, GN'R was 10 times bigger and better back in the days so...
I don't think they are THAT much successfull, at least, certainely not in Europe. They did focus on the US, because in Europe,I can tell you? a few people know who VR are.
The "modern rock charts" is bullshit. I'm sorry but it doesn't count for me. There is just one valid charts: the official Top 40. VR never had a single in the Top 40. I also never heard VR on french radiostations.
Finally, 2 million copies worldwide isn't that much also (the music isn't that great though). You know, usher last album sold over 15 million copies... that's what i call a successfull album.

I can't say i'm satisfied by VR, but I can't say i'm totally desapointed also. To tell you the truth, when "Contraband" came out, I expected 10 million copies. Then i listened to expectation quickly fell down at 5 million copies. Finally it sold 2 million copies.

My conclusion ----> Axl was the driving force of GN'R.

I never expected 10 million copies! I think 2 million copies is some achievment.

Title: Re: Almost two years Later --- Has VR reached your expectations?
Post by: Megaguns on September 19, 2005, 08:57:10 AM
VR Rule. I think it all happened at the right time for them, The second album is gonna be much much bigger. I can tell when i listen to come on come in, If thats the way its going.....I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: Almost two years Later --- Has VR reached your expectations?
Post by: Bridge on September 19, 2005, 09:41:58 AM
corrections, corrections, everywhere....

VR has sold 2 million copies in the U.S. alone.  The worldwide total is above 3 million.

Title: Re: Almost two years Later --- Has VR reached your expectations?
Post by: mikegiuliana on September 21, 2005, 02:39:07 AM
I agree with Jarmo. They targeted a very yound audience. I never recognized myself in VR. You know, GN'R was 10 times bigger and better back in the days so...
I don't think they are THAT much successfull, at least, certainely not in Europe. They did focus on the US, because in Europe,I can tell you? a few people know who VR are.
The "modern rock charts" is bullshit. I'm sorry but it doesn't count for me. There is just one valid charts: the official Top 40. VR never had a single in the Top 40. I also never heard VR on french radiostations.
Finally, 2 million copies worldwide isn't that much also (the music isn't that great though). You know, usher last album sold over 15 million copies... that's what i call a successfull album.

I can't say i'm satisfied by VR, but I can't say i'm totally desapointed also. To tell you the truth, when "Contraband" came out, I expected 10 million copies. Then i listened to expectation quickly fell down at 5 million copies. Finally it sold 2 million copies.

My conclusion ----> Axl was the driving force of GN'R.

woh woh woh.. You expected a project like vr to sell 10 million copies :o Come on now lets be serious who the hell is selling ten million copies anywhere.. Usher maybe sold 15 million world wide but he did more like 7-8 in the usa... But he is the biggest pop/r&B act in the world these days, plus his collaborations with other big artists like ludacris alicia keys and lil jon. The man is on trl all the time and gets tons of publicity...

You didn't like the album that's cool, but to say you expected 10 million copies is just bullshit to be honest... An impossible goal for some guys around 40 in their second career

Title: Re: Almost two years Later --- Has VR reached your expectations?
Post by: D on September 21, 2005, 03:59:42 AM
I still listen to it at least once every two weeks, its in constant rotation with NIN's With Teeth,STP's Thank You Motley Crue Red White And Crue and Bon Jovi Have A Nice Day

I listen to one several times, get tired of it and alternate

So yeah its been very successful

Scott is still in his mid 30's I believe so he isnt what u would call old.

They did drop the ball with the singles but it seems the way things work now is, Radio and video stations give u heavy support for your first single and heavy support for your second single if the first one is huge but its like they move on to other artists after that.

There are exceptions, Green Day U2 but most of the bands dont have the 4 or 5 singles anymore like they use to for some reason.

I think they kick ass, I cant wait for the 2nd album and they have more than fulfilled my expectations.

Title: Re: Almost two years Later --- Has VR reached your expectations?
Post by: deliverthecow on September 21, 2005, 09:35:39 PM
Expectations of 10 million. No rock band does that anymore. The days of your "Appetite For Destruction' and 'Hysteria's are long gone. As much as I hate to say it but MTV drives album sales and bands like VR just wont get on MTV. I mean Green Day has went through the roof and they dont even get on MTV too often. I remember when that is all you would see on MTV was bands like GnR, Leppard etc. They just wont touch rock these days. So for VR to sell 2 million albums here in the US that is pretty impressive. 

Title: Re: Almost two years Later --- Has VR reached your expectations?
Post by: Krispy Kreme on September 21, 2005, 10:14:46 PM
It's been two years since the band got together. I can't remember whether the name had officialy been picked before the "El Rey" show or not, but in and out, I'd say it's been two years.

Time to look back now. This thread is about your input in whether the band has been successful and reached the expectations, or has not really leveled up with the hype it created.

We are not trying to review the album here - there's already a thread about that, not trying to review the shows here (another thread). Let's try to scracth the surface a bit.

Looking at facts, VR has achieved many things over the past 24 months.

- Debuted at number 1.
- Sold around 1,5 - 2 million copies
- Two number 1 singles all over the US (Modern Rock stations)
- One Grammy
- Featured in 3 different movie soundtracks
- Particpated in Live 8
- Toured the World in 15 months

Looking at those facts, we can say that VR has reached the most optimisitic expectations. The line up is solid despite a few arguments here and there, but looks like Scott has found the stability he needed and has become more reliable than I anticipated. The new album is due sometimes next year, so they have obviously shutted many people (myself included) who thought this band was not gonna last long.

Now let's try to point out other things that they were not so successful at:

Touring ---> Yes, the first tour was simply amazing. Sold out every venue in the US. However, the "Wonderland" tour has not sold out every venue. As a matter of fact, the venues were half empty (half full for the optimistic) in those smaller size markets.? Do you think it was a little too early to book an arena show? Also, VR has barely toured Europe. They did have a UK tour, but haven't really tour other places this year.

Promotion ---> VR public relations team has done a terrific job prior to the album release. VR was in every radio show all over the country. The hype created couldn't have been better. However, they could've done a bit more in Europe. Yes, the US market is their biggest priority, but Europe is still a strong market. Name recognition is important and VR is not well known here. The album did well in the UK, but I belive it hasn't even reached the top 20 in any other country. Maybe more touring or more TV appearances over here, could've push the album a bit more. What do you think?

Singles choices ---> The first two singles top the rock modern charts in America, but from that point onwards, the band hasn't really released a single. Apperantly DLT did get some radio play and so did suckert train blues, but label didn't really follow up on that. I still haven't seen the DLT video...I kinda believe VR faded away after the release of Falling To Pieces, they had a few more big guns (LTA, YGNR) but didn't really do anything with those.

Image ---> The image the band has tried to portrayed over the past few years doesn't reall match what the band is all about. Yes, this is a rock and roll band, a road band, but the element of "danger" they've self-proclaimed in many interviews, is no longer there. These guys are all married and well in their 40's...they could've just stick to their music instead of trying to fool people with their "dangerous" image.

Album re-re-re-releases ---> I'm not gonna review the album here.? How many times has the album been re-released? I don't know, but there album has been released many times with added new features (B-sides, dvds..) also, the three different covers (which i still think it ws a brilliant idea to get more sales of hard core fans) Do you guys think that was appropiate?

Fanbase ---> Does VR have a fanbase? let explain myself here. I don't know what VR will accomplish in the near future, but I have a feeling VR has accomplished as many things as they did because of the expectations they created. Everyone wanted to see what this band could do. But now that the album is been out for a while, touring is almost you guys think VR has a strong fan base built from the scracth? (Former GNR and STP fans don't count)

So taking all this into consideration, do you think VR has succeeded? Do you disagree with any of their decissions (theirs or label)? Do you think next album is gonna sell well? Do we have VR for a while?

On a side note. I'm not trying to bash VR. The above simple represent some facts and some opinions about the band and its accomplishements. So please do not take this into another VR vs GNR. This is all just about VR, so stick to it please.

The answer is yes.
Almost all of the reviews  of fans say their live show is the best they have ever seen. I can attest to the fact that  they are simply awesome live. Saw them twice in 2004 and was blown away. Best I have seen in decades.

Title: Re: Almost two years Later --- Has VR reached your expectations?
Post by: Izzy on September 22, 2005, 10:37:38 AM
Liked the album when i got it - but i think its rubbish now, and no longer have any interest in the band and won't be buying the follow up unless its radically different.

Title: Re: Almost two years Later --- Has VR reached your expectations?
Post by: Holy War on September 25, 2005, 12:19:11 AM
Yeah I'd say Velvet Revolver reached my expectations.

(that wasn't a good thing)  :-X

Title: Re: Almost two years Later --- Has VR reached your expectations?
Post by: killingvector on September 25, 2005, 11:15:25 AM
I'd have to say no. The album just didn't stick to my bones. I'm happy for their success but the production on Contraband really killed it for me.