Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: Dry Heat on September 14, 2005, 02:27:30 PM

Post by: Dry Heat on September 14, 2005, 02:27:30 PM
I was in a hotel recently and there was a person in the lobby with his pit bull.? This dog was not leashed and as I walked by, it started to growl and bark at me.? It came pretty close to me and I kept walking away from it.? The owner made a comment that the dog does that to everyone.?

When I got home, I call the toll free number to file a complaint with the hotel.? ?I asked the person what the policy was on dogs in the hotel and was told they had to be in a kennel.? I said what about on a leash and was told they had to be in a kennel.? ?Can you image if this dog was vicious?? I wanted to make it clear to the hotel that not having a leash policy, they are setting themselves up for a potential lawsuit one day.

That was the most eventful thing that happened on my vacation...and that was enough!

Title: Re: PIT BULLS
Post by: Eazy E on September 14, 2005, 02:30:00 PM
Ontario just passed a law making Pit Bulls illegal... I'm not sure what the details are, but there was an issue over cross-breeding as well.  I think it's a good move, vicious dogs should not be pets.

Title: Re: PIT BULLS
Post by: Buddy J.B. on September 14, 2005, 03:11:32 PM
Yeah Pit Bulls can be nasty animals. My friend left his over his girlfriend's house alone with her white German Shepherd when they went for the day with her mom to a store. When they came home they saw that the pit bull mutiliated the poor shep. Insides were torn out, bones everywhere, the head alone had its white fur dyed red from it's blood :'( I would never let my lab around those demented fucks.  A lot of low-life scum bags  think they're tough for owning those crazy bastards. After how much I love dogs, they're  one of the breeds I don't care for.
Good luck to your battle against the hotel.

Title: Re: PIT BULLS
Post by: the dirt on September 14, 2005, 03:18:38 PM
It's also the people who purposely train their dogs to behave viciously

Title: Re: PIT BULLS
Post by: SLCPUNK on September 14, 2005, 03:23:13 PM
Pit Bulls are plain bad dogs imo. I got bit by one when I was a kid and I was lucky since it was a younger dog. But it ran out of it's house and down the street to get me!

People will claim that these dogs are only 'trained' to be that way. I disagree, and also I see that the people who have these types of dogs, want them, because they are vicious dogs.

Title: Re: PIT BULLS
Post by: Dry Heat on September 14, 2005, 03:30:17 PM
I have heard that people train this breed to attack and kill ? >:( ? Is there any nice pit bulls out there other than Spuds McKenzie?  Does anyone remember Spuds in the old Budweiser commercials?

I hope the hotel gets back with me and tells me they have changed their policy to state all dogs must be leashed while on the hotel property. ?Like I stated before, they are really setting themselves up for a lawsuit if someone is injured or killed. ?I should have a response back within seven days. ?I will be disappointed if they refuse to make any changes...I won't be staying at that chain again.

Title: Re: PIT BULLS
Post by: SLCPUNK on September 14, 2005, 03:33:48 PM
I have heard that people train this breed to attack and kill   >:(   Is there any nice pit bulls out there other than Spuds McKenzie?  Does anyone remember Spuds in the old Budweiser commercials?

What kind of hotel was this? Where was it?

I *think* there is a big difference between pit bulls and the type of dog spud was....

Title: Re: PIT BULLS
Post by: Dry Heat on September 14, 2005, 03:36:47 PM

What kind of hotel was this? Where was it?

The hotel was a well known, semi-upscale chain in St. Cloud, Minnesota.  I know, this must sound like an oximoron!

Title: Re: PIT BULLS
Post by: SLCPUNK on September 14, 2005, 03:41:52 PM
Seems like a high liability for the hotel. They should have not let any animal in without a restraint.

Title: Re: PIT BULLS
Post by: Dry Heat on September 14, 2005, 03:47:12 PM
That is why I felt I needed to bring it to the attention of the hotel.  Hopefully some changes in this policy may save a life one day.

Title: Re: PIT BULLS
Post by: SLCPUNK on September 14, 2005, 03:52:48 PM
I'd complain bigtime about that, don't let them brush you off.

Title: Re: PIT BULLS
Post by: Dry Heat on September 14, 2005, 04:01:16 PM
If I get the brush off, I'm going to post the name of this hotel!

Title: Re: PIT BULLS
Post by: Dr. Blutarsky on September 14, 2005, 04:56:55 PM
I don`t see the appeal in owning a dog who can kill a person without being prevoked.

Title: Re: PIT BULLS
Post by: SLCPUNK on September 14, 2005, 04:59:00 PM
Me either, give me a loving lab anyday.

Title: Re: PIT BULLS
Post by: Dry Heat on September 14, 2005, 05:06:47 PM
Has there ever been a story in the news of a pit bull attacking its owner? 

We are thinking of getting an Austrailian Sheperd or a Golden Retriever   :)

Title: Re: PIT BULLS
Post by: SLCPUNK on September 14, 2005, 05:07:44 PM
Australian sheps are high maintenance and hyper, but great dogs.

Mine are half lab/half Australian Shep mix.

Awesome dogs.

Title: Re: PIT BULLS
Post by: Dry Heat on September 14, 2005, 05:09:38 PM
Awesome, smart and devoted dogs...mans best friend  :)

Title: Re: PIT BULLS
Post by: nesquick on September 14, 2005, 06:20:35 PM
dogs like pitbulls should be forbidden in public areas. They are like weapons. As dangerous as weapons.

Title: Re: PIT BULLS
Post by: 2NaFish on September 14, 2005, 07:43:36 PM
i love the bit in the book trainspotting where Sick Boy shoots the pit bull in the arse with an air gun so that it raviges the shit out of neo-nazi looking owner. then sick boy runs out to the dog with a metal baseball bat and beats seven colours of shit out of the dog. classic.

pitbulls are viciuos animals. nasty creations, and shouldn;t be allowed as pets.

Title: Re: PIT BULLS
Post by: Sterlingdog on September 14, 2005, 08:52:48 PM
I was in a hotel recently and there was a person in the lobby with his pit bull.? This dog was not leashed and as I walked by, it started to growl and bark at me.? It came pretty close to me and I kept walking away from it.? The owner made a comment that the dog does that to everyone.?

When I got home, I call the toll free number to file a complaint with the hotel.? ?I asked the person what the policy was on dogs in the hotel and was told they had to be in a kennel.? I said what about on a leash and was told they had to be in a kennel.? ?Can you image if this dog was vicious?? I wanted to make it clear to the hotel that not having a leash policy, they are setting themselves up for a potential lawsuit one day.

That was the most eventful thing that happened on my vacation...and that was enough!

Am I not understanding something?  By saying the dog has to be in a kennel, doesn't that mean in a cage?  Isn't that better than on a leash?

Australian sheps are high maintenance and hyper, but great dogs.

Mine are half lab/half Australian Shep mix.

Awesome dogs.

One of my dogs is half cocker spaniel/half australian shepard.  She's absolutely the sweetest thing.  Amazing jumper.  The other dog is a Siberian Husky.  Very intelligent dogs with a lot of personality, but a lot of work too.

As far as pitbulls, I'm sure there are hundreds of people who have them that have never had a negative problem with them.  The real issue is that they are highly unpredictable.  You might think you have a kind, trained one, but then one day it will snap and attack some kid.  Its not worth the risk to me.

Title: Re: PIT BULLS
Post by: N.I.B on September 14, 2005, 08:56:00 PM
I think the whole pit bull law is stupid, because it could be any other dog that behaves like that. What happened if they were German Shepheards, who, in my opinion, are more vicious than pit bulls?

Title: Re: PIT BULLS
Post by: Surfrider on September 14, 2005, 09:14:47 PM
Pit Bulls are plain bad dogs imo. I got bit by one when I was a kid and I was lucky since it was a younger dog. But it ran out of it's house and down the street to get me!

People will claim that these dogs are only 'trained' to be that way. I disagree, and also I see that the people who have these types of dogs, want them, because they are vicious dogs.
I agree 100%.  Everyone I know that has a Pit Bull are exactly the type of people that shouldn't have them.  Reminds me of those that own guns.  You were very lucky though.  I read all the time about mallings by these animals.  I think laws against them are the way to go; otherwise, we must have stiff penalties for those that own these dogs which attack.  Anyone that owns one of these dogs that kills should be charged with manslaughter.  Perhaps even depraved heart murder.  Owning these dogs are reckless, and people are on notice about the dangerousness of them.  Those that don't think they are dangers, be prepared to reap the consequences when you are proven wrong.

Title: Re: PIT BULLS
Post by: Dry Heat on September 14, 2005, 09:29:30 PM
 I read all the time about mallings by these animals. I think laws against them are the way to go; otherwise, we must have stiff penalties for those that own these dogs which attack. Anyone that owns one of these dogs that kills should be charged with manslaughter. Perhaps even depraved heart murder. Owning these dogs are reckless, and people are on notice about the dangerousness of them. Those that don't think they are dangers, be prepared to reap the consequences when you are proven wrong.

I recall that a lady was trying to enter her apartment in San Francisco back in 1999 or 2000 (there abouts) and was killed by the neighbors pit bull.  And the owners of the dog basically got off or served very little time.  Needless to say, the owners of this animal are still alive to enjoy life   >:(

Title: Re: PIT BULLS
Post by: Dry Heat on September 14, 2005, 09:30:23 PM
P.S.  I suck at inserting quotes!  See above!

Title: Re: PIT BULLS
Post by: Sterlingdog on September 14, 2005, 09:35:26 PM

I recall that a lady was trying to enter her apartment in San Francisco back in 1999 or 2000 (there abouts) and was killed by the neighbors pit bull.? And the owners of the dog basically got off or served very little time.? Needless to say, the owners of this animal are still alive to enjoy life? ?>:(

One or both of the owners were charge with second degree murder, but the conviction was overturned.  Then I think it might have been reinstated.  I'm a little fuzzy on the details.  They were sentenced for 4 years, but served 2 or 3.  They are horrible people who trained those dogs to kill.  If they didn't get convicted of murder, I don't see how anyone will. 

Title: Re: PIT BULLS
Post by: gilld1 on September 14, 2005, 09:39:10 PM
Actually, the dogs that killed the SanFran woman were Presa Carinas.  They are a bigger badder version of pitbulls, 130+ pounds.

Title: Re: PIT BULLS
Post by: Buddy J.B. on September 14, 2005, 10:28:46 PM
A Pit Bull's jaw is structured different than other dogs, which makes their bite more powerful. Their teeth are sharp as hell. Those things should be sent back to the fucking jungle. And Dry Heat, I don't know anything about Austrailian Shepherds but I highly recomend a golden retriever. I had one for over a decade, best dog ever. She was a very warm-blooded character. I only got to see her for the summer, cuz she stayed with my grandparents, she still remembered me very well, never forgot me. I recomend Labrador retrievers too, great dogs. Like I mentioned earlier about having a lab, she's great too, she's 7 going on 8. Her and the golden are the best ones I've own so far.

Title: Re: PIT BULLS
Post by: SLCPUNK on September 14, 2005, 10:31:14 PM
Their jaws lock if I remember correctly. They will bite you, lock up, then go back and forth.....pretty ugly stuff.

Title: Re: PIT BULLS
Post by: Surfrider on September 15, 2005, 12:30:47 AM
Their jaws lock if I remember correctly. They will bite you, lock up, then go back and forth.....pretty ugly stuff.
Yah, and there is not much that can get them to stop once they start.  I have heard of people hitting them in the head with baseball bats to no effect.

Title: Re: PIT BULLS
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on September 15, 2005, 10:15:15 AM
In my country there was a lot of pit bulls event that these dogs killed a lot of little kids, their owners are free and never got arrested or something like that. I think here is worst to have dogs as pets cause people here teach them to attack, I hate that cause I used to have a german shepperd and I had never complained about its behaivour.

Title: Re: PIT BULLS
Post by: chineseblues on September 15, 2005, 10:23:53 AM
People will claim that these dogs are only 'trained' to be that way. I disagree, and also I see that the people who have these types of dogs, want them, because they are vicious dogs.

No that's simply not the case. It's all in how the dog is treated. If you treat it like shit then it will be very agressive and saucy. If it's treated right then then can be the most loving dogs in the world (that goes for any dogs). Case in point, I have a 5 year old Rotty (they have a reputation of being agressive) and mine is the biggest sook in the world. Its all in how its treated. My rotty which is almost 170+ pounds of pure muscle is afraid of out kitten. So it goes to show that its not the breed of dog, its how its treated and trained.

Title: Re: PIT BULLS
Post by: Sin Cut on September 15, 2005, 10:45:07 AM
Really, I know a couple off pitbulls, great dogs. One of them can't stand other males and would fight them, but the owner keeps the dog in a leash.

Anyway when an incident happens, it stains the reputation of all pit bulls
"Yeah, they're killer dogs"

They can be, in the wrong hands, but likewise is a doberman or a rotweiler, or a german shepherd or some dog of a mixed breed, if you keep treating the dog wrong, hit it etc. Off course it won't end up being a good dog.

I have a friend who had a mastiff, a big dog. The dog was jealous when they got a baby and took his frustration on the household cat. They gave it away into a household with no kids and experience of those dogs.

Also there's a lot of stories about a dog attacking some kid and when looking into it it was watching over his food-plate, bone, favorit toy.

And also very often you see a kid running to a dog to pet it when it's in a leash, or when the dog sleeps. If I sleep and someone I don't know pet me, damn right my instinct is to hit.

In the end, you wont read a papillon being a killer-dog, but if you have a doberman, or a pittbull it's far worse if you leave it untrained.

Then again, there are dogs that are mad and need to be put down, but almost quite so often the dog hasnt got the exercise needed, hasn't met other dogs as a puppy to come familiar with them. And the owner hasn't been capable of training it.

A lady told me once about this black-killer dog that attacked her dog and it was stirring a conversation among the other people at the dogpark. It only occured to me that if the killer-dog attacked her dog as viciously as she told it, then why didn't she need to bring her dog to the vet for some stitches.

Another example; this woman has my friends dogs sibling, a boxer something, I've seen it attack a dog once or twice, and the last time it happened she didn't do a thing, I got a hold on her dog and lifted it up, therefore saving the little dog from further trauma. The boxer-something doesn't obey his master and the woman has no control over it. My friends dog is wild, but in check.

When my dog was younger it tried to pick a fight and I locked it in my car. And I did it when it tried it again. It doesn't pick a fight anymore. Since I made clear what are the rules.

Title: Re: PIT BULLS
Post by: Dry Heat on September 15, 2005, 12:54:04 PM
Well, I was rolling my luggage into the hotel lobby when the dog started to growl and bark at me.  I would think that I didn't startle it because it should have heard me.  I don't know, maybe it didn't like the noise my luggage was making.  Hard to determine what makes these dogs tick!  If I got attacked, I'm sure it would be determined that it was my fault >:(

Title: Re: PIT BULLS
Post by: Sterlingdog on September 15, 2005, 01:13:28 PM
People will claim that these dogs are only 'trained' to be that way. I disagree, and also I see that the people who have these types of dogs, want them, because they are vicious dogs.

No that's simply not the case. It's all in how the dog is treated. If you treat it like shit then it will be very agressive and saucy. If it's treated right then then can be the most loving dogs in the world (that goes for any dogs). Case in point, I have a 5 year old Rotty (they have a reputation of being agressive) and mine is the biggest sook in the world. Its all in how its treated. My rotty which is almost 170+ pounds of pure muscle is afraid of out kitten. So it goes to show that its not the breed of dog, its how its treated and trained.

Some breeds do absolutely have a tendency to be more violent and unpredictable than others.  Just because you have a dog who has not been vicious doesn't excuse the entire breed. Like pit bulls,  Rotts are unpredictable and I would call any parent who allowed a child around one unsupervised highly irresponsible. 

Title: Re: PIT BULLS
Post by: chineseblues on September 15, 2005, 01:23:36 PM
People will claim that these dogs are only 'trained' to be that way. I disagree, and also I see that the people who have these types of dogs, want them, because they are vicious dogs.

No that's simply not the case. It's all in how the dog is treated. If you treat it like shit then it will be very agressive and saucy. If it's treated right then then can be the most loving dogs in the world (that goes for any dogs). Case in point, I have a 5 year old Rotty (they have a reputation of being agressive) and mine is the biggest sook in the world. Its all in how its treated. My rotty which is almost 170+ pounds of pure muscle is afraid of out kitten. So it goes to show that its not the breed of dog, its how its treated and trained.

Some breeds do absolutely have a tendency to be more violent and unpredictable than others.  Just because you have a dog who has not been vicious doesn't excuse the entire breed. Like pit bulls,  Rotts are unpredictable and I would call any parent who allowed a child around one unsupervised highly irresponsible. 

Poodles are more violent then any other breed, same as pomerainians. And those are small dogs. Its all in how the dogs are treated. I would have no problem leaving a child around my dog because he has been trained very well and he is extremely tame. I wouldnt on the other hand leave a child around a poodle.

Title: Re: PIT BULLS
Post by: Sterlingdog on September 15, 2005, 01:26:35 PM
And I know someone personally whose rott had to be shot by police because it started attacking her child.  She didn't mistreat it, it was just unpredictable.  Like I said, one dog that's never shown a vicious tendency doesn't change the fact that they are an unpredictable breed.  So are pit bulls.  And I don't know much about full size poodles, but I've never heard of children being mauled to death by one. 

Title: Re: PIT BULLS
Post by: SLCPUNK on September 15, 2005, 01:26:58 PM
People will claim that these dogs are only 'trained' to be that way. I disagree, and also I see that the people who have these types of dogs, want them, because they are vicious dogs.

No that's simply not the case. It's all in how the dog is treated. If you treat it like shit then it will be very agressive and saucy. If it's treated right then then can be the most loving dogs in the world (that goes for any dogs). Case in point, I have a 5 year old Rotty (they have a reputation of being agressive) and mine is the biggest sook in the world. Its all in how its treated. My rotty which is almost 170+ pounds of pure muscle is afraid of out kitten. So it goes to show that its not the breed of dog, its how its treated and trained.

I hear you. I just can't agree. No dog is a like a pit bull dude.

My brother has a Rot and it's a creampuff, even would lay in bed with me when I slept, but that ain't no pit!

Title: Re: PIT BULLS
Post by: Sin Cut on September 15, 2005, 08:10:36 PM
People will claim that these dogs are only 'trained' to be that way. I disagree, and also I see that the people who have these types of dogs, want them, because they are vicious dogs.

No that's simply not the case. It's all in how the dog is treated. If you treat it like shit then it will be very agressive and saucy. If it's treated right then then can be the most loving dogs in the world (that goes for any dogs). Case in point, I have a 5 year old Rotty (they have a reputation of being agressive) and mine is the biggest sook in the world. Its all in how its treated. My rotty which is almost 170+ pounds of pure muscle is afraid of out kitten. So it goes to show that its not the breed of dog, its how its treated and trained.

Some breeds do absolutely have a tendency to be more violent and unpredictable than others.  Just because you have a dog who has not been vicious doesn't excuse the entire breed. Like pit bulls,  Rotts are unpredictable and I would call any parent who allowed a child around one unsupervised highly irresponsible. 

Rotts are unpredictable?! How many? One of ten thousand? One of hundred thousand?
I've never seen a unpredictable rott, I've never heard of any kind of problems with agressivnes against people when talking to rott-owners. To other dogs, yes, to people, never. Yes, they are sometimes in the tabloids, but a story about being bit by a  poodle or a pommerian  just wouldn't make a good story, now would it?

A guy visiting the same dogpark as I had his rott in his car while one of his friends was visiting, suddenly the dog started to bark and wouldn't stop, so he went to see if anything was wrong.

His youngest kid was heading for thin ice.

True story.

I still must wonder did the dog understand "thin ice=bad" or did it just think the kid was going too far out. I agree what chineseblues said about poodles and other small dogs, but maybe I see far more small dog acting agressive since when dog is the size of a cat some people think they don't need to be trained. But I gotta hand it, when I get children I will have a dog, not a poodle, but maybe a rott or a german shepherd or my favorit, a dogo argentino. And I must feel more safe when my gf takes my rot for a walk than if she takes my papillon. And I'd rahter leave my kid around a rottweiler than a papillon since every rot I've seen is far more calm and stable than a papillon.

There was an incident in Finland where the police shot a rottweiler when they tried to arrest it's owner, but the dog only tried to protect his owner and they put five rounds in it before it went down. I don't think the dog was acting wrong, it was protecting the hand that feeds it. And the woman did tell it to attack. Is this unpredictable?
I don't think so.

Title: Re: PIT BULLS
Post by: Dry Heat on September 15, 2005, 08:23:34 PM
People will claim that these dogs are only 'trained' to be that way. I disagree, and also I see that the people who have these types of dogs, want them, because they are vicious dogs.

No that's simply not the case. It's all in how the dog is treated. If you treat it like shit then it will be very agressive and saucy. If it's treated right then then can be the most loving dogs in the world (that goes for any dogs). Case in point, I have a 5 year old Rotty (they have a reputation of being agressive) and mine is the biggest sook in the world. Its all in how its treated. My rotty which is almost 170+ pounds of pure muscle is afraid of out kitten. So it goes to show that its not the breed of dog, its how its treated and trained.

I hear you. I just can't agree. No dog is a like a pit bull dude.

My brother has a Rot and it's a creampuff, even would lay in bed with me when I slept, but that ain't no pit!

In this one neighborhood I use to live in, the owner of a Rot would let the dog sleep on the sidewalk (yes the sidewalk).  This dog wasn't on a leash and would lay on the warm sidewalk for hours.  I'm a runner, so I would go runner by (on the other side of the street) and it had no desire to chase me or bark at me.

I blame the owners of these vicious dogs for training or abusing these animals to act the way they do.

Title: Re: PIT BULLS
Post by: Sterlingdog on September 15, 2005, 09:00:12 PM
Here's a summary of a report from the CDC:

Objective?To summarize breeds of dogs involved in fatal human attacks during a 20-year period and to assess policy implications.
Animals?Dogs for which breed was reported involved in attacks on humans between 1979 and 1998 that resulted in human dog bite-related fatalities (DBRF).
Procedure?Data for human DBRF identified previously for the period of 1979 through 1996 were combined with human DBRF newly identified for 1997and 1998. Human DBRF were identified by searching news accounts and by use of The Humane Society of the United States? registry databank.
Results?During 1997 and 1998, at least 27 people died of dog bite attacks (18 in 1997 and 9 in 1998). At least 25 breeds of dogs have been involved in 238 human DBRF during the past 20 years. Pit bull-type dogs and Rottweilers were involved in more than half of
these deaths. Of 227 reports with relevant data, 55 (24%) human deaths involved unrestrained dogs off their owners? property, 133 (58%) involved unrestrained dogs on their owners? property, 38 (17%) involved restrained dogs on their owners? property, and 1 (< 1%)involved a restrained dog off its owner?s property.
Conclusions?Although fatal attacks on humans appear to be a breed-specific problem (pit bull-type dogs and Rottweilers), other breeds may bite and cause fatalities at higher rates. Because of difficulties inherent in determining a dog?s breed with certainty,
enforcement of breed-specific ordinances raises constitutional and practical issues. Fatal attacks represent a small proportion of dog bite injuries to humans and, therefore, should not be the primary factor driving public policy concerning dangerous dogs. Many practical alternatives to breed-specific ordinances exist and hold promise for prevention of dog bites. ( J Am Vet Med Assoc2000;217:836?840)

Sorry if some people don't want to believe that Rotts and pit bulls are unpredictable and have a tendency to violence, but they do.  They have been bred that way.  And I wouldn't recommend any small child be left alone with any dog, but if you leave a small child with one of these dogs, then I say you are being irresponsible.  I don't care how well you think you know the dog.  Kids pull on dogs, poke them, whatever.  Some dogs will put up with it, like golden retrievers, and some won't.  It would be horrible to find our yours was one that didn't. 

Title: Re: PIT BULLS
Post by: Sterlingdog on September 15, 2005, 09:12:51 PM
For those of you who think a dog has to be trained to be vicious, here's a story for you...I guess this baby's grandparents trained that Rott to kill, right?

Rottweiler Mauls Calif. Toddler to Death
Thursday, August 4, 2005
(08-04) 08:54 PDT Glendale, Calif. (AP) --

A Rottweiler ripped a 16-month-old girl out of her mother's arms, dragged her for several feet and mauled her to death in an apparent unprovoked attack, police said.

Cassandra Garcia died at a hospital Tuesday evening following the attack by her grandparents' 150-pound male dog, named Enano, police Sgt. Tom Lorenz said.

The toddler was being held as her mother, Blanca Garcia, bent down and gave the dog a bowl of water. The dog attacked the girl, snatched her and dragged her several feet down a driveway.

"It was extremely severe," Lorenz said.

Garcia's mother was able to grab her child back and sought refuge in a vehicle where she made a "hysterical 911 call," Lorenz said. The 28-year-old mother had bites to her arm and upper body but "suffered no major injuries," he added.

When officers arrived, they were able to seize the dog and take it to an animal shelter.

"At this time, as we understand, it was an unprovoked attack," Lorenz said.

However, a resident who owned a small Maltese dog said that in April 2004 two Rottweilers ? one of whom was Enano_ attacked the pet, said Ricky Whitman, vice president of community resources for the Pasadena Humane Society. The Maltese died from its injuries, but the owner did not want the incident documented.

Other residents said Enano was a friendly dog and wasn't a threat to children.

"He was a goofy, gentle giant," said Dorothy War, whose 12-year-old son played with the dog. "We could not find anything to detect he was violent."

The dog, taken to the Pasadena Humane Society, will likely be euthanized after being checked for rabies, said Ricky Whitman, the organization's vice president of community resources.

All those people "knew" that dog and "knew" it was too sweet to be aggressive.  They said it wasn't a threat.  Well, tell that to the mom whose little girl was killed.  Rotts are unpredictable.  You don't know what they will do.

Title: Re: PIT BULLS
Post by: Buddy J.B. on October 06, 2005, 07:11:51 PM
I think the whole pit bull law is stupid, because it could be any other dog that behaves like that. What happened if they were German Shepheards, who, in my opinion, are more vicious than pit bulls?
Someone told me about this with German Sheps. There is this other breed by the name of Belgian Shepherds( I think that's it) they look identical to g.sheps without the black in its fur but they are more aggressive towards strangers supposedly. Then the two started being bred together, and would look exactly like the german. When this started, it was told that they were attacking other dogs and strangers and were one person-dogs. And I myself have read in books that it is a disqualification for the breed Of German Shepherds to attack .

My neighbor's GS was a mean prick, he didn't hang up any "No tresspasing" signs on trees so I didn't know I wasn't supposed to be walking through the creek around his area.  the dog almost tored my head off , but I took off. But I met others who were very friendly, my friend had two who were no protectors but straight up house companions. My mom's friend rescued a missing one, I was wrestling on the ground with him and he didn't bite back, he was a playful dog.

But yeah I take a pass on Pit Bulls, they are capable of killing other dogs, they better stay the fuck away from my dog!

Title: Re: PIT BULLS
Post by: horsey on October 07, 2005, 09:34:06 AM
pitbulls get a bad rap !
i have one and had two of them being strange in temperment though.mine are good dogs well trained too in was put down in july from cancer tumors.but the other one is doing well still.never bit any people but have gotton other dogs causeing problems with niegbors.but now i just watch her every moment outdoors now.thinking bout getting a belgion shepard in years to come.cause this little pitbull won't have any other dog stepping on her paws in years im getting the breeders phone # for my next puppy.beautiful dogs these shepards.i seen one last weekend up the pocono' as hell too.they had a male about three months old,kool dog i want one.