Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: Miss-Aussie on August 10, 2005, 01:11:23 AM

Title: Dumped...
Post by: Miss-Aussie on August 10, 2005, 01:11:23 AM
What is the worst way that you have been dumped?

Or the worst reasons?

mine.... um......  i got dumped by my boyfriend that i had been with for 3 weeks over a text message when i was 14 when i was away for 2 weeks in kalgoolie.

he was at a movie marathon  :crying:

Title: Re: Dumped...
Post by: Skeletor on August 10, 2005, 02:49:57 AM
I used to leave the toilet seat up :'(

Title: Re: Dumped...
Post by: Miss-Aussie on August 10, 2005, 03:02:07 AM
I used to leave the toilet seat up :'(

LMAO  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

haha, i dont think i have ever picked on one of my boyfriends for that !!!  :hihi:

Title: Re: Dumped...
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on August 10, 2005, 03:50:44 AM
never been dumped .... ?___?

Title: Re: Dumped...
Post by: Jessica on August 10, 2005, 05:45:10 AM
I wasn't rich enough for his parents

Title: Re: Dumped...
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on August 10, 2005, 06:23:48 AM
I wasn't rich enough for his parents

werent rich enough for HIM i think ;)

Title: Re: Dumped...
Post by: Jessica on August 10, 2005, 07:37:11 AM
I wasn't rich enough for his parents

werent rich enough for HIM i think ;)

The only time i was dumped and not the dumper was some 13 years ago and he had parents who were french industrials, snobs and he HAD to dump me and finish his studies because his dad menaced to cut the money off and to disown him.

He came from a family where generations of men have worked one after the other.

he didn't want to be his family's shame and chose and i understood.

Title: Re: Dumped...
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on August 10, 2005, 10:14:05 AM
I wasn't dumped exactly I was rejected cause she always look me as "friend" curiosly she hooked up the next week I told her that I like her, but the relation didn't last so after she was dumped she came to me looking for an oportunity, imagine my surprise and my proudful answer ;)

Title: Re: Dumped...
Post by: liquidvirus on August 10, 2005, 12:08:32 PM
I forgot to be exclusive to her

Title: Re: Dumped...
Post by: Jesse James on August 11, 2005, 08:54:29 AM
well... the worst way i've been dumped (in fact rejected ::)) goes like this...

it was the 5th of july of the present year. me and some good friends o'mine were at the university camping here in greece where we live, enjoying the sun and the sea, playing guitars, singing, laughing, doing silly stuff n shit... u know...
drunk from dusk till dawn, people gathering to hear us sing and play (at some point i counted almost 30 strangers gathered around us talking, laughing and generally having a good time)... we really had a ball...

so, as i said, one of those nights was the night of the 5th of july...
singing, people everywhere, friends strangers ...and her... the girl i met at the same place a year before and fell in love so badly with. I had a song written for her (i wrote it when I met her -last year- "Your Eyes And The Summer Night"), and never said to her anything about it, and when I saw her there, a year later... i dunno... I felt weird. in fact I realized i was still in love with her... so I picked up the pieces of myself, got up and went to her... i asked her to do me a favour. so we walked for a minute and i told her how things was, about me, about her, about what I did... so i had this mp3 disk with me with various shit in it (including the song and some other stuff I had written), and this little book, kinda like a diary where me and my mates write our songs and other shit. so i put the disk in the discman, tear the page with the lyrics and give both to her... she listens to it, she reads the words and goes like "Its wonderful, noone ever did anything so sweet for me! I dont know what to say..." so she kept saying "I dont know what to say" and I said "if u dont know what to say, maybe its better to walk away..." i said it 3 times... and there she goes... she walks away and I'm there, sitting at the same spot for nearly 3 hours, feeling like THE fool, smoking and drinking...
maybe it was never meant to be, maybe i did sth wrong... I dunno
2-3 days later I sent her a message with my mobile. I wished her happiness in her life and and told her that i was sorry.

we never talked since...
but i wrote sth new about her called "(Happy) When You Smile"
its here:

i know this may not be the right topic for this post and i apologise for that but i felt the need to share some stuff...

Title: Re: Dumped...
Post by: Sin Cut on August 11, 2005, 12:05:04 PM
I've never been dumped..

I once dumped a girl after hangover sex.

I thought I couldn't top that but then I met this girl who honestly weren't right in her head. So I tried liking her the weekend she was over (she had seem normal when I first met her) but I had to say on the day she left that no we ain't going to meet again. She didn't take it well since she had spend all loads of money in me? :hihi: She sent me angry sms-messages for a month.

But usually when I dump a girl it makes me feel like shit.
The most difficult has been when I broke up with the girl I lived with for two years. Her crying and begging me to try, seeing our stuff being carried in a van. And when I asked her brother she was doing and her brother telling me she won't eat anything, damn it was hard.

Actually I've been dumped once. This girl, (a friend since I was 15) came over and she must've been the second best looking in the whole city, we had a fun weekend and I totally fell for her, I had the best sex till that day and the whole thing was like a dream. When she left she kissed me and told me she had a weekend she will never forget and called me after ten minutes telling me she misses me. We agreed I'd come over after a few weeks. So I passed every girl picking me at the bar (how do they know when a man is taken?!) and no one even compared with her. The night before I should've driven to her place I got a message on the phone "I've been seeing some one else for a bit over a week now, sorry".

Title: Re: Dumped...
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on August 11, 2005, 12:07:38 PM
my girlfriend would kick me in the head if i even think about starting thinking about starting haveing the though of leaving her ..... ;D

Title: Re: Dumped...
Post by: Jessica on August 11, 2005, 12:22:10 PM
whatever, you like her loads, don't you ?

I mean, you speak a lot of her and i find it sweet, like, you're proud of her ..

Title: Re: Dumped...
Post by: KeVoRkIaN on August 11, 2005, 02:50:21 PM
I was just dumped for another guy - her reason for doing it was that he has travelled a lot. He has the same job as me so I dunno.....

Title: Re: Dumped...
Post by: Miss-Aussie on August 14, 2005, 09:22:04 PM
whatever, you like her loads, don't you ?

I mean, you speak a lot of her and i find it sweet, like, you're proud of her ..

i totally agree, i think it is also very very cute...
is she a member of this site or what ???

Title: Re: Dumped...
Post by: the dirt on August 14, 2005, 09:35:40 PM
I wasn't Jewish.

Title: Re: Dumped...
Post by: Miss-Aussie on August 14, 2005, 10:09:17 PM
I wasn't Jewish.

arrrr... some countires / people are like that... i think it is horrible, just because you may not have the same nationality as that person does not mean you are not worthy of thier love, or anything else....

im an aussie and i dont give a hoot wat nationality a man has, as long as we both have genuine feelings for eachother all is good... :)

Title: Re: Dumped...
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on August 15, 2005, 04:23:32 AM
whatever, you like her loads, don't you ?

I mean, you speak a lot of her and i find it sweet, like, you're proud of her ..

i totally agree, i think it is also very very cute...
is she a member of this site or what ???

ahah nope, she hates GNR (even if she'll have to listen to it for the rest of her life ! ahahahha ...hum...)
but she knows more about gnr than the most of the "normal people".

question: if you're in a long distance relationship, is it possible that you come to a situation where you HAVE to break up. it's not about love. it's about that the relationship can't go on (work, studies, being far away) ..... how would you do that ?
i can see people breaking up because they don't love each other anymore.
but how would you break up if everythings fine, just that you can't be on the same continent ??
(ps to google - i am NOT thinking about doing that)

Title: Re: Dumped...
Post by: Miss-Aussie on August 15, 2005, 04:48:51 AM
whatever, you like her loads, don't you ?

I mean, you speak a lot of her and i find it sweet, like, you're proud of her ..

i totally agree, i think it is also very very cute...
is she a member of this site or what ???

ahah nope, she hates GNR (even if she'll have to listen to it for the rest of her life ! ahahahha ...hum...)
but she knows more about gnr than the most of the "normal people".

question: if you're in a long distance relationship, is it possible that you come to a situation where you HAVE to break up. it's not about love. it's about that the relationship can't go on (work, studies, being far away) ..... how would you do that ?
i can see people breaking up because they don't love each other anymore.
but how would you break up if everythings fine, just that you can't be on the same continent ??
(ps to google - i am NOT thinking about doing that)

I have broken up with people that i have loved. I just summed up the relationship and both of them were not going anywhere..
People brake up because there is no interest left, they are bored.. and other things BUT often they still love eachother... you have to sum up whether you are IN love with her or you just Love her... they are two different things.. i was in love with cameron, and with harley, i just loved him.. like i love my brothers and friends.

Long distance relationships can work but they can also fall to pieces, the positive thing about long distance relationship is that you dont get sick of eachother so easily, but the negitive is, you dont get to see eachother allot,

I wouldnt choose a long distance relationship reason being,

1) Dont get a cuddle  ect...when you need or want it
2) Distance
3) Trust ( i would find it hard to trust, knowing that they could be fooling around wit anyone and everyone without me knowing the wiser)
4) Communication is not as good as face to face
5) thier shoulder is not there to cry on ( and anything along those lines)

If you are not content with the way things are, then do something about it, either move so you can be closer or end it. It hurts to leave someone you love and i know first hand, but you really have to look to the future, Love is difficult and there are many positives and negitives,....

Q: Are there more negitives than positives? make a list, magority rules... i do that all the time when i am summing up what to do when i am in a relationship...

answer these questions

1) Is this relationship really going to work?
2) Am i satisfied and content with the way this relationship is?
3) Am I happy, can i be happier?
4) What am i getting from this relationship?

I dont know if this advise will help you at all, it is just my opinion and the way i see it.

good luck..
PM me if you need anymore answers

Title: Re: Dumped...
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on August 15, 2005, 05:25:31 AM
well, thanks a lot already.

in love with her, love her ... im not really the kind of guy that sees the difference. but there is one thing that is sure : i'm happy knowing that i am, or will be, with her.
so i guess that's what keeps us going. we're both happy (and sad, cause far away ...).
i think this relationship is going to work, but it depends on where ubi soft tells me to go if i choose to be in the us....
so for now, im' gonna see my g/f in october and we'll see how it goes from there.
also we won't break up with her unless we really can't be together (like i have to work in china lol) ... because i'm so happy with her. and i dont think i can find a better girl, who i like so much, i even like the bad things about her :)
but hey, it's very hard i guess. the only things that kills me is that she cries a lot and i can't do anything about that .... :(

yeah well.  i'll see....

Title: Re: Dumped...
Post by: Lisa on August 15, 2005, 06:37:04 PM
after dating for 5 years(and I helped put him through university)and 5 years of marriage(with 2 kids) he dumped me for his secretary..sounds so cliche' but true none the less...they married two years later and are still married (8 years)...and dumped two Christmas' ago because his parents hated me due to the fact I was divorced with 2 children :P life goes on....

Title: Re: Dumped...
Post by: Cornell on August 15, 2005, 06:49:14 PM
I tried really hard to think of one, but I honestly have never been dumped.    Now that I'm married, I better keep it that way!  ;D

Title: Re: Dumped...
Post by: kathryn2662 on August 16, 2005, 01:04:01 AM
Ive never been dumped....

but then again.. I've never had a boyfriend.

Title: Re: Dumped...
Post by: Queen of Everything on August 25, 2005, 02:43:05 AM
I've never been dumped. But I have dumped people before.  My worst reason was that - He wore a jumper tied around his hips... :-[ I felt so bad after wards, but it was for the best.