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Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: MikeB on August 09, 2005, 01:00:46 AM

Title: I'm thinking about adopting a new dog...Now can I please have more advice!!!
Post by: MikeB on August 09, 2005, 01:00:46 AM
Right now I have a yellow Labrador , she is great . Now that I've been living in a new house for a year, the landlord is my uncle , so we can pretty much do anything we want. Now if I can make my mom change her mind about having a 2nd dog, I'm thinking about getting a male german shepard puppy. But? here's the issue, people tell me that they are mean dogs and are only for one person to own, besides a family. My neighbor up the street has one , and he's a very pleasant one for a puppy. Are these people right or does it just matter how you raise the animal?

Title: Re: I'm thinking about adopting a new dog...
Post by: SLCPUNK on August 09, 2005, 01:17:09 AM
People say that about Pit bulls and I totally disagree. I think those are just plain bad dogs.

Sheppards can be both ways, I have seen very gentle ones and others raised to kill. LOL

I have two, and they are lots of work. Mine are Lab/Australian sheppard mix. Killer dogs.....

The next dog I get will probably be a full blooded Lab.

Title: Re: I'm thinking about adopting a new dog...
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on August 09, 2005, 02:26:24 AM
August 2nd

get a Nintendog !!!


Title: Re: I'm thinking about adopting a new dog...
Post by: MikeB on August 09, 2005, 03:01:12 AM thanks. I'm not laughing "Wat-Ever" I'm serious about this , I want a new dog very badly. :yes:

Title: Re: I'm thinking about adopting a new dog...Now can I please have more advice!!!
Post by: Surfrider on August 09, 2005, 11:21:20 AM
German Sheppards are very intelligent loyal dogs.  I think they are great pets with one caveat.  I would not get one if you have little kids.  Since they are extemely loyal and protective dogs sometimes they mistake kids playing with kids getting hurt.  I have heard many stories of GS protecting young ones and attacking friends while playing.  However, if it simply for yourself or for you and older people, then GS are some of the best dogs out there.

Title: Re: I'm thinking about adopting a new dog...Now can I please have more advice!!!
Post by: Prometheus on August 09, 2005, 11:32:14 AM
Im all about the Newfoundland's they are awsome very good with kids and people ingeneral. very protective of the family unit.. and love to swim

there is a story from a few years ago here that a newf dog died while saving a tourist from rough waters at cape spear. never even met the tourist till it was dragging her towards the shore..... dog got her out but deied in the surf after

Title: Re: I'm thinking about adopting a new dog...Now can I please have more advice!!!
Post by: C0ma on August 09, 2005, 11:47:26 AM
Surfrider is right on target, German Shepards are loyal to a fault. The one thing that people for some reason just brush off is instinct.

German Shepards for decades have been bred as protectors, they are not going to "unlearn" that becuase you "know what you are doing" or took your dog to a PETCO puppy pre-school class.

Choose a puppy carefully and reasearch all of the breeds traits (I reccomend checking out or, also look at possible medical issues. You need to know that down the road you are dealing with a dog that has severe hip issues (German Sheppard).

Another thing I would research is where you are getting the dog from, you want to steer clear of a "puppy mill" or a mall petstore. If you are dealing with a breeder, make sure they are a reputible breeder that doesn't over breed or breed non conforming traits. That is where you begin to run into expensive heath issues.

Title: Re: I'm thinking about adopting a new dog...Now can I please have more advice!!!
Post by: Prometheus on August 09, 2005, 02:49:27 PM
Surfrider is right on target, German Shepards are loyal to a fault. The one thing that people for some reason just brush off is instinct.

German Shepards for decades have been bred as protectors, they are not going to "unlearn" that becuase you "know what you are doing" or took your dog to a PETCO puppy pre-school class.

Choose a puppy carefully and reasearch all of the breeds traits (I reccomend checking out or, also look at possible medical issues. You need to know that down the road you are dealing with a dog that has severe hip issues (German Sheppard).

Another thing I would research is where you are getting the dog from, you want to steer clear of a "puppy mill" or a mall petstore. If you are dealing with a breeder, make sure they are a reputible breeder that doesn't over breed or breed non conforming traits. That is where you begin to run into expensive heath issues.

 and dont just look at the spca info for bad breeders... i think they are worse...... go and check out teh dog your self the adult ones check to see if they seem over under fed if they are kept in small kennels.. etc..... if they are in a cage filled with ther own shit... steer clear.... but if there is one or 2 droppings dont worry namely if other ones are clean... a dog s got to do what a doogs got to do

Title: Re: I'm thinking about adopting a new dog...Now can I please have more advice!!!
Post by: gilld1 on August 09, 2005, 05:08:21 PM
My wife and I took a mutt puppy from a shelter and it has been the best dog.  I think they appreciate a second chance and will love you forever!

Title: Re: I'm thinking about adopting a new dog...Now can I please have more advice!!!
Post by: MikeB on August 09, 2005, 05:15:01 PM
German Shepards for decades have been bred as protectors, they are not going to "unlearn" that becuase you "know what you are doing" or took your dog to a PETCO puppy pre-school class.
So it doesn't matter how you raise them? They follow what they have in their blood? I have raised Labs and Golden Retrievers. What if I got a German Shepard tomarrow, I raised him/her like retrievers, would he/she act like them when grown up?

Title: Re: I'm thinking about adopting a new dog...Now can I please have more advice!!!
Post by: Sterlingdog on August 09, 2005, 05:42:06 PM
I don't know much about German Shepards specifically.  I do know that while how you raise a dog matters, certain breeds have common personality traits.  If you are used to Labs and retrievers, you may not be really happy with a German Shepard.  Labs and retrievers are known for being friendly and tolerant of children, while shepards are not.  But Shepards are very trainable. 

One other thing to think about - there are some homeowner's insurance companies that list German Shepards with the "dangerous dogs" like Rotts and Pitbulls.  Even though you don't have to get insurance, your uncle does and he could run into problems. 

Title: Re: I'm thinking about adopting a new dog...Now can I please have more advice!!!
Post by: Lisa on August 09, 2005, 05:44:26 PM
I think they may be only in temperment....I believe there are no 'bad' dogs, just bad treat your pet as a member of the family, with love and respect ,almost like your own child and it will love and respect you treat it with violence by punishing it by hitting or harming it and it will get back at you somehow...whether it is crapping on your bedroom carpet or turning on you if you hit it.

Title: Re: I'm thinking about adopting a new dog...Now can I please have more advice!!!
Post by: Aava on August 09, 2005, 05:59:06 PM
People forget that German Shepherd are breed an all purpose working dog. They need to be trained well and they need something to do everyday. German shepherds are large dogs with a lot of temperament, especially males can be quite hard. But well-trained G.S is a loyal buddy you can do almost anything with.

Labs and other retrievers are made for hunting and they are a lot more easygoing and not as active as G.S are. These days retrievers are populas as family dogs, because their friendly nature. Retrievers are a bit lazy breed, that G.S are very high energy.

You should contact to few german shepherd breedrs and ask more about the breed and ask for a good breeder. You should remember, that german shepherds has lot of health problems too.

Title: Re: I'm thinking about adopting a new dog...Now can I please have more advice!!!
Post by: journey on August 09, 2005, 06:06:34 PM
I have a male German Collie. He's half German Shepherd. He's very gentle with people, especially children. However, he's very aggressive towards other dogs. I have a hard time taking him for walks, because he likes to fight and chase every creature in sight. I guess that's just his protective nature.

Here's a helpful website about dogs:

Title: Re: I'm thinking about adopting a new dog...Now can I please have more advice!!!
Post by: C0ma on August 09, 2005, 07:42:15 PM
I think they may be only in temperment....I believe there are no 'bad' dogs, just bad treat your pet as a member of the family, with love and respect ,almost like your own child and it will love and respect you treat it with violence by punishing it by hitting or harming it and it will get back at you somehow...whether it is crapping on your bedroom carpet or turning on you if you hit it.
There are no bad dogs but, I don't care how well you train a Pit Bull, when the "right" situation presents itself it is going to turn on someone. They are only so smart..... Instinct always kicks in somehow.

Title: Re: I'm thinking about adopting a new dog...Now can I please have more advice!!!
Post by: Butch Français on August 09, 2005, 07:55:19 PM
there's nothing wrong with german shepherds, my brothers got a family, wife and 2 kids, and they have a german shepherd and it's the nicest dog Ive ever come across!
they don't have any problems with it whatsoever.
the dog is a female though, males might be a bit more difficult, I don't really know.

Title: Re: I'm thinking about adopting a new dog...Now can I please have more advice!!!
Post by: Surfrider on August 09, 2005, 07:58:38 PM
Surfrider is right on target, German Shepards are loyal to a fault. The one thing that people for some reason just brush off is instinct.

German Shepards for decades have been bred as protectors, they are not going to "unlearn" that becuase you "know what you are doing" or took your dog to a PETCO puppy pre-school class.

Choose a puppy carefully and reasearch all of the breeds traits (I reccomend checking out or, also look at possible medical issues. You need to know that down the road you are dealing with a dog that has severe hip issues (German Sheppard).

Another thing I would research is where you are getting the dog from, you want to steer clear of a "puppy mill" or a mall petstore. If you are dealing with a breeder, make sure they are a reputible breeder that doesn't over breed or breed non conforming traits. That is where you begin to run into expensive heath issues.

 and dont just look at the spca info for bad breeders... i think they are worse...... go and check out teh dog your self the adult ones check to see if they seem over under fed if they are kept in small kennels.. etc..... if they are in a cage filled with ther own shit... steer clear.... but if there is one or 2 droppings dont worry namely if other ones are clean... a dog s got to do what a doogs got to do
I agree look in the cage: Too much shit, do not commit! :hihi:

Title: Re: I'm thinking about adopting a new dog...Now can I please have more advice!!!
Post by: Surfrider on August 09, 2005, 08:02:12 PM
I think they may be only in temperment....I believe there are no 'bad' dogs, just bad treat your pet as a member of the family, with love and respect ,almost like your own child and it will love and respect you treat it with violence by punishing it by hitting or harming it and it will get back at you somehow...whether it is crapping on your bedroom carpet or turning on you if you hit it.
There are no bad dogs but, I don't care how well you train a Pit Bull, when the "right" situation presents itself it is going to turn on someone. They are only so smart..... Instinct always kicks in somehow.
I think that is true.  But if you look at the type of people that tend to own pit bulls you realize why there are so many accidents.  I hate the macho fucks that buy these dogs to try and act tough.

Title: Re: I'm thinking about adopting a new dog...Now can I please have more advice!!!
Post by: MikeB on August 09, 2005, 08:04:52 PM
I just spoken to my buddy about German Shepherds, who knows a lot about them very well. I think I can trust him because it sounds very reasonable , the reason they have a reputation for being over-protective and being more alert is because people who want to own mean and protective dogs respect the german shepherd's strength, they matched very well to the bad master's dream of a trained-dog how he would want him/her.
I hate the macho fucks that buy these dogs to try and act tough.
They also try to sound tough by naming their dogs kujo.

Title: Re: I'm thinking about adopting a new dog...Now can I please have more advice!!!
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on August 10, 2005, 12:24:48 PM
I used to have A German Shepard but my mom doesn't like dogs so I think the reason why he was lost was because my mon just didn't want my dog around anyway since that event I didn't get any dogs. But next year Im planing to buy a dog to my nice she's 8 years and I'm thinking a German sheppard for their loyalty, they are so great!! or perhaps a terrier nut they are so tiny.
To advice you, I rather stay for the German Sheppard cause they are way easy to treat, as for the Labrador I don't know much about them but I don't think that there are evil dogs, there are just wrongfuly treated dogs  : ok:

Title: Re: I'm thinking about adopting a new dog...Now can I please have more advice!!!
Post by: nesquick on August 10, 2005, 01:35:52 PM
ahhhhhhhhhh....I can't stand pets! (exept red fish).

red fish are cool.

Title: Re: I'm thinking about adopting a new dog...Now can I please have more advice!!!
Post by: pilferk on August 10, 2005, 02:31:56 PM
German Sheppards, as a rule, are more willful and stubborn than labs or goldens.? They do train very well, and make great active companions.? However, unlike labs and goldens, they need activity in their lives to be really happy (and healthy).? A quick walk on the run is not going to suffice for them, especially as pups.? Since you already have a dog in the house, depending on how he/she acclimates to the new pup (and the lab will probably try, male or female, to mother the pup), that may not be an issue, since the pup will probably have a playmate.

Sheppards are, trained or not, very territorial.? Comes from breeding (they were bread to be protectors, remember, of livestock) and instinct.? They're usually OK with other people, and acclimated animals (cats, dogs, whatever) in the household, but are not too friendly if other animals invade their territory.? Ditto for loud, aggressive people who are not regular household members.? The dog will, if trained right, not be physically aggressive, but you will probably bark up a storm with some growling until the "threat" is gone, or they acclimate.  They're also VERY curious, by and large, and that can lead to trouble.  One thing, in training, you'll need to be aware of:  They're "chewers" and can be very destructive if left unchecked.  Also, if they get ticked at you for some reason, they'll chew things if not trained well.

If you have young kids around, you'll need to train them a bit, too.? German Sheppards can be very impatient....and are not usually too fond of being climbed on or pulled at.

You say you've raised Golden's before.? Just MHO, given your current situation, I'd go with the Golden....more from a long term perspective.? I assume that, someday, you'll be moving out of house into your own place.? Either your parents are going to have to assume care for the dog (and the Golden is going to be much easier on them), or you're going to have to take the dog with you (in which case, the golden is going to require less overall care and space).

With Sheppards, one thing to watch for:? They are prone to hip problems, specifically arthritis in their back hips.? They are also prone to bladder/UT issues late in life.? UTI's (Urinary Tract Infections) are not uncommon when they get older.

Title: Re: I'm thinking about adopting a new dog...Now can I please have more advice!!!
Post by: Sin Cut on August 11, 2005, 12:13:59 PM
I got two dogs, and I'd say go for it.

I think dog-problems are about the fact that people don't give the dog enough work and the dog uses his extra energy in problem-behaviour.

But also the breed is a big factor if you want

My younger dog is a mix of german shepperd and some others and it has been very easy dog, loving when I pat it when it has followed my commands

My older dog has "watch dog"-breeds in it and it honestly sometimes don't give a shit what I'm wanting.
It is anyway best of all three obedience classes I have had with it. But to her we are working then, home we ain't working and she thinks that if I don't got the food in my hands she don't need to listen me every time  :hihi:

So my younger dog comes along with any dog, and is afraid of the big black ones.
But with my other dog a fight can happen, she got her territory, she won't back a fight, I'll never seen her back a fight, but I dpn't see that as problem behaviour since she ain't biting or anything.

But I think a Sheppard will come along fine with other dogs (just make sure you socialize it with other dogs), but a fighter breed would be more tricky.

Title: Re: I'm thinking about adopting a new dog...Now can I please have more advice!!!
Post by: MikeB on August 11, 2005, 10:57:46 PM
I'm almost honest that they're are no mean dogs, but mis-treated dogs. Ever heard of Border Collies, aren't they bred as sheep-herders and farm workers? Well my aunt owns a male one, herself and the family are no farmers at all. They've been raising they're half Golden Retriever/Irish Settler for 15 years( yeah she's up there) and this BC is not even 2 years old yet and he loves swimming in rivers and lakes like he's a retreiver, he's a great dog. So doesn't that prove it's just how the master raises the animal?

Title: Re: I'm thinking about adopting a new dog...Now can I please have more advice!!!
Post by: Sin Cut on August 12, 2005, 12:34:03 AM
I'm almost honest that they're are no mean dogs, but mis-treated dogs. Ever heard of Border Collies, aren't they bred as sheep-herders and farm workers? Well my aunt owns a male one, herself and the family are no farmers at all. They've been raising they're half Golden Retriever/Irish Settler for 15 years( yeah she's up there) and this BC is not even 2 years old yet and he loves swimming in rivers and lakes like he's a retreiver, he's a great dog. So doesn't that prove it's just how the master raises the animal?

Not really, but a bc is a highly active dog so he needs lots of things to do.

My older dogs loves swimming, she probably would be in the water 24/7, but my other dog won't swim.

But just bring the bc to a pack of sheep and see how she reacts, I'm sure it's different than how the Golden Retriever/Irish Setter would react.

Or walk with a Rotweiler and be mugged or walk with a poodel, I'm sure the rotweiler will protect you.

Some dogs just get along with other dogs better, golden retriever is a great example, I haven't seen these pick a fight. Pit bull etc. is more likely, especially if it hasn't had enough contact with other dogs as a puppy.

Then again give any dog to a bad owner and there will be trouble.

Title: Re: I'm thinking about adopting a new dog...Now can I please have more advice!!!
Post by: Buddy J.B. on September 05, 2005, 05:20:56 PM
I know for sure when the time is right , I'll adopt a male chocolate lab, my female yellow lab is great .