Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: Miss-Aussie on August 08, 2005, 04:29:33 AM

Title: Are you satisfied?
Post by: Miss-Aussie on August 08, 2005, 04:29:33 AM
Question: Are you satisfied with the life you are living right now, are doing what you want with your life?

my answer: 

no... i want to explore and have adventures, like going to underwater springs and walking through caves, catching up on things that are historic..

But i am stuck in a boring town, where there is nothing like that... so i am going to pack up and ship out of this crappy place, i want to experience amazing things in my life, not like my family that sit here and just work and watch tv.

i am willing to risk everything to get where i want,

i travelled around australia when i was young and i saw so many beautiful places, like the rainforrest, the great barrier reef, so many things....

but i really want to travel with a band.... and i cant think of anything else i would rather do with my life. now THAT would be awsome

Title: Re: Are you satisfied?
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on August 08, 2005, 04:47:57 AM
everything is great
i'm on track to become what i've always dreamed of : a Porno Actor ! ... kiddin. ... i'm gonna be a Game Designer. i think i'me very lucky. because doing ajob you love and waking up everymorning being happy to go to work is a blessing i think ....

things are great. life in paris is great. i just bought yellow adidas that kick ass.

the only problem is that my girlfriend is 5000 miles away from me. and i have to wait until october to see her. and even then i dont know what we gonna do. because i gotta work with ubi soft, and she is in the united states being a senior. and even if Ubi soft send me to San Fransisco i dont know if she can move to there (she is on the east coast) ....

so beside my love & sex life. everything is great  :-[

Title: Re: Are you satisfied?
Post by: Genesis on August 08, 2005, 05:07:03 AM
i gotta work with ubi soft.
Lucky bastard.  :)

Title: Re: Are you satisfied?
Post by: MR W,AXL ROSE on August 08, 2005, 05:16:06 AM
Question: Are you satisfied with the life you are living right now, are doing what you want with your life?

my answer:?

no... i want to explore and have adventures, like going to underwater springs and walking through caves, catching up on things that are historic..

But i am stuck in a boring town, where there is nothing like that... so i am going to pack up and ship out of this crappy place, i want to experience amazing things in my life, not like my family that sit here and just work and watch tv.

i am willing to risk everything to get where i want,

i travelled around australia when i was young and i saw so many beautiful places, like the rainforrest, the great barrier reef, so many things....

but i really want to travel with a band.... and i cant think of anything else i would rather do with my life. now THAT would be awsome

that sounds EXACTLY like me.if i was a much better guitar player then id be totally 100% into making my music work.its a lifelong ambition of mine.i live in a quiet little village in north wales UK and i have my own place and car and ?21,000 a year job but its totally dull.when im off work i tend to stay up all night watching tv wishing i could be playing in some venue anywhere in the world instead of wasting my life infront of the tv.i know id be 100% into it.just to travel around the world visiting different places and playing music would be a total buzz forever

Title: Re: Are you satisfied?
Post by: Neon Mobil Horse on August 08, 2005, 12:17:59 PM
I'm satisfied with my life... now.  However, looking at my life now compared to my dreams when I was 10... I'm a huge failure.  At 10, I was convinced that by the time I was 20, I'd be the starting center fielder for the Detroit Tigers.

Right now... my life ROCKS.  I'm married to my best friend.  We've got an absolutely PERFECT little girl, who turns 1 in a month.  I've got a good job with room for advancement.  My wife's almost done with all the schooling she needs to complete her teaching degree... everything really is working out as well as I could have ever hoped for.

Of course, a winning lottery ticket would be nice :)

Title: Re: Are you satisfied?
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on August 08, 2005, 12:20:20 PM
  We've got an absolutely PERFECT little girl, who turns 1 in a month.

is that possible not to be thrilled about your kid ?
can a parent goes "we got an ok kid...she's alright, nothing special .... "

how is your little perfect ? she is 1 month old !!!!!! ;D

teasing, i'm sure she's perfect...can she read ?

Title: Re: Are you satisfied?
Post by: Neon Mobil Horse on August 08, 2005, 12:29:09 PM
  We've got an absolutely PERFECT little girl, who turns 1 in a month.

is that possible not to be thrilled about your kid ?
can a parent goes "we got an ok kid...she's alright, nothing special .... "

how is your little perfect ? she is 1 month old !!!!!! ;D

teasing, i'm sure she's perfect...can she read ?

Actually, my wife set up a really cute picture of Anna sitting in her Dora the Explorer chair holding a book.  It looks like she's reading...

If I went into all the little details about how great my daughter is... it would be a long post :)

Title: Re: Are you satisfied?
Post by: Locomotive on August 08, 2005, 02:02:52 PM
not reall i guess, many things i'd like to do before i'm satisfied.
like going on a gnr concert... ;)

Title: Re: Are you satisfied?
Post by: loretian on August 08, 2005, 03:36:05 PM
I'm not satisfied, and I'm not sure why.  I've been relatively financially successful despite many mistakes I've made, partied a lot and done my share of "adventures", taught myself to write and record my own music (something I've always wanted to do), and I'm still not satisfied.  I don't know why, and I don't know what to do other than to try even harder at doing what I'm already doing.

Title: Re: Are you satisfied?
Post by: Miss-Aussie on August 08, 2005, 08:33:48 PM
I'm not satisfied, and I'm not sure why.? I've been relatively financially successful despite many mistakes I've made, partied a lot and done my share of "adventures", taught myself to write and record my own music (something I've always wanted to do), and I'm still not satisfied.? I don't know why, and I don't know what to do other than to try even harder at doing what I'm already doing.

maybe you need to fAll in love honey  : ok: that might complete you....

Title: Re: Are you satisfied?
Post by: Vicious Wishes on August 08, 2005, 08:51:07 PM
Take chances, live life. You've only got one, and it goes faster the older you get.

Title: Re: Are you satisfied?
Post by: ClintroN on August 08, 2005, 09:18:18 PM
Question: Are you satisfied with the life you are living right now, are doing what you want with your life?

my answer: 

no... i want to explore and have adventures, like going to underwater springs and walking through caves, catching up on things that are historic..

But i am stuck in a boring town, where there is nothing like that... so i am going to pack up and ship out of this crappy place, i want to experience amazing things in my life, not like my family that sit here and just work and watch tv.

i am willing to risk everything to get where i want,

i travelled around australia when i was young and i saw so many beautiful places, like the rainforrest, the great barrier reef, so many things....

but i really want to travel with a band.... and i cant think of anything else i would rather do with my life. now THAT would be awsome

i know which band you'll be tourin' with one day : ok: :beer:

Once i finish film school n' im totaly free of commitment...(besides my bands)  my next move is to tour tour tour!!!
One day i want my wife n' kids : ok:, my band 'round for the rest of my days n' release albums, hopefully one day my film script will be launched n' OZ will get there next outlaw ;)!!!

Travel 'round Australia till i get dizzy, family, MUSIC N' MOVIES!!!
its a dream, but i've already got my headstart :yes:

Title: Re: Are you satisfied?
Post by: loretian on August 08, 2005, 09:39:43 PM
maybe you need to fAll in love honey? : ok: that might complete you....

Yeah, I wonder if that's it.  At this point in my life, I seem to be incapable of having a romantic relationship last more than a few weeks at a time though....

Title: Re: Are you satisfied?
Post by: Miss-Aussie on August 08, 2005, 09:47:18 PM
maybe you need to fAll in love honey? : ok: that might complete you....

Yeah, I wonder if that's it.? At this point in my life, I seem to be incapable of having a romantic relationship last more than a few weeks at a time though....

thats when you have to look at yourself and find the reason why you cant keep a relationship going...
if you need advise, just pm me cos i am good at this kind of stuff, but it is proberbly not the best to post it on a thread like this but if you want to thats ok... :yes:

Title: Re: Are you satisfied?
Post by: D on August 08, 2005, 09:49:41 PM
Loretian I was the same way dude, I had a few relationships with girls that lasted 3 days each.

they dont last cause they arent the right one for u

trust me, when the right one comes along u will know it and it will fall into place.

I am satisfied in some ways, not satisfied in others.

I am satisfied in mypersonal life and I have some peace with my self

but professionally Im not cause I just have lost my musical desire somehow

Im really in a rut where IM ready to quit music and just say fuck it but I cant cause i really believe in what Im doing

So once i get ok professionally and financially, my life will be great although its still pretty good right now, i cant really complain.

Title: Re: Are you satisfied?
Post by: SLCPUNK on August 08, 2005, 10:21:41 PM
Yes....almost..... :hihi:

Title: Re: Are you satisfied?
Post by: MikeB on August 08, 2005, 10:51:29 PM
I soon will be satisfied with life because I only got one more year left in high school.

Title: Re: Are you satisfied?
Post by: Miss-Aussie on August 08, 2005, 11:06:24 PM
I soon will be satisfied with life because I only got one more year left in high school.

then what are you going to do... huh  ::) cant believe i hadnt asked you that before hand hey..

Title: Re: Are you satisfied?
Post by: ClintroN on August 08, 2005, 11:11:07 PM
I soon will be satisfied with life because I only got one more year left in high school.

then what are you going to do... huh  ::) cant believe i hadnt asked you that before hand hey..

i smoked pot n' lived on the dole for a year, i lived the fuckin' life :rofl:

Dole pay in Australia means if i dont have a job, i get 'round $500 a fortnight, how free is that :hihi:

Title: Re: Are you satisfied?
Post by: MikeB on August 08, 2005, 11:15:50 PM
I soon will be satisfied with life because I only got one more year left in high school.

then what are you going to do... huh ::) cant believe i hadnt asked you that before hand hey..
This year I will take tech ed. to learn construction, when I'm done school I'll work for my uncle's buisness most likely, hopeully (what i wish hard) I will finally begin  life on my own. I'm tired of being a school kid.

Title: Re: Are you satisfied?
Post by: Miss-Aussie on August 08, 2005, 11:25:40 PM
I soon will be satisfied with life because I only got one more year left in high school.

then what are you going to do... huh ::) cant believe i hadnt asked you that before hand hey..
This year I will take tech ed. to learn construction, when I'm done school I'll work for my uncle's buisness most likely, hopeully (what i wish hard) I will finally begin? life on my own. I'm tired of being a school kid.

school sucks

Title: Re: Are you satisfied?
Post by: Nightfall on August 09, 2005, 07:06:04 AM
Question: Are you satisfied with the life you are living right now, are doing what you want with your life?
I'm pretty satisfied with my life right now (finally left my BF and moved to a place of my own..)
The only thing i would like to see changed is that my health is going to get better so i can work again and start saving money to go travelling with friends.

Something i also would like to do is start learning again....who knows...

Title: Re: Are you satisfied?
Post by: kathryn2662 on August 09, 2005, 11:37:15 AM
No, but Im satisfied in the direction Im in.  I believe to never be satisfied, to never get comfortable, to always move forward because there is always more and better out there.  Once I achieve my goals and make my dreams reality, I wont settle and be satisfied with that when I can dream more and achieve those as well.  Im satisfied with the progress I have made so far in my life, but I have a lot to go.  Im also not satisfied with the problems I cant get past, and also not satisfied that I still live with my parents and Im not in the life I want to be in,  married with kids and doing all the jobs I want to do.  I just havent made it over that first wall yet.

Title: Re: Are you satisfied?
Post by: RnT on August 09, 2005, 02:03:36 PM
not 100% satisfied

I have a band ( ), I?m a rock n roller  :hihi: , everyday I?m meeting people, playing, drinking, laughing... I have a incredible girlfriend that understand me and understand the "life" I want to live... my family suport me and believe in my dreams... I?m in the end of the highshool ( university - don?t remember the exactly word in english... ), have a place to sleep, to eat, to call my friends to just hanging out...

but ALWAYS something is missing, that?s the thing you havee to find... me, some of the things I want to do is just go to L.A and get inside some bars that I always did read in magazines in my adolescence, bars that my idols used to go to hang out, u know, just to "feel" that I?ve beeing in the same place with them... maybe is a stupid thing to someone, but I?m from Brazil, so, is like a dream do something like that...  maybe you get away from your boring city, make a great trip and meeting others friends and etc, you will come back to the same boring city you live with another perspective of life, others dreams... that?s life, and you should live it


Title: Re: Are you satisfied?
Post by: Rob on August 09, 2005, 05:58:32 PM
I'm always pretty much satisfied.  Some people tell me its a bad thing, and other people say they envy my being so content.  I have no problem being content.  I'm kinda lazy as a result, but when I need to get my ass in gear I do.  I'd much rather be content, relaxed, and happy than stressed out and busy all the time.

Title: Re: Are you satisfied?
Post by: Miss-Aussie on August 09, 2005, 08:46:37 PM
not 100% satisfied

I have a band ( ), I?m a rock n roller? :hihi: , everyday I?m meeting people, playing, drinking, laughing... I have a incredible girlfriend that understand me and understand the "life" I want to live... my family suport me and believe in my dreams... I?m in the end of the highshool ( university - don?t remember the exactly word in english... ), have a place to sleep, to eat, to call my friends to just hanging out...

but ALWAYS something is missing, that?s the thing you havee to find... me, some of the things I want to do is just go to L.A and get inside some bars that I always did read in magazines in my adolescence, bars that my idols used to go to hang out, u know, just to "feel" that I?ve beeing in the same place with them... maybe is a stupid thing to someone, but I?m from Brazil, so, is like a dream do something like that...? maybe you get away from your boring city, make a great trip and meeting others friends and etc, you will come back to the same boring city you live with another perspective of life, others dreams... that?s life, and you should live it


i dont think it sounds wierd... it sounds sweet  :yes:

Title: Re: Are you satisfied?
Post by: loretian on August 09, 2005, 08:56:05 PM
thats when you have to look at yourself and find the reason why you cant keep a relationship going...
if you need advise, just pm me cos i am good at this kind of stuff, but it is proberbly not the best to post it on a thread like this but if you want to thats ok... :yes:

Well, I appreciate it.  I'm kinda hoping D's right (and thanks D, as always, for your support) - I just haven't found the right gal yet.  I used to spend a lot of time analyzing myself and trying to find solutions to all my problems via the analyzing, but as of late, I've decided to stop analyzing and just spend all my time doing.

Title: Re: Are you satisfied?
Post by: Miss-Aussie on August 09, 2005, 09:36:19 PM
thats when you have to look at yourself and find the reason why you cant keep a relationship going...
if you need advise, just pm me cos i am good at this kind of stuff, but it is proberbly not the best to post it on a thread like this but if you want to thats ok... :yes:

Well, I appreciate it.? I'm kinda hoping D's right (and thanks D, as always, for your support) - I just haven't found the right gal yet.? I used to spend a lot of time analyzing myself and trying to find solutions to all my problems via the analyzing, but as of late, I've decided to stop analyzing and just spend all my time doing.

well there is allot of women out there, and i am totally sure you will find the one that is ment to be with you... hehe Im MikeB's councellor  :yes:

check out what i wrote to him in his "do girls lie" thread... that might help you a little bit..

Title: Re: Are you satisfied?
Post by: N.I.B on August 09, 2005, 11:52:56 PM
You guys will never guess what i was listening to when i read this!

(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction by the Stones.

I've had my 15 minutes of fame.   :)

Title: Re: Are you satisfied?
Post by: SLCPUNK on August 09, 2005, 11:55:39 PM
You guys will never guess what i was listening to when i read this!

(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction by the Stones.

I've had my 15 minutes of fame.   :)

Nah...shave it down a bit!

You still got 14:30 left!!!


Title: Re: Are you satisfied?
Post by: Tied-Up on August 09, 2005, 11:58:22 PM
I'm... somewhat satisfied... I guess as an artist, I'm never going to be 100% satisfied with anything that I create, but, at least I'm creating, which is half the battle.  Same way with my writing.  At least I'm doing it, so I am happy that I have the opportunity to express myself artistically.

I'm happy that I'm not chained to a desk and I have the freedom to create when my muse strikes.

Title: Re: Are you satisfied?
Post by: N.I.B on August 10, 2005, 11:38:48 AM
You guys will never guess what i was listening to when i read this!

(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction by the Stones.

I've had my 15 minutes of fame.? ?:)

Nah...shave it down a bit!

You still got 14:30 left!!!


A whole 30 seconds! You're too kind SLC  :P

Title: Re: Are you satisfied?
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on August 10, 2005, 11:43:13 AM
Yes I'm quite satisfied, I hope that in the next 2 years my life will go on but In Canda I got a good job offer in the telecomunicatin area, anyone from Canada?  ???

Title: Re: Are you satisfied?
Post by: Miss-Aussie on August 14, 2005, 09:29:01 PM
Yes I'm quite satisfied, I hope that in the next 2 years my life will go on but In Canda I got a good job offer in the telecomunicatin area, anyone from Canada? ???

I work for a telecommunication company but im from australia, not canada...

Title: Re: Are you satisfied?
Post by: Vicious Wishes on August 15, 2005, 05:11:56 PM
I'm... somewhat satisfied... I guess as an artist, I'm never going to be 100% satisfied with anything that I create, but, at least I'm creating, which is half the battle.? Same way with my writing.? At least I'm doing it, so I am happy that I have the opportunity to express myself artistically.

I'm happy that I'm not chained to a desk and I have the freedom to create when my muse strikes.


Title: Re: Are you satisfied?
Post by: Lisa on August 15, 2005, 06:13:33 PM
Yes I'm quite satisfied, I hope that in the next 2 years my life will go on but In Canda I got a good job offer in the telecomunicatin area, anyone from Canada?? ???
me ;D Canada is amazing...most of the time ;) what province? some are heads and tails above the others...what company? I'm nosy....
but to answer the, not completely :-\

Title: Re: Are you satisfied?
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on August 15, 2005, 09:28:17 PM
Yes I'm quite satisfied, I hope that in the next 2 years my life will go on but In Canda I got a good job offer in the telecomunicatin area, anyone from Canada? ???

I work for a telecommunication company but im from australia, not canada...

Cool In what area??

Yes I'm quite satisfied, I hope that in the next 2 years my life will go on but In Canda I got a good job offer in the telecomunicatin area, anyone from Canada?  ???
me ;D Canada is amazing...most of the time ;) what province? some are heads and tails above the others...what company? I'm nosy....
but to answer the, not completely :-\

Im going to Toronto I really don't know exactly where or when so Im going to investigate a little, the company depends on my actual company anyway Im still looking for good job offers there ;) any recomendations?

Title: Re: Are you satisfied?
Post by: Miss-Aussie on August 15, 2005, 09:40:28 PM
I live in Perth... the capital of western australia.

where you from ?

Title: Re: Are you satisfied?
Post by: Lisa on August 15, 2005, 10:15:39 PM
Yes I'm quite satisfied, I hope that in the next 2 years my life will go on but In Canda I got a good job offer in the telecomunicatin area, anyone from Canada? ???

I work for a telecommunication company but im from australia, not canada...

Cool In what area??

Yes I'm quite satisfied, I hope that in the next 2 years my life will go on but In Canda I got a good job offer in the telecomunicatin area, anyone from Canada?? ???
me ;D Canada is amazing...most of the time ;) what province? some are heads and tails above the others...what company? I'm nosy....
but to answer the, not completely :-\

Im going to Toronto I really don't know exactly where or when so Im going to investigate a little, the company depends on my actual company anyway Im still looking for good job offers there ;) any recomendations?
I pm'd you sir

Title: Re: Are you satisfied?
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on August 15, 2005, 10:29:36 PM
I live in Perth... the capital of western australia.

where you from ?

Im from Ecuador, thats very far from you :(

I pm'd you sir

Thanks I'll write you when I see the PM ;)

Title: Re: Are you satisfied?
Post by: Queen of Everything on August 25, 2005, 02:56:48 AM
Yes.  For My age I am 110% Happy with the way my life is going!!!  :)

If I was say, 18 and living this life - I wouldnt be happy.