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Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: MATT-A-REAL-FAN on July 20, 2005, 07:54:29 PM

Title: What kind of precautions will Axl take to prevent Piracy????
Post by: MATT-A-REAL-FAN on July 20, 2005, 07:54:29 PM
? Yo everyone,
? ? I've been thinking about what kind of precautions Axl will take to prevent "CD" from being stolen and downloaded early.
 I read an article where Linkin Park detailed the severe precautions they went through to prevent piracy. This included hiring a huge guy to carry around all of their recordings for "Meteora" in a briefcase and that the guy was? instructed to "tazer" anyone trying to steal the brifecase. They weren't fuckin' kiddin'.?
 The ended up selling 4 million in the U.S. and another 10 worldwide,matching their debut,"Hybrid Theory."

 I remember back in April of '02 when Korn's guitarist,Munky,had his laptop hacked into and all of the songs that were on it for their then new album "Untouchables",were stolen and released online a full 2 MONTHS before the album was do to come out.
 I heard practically the entire album on "Opie and Anthony". They were naming song titles and jokin around saying,"Hey! Let's play another one!!" I was kinda pissed that it was released so early but,I sure as shit didn't turn off the radio either! I was hearing new Korn 2 months early!!

When it finally came out,several song titles were changed from the names that had been said earlier in April.

They didn't bother to "rush" the album to stores either. Well,the album came out in June of '02 and opened at number 2.....100,000 cds behind...........Eminem.

 I guarantee you that the hacking/no rush to release screwed them royally.? And out of royalties. (Pun intended.)
They would have definitely debuted at # 1 if they went into rush mode or had the laptop not been hacked.

 Can you even imagine how apeshit Axl would go if CD is pirated early,resulting in lackluster sales???? We're talkin' nuclear apocalypse rage here!!!

?Who among us would be able to control themselves and NOT listen to new GNR if it was released everywhere??? NOT ONE PERSON.? NOT ONE.
 Would we still buy it when it came out? Yeah,WE would. ALL of us will.

Understand,though,a LOT of other people wouldn't. Be it the casual fan,kids with no money but a lot of free time,people who are curious but not willing to pay for it,etc.

So far,it seems as though he is keeping it pretty under raps. Even with IRS being "leaked". I think that was him anyway.
 I know it will debut at number one,as long as it is kept hush-hush and it is promoted well with a great single.

? Now,let's have it AXL!!!


? ? ? ? ? MATT

Title: Re: What kind of precautions will Axl take to prevent Piracy????
Post by: Saul on July 20, 2005, 08:21:09 PM
I think he will buy the internet , then turn it off.  : ok:

The big garbage can is full .. time to empty the thrash.  :rofl:

Title: Re: What kind of precautions will Axl take to prevent Piracy????
Post by: jabba2 on July 20, 2005, 08:35:22 PM
New idea....Hack Axls computer!!! But seriously i dont know what Axl will do once record executives get ahold of it. He could try the Lincoln Park strategy perhaps. But once its in store Chinese Democracy is vulnerable to piracy just like any record. Im guessing that it will be a popular item on the internet.

Oasis, Dont Believe the Truth was also available online at CD quality almost 5 weeks before in stores.

Title: Re: What kind of precautions will Axl take to prevent Piracy????
Post by: jabba2 on July 20, 2005, 08:40:12 PM
Velvet Revolvers' record wasnt posted online until a few days before release. Even then it was tracks recorded at low quality off a radio station. VR did well to prevent it from leaking. Some people say it was leaked on torrent 3 weeks before release, but noone said that on message boards, and i never saw Contraband on the torrent sites i visited.

Title: Re: What kind of precautions will Axl take to prevent Piracy????
Post by: Saul on July 20, 2005, 08:43:40 PM
Velvet Revolvers' record wasnt posted online until a few days before release. Even then it was tracks recorded at low quality off a radio station. VR did well to prevent it from leaking. Some people say it was leaked on torrent 3 weeks before release, but noone said that on message boards, and i never saw Contraband on the torrent sites i visited.

meh , but thats velvet revolver.  :hihi:

Title: Re: What kind of precautions will Axl take to prevent Piracy????
Post by: DoubleTalkingJive on July 20, 2005, 08:48:02 PM
I am sure he will take some sort of precaution but nowadays you never know who will uploading tracks if they have access to it.  Hopefully it won't get to the internet.  If it's officially scheduled to come out, I want to hear it in my CD player for the first time, not on here.

Title: Re: What kind of precautions will Axl take to prevent Piracy????
Post by: Dr. Blutarsky on July 20, 2005, 10:21:13 PM
A computer killing virus will be encrypted in each track. If he got the rest of the band to not release any info on what the hell is going on I wouldn`t put it past him.

Title: Re: What kind of precautions will Axl take to prevent Piracy????
Post by: Chief on July 21, 2005, 12:47:44 AM
for an example, i know that metallica's last one wasn't leaked until 3-4 days before the release date , so they are getting better preventing these things.

Title: Re: What kind of precautions will Axl take to prevent Piracy????
Post by: Genesis on July 21, 2005, 01:46:26 AM
Release it worldwide on the same date... Most people get the songs off the net when the album is not available locally...  :no:

Title: Re: What kind of precautions will Axl take to prevent Piracy????
Post by: Christos AG on July 21, 2005, 02:12:44 AM
Velvet Revolvers' record wasnt posted online until a few days before release. Even then it was tracks recorded at low quality off a radio station. VR did well to prevent it from leaking. Some people say it was leaked on torrent 3 weeks before release, but noone said that on message boards, and i never saw Contraband on the torrent sites i visited.

That's bullshit. If it had been leaked on torrents 3 weeks before it's release, it would have been posted as mp3's 2 weeks before it's release.

The thing is that BMG did a good work in keeping the album in the right hands. I got the album 10 days before it's release straight from BMG. Couldn't find it anywhere else.

I'm pretty sure that lots will jump on to say they had the album 3 weeks before it's release, but I simply don't believe them.

Title: Re: What kind of precautions will Axl take to prevent Piracy????
Post by: jimmythegent on July 21, 2005, 02:19:46 AM
They can only do so much and it can be spun as a positive or selling point in some cases

Announce a bogus release date farther down the line than you actually anticipate releasing it.
Leak it in low quality 3 weeks before announced release date. Push foward the release 2 weeks (which was the actual planned release date anyways) and then hype the pushing forward as "the album the world couldnt wait for" etc.. and create a feeling of hysteria surrounding the release? I think Eminem did something similar a few years ago to great effect

Peoples thoughts on this idea?

Title: Re: What kind of precautions will Axl take to prevent Piracy????
Post by: RichardNixon on July 21, 2005, 02:26:55 AM
I don't think it will ever come out.

Title: Re: What kind of precautions will Axl take to prevent Piracy????
Post by: gnr54 on July 21, 2005, 04:56:51 AM
a leak will be our only chance to hear CD.sad but true :no:

Title: Re: What kind of precautions will Axl take to prevent Piracy????
Post by: nesquick on July 21, 2005, 06:00:20 AM
he will send lawyers everywhere in the world

Title: Re: What kind of precautions will Axl take to prevent Piracy????
Post by: Dust N Rose on July 21, 2005, 09:50:57 AM
Who among us would be able to control themselves and NOT listen to new GNR if it was released everywhere??? NOT ONE PERSON.? NOT ONE.

Wrong my friend! I would resist like I've done with IRS : ok:
Do you people think that it's the same going to buy the original C.D. instead of listening to some low quality mp3s?
I have an advice, if it leakes, you should resist (besides if it leaks it will surely come out anyway) in order to prevent piracy.
Why do I say that? Because it is us the hardcore fans that will find out first about the leak and unfortunately we will be the responsibles for the leak and the buzz. If it leaks from us, it will be pandemic spreaded like a desease. Personally I don't want low sales for Chinese Democracy.
Just my opinion  :peace:

Title: Re: What kind of precautions will Axl take to prevent Piracy????
Post by: Dust N Rose on July 21, 2005, 09:53:16 AM
By the way, I don't want any crap protection stuff like Maiden had on their last album.

Title: Re: What kind of precautions will Axl take to prevent Piracy????
Post by: Thorazine Shuffle on July 21, 2005, 12:55:51 PM
If there was a release date set, and the CD did leak, I wouldn't listen to it.  I'm kinda old-school in which I don't download music.  I like having the CD in my hands. 

Title: Re: What kind of precautions will Axl take to prevent Piracy????
Post by: gilld1 on July 21, 2005, 04:55:32 PM
Not releasing the album and keeping it locked up in a vault next to his coke.  That should protect this "album".  If there is one...

Title: Re: What kind of precautions will Axl take to prevent Piracy????
Post by: elmir on July 22, 2005, 04:37:23 AM
Keep it all on tape, those old big tapes, ones where there's only two machines in the whole world which can play them, and you have them both.

Then record onto a cd, release, and a week later launch it through itunes.

Internet piracy cannot be stopped, just minimised, so make cash out of it while you can.

Title: Re: What kind of precautions will Axl take to prevent Piracy????
Post by: michaelvincent on July 22, 2005, 09:22:19 AM
The album, if it ever makes it out of the 'final stages', will leak. Thats a fact. All it would take is one guy at the pressing plant pocketing a cd as it comes off the line. Pressing Plants toss tons of perfectly playable cd's because of things like misprinted artwork. They go into the trash bin, guy walks by, pockets one, and voila! Instant pre-release to leak online. There are plenty of other points in the process where things are out of Axl's control that could be taken advantage of.

So unless Axl has a secret pressing plant that he built himself staffed with employees that are completely under his control I don't think he has much chance of stopping anything.

Unless of course he's burning them himself on his computer, and thats what is taking so long.  :hihi:

Title: Re: What kind of precautions will Axl take to prevent Piracy????
Post by: elmir on July 22, 2005, 10:22:16 AM
So unless Axl has a secret pressing plant that he built himself staffed with employees that are completely under his control I don't think he has much chance of stopping anything.

Unless of course he's burning them himself on his computer, and thats what is taking so long.  :hihi:

Ha ha, looking at the last 10 yrs, neither of the two scenarions would surprise me.

Title: Re: What kind of precautions will Axl take to prevent Piracy????
Post by: rainX on July 22, 2005, 02:02:06 PM
Velvet Revolvers' record wasnt posted online until a few days before release. Even then it was tracks recorded at low quality off a radio station. VR did well to prevent it from leaking. Some people say it was leaked on torrent 3 weeks before release, but noone said that on message boards, and i never saw Contraband on the torrent sites i visited.

Contraband was most certainly leaked 3 weeks and 5 days prior to it's official release date.

Title: Re: What kind of precautions will Axl take to prevent Piracy????
Post by: jabba2 on July 22, 2005, 02:16:51 PM

Contraband was most certainly leaked 3 weeks and 5 days prior to it's official release date.

If Contraband was leaked on torrent 3 weeks early it must have been under a misspelled name. Im thinking thats the only way i could have missed it. And I never read about anyone on GNR boards saying they heard tracks. Just after the fact people say it leaked.

Title: Re: What kind of precautions will Axl take to prevent Piracy????
Post by: Lord Kayoss on July 22, 2005, 05:13:11 PM
The album, if it ever makes it out of the 'final stages', will leak. Thats a fact. All it would take is one guy at the pressing plant pocketing a cd as it comes off the line. Pressing Plants toss tons of perfectly playable cd's because of things like misprinted artwork. They go into the trash bin, guy walks by, pockets one, and voila! Instant pre-release to leak online. There are plenty of other points in the process where things are out of Axl's control that could be taken advantage of.

So unless Axl has a secret pressing plant that he built himself staffed with employees that are completely under his control I don't think he has much chance of stopping anything.

Unless of course he's burning them himself on his computer, and thats what is taking so long.? :hihi:

haha - I never thought of that!
Very well could be!  :rofl:

Title: Re: What kind of precautions will Axl take to prevent Piracy????
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on July 22, 2005, 11:16:32 PM
Unless of course he's burning them himself on his computer, and thats what is taking so long.? :hihi:


well, in that case I volunteer to assit with the burning!  ;D

anyhow, once it's released I hope that none of US will upload it... 
matter of fact I don't care about being able to rip it to my computer.  I hope its made so it can't be ripped into mp3s so it'll be harder for it to get uploaded and illegally downloaded.
Fuck that.  After all this time everyone better buy the fucker!  :rant:

of course, if it is offered for download on Itunes it will be very easy for anyone who purchases it and downloads it to upload it to an illegal file sharing site   :(

then again, maybe Axl won't personally give a damn - so long as the public is lovin' the CD. 
remember when UYI came out in 2 seperate albums and Slash was like "buy one and copy the ot*her from a friend!"  :P

You gotta imagine however that Geffen is taking measures to protect it as much as they can... 

Including bonus material that you can acess only though having the physical CD would help.
But, I believe i've heard about something that the record companies can use to make it 'rip-proof' & 'burn proof'
If so, then I'd imagine they would be using it.

Title: Re: What kind of precautions will Axl take to prevent Piracy????
Post by: saint seiya on July 22, 2005, 11:39:47 PM
What kind of precautions will Axl take to prevent Piracy????

shit man i dont know, ill ask him next time i see him

Title: Re: What kind of precautions will Axl take to prevent Piracy????
Post by: blasphemer on July 23, 2005, 02:27:19 PM
Well after talkin to Axl.  I found out hes not gonna release it on a compact disc.  Hes gonna release it on a brand new format thats called "AudioMicrowave"  Which will be impossible to copy.

Title: Re: What kind of precautions will Axl take to prevent Piracy????
Post by: jameslofton29 on July 23, 2005, 09:28:57 PM
Someone mentioned releasing it worldwide on the same day. Great idea. Something else they could do is send one of those promo discs to the radio stations a few weeks before release. Put like 4 or 5 songs on it and the radio stations play whichever songs they want. I think this might lower the piracy issues. But I dont think Axl should worry about it. Everyone wants the CD in their hands. Concerning CD, I dont give a fuck about MP3's,cd-r's,etc. I must have the real thing.

Title: Re: What kind of precautions will Axl take to prevent Piracy????
Post by: killingvector on July 24, 2005, 12:14:13 PM
I hate to say it but piracy would be one of the more welcome dilemmas facing this album's eventual release. Methinks there are larger obstacles to breach before the redhead will relent and hand it over.

Title: Re: What kind of precautions will Axl take to prevent Piracy????
Post by: Lord Kayoss on July 24, 2005, 06:26:06 PM
I think totally preventing piracy in today's day and age is virtually impossible.? The album will show up for download somewhere before it's released and as before - that'll be the sure sign that it is indeed gonna come out.?

But I'm still gonna buy it three times. : ok:

Title: Re: What kind of precautions will Axl take to prevent Piracy????
Post by: jimmythegent on July 24, 2005, 06:29:18 PM
I hate to say it but piracy would be one of the more welcome dilemmas facing this album's eventual release. Methinks there are larger obstacles to breach before the redhead will relent and hand it over.

agreed, I'll be buying it regardless and I need it in MP3 for my Ipod

theres only so much you can do in this day and age, all they can try and do is minimise or capitalise on it

Title: Re: What kind of precautions will Axl take to prevent Piracy????
Post by: Dust N Rose on July 26, 2005, 08:01:49 AM
I hate to say it but piracy would be one of the more welcome dilemmas facing this album's eventual release. Methinks there are larger obstacles to breach before the redhead will relent and hand it over.

it seems that albums sales depend from the mp3 sharing. With bad and good consequences.

Title: Re: What kind of precautions will Axl take to prevent Piracy????
Post by: michaelvincent on July 26, 2005, 12:44:40 PM
matter of fact I don't care about being able to rip it to my computer.? I hope its made so it can't be ripped into mp3s so it'll be harder for it to get uploaded and illegally downloaded.

If I can't get it onto my ipod I won't be buying it. The only time I really listen to CD's is in my car and I spend very little time in my car. I just rip everything to my computer (I have a small home studio with a nice set of studio monitors that are great for listening to music on) and put the cd in a box in my closet.

Title: Re: What kind of precautions will Axl take to prevent Piracy????
Post by: jimmythegent on July 26, 2005, 06:09:39 PM
matter of fact I don't care about being able to rip it to my computer.? I hope its made so it can't be ripped into mp3s so it'll be harder for it to get uploaded and illegally downloaded.

If I can't get it onto my ipod I won't be buying it. The only time I really listen to CD's is in my car and I spend very little time in my car. I just rip everything to my computer (I have a small home studio with a nice set of studio monitors that are great for listening to music on) and put the cd in a box in my closet.

I have an adaptor for my Ipod and it sounds great in my car. Theres something about driving and listening to music, I personally cant wait to be able to xruise along with CD blaring

Title: Re: What kind of precautions will Axl take to prevent Piracy????
Post by: -Jack- on July 27, 2005, 03:51:59 AM
Im just buying Chinese Democracy (as opposed to downloading it instead) so I can have

A) the album art
B) the ability to help Axl have incentive for C.D.2!

Title: Re: What kind of precautions will Axl take to prevent Piracy????
Post by: Twisted Nerve 85 on July 27, 2005, 02:52:44 PM
If it was up to Axl he'd probably have some sort of bug in the computer to prevent any hackers from spreading it by allowing him to see their home addresses to he can go and chop off their hands. LMAO he's a crazy fucker so I wouldnt put it past him.  :peace:

Title: Re: What kind of precautions will Axl take to prevent Piracy????
Post by: RnT on August 07, 2005, 12:31:04 PM
The whole Radiohead?s OK COMPUTER ( 2002 I think )  album was already on the internet 3 MONTHS before the release
never knew about it
and man, even with a big label... this shits happens !

do you think we WON?T see a release date months before? or even NEVER?

to me, the best thing they could do is just prepare the MKT to the first week os sales
imagine you turn your tv on and all the channels are reporting "this is the first time that one band do that... they didn?t said anything, so, if you like GNR, go to the first store next to you and buy the album of the year!"

this shit will spread like a virus

I have this opinion just becouse that is not a "normal" album, there?s a history, there?s the "let?s see if that guy can do the same without slash...", there?s the "Axl is really back this time??!"
and 3 MONTHS BEFORE THE RELASE DATE, man, just the "hardcore fans" will download from the internet AND buy the album OR won?t even download the internet just to wait for the "right thing" ... BUT, the whole rock n roll fans, those fans that likes black sabbath, linkin park, metallica, avril lavigne, green day, foo fighters... ( even you don?t like some of these bands I said, they play pop / rock ), these fans will download the album from the internet... and even if they like, a lot won?t buy the album couse they already have!

well, ehat do you guys think? do you prefer hear from them 3 months before some concrete news and live with the risk of this shit happen ... or ... not hear anything and just have the surprise of wake up and see the "miracle" on your tv ( :) )  ??

Title: Re: What kind of precautions will Axl take to prevent Piracy????
Post by: KeVoRkIaN on August 07, 2005, 12:36:16 PM
actually it was "Hail to the Thief" that was leaked 3 months early in rough mix stages.  Sure it is possible that CD could get leaked but this is a bit of a dead horse topic for now.

Title: Re: What kind of precautions will Axl take to prevent Piracy????
Post by: anarchy on August 07, 2005, 03:18:10 PM
Here are the details of Axl's anti-piracy plan.

- There will only be one copy of CD is existence and it will be at Axl's house
- If you want to listen to it you have to go to Axl's house and pay a fee at the gate
- You will then be searched several times for recording equipment. Internal and external searches.
- A lift will take you to the basement level where you will be allowed to listen to the record once
- You will then have to have all memories of the music erased before leaving.

Title: Re: What kind of precautions will Axl take to prevent Piracy????
Post by: ppbebe on August 07, 2005, 03:49:56 PM
Sorry mate,
your flawless story suddenly gets unrealistic here. : ok:

- You will then have to have all memories of the music erased before leaving.