Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: Axl4Prez2004 on August 04, 2005, 07:53:13 AM

Title: Can we blame AXL???
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on August 04, 2005, 07:53:13 AM
  Seriously, think about it.  You're kicked out of your house at the age of 16, so you go to California to follow your dream of making it big.  You slum it for awhile just scraping by, when all of a sudden at the age of 25 your album sky-rockets to the top of the charts.  Another album released ensures this is no 1-album wonder...the big time sets in at the age of 26.  You do some touring, living the high life, great women, great whatever, and at the age of 29 the UYI's are released, even MORE touring, and MORE money.  You are now a multi-millionaire at the age of 30.  You release TSI to appease the record company at the age of 32...then...from the age of 32 to 40...almost nothing.  Why tour?? 
  I guess what I'm saying is that there are alot of people who would pretty much quit their job if they won the lottery.  In a way, I feel like Axl's done that.  He's been puttering around the house like an old retired guy...starting a project here and there, but not really following through on anything.
  This is not a hate thread.  I am 31 years old, and I'm trying to imagine what it would take for me to pretty much leave my profession for 11 years starting at the age of 32.  It boggles the mind.  Can anyone here picture doing something similar??  I wish Axl the best. 
  This wait is making me go crazy.

-Axl4Prez2004   :crying: 

Title: Re: Can we blame AXL???
Post by: jameslofton29 on August 04, 2005, 08:12:01 AM
I do blame Axl. Not for everything that ever happened in GNR. I blame him for this CD in limbo shit. It started in 1999 when he uttered the words Chinese Democracy. We all wanted an album before that, but no one really expected one. 1999 changed the mood of the entire GNR fanbase. You realized that GNR wasn't really dead after all. We all fantasized about him reclaiming his throne. Little did we know, six years later we would still be wishing for Chinese Democracy, and the reclaimed throne was only a mirage. Axl had several nice buzzes going for him in 1999, 2001, and 2002. He blew all three. A fourth buzz isn't likely. Sadly, I think we are about to reach a point similar to how it was around 1996, when nobody expected an album and nobody really cared.

Title: Re: Can we blame AXL???
Post by: Dust N Rose on August 04, 2005, 08:45:20 AM
Axl wanted GN'R to be the top rock band. That means too much. Many sacrificies...

Title: Re: Can we blame AXL???
Post by: Nytunz on August 04, 2005, 09:21:16 AM
Blame Canada!  :yes:

Title: Re: Can we blame AXL???
Post by: gilld1 on August 04, 2005, 11:17:39 AM
Blame Axl?  Why would we blame the man that destroyed a great band?  Why would we blame poor, always the victim Axl?  Why would we blame him for his empty statements?  It can't be poor Axl's fault, it never is, the riots weren't his fault, the failed tour wasn't, the CD mess isn't, none of it Axl's fault.  Maybe it's the ghost of Kurt Cobain coming back to disrupt Axl's creativity.  Yeah, blame Kurt, blame Duff, blame anybody but God er... I mean Axl!

Title: Re: Can we blame AXL???
Post by: crazycanadian on August 04, 2005, 12:50:28 PM
Blame Canada!? :yes:

Haha your a funny guy ::) ::) Theres know to blame but AXL him self!!He doesnt give a Shit about any of us or anyone for that matter.I really like the guy but fuk he's a self centered fuk head. :smoking:

Title: Re: Can we blame AXL???
Post by: nesquick on August 04, 2005, 01:01:10 PM
To a certain extent, yes. But he is not the only one responsible. I think it was a whole.
I hope Axl will succeed even if there is no way the new GN'R will sell as much records and will have as much success as the old band. even if they are good, they lack "something" in my opinion. They are still too "cold" for me as a band. They don't give me the same vibe the old band gave me back in the days. they are good but i'd like to see a more human band next time, more rock n' roll and less experimental or robotic.

Title: Re: Can we blame AXL???
Post by: noonespecial on August 04, 2005, 02:34:37 PM
"I guess what I'm saying is that there are alot of people who would pretty much quit their job if they won the lottery."

I understand what you're saying but you have to remember that being a musician (a successful one and\or one of those "not so famous-but-I-don't-have-a-day-job" club bands) is nothing like having the 9-5, given that, if I were a musician that was able to sustain myself with my music, I think it would be hard to just give up that rythum\way of life...but if the passion isn't there, and, in this particular senario (ie. Axl Rose), you've made enough and invested it with some degree of success, why tour\make records, etc...his actions (at least on the outside) seem to indicate that the passion is slightly diminished if not all together gone...

as far as blaming Axl, you're not allowed to do that on this I just feel sorry for him...

Title: Re: Can we blame AXL???
Post by: Genesis on August 04, 2005, 03:01:45 PM
Blame Axl?  Why would we blame the man that destroyed a great band?  Why would we blame poor, always the victim Axl?  Why would we blame him for his empty statements?  It can't be poor Axl's fault, it never is, the riots weren't his fault, the failed tour wasn't, the CD mess isn't, none of it Axl's fault.  Maybe it's the ghost of Kurt Cobain coming back to disrupt Axl's creativity.  Yeah, blame Kurt, blame Duff, blame anybody but God er... I mean Axl!
Yeah, the success went to his fucking head. People would give an arm and a leg to have a band like GN'R...

Title: Re: Can we blame AXL???
Post by: Lord Kayoss on August 04, 2005, 05:04:38 PM
I think it's safe to blame Axl for the wait initially because in no way, shape, or form should any album take half as long as this one.  But I blame the media for most of the fan frustration because they have put words in Axl's mouth and made promises regarding release dates - he hasn't.

Title: Re: Can we blame AXL???
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on August 04, 2005, 05:31:48 PM
I think it's safe to blame Axl for the wait initially because in no way, shape, or form should any album take half as long as this one.? But I blame the media for most of the fan frustration because they have put words in Axl's mouth and made promises regarding release dates - he hasn't.

  Correct me if I'm wrong, but around the time of the Rio cancellation or the Buckethead departure, weren't we told that we'd hear something in a few months?  This whole thing's like a bad dream.
  I liked noonespecial's response mentioning the lack of passion on the outside.  I agree.  I'm sure the inside of Axl's head is a creative wonderland...but he's choosing to keep it locked inside...and in a way, I can see where he's coming from.  He's almost in a no-win situation from a public perception point of view.  And then, maybe, just maybe...there's an explanation for this nonsense that we'll learn of when Axl is ready.

Do you think we'll ever see Axl on Dr. Phil?  Now that would be a kick in the pants.


Title: Re: Can we blame AXL???
Post by: Lord Kayoss on August 04, 2005, 06:27:31 PM
We did hear that which sucks I agree.?

But the main source of frustration other than the wait itself has been antagonized by radio stations, music magazines, MTV, VH-1, and of course the internet.

So many people who claim to be "close to the situation" have ran their mouths over the years and have pumped false hope into drooling fans when they knew good and well they knew nothing more about it than the average person.

Last time someone on-air directly asked Axl up front if Chinese Democracy is going to come out and if we will see it soon Axl responded with "you'll see it - I don't know if soon is the word."? Can't call the guy a liar on that one.? It's 2005 and still no album.

Title: Re: Can we blame AXL???
Post by: deliverthecow on August 04, 2005, 07:54:35 PM
Yes. He was the main player in the dissolve of the band, not to say the other guys didn't play a small part also. As for the riots, no shows, and the delay of the new album, there isn't noone else to blame. Like someone said , i dont know why but for some strange reason i too feel sorry for the guy. I wish he would get the new album in stores, but anymore i dont think we will ever hear it, i hope i am wrong IMO if it doesn't get released this year, it never will.

Title: Re: Can we blame AXL???
Post by: jabba2 on August 04, 2005, 09:28:07 PM
I think the touring edition of NuGNR is over, but Chinese Democracy will eventually be released. Probably under a different name though. We already have the song..i dont know wut else thats about China to look forward to.

Title: Re: Can we blame AXL???
Post by: DoubleTalkingJive on August 04, 2005, 10:22:03 PM
? Seriously, think about it.? You're kicked out of your house at the age of 16, so you go to California to follow your dream of making it big.? You slum it for awhile just scraping by, when all of a sudden at the age of 25 your album sky-rockets to the top of the charts.? Another album released ensures this is no 1-album wonder...the big time sets in at the age of 26.? You do some touring, living the high life, great women, great whatever, and at the age of 29 the UYI's are released, even MORE touring, and MORE money.? You are now a multi-millionaire at the age of 30.? You release TSI to appease the record company at the age of 32...then...from the age of 32 to 40...almost nothing.? Why tour???
? I guess what I'm saying is that there are alot of people who would pretty much quit their job if they won the lottery.? In a way, I feel like Axl's done that.? He's been puttering around the house like an old retired guy...starting a project here and there, but not really following through on anything.
? This is not a hate thread.? I am 31 years old, and I'm trying to imagine what it would take for me to pretty much leave my profession for 11 years starting at the age of 32.? It boggles the mind.? Can anyone here picture doing something similar??? I wish Axl the best.?
? This wait is making me go crazy.

-Axl4Prez2004? ?:crying:?

I have to say, this is an interesting post.  It's obvious when Axl was young and first came to California he was hungry and wanted to be signed.  So the desire was there and when he finally made it, it was all gravy.... until the problems started and the band broke up.  But Axl was an established I agree it's 1999 and he is prolly is taking his time, hanging aroung, not feeling any pressure just a I'll take my time attitude.  Where as I can understand that, cause his need to be really hungry has passed, I think that he started something that he has yet to finish and made it public and started a tour, started promoting and then stopped.  What ever "Soon" means to Axl, he needs to make a decision, either finish this or not and get out of the limbo.  To me if he never started the tour and promoting, this would be mute issue.  And say, yeah Axl is just hanging around, laying tracks here and there.

Title: Re: Can we blame AXL???
Post by: Carlos_f_Rose on August 06, 2005, 04:49:06 PM
I like Axl Rose, and I can't blame him for anything, I'm just happy to know that at least I can expect for an album, It would be horrible to know that he isnot going to release anything, at least he have his issues about CD.

Title: Re: Can we blame AXL???
Post by: Jonx on August 06, 2005, 05:20:21 PM

Last time someone on-air directly asked Axl up front if Chinese Democracy is going to come out and if we will see it soon Axl responded with "you'll see it - I don't know if soon is the word."  Can't call the guy a liar on that one.  It's 2005 and still no album.

True, Axl has kept to his word on this one. I think he is just a victim of life, shit just keeps happening to the guy, things that keep putting CD back, he cant really be blamed for that! Its going to come out eventually, its just something we all have to sit out!


Title: Re: Can we blame AXL???
Post by: Elrothiel on August 07, 2005, 01:42:05 PM
Why don't we all just quit blaming people and just wait patiently? Maybe that'll work! Blaming never solved anything, it just started things the world doesn't need, so can we just quit while we're ahead?

Title: Re: Can we blame AXL???
Post by: gilld1 on August 07, 2005, 01:49:50 PM
How are we ahead in anything?  If you have a slacker at work that is causing production problems you find out who to blame fire them and solve a problem.  Casting blame can solve problems in the real world but I guess not in your utopian fairy tale!

Title: Re: Can we blame AXL???
Post by: Dr. Blutarsky on August 07, 2005, 02:40:36 PM
Axl is the reason we don`t have CD yet. The record company has not forced his hand yet, so maybe they are to blame. Obviously Axl isn`t too concerned from a career standpoint what the consequences of his actions have been regarding the mis cues of the past few years. But when your art is #1 priority, I guess I can`t really blame Axl, its totally up to him whether he puts out CD or disappears forever. Kinda sucks for us though.

Title: Re: Can we blame AXL???
Post by: ppbebe on August 07, 2005, 02:48:09 PM
While agreeing with Elr?thiel n Kayoss,

What we can blame him for? i wonder. ::)

Title: Re: Can we blame AXL???
Post by: DunkinDave on August 07, 2005, 02:49:55 PM
The record company has not forced his hand yet, so maybe they are to blame.

If they "forced his hand" then Axl would leave their label.

That's the only reason GNR is still signed - the eventual album will do huge numbers.

Axl's the root of everything wrong with Guns N' Roses.

Title: Re: Can we blame AXL???
Post by: ppbebe on August 07, 2005, 03:02:44 PM
Axl's the root of everything wrong with Guns N' Roses.

It's Paradox innit?
Without him there wouldn't be, isn't and won't be Guns n' Roses.

Title: Re: Can we blame AXL???
Post by: providman on August 07, 2005, 03:09:02 PM
Axl's the root of everything wrong with Guns N' Roses.

It's Paradox innit?
Without him there wouldn't be, isn't and won't be Guns n' Roses.

And how is that any different from the present situation?

Title: Re: Can we blame AXL???
Post by: ppbebe on August 07, 2005, 05:05:26 PM
Axl's the root of everything wrong with Guns N' Roses.

It's Paradox innit?
Without him there wouldn't be, isn't and won't be Guns n' Roses.

And how is that any different from the present situation?
I think my post doesn't say there's a difference between the situations. GN'R happened because of Axl and his associates. And it goes on still because of Axl and by likeminded individuals. It's, so to speak, his business and theirs, not ours.

No matter how hard people try to make light of him, they can't change the fact that he is a rare successful one none the less.

Title: Re: Can we blame AXL???
Post by: MeanBone on August 07, 2005, 05:28:29 PM
who else can we blame? now if cd does turn out to be the masterpiece we all believe it is... he's the one to be held responsible to, for the good and the Bad axl awnsers to everything gn'r related

Title: Re: Can we blame AXL???
Post by: PhillyRiot on August 09, 2005, 11:11:00 AM
Can we blame Axl? I guess it all depends on what we are blaming him for.  If it is the old band breaking up, I would say Axl is partially to blame.  If it is for the endless delay of Chinese Democracy, I would say you can definately blame Axl. 

Title: Re: Can we blame AXL???
Post by: coolman78SLASH on August 09, 2005, 11:48:20 AM
I feel I have to defend Axl a bit, because we are all fans by our free will, and Axl has not forced us to wait for the album, so we cant blame him. I'm sure his intentions were to release the album by now when he and his camp started telling the public about his plans, but, hey, things change, time goes by, what seemed a good idea 6-7 years ago ,may not at this present time, he is known for not caring so much about time, deadlines and shit like that, but I think he care what his fans think of his music, so he wont release anything below a certain standard(set by himself), and that's cool. If all artist cared so deeply, we would have been spared tons of shitty music over the years, even if what's shit for some, may be someone elses gold.. I hope he releases it, I hope I'll hear it, but dont resolve your lives around a releasedate for an album people, it comes when it comes. There are many bands and artists and musicians out there, go discover new stuff, listen to the old GnR cd's, the solo projects by almost all present,and past band members, VR, whatever the fuck you prefer,  I think we all will survive no matter what happens?  :peace:

Title: Re: Can we blame AXL???
Post by: jameslofton29 on August 09, 2005, 06:22:33 PM
coolman, you make a very good point. I think if Jan. 2006 comes with no release in sight, alot of people are going to take your advice. They will find some new band that they're interested in, or just listen to their favorite classic rock. The wait for CD is nearing its end, whether the album comes out or not. Frustrations over the wait is at an all time high, and its reaching its breaking point. We're reaching the point we were at in 96-97, when people didn't give a fuck.

Title: Re: Can we blame AXL???
Post by: Rainbow Warrior on August 09, 2005, 08:13:17 PM

Not because he is slow with the "new" album but because he hasn?t given all his beloved fans ANY real fucking news about the process of recording except a "promising" date for its release. He doesn?t give a shit about all of us on this board but keep to his former glory of beeing a hot rock star. He should be ashamed of himself. Mentally ill or not.? >:( >:( >:(

Title: Re: Can we blame AXL???
Post by: mitchejw on August 11, 2005, 02:41:28 AM
hmmm...going from nothing to fame and fortune would definately change a person. Too bad it changed Axl for worse.

It killed a passion and wasted his talent.......and OUR time.

Title: Re: Can we blame AXL???
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on August 11, 2005, 09:43:03 AM
I feel I have to defend Axl a bit, because we are all fans by our free will, and Axl has not forced us to wait for the album, so we cant blame him. I'm sure his intentions were to release the album by now when he and his camp started telling the public about his plans, but, hey, things change, time goes by, what seemed a good idea 6-7 years ago ,may not at this present time, he is known for not caring so much about time, deadlines and shit like that, but I think he care what his fans think of his music....  I think we all will survive no matter what happens?? :peace:

I agree.  If a GN'R fan feels his life is suffering for lack of CD... that would be their own fault for not filling their life with anything satisfactory.  Other than other music, there is TONS of things to entertain and enlighten yourselves with.  Read a good book for crying out loud!  Go party.  In other words, like Axl himself said - Live your life! - and may I insert emphasis on your life. ;)

Title: Re: Can we blame AXL???
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on August 11, 2005, 12:40:10 PM
I do agree with people defending AXL is not our problem to stay and wait till we are fucking old and say It's Axl fault I mean we have the choice to stay here and pray for a dateline or just keep on waiting for good news meanwhile life goes on. I mean, is not like GNR or Axl is a lifestyle is it?  :o

Title: Re: Can we blame AXL???
Post by: Krispy Kreme on August 17, 2005, 09:14:02 PM
To answer the post: not only CAN we blame Axl, we SHOULD blame Axl. As he stated at the VMA's in 2002, he  basically is doing everything himself. In other words,  the buck stops with him; he is responsible for what happens to the band. So if not he, then who to blame? And  further, I agree with  the persons who pointed out that  he raised expectations and then disappointed  them.

Title: Re: Can we blame AXL???
Post by: killingvector on August 17, 2005, 10:40:29 PM
I think the amount of finished material has always been overestimated by fans. Because of the personnel changes and hopefully the desire to put out an album backed by the musicians who recorded it, the album has suffered a series of setbacks. I'm not saying Axl hasn't taken too long with this, but I am suspicious of any belief that an album could have been released in 2001 or 2002. I simply believe that C.D. was not ready to do at that time; as such, there was no intention or hope by the band to have it done then. As for the past 3 years, I really don't know what is going on right now; i would need to hear the reasons for the delay before I assign blame.

Title: Re: Can we blame AXL???
Post by: jameslofton29 on August 18, 2005, 12:46:54 AM
Vector, I agree with that. I was never one of those people who believed there was 50 to 200 songs ready to be released. That theory is preposterous. More than likely there was only a handful of songs in 1999-2001. Maybe enough for a full length album, but I doubt it. To me, the lack of songs is the only legit reason for the constant excuses and delays.

Title: Re: Can we blame AXL???
Post by: jabba2 on August 18, 2005, 02:44:17 AM
I think theres likely around 50-100 tracks that dont have vocals added on them. Maybe 10-20 that do.

Title: Re: Can we blame AXL???
Post by: DustNroses on August 20, 2005, 06:06:25 AM
Its axls fault, there is nobody else to blame. Bucket left for a reason..... I believe it was because at some point they were all told that CD was never being released. And i have re-thought my whole point of view and i do not believe that CD is ever coming, That makes me want to cry honestly because i cant imagine my life without GnR. Not a day goes by that a GnR song doesnt pop into my head. I think Axl is done with it and just records now for his own amusement. Maybe thousands of fans should go to his house and steal CD cos at this point its the only way i see that we are going to get it.

Title: Re: Can we blame AXL???
Post by: AxlsMainMan on August 20, 2005, 08:17:50 AM
Its axls fault, there is nobody else to blame. Bucket left for a reason..... I believe it was because at some point they were all told that CD was never being released. And i have re-thought my whole point of view and i do not believe that CD is ever coming, That makes me want to cry honestly because i cant imagine my life without GnR. Not a day goes by that a GnR song doesnt pop into my head. I think Axl is done with it and just records now for his own amusement. Maybe thousands of fans should go to his house and steal CD cos at this point its the only way i see that we are going to get it.

Why would someone not wishing for his music to be at the public's disposal sign a 20 million dollar contract for the back catalogue-and recently recorded material?

Title: Re: Can we blame AXL???
Post by: jameslofton29 on August 20, 2005, 08:53:39 AM
He signed that contract because most of the money deals with the BACK catalogue.

Title: Re: Can we blame AXL???
Post by: AxlsMainMan on August 23, 2005, 07:21:12 PM
He signed that contract because most of the money deals with the BACK catalogue.

....But also for "newly recorded material"

Title: Re: Can we blame AXL???
Post by: jameslofton29 on August 23, 2005, 07:48:08 PM
Yeah, thats true. But there's more money to be made in the back catalogue, for obvious reasons. Even if CD is a good success story, I doubt that they can make as much money as past albums because "new" GNR isn't likely to do as many albums as "old" GNR.

Title: Re: Can we blame AXL???
Post by: tomass74 on August 23, 2005, 09:55:47 PM
? Seriously, think about it.? You're kicked out of your house at the age of 16, so you go to California to follow your dream of making it big.? You slum it for awhile just scraping by, when all of a sudden at the age of 25 your album sky-rockets to the top of the charts.? Another album released ensures this is no 1-album wonder...the big time sets in at the age of 26.? You do some touring, living the high life, great women, great whatever, and at the age of 29 the UYI's are released, even MORE touring, and MORE money.? You are now a multi-millionaire at the age of 30.? You release TSI to appease the record company at the age of 32...then...from the age of 32 to 40...almost nothing.? Why tour???
? I guess what I'm saying is that there are alot of people who would pretty much quit their job if they won the lottery.? In a way, I feel like Axl's done that.? He's been puttering around the house like an old retired guy...starting a project here and there, but not really following through on anything.
? This is not a hate thread.? I am 31 years old, and I'm trying to imagine what it would take for me to pretty much leave my profession for 11 years starting at the age of 32.? It boggles the mind.? Can anyone here picture doing something similar??? I wish Axl the best.?
? This wait is making me go crazy.

-Axl4Prez2004? ?:crying:?

He makes it pretty hard to blame anyone else....

Title: Re: Can we blame AXL???
Post by: Dr. Blutarsky on August 23, 2005, 09:59:17 PM
Can we blame Axl?


Title: Re: Can we blame AXL???
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on August 24, 2005, 07:20:01 AM
Wow, since I've made this post, the news doesn't make it easy to defend Axl.  It's almost as if Axl wants everyone to hate him.  I'm baffled by this whole thing.  On the spectrum from Axl loyalist to Slush and Daff loyalist, I'd consider myself on the Axl side...every day that goes by without a word from Axl's mansion makes it tougher to justify though.  Now with more legal wranglings underway, we'll hear even less.  Oh well, S.O.S. Axl...
Same Old Shit.

 :(  Axl4Prez2004


Title: Re: Can we blame AXL???
Post by: jameslofton29 on August 24, 2005, 07:25:30 AM
Yeah, and dont expect things to change anytime 'soon'. Also, some major shit's gonna hit the fan as people now find out that 2005 isn't the year.

Title: Re: Can we blame AXL???
Post by: AxlsMainMan on August 24, 2005, 11:46:22 PM
Yeah, thats true. But there's more money to be made in the back catalogue, for obvious reasons. Even if CD is a good success story, I doubt that they can make as much money as past albums because "new" GNR isn't likely to do as many albums as "old" GNR.

Good point, perhaps if CD is a overwhelming success story Axl will make a larger percent of the royalties from Sanctuary's percentage of interest.

Title: Re: Can we blame AXL???
Post by: DustNroses on September 01, 2005, 08:47:42 AM
Its all bullshit, Chinese democracy will never see the light of day. If we have waited this long already, there is no chance of it happening. Odds are that an original line up reunion will happen before Cd will ever be released. I honestly believe that CD no longer exists, Axl once said that he almost bought the November rain video off the record label before its release so that it would never be seen but he couldnt afford it, It is possible that he bought CD from them before its release for unknown reasons.......... fuck this im going to bed.

Title: Re: Can we blame AXL???
Post by: Queen of Everything on September 02, 2005, 08:31:53 AM
Axl is a very self centered selfish person.  No two ways about it.  He will do what he wants - when he wants. Otherwise we would still have Slash, Izzy, Axl, Duff and Matt together - one big happy family...  But then agian - we wouldn't have Velvet Revolver, Slash's Snakepit, Blues Ball etc etc.  So maybe Axl is doing us all a Favour??

Title: Re: Can we blame AXL???
Post by: Carlos_f_Rose on September 04, 2005, 03:24:26 PM
Can we blame axl?
Can we blame god? ;)  ;)