Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => Bad Obsession => Topic started by: Walk on July 26, 2005, 09:32:20 PM

Title: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Walk on July 26, 2005, 09:32:20 PM

Lets see...




MANOWAR KILL!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: ClintroN on July 27, 2005, 02:26:33 AM
just like Oasis to slag everyone els off n' think they r' the kings

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Skeletor on July 27, 2005, 04:22:51 AM
The trilogy of Into Glory Ride-Hail to England-Sign of the Hammer reigns supreme over anything Oasis has ever done.

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: 2NaFish on July 27, 2005, 09:38:32 AM
have you only just picked up on this? they've said they're the best thing since sliced bread for the last decade.

i don't really rate sliced bread that highly tho.

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Izzy on July 27, 2005, 09:46:06 AM
Well said by Liam - he's spot on too

"But they're loud and shit though, aren't they? They're just shit," Gallagher says emphatically.

Seated beside him, bassist Andy Bell is somewhat perplexed.

"Who are they anyway?" Bell asks. "Heavy metal?"

"Fuck Manowar," interjects Gallagher decisively.

One of the reason they have sold so many albums - u got to love the way they don't give a damn about others views! Rock n' roll!

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Thorazine Shuffle on July 27, 2005, 10:01:21 AM
Every song I've heard from Oasis seems to rip of riffs from The Velvet Underground and of course The Beatles.  That song Lyla sounds just like a VU tune. 

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Metallifuck on July 27, 2005, 10:05:16 AM
I think Oasis are shit. I liked a few of their songs but they bore me to tears. Is this seriously the band that is supposed to define Britain's 'rock scene'?

Oh dear.

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: 2NaFish on July 27, 2005, 11:43:16 AM
no. who said they defined british rock? or are you just making up a quote to prove a bullshit point?

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Skeletor on July 27, 2005, 11:47:34 AM
One of the reason they have sold so many albums - u got to love the way they don't give a damn about others views!

Ooh, such rebels. I, erm, admire them and stuff.

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Izzy on July 27, 2005, 12:55:12 PM
Every song I've heard from Oasis seems to rip of riffs from The Velvet Underground and of course The Beatles.? That song Lyla sounds just like a VU tune.?

The band are very open about how they rip off the Beatles all the time :hihi:

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Axls Locomotive on July 27, 2005, 04:36:45 PM
how do you tell the difference between 2 piles of shit?

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Mama Kin on July 27, 2005, 06:01:42 PM
When Maxim or Blender reviewd their album, they said, "The songs no longer sound like Beatles retreads, now they sound like Oasis retreads!" Then the other said, to the effect of, "Everyone besides Great Britain realizes that Oasis only put out one good album, and that was 10 years ago"

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Walk on July 27, 2005, 06:14:34 PM
Manowar's first 4 albums are metal classics. Their next 2 were considered sellout albums by many, but were not really bad, just not quite as good. After that, they became irrelevent, but their live show is still solid. They are one of the most important American heavy metal bands ever. Bands like Manowar and Jag Panzer helped create the American power metal scene. European pflower metal like Sonata Arctica and Rhapsody doesn't even come close.

Oasis is a product. They are there to satisfy the demand of Beatles/retro rock. They aren't original and no one likes them but washed up music critics. Music isn't as important to them as having a "rock" image/attitude, which can mean anything. Rebellion for rebellion's sake is worthless.

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Genesis on July 27, 2005, 11:13:56 PM
how do you tell the difference between 2 piles of shit?
See which pile is taller..  :hihi:

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Izzy on July 28, 2005, 08:07:20 AM
Manowar's first 4 albums are metal classics.

Oh c'mon. They are a joke, and always have been. And they have been happy to contribute to that image. Its good that u like them, many do, but a daily dose of reality medicine is what i perscribe for you. They are not respected, and they are not a success story.

I don't really like them, but they aren't terrible. Don't claim they are something there not, u aren't likely to fool anyone

They are one of the most important American heavy metal bands ever.

Again - is that for our benefit or urs? U don't seriously believe that do u? C'mon, they don't even have a gold record! How many people have even heard of them?

Bands like Manowar and Jag Panzer helped create the American power metal scene. European pflower metal like Sonata Arctica and Rhapsody doesn't even come close.

Who are these bands?

Oasis is a product.


They are there to satisfy the demand of Beatles/retro rock.

Must be quiet some market for that then....

They aren't original

And Manowar are? As if Guns N' Roses were, or Nirvana or Metallica, or....

and no one likes them but washed up music critics.

Might want to tell that to the people that helped them sell 40 million albums

Might want to tell that to those that helped them sell out every stadium show in this country. That's right - stadiums, those big things that fit zillions

Only the music press dislike then :hihi:

Music isn't as important to them as having a "rock" image/attitude, which can mean anything. Rebellion for rebellion's sake is worthless.

What? ::)

You can't even name an Oasis album without's help, have u even heard a single song?

U might be able to fool others but its painfully apparent u have no idea who or what Oasis are

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Skeletor on July 28, 2005, 08:27:55 AM
They are not respected, and they are not a success story.

"Not a success story", lol.. what is that supposed to mean anyway? Manowar are very successful considering they've had a long career and have tons of loyal fans. People who've listened to them in their early teens still remember the classics.. and as for respect, they do get some - albeit tongue in cheek. You either get it or you don't. It's all in good spirit.

C'mon, they don't even have a gold record! How many people have even heard of them?


Might want to tell that to the people that helped them sell 40 million albums

Might want to tell that to those that helped them sell out every stadium show in this country. That's right - stadiums, those big things that fit zillions

LMAO! - you're starting to sound like D trying to defend Bon Jovi. You can figure out for yourself whether that's a compliment or not :hihi:

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: 2NaFish on July 28, 2005, 09:06:51 AM
oasis got more people to go to knebworth than zep. if manowar ever do anything like that i'll personally eat out the asshole of every member.

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Izzy on July 28, 2005, 09:53:02 AM

"Not a success story", lol.. what is that supposed to mean anyway?

It means no one has actually bought their stuff. Somewhat strange for a band thats released so many ''classic'' albums?

Manowar are very successful considering they've had a long career and have tons of loyal fans. People who've listened to them in their early teens still remember the classics.. and as for respect, they do get some - albeit tongue in cheek. You either get it or you don't. It's all in good spirit.

There is no correlation between total sales-quality, but at the same time, no sales does mean something and vast sales usually indicates something too

Oasis have sold by the shed load, Manowar have sold enough to get 2 people on a message board defending them in the face of thousands who are wondering if this slightly queer band have really pioneered power metal :confused:

LMAO! - you're starting to sound like D trying to defend Bon Jovi. You can figure out for yourself whether that's a compliment or not :hihi:

I think D did a pretty good job (only helped by the daft nature of the 'counter' argument), so i choose to take that as a compliment

oasis got more people to go to knebworth than zep. if manowar ever do anything like that i'll personally eat out the asshole of every member.

'Nuff said

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Metallifuck on July 28, 2005, 11:04:30 AM
Most new Oasis fans are probably 'sheep' who get all of their musical  goodness from MTV2.


Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Skeletor on July 28, 2005, 11:34:13 AM
It means no one has actually bought their stuff. Somewhat strange for a band thats released so many ''classic'' albums?

Please refrain from talking out of your ass - I don't know exactly how many records Manowar has sold, but you obviously haven't even got a clue. Your claim of them having no fans is simply ridiculous, to the extent that I wonder whether I can be bothered to go on about this. I personally know tons of people who have listened to Manowar at one point in their lives, and if you go to any metal-oriented message board you'll find they are very well known.

Oasis have sold by the shed load, Manowar have sold enough to get 2 people on a message board defending them

Gotta love your sense of logic. Going by that, Manowar is more popular than Oasis because it has two people defending them here, and Oasis only has one.

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: 2NaFish on July 28, 2005, 11:52:23 AM
unless you think the izzy and I and in fact the same person you need to learn to count.

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Metallifuck on July 28, 2005, 01:10:00 PM
It means no one has actually bought their stuff. Somewhat strange for a band thats released so many ''classic'' albums?

Please refrain from talking out of your ass - I don't know exactly how many records Manowar has sold, but you obviously haven't even got a clue. Your claim of them having no fans is simply ridiculous, to the extent that I wonder whether I can be bothered to go on about this. I personally know tons of people who have listened to Manowar at one point in their lives, and if you go to any metal-oriented message board you'll find they are very well known.

Oasis have sold by the shed load, Manowar have sold enough to get 2 people on a message board defending them

Gotta love your sense of logic. Going by that, Manowar is more popular than Oasis because it has two people defending them here, and Oasis only has one.

Another thing, Manowar probably have real fans unlike most of Oasis', who just listen to the latest cool 'indie' sensations like Kasabian, Snow Patrol and Kaiser Chiefs, yeah, they're so energetic and their music defines what rock n' roll is all about  ::)

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: gilld1 on July 28, 2005, 01:30:23 PM
Not that I like Oasis or anything but I would take them any day over a bunch of fags dressed in animal skins and singing about the God of Metal.  Manowar?  Try Fagowar!

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: axl_rose_700 on July 28, 2005, 01:45:13 PM
This really isn't a relevant thread is it? Two totally different types of music n two totally different bands.

I've never heard Manowar or heard of em before today but the stuff people have been saying about Oasis I find difficult to believe people really think?

I good album? Try 2 amazing albums 2 very good 2 good and 1 ok (theres 7 in total if you count the masterplan, which is very good, especially considering they're b sides)

I'm pretty sure if Manowar were as good as u seem to think they are they would have sold more records and played to bigger crowds than they have. Oasis have been the most successful chart act in the UK in the last decade and have played to and sold out pretty much every major arena in the world.

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: axl_rose_700 on July 28, 2005, 01:47:07 PM
It means no one has actually bought their stuff. Somewhat strange for a band thats released so many ''classic'' albums?

Please refrain from talking out of your ass - I don't know exactly how many records Manowar has sold, but you obviously haven't even got a clue. Your claim of them having no fans is simply ridiculous, to the extent that I wonder whether I can be bothered to go on about this. I personally know tons of people who have listened to Manowar at one point in their lives, and if you go to any metal-oriented message board you'll find they are very well known.

Oasis have sold by the shed load, Manowar have sold enough to get 2 people on a message board defending them

Gotta love your sense of logic. Going by that, Manowar is more popular than Oasis because it has two people defending them here, and Oasis only has one.

Another thing, Manowar probably have real fans unlike most of Oasis', who just listen to the latest cool 'indie' sensations like Kasabian, Snow Patrol and Kaiser Chiefs, yeah, they're so energetic and their music defines what rock n' roll is all about? ::)

Oasis have some of the most 'real' fans in the world who have followed them since day 1.

Just because the band u follow isn't a bunch of fucked up weirdos doesn't make you not a real fan.

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Skeletor on July 28, 2005, 01:57:49 PM
unless you think the izzy and I and in fact the same person you need to learn to count.

I mistook your first post for sarcasm; what can I say, that's the language barrier for ya. Doesn't really matter much now, does it.

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Izzy on July 28, 2005, 02:07:24 PM

Please refrain from talking out of your ass - I don't know exactly how many records Manowar has sold, but you obviously haven't even got a clue. Your claim of them having no fans is simply ridiculous,


I didn't claim they have no fans - after all - ur a fan, so by ur logic i am denying u exist :hihi:

to the extent that I wonder whether I can be bothered to go on about this.

U'll be back :D

I personally know tons of people who have listened to Manowar at one point in their lives, and if you go to any metal-oriented message board you'll find they are very well known.

U do? Wow, the prize is in the mail.

One of my female friends went to see them last month in Paris, so they have fans here too :o

Gotta confess i am unsure the angle ur working - i know they have fans...the point being....not many

Oasis have sold by the shed load, Manowar have sold enough to get 2 people on a message board defending them

Gotta love your sense of logic. Going by that, Manowar is more popular than Oasis because it has two people defending them here, and Oasis only has one.

That made no sense whatsoever....

unless you think the izzy and I and in fact the same person you need to learn to count.


Not that I like Oasis or anything but I would take them any day over a bunch of fags dressed in animal skins and singing about the God of Metal.  Manowar?  Try Fagowar!

Expressed with a clarity i could never hope to match.

They are incredibly queer-looking, and while thats okay (i ain't homophobic) it kinda works against the argument they are this sensational band :hihi:

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Izzy on July 28, 2005, 02:18:21 PM
Metallifuck....these last few months the quality of ur posts had been improving....oh dear, back to where we started

Most new Oasis fans are probably 'sheep' who get all of their musical? goodness from MTV2.

U can back this claim up with.......?

Buddy, ur writing nonsense

Oh no...there's more

Another thing, Manowar probably have real fans unlike most of Oasis', who just listen to the latest cool 'indie' sensations like Kasabian, Snow Patrol and Kaiser Chiefs, yeah, they're so energetic and their music defines what rock n' roll is all about? ::)

Probably? Is that ur word of the day?

Without any evidence u make sweeping generalisations thats haven't a hope of being remotely likely.


Define a 'real' fan. Go on.

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: *Izzy* on July 28, 2005, 02:52:41 PM

I've come to love the way you argue you always manage to make the other person look ridicously ignorant (including me)

 :smoking: Izzy? :smoking:

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: nesquick on July 28, 2005, 03:28:09 PM
I love oasis and I love their attitude.

Rock n' Roll  8)

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Skeletor on July 28, 2005, 03:41:32 PM
to the extent that I wonder whether I can be bothered to go on about this.

U'll be back :D

Alright, but just this one time...

Gotta confess i am unsure the angle ur working - i know they have fans...the point being....not many

My angle is that Manowar are "recognized", more so than you might realize. By people who really love music. Like I said earlier, Manowar is a dear band to lots of people. I guess there's some nostalgy involved as well. (Man, if I was really talented with English I could try to explain this better.)

In addition, they really have got a lot of classic songs (99% of them written in the 80s), and as long as you can take it all tongue in cheek, you can't help but appreciate their musical accomplishments.

Oasis have sold by the shed load, Manowar have sold enough to get 2 people on a message board defending them

Gotta love your sense of logic. Going by that, Manowar is more popular than Oasis because it has two people defending them here, and Oasis only has one.

That made no sense whatsoever....

Heh, it made about as much sense as your original comment. You go on about how no one buys their records, and.. oh fuck, I really don't want to spend time arguing about this :hihi:

I've come to love the way you argue you always manage to make the other person look ridicously ignorant (including me)

I've seen Izzy spread his own ignorance plenty of times, but to each his own I guess.

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Izzy on July 28, 2005, 03:54:53 PM

I've come to love the way you argue you always manage to make the other person look ridicously ignorant (including me)

 :smoking: Izzy? :smoking:

I can only work with the material i'm given.

And ur not ignorant so i must have been trying hard that day

ps. cool avatar

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Metallifuck on July 28, 2005, 04:05:10 PM
Metallifuck....these last few months the quality of ur posts had been improving....oh dear, back to where we started

Most new Oasis fans are probably 'sheep' who get all of their musical  goodness from MTV2.

U can back this claim up with.......?

Buddy, ur writing nonsense

Oh no...there's more

Another thing, Manowar probably have real fans unlike most of Oasis', who just listen to the latest cool 'indie' sensations like Kasabian, Snow Patrol and Kaiser Chiefs, yeah, they're so energetic and their music defines what rock n' roll is all about  ::)

Probably? Is that ur word of the day?

Without any evidence u make sweeping generalisations thats haven't a hope of being remotely likely.


Define a 'real' fan. Go on.

I've never heard Manowar anyway, I was just trying to ruffle your feathers, Izzy.

Looks like you've won again!


Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Axls Locomotive on July 28, 2005, 04:13:04 PM

Another thing, Manowar probably have real fans unlike most of Oasis', who just listen to the latest cool 'indie' sensations like Kasabian, Snow Patrol and Kaiser Chiefs, yeah, they're so energetic and their music defines what rock n' roll is all about  ::)

nothing wrong with any of those bands, yet i dont like Oasis, so what does that make me?...thats just stereotyping

and thus the reason why rock and roll isnt as popular as it used to be, cos rnr fans tend to think its not cool to be popular

im afraid that you have to accept that Oasis (and the other bands listed) are rock and roll whether you like it or not, or should i say indie rock..its a matter of fact

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Izzy on July 28, 2005, 04:18:11 PM
I've come to love the way you argue you always manage to make the other person look ridicously ignorant (including me)

I've seen Izzy spread his own ignorance plenty of times, but to each his own I guess.

Lol - coming from the man that claims the music of an indie rock band can be compared with a dubious semi naked power metal band :nervous:

The trilogy of Into Glory Ride-Hail to England-Sign of the Hammer reigns supreme over anything Oasis has ever done.

On what criteria are they better? And which Oasis albums do u own that have enabled u to make the comparison? I assume u have heard most Oasis albums from start to finish?

Which do u prefer 'Live forever' or 'All around the world'?

Oasis have rocked the world, Manowar haven't, not sure how a comparison can ever be in Manowar's favour.

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Skeletor on July 28, 2005, 04:41:11 PM
Lol - coming from the man that claims the music of an indie rock band can be compared with a dubious semi naked power metal band :nervous:

You've been comparing them plenty as well, so what the fuck. Manowar is a classic band, Oasis is bland pop music. I think the two of us are getting to the point where we'll just have to agree to disagree.

On what criteria are they better?

Well let's see, on the criteria that MANOWAR KICKS ASS! HAIL!! HAIL!! HAIL AND KILL!!!? :rant: :rant: :rant:

And which Oasis albums do u own that have enabled u to make the comparison? I assume u have heard most Oasis albums from start to finish?

Don't be ridiculous. I would never buy that shit ;D

Oasis have rocked the world, Manowar haven't, not sure how a comparison can ever be in Manowar's favour.

You're still going on about sales figures. What a sad man, what a sad point of view.

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: AdZ on July 28, 2005, 05:53:56 PM
Another thing, Manowar probably have real fans unlike most of Oasis', who just listen to the latest cool 'indie' sensations like Kasabian, Snow Patrol and Kaiser Chiefs, yeah, they're so energetic and their music defines what rock n' roll is all about  ::)

Well, I love Oasis with a firey passion and.. hate all three of the bands you've mentioned.

Oasis are rock n' roll.

You know? I've never even heard a Man O' War track..

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Walk on July 28, 2005, 06:10:21 PM
They are incredibly queer-looking, and while thats okay (i ain't homophobic) it kinda works against the argument they are this sensational band :hihi:

Yeah, because a band's image influences how much you enjoy the music, right?  ::) You're a pop fan in denial. No one but pop fans use the popularity argument, and music lovers don't care about image. Manowar dress that way because they like it, not because they want to "look metal".

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Walk on July 28, 2005, 06:20:12 PM
MANOWAR KICKS ASS! HAIL!! HAIL!! HAIL AND KILL!!!  :rant: :rant: :rant:

OTHER BANDS PLAY, MANOWAR KILL! WIMPS AND POSEURS LEAVE THE HALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :rant: :rant: :beer: :smoking: :hihi:

If you guys haven't heard Manowar, you're just missing out. Get Battle Hymns, the first album, since it's full of rocker tracks and not too many epic songs. Manowar vs Oasis is like GnR vs Nirvana. Screw the pop-sheeple and pseudo-intellectual critics, and just crank up the music and bang your head off! It's perfect for driving, too.

This linky should be enough to convince anyone of Manowar's greatness. Orson Welles, the man behind the greatest movie ever made, was a fan of Manowar. He lent his voice to the band to be used in Dark Avender and Defender, two excellent songs. It's a shame he died in 1985, when heavy metal was nearing its peak.  :no: RIP Welles. Hail Manowar!!!

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Axls Locomotive on July 28, 2005, 06:50:20 PM
Yeah, because a band's image influences how much you enjoy the music, right?  ::) You're a pop fan in denial. No one but pop fans use the popularity argument, and music lovers don't care about image. Manowar dress that way because they like it, not because they want to "look metal".

you gotta be kidding me...they are a bunch of posers


Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Walk on July 28, 2005, 07:56:46 PM
Here's a much better picture of the Kings of Metal.


There is nothing "poser" about wearing leather if you RIDE MOTORCYCLES. It's done for safety. It's also worth noting that many bands dressed this way in the 80's *cough* GnR *cough*. If a band dressed "alternative" like Oasis do now, they would have been ridiculed then. The cover picture of Manowar Anthology is even laughed at by the band now; it was never taken seriously at all.

The scenes change and fashion changes, but good music is always good music, and Manowar will be remembered as innovators, not a retro Brit-pop band. Bands that only exist to fill a need for music are products by themselves, while truly great bands CREATE a need for new music, like Black Sabbath. By the way, Manowar is very respectful to the creators of metal, just listen to the song Manowar. They are not an arrogant band towards the greater innovators. Oasis is.

For their simplistic look and music, Oasis could use some humility.  ::)

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: 2NaFish on July 28, 2005, 08:23:29 PM
oasis dress "alternatively"? Man, go to manchester. Thats how they dress.

You say manowar will be remembered as innovators and oasis just as a retro Brit-Pop band; you've nearly got that right. The only thing is manowar won't be remembered in 50 years time.

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Skeletor on July 29, 2005, 12:09:57 AM
The only thing is manowar won't be remembered in 50 years time.

That couldn't be farther from the truth, but it's not your fault. You're just an ignorant boy posting bullshit on a message board. You simply don't know any better.

And it's not a surprise this conversation is only about Manowar's image, not the music. The majority of you (or should I say all of you?) slagging off Manowar are only doing so because this thread puts 'em against a favorite band of yours. And the only thing you can comment are some pics you found off the internet. What a great basis for discussion/debate.

By the way, in case someone didn't get it, the pic IQ posted is photoshopped.

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: jimmythegent on July 29, 2005, 12:11:46 AM
Oasis are a cool band who are hitting their straps again after about 8 years mediocrity

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Walk on July 29, 2005, 12:47:14 AM
By the way, in case someone didn't get it, the pic IQ posted is photoshopped.

Yeah, and has the real picture of them, but it's down now.  >:( I posted the motorcycle one anyway, since it's a better picture.

To split hairs here, I think only classical music is going to get remembered in hundreds of years, but even that will die out when the universe hits its heat death.  :P Neither popularity nor longevity determines a music's value. Good music is good music, that's it.

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Rob on July 29, 2005, 01:01:44 AM
Yeah, I fuckin' love this thread.  I can't stand bands that find it necessary to talk shit about others just to make themselves look badass.  Fuck Oasis.  Manowar are really cool guys.  They put on an amazing live show, and they put out some cool albums.  They definitely influenced the power metal movement.  And they got some cool tunes that make me proud to be a metal fan.  They've got some real inspiring songs.  The last time me and my friends listened to Manowar we were ready to win the fucking Superbowl.  Oasis are just another over-rated band who believes their own hype.  And in a fight its no contest.  Manowar would fuck up Oasis.

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Metallifuck on July 29, 2005, 05:36:15 AM
It would be worse if they slagged off a band like Slayer or Megadeth  : ok:

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: *Izzy* on July 29, 2005, 09:42:15 AM
I'm being totally serious but are the ones on the left and right male or female? ???

 :smoking: Izzy? :smoking:

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Lord Blackadder on July 29, 2005, 10:40:27 AM
The trilogy of Into Glory Ride-Hail to England-Sign of the Hammer reigns supreme over anything Oasis has ever done.

No it doesn't.

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: 2NaFish on July 29, 2005, 11:35:18 AM
That couldn't be farther from the truth, but it's not your fault. You're just an ignorant boy posting bullshit on a message board. You simply don't know any better.

And it's not a surprise this conversation is only about Manowar's image, not the music. The majority of you (or should I say all of you?) slagging off Manowar are only doing so because this thread puts 'em against a favorite band of yours. And the only thing you can comment are some pics you found off the internet. What a great basis for discussion/debate.

By the way, in case someone didn't get it, the pic IQ posted is photoshopped.

You sir are a raging hypocrit. You said on the last page you'd never bought an oasis album and had never heard one all the way through then you have the gall to call me ignorant and say we're only insulting Manowar's image. Bah.

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: liquidvirus on July 29, 2005, 01:41:38 PM
man, those are some gay looking dudes, am sure they get atleast some flak for bring or trying to be metal and end up lookin like that, evn if IQ phtoshoped it :D.....But while i'm not really that hot on Oasis, its near usless to compare them to manowar....two different groups makin completely different music...but manowar doesnt nearly compare to oasis.

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Skeletor on July 29, 2005, 02:15:28 PM
You said on the last page you'd never bought an oasis album and had never heard one all the way through then you have the gall to call me ignorant and say we're only insulting Manowar's image. Bah.

The difference is that you can't avoid hearing Oasis. Much like with Britney Spears, I've seen lots of their videos, and I've heard random songs on the radio to boot. Based on that, I can have an opinion on Oasis as well as Britney Spears. How much have you heard of Manowar's music?

And I still do think you're ignorant, especially because you said Manowar won't be remembered after many decades. They've earned their place in metal history, and most definitely will NOT be forgotten. Much like Metallica, their core work remains in the 80s, and even though they haven't made any special albums after that, they still play to big crowds. Not saying they're a stadium band like Metallica, but they play ice halls and headline festivals. That's pretty big considering "they barely have any fans and no one's interested in them".

end up lookin like that, evn if IQ phtoshoped it

OK, since there seems to be some confusion: the three guys on the front have totally different faces, it's not in any way the same people who are in the band. Only the bodies are intact.

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Axls Locomotive on July 29, 2005, 02:43:08 PM
man, those are some gay looking dudes, am sure they get atleast some flak for bring or trying to be metal and end up lookin like that, evn if IQ phtoshoped it :D.....

uhhh no i didnt photoshop dude...i woulda put a bra and knickers on them and it would have been pish but funny
if you right click on the image and click properties you will find the source of the image...some icelandic site

well is this one better?...well still looks like the Blue Oyster is their regular bar haunt :hihi:


OK, since there seems to be some confusion: the three guys on the front have totally different faces, it's not in any way the same people who are in the band. Only the bodies are intact.

im sure you are pleased to know that the gayest part of the photo is the real part of the photo :P

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Metallifuck on July 29, 2005, 02:56:39 PM
It's almost as gay as Axl looks in the Welcome To The Jungle video  : ok:

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: 2NaFish on July 29, 2005, 03:26:53 PM
well let me clarify that, a handful of people will remember manowar. Oasis will be etched in the memory society for generations.

And if you're going to compare oasis to britney then you really need to stop this as thats pathetic.

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Izzy on July 29, 2005, 03:43:09 PM
That couldn't be farther from the truth, but it's not your fault. You're just an ignorant boy posting bullshit on a message board. You simply don't know any better.

And it's not a surprise this conversation is only about Manowar's image, not the music. The majority of you (or should I say all of you?) slagging off Manowar are only doing so because this thread puts 'em against a favorite band of yours. And the only thing you can comment are some pics you found off the internet. What a great basis for discussion/debate.

By the way, in case someone didn't get it, the pic IQ posted is photoshopped.

You sir are a raging hypocrit. You said on the last page you'd never bought an oasis album and had never heard one all the way through then you have the gall to call me ignorant and say we're only insulting Manowar's image. Bah.

Indeed, Skeletor's views on Oasis are backed up by having not even heard any music by the group :confused: Am i right in thinking that can be termed ''speaking out of his ass?''

Now a question for Skeletor: If i were to condemn Manowar having never heard their music (which i have incidently) how would u respond?

Now, consider how that relates to what ur doing,

Feeling a little silly now?

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Skeletor on July 29, 2005, 04:00:19 PM
Indeed, Skeletor's views on Oasis are backed up by having not even heard any music by the group

What the hell's wrong with your reading comprehension? I just said I've been forced to hear their music by the media. I've heard at least 10 different songs.

Feeling a little silly now?

I do admit I feel silly whenever I find myself "discussing things" with you, seeing as it's a total waste of time.

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Izzy on July 29, 2005, 04:10:14 PM
Indeed, Skeletor's views on Oasis are backed up by having not even heard any music by the group

What the hell's wrong with your reading comprehension? I just said I've been forced to hear their music by the media. I've heard at least 10 different songs.

Oh my bad - u see i assumed a statment like this...

The trilogy of Into Glory Ride-Hail to England-Sign of the Hammer reigns supreme over anything Oasis has ever done.

...implied ud heard a bit more than the odd single

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Skeletor on July 29, 2005, 04:21:51 PM
^For christ's sake, now you're just nitpicking. The way I formed that sentence, I was simply stating the strong points of Manowar. If you honestly thought I'd heard every song Oasis has ever done, you need a reality check.

The point is, at least I know what Oasis is about and where they stand. The way you and the fish guy were talking earlier implied that you had no clue whatsoever about Manowar. I hope this thread has been at least somewhat educational :)

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Axls Locomotive on July 29, 2005, 07:05:00 PM
well let me clarify that, a handful of people will remember manowar. Oasis will be etched in the memory society for generations.

exactly ... when you think of the major bands of the 90's then Oasis are certainly top 3 if not number one in the list, and number one definitely in the UK

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: usurper on July 29, 2005, 08:49:20 PM
I'm being totally serious but are the ones on the left and right male or female? ???

 :smoking: Izzy? :smoking:

Not very manly, seems kinda gay

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Skeletor on July 30, 2005, 04:41:15 AM
when you think of the major bands of the 90's then Oasis are certainly top 3 if not number one in the list, and number one definitely in the UK

I think Metallica, GNR and Nirvana would form the top 3. As for UK, perhaps. By the way, is it just a coincidence that the three of you sticking up for Oasis come from that certain island? ;)

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: estranged88 on July 30, 2005, 11:37:24 AM
other bands play


...eric adams would destroy oasis with his left arm alone

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Skeletor on July 30, 2005, 11:48:06 AM
...eric adams would destroy oasis with his left arm alone

Lol, I know - he wouldn't even need his chain mail and broadsword! :D

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Walk on July 30, 2005, 12:18:26 PM

This joke is getting really old. is back up, and here is the legitimate picture, straight from the band info section. I didn't think I even had to point out the obviously photoshopped picture.  ::) The motorcycle one is better anyway. Here's the real picture for everyone to see.

Oasis won't be remembered at all because they aren't original. They're so similar to what's already been said in rock n' roll, they could almost be called a cover band. They just add their own little flavor, and calling the whole thing original, which it isn't. Manowar admit to being influenced by Sabbath, but much of what they make is absolutely original.

And, like Skeletor, I have heard Oasis because every other student in my dorm plays their shit.  :rant: They are just another alternative band that the media has jumped on.

EDIT: Metal-Archives won't let me link it, so just look up Manowar on the site to see the real picture.  :P

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Metallifuck on July 30, 2005, 02:06:54 PM
They are just another alternative band that the media has jumped on.

Couldn't say it better myself

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: estranged.1098 on July 30, 2005, 07:35:08 PM
Oasis won't be remembered at all because they aren't original. They're so similar to what's already been said in rock n' roll, they could almost be called a cover band. They just add their own little flavor, and calling the whole thing original, which it isn't. Manowar admit to being influenced by Sabbath, but much of what they make is absolutely original.

First off, they don't say they're original. Noel Gallagher once said music stopped being original after the Beatles, because all music since then are influenced by them. He also said a guitar has 30 chords and every single combination has been done before. "Ask Keith Richards, he'll explain that to you."  classic Noel :hihi:

Oasis are influenced by The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, The Who, Velvet Underground, The Kinks and other rock n roll bands. Why? Because that's the music they like, they listen to and obviously what their music sound like. They sound like the best bands in the world, and I don't see anything wrong with that. I wouldn't call that a rip-off, specially since no one is getting ripped off. Or is someone getting ripped off when they listen to 'Live Forever'? Or 'Rock N Roll Star'? (Opening track on the debut album, brilliant lyrics specially for that)

In fact it's pretty common to do this with rock bands. If you make rock n roll music people will automatically say you're just ripping off other bands from decades ago, but if you play metal or raggae or hip-hop then it's okay to sound like other bands. Of course it sounds similiar, that's what a fucking music genre is. If you're gonna sound like someone there's no better choice than the bands I listed above, again in my opinion. So yes I love Oasis.

As for calling any other music crap, me I don't do that. I don't like metal but I don't think it's crap, it's just not my thing. Liam however does, what he doesn't like is shit in his mind, and he will happilly let you know that, like someone mentioned he doesn't give a rats ass what other people think. Most people posting on this thread are also acting like that by saying Oasis is crap, so you can't complain.

As for being big, Oasis were the biggest band in the world for a while. Does anyone think that's relevant? I don't.
Did the media contribute to that? Of course, just like with every other band that was the biggest in the world for a while (yes, including Guns N' Roses). And the small ones too, you'd have no idea who Manowar is if it weren't for some type of media reaching you.
Oasis was played by the media, just like Guns N' Roses, Nirvana, The Beatles etc. Now we get back to the "are they good?" question.

Oasis has sold over 50 million records (including one that is a collection of B-sides). This year they have played to over 500,000 people, and every single one of the shows were sold out. Last week they broke the record for fastest selling show in North Ireland. In short, quite a few people like them. Why? Because they're good. You don't have to like them, but a band just doesn't do that after 12 years if they're not good.
Manowar, to be honest I never heard of them, I don't like metal. But if you don't like Oasis you are never gonna convince me you like rock n roll, because you don't.

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Axls Locomotive on July 30, 2005, 07:52:18 PM
as much as i cant stand either of these bands you have to give them credit...and your post was excellent estranged...

but i disagree on originality and all combinations of chords have been done...30 chords with 4 notes to a bar thats 30 to the power 4, thats 810,000 combinations multiply that by all possible lengths of notes 16 for instance, thats 48 million which doesnt include gaps in sound, slides and all the other numerous tricks say about thats 960 million combinations for 1 bar with 1 instrument and that imo is being liberal...we havent even started yet eh

they do sound like the beatles and the music is certainly unoriginal even in their lyrics are original...even the beatles stole a lot of their early music from chuck, buddy and elvis among others

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Chris Misfit on July 30, 2005, 09:28:59 PM
Oasis are a bunch of fucking hoods who got lucky. They play boring pussy crap that my sister could write. Their fans are artsy student prats, who wear striped shirts, coz "They're supposed to" and represnt evrything wrong with english music ever. How much more do we have to suffer?

Manowar can play.

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Walk on July 30, 2005, 11:58:41 PM
First off, they don't say they're original. Noel Gallagher once said music stopped being original after the Beatles, because all music since then are influenced by them. He also said a guitar has 30 chords and every single combination has been done before. "Ask Keith Richards, he'll explain that to you."  classic Noel :hihi:

There has been tons of music made with no Beatles influence. In fact, there is some music made that is more original than not. Before, say, Overkill, the only thrash out there were a few Judas Priest intros to songs. It's fair to say they were influential, but Overkill should get credit for perfecting the genre. Of course, it's very debatable who really started thrash, but the point is still intact. Overkill is 90% original, Oasis 20%. It matters, since the original band is almost always better. If I wanted the Beatles, I would listen to the Beatles, not 2nd rate clones.

I'm not saying Oasis is completely ripping them off. I'm only saying that they're unoriginal in general. They're too similar to many bands that had come before. They don't claim to be original, but originality is one of the most important parts of music. The best bands have very few bands successfully imitate them.

Oasis are influenced by The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, The Who, Velvet Underground, The Kinks and other rock n roll bands. Why? Because that's the music they like, they listen to and obviously what their music sound like. They sound like the best bands in the world, and I don't see anything wrong with that. I wouldn't call that a rip-off, specially since no one is getting ripped off. Or is someone getting ripped off when they listen to 'Live Forever'? Or 'Rock N Roll Star'? (Opening track on the debut album, brilliant lyrics specially for that)

Manowar were influenced by Black Sabbath, and they sound nothing like Black Sabbath. However, they still respect them enough to pay tribute to them in their namesake song. Oasis need to restrict their egos, that is their problem. The "rock star" attitude is infamous because few of the stars have the talent to back it up. This is also why bands like Led Zeppelin were legendary party bands. They were obnoxious, but they had every right to be that way. Oasis don't.

In fact it's pretty common to do this with rock bands. If you make rock n roll music people will automatically say you're just ripping off other bands from decades ago, but if you play metal or raggae or hip-hop then it's okay to sound like other bands. Of course it sounds similiar, that's what a fucking music genre is. If you're gonna sound like someone there's no better choice than the bands I listed above, again in my opinion. So yes I love Oasis.

Rock is a more restrictive form of music than metal, so I do tend to give rock bands more leeway. Oasis is still not good enough. Rock can and is often better than metal, so they don't have an excuse. It's only fair to expect bands from smaller and more elitist genres to be more creative. It's actually much worse to sound like other bands in metal/reggae/hip-hop than in rock and roll.

As for calling any other music crap, me I don't do that. I don't like metal but I don't think it's crap, it's just not my thing. Liam however does, what he doesn't like is shit in his mind, and he will happilly let you know that, like someone mentioned he doesn't give a rats ass what other people think. Most people posting on this thread are also acting like that by saying Oasis is crap, so you can't complain.

He could at least admit his band isn't as loud as Manowar. The whole thing started because of his dubious claim and the following response he made when he was corrected. Combined with his lack of talent and a media that somehow doesn't notice it, and you have a problem.

As for being big, Oasis were the biggest band in the world for a while. Does anyone think that's relevant? I don't.
Did the media contribute to that? Of course, just like with every other band that was the biggest in the world for a while (yes, including Guns N' Roses). And the small ones too, you'd have no idea who Manowar is if it weren't for some type of media reaching you.
Oasis was played by the media, just like Guns N' Roses, Nirvana, The Beatles etc. Now we get back to the "are they good?" question.

There's a difference between the radio playing a song and borrowing a cd from a good friend. It's unfair to blame bands for getting media attention (Twisted Sister), but things get ugly when they whore themselves out to the media, and often burn out because of it (Twisted Sister, again). Rock and roll shouldn't depend on what Rolling Stone magazine says is good.

Oasis has sold over 50 million records (including one that is a collection of B-sides). This year they have played to over 500,000 people, and every single one of the shows were sold out. Last week they broke the record for fastest selling show in North Ireland. In short, quite a few people like them. Why? Because they're good. You don't have to like them, but a band just doesn't do that after 12 years if they're not good.
Manowar, to be honest I never heard of them, I don't like metal. But if you don't like Oasis you are never gonna convince me you like rock n roll, because you don't.

The popularity argument is bogus and worthless. It's not even worth going over. Besides, Oasis leans more towards pop-"rock" than rock and roll. Rock and roll is bands like Kiss, Queen, Blue Oyster Cult, The Wildhearts, Ratt, Lynyrd Skynyrd, GnR, Deep Purple, Ugly Kid Joe, Rush, Pink Floyd, Allman Brothers, etc. Those are all great bands. About 30% of what I listen to is rock and roll (60% metal, 10% classical is the rest). Rock music is some of my favorite.

To be more objective, listen to some Manowar first. Get Battle Hymns. Here you can buy mp3's, if you aren't a pirate. ;) If you get one song, get Metal Daze. It shows off Eric Adam's singing ability and the general sound of Manowar's music. Hail and Kill is another good one. $1.25 shouldn't be too much for you, I hope...  :-\

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: estranged.1098 on July 31, 2005, 07:47:53 PM

Ok, there's a bootleg. It should address all your previous comments.  :hihi:
No, serious. It's 72,5MB. (btw, savefile may be down at the moment. in that case check later)

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: estranged.1098 on July 31, 2005, 07:51:11 PM
Oh, and:

"If you don't like Oasis, you're shit."
Noel Gallagher

a few more quotes for ya:

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Walk on August 01, 2005, 12:29:15 AM

Ok, there's a bootleg. It should address all your previous comments.  :hihi:
No, serious. It's 72,5MB. (btw, savefile may be down at the moment. in that case check later)

I love live music, but Oasis isn't much better live. The singer sounds bored, like he doesn't want to be there. He is definitely the weakest link for the band; he needs lessons badly. The songs are still boring. In fact, I'm disappointed that they didn't really change them much from the studio versions. There aren't any memorable riffs, either. It's nearly impossible to hear some of the solos, too. The whole thing overall is just a mess, even if it improves a bit as the concert goes on.

The best song was Champagne Supernova, one of their big hits iirc. This song is definitely salvagable if Oasis had a good singer. Live Forever, Songbird, and Don't Look Back In Anger were also decent. The rest were more or less forgettable.

I'll quote Noel Gallagher here to end this. "We're not arrogant, we just believe we're the best band in the world". If he isn't arrogant, he's ignorant. Either way, he doesn't see that he isn't that great. He might make better music if he were more open to criticism, not clueless critics.

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Rob on August 01, 2005, 12:50:02 AM
Damn, just when I'm gonna post in this thread someone goes and says everything that needs to be said.  Right on, Walk.

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: old on August 01, 2005, 06:31:02 AM
Let's see now

Manowar - first album release 1982, total albums released: 12
(they were formed in 1974 btw, this makes them the same age as AC/DC
and they were playing elsewhere before this. Some serious talent here,
including maybe the best bass player in the world, of any genre.)

Oasis - first album release 1994 (??!!??), total albums released: 7

Who the fuck does Oasis think they are?

Oh and to add to this, I don't own a single Manowar record right now, but
about 10 years ago, you know, when Oasis was just a glitter on the MTV
execs eye, they were kicking ass all over the world and still do, just cos
some of you haven't heard of them doesn't make them unknown, just makes
you ignorant.

As for which will be remembered in 50 years... hmm, one is already been
around for almost 30 years now, you make your assumptions...

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Axls Locomotive on August 01, 2005, 07:31:39 AM
didnt oasis tour for 3-4 years before they were signed to a label?

besides manowars lyrics are full of die die burn blood satan crush the world a badly made vampire movie :hihi:

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Metallifuck on August 01, 2005, 07:44:23 AM
besides manowars lyrics are full of die die burn blood satan crush the world a badly made vampire movie :hihi:

Oh dear...

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: old on August 01, 2005, 11:17:25 AM
didnt oasis tour for 3-4 years before they were signed to a label?

Who the fuck cares.

besides manowars lyrics are full of die die burn blood satan crush the world a badly made vampire movie :hihi:

Yeah, cos singing about Champagne Supernovas and Wonderwalls is so much better.
Like a badly made cheese movie.

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: nesquick on August 01, 2005, 11:24:49 AM
anything rock (oasis) is just conceptually better than anything metal (manowar). No question asked. I've always seen heavy metal as a fake music.

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: old on August 01, 2005, 11:29:47 AM
anything rock (oasis) is just conceptually better than anything metal (manowar). No question asked. I've always seen heavy metal as a fake music.

How can music be fake?

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Metallifuck on August 01, 2005, 11:41:51 AM
anything rock (oasis) is just conceptually better than anything metal (manowar). No question asked. I've always seen heavy metal as a fake music.

That is the most retarted thing I've ever read.

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Skeletor on August 01, 2005, 11:45:15 AM
anything rock (oasis) is just conceptually better than anything metal (manowar). No question asked. I've always seen heavy metal as a fake music.

That is the most retarded thing I've ever read.

Really? You should read more of his posts, the guy can definitely do worse.

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Izzy on August 01, 2005, 12:08:19 PM
anything rock (oasis) is just conceptually better than anything metal (manowar). No question asked. I've always seen heavy metal as a fake music.

That is the most retarded thing I've ever read.

Really? You should read more of his posts, the guy can definitely do worse.


Can't believe this thread is still going

If u like Manowar better than Oasis so be it, thats personal preference.


If u think Manowar are some unbelievable metal band then thats clearly wrong.

Enjoy them, but don't pretend they are something their not.

And at the end of the day comparing these two bands is almost as gay as the way Manowar dress.....

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: estranged88 on August 01, 2005, 01:38:42 PM
If u think Manowar are some unbelievable metal band then thats clearly wrong.

Isn't that a matter of opinion?

Sure Manowar have some cheesy lyrics, but they have one of the best bass players in the world, and one of the most unique singers ever in eric adams.  Not to mention that their songs are just plain fun to listen to!

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Izzy on August 01, 2005, 02:03:20 PM
If u think Manowar are some unbelievable metal band then thats clearly wrong.

Isn't that a matter of opinion?

Sure Manowar have some cheesy lyrics, but they have one of the best bass players in the world, and one of the most unique singers ever in eric adams.? Not to mention that their songs are just plain fun to listen to!

Mstter of opinion - possibly, but try to be objective - do u honestly think Manowar represent quality sufficient to justiy claims they have earth shattering albums?

How many bands have put out such albums - i'll just take a stab, is a Manowar album really of similiar quality to Dark Side of the moon or The Joshua Tree?

We all have bands we think are excellent - but at some point common sense has to intervene

A lot of music is clearly opinion - but there are also some things that are just not true - i.e a Spice Girls album being genuinely 'good'

If u want to maintain Manowar have done such amazing albums then u need proof, is their musical ability really of such a standard? Are the lyrics stunning?

Enjoy them, and leave it at that

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Skeletor on August 01, 2005, 02:31:15 PM
is their musical ability really of such a standard?


Are the lyrics stunning?



Just out of interest, have you heard a single Manowar song? As far as I know you're a metal fan, so you might actually like it - even though at this point you'd never admit it :hihi:

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: estranged88 on August 01, 2005, 02:58:27 PM
I can honestly say that "Kings of Metal" is one of my all time favorite albums, I find the music far more exciting than U2 or Pink Floyd.

thats only my opinion, but manowar have had nowhere near that amount of exposure.  Manowar's cheesey lyrics are the only thing that holds them back from being one of the all time metal giants such as Judas Priest, Iron Maiden and Black Sabbath.

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Lineker10 on August 01, 2005, 03:06:45 PM
From what ive heard of Manowar the riffage is alright but the lyrics are a joke! If i was creating a parody metal band Manowar lyrics would be the ones id use - its like a metal version of Spinal Tap!

Brothers of Metal
Strike while the iron is hot

Steel is strongest so say we all

And if we all were not brothers of metal would we fall? - no -

They tried to test our spirit

They tasted steel before we were done

Grinding their bones into the dust of the past

All blown away like a shot from a gun

We cast our lot together four still stand as one

Here well remain forever till our kingdoms one

Brothers of metal

We are fighting with power and steel

Fighting for metal metal thats real

Brothers of metal will always be there

Standing together with hands in the air

Let us drink to the power drink to the sound

Thunder and metal are shaking the ground

Drink to your brothers who are never to fall

Were all brothers of metal here in the hall

Our hearts are filled with metal and masters we have none

And we will die for metal, metal heals, my son

Brothers of metal

We are fighting with power and steel

Fighting for metal metal thats real

Brothers of metal will always be there

Standing together with hands in the air

Let us drink to the power drink to the sound

Thunder and metal are shaking the ground

Drink to your brothers who are never to fall

Were all brothers of metal here in the hall

Brothers of metal

We are fighting with power and steel

Fighting for metal metal thats real

Brothers of metal will always be there

Standing together with hands in the air

Oh - and Oasis rock! :peace:

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Skeletor on August 01, 2005, 03:18:18 PM
^That's from the '96 album 'Louder Than Hell', I really dislike that one. Definitely Manowar's worst record - though there is one funny moment there as well:
"The gods made heavy metal and they saw that it was good / They said to play it louder than hell and we promised that we would" :P

There are bad lyrics on all albums, but that's the worst one. Otherwise they're usually quite alright, even if not exactly poetry. It works well with the music, and there really is some cool stuff there as well. To be honest, there aren't that many bands whose lyrics I'd enjoy reading just for the sake of it, it's usually good to get the audio too.

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: estranged88 on August 01, 2005, 03:21:41 PM
at the end of the day manowar would crush oasis physically and musically

lyrics aside, manowar make kick ass heavy metal, and the lyrics are fun to listen to, since when is rock n' roll meant to be taken seriously?

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Izzy on August 01, 2005, 03:37:30 PM
at the end of the day manowar would crush oasis physically and musically

R U 10?

''MY band is tougher than ur band''

Puuulease :hihi:

Just out of interest, have you heard a single Manowar song? As far as I know you're a metal fan, so you might actually like it - even though at this point you'd never admit it

I was leant a couple of albums a while back, all seemed a little silly to me. They aren't awful, but like i've tried to say don't claim they are something they ain't....

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Rob on August 01, 2005, 04:02:41 PM
What's wrong with Brother's Of Metal?  I love that fucking song.  It makes me proud to be a metal fan.  The lyrics may be a bit cheesy, but who gives a fuck?  I'll take cheesy metal over the pussy rock of Oasis anyday.

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Skeletor on August 01, 2005, 04:14:45 PM
What's wrong with Brother's Of Metal?? I love that fucking song.

It's alright, but compared to the material on the first 7 albums, it's fairly mediocre in my book.

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Izzy on August 01, 2005, 04:44:21 PM
What's wrong with Brother's Of Metal?? I love that fucking song.? It makes me proud to be a metal fan.? The lyrics may be a bit cheesy, but who gives a fuck?? I'll take cheesy metal over the pussy rock of Oasis anyday.

Hows the surly offerings of the Gallagher's 'pussy rock'?

They are the most in ur face 24 carat bastards u could ever get in a studio, there songs just drip with confrontational lyrics, and they back it up

Ur not going to win any arguments with lies....

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Axls Locomotive on August 01, 2005, 04:47:49 PM
at the end of the day manowar would crush oasis physically and musically

physically they wouldnt be out of place singing YMCA in The Village People

anything rock (oasis) is just conceptually better than anything metal (manowar). No question asked. I've always seen heavy metal as a fake music.

That is the most retarded thing I've ever read.

Really? You should read more of his posts, the guy can definitely do worse.

well i understand what he was saying...that their music is so far from reality it doesnt fit into the real world, doesnt deal with real world issues...people can identify with Oasis more because their lyrics are closer to real life...hence Manowar are fake...

From what ive heard of Manowar the riffage is alright but the lyrics are a joke! If i was creating a parody metal band Manowar lyrics would be the ones id use - its like a metal version of Spinal Tap!

exactly,like a badly made horror movie  :hihi:

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: estranged88 on August 01, 2005, 04:48:28 PM
wow you got me good, I get so offended when people call me 10

I prefer Manowar to oasis and pink floyd, what don't you get about that.  If it were the other way around and manowar had dissed oasis, I'm sure you would have something to say about it.

That's my opinion, and i can have that if i like. There is no need to try to tell me that one of my favorite bands is in some way inferior to one of yours.

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Izzy on August 01, 2005, 04:53:14 PM
wow you got me good, I get so offended when people call me 10

Then my job here is done

I prefer Manowar to oasis and pink floyd, what don't you get about that.  If it were the other way around and manowar had dissed oasis, I'm sure you would have something to say about it.

It would be funny to read it

That's my opinion, and i can have that if i like. There is no need to try to tell me that one of my favorite bands is in some way inferior to one of yours.

*Scratches head in bemusement* U've just said:

at the end of the day manowar would crush oasis physically and musically

then u say

There is no need to try to tell me that one of my favorite bands is in some way inferior to one of yours

Are u a hypocrite or just stupid? So i can't do that...but its okay for u to do it? :hihi:

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: estranged88 on August 01, 2005, 05:00:23 PM
well to say that manowar could crush them physically is a fact, they are huge, and that part was a joke.

also you cannot deny that they are better musicians, therefore what i said was just.

I have no problem if you prefer oasis or U2, but you were the one who said manowar could never make an album as good as the joshua tree, and that to me is a matter of opinion, and wrong.

Seems i dont have 6000 posts on this board im going to leave it at that, you should really consider leaving your computer more often.

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: 2NaFish on August 01, 2005, 05:37:30 PM
oh god, the good old you've got a lot of posts so you're sad line. Is that what you're resorting to? Well jarmo is the saddest bastard on this forum then. Why don't you write him a letter describing how he's wasting his life.

Wether or not manowar are better musicians is neither here nor there. It's a stone cold fact that buckethead could play anything slash could play - but that doesnt make him a better guitarist on that alone.

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: estranged.1098 on August 01, 2005, 05:38:48 PM

Just came my way, it's a recent interview with Noel and Liam (Filter magazine). They address the issue of talking about other bands (so angry Manowar fans check that out) and Noel talks about sounding like other bands. That will give you more understanding of Oasis than anything I could ever write.

Walk, it was nice of you to check that bootleg out. About Liam's voice, there's something different about the way he sings when compared to most singers. He sings very loud, he always blows his voice out when touring. The effect of that is that live (I don't mean bootlegs) he will basically just own the fucking place. I've had people say to me the same thing you're telling me now, and when I took them to see Oasis they were 'converted' (I don't like that word).
Check this small mp3 (3MB) for an acoustic version of Songbird for comparison:

About the 'not interested' thing, if you want to (highly recommended  : ok:) you can check out the broadcast of one of their Manchester gigs this year. It's a bit more complete too than the Boston boot I posted before, and the mix sounds a lot better.

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Skeletor on August 01, 2005, 06:21:53 PM
that their music is so far from reality it doesnt fit into the real world, doesnt deal with real world issues...

If riding into town swords drawn and looting the villagers' coffers isn't a real world issue, I don't know what is :hihi:

Get yourself a sense of humor, grandpa.

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Walk on August 01, 2005, 06:23:34 PM
well i understand what he was saying...that their music is so far from reality it doesnt fit into the real world, doesnt deal with real world issues...people can identify with Oasis more because their lyrics are closer to real life...hence Manowar are fake...

Well, look at all the trash rappers who sing about street life, and look at all the classical operas based off of mythology. Lyrics don't have to be real to be meaningful. Manowar's lyrics are still pretty bad, though, but they never claimed to be a poetic band.  :hihi: Music is more important than lyrics.

PS- What the hell is a Champagne Supernova? That's nonsense.

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: estranged.1098 on August 01, 2005, 06:38:15 PM
Noel on Champagne Supernova
"Some of the lyrics were written when I was out of it. There's the words: 'Someday you will find me/ Caught beneath a landslide/ ln a Champagne Supernova in the sky'. That's probably as psychedelic as I'll ever get. It means different things when I'm in different moods. When I'm in a bad mood being caught beneath a landslide is like being suffocated. The song is a bit of an epic. It's about when you're young and you see people in groups and you think about what they did for you and they did nothing. As a kid, you always believed the Sex Pistols were going to conquer the world and kill everybody in the process. Bands like The Clash just petered out. Punk rock was supposed to be the revolution but what did it do? F all. The Manchester thing was going to be the greatest movement on earth but it was f all. When we started we decided we weren't going to do anything for anybody, we Jut thought we'd leave a bunch of great songs. But some of the words are about nothing. One is about Bracket The Butler who used to be on Camberwick Green, or Chipley or Trumpton or something. He used to take about 20 minutes to go down the hall. And then I couldn't think of anything that rhymed with 'hall' apart from 'cannonball'. so I wrote 'Slowly walking down the hall/ Faster than a cannonball' and people were like, 'Wow, f , man'. There's also the line 'Where were you while we were getting high?' because that's what we always say to each other. But the number of people who've started clubs called Champagne Supernova is f ing unbelievable. And the album isn't even released yet."

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Axls Locomotive on August 01, 2005, 06:39:35 PM
that their music is so far from reality it doesnt fit into the real world, doesnt deal with real world issues...

If riding into town swords drawn and looting the villagers' coffers isn't a real world issue, I don't know what is :hihi:

Get yourself a sense of humor, grandpa.

I have got a sense of humour, im laughing at those god awful there any song which doesnt have crap like that in it?

Who says i am defending Oasis?...i think they are the smaller of the 2 piles of shite...Champagne Supernova is bollocks, its probably some reference to drugs or psychedelia but who cares..plenty of other superior bands out there

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Skeletor on August 01, 2005, 06:49:44 PM there any song which doesnt have crap like that in it?

Sure there is, Master of the Wind is a good example of a Manowar song that some of the haters might actually like, both lyrically and musically. Not gonna post any lyric samples though, like I said a few posts earlier, rarely do printed lyrics look that good - you need the music to go along with it. (Arcturus are an exception to the rule, but then again they use poetry as lyrics anyway and are generally gods among men.)

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: estranged88 on August 02, 2005, 12:55:17 AM
oh god, the good old you've got a lot of posts so you're sad line. Is that what you're resorting to? Well jarmo is the saddest bastard on this forum then. Why don't you write him a letter describing how he's wasting his life.

Wether or not manowar are better musicians is neither here nor there. It's a stone cold fact that buckethead could play anything slash could play - but that doesnt make him a better guitarist on that alone.

well it is a fact that buckethead is technically better than slash, and manowar are technically better than oasis.  and it is different to run a website than to spend your life on one that you have no part in the running of.

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Captain Obvious on August 02, 2005, 01:59:31 AM
Would you people shut the fuck up about these nutsmackers.

100 bucks says they all get together for a round of skin-flute recital every second night.

Fuck. All this talk has awaken me from my slumber.  I must go now.

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Izzy on August 02, 2005, 05:24:07 AM

well it is a fact that buckethead is technically better than slash, and manowar are technically better than oasis.? and it is different to run a website than to spend your life on one that you have no part in the running of.

Getting desperate, the 'ur sad' argument shows ur running low on ammo - and i have plenty more

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: estranged88 on August 02, 2005, 01:05:55 PM

I am not on this website to prove that i'm right all the time as you obviously are.  You probably think that you are sweet because you make fun of people on the internet. 

I also like the fact that you doged my explaination for my earlier statement, I am trying to resolve the conflict, and you just keep making it worse.  Maybe YOU are the one "running low on ammo" as you did not reply to my latest post, only one that someone else had already made a comment about.

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Metallifuck on August 02, 2005, 01:34:24 PM

well it is a fact that buckethead is technically better than slash, and manowar are technically better than oasis.  and it is different to run a website than to spend your life on one that you have no part in the running of.

Getting desperate, the 'ur sad' argument shows ur running low on ammo - and i have plenty more

It's a bit sad that you think of backup posts to 'defeat' other users in your little message board battles.

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: GNR_Green on August 02, 2005, 01:54:08 PM
anything rock (oasis) is just conceptually better than anything metal (manowar). No question asked. I've always seen heavy metal as a fake music.
Idiot of the day award goes to Nesquik - Metal is far from fake mate.  That particular opinion is invalid.  Infact, if you said that in my house I'd take you outside for a bit of fisticuffs!  Metal Up Your Ass!!!

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: GNR_Green on August 02, 2005, 02:08:27 PM
Walk is 100% correct on everything here folks.  Izzy, I used to like Oasis a lot and believed the hype.  But I saw the error of my ways and I haven't played an album of theirs for 2 or 3 years now.  Maybe the comarison needs to be done in clearly defined sections:

Music - I've heard Man O' War and they can play their instruments and come up with their own riffs without blatantly 'borrowing'.  Noel is right when he says most stuff isn't original, but there is border and Oasis have corssed it too far too often.  Man O' War win here.

Lyrics - both are slightly daft to me, although at least Man O' War's make sense.  Noel's lyrics are utter bollocks and there's not a damn thing anyone here can do about it!  If there best song is Wonderwall why is it nobody can work out what the hell it's supposed to mean?  I get more from hearing about heroes in battle.  I think there's as much chance of seeing a dragon walking down the street as there is being under a Champagne Supernova.

Attitude - okay, Man O' War might not be to everyone's taste but I bet they don't go around slandering bands that they don't like by claiming to be better (without cause - obviously they're allowed to slander gay bands like Limp Bizkit, Busted etc).  Oasis, however, are always bleating on about someone being crap.  They're fine ones to talk considering they all do their jobs averagely at best.  I've never heard impressive drumming, bass, guitar or vocals on any Oasis track.

Popularity - irrelevant.  Man O' War aren't as marketable hence are less popular, but that doesn't make them a worse band.  Be honest, Oasis are coffee-table rock.

4-0 to Man O' War!!!  Up yours Noel and Liam!

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Rob on August 02, 2005, 03:23:41 PM
What's wrong with Brother's Of Metal?? I love that fucking song.? It makes me proud to be a metal fan.? The lyrics may be a bit cheesy, but who gives a fuck?? I'll take cheesy metal over the pussy rock of Oasis anyday.

Hows the surly offerings of the Gallagher's 'pussy rock'?

They are the most in ur face 24 carat bastards u could ever get in a studio, there songs just drip with confrontational lyrics, and they back it up

Ur not going to win any arguments with lies....

They're a bunch if limey fruits.  They believe their own hype worse than Velvet Revolver.  And calling them pussies isn't lying, its my opinion.  I'm entitled to one just like everyone else on this board.  You seem to forget that quite often there, Izzy.

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Metallifuck on August 02, 2005, 04:11:57 PM
What's wrong with Brother's Of Metal?  I love that fucking song.  It makes me proud to be a metal fan.  The lyrics may be a bit cheesy, but who gives a fuck?  I'll take cheesy metal over the pussy rock of Oasis anyday.

Hows the surly offerings of the Gallagher's 'pussy rock'?

They are the most in ur face 24 carat bastards u could ever get in a studio, there songs just drip with confrontational lyrics, and they back it up

Ur not going to win any arguments with lies....

They're a bunch if limey fruits.  They believe their own hype worse than Velvet Revolver.  And calling them pussies isn't lying, its my opinion.  I'm entitled to one just like everyone else on this board.  You seem to forget that quite often there, Izzy.

I agree.

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: estranged.1098 on August 02, 2005, 05:03:03 PM
Idiot of the day award goes to Nesquik - Metal is far from fake mate.  That particular opinion is invalid.  Infact, if you said that in my house I'd take you outside for a bit of fisticuffs!  Metal Up Your Ass!!!

What is it with metal fans with the physical "I'll take you" attitude? Manowar will kill Oasis!!! It's quite funny, keep it up.

Music - I've heard Man O' War and they can play their instruments and come up with their own riffs without blatantly 'borrowing'.  Noel is right when he says most stuff isn't original, but there is border and Oasis have corssed it too far too often.  Man O' War win here.

Comparing Oasis to Manowar musically is absolutely ridiculous as they are two different things. Nobody wins my friend, Manowar fans prefer one thing and Oasis fans prefer another.
As for Oasis ripping off other bands, I would say they have done it as often as anyone else.  Oasis has over 100 songs in their catalog, you will find similiarities with other songs. But Oasis has two albums considered by every respectable music critic as amazing. You don't have to like it, but anyone who knows a thing about music will agree with me.

Lyrics - both are slightly daft to me, although at least Man O' War's make sense.  Noel's lyrics are utter bollocks and there's not a damn thing anyone here can do about it!  If there best song is Wonderwall why is it nobody can work out what the hell it's supposed to mean?  I get more from hearing about heroes in battle.  I think there's as much chance of seeing a dragon walking down the street as there is being under a Champagne Supernova.

I think the main thing about lyrics is that they mean something to the people who listen to the music.
You said you haven't listened to Oasis music in 2-3 years, but have you listened to the lyrics on SOTSOG? Or the new album? Maybe you haven't listened to Oasis in 10 years.
I can even mention songs that weren't A-sides that have wonderful lyrics, like 'The Masterplan', 'Talk Tonight', 'Whatever'.

Attitude - okay, Man O' War might not be to everyone's taste but I bet they don't go around slandering bands that they don't like by claiming to be better (without cause - obviously they're allowed to slander gay bands like Limp Bizkit, Busted etc).  Oasis, however, are always bleating on about someone being crap.  They're fine ones to talk considering they all do their jobs averagely at best.  I've never heard impressive drumming, bass, guitar or vocals on any Oasis track.

Liam talks about talking about other bands in the interview I posted, please have a look at it. What I like about them is that they're not afraid to say what they think, not only about other bands but their own.

Popularity - irrelevant.  Man O' War aren't as marketable hence are less popular, but that doesn't make them a worse band.  Be honest, Oasis are coffee-table rock.

Popularity means nothing. Coffee-table rock also means nothing, care to explain that expression to me?

4-0 to Man O' War!!!  Up yours Noel and Liam!

Haha! Even what you admit as a lost argument (popularity) is count as pro-Manowar. Your last comment disqualifies the rest of your post as completely partial, unfortunately.

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Izzy on August 02, 2005, 05:11:51 PM

It's a bit sad that you think of backup posts to 'defeat' other users in your little message board battles.

Its a bit sad i have answers to questions i'm presented with? :confused:


Short for Ammunition. Its a word that most often applies to bullets or missiles.

I am not on this website to prove that i'm right all the time as you obviously are.

Now now, i'm only right most of the time, not all of the time. Even i realise expecting GNR to release another album is just wrong :)

You probably think that you are sweet because you make fun of people on the internet. 

That i can do it so easily does make me think I am rather good with words if nothing else ;)

I also like the fact that you doged my explaination for my earlier statement,

Which was?

I am trying to resolve the conflict

I notice u missed by point about 'can't we all just get along?'

and you just keep making it worse.

I find it funny that people praise Manowar so much, i can't leave untill someone tells me they are actually the greatest band ever

Maybe YOU are the one "running low on ammo" as you did not reply to my latest post, only one that someone else had already made a comment about.

Must have missed that post, but u managed to miss one of mine :)

I've tried to add some common sense to a discussion which centres on how Manowar are somehow one of music's greats..... :peace:

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Izzy on August 02, 2005, 05:14:33 PM
Damnit, there are too estranged's in this thread :P - one makes sense, the other doesn't, can't one of u change ur screen name slightly, its confusing the hell out of me :hihi:

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Axls Locomotive on August 02, 2005, 05:42:43 PM

Popularity - irrelevant.  Man O' War aren't as marketable hence are less popular, but that doesn't make them a worse band.  Be honest, Oasis are coffee-table rock.

4-0 to Man O' War!!!  Up yours Noel and Liam!

popularity is irrelevant yet you praise a 4-0 score in your favour...alas popularity is relevant to you, youve just proved it...oh and you cant count

patronising phrases...used to put down others and to make yourself look blase

Sure there is, Master of the Wind is a good example of a Manowar song that some of the haters might actually like, both lyrically and musically. Not gonna post any lyric samples though, like I said a few posts earlier, rarely do printed lyrics look that good - you need the music to go along with it. (Arcturus are an exception to the rule, but then again they use poetry as lyrics anyway and are generally gods among men.)

nope, kind of bland, lyrics going nowhere...

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Walk on August 02, 2005, 06:41:06 PM
Master of the Wind was a mediocre song on one of Manowar's worst albums. This is because they lost both their drummer AND guitarist before it came out! Even today, Joey and Eric are the only original members left in Manowar. Given the circumstances, they did better than most bands would have.

For a good Manowar ballad, check out Mountains from the Sign Of The Hammer album. If that song doesn't move you, well, check for a pulse. ;) Hell, get that whole album! It's second only to the greatness of Battle Hymns.

EDIT: Lyrically, the best Manowar song is probably Revelation (Death's Angel). Mountains is the best ballad, since I consider Revelation to be a "rocker" type song.

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Skeletor on August 02, 2005, 07:16:38 PM
What I like about them is that they're not afraid to say what they think, not only about other bands but their own.

In this case, they were slagging off Manowar while having never heard their music. That's just fucking stupid.

By the way, love the songs you mentioned Walk (even though I disagree with Master of the Wind being mediocre).

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Walk on August 02, 2005, 07:35:08 PM
It's a good song, but Manowar have done many better ones, that's all. Heart Of Steel is a much better ballad, but Mountains is their best.

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: estranged.1098 on August 02, 2005, 09:09:31 PM
What I like about them is that they're not afraid to say what they think, not only about other bands but their own.

In this case, they were slagging off Manowar while having never heard their music. That's just fucking stupid.

Err.. no. Andy Bell never heard of Manowar, the article doesn't say anything about Liam. In fact, they wrote "Gallagher says emphatically". Being emphatical would contribute to the belief that he has heard of them.

And I won't ask people to read the fuckin magazine again, here's one quote from it:

Q: Well, you get quoted a lot expressing your hatred for this or that, yet you sing a lot of songs about peace and love. How do you reconcile the two?
I don't hate anything. I've got lots of love. I love my children. I love life. I love getting up in the morning. I love going out at night. I'm surrounded by great things. The only things that I dislike is some people's music sometimes. If people ask me my opinion on a band, I'm not gonna sit on the fence and go, "Oh yeah man, they're fucking great guys!" If I don't like it, I don't like it. Vice versa, they've got a right to slag my band off if they don't like it. I think people should relax a bit. I'm only...

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: estranged88 on August 02, 2005, 11:48:23 PM
what the fuck is wrong with thinking manowar is great?

how am i not making sense, i think they are a great band, i never said they were the "greatest," but they are still great.  You are the one making an ass of yourself as you are no longer talking about what the thread is about.  Now you are only discussing how sweet you are at making internet forum comebacks. 

am i making sense now, or do you only understand people who conform to your opinion?

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Rob on August 03, 2005, 03:35:44 AM
This thread has become pretty pointless.  Basically just people trading insults.  The two bands being compared are totally different.  The bottom line is the dude from Oasis made a stupid comment, and the dudes from Manowar could care less...cause no one cares what Oasis has to say.

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: *Izzy* on August 03, 2005, 06:37:55 AM
...cause no one cares what Oasis has to say.
I think this 7 page thread begs to differ

 :smoking: Izzy? :smoking:

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Rob on August 03, 2005, 05:31:52 PM
Most of this thread has been trading insults.  I think its very admirable that the dudes from Manowar have refrained from commenting on this...classy dudes.

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Sakib on August 05, 2005, 06:25:24 PM
Oasis is the worst thing eva. theyr just a bunch of wannabe's that pretend 2 be hard and obsessed with rok n roll but theyr shit and nothing more. theres onli 2 songs dat r ok and theres a maximum of only 10secs i like in dem songs.

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Walk on August 06, 2005, 11:50:15 AM
Judging from your typing, I take it you prefer Snoop Dogg? ;)

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Mattman on August 06, 2005, 02:03:29 PM
Oasis rule!  They're keeping the flame of rock 'n' roll alive.  Rather than your typical whiny post-grunge rock stars, they freely admit that they live in a GN'R-style haze of sex, drugs, and rock.  Plus they're still writing great songs.  Manowar are okay, but they come off to me sounding like weak Iron Maiden wannabes.

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: lennonisgod on August 06, 2005, 02:41:50 PM
This thread has become pretty pointless.  Basically just people trading insults.  The two bands being compared are totally different.  The bottom line is the dude from Oasis made a stupid comment, and the dudes from Manowar could care less...cause no one cares what Oasis has to say.

If no one cares what Oasis says then why the hell did this thread get started in the first place??  How can anyone get mad at band, consisting of guys they don't know, for talking shit about another band full of people they don't know.  Who gives a fuck what any band says about another band? 

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Sakib on August 08, 2005, 11:47:22 AM
Judging from your typing, I take it you prefer Snoop Dogg? ;)

nope. i h8 all rap
Oasis rule! They're keeping the flame of rock 'n' roll alive. Rather than your typical whiny post-grunge rock stars, they freely admit that they live in a GN'R-style haze of sex, drugs, and rock. Plus they're still writing great songs. Manowar are okay, but they come off to me sounding like weak Iron Maiden wannabes.

wot!Oasis  hav destroyed rock n' roll not carrying the torch.

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Ignatius on August 09, 2005, 08:36:20 PM
Sakib...this is not sms texting. You know you don't have limited space here, don't you?

Oasis is one of the best british bands that's come out in the last 10-15 years. You may like them or you may not, but Oasis will never ben indifferent to anybody. Want proof? Read the subject of this thread.

 By the way, The importance of being idle is the best Oasis song of this decade.

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: grendood on August 10, 2005, 09:32:28 AM
This is probably the most idiotic thread ive ever seen in my life.

Oasis are a rock n roll band that single handedly changed the economy of britain in the 90's for that alone they will be rememberd forever. Im not even going to comment on them musically, because its pretty fucking obvious that they have 3 or 4 albums that are amongst the best of all time.

Manowar are a metal band.

nuff said, to be honest this thread is pretty fucking embarrassing.

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Rob on August 10, 2005, 02:24:44 PM
This is probably the most idiotic thread ive ever seen in my life.

Oasis are a rock n roll band that single handedly changed the economy of britain in the 90's for that alone they will be rememberd forever. Im not even going to comment on them musically, because its pretty fucking obvious that they have 3 or 4 albums that are amongst the best of all time.

Manowar are a metal band.

nuff said, to be honest this thread is pretty fucking embarrassing.

Your opinion is quite embarassing.  Go ahead and call Manowar devil worshipers.  If you're ignorant when it comes to metal music, please refrain on commenting about it.

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: grendood on August 10, 2005, 06:07:27 PM
This is probably the most idiotic thread ive ever seen in my life.

Oasis are a rock n roll band that single handedly changed the economy of britain in the 90's for that alone they will be rememberd forever. Im not even going to comment on them musically, because its pretty fucking obvious that they have 3 or 4 albums that are amongst the best of all time.

Manowar are a metal band.

nuff said, to be honest this thread is pretty fucking embarrassing.

Your opinion is quite embarassing.  Go ahead and call Manowar devil worshipers.  If you're ignorant when it comes to metal music, please refrain on commenting about it.

did you get dropped on your head when you were little? where in my post did i mention manowar being devil worshippers.

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Walk on August 11, 2005, 06:35:03 PM
You just called them a "metal" band, which can mean anything. Nu-metal, death metal, black metal, doom metal, heavy metal, power metal, you name it. These days, just calling a band "metal" doesn't say much at all, except maybe ignorance. You don't know much about metal, that was Rob's point.

They even moved away from the whole Satanic thing, which was getting out of style in mainstream metal anyway. Iron Maiden's NotB album's overall silliness was when the Satanic image had to move underground for a while, since it wasn't being taken seriously at all anymore by many people. Of course, outsiders will still call metal Satanic, among other things.

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: grendood on August 12, 2005, 08:18:15 AM
You just called them a "metal" band, which can mean anything. Nu-metal, death metal, black metal, doom metal, heavy metal, power metal, you name it. These days, just calling a band "metal" doesn't say much at all, except maybe ignorance. You don't know much about metal, that was Rob's point.

They even moved away from the whole Satanic thing, which was getting out of style in mainstream metal anyway. Iron Maiden's NotB album's overall silliness was when the Satanic image had to move underground for a while, since it wasn't being taken seriously at all anymore by many people. Of course, outsiders will still call metal Satanic, among other things.

who gives a fuck about satanic metal?! i certainly dont.

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Walk on August 12, 2005, 06:24:24 PM
It was just part of the culture back then. Now, Odin and Thor are the in thing.  ;)

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Sakib on August 13, 2005, 03:41:45 PM
Sakib...this is not sms texting. You know you don't have limited space here, don't you?

Oasis is one of the best british bands that's come out in the last 10-15 years. You may like them or you may not, but Oasis will never ben indifferent to anybody. Want proof? Read the subject of this thread.

 By the way, The importance of being idle is the best Oasis song of this decade.

Ozzy is da best oasis ent rok n roll

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: N.I.B on August 13, 2005, 06:38:47 PM
It was just part of the culture back then. Now, Odin and Thor are the in thing.? ;)

I mean, wouldn't you rather listen to songs about rainbow bridges, brothers of metal, war, and morse heros? I know i would

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Walk on August 13, 2005, 07:17:53 PM
I dunno. Slayer knew how to pull off the Satan angle really well. Same thing with King Diamond. Bathory did well in both the Satanic and Nordic angles. Burzum and all the other black metallers did it too. Of course, then there's the fact that Black Sabbath did the Satan thing, which throws the whole argument out. Satan wins, but the Nordic stuff can be really cool, as well.

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: N.I.B on August 13, 2005, 07:38:09 PM
ya but nordic stuff is so much cooler because in satanism all it talks about is evil satan rules etc., but the nordic music is all based aorund thier "holy" wars (ok pagen wars) which makes it a lot more interesting.

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Rob on August 14, 2005, 12:35:13 AM
I think the nordic dudes are much more serious with their stuff.  Slayer are not serious at all when it comes to all that Satanic stuff.  Tom Araya is a born again Christian.  Anybody ever hear about the band Mayhem?  They were into that nordic stuff, and they wound up killing each other.  One dude killed another dude in the band because he was jealous that the other guy was more evil than him. 

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Walk on August 14, 2005, 01:14:24 AM
Dead committed suicide, Euronymous ate dead's brains, and Varg got upset and stabbed Euronymous 28 times or so, and now he's rotting in prison. Interesting band, that Mayhem. ;)

King Diamond, however, is supposedly a real member of the church of Satan or something, and very serious about it...

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: N.I.B on August 14, 2005, 11:23:31 AM
Dead committed suicide, Euronymous ate dead's brains, and Varg got upset and stabbed Euronymous 28 times or so, and now he's rotting in prison. Interesting band, that Mayhem. ;)


amazing what some late-night beatles does to you  :P

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: disease51883 on August 14, 2005, 01:39:03 PM
Oasis will never ben indifferent to anybody. Want proof? Read the subject of this thread.

I beg to differ...

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: 2NaFish on August 14, 2005, 02:00:15 PM
Oasis will never ben indifferent to anybody. Want proof? Read the subject of this thread.

I beg to differ...

Tell me that's an example of wit.

By typing "i beg to differ" it shows you have an opinion on them, therefore they're not indifferent to you.

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Rob on August 15, 2005, 02:42:36 AM
King Diamond, however, is supposedly a real member of the church of Satan or something, and very serious about it...

Yeah, I've heard that, but I read a 20 Questions with him on Metal Sludge and he seemed like a totally normal guy.  Of course Jimmy Page bought famous Satanist, Allister Crowley's home and performed Satanic rituals in it.  So I guess its not always the guys you most expect that are into that kinda stuff.

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: lennonisgod on August 25, 2005, 10:27:29 AM
Not too bad for such a shitty band, right? And for those of you that haven't heard 'The Importance of Being Idle,' check the song out.  Even if you aren't a big Oasis fan, you might like this song, which has Noel on vocals.  "I sold my soul for the second time..."
Oasis set for top spot

    Oasis are set to land their eighth number one single this week with 'The Importance Of Being Idle' comfortably outselling its nearest rivals.

    According to midweek sales figures, the Manchester rockers are way ahead of Blue singer Simon Webbe with his debut single 'Lay Your Hands'.

    Black Eyed Peas, Rihanna, Girls Aloud, White Stripes and Kaiser Chiefs are all set for new entries inside the top 10, but could be challenged by Freemasons and the Rolling Stones.

    UK singles midweek top 10:

    1. Oasis - The Importance of Being Idle

    2. Simon Webbe - Lay Your Hands

    3. James Blunt - You're Beautiful

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Queen of Everything on August 25, 2005, 06:57:09 PM
Oasis are cool.  But Thats just My Opinion.

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Skeletor on August 25, 2005, 09:04:08 PM
^Another point for Manowar.

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Queen of Everything on August 25, 2005, 09:44:05 PM
^Another point for Manowar.

Whats THAT suppost to mean?!

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Walk on August 25, 2005, 10:51:07 PM
Perhaps it's the "just my opinion" part. Manowar fans tend to look at music more objectively, it seems. Very few of them, for example, hold Warriors Of The World in the same regard as Into Glory Ride. Hell, many of them say WotW was a turd. They can admit that Manowar has made many terrible songs, and they have. The point is, they also have some great songs, and this is what the fans love.

Manowar fans, like the band, are blunt about their feelings. You won't hear many of them say "it's just my opinion". You'll definitely get a lot of "HAIL AND KILL!!!" or "LEAVE THE HALL!!!" out of them!  :peace: It's not so much musical snobbery as it is really enjoying the music and getting a lot out of it; it's music to go out and fight for! Oasis is a more casual band for mainstream taste. They would never have the guts to make a cheesy "song" like The Warrior's Prayer, something that makes Manowar unique.

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Queen of Everything on August 25, 2005, 10:56:16 PM
Perhaps it's the "just my opinion" part. Manowar fans tend to look at music more objectively, it seems. Very few of them, for example, hold Warriors Of The World in the same regard as Into Glory Ride. Hell, many of them say WotW was a turd. They can admit that Manowar has made many terrible songs, and they have. The point is, they also have some great songs, and this is what the fans love.

Manowar fans, like the band, are blunt about their feelings. You won't hear many of them say "it's just my opinion". You'll definitely get a lot of "HAIL AND KILL!!!" or "LEAVE THE HALL!!!" out of them!? :peace: It's not so much musical snobbery as it is really enjoying the music and getting a lot out of it; it's music to go out and fight for! Oasis is a more casual band for mainstream taste. They would never have the guts to make a cheesy "song" like The Warrior's Prayer, something that makes Manowar unique.

Hmm... interesting... Myabe I should re-phrase then

I like Oasis.... HAIL OR KILL!!!!


Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Walk on March 19, 2006, 04:56:28 AM

I can't see anyone from Oasis, or any other band for that matter, daring an interviewer to shoot him so he could die for his music.  :rofl: Manowar is the most true band to ever exist. Hell, even Judas Priest made shit like Turbo and Point Of Entry! Manowar are one of the few bands that have been 100% metal.

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Sakib on March 19, 2006, 05:19:56 AM

I can't see anyone from Oasis, or any other band for that matter, daring an interviewer to shoot him so he could die for his music.? :rofl: Manowar is the most true band to ever exist. Hell, even Judas Priest made shit like Turbo and Point Of Entry! Manowar are one of the few bands that have been 100% metal.

i'd say metal/rock n roll. Oasis are crap. they suck and disgrace to rock anyways. manowar hands down

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: grendood on March 19, 2006, 05:26:18 AM

I can't see anyone from Oasis, or any other band for that matter, daring an interviewer to shoot him so he could die for his music.  :rofl: Manowar is the most true band to ever exist. Hell, even Judas Priest made shit like Turbo and Point Of Entry! Manowar are one of the few bands that have been 100% metal.

i'd say metal/rock n roll. Oasis are crap. they suck and disgrace to rock anyways. manowar hands down

You cant even compare manowar to Oasis you disgraceful bellend :nervous:

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Sakib on March 19, 2006, 05:33:37 AM

I can't see anyone from Oasis, or any other band for that matter, daring an interviewer to shoot him so he could die for his music.? :rofl: Manowar is the most true band to ever exist. Hell, even Judas Priest made shit like Turbo and Point Of Entry! Manowar are one of the few bands that have been 100% metal.

i'd say metal/rock n roll. Oasis are crap. they suck and disgrace to rock anyways. manowar hands down

You cant even compare manowar to Oasis you disgraceful bellend :nervous:

im not comparing them dumbass. I telling you may opinions of them and how they differ.

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: grendood on March 19, 2006, 05:36:39 AM
This thread is arguably the most idiotic and pathetic thread ive ever read on the Internet, well done.  :confused:(

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Sakib on March 19, 2006, 08:12:57 AM
This thread is arguably the most idiotic and pathetic thread ive ever read on the Internet, well done. :confused:(

You obviously aint lived long enough. i think that award goes to jameslofton29 thread "I'm not Paul Huge"

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Mandy. on March 19, 2006, 09:19:45 AM
One of the reason they have sold so many albums - u got to love the way they don't give a damn about others views!

Ooh, such rebels. I, erm, admire them and stuff.


Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: ClintroN on March 20, 2006, 12:45:17 AM
This thread is arguably the most idiotic and pathetic thread ive ever read on the Internet, well done.  :confused:(

well get the fuck outta here then!!! ::) ::) ::)

go back n' put some more shit in ya hair n' go clubbing or somethin'!!!

just give up dude...........OASIS R' FUCKIN' PUSSIES!!!

THEY rather listen to myself suckin' the fart from a dead seagull then hear these fuckin' wankers again!!

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: the dirt on March 20, 2006, 12:58:45 AM
id rather listen to myself suckin' the fart from a dead seagull then hear these fuckin' wankers again!!

I would like to see a video of you doing this.

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: ClintroN on March 20, 2006, 01:33:08 AM
somethings r' better kept away from video tapes!!

thats evidence :hihi:

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: -Jack- on March 20, 2006, 01:48:20 AM
well let me clarify that, a handful of people will remember manowar. Oasis will be etched in the memory society for generations.

exactly ... when you think of the major bands of the 90's then Oasis are certainly top 3 if not number one in the list, and number one definitely in the UK

What? Wow. Oasis remembered by society for generations?  :hihi:

Don't get me wrong.. im not saying Manowar will be remembered, but pleaseeeee. Talk about blind fandom. Remembered by society for generations.. pshhhh.. wow

I don't see why people put Oasis as their favorite band.. they're decent, but even they admit they just copy things and throw they're own spin on it. Whats so special about that?

Like I said, im not even aurguing for Manowar. Im just saying.. you people discredit people like Walk (& other Manowar fans.. but i forget their names) just because he has eccentric taste. Alot of what he says is true.. popularity really isn't anything. Good music is.

Oasis is decent, but definitly not worth the hype.

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: grendood on March 20, 2006, 06:48:07 AM
well let me clarify that, a handful of people will remember manowar. Oasis will be etched in the memory society for generations.

exactly ... when you think of the major bands of the 90's then Oasis are certainly top 3 if not number one in the list, and number one definitely in the UK

What? Wow. Oasis remembered by society for generations?  :hihi:

Don't get me wrong.. im not saying Manowar will be remembered, but pleaseeeee. Talk about blind fandom. Remembered by society for generations.. pshhhh.. wow

I don't see why people put Oasis as their favorite band.. they're decent, but even they admit they just copy things and throw they're own spin on it. Whats so special about that?

Like I said, im not even aurguing for Manowar. Im just saying.. you people discredit people like Walk (& other Manowar fans.. but i forget their names) just because he has eccentric taste. Alot of what he says is true.. popularity really isn't anything. Good music is.

Oasis is decent, but definitly not worth the hype.

How old are you? I doubt you were smart enough to be aware of anything around you in 1994. Oasis will always be remembered for the simple fact that they changed the fucking face of britain, and had a huge impact on the economy and youth. For that alone they will be rememered forever.

Its fine that you dont like them, but please try not to sound so clueless. Go read some books. (

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Sakib on March 20, 2006, 01:05:28 PM
i dont understand why oasis were so popular here in the UK

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Thorned Rose on March 20, 2006, 01:36:30 PM
Well said by Liam - he's spot on too

"But they're loud and shit though, aren't they? They're just shit," Gallagher says emphatically.

Seated beside him, bassist Andy Bell is somewhat perplexed.

"Who are they anyway?" Bell asks. "Heavy metal?"

"Fuck Manowar," interjects Gallagher decisively.

One of the reason they have sold so many albums - u got to love the way they don't give a damn about others views! Rock n' roll!

I have every Oasis studio album, I love them. They are very straight forward rock n' roll. Man O War are the first Slipknot that didn't know they were Slipknot.

Too loud = Good? No it's shit.

Liam and Noel rule

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Skeletor on March 20, 2006, 02:31:17 PM

Man O War are the first Slipknot that didn't know they were Slipknot.

Interesting comment, what exactly does that mean?

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: ClintroN on March 20, 2006, 03:10:35 PM
well let me clarify that, a handful of people will remember manowar. Oasis will be etched in the memory society for generations.

exactly ... when you think of the major bands of the 90's then Oasis are certainly top 3 if not number one in the list, and number one definitely in the UK

What? Wow. Oasis remembered by society for generations?  :hihi:

Don't get me wrong.. im not saying Manowar will be remembered, but pleaseeeee. Talk about blind fandom. Remembered by society for generations.. pshhhh.. wow

I don't see why people put Oasis as their favorite band.. they're decent, but even they admit they just copy things and throw they're own spin on it. Whats so special about that?

Like I said, im not even aurguing for Manowar. Im just saying.. you people discredit people like Walk (& other Manowar fans.. but i forget their names) just because he has eccentric taste. Alot of what he says is true.. popularity really isn't anything. Good music is.

Oasis is decent, but definitly not worth the hype.

How old are you? I doubt you were smart enough to be aware of anything around you in 1994. Oasis will always be remembered for the simple fact that they changed the fucking face of britain, and had a huge impact on the economy and youth. For that alone they will be rememered forever.

Its fine that you dont like them, but please try not to sound so clueless. Go read some books. (


i thought Blur cjanged the face off music over there :P

or even happy mondays :hihi:

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Walk on March 20, 2006, 03:17:08 PM
How old are you? I doubt you were smart enough to be aware of anything around you in 1994.

How about 1982? Listen to Battle Hymns. There were no other bands like Manowar back then. They were one of the first American metal bands that didn't steal ideas from classic rock or NWOBHM. They put out the most interesting, original, if simple, American heavy metal a few years before thrash became popular. Before Metallica, there was Manowar.

Oasis will always be remembered for the simple fact that they changed the fucking face of britain, and had a huge impact on the economy and youth. For that alone they will be rememered forever.

Economy? Youth? It sounds like you're throwing the popularity argument out, and it has been debunked hundreds of times already. Just give it up. Grunge changed the face of America; does that automatically make it a good thing?

Its fine that you dont like them, but please try not to sound so clueless. Go read some books.

Not only do I not like Oasis, but they're objectively a mediocre band. Go listen to some music. Oasis lack originality and perspective. They were a reactionary band with little creativity.

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: JAC185 on March 20, 2006, 03:22:32 PM
How old are you? I doubt you were smart enough to be aware of anything around you in 1994.

How about 1982? Listen to Battle Hymns. There were no other bands like Manowar back then. They were one of the first American metal bands that didn't steal ideas from classic rock or NWOBHM. They put out the most interesting, original, if simple, American heavy metal a few years before thrash became popular. Before Metallica, there was Manowar.

Oasis will always be remembered for the simple fact that they changed the fucking face of britain, and had a huge impact on the economy and youth. For that alone they will be rememered forever.

Economy? Youth? It sounds like you're throwing the popularity argument out, and it has been debunked hundreds of times already. Just give it up. Grunge changed the face of America; does that automatically make it a good thing?

Its fine that you dont like them, but please try not to sound so clueless. Go read some books.

Not only do I not like Oasis, but they're objectively a mediocre band. Go listen to some music. Oasis lack originality and perspective. They were a reactionary band with little creativity.

Oasis strangely seem to save thier most creative and original work for b-sides or overlooked album tracks (although obviously they can't really decide which tracks are overlooked except by not playing them live), i can honestly say i think Lyla was the first single coz it was a safe choice, people would hear it and say 'thats Oasis' and buy it, whether it was good, or any different from the past.

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: -Jack- on March 20, 2006, 04:34:28 PM
I would respond to you in more detail grendood but other posters have made points before me.

I don't see the point in undermining my intelligence or age either. Doesn't make your aurguement look any more credible, but if a false sense of superiority helps you sleep at night...

Perhaps Oasis made some huge inpact on you, thats great, but they won't be remembered for "generations" (or "forever" as you said.) And thats a fact.


Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Mattman on March 20, 2006, 04:39:51 PM
I'm a huge fan of classic heavy metal - Metallica, Maiden, Priest, Megadeth, Motley Crue, whatever. ?But even I can tell that Manowar are at most a mediocre, cheesy metal band. ?What Iron Maiden did so well - classic metal with amazing riffs, historically-themed lyrics, and a singer who could pull it off - Manowar comes off as a cheap imitation. ?Although they've done some stuff that I like - "Achilles, Agony and Ecstasy in Eight Parts", for example - precious few of their songs have any real worth. ?Eric Adams is a hilariously over-the-top vocalist. ?Guys like Rob Halford and Bruce Dickinson can pull of the wailing metal singer bit with ease, but Adams is just a lame pastiche of that style.

By contrast, Oasis are one of my favourite bands, despite the fact that I listen to so much old heavy metal. ?And that's mainly because they write great songs. ?Noel Gallagher is one of the best songwriters of his generation; almost every song of his has a great catchy hook to it. ?Plus, I saw them live and they put on an incredible show. ?Even if you like Manowar, they've never done anything that can match Oasis's songs. ?Everybody knows "Wonderwall" - it's one of those timeless songs.

Skeletor and Metallifuck, I understand they're huge metalheads and if offered a choice between Manowar and Oasis they would go for the metal band and trash the other. ?But I think this is an example of genre blindness - preferring Manowar just because they're a metal band, despite the fact that they're a shitty metal band.

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: grendood on March 20, 2006, 04:46:56 PM
I would respond to you in more detail grendood but other posters have made points before me.

I don't see the point in undermining my intelligence or age either. Doesn't make your aurguement look any more credible, but if a false sense of superiority helps you sleep at night...

Perhaps Oasis made some huge inpact on you, thats great, but they won't be remembered for "generations" (or "forever" as you said.) And thats a fact.


They will be remembered forever at least by The UK. FACT.
Their Impact on the UK was the biggest since the beatles. FACT.
Im not undermining you're intelligence, your views and opinions are clearly biased, as you obviously hate Oasis. FACT.
My opinions are also biased. FACT,
they did change my life as they did for millions of others. FACT. (see Knebworth)
 : ok:

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: -Jack- on March 20, 2006, 05:01:50 PM
They will be remembered forever at least by The UK. FACT.

For a couple decades? Sure.

Their Impact on the UK was the biggest since the beatles. FACT.

Can't aurgue there.

Im not undermining you're intelligence, your views and opinions are clearly biased, as you obviously hate Oasis. FACT.

I don't hate Oasis. I just don't see what the big deal is/ why they think they're the best thing since sliced bread. In that sense im biased, yes.

My opinions are also biased. FACT,


they did change my life as they did for millions of others. FACT. (see Knebworth)

I believe I did say, "perhaps Oasis made some huge impact on you"

In the end were not going to budge either way.. so...  :peace:


Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: axl_rose_700 on March 20, 2006, 05:07:36 PM
I would respond to you in more detail grendood but other posters have made points before me.

I don't see the point in undermining my intelligence or age either. Doesn't make your aurguement look any more credible, but if a false sense of superiority helps you sleep at night...

Perhaps Oasis made some huge inpact on you, thats great, but they won't be remembered for "generations" (or "forever" as you said.) And thats a fact.

? ? -jack

They will be remembered forever at least by The UK. FACT.
Their Impact on the UK was the biggest since the beatles. FACT.
Im not undermining you're intelligence, your views and opinions are clearly biased, as you obviously hate Oasis. FACT.
My opinions are also biased. FACT,
they did change my life as they did for millions of others. FACT. (see Knebworth)
 : ok:

i know very little about manowar, by your guys descriptions i probably wont like them, not my scene. but since i know shit about them i aint gunna slag em off

however,oasis are fucking awesome. they kickstarted music again in the mid 90's and had a huge impact on so many people. DM is probably the album of the 90's and they defined the rock n roll attitude, i like oasis as much as gnr, seen em live twice n theyve blown me away each time!

they will be remebered in the uk forever, fact

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Skeletor on March 20, 2006, 05:15:00 PM
But I think this is an example of genre blindness - preferring Manowar just because they're a metal band, despite the fact that they're a shitty metal band.

Huh? Did you ever stop to consider that maybe we DON'T think Manowar's a "shitty metal band"? And that despite your opinion, a lot of people actually think Eric Adams is an amazing vocalist, at times even more impressive and powerful than ole Mr. Dickinson.

I guess we just have really different tastes; you said one of the few things you like by Manowar is the half-hour tirade of "Achilles, Agony, ..." - well, to me it's the worst thing they've ever done.

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: ClintroN on March 23, 2006, 12:45:57 AM
....i just wanted this page to be up the top since i love the title!!!

yeah...FUCK OASIS!!! :yes:

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Sakib on March 23, 2006, 12:34:25 PM
....i just wanted this page to be up the top since i love the title!!!

yeah...FUCK OASIS!!! :yes:

me 2

Title: Re: Fuck Oasis
Post by: Metallifuck on March 23, 2006, 12:58:06 PM
Skeletor and Metallifuck, I understand they're huge metalheads and if offered a choice between Manowar and Oasis they would go for the metal band and trash the other.  But I think this is an example of genre blindness - preferring Manowar just because they're a metal band, despite the fact that they're a shitty metal band.

I like some of Oasis older stuff, I have Wonderwall, it's quite good.