Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: RnT on July 24, 2005, 07:39:00 PM

Title: About the IRS leak...
Post by: RnT on July 24, 2005, 07:39:00 PM
If I remember correctly, in that whole IRS history, someone ( maybe mysteron? ) posted something like "the GNR camp already knows who leaked the song...", but I don?t remember the END of this

who, according to the GNR camp, leaked the song?

Title: Re: About the IRS leak...
Post by: jimmythegent on July 24, 2005, 07:44:41 PM
Yeah, Id like to know that as well

Theres a lot ogf questions about that whole issue - it would be fascinating to know what went on

Something I'm intriguied about is the rumour that there were other tracks on the CD? what happened to those? surely someone has a copy somewhere?

Title: Re: About the IRS leak...
Post by: chineseblues on July 24, 2005, 07:57:05 PM
Yeah, Id like to know that as well

Theres a lot ogf questions about that whole issue - it would be fascinating to know what went on

Something I'm intriguied about is the rumour that there were other tracks on the CD? what happened to those? surely someone has a copy somewhere?

Nope, the cd was handed over to gnr management.

Title: Re: About the IRS leak...
Post by: KillYourIdols on July 24, 2005, 08:05:57 PM
Apparantly Mike Piazza and Eddie Trunk leaked the song over the radio. Rumours say that they handed over the CD(s) to GNR, but it seems that someone did manage to record the song from the radio or internet broadcast. Explains why we are missing ~30 secs of the song at the beginning.

Just took a while to surface for some reason. As to who gave Piazza/Trunk the CD, who knows. AFAIK it's not public info, if it's something they actually do know.


Title: Re: About the IRS leak...
Post by: RnT on July 24, 2005, 08:21:36 PM

I?m asking what the poster HERE did mean saying that the GNR camp already knows about who leaked the song... if was TRUNK and PIAZZA ( already confirmed since the beggining, becouse the song was played in the trunk show ), they received the cd(s) from someone, that?s what I?m wondering, couse the poster HERE at HTGTH said that and the whole history just "ended" in the air...

so, he did mean PIZZA AND EDDIE TRUNK or he did mean that the GNR camp found "that person" ( someone that worked in the studio or whatever ) that leaked the song.. ??
if he did mean PIAZZA AND EDDIE TRUNK, than there?s something missed in the middle and this person could be one of the members here

( not talking about the person who recorded the song from the radio, but the person who had the cds and, OF COURSE, had a copy )

Title: Re: About the IRS leak...
Post by: gnrfan1797 on July 26, 2005, 01:05:04 AM
iv'e never heard the leak was it good?

Title: Re: About the IRS leak...
Post by: nesquick on July 26, 2005, 03:18:31 AM
iv'e never heard the leak was it good?
YES. exellent.

Title: Re: About the IRS leak...
Post by: Thorazine Shuffle on July 26, 2005, 09:17:29 AM
I might be wrong about this, but I think the poster at named Biff Tannen, who was later identified as Darknemus either leaked it or introduced the song to MYGNR, then later here.  But like I said, I could be wrong. :-\

Title: Re: About the IRS leak...
Post by: kyrie on July 26, 2005, 09:37:30 AM
Someone sent it to Mike Piazza anon - it showed up in his fan mail - that's his story.
He took it on the Eddie Trunk show. They played one track - IRS (there were supposedly some other tracks).
Someone recorded it.

Now, this someone, may or may not be someone who claimed to have had it over a year ago. He asked for help posting it online on several GNR forums (I think, maybe, including this one, or at least it was talked about here), because he said he was not computer savvy - and everyone acted like a total asshole to him, saying he was bullshitting, you know, the usual crap whenever a rumor starts - so he fucked off. Why do something nice for people who are treating you like shit (there's a lesson in here, somewhere, but I'm not sure about what it is... hmm...).

And no more was heard until Biff Tannen, aka Darknemus, leaked several short clips. Eventually he was unveiled, dunno his source, but it was clearly recorded from the Eddie Trunk broadcast, which explains to you the quality and the missing intro - someone was surprised by this and had to switch on the recorder rather quickly.

Axl's legal muscle confiscated the CD Piazza got, and if he made a copy, he sure as hell won't leak it again, so there's not going to be anything new coming from that area.

Now... who leaked it to Piazza... there's your question.

Title: Re: About the IRS leak...
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on July 26, 2005, 11:43:26 AM
Someone sent it to Mike Piazza anon - it showed up in his fan mail - that's his story.
He took it on the Eddie Trunk show. They played one track - IRS (there were supposedly some other tracks).
Someone recorded it.

Now, this someone, may or may not be someone who claimed to have had it over a year ago. He asked for help posting it online on several GNR forums (I think, maybe, including this one, or at least it was talked about here), because he said he was not computer savvy - and everyone acted like a total asshole to him, saying he was bullshitting, you know, the usual crap whenever a rumor starts - so he fucked off. Why do something nice for people who are treating you like shit (there's a lesson in here, somewhere, but I'm not sure about what it is... hmm...).

And no more was heard until Biff Tannen, aka Darknemus, leaked several short clips. Eventually he was unveiled, dunno his source, but it was clearly recorded from the Eddie Trunk broadcast, which explains to you the quality and the missing intro - someone was surprised by this and had to switch on the recorder rather quickly.

Axl's legal muscle confiscated the CD Piazza got, and if he made a copy, he sure as hell won't leak it again, so there's not going to be anything new coming from that area.

Now... who leaked it to Piazza... there's your question.

Lets get one thing straight. Dark didnt leak anything. He got it off Bi Polars sites.  Dark NEVER had the song first, he got it from someone who got it from bi polar who was going to post it later that night but Dark beat him to it.

As for someone  taping it quick, that is still bullshit, since the kid who came here when it was played on trunk said he got the song by accident and was not even a gnr fan. So why would he just happen to hit record? I still think the full song is out there with full quality, I dont even think the person that leaked it this tiime is the same kid as the first time.

Title: Re: About the IRS leak...
Post by: Luigi on July 26, 2005, 11:53:08 AM
I think it was either when Axl went to that strip club in Las Vagus and played a song, so maybe the DJ secretly recorded it or Axl sent a copy to Mike Piazza as a little taste of whats to come as a gift since he knows Mikes a big fan of his and maybe in return Axl gets a signed jersey or clubhouse tickets, but what the fuck do it know, just a thought   

Title: Re: About the IRS leak...
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on July 26, 2005, 11:54:45 AM
I think it was either when Axl went to that strip club in Las Vagus and played a song, so maybe the DJ secretly recorded it or Axl sent a copy to Mike Piazza as a little taste of whats to come as a gift since he knows Mikes a big fan of his and maybe in return Axl gets a signed jersey or clubhouse tickets, but what the fuck do it know, just a thought? ?

Mike said axl didnt give him anything, that he got it in his fan mail.

Title: Re: About the IRS leak...
Post by: Luigi on July 26, 2005, 12:03:24 PM
?, how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tooties roll pop? the world may never know.  No Answer. ? Who leaked the IRS song ? the world may never know.  No Answer

Title: Re: About the IRS leak...
Post by: chineseblues on July 26, 2005, 12:19:11 PM
Someone sent it to Mike Piazza anon - it showed up in his fan mail - that's his story.
He took it on the Eddie Trunk show. They played one track - IRS (there were supposedly some other tracks).
Someone recorded it.

Now, this someone, may or may not be someone who claimed to have had it over a year ago. He asked for help posting it online on several GNR forums (I think, maybe, including this one, or at least it was talked about here), because he said he was not computer savvy - and everyone acted like a total asshole to him, saying he was bullshitting, you know, the usual crap whenever a rumor starts - so he fucked off. Why do something nice for people who are treating you like shit (there's a lesson in here, somewhere, but I'm not sure about what it is... hmm...).

And no more was heard until Biff Tannen, aka Darknemus, leaked several short clips. Eventually he was unveiled, dunno his source, but it was clearly recorded from the Eddie Trunk broadcast, which explains to you the quality and the missing intro - someone was surprised by this and had to switch on the recorder rather quickly.

Axl's legal muscle confiscated the CD Piazza got, and if he made a copy, he sure as hell won't leak it again, so there's not going to be anything new coming from that area.

Now... who leaked it to Piazza... there's your question.

Lets get one thing straight. Dark didnt leak anything. He got it off Bi Polars sites.  Dark NEVER had the song first, he got it from someone who got it from bi polar who was going to post it later that night but Dark beat him to it.

As for someone  taping it quick, that is still bullshit, since the kid who came here when it was played on trunk said he got the song by accident and was not even a gnr fan. So why would he just happen to hit record? I still think the full song is out there with full quality, I dont even think the person that leaked it this tiime is the same kid as the first time.

He never got it from BP either. Some guy went to several admins (BP and myself included)  of various gnr forums, asking us to put it online. When we refused, he posted a short clip via usendit on It was online there for maybe 5 minutes before rainx descovered it and deleted it. During that time Jim Bob had a chance to download it, then he put it on his forum. From there it showed up at mygnr. And then other clips started leaking. But NO ONE got it from B, dont even try and start pinning it on him.

As for whether it was recorded from the radio or not, well according to the guy who originally leaked it, he got it from the radio. His tape was better quality then what was leaked because he only had a crappy pc mic to record it to his computer with.

Title: Re: About the IRS leak...
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on July 26, 2005, 01:09:30 PM
BP gave it to someone he thought he could trust, and THAT person gave it to dark.
The leaked version still came from BP who was going to post it on his site.
My point is, dark didnt get it from the person who taped it off the radio, BP did.
I was not trying to pin it on BP  i was trying to give him credit since he said a few days before any clips leaked, that it was coming.
Also, about the pc mic, if anyone knows that kid, get teh tape from him and let someone else upload it so its better quality

Title: Re: About the IRS leak...
Post by: gigger on July 26, 2005, 01:11:23 PM
BP gave it to someone he thought he could trust, and THAT person gave it to dark.
The leaked version still came from BP who was going to post it on his site.
My point is, dark didnt get it from the person who taped it off the radio, BP did.

Nope. You're wrong.  : ok:

Title: Re: About the IRS leak...
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on July 26, 2005, 01:11:51 PM
BP gave it to someone he thought he could trust, and THAT person gave it to dark.
The leaked version still came from BP who was going to post it on his site.
My point is, dark didnt get it from the person who taped it off the radio, BP did.

Nope. You're wrong.? : ok:

How am i wrong when that is what BP told me? HMMMM

Title: Re: About the IRS leak...
Post by: gigger on July 26, 2005, 01:13:07 PM
BP gave it to someone he thought he could trust, and THAT person gave it to dark.
The leaked version still came from BP who was going to post it on his site.
My point is, dark didnt get it from the person who taped it off the radio, BP did.

Nope. You're wrong.? : ok:

How am i wrong when that is what BP told me? HMMMM

Because that's not how it happened.  : ok:

Title: Re: About the IRS leak...
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on July 26, 2005, 01:13:36 PM
then why dont you tell us how it happened if you know different
because i just know what i was told by BP

Title: Re: About the IRS leak...
Post by: Luigi on July 26, 2005, 01:30:47 PM

Title: Re: About the IRS leak...
Post by: RnT on July 26, 2005, 01:34:44 PM

wait for jes... wait, what are you talking about??

Title: Re: About the IRS leak...
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on July 26, 2005, 01:36:44 PM
waiting giggler

Title: Re: About the IRS leak...
Post by: Voodoochild on July 26, 2005, 01:43:06 PM
I tried to put at (and, I think) a better way to record the song to the cp, but the guy who taped never readed it or maybe he didn't care at all. :-\

Title: Re: About the IRS leak...
Post by: chineseblues on July 26, 2005, 02:24:35 PM
I tried to put at (and, I think) a better way to record the song to the cp, but the guy who taped never readed it or maybe he didn't care at all. :-\

I really dont blame the guy for not trying to put it up in better quality. Its not something the gnr camp wants, and he is respecting their wishes.

Title: Re: About the IRS leak...
Post by: Voodoochild on July 26, 2005, 02:29:22 PM
Yeah, I know. My bad. :(

Title: Re: About the IRS leak...
Post by: jimmythegent on July 26, 2005, 04:17:30 PM
In the "Band that time forgot", the author mentions a leak of Bad Apples prior to the Illusions release, a demo no less like IRS.

Does anyone know if this exists as it's the first Ive heard of that

Title: Re: About the IRS leak...
Post by: gigger on July 26, 2005, 06:09:35 PM
waiting giggler

Apologies. I haven't been near a computer since I last posted but I'd prefer it if you didn't spell my name wrong too!

This is going to sound fairly lame but I'm not gonna actually explain what happened because it would take me a very long time and ultimately it makes no difference how it got out. There are also one or two people who may not want me to explain what happened for various reasons. Between speaking to BP, dark and one or two others involved I got a very clear picture of how the song leaked. At the time I could even tell you the address and telephone number of the person who leaked it but that wouldn't be very nice now would it!  : ok:

It's safe to assume that before the song was leaked on MyGnR there was PLENTY of people that had the actual audio of it already. There is still a chance that a better copy of the song will leak. I know of 3 people that claim to have access to DAT copies of Trunks show. ::)

Title: Re: About the IRS leak...
Post by: jimmythegent on July 26, 2005, 06:12:43 PM
waiting giggler

Apologies. I haven't been near a computer since I last posted but I'd prefer it if you didn't spell my name wrong too!

This is going to sound fairly lame but I'm not gonna actually explain what happened because it would take me a very long time and ultimately it makes no difference how it got out. There are also one or two people who may not want me to explain what happened for various reasons. Between speaking to BP, dark and one or two others involved I got a very clear picture of how the song leaked. At the time I could even tell you the address and telephone number of the person who leaked it but that wouldn't be very nice now would it!? : ok:

It's safe to assume that before the song was leaked on MyGnR there was PLENTY of people that had the actual audio of it already. There is still a chance that a better copy of the song will leak. I know of 3 people that claim to have access to DAT copies of Trunks show. ::)

now that would be something
a nice sounding studio audio clip rather than a staticy clip would be a nice little taster

Title: Re: About the IRS leak...
Post by: MoonMax on July 26, 2005, 06:56:43 PM
still not answering the main question, but that Las Vegas clue sounds very interesting. I mean the recording doesn't sound like it was taken directly from the source. It's more like someone had the equipement with the microphone and was close enough to record it. The quality is like it was recoded from behind the door.


Title: Re: About the IRS leak...
Post by: Voodoochild on July 26, 2005, 07:11:45 PM
still not answering the main question, but that Las Vegas clue sounds very interesting. I mean the recording doesn't sound like it was taken directly from the source. It's more like someone had the equipement with the microphone and was close enough to record it. The quality is like it was recoded from behind the door.
Yeah, maybe because the guy indeed record it with a cheap microphone from the tape to the computer.  ::)

Title: Re: About the IRS leak...
Post by: Luigi on July 26, 2005, 07:41:30 PM
You guys are killing me. lol

Title: Re: About the IRS leak...
Post by: chineseblues on July 26, 2005, 07:52:48 PM
still not answering the main question, but that Las Vegas clue sounds very interesting. I mean the recording doesn't sound like it was taken directly from the source. It's more like someone had the equipement with the microphone and was close enough to record it. The quality is like it was recoded from behind the door.
Yeah, maybe because the guy indeed record it with a cheap microphone from the tape to the computer.  ::)

thats exactly what happened lol

Title: Re: About the IRS leak...
Post by: RnT on July 26, 2005, 08:05:12 PM
waiting giggler

This is going to sound fairly lame but I'm not gonna actually explain what happened because it would take me a very long time

like if we are going to somewhere else...  :no:

Title: Re: About the IRS leak...
Post by: MoonMax on July 26, 2005, 09:47:06 PM
waiting giggler

This is going to sound fairly lame but I'm not gonna actually explain what happened because it would take me a very long time

like if we are going to somewhere else...? :no:

we're totaly not, but, what else can we do if not having "fun"...

Title: Re: About the IRS leak...
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on July 27, 2005, 12:35:57 AM
waiting giggler

Apologies. I haven't been near a computer since I last posted but I'd prefer it if you didn't spell my name wrong too!

This is going to sound fairly lame but I'm not gonna actually explain what happened because it would take me a very long time and ultimately it makes no difference how it got out. There are also one or two people who may not want me to explain what happened for various reasons. Between speaking to BP, dark and one or two others involved I got a very clear picture of how the song leaked. At the time I could even tell you the address and telephone number of the person who leaked it but that wouldn't be very nice now would it!? : ok:

It's safe to assume that before the song was leaked on MyGnR there was PLENTY of people that had the actual audio of it already. There is still a chance that a better copy of the song will leak. I know of 3 people that claim to have access to DAT copies of Trunks show. ::)

Like I said, the person that taped it, if  you know him, why not just get the tape he had and put it on the compter via a better source?

Title: Re: About the IRS leak...
Post by: chineseblues on July 27, 2005, 12:37:09 AM
waiting giggler

Apologies. I haven't been near a computer since I last posted but I'd prefer it if you didn't spell my name wrong too!

This is going to sound fairly lame but I'm not gonna actually explain what happened because it would take me a very long time and ultimately it makes no difference how it got out. There are also one or two people who may not want me to explain what happened for various reasons. Between speaking to BP, dark and one or two others involved I got a very clear picture of how the song leaked. At the time I could even tell you the address and telephone number of the person who leaked it but that wouldn't be very nice now would it!  : ok:

It's safe to assume that before the song was leaked on MyGnR there was PLENTY of people that had the actual audio of it already. There is still a chance that a better copy of the song will leak. I know of 3 people that claim to have access to DAT copies of Trunks show. ::)

Like I said, the person that taped it, if  you know him, why not just get the tape he had and put it on the compter via a better source?

Because he wont give it out. The guy lives in Texas. Wanna go pay him a visit?

Title: Re: About the IRS leak...
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on July 27, 2005, 12:38:19 AM
waiting giggler

Apologies. I haven't been near a computer since I last posted but I'd prefer it if you didn't spell my name wrong too!

This is going to sound fairly lame but I'm not gonna actually explain what happened because it would take me a very long time and ultimately it makes no difference how it got out. There are also one or two people who may not want me to explain what happened for various reasons. Between speaking to BP, dark and one or two others involved I got a very clear picture of how the song leaked. At the time I could even tell you the address and telephone number of the person who leaked it but that wouldn't be very nice now would it!? : ok:

It's safe to assume that before the song was leaked on MyGnR there was PLENTY of people that had the actual audio of it already. There is still a chance that a better copy of the song will leak. I know of 3 people that claim to have access to DAT copies of Trunks show. ::)

Like I said, the person that taped it, if? you know him, why not just get the tape he had and put it on the compter via a better source?

Because he wont give it out. The guy lives in Texas. Wanna go pay him a visit?

Why wont he give it out, from what I heard, he is not even a gnr fan.
Also he could just snail mail it.

Title: Re: About the IRS leak...
Post by: kyrie on July 27, 2005, 01:28:47 AM
Someone sent it to Mike Piazza anon - it showed up in his fan mail - that's his story.
He took it on the Eddie Trunk show. They played one track - IRS (there were supposedly some other tracks).
Someone recorded it.

Now, this someone, may or may not be someone who claimed to have had it over a year ago. He asked for help posting it online on several GNR forums (I think, maybe, including this one, or at least it was talked about here), because he said he was not computer savvy - and everyone acted like a total asshole to him, saying he was bullshitting, you know, the usual crap whenever a rumor starts - so he fucked off. Why do something nice for people who are treating you like shit (there's a lesson in here, somewhere, but I'm not sure about what it is... hmm...).

And no more was heard until Biff Tannen, aka Darknemus, leaked several short clips. Eventually he was unveiled, dunno his source, but it was clearly recorded from the Eddie Trunk broadcast, which explains to you the quality and the missing intro - someone was surprised by this and had to switch on the recorder rather quickly.

Axl's legal muscle confiscated the CD Piazza got, and if he made a copy, he sure as hell won't leak it again, so there's not going to be anything new coming from that area.

Now... who leaked it to Piazza... there's your question.

Lets get one thing straight. Dark didnt leak anything. He got it off Bi Polars sites.? Dark NEVER had the song first, he got it from someone who got it from bi polar who was going to post it later that night but Dark beat him to it.

As for someone? taping it quick, that is still bullshit, since the kid who came here when it was played on trunk said he got the song by accident and was not even a gnr fan. So why would he just happen to hit record? I still think the full song is out there with full quality, I dont even think the person that leaked it this tiime is the same kid as the first time.

Regardless of exactly where he got it, Dark was Biff. He went through the hoopla of posting messages from the future, blah blah blah. If some other board had it and was slow to spread it, well, their loss, but either way it got out.

It's clearly a radio capture. The quality screams it. The missing intro screams it. Someone missed recording the intro and that's it. If someone had the original CD, it would be out there.

There was no magic of someone standing next to the studio door with a mic capturing shit like some James Bond wannabe. It's sadly hilarious how some people want to build their ego or make a mystery over something like this.

Someone leaked it (prolly an intern or tech at the studio, or someone gifted with a copy by someone close to/in the band), it went to a shitty ball player, he took it to a shitty DJ, someone taped it, it made its way online. This is a rather simple process.

I'm glad it's out, but in the end, it's a cool demo of a song which may sound very different now, years later, it's unfinished, and prolly won't be a single (hey, beggars can't be choosers). Our thanks ought to go to the original source and the guy who captured it off the air, and let it end there.

Title: Re: About the IRS leak...
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on July 27, 2005, 01:30:58 AM
If the DAT tape was really out there, the songt would have leaked by now.

Title: Re: About the IRS leak...
Post by: -Jack- on July 27, 2005, 03:44:09 AM
I really didn't think the IRS leak song was very good. It sounded kinda generic. Then again it could be old. Im not thrashing.. im just giving my opinion

Title: Re: About the IRS leak...
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on July 27, 2005, 03:52:09 AM
BP gave it to someone he thought he could trust, and THAT person gave it to dark.
The leaked version still came from BP who was going to post it on his site.
My point is, dark didnt get it from the person who taped it off the radio, BP did.

Nope. You're wrong.? : ok:

How am i wrong when that is what BP told me? HMMMM

Because that's not how it happened.  : ok:

i back gigger on that one.

Title: Re: About the IRS leak...
Post by: MoonMax on July 27, 2005, 09:57:56 AM
Someone sent it to Mike Piazza anon - it showed up in his fan mail - that's his story.
It's clearly a radio capture. The quality screams it. The missing intro screams it. Someone missed recording the intro and that's it. If someone had the original CD, it would be out there.

It probably is the radio capture, but the quality doesn't say anything. Do You think, that if Jarmo had it, he'd posted it here??

There was no magic of someone standing next to the studio door with a mic capturing shit like some James Bond wannabe. It's sadly hilarious how some people want to build their ego or make a mystery over something like this.

Do you have any problems with my posts?

Title: Re: About the IRS leak...
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on July 27, 2005, 10:01:32 AM
Could the edited parts of the song (it's clearly cut in a couple places) be radio-edits to bleep out F-words?  Just wondering.  Any thoughts?

-Axl4Prez2004   ???

Title: Re: About the IRS leak...
Post by: Pingouirose on July 27, 2005, 10:18:42 AM
Hey guys I don't know what you think about that but before IRS leak, I said "nana I won't take any internet leak before CD release, it would spoil the masterpiece..". But I have took it ! And I love IRS but we know another song of CD. If there was a new leak (demo or final), would you download it ?

Title: Re: About the IRS leak...
Post by: Scabbie on July 27, 2005, 11:45:11 AM
Hey guys I don't know what you think about that but before IRS leak, I said "nana I won't take any internet leak before CD release, it would spoil the masterpiece..". But I have took it ! And I love IRS but we know another song of CD. If there was a new leak (demo or final), would you download it ?

OK, I'll be honest. If someone announced a release date I'd respect that and try my very best to hold out until I had the CD in my hand. If there was a leak and then a release date announced shortly afterwards I'd also respect it (as long as it was definitive). But if we're still kept in the dark, without the slightest bit of official news then yes I'd download it.

Title: Re: About the IRS leak...
Post by: C0ma on July 27, 2005, 11:50:55 AM
As far as I'm concerned any respect and understanding was lost when 7th year I've been waiting has passed. It's insane, I could have learned Guitar, Bass, Drums, Keyboards, and gotten vocal lessons. Then recieved a degree in production, wrote, recorded, mixed and released an album by now....................

I'll take every demo I can get.....

Title: Re: About the IRS leak...
Post by: chineseblues on July 27, 2005, 11:55:07 AM
Could the edited parts of the song (it's clearly cut in a couple places) be radio-edits to bleep out F-words?  Just wondering.  Any thoughts?

-Axl4Prez2004   ???

No, its was where the guy was using the voice recorder on his pc, and it only allows so much to be recorded at a time (usually between 30 seconds and 1 minute) So the guy had to record the parts of the song seperately and then join them later.

Title: Re: About the IRS leak...
Post by: August 18th on July 27, 2005, 11:57:18 AM
It's insane, I could have learned Guitar, Bass, Drums, Keyboards, and gotten vocal lessons. Then recieved a degree in production, wrote, recorded, mixed and released an album by now....................

lol, maybe that's what axl's been doing...? ??? :nervous: 8)

Title: Re: About the IRS leak...
Post by: MoonMax on July 27, 2005, 01:26:10 PM
It's insane, I could have learned Guitar, Bass, Drums, Keyboards, and gotten vocal lessons. Then recieved a degree in production, wrote, recorded, mixed and released an album by now....................

lol, maybe that's what axl's been doing...? ??? :nervous: 8)

Yeah, I remember that rumour, that Axl will be the rythm guitarist in new GN'R.

If it comes to me, I'd download any leak, because Axl might be that kind of guy, that if anything leaked, the song will never be put on the record. And it's better have something like CRASH DIET or IRS then...not. Thougt I would never go with this in public or share with non-guns fans.

Title: Re: About the IRS leak...
Post by: Twisted Nerve 85 on July 27, 2005, 02:38:56 PM
I js hope this IRS leak hasnt pissed Axl off to the point where he decides to scrap the entire project and take another 10 yr haietus.  :peace:

Title: Re: About the IRS leak...
Post by: jameslofton29 on July 27, 2005, 02:42:35 PM
If Axl decides to scrap CD, it will have nothing to do with the IRS leak.

Title: Re: About the IRS leak...
Post by: darknemus on July 27, 2005, 05:22:29 PM
A. There are definitely DAT copies of the entire Trunk Broadcast that night floating around.  I don't know, however, if there are copies of the entire CD.  (Realize that only IRS was played)

B. The version of IRS that I 'leaked' had been emailed to me by 3 different people.  It seemed like no one had the 'balls' to post the whole thing up so I was like "Fuck it" so I went ahead and did it.  I also took full responsibility for it.  Since it was aired on the Trunk show way back when, it actually falls under 'fair use' to my understanding, and therefore there's really no liability to 'leaking' it (as long as its the broadcast that got leaked) anyway.

C. I didn't get it from BiPolar or anyone associated with him.  I got the file, like I said, from 3 different people.  Only one of who I know relatively well - the other two I don't even know.  the file was sent via gmail - which conveniently hides the sender's IP.. how quaint.

Peace out,


Title: Re: About the IRS leak...
Post by: jabba2 on July 27, 2005, 05:55:07 PM
IRS is the only NuGNR song that actually sounds like GNR, unlike the other rockers Axl played on tour. Axl's vocal melody was 1000% better than the other new songs too. Axl should have played IRS on tour  ??? people would have liked it.

Title: Re: About the IRS leak...
Post by: MoonMax on July 27, 2005, 05:59:04 PM
Maybe a stupid question, but what is that BiPolar thing?

Title: Re: About the IRS leak...
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on July 27, 2005, 06:01:37 PM
IRS is the only NuGNR song that actually sounds like GNR, unlike the other rockers Axl played on tour. Axl's vocal melody was 1000% better than the other new songs too. Axl should have played IRS on tour? ??? people would have liked it.

That is because Axl was in a controlled setting where he can warm up his voice and sing the song without running around.

Title: Re: About the IRS leak...
Post by: pilferk on July 28, 2005, 12:05:23 PM
Knowing the story, I can vouch for the fact everything gigger says is true, including the claims of DAT tapes of the Trunk show being out there.

Just to add a little credence (very little, I'm sure) to what gigger is saying.....

Title: Re: About the IRS leak...
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on July 28, 2005, 01:01:25 PM
Could the edited parts of the song (it's clearly cut in a couple places) be radio-edits to bleep out F-words?? Just wondering.? Any thoughts?

-Axl4Prez2004? ????

No, its was where the guy was using the voice recorder on his pc, and it only allows so much to be recorded at a time (usually between 30 seconds and 1 minute) So the guy had to record the parts of the song seperately and then join them later.

Thank you very much Chineseblues!  This is like a soap opera, mystery show, drama all wrapped into one.  Thanks for the info.

-Axl4prez2004   :beer: