Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: sandman on July 15, 2005, 11:20:05 AM

Title: Is Hillary actually a Republican?
Post by: sandman on July 15, 2005, 11:20:05 AM
not really, but her move to the right continues. only a matter of time until she starts quoting the bible. such a sell out....

Clinton seeks video game sex scene probe

Friday, July 15, 2005; Posted: 8:38 a.m. EDT (12:38 GMT)

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton asked the Federal Trace Commission to investigate.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) -- Sen. Hillary Clinton pressed Thursday for a government investigation into how simulated sex cropped up in a modified version of the blockbuster criminal adventure video game "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas."

Clinton asked the Federal Trade Commission to investigate the origins of a downloadable modification that allows simulated sex in the personal computer version of one of the most popular and controversial video games in history.

"We should all be deeply disturbed that a game which now permits the simulation of lewd sexual acts in an interactive format with highly realistic graphics has fallen into the hands of young people across the country," Clinton wrote in a letter to the head of the Federal Trade Commission.

Saying the problem of explicit video games was "spiraling out of control," Clinton also said she was introducing legislation that would crack down on the sale of violent and sex-laden games to minors.

The legislation would impose a $5,000 penalty on retailers who sell adult-rated video games to underage children.

Clinton asked the FTC to look into whether Grand Theft Auto's rating of "M" (Mature 17+) should be changed to the rare "AO" (Adult Only), which would threaten to crimp sales at large retail outlets.

The PlayStation2 version of "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas" was the No. 1 game of 2004, selling just over 5 million copies, according to industry researcher NPD Funworld.

She requested the agency to study whether retailers' enforcement policies were adequate to keep adult-rated video games out of the hands of minors.

An FTC spokeswoman said the agency had received Clinton's letter and was reviewing it.

Clinton's comments were the latest in a chorus of criticism that has intensified since the revelation about sex scenes in the modified Grand Theft Auto. The game series has drawn numerous detractors because of its sexual and violent content.

Players who download a modification, known as "hot coffee," from the Internet can make a male character engage in various sex acts with a virtual "girlfriend." Sex is suggested in the official version of the game, but does not happen on screen.

The game's manufacturer, a subsidiary of Take-Two Interactive Software Inc. called Rockstar Games, has said hackers are responsible for the modification.

In a statement released Thursday, Rockstar said it supported the video game rating system and efforts to keep adult-rated games away from children.

But without referring to Clinton, the company said it was "disappointed by comments that misrepresent Grand Theft Auto, detracting from the innovative and artistic merits of the game."

"Unfortunately, the recent confusion only serves to suggest that games do not deserve the same treatment as other forms of creative expression," Rockstar said in its statement.

The Entertainment Software Rating Board last week launched a probe into whether the sexual minigame content was deliberately hidden in the game code and unlocked by the "hot coffee" modification, or if it was solely the result of the modification.

The "hot coffee" modification, which violates the game's software user agreement, is the result of hackers disassembling and then combining, recompiling and altering the game's source code, Rockstar said.

Title: Re: Is Hillary actually a Republican?
Post by: loretian on July 15, 2005, 11:37:59 AM
The crusades against video games and music "vulgarity" have always been spearheaded by both republicans and democrats, notably Kipper Gore and Joe Lieberman, both democrats.  Hillary is just following in their footsteps.   : ok:

Title: Re: Is Hillary actually a Republican?
Post by: Prometheus on July 15, 2005, 11:45:14 AM
bah she can go fuck herself Rockstar is Candaian company outta winnipeg..... we love our sex..... lol

Title: Re: Is Hillary actually a Republican?
Post by: N.I.B on July 15, 2005, 08:17:37 PM
she could try to stop it, but kids are still gonna get thier hands on it. It should be AO, but stupid parents will still buy it for thier kids.

Title: Re: Is Hillary actually a Republican?
Post by: SLCPUNK on July 15, 2005, 11:40:22 PM
Sell out?

How so?

Title: Re: Is Hillary actually a Republican?
Post by: gilld1 on July 16, 2005, 12:50:02 AM
She's doing this to appeal to the middle crowd.  Fuck video games anyway, imagination killing, fat ass making devils!

Title: Re: Is Hillary actually a Republican?
Post by: gunsnroses393 on July 16, 2005, 01:30:09 AM
hillary is a twat and should shut her stupid ugly face. im sick of all these idiots in politics trying to pass laws to shut down any kinda violent or sexual entertainment. you cant blame entertainment for the problems of children. long before sexual games or violent music black babys were being burned in the south, and world wars were being fought. gonna blame GTA for that one assface?? what they should be doing is trying to protect kids by making harder laws for sex offenders, and not have them just walking free. aka joe duncan. insted they are worried about GTA, telemarketers, and steriods in baseball. like those are the most dangerous things facing our country. this is all just a bunch of self important bullshit used to please the middle class, its just a way of making middle america think they are protecting kids, when in reality they are trying to censer programs they dont care for.

Title: Re: Is Hillary actually a Republican?
Post by: SLCPUNK on July 16, 2005, 01:30:31 AM
She is against gay marriage too. :o

You should vote for her sandman.

Title: Re: Is Hillary actually a Republican?
Post by: BigCombo on July 16, 2005, 03:42:26 AM
hillary is a twat and should shut her stupid ugly face. im sick of all these idiots in politics trying to pass laws to shut down any kinda violent or sexual entertainment. you cant blame entertainment for the problems of children. long before sexual games or violent music black babys were being burned in the south, and world wars were being fought. gonna blame GTA for that one assface?? what they should be doing is trying to protect kids by making harder laws for sex offenders, and not have them just walking free. aka joe duncan. insted they are worried about GTA, telemarketers, and steriods in baseball. like those are the most dangerous things facing our country. this is all just a bunch of self important bullshit used to please the middle class, its just a way of making middle america think they are protecting kids, when in reality they are trying to censer programs they dont care for.

I completely agree.  I'm also tired of the hypocrisy of government, corporations (aka Walmart), and organizations like the Family Television council.  They attempt to shield anyone who watches tv from any sex; but at the same time don't give a flying f*ck about violence.  Walmart sells guns but not porn.  Guns destory life; Sex creates life.

Title: Re: Is Hillary actually a Republican?
Post by: SLCPUNK on July 16, 2005, 03:45:12 AM
hillary is a twat and should shut her stupid ugly face. im sick of all these idiots in politics trying to pass laws to shut down any kinda violent or sexual entertainment. you cant blame entertainment for the problems of children. long before sexual games or violent music black babys were being burned in the south, and world wars were being fought. gonna blame GTA for that one assface?? what they should be doing is trying to protect kids by making harder laws for sex offenders, and not have them just walking free. aka joe duncan. insted they are worried about GTA, telemarketers, and steriods in baseball. like those are the most dangerous things facing our country. this is all just a bunch of self important bullshit used to please the middle class, its just a way of making middle america think they are protecting kids, when in reality they are trying to censer programs they dont care for.

I completely agree.  I'm also tired of the hypocrisy of government, corporations (aka Walmart), and organizations like the Family Television council.  They attempt to shield anyone who watches tv from any sex; but at the same time don't give a flying f*ck about violence.  Walmart sells guns but not porn.  Guns destory life; Sex creates life.

Sex bad.

War good.

Protect the unborn at all costs.

Send the young one's off to war on a whim.

On and on it goes.

Title: Re: Is Hillary actually a Republican?
Post by: sandman on July 16, 2005, 03:46:45 AM
She is against gay marriage too. :o

You should vote for her sandman.

i may end up voting for her.

she is becoming much more conservative than she ever was in the past. (she's also speaking out against abortion too.)

are her opinions changing? OR is she just responding to the polls and shaping her beliefs around them (aka selling out).

Title: Re: Is Hillary actually a Republican?
Post by: SLCPUNK on July 16, 2005, 04:31:41 AM
She is against gay marriage too. :o

You should vote for her sandman.

i may end up voting for her.

she is becoming much more conservative than she ever was in the past. (she's also speaking out against abortion too.)

are her opinions changing? OR is she just responding to the polls and shaping her beliefs around them (aka selling out).

I dunno.

The one time I saw her she seemed fairly middle to me.

She got a few boos from the crowd when she let it be known that she was against (liberal) certain issues.

Title: Re: Is Hillary actually a Republican?
Post by: Walk on July 16, 2005, 12:23:46 PM
Hillary will kill the Democratic party if she runs in 2008. She's trying to appeal to "moderates", and it doesn't work. The fact is, there are actually about 2x the number of people claiming to be conservative than liberal in most polls, with moderates taking up the most.

Why? Well, the fact is, "liberal" has become a bad word in politics, and most of the so called moderates lean more to the left than the center. When Democrats call for "moderate" appeal, they are trying to appeal to the slight left wing instead of the true center.

It's better to elect a politician who goes for his base, which is more honest, than trying to win support from the imaginary center. This is why I thought Dean, of all Democrats, would have been the best to run against Bush. He isn't any more liberal than the others were. In fact, he was conservative in some ways. But he never lied about being a liberal, because that's what he is.

Hillary doesn't have this quality, so she's going down. Cheney in 2008!

Title: Re: Is Hillary actually a Republican?
Post by: SLCPUNK on July 16, 2005, 12:46:27 PM

Hillary doesn't have this quality, so she's going down. Cheney in 2008!

Chenney may not live to '08.

People refer to him as "Darth Vader" in DC which I think is hilarious.

With Bush's approval ratings at an all time low, even the people who voted for him are coming to the light. Only the truly deluded would vote Chenney in office after this mess we have created.

Title: Re: Is Hillary actually a Republican?
Post by: sandman on July 16, 2005, 01:25:32 PM
cheney already said he's not running.

if the republicans are smart, they will run giuliani. not that its a given he would win, but right now i think he would have the best shot.

alot of people like mccain, and there's also talk of c-rice running as well. but the republicans may end up putting frist or romney in there, which would be a mistake.

hillary is powerful and she'll do anything to get elected. democratic voters will put her on the ticket cause who else is there? and she will likely win because her and bill know the game as well as anyone. and she'll win because although many people despise her, there are enough people that will feel comfortable with having bill back in the white house (and it will become quite clear why she never got a divorce  :hihi: )

Title: Re: Is Hillary actually a Republican?
Post by: Izzy on July 16, 2005, 01:31:56 PM

Saying the problem of explicit video games was "spiraling out of control," Clinton also said she was introducing legislation that would crack down on the sale of violent and sex-laden games to minors.

The legislation would impose a $5,000 penalty on retailers who sell adult-rated video games to underage children.

Clinton asked the FTC to look into whether Grand Theft Auto's rating of "M" (Mature 17+) should be changed to the rare "AO" (Adult Only), which would threaten to crimp sales at large retail outlets.

Us lot over here have had all these various laws in place for years, how come u don't?

If there are bringing in legislation to fine those that sell to children does it mean a kid could currently buy the game?

And the age old 'have a go at games' saga - it appears every time do-gooders get bored. A healthy person won't be corrupted by a game and a psychologically damaged person is a potential threat regardless of whether they play games or not

If people feel the need to go kill something doesn't that say more about the person than the game? - and what does it say about society that people need this and that people make it? But no, blame a game instead rather than look at the real problems

I've been playing the most violent games i can lay my hands on for years, and i haven't killed anyone (who didn't deserve it) yet :hihi:

Title: Re: Is Hillary actually a Republican?
Post by: Prometheus on July 16, 2005, 03:08:57 PM
cheney already said he's not running.

there's also talk of c-rice running as well..

hillary is powerful and she'll do anything to get elected. democratic voters will put her on the ticket cause who else is there? and she will likely win because her and bill know the game as well as anyone. and she'll win because although many people despise her, there are enough people that will feel comfortable with having bill back in the white house (and it will become quite clear why she never got a divorce :hihi: )

1 thank god thats all we need......

2 wont get elected.... cause shes black and a woman.... well i think its a bad as it is... its teh facts..... there is enough pull in the US to keep her from getting in...... theonly thing that she got going for her is she can open her mouth and say stupid stuff......

3 she will be on the democratic ticket..... and bill is the main reason that she will get elected.......i says Clinton/afleck 2008!!!!  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Title: Re: Is Hillary actually a Republican?
Post by: Eazy E on July 16, 2005, 03:37:40 PM
On the GTA mod:

I read one article saying he's clothed during the sex, so what the fuck?  Who really cares?

Title: Re: Is Hillary actually a Republican?
Post by: sandman on July 16, 2005, 06:24:57 PM
On the GTA mod:

I read one article saying he's clothed during the sex, so what the fuck?? Who really cares?

i saw the clip on it's not bad at all. you know if the FCC or some crazy bible thumpers aren't speaking out against it, it can't be that bad.

hillary is just trying to get her name in the headlines as being more "centric", or even right of center. courting those moderates for 2008. but she says she's not even thinking about that.  ::)

Title: Re: Is Hillary actually a Republican?
Post by: Walk on July 16, 2005, 07:34:40 PM
Chenney may not live to '08.

People refer to him as "Darth Vader" in DC which I think is hilarious.

With Bush's approval ratings at an all time low, even the people who voted for him are coming to the light. Only the truly deluded would vote Chenney in office after this mess we have created.

Cheney is smarter than Bush. This "mess" is getting better, at least, as it is. In fact, the deficit now is very close to its relative historical average, which is extremely impressive, since we are in war in 2 countries right now! Bush isn't the brightest Republican out there, but so far, his second term is much better than his first.

Title: Re: Is Hillary actually a Republican?
Post by: D on July 16, 2005, 09:06:52 PM
What I always liked about Bill was, he is a democrat but not a die hard disagree with republicans simply cause they are republicans type of guy.

If the republicans had a great idea he would go listen

I think the divided parties are what's wrong with this country.

There are democrats and republicans out there who wont even listen to the other party

If an opposite party is speaking they tune it out and wont give it a chance

those are the worst kinds of people.

we need to listen to ideas and agree or disagree on the validity of the idea and not disagree just cause it was the opposite party.

the Clintons always struck me as being like I am, Middle of the road, not democrat not republican.

Die hard left and right wingers are the downfall of the country to me.

Title: Re: Is Hillary actually a Republican?
Post by: SLCPUNK on July 17, 2005, 03:03:09 AM
Chenney may not live to '08.

People refer to him as "Darth Vader" in DC which I think is hilarious.

With Bush's approval ratings at an all time low, even the people who voted for him are coming to the light. Only the truly deluded would vote Chenney in office after this mess we have created.

Cheney is smarter than Bush. This "mess" is getting better, at least, as it is. In fact, the deficit now is very close to its relative historical average, which is extremely impressive, since we are in war in 2 countries right now! Bush isn't the brightest Republican out there, but so far, his second term is much better than his first.

haha, yea right.

Link please for the deficit?

Cheney is a better liar, don't know if that makes him smarter though.

His second term has him with the lowest approval ratings yet:

Generally speaking, would you say things in this country are heading in the right direction or are they off track?

Right Track 36%
Wrong Track 59%

Overall, do you approve, disapprove, or have mixed feelings about the way George W. Bush is handling his job as president?

Approve 42%
Disapprove 56%
Mixed Feelings 1%

Title: Re: Is Hillary actually a Republican?
Post by: gunsnroses393 on July 17, 2005, 06:54:51 PM
another thing that makes me hate this bitch is her bullshit smile. its painfully fake. i know all politions are full of shit, but she is so phoney it makes me physically ill. i just get a headake when i see that shit

Title: Re: Is Hillary actually a Republican?
Post by: SLCPUNK on July 17, 2005, 09:39:49 PM
another thing that makes me hate this bitch is her bullshit smile. its painfully fake. i know all politions are full of shit, but she is so phoney it makes me physically ill. i just get a headake when i see that shit

Oh be quite, for Christ's sake.

Title: Re: Is Hillary actually a Republican?
Post by: gunsnroses393 on July 21, 2005, 11:47:03 PM
the only thing it did was increase the buying age from 17 to 18. but that means that less places might carry it cuz the fear of boycotts and runing the "family image" i dunno if that will happen or not but it might. hillary clinton made it seem like a bunch of 7 year olds were playing the game and doing sex stuff. and even if they were, its not the fault of the game creators or the stores that sell them, that is the fault of adults who are not responsable. i highly doubt a violent or sexual game has ever made a kid go around killing people or raping women anways. besides, hillary should be more worried about her husbands sex life insted of the sex life of some made up character. her and the "family values" she is all for. its laughable

Title: Re: Is Hillary actually a Republican?
Post by: SLCPUNK on July 21, 2005, 11:49:02 PM
besides, hillary should be more worried about her husbands sex life insted of the sex life of some made up character. her and the "family values" she is all for. its laughable

You take your post and flush it down the toilet when you end it with something dumb like that.

Title: Re: Is Hillary actually a Republican?
Post by: sandman on July 22, 2005, 11:29:56 AM
the only thing it did was increase the buying age from 17 to 18. but that means that less places might carry it cuz the fear of boycotts and runing the "family image" i dunno if that will happen or not but it might. hillary clinton made it seem like a bunch of 7 year olds were playing the game and doing sex stuff. and even if they were, its not the fault of the game creators or the stores that sell them, that is the fault of adults who are not responsable. i highly doubt a violent or sexual game has ever made a kid go around killing people or raping women anways. besides, hillary should be more worried about her husbands sex life insted of the sex life of some made up character. her and the "family values" she is all for. its laughable

you're exactly right. she's a total phony.

instead of standing by her own beliefs and creating original thoughts, she lets public opinion polls determine what she stands for. i can't respect that.

she's targeting moderate and right-leaning soccer moms. because they have been voting republican in recent years.

Title: Re: Is Hillary actually a Republican?
Post by: Eazy E on July 24, 2005, 10:31:21 PM
In case anyone was curious how this all turned out (BTW, I think it's a load of cheese):

In response to pressure by politicians and children's advocacy groups ? and in the wake of recent allegations that the game contains hidden sex scenes ? the Entertainment Software Ratings Board (ESRB) moved to keep "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas" out of young hands by modifying the game's rating.

Following an investigation by the organization into the buried sex scenes allegations (see " 'Grand Sex Auto'? Sex Scenes Possibly Hidden In Game Have Critics In A Lather"), the rating for the latest installment in Rockstar Games' best-selling, highly controversial franchise ? which had been "M" (or "Mature 17+") since the game's initial release for Sony's PlayStation2 this fall ? was elevated on Wednesday to "AO," meaning "Adults Only," Reuters reports. The rating adjustment prohibits retailers from selling the game to anyone under the age of 18.

The move prompted Best Buy, one of the nation's largest electronics retailers, into quick action: The game was immediately pulled from its more than 840 stores' shelves. Target and Wal-Mart quickly followed suit, and it's expected that additional retailers will follow that lead.

The controversy began in early June, when a Dutch gamer named Patrick Wildenborg released the "Hot Coffee Mod," a downloadable application that introduced a startling new element to the game's PC version: interactive sex.

Gamers have always been able to send the title's protagonist, CJ, on dates with women. If players could, through CJ, sufficiently charm one of these ladies, they'd get an invite to the her house for "hot coffee." At that point, the game's camera would remain outside the house, but the muffled noises emanating from within the digital domicile left no doubt as to what the "coffee" really was.

Wildenborg's mod tweaked the game, so that an invitation for coffee would lead to an interior view of CJ and his date in the bedroom indulging in their affections, according to Internet reviews by people who successfully ran Wildenborg's programming trick. More than a non-interactive cut scene, the couple's copulation would play out as a controllable mini-game. Button presses affected performance.

Questions arose as to whether Wildenborg's mod unlocked hidden content already there on the game's disc, or introduced a new gameplay aspect the developers never intended.

Wildenborg denies that he created the sexual content, and the ESRB believes him.

"What was clear to us is the fact that fully rendered content existed on the disk that was not disclosed," Patricia Vance, ESRB's president, told Reuters. "The publisher took the risk that a hacker could find it, and it clearly put the rating at risk."

Consumers with the PS2 and Xbox versions of the game were seemingly unable to access the hidden content ? that is until late last week, when other hackers discovered a way to unleash the scenes with an Action Replay device, a game-enhancing gadget sold in game and electronics stores.

Take-Two, who for the first time admitted the sex scenes were built into the PC, Xbox and PlayStation 2 versions of the game, announced it would stop producing the game in its current form and plans to introduce an updated version of the title, which will prevent sex-scene hacks.

That's not good enough, according to U.S. Senator Hillary Clinton, one of several politicians who have placed a priority on creating more stringent legislation to reduce the sale of violent and sexually charged games to minors.

According to Reuters, a statement from Clinton called on the developer to provide parents with refunds on returned games. The senator also accused the company of having "gamed the ratings system and enabled pornographic material to get into the hands of children."

A spokesperson for Rockstar Games reiterated the firm's position supporting a strong ratings system.

"Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas" now becomes only the 19th title given an "AO" rating by the board, joining games such as "All Nude Nikki" and "Water Closet: The Forbidden Chamber."