Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: Gunna_girl01 on July 13, 2005, 02:34:08 AM

Title: RANDOM :-)
Post by: Gunna_girl01 on July 13, 2005, 02:34:08 AM
what is the most randomist thing you have ever said or done?
Personal Answer:

i was at the hoffman cup in perth ( tennis )
and you know how everyone is very quiet, well i just had to be different ay  :no:

i took a sip of some water and it went down the wrong hole... i couldnt spit it out infront of me as there were people seated there so i put my head in my mums lap ( who was sitting beside me ) and spat the water out all over the jumper she had resting in her lap!!!

And yet i STILL kept on coffing, i couldnt help it..
i lifted my head up with tears in my eyes ( from coffing so much ) to see that there were at least 7 people looking at me..

And all i could do was laugh... so i did  :rofl: :rofl:
it was so funny !!

Title: Re: RANDOM :-)
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on July 13, 2005, 03:26:17 AM
what is the most randomist thing you have ever said or done?
Personal Answer:

i was at the hoffman cup in perth ( tennis )
and you know how everyone is very quiet, well i just had to be different ay  :no:

i took a sip of some water and it went down the wrong hole... i couldnt spit it out infront of me as there were people seated there so i put my head in my mums lap ( who was sitting beside me ) and spat the water out all over the jumper she had resting in her lap!!!

And yet i STILL kept on coffing, i couldnt help it..
i lifted my head up with tears in my eyes ( from coffing so much ) to see that there were at least 7 people looking at me..

And all i could do was laugh... so i did  :rofl: :rofl:
it was so funny !!

i randomly scream very loud in the streets when there's a lot of people and they get all scared and surprised. we do that with my best friend. works great with old people.

and when we drive, we see a person walking on the side of the road, we honk with the car and wave at them and drive away... just to look at their "confused" face like " who was that ?? ...." : very funny ... i guess ...

Title: Re: RANDOM :-)
Post by: Gunna_girl01 on July 13, 2005, 04:03:04 AM
what is the most randomist thing you have ever said or done?
Personal Answer:

i was at the hoffman cup in perth ( tennis )
and you know how everyone is very quiet, well i just had to be different ay? :no:

i took a sip of some water and it went down the wrong hole... i couldnt spit it out infront of me as there were people seated there so i put my head in my mums lap ( who was sitting beside me ) and spat the water out all over the jumper she had resting in her lap!!!

And yet i STILL kept on coffing, i couldnt help it..
i lifted my head up with tears in my eyes ( from coffing so much ) to see that there were at least 7 people looking at me..

And all i could do was laugh... so i did? :rofl: :rofl:
it was so funny !!

i randomly scream very loud in the streets when there's a lot of people and they get all scared and surprised. we do that with my best friend. works great with old people.

and when we drive, we see a person walking on the side of the road, we honk with the car and wave at them and drive away... just to look at their "confused" face like " who was that ?? ...." : very funny ... i guess ...

OMG i used to do that stuff all the time....the kind of stuff you would see on jack ass.
me and my male friend would pretend that we were having a fight and he would slap me across the face.( pretending ).. then my other mate would run out of nowhere and start yelling at him... it was fukin awsome.... everyone at the restaurant would sit there and watch the whole thing ...

Title: Re: RANDOM :-)
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on July 13, 2005, 06:51:31 AM
OMG i used to do that stuff all the time....the kind of stuff you would see on jack ass.
me and my male friend would pretend that we were having a fight and he would slap me across the face... then my other mate would run out of nowhere and start yelling at him... it was fukin awsome.... everyone at the restaurant would sit there and walk the whole thing ...

oh ! i wouldnt go as far as that. !!! ?____?

Title: Re: RANDOM :-)
Post by: SLCPUNK on July 13, 2005, 02:58:07 PM
I punched a police officer in the face and went running down the street once.

I even suprised myself with that one........... :hihi:

Title: Re: RANDOM :-)
Post by: D on July 13, 2005, 03:59:37 PM
My GF and I were talkin/arguin in her car as we were driving and I turned to her and said "This relationship is gonna end in murder"

joking of course but it was still hilarious

I was at a hotel party a few years ago and these drunks came to our door wanting in, the person in charge wouldnt let them in and for some reason I just turned around and mooned them.

crazy shit

Title: Re: RANDOM :-)
Post by: SLCPUNK on July 13, 2005, 07:24:02 PM
You forgot about that time with the sheep............

Title: Re: RANDOM :-)
Post by: D on July 13, 2005, 08:40:12 PM
Im from Kentucky and I use to own a sheep farm

well the way the farm stalls are set up, the sheep are in a pen and there is a hole where they stick their head through and eat and drink.

One day I went out to do my chores and noticed Kujo lying naked where the food and water are suppose to be, the sheep was drinking from the proverbial hose so to speak.

I run in and Kujo jumps up and says "Oh shit D, please dont tell anyone" Bout that time I heard a grunting noise, I thought maybe the sheep was agitated from having his hose taken away *more like a thin MCDonalds straw to tell u the truth* but anyway I see a bare ass running from the barn

I peak out and sure enough SLC is running from the barn with his clothes in hand

He thinks I didnt see him but he has a tattoo on his ass that says Exit only from the time he was in jail for punching the cop.

True story I couldnt make something like that up.

Title: Re: RANDOM :-)
Post by: Gunna_girl01 on July 13, 2005, 08:56:06 PM
that is DEFINATLY a good random momment!!!

so you two know eachother??
what are you ASL's?

Title: Re: RANDOM :-)
Post by: Gunna_girl01 on July 14, 2005, 09:10:38 PM
i walked around for an hour at my friends party talking to all the people i didnt know... pretending that i had terets!!!
if was fucking funny how everyone would stop and look at me when i suddenly started cursing.   ::)

after a while i stopped when i had a couple of hot guys come up to me..

but yes.. it was the second highlight of the night...

Title: Re: RANDOM :-)
Post by: MikeB on July 15, 2005, 03:11:09 AM
I have two funny stories

 1) In 8th grade, me and my buddy were feuding with this kid, in the morning we found his school bag in a room...with no one in it. ;)We stole it and went into the boy's room, threw it in a toilet after someone used it! :nervous:

2)This kid was on the crapper , my buddy said it was a kid I hate, but the fucker lied to me. While I didn't know , I picked up the trash can and threw it over the walls, it sounded like it landed on his head. When I'm sitting in my class looking to see who comes out , instead of the kid it was this huge black jock. Thank God? he didn't know it was me. :nervous: When he left, he was wiping the trash off of him, boy was he furious. :rofl:

Title: Re: RANDOM :-)
Post by: Sin Cut on July 16, 2005, 04:28:31 AM
Im from Kentucky and I use to own a sheep farm

well the way the farm stalls are set up, the sheep are in a pen and there is a hole where they stick their head through and eat and drink.

One day I went out to do my chores and noticed Kujo lying naked where the food and water are suppose to be, the sheep was drinking from the proverbial hose so to speak.

I run in and Kujo jumps up and says "Oh shit D, please dont tell anyone" Bout that time I heard a grunting noise, I thought maybe the sheep was agitated from having his hose taken away *more like a thin MCDonalds straw to tell u the truth* but anyway I see a bare ass running from the barn

I peak out and sure enough SLC is running from the barn with his clothes in hand

He thinks I didnt see him but he has a tattoo on his ass that says Exit only from the time he was in jail for punching the cop.

True story I couldnt make something like that up.
There's this finnish boxer called Tony Halme. Well, he's retired from boxing now, but anyway he has a tattoo saying exit only on his ass.

Title: Re: RANDOM :-)
Post by: dustNroses on July 19, 2005, 08:01:38 AM
I once had my geography teacher at school thinking i was a gangster, drug dealer, who would bury people for $1000, .... HE HE, i got a A+ in geography.....

Title: Re: RANDOM :-)
Post by: Sin Cut on July 19, 2005, 08:56:43 AM
I once had my geography teacher at school thinking i was a gangster, drug dealer, who would bury people for $1000, .... HE HE, i got a A+ in geography.....
did you bury him/her?

Title: Re: RANDOM :-)
Post by: *Izzy* on July 19, 2005, 09:05:54 AM
I once had my geography teacher at school thinking i was a gangster, drug dealer, who would bury people for $1000, .... HE HE, i got a A+ in geography.....
I was a drug dealer in school and I got a C in geography  >:(

? :smoking: Izzy :smoking:

Title: Re: RANDOM :-)
Post by: slash4ever on July 19, 2005, 11:05:56 AM
i randomly scream very loud in the streets when there's a lot of people and they get all scared and surprised. we do that with my best friend. works great with old people.

and when we drive, we see a person walking on the side of the road, we honk with the car and wave at them and drive away... just to look at their "confused" face like " who was that ?? ...." : very funny ... i guess ...

oh my God me too!!! me and friend reguarly go up to people and tell them we love them.
and tell people they have cool tattoo's, or say hello to people we don't know. they think we're on fucking drugs or something. once we told a guy he smelled good!!! it was fucking HILARIOUS!!!! It's worth embarising yourself to see the scared looks on their faces!! :hihi: :hihi: :hihi:

Title: Re: RANDOM :-)
Post by: Gunna_girl01 on July 19, 2005, 08:59:19 PM
I once had my geography teacher at school thinking i was a gangster, drug dealer, who would bury people for $1000, .... HE HE, i got a A+ in geography.....

way to go... if i ever go back to skool i will have to try that  :hihi:

Title: Re: RANDOM :-)
Post by: journey on August 24, 2005, 03:22:22 AM
I went to a hunter's forum to ask the people if they ever felt bad for killing animals for game. The admin replied: "Stay on topic." The thread I posted in was "What got you started in hunting." Go figure. I didn't think it was too off topic. Maybe they just didn't like my username:PETA. Oh well. I replied asking if there was a section for offensive questions. I probably won't go back. I have no business there. I was just curious about their frame of mind. It was a random thing I decided to do.?

Here's a quote from one of the hunters:

"Nothing worthwhile ever came shrink wrapped in clear plastic."

Nice.  :nervous:

Title: Re: RANDOM :-)
Post by: Jim on August 24, 2005, 02:19:06 PM
i randomly scream very loud in the streets when there's a lot of people and they get all scared and surprised. we do that with my best friend. works great with old people.

In my country, there's a few people that do that.

What is it they call it...

...Oh yeah, tourettes.

Title: Re: RANDOM :-)
Post by: Queen of Everything on August 25, 2005, 02:19:46 AM
My best friend and I have a game we like to play.  Where we walk down a busy street/coridoor etc and just hug some random people!!!  ;D It brightens up my day to see what they say back.

I have got:
"F&*^ OFF!!"
"Thankyou :)"
" ??? WTF?!"

It could actually be quiet dangerous now I think about it.... meh.  :hihi:  :hihi:

Title: Re: RANDOM :-)
Post by: Gunna_girl01 on December 05, 2005, 11:21:26 AM
My best friend and I have a game we like to play.? Where we walk down a busy street/coridoor etc and just hug some random people!!!? ;D It brightens up my day to see what they say back.

I have got:
"F&*^ OFF!!"
"Thankyou :)"
" ??? WTF?!"

It could actually be quiet dangerous now I think about it.... meh.? :hihi:? :hihi:

HAHA, seems you and i are on the same wave length... totally something i would do!!!  :rofl:

Title: Re: RANDOM :-)
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on December 05, 2005, 12:16:45 PM
My best friend and I have a game we like to play.  Where we walk down a busy street/coridoor etc and just hug some random people!!!  ;D It brightens up my day to see what they say back.

I have got:
"F&*^ OFF!!"
"Thankyou :)"
" ??? WTF?!"

It could actually be quiet dangerous now I think about it.... meh.  :hihi:  :hihi:

try the blowjob next time.

Title: Re: RANDOM :-)
Post by: Ignatius on December 05, 2005, 12:21:53 PM
My best friend and I have a game we like to play.? Where we walk down a busy street/coridoor etc and just hug some random people!!!? ;D It brightens up my day to see what they say back.

I have got:
"F&*^ OFF!!"
"Thankyou :)"
" ??? WTF?!"

It could actually be quiet dangerous now I think about it.... meh.? :hihi:? :hihi:

try the blowjob next time.

 :rofl:? :rofl:

Funniest post of the day goes to you...

Title: Re: RANDOM :-)
Post by: Jim on December 05, 2005, 04:42:18 PM
My best friend and I have a game we like to play.  Where we walk down a busy street/coridoor etc and just hug some random people!!!  ;D It brightens up my day to see what they say back.

I have got:
"F&*^ OFF!!"
"Thankyou :)"
" ??? WTF?!"

It could actually be quiet dangerous now I think about it.... meh.  :hihi:  :hihi:

HAHA, seems you and i are on the same wave length... totally something i would do!!! :rofl:

yeh, ur definatly both on the same wave length.  :yes:  :yes:  :yes:  :hihi:   :hihi: :rofl:   :rofl:   :rofl:  :beer: : ok:

Title: Re: RANDOM :-)
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on December 05, 2005, 05:03:28 PM
My best friend and I have a game we like to play.? Where we walk down a busy street/coridoor etc and just hug some random people!!!? ;D It brightens up my day to see what they say back.

I have got:
"F&*^ OFF!!"
"Thankyou :)"
" ??? WTF?!"

It could actually be quiet dangerous now I think about it.... meh.? :hihi:? :hihi:

try the blowjob next time.

 :rofl:? :rofl:

Funniest post of the day goes to you...

well thank you  thank you !... i have so many person to thank .... :)

Title: Re: RANDOM :-)
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on December 05, 2005, 05:34:50 PM
Yesterday I hit another car but it was parked so I run the hell out of there, yet I hit a tree cause I was drunk  :-[. Thank God nothing bad happened but I end up with a horrible hungover.  :-X

Title: Re: RANDOM :-)
Post by: Evolution on December 05, 2005, 06:03:58 PM
Don't drink and drive Mr. Purple!

Title: Re: RANDOM :-)
Post by: Chelle on December 05, 2005, 06:31:00 PM
I once had this really anal teacher who just despised me for absolutely no reason  :no:  So one day, I happened to see him walking to a porta jon by the track... so unsuspecting   ;D  Soooo, we waited till was in there, held the door locked and shook the portajon like crazy... then ran away, and never got caught either   ;D  Hehe   :hihi:

Yesterday I hit another car but it was parked so I run the hell out of there, yet I hit a tree cause I was drunk :-[. Thank God nothing bad happened but I end up with a horrible hungover. :-X

You did what??!!   :rant:

Title: Re: RANDOM :-)
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on December 05, 2005, 07:12:34 PM
I once had this really anal teacher

for some reason this seemed wierd to me :(

Title: Re: RANDOM :-)
Post by: Evolution on December 05, 2005, 07:15:15 PM
Quote from: WAT-EVER,  i'm totally buggin link=topic=21561.msg425334#msg425334
for some reason this seemed wierd to me Sad

It means big arsed  ;)

Title: Re: RANDOM :-)
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on December 05, 2005, 07:55:24 PM
Quote from: WAT-EVER,  i'm totally buggin link=topic=21561.msg425334#msg425334
for some reason this seemed wierd to me :(

It means big arsed  ;)

yeah yeah, we all say that ... :)

Title: Re: RANDOM :-)
Post by: Chelle on December 06, 2005, 12:14:23 AM
I once had this really anal teacher

for some reason this seemed wierd to me :(

Haha, um ... he was an asshole.

Title: Re: RANDOM :-)
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on December 06, 2005, 10:15:17 AM
You did what??!!   :rant:
Sorry but never gonna happen again  :-*

Title: Re: RANDOM :-)
Post by: Chelle on December 07, 2005, 12:37:18 AM
. . . it'd just better not, buddy  >:(

Hehe   ;)

Title: Re: RANDOM :-)
Post by: Gunna_girl01 on October 11, 2006, 12:13:54 AM
My best friend and I have a game we like to play.? Where we walk down a busy street/coridoor etc and just hug some random people!!!? ;D It brightens up my day to see what they say back.

I have got:
"F&*^ OFF!!"
"Thankyou :)"
" ??? WTF?!"

It could actually be quiet dangerous now I think about it.... meh.? :hihi:? :hihi:

 :rofl: man i would jus kill to see someone do that, it would make my day :rofl: i have a fisual and im laughing my arse off

Title: Re: RANDOM :-)
Post by: gnr1967 on October 11, 2006, 12:45:22 AM
I once had this really anal teacher who just despised me for absolutely no reason? :no:? So one day, I happened to see him walking to a porta jon by the track... so unsuspecting? ?;D? Soooo, we waited till was in there, held the door locked and shook the portajon like crazy... then ran away, and never got caught either? ?;D? Hehe? ?:hihi:

Did you wait and see what the teacher did when he emerged from the port-a-potty?? I bet his expression was priceless.?

Speaking of teachers, one day I threw a large apple across my high school cafeteria without looking where I was throwing it.? (I basically threw it over my shoulder).? The apple ended up hitting this annoying psychology teacher that was flirting with high school chicks eating lunch.? It was absolutely hilarious seeing the expression on his face - he looked so embarassed.? Stupid pedophile.?