Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: nesquick on July 12, 2005, 02:07:14 PM

Title: Europe discovers Kamikaze terrorism
Post by: nesquick on July 12, 2005, 02:07:14 PM
London explosions last week were due to kamikaze bombing. They might be english, they might come from inside.? that's exactly what I've expected for years. I remember a few years back I was called a racist because I said some of our own europeans citizens would become kamikazes. that's exactly what happened last week. as usually, I was right.

Next targets (within 2 or 3 years): France, Italy, Germany.

suicide bombing. remember that. That's the begining of a long long cycle.

Title: Re: Europe discovers Kamikaze terrorism
Post by: Jessica on July 12, 2005, 02:52:09 PM
well, in a way, on pure economical grounds :

imagine you are doing it for religious reasons, you may also include economical ones for your family... :hihi:

if your wife becomes a widow, she gets a pension, + what the terrorist group paid the husband, + insurance ++++

So she and the kids are secured.

This wouldn't happen if the guy stayed alive and as they all say, heaven is for everyone ( which is why the ydon't care to die in a bomb)

Title: Re: Europe discovers Kamikaze terrorism
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on July 12, 2005, 02:53:58 PM
inside, outside , world is global anyway. there is no inside, no outside anymore. only countries that build walls haev inside and outsides.

what troubles me, is that some people can find reasons to become kamikaze. okay they are on certain level stupid and brainwashed.
but that is one parameter.
what kind of life can lead someone to become a kamikaze ?
remember the japanese kamikaze in planes; they had reasons. they were hopeless.
when people are hopeless they are crazy.
tahts why we have to help in a "smart" way the middle east... because killing them, will create more hopeless people, and therefore kamikazes.

Title: Re: Europe discovers Kamikaze terrorism
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on July 12, 2005, 02:54:51 PM
well, in a way, on pure economical grounds :

imagine you are doing it for religious reasons, you may also include economical ones for your family... :hihi:

if your wife becomes a widow, she gets a pension, + what the terrorist group paid the husband, + insurance ++++

So she and the kids are secured.

This wouldn't happen if the guy stayed alive and as they all say, heaven is for everyone ( which is why the ydon't care to die in a bomb)

ahah that kamikaze is a real family man :)

Title: Re: Europe discovers Kamikaze terrorism
Post by: Jessica on July 12, 2005, 02:55:44 PM
well, in a way, on pure economical grounds :

imagine you are doing it for religious reasons, you may also include economical ones for your family... :hihi:

if your wife becomes a widow, she gets a pension, + what the terrorist group paid the husband, + insurance ++++

So she and the kids are secured.

This wouldn't happen if the guy stayed alive and as they all say, heaven is for everyone ( which is why the ydon't care to die in a bomb)

ahah that kamikaze is a real family man :)

actually, that's what they are mostly described as by neighbours or people from their community men..

Title: Re: Europe discovers Kamikaze terrorism
Post by: N.I.B on July 12, 2005, 03:26:32 PM
This wouldn't happen if the guy stayed alive and as they all say, heaven is for everyone ( which is why the ydon't care to die in a bomb)

You dont go to heaven if you commit suicide

Title: Re: Europe discovers Kamikaze terrorism
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on July 12, 2005, 03:33:48 PM
This wouldn't happen if the guy stayed alive and as they all say, heaven is for everyone ( which is why the ydon't care to die in a bomb)

You dont go to heaven if you commit suicide

ahahah. :)
yeah people came back to earth and complained.

Title: Re: Europe discovers Kamikaze terrorism
Post by: Axls Locomotive on July 12, 2005, 06:14:45 PM

You dont go to heaven if you commit suicide

doesnt it depend on the situation?

but what if its a selfless act?

Title: Re: Europe discovers Kamikaze terrorism
Post by: Izzy on July 13, 2005, 04:37:20 AM
This wouldn't happen if the guy stayed alive and as they all say, heaven is for everyone ( which is why the ydon't care to die in a bomb)

You dont go to heaven if you commit suicide

If ur a suicide bomber u got to heaven where a 1000 virgins wait for u

Thats what they believe, its true. : ok:

doesnt it depend on the situation?

but what if its a selfless act?

Suicide is the act of intentionally killing yourself - not sure how that can be selfless, or context dependent.

If you accidently die as a result of your own actions thats called ''death by misadventure'' to use the legal terminology over here - dying in an attempt to save someone else isn't suicide

Title: Re: Europe discovers Kamikaze terrorism
Post by: nesquick on July 13, 2005, 02:34:53 PM
This is just the begining of a long process. i've predicted that process for years. Europe starts living exactly the same thing that has been happening in Israel for decades: civil kamikaze bombing, metro, bus, restaurants, nightclubs, bars, hotel, tourism places...everything is a potencial target, everywhere, at every momment.

Now let's see how europe will react. Hope its shamefull foreign policy will change a bit. But obviously all these kamikazes are "resistants"  aren't they?:hihi:

Title: Re: Europe discovers Kamikaze terrorism
Post by: Axls Locomotive on July 13, 2005, 02:38:18 PM

Suicide is the act of intentionally killing yourself - not sure how that can be selfless, or context dependent.

If you accidently die as a result of your own actions thats called ''death by misadventure'' to use the legal terminology over here - dying in an attempt to save someone else isn't suicide

but the bombers are trying to save their people and their way of life...from that definition, they never committed suicide hmmm

pah : ok:

Title: Re: Europe discovers Kamikaze terrorism
Post by: SLCPUNK on July 13, 2005, 02:55:44 PM
Many of these bombers are groomed from the time they can walk and talk. They are told of the great prize at the end, and how evil the enemy is their entire life. It is a lifelong process in many cases. They live their life for this and it is an honor. Totally manipulated and used by all the nutballs before them.

Title: Re: Europe discovers Kamikaze terrorism
Post by: N.I.B on July 13, 2005, 07:51:32 PM
This wouldn't happen if the guy stayed alive and as they all say, heaven is for everyone ( which is why the ydon't care to die in a bomb)

You dont go to heaven if you commit suicide

If ur a suicide bomber u got to heaven where a 1000 virgins wait for u

Thats what they believe, its true. : ok:

What people belive and what really happens is different. I'm going to put this in a christain perspective:
you get rewarded with 1000 virgins and eternal paradice for commiting the ultimate sin and taking other lives.

ya right  ::)

Title: Re: Europe discovers Kamikaze terrorism
Post by: Genesis on July 14, 2005, 10:52:29 AM
but what if its a selfless act?
Kill 50 other people with a bomb. How selfless. ::)

Title: Re: Europe discovers Kamikaze terrorism
Post by: Prometheus on July 14, 2005, 11:22:58 AM
from you prespective no.... from theirs yes..... so there you have it.... its like honsety... if you beleive its true.... then to you its true....

i got a bigger break down of suicide bombings over in the how too thread.

Title: Re: Europe discovers Kamikaze terrorism
Post by: Axls Locomotive on July 14, 2005, 02:12:48 PM
but what if its a selfless act?
Kill 50 other people with a bomb. How selfless. ::)

bear in mind I was not talking about the london bombers, nor any other bombers...we were debating terminology of suicide and depending on the situation

ie...when the school in beslan was taken by hostages, and you saw an opportunity to set off a bomb where you stood that would take out many of the hostage takers but would kill you but would save many of the children's that selfless?  I think so

Title: Re: Europe discovers Kamikaze terrorism
Post by: unoturbo on July 14, 2005, 04:04:55 PM

what troubles me, is that some people can find reasons to become kamikaze. okay they are on certain level stupid and brainwashed.
but that is one parameter.
what kind of life can lead someone to become a kamikaze ?
remember the japanese kamikaze in planes; they had reasons. they were hopeless.
when people are hopeless they are crazy.
tahts why we have to help in a "smart" way the middle east... because killing them, will create more hopeless people, and therefore kamikazes.

There is no excuse for murdering over 50 innocent people, of all religions and backgrounds, whatever their 'reasons'. Attacking military targets is one thing but targetting innocent people is without excuse. So you think this is about our foreign policy? Well where were the warnings or demands to change it? These people were 'British', how hopeless could they feel living in a civilised and free country?   

If we were to pull out of Iraq and Afghanistan tomorrow, the fuck-heads would return and turn it into a hardcore Islamic state. Should we do that? Do you think that will bring an end to their hatred of us? Will Bin-Ladens crew all retreat to these countries and live a happy peacful life and leave us to live ours?

I think it's far more likely that a few people, that don't speak for the majority of any country, want to dictate what happens to millions of others. I certainly don't want to even think about negotiating with people that are prepared to do this. How can we help 'in a smart way' the middle East? We can let the violent minority have their way and have respite from attacks for a duration but to assume these fuckers speak for the Middle East is just plain wrong.

I think the fact is that, as long as we don't do exactly what they want, there will never be peace. I'd rather stand up to them and take the risk they may blow me up than do as they want me to do.