Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: gigger on July 12, 2005, 12:17:44 PM

Title: Interview w/ Paul Stenning (Author: The Band Who Time Forgot)
Post by: gigger on July 12, 2005, 12:17:44 PM
I'm going against my usual policy of not posting things from sp1at onto other forums because I thought this interview was particularly interesting and thought all Guns n Roses fans would want to read it whatever their opinions of the site may be. *cough* Pandora *cough*

1. Describe Paul Stenning in 3 words.

Obsessed with music.

2. What inspired you to write "The Band That Time Forgot"?

Many things really. The original book I was scheduled to write for the publishers at that time was a Cradle Of Filth biog, which I didn?t particularly want to do. The publisher then changed his mind and wondered who he could possibly find to write a Guns' book, thinking I might not be interested because I'm mainly a metal fan. But I jumped at the chance because out of all time favourite bands Guns' are right up there with my other desert island artists?

The way I approached the story is to write the basic tale of how the members got together but also to do it in a way no one else had ever done. Whatever anyone thinks of the book they would probably concede I achieved that. It might not be to everyone's taste but I think it's important to explain the problems Axl faced growing up, and also the way he lives his life now because those factors are vital to the Gn'R story. But above all else I grew up with the band and like every other true fan I just want them to get it together and put out a new record; this book is something to tide fans over with the telling of the whole saga, including what has taken 'Chinese Democracy' so long and the tale of that entire process.

One thing that since popped up in forums and reviews is the meaning of the title. For the record I did not write the book to coincide with the ?Greatest Hits?, the book was written full stop, if anything it was to coincide with the possible release of ?Chinese Democracy? but this wasn?t guaranteed so it?s virtually irrelevant. The reason for the title is simple, Guns? have not released any new material since 1999, and even then it was just one song. Time had forgotten the band before the re-release of videos and a shoddy ?hits? package, time is a very relevant word when referring to Axl, so I hope fans understand. They should also appreciate I am not suggesting WE, the fans have forgotten them, merely time itself. Time is of no consequence to Axl Rose, hence the title.

3. You have a revised edition coming out later this month, what's new in the book?

Well the big downside to the first one was the printing errors that occurred. Many gave the book a poor review because of it but it was an unfortunate accident in the printing process, certain things were done that made it look like I couldn?t spell or write, which I strongly refute! So firstly there should now be no errors of this type in there and the whole thing should flow a little better. I've added a few anecdotes and stories along the way, and updated the 'Chinese Democracy' section, as well as included a section on Buckethead (shame he left the band just after it went to press!)

But the main addition is a chapter on Velvet Revolver. Everyone agreed that although it certainly isn?t Guns N' Roses, for now it?s the next best thing and the story linked in with Gn'R because for sheer relevance you have to include what Slash, Duff and Matt are up to in 2005.

4. The "blurb" on Amazon US states that Chinese Democracy is due out this year, was that information you were told by someone you spoke to or is that based on the very active rumourmill surrounding the album?

It's nothing to do with me but as you say the rumours are signalling this year so the publishers are probably going with that. Having said that the first edition was meant to go alongside the album, or at least just before it, and that didn?t happen.

5. Which former or current band members have you interviewed for the book? Did you ever try and speak to Axl?

Believe me I tried to reach Axl but there is no human way possible (short of flying to L.A. and stalking him) to get through to him, past all the suits, minders and people who are doing a very good job of protecting him. It makes sense to me that they're doing that, but unfortunately the 1% of people who want to talk to Axl and are not psychopaths or stalkers or indeed harmful (quite the contrary in fact), and just want to get the real version of events from him, are also pushed out by the protectors. Once I couldn?t get hold of Axl I decided that unless I could get Slash and/or Duff then it wasn?t worth doing interviews. I had Steven Adler and Gilby Clarke lined up but had to decline to use them because of an incident with Slash's publicist. I'll get to that in a minute, but let me just explain that I did not want to put out an unofficial book without it being balanced. I'm a very impartial person and like to cover every side of a story so with only one or two peoples' input it didn?t seem fair to me, especially as most would have an aversion to Axl and that would then create just another typical Axl Rose slagging platform.

Anyway, thanks to Slash's publicist (Arlett Verleecke) my plans to talk to Slash were scuppered. Because she thought I was associated with Mick Wall (which I'm not nor ever have been) she was incredibly rude and nasty with me when all I was trying to do was get the real events from Slash. That seriously changed my opinion of Slash, having this parasitic leech working for him, Axl I can understand but Slash hasn?t got much to really protect or hide. Has he?

Title: Re: Interview w/ Paul Stenning (Author: The Band Who Time Forgot)
Post by: gigger on July 12, 2005, 12:17:54 PM
6. Did you try and speak to Merck Mercuriadis, or any Sanctuary or Geffen workers for your book?

I did and the upshot was no one knows what's going on, at either label! They barely know how to get in touch with their own artist, and though they were helpful, they seriously couldn?t tell whether Gn'R was even still on their label. It's obviously not their fault, they're just holding out in hope for this album they've funded for years. Once I realised how clueless they all are I decided I would do it all myself.

7. Would you say that you are more of an Axl Rose fan than a Guns n Roses fan? What are your views on Velvet Revolver?

That?s a good question and I understand why you are asking it, but in all honesty I would not say I'm more of an Axl fan. The first thing I was drawn to in 1987 was the music and it remains the prominent factor in why I like Guns N' Roses. However I do believe that in 2005 and since the mid nineties Axl IS Gn'R and probably now will always be. In truth once UYI came out it was pretty clear it was starting to become a one-man show. Not because the other members could not contribute, but because Axl is a visionary and the others were too caught up in the trappings of, er, rock n' roll decadence and more basic music. There's a place for both but with Gn'R I think Axl is rightly carrying the can. So, in direct answer, for me the two are synonymous and have been for a long time. I love the whole aura and what I believe is a deep down wonderful personality of Axl the man so on a personal level I think he is awe-inspiring, from the huge source of information I have about him. Yet, as a music fan and journalist I am certainly able to separate personality from band output. If Axl and Gn'R come out with a record that sucks I won't love it just because it's Axl. But then, when has he ever put out a record that sucks?

Velvet Revolver took a long while to sink into my psyche. At first I hated the whole idea of them and didn?t think Scott Weiland really belonged with such a batch of musicians. He has a lot of talent but it's a different form of talent to Slash and Duff and as such I couldn?t see how he could possibly match their vision. Yet to his credit the album is a great rock record and they do compliment each other well. It's inevitable they will be compared with Gn'R but they are truly a separate entity.

8. Did you get the chance to hear any of the new material whilst writing your book?

I did and although they are poor quality live versions (in terms of sound not performance) I think they prove the material Axl is working on will be the best ever. I would love to hear the finished studio version of 'Madagascar' because I think that has the potential to be the greatest rock song in modern times, I'm getting goosebumps just writing about it.

9. Was there any attempt by people in the Guns n Roses camp to block the release of the book?

You'd think there would have been wouldn?t you?! But strangely, and mercifully enough there hasn?t been. You know I think one of the reasons is because I have portrayed the band truthfully and with integrity which no other journalist has ever done before. I don?t consider myself a rock writer above being a fan of music, I always prefer to print the words that come out of an artist's mouth directly, and maintain a good relationship with any band. I'm not in this field to stir shit or find a big story, that doesn?t interest me. I seek to display the truth to those who want to read about a new band or a band they already like. It's my belief anyone surrounding Axl who has seen the book realises it. In some magazines it got bad reviews and I'm really not surprised, because the mainstream music press cannot handle a tome that gives Axl Rose a good name, and portrays him respectfully and truthfully. It's far too easy to slag people off and drag their name through the dirt, but the people who have done, and continue to do this to Axl have one thousanth of his talent and I'm pretty sure these days it doesn?t bother him anymore. If someone slags my book off I don?t take it personally, it's just another slur on the Gn'R name and I now empathise even more with what it must be like to put out an integral product and have it slated. Fuck these people, the book is written for the true Guns' fan and that?s why I'm delighted I've had so many people write to me telling me how much they enjoyed it. That is really who I wrote it for, fans who believe in Axl and the band and I think anyone associated with them sees that. Either that or the book is so miniscule on the grand scheme of things that they don?t give a shit!

10. Rumours currently suggest that the album will come out in the last part of 2005, do you think we'll see it this year?

No probably not. I find it amusing when the typical Gn'R detractor says it will never come out, but then there is that nagging doubt right in the back of my mind that almost can see that happening. I'm 80% certain the album will come out at some point, but I expect it to be 2006 or even '07. Any longer than that and I would be surprised if the band were given any more money or attention from a record company. Then again, Axl is probably contracted to put something out so what that will be I have no idea, let's hope it's 'Chinese Democracy' with all the tracks that have been played live so far and many more classics. A UYI deal would be the best thing and would make up for lost time in many ways.

Note from Paul - "I'm happy to receive any email from fans asking questions about the book or whatever:"

Title: Re: Interview w/ Paul Stenning (Author: The Band Who Time Forgot)
Post by: Pandora on July 12, 2005, 12:36:49 PM
I actually think it's a pretty good interview, with thoughtfully worded questions. So you see, you can do it (sometimes) !  : ok:

The writer strikes me as being an honest fan, and I appreciate his efforts to remain impartial on delicate subjects. Too bad he couldn't obtain that much new information.

I must say I didn't find the book to be too bad. It's not the best music biography of the century, but certainly not the worst either.

Title: Re: Interview w/ Paul Stenning (Author: The Band Who Time Forgot)
Post by: gigger on July 12, 2005, 12:42:25 PM
I actually think it's a pretty good interview, with thoughtfully worded questions. So you see, you can do it (sometimes) !? : ok:

It's considerably easier interviewing someone who isn't bound by various contractual agreements ensuring they can't talk about the things you want them to talk about.

Title: Re: Interview w/ Paul Stenning (Author: The Band Who Time Forgot)
Post by: jarmo on July 12, 2005, 12:50:15 PM
3. You have a revised edition coming out later this month, what's new in the book?

It's actually out already. Got it for ?2.99 at HMV on Oxford Street in London.

Thanks for posting the interview.


Title: Re: Interview w/ Paul Stenning (Author: The Band Who Time Forgot)
Post by: nesquick on July 12, 2005, 12:51:51 PM
great interview. Sp1at is the best GN'R website.

Title: Re: Interview w/ Paul Stenning (Author: The Band Who Time Forgot)
Post by: gigger on July 12, 2005, 12:54:59 PM
3. You have a revised edition coming out later this month, what's new in the book?

It's actually out already. Got it for ?2.99 at HMV on Oxford Street in London.

Thanks for posting the interview.


Is it?

Amazon UK says it's to be released 31st July.

Title: Re: Interview w/ Paul Stenning (Author: The Band Who Time Forgot)
Post by: younggunner on July 12, 2005, 01:01:32 PM
to those fans who have bought the it worth it? being that mostly everyone here ia a hardcore fan what did you think of the book and is it worth grabbing?

Title: Re: Interview w/ Paul Stenning (Author: The Band Who Time Forgot)
Post by: jarmo on July 12, 2005, 01:16:37 PM
3. You have a revised edition coming out later this month, what's new in the book?

It's actually out already. Got it for ?2.99 at HMV on Oxford Street in London.

Thanks for posting the interview.


Is it?

Amazon UK says it's to be released 31st July.

I have my copy here so I think so.

Here's a scan:


to those fans who have bought the it worth it? being that mostly everyone here ia a hardcore fan what did you think of the book and is it worth grabbing?

You're not gonna learn anything new by reading it. If you want to read the author's version of what happened and that's enough, then get it. If you want to learn new things about the band, you can probably find out most things by reading the articles available on this site.


Title: Re: Interview w/ Paul Stenning (Author: The Band Who Time Forgot)
Post by: Pandora on July 12, 2005, 01:27:47 PM
3. You have a revised edition coming out later this month, what's new in the book?

It's actually out already. Got it for ?2.99 at HMV on Oxford Street in London.

Wow, ?2.99 is a good deal ! The first version was considerably more expensive on Amazon.

It's also a good thing that they corrected the punctuation mistakes. The original looked like the author had never heard of commas or something  :-\

Title: Re: Interview w/ Paul Stenning (Author: The Band Who Time Forgot)
Post by: killingvector on July 12, 2005, 04:09:06 PM
Wow, no one at either label knows what is going on? this sounds darker than we ever thought. I dunno about this album being released anytime soon. This author definately doesn't think so.

Title: Re: Interview w/ Paul Stenning (Author: The Band Who Time Forgot)
Post by: 2NaFish on July 12, 2005, 04:17:24 PM
the book was pretty crap then and i doubt too much will have changed.

Title: Re: Interview w/ Paul Stenning (Author: The Band Who Time Forgot)
Post by: 33 on July 12, 2005, 05:30:19 PM
the book was pretty crap then and i doubt too much will have changed.

I thought it was a pretty good read actually! It seemed a bit more balanced and unbiased than a lot of shit that has been thrownaround over the years! Also quite an interesting interview with Paul Stenning I thought!

Title: Re: Interview w/ Paul Stenning (Author: The Band Who Time Forgot)
Post by: jimmythegent on July 12, 2005, 05:31:20 PM
Wow, no one at either label knows what is going on? this sounds darker than we ever thought. I dunno about this album being released anytime soon. This author definately doesn't think so.

yip, i was pretty disheartened by those comments - 2006 or perhaps 2007? Axl sure wasn't kidding with the "live your life" and "soon is not the word" spiels

Title: Re: Interview w/ Paul Stenning (Author: The Band Who Time Forgot)
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on July 12, 2005, 05:49:43 PM
7. Would you say that you are more of an Axl Rose fan than a Guns n Roses fan? ....

That?s a good question and I understand why you are asking it, but in all honesty I would not say I'm more of an Axl fan. The first thing I was drawn to in 1987 was the music and it remains the prominent factor in why I like Guns N' Roses. However I do believe that in 2005 and since the mid nineties Axl IS Gn'R and probably now will always be. In truth once UYI came out it was pretty clear it was starting to become a one-man show. Not because the other members could not contribute, but because Axl is a visionary and the others were too caught up in the trappings of, er, rock n' roll decadence and more basic music. There's a place for both but with Gn'R I think Axl is rightly carrying the can. So, in direct answer, for me the two are synonymous and have been for a long time. I love the whole aura and what I believe is a deep down wonderful personality of Axl the man so on a personal level I think he is awe-inspiring, from the huge source of information I have about him. Yet, as a music fan and journalist I am certainly able to separate personality from band output. If Axl and Gn'R come out with a record that sucks I won't love it just because it's Axl. But then, when has he ever put out a record that sucks?

Great interview! Thank you for sharing.  : ok:

I particularly enjoyed the above excerpt.

And his comments on Madagascar were very exciting to me.  :D

I also believe he was dead on with this comment:  "the mainstream music press cannot handle a tome that gives Axl Rose a good name, and portrays him respectfully and truthfully..."     

I think I'd like to read something from someone who recognizes this.

Title: Re: Interview w/ Paul Stenning (Author: The Band Who Time Forgot)
Post by: Chief on July 12, 2005, 08:33:22 PM
thanks for posting this.. pretty interesting read!

Title: Re: Interview w/ Paul Stenning (Author: The Band Who Time Forgot)
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on July 12, 2005, 09:01:40 PM
3. You have a revised edition coming out later this month, what's new in the book?

It's actually out already. Got it for ?2.99 at HMV on Oxford Street in London.

Wow, ?2.99 is a good deal ! The first version was considerably more expensive on Amazon.

It's also a good thing that they corrected the punctuation mistakes. The original looked like the author had never heard of commas or something? :-\

Those are not the authors fault, they are the editors. I am sure the author didn't type the book.

Title: Re: Interview w/ Paul Stenning (Author: The Band Who Time Forgot)
Post by: Butch Français on July 12, 2005, 10:17:40 PM
the book was pretty crap then and i doubt too much will have changed.

yeah, I agree.
the interview was better than the book :P

Title: Re: Interview w/ Paul Stenning (Author: The Band Who Time Forgot)
Post by: Pandora on July 13, 2005, 06:11:46 AM

Wow, ?2.99 is a good deal ! The first version was considerably more expensive on Amazon.

It's also a good thing that they corrected the punctuation mistakes. The original looked like the author had never heard of commas or something  :-\

Those are not the authors fault, they are the editors. I am sure the author didn't type the book.

I know. That's why I said "looked like" he had never heard of commas.

Title: Re: Interview w/ Paul Stenning (Author: The Band Who Time Forgot)
Post by: WARose on July 13, 2005, 06:16:38 AM
Wow, no one at either label knows what is going on? this sounds darker than we ever thought. I dunno about this album being released anytime soon. This author definately doesn't think so.

yip, i was pretty disheartened by those comments - 2006 or perhaps 2007? Axl sure wasn't kidding with the "live your life" and "soon is not the word" spiels

did he actually speak to merck? to me it sounds like he spoke to some spokesmen of sanctuary or geffen who really know nothing. as merck said a while ago, only axl, him and the studio engineer are in the know about anything.

Title: Re: Interview w/ Paul Stenning (Author: The Band Who Time Forgot)
Post by: Hammy on July 13, 2005, 07:48:42 AM
It's actually out already. Got it for ?2.99 at HMV on Oxford Street in London.
Really only ?2.99? Is it very short or something that seems like a bargain price.

Title: Re: Interview w/ Paul Stenning (Author: The Band Who Time Forgot)
Post by: Elrothiel on July 13, 2005, 06:07:06 PM
I really liked the book... (I haven't got the revised one, just the old one) Yea sure, so what it didn't have that much new information, and just to make sure he wasn't leaving anything out that the Gn'R camp had told him not to put in, I emailed him, and I got very friendly reception. The guy's for real, and IMO, a really good writer.
Heh... and what he said is what I've thought all along: The old band didn't want to move forward, and Axl got frustrated with them, and they either left or got fired.
And for once there was an author writing a Gn'R book who didn't try and make Axl look like an egotistical maniac! What a breath of fresh air that was! I read the whole thing in a day... and I remember I couldn't read it in the morning because I had a stinking hangover... :hihi: and the next day I started college. I couldn't put it down though, so nerr to all you naysayers!

Title: Re: Interview w/ Paul Stenning (Author: The Band Who Time Forgot)
Post by: jimmythegent on July 13, 2005, 06:31:25 PM
Im considering ordering this now. i love rock biographys and there have been some pretty good ones over the years written on Guns.

Ive read:

Mick Walls one - The most dangerous band in the world ( I think thats what it's called) - this was a really good read, basically a selection of interviews conducted but an amazing insight into the band
Danny sugerman - Appetite for Destruction - the Days of Guns N Roses (this was fairly abstract, and it seemed that Sugerman was more interested in writing another Doors biography, but I still enjoyed.)
I cant remember the other one I read, but i think it was called 'Off the wall'??? anyways, it was the best one I'd read and was fairly objective if not rather critical of Axl and Slash. Anyway, it was a great read

Title: Re: Interview w/ Paul Stenning (Author: The Band Who Time Forgot)
Post by: Pandora on July 13, 2005, 07:44:57 PM

I cant remember the other one I read, but i think it was called 'Off the wall'??? anyways, it was the best one I'd read and was fairly objective if not rather critical of Axl and Slash. Anyway, it was a great read

Wasn't it "Over the top : the true story of Guns N' Roses"? That one is one is the best written GN'R books, if not THE best.

Title: Re: Interview w/ Paul Stenning (Author: The Band Who Time Forgot)
Post by: Ali on July 13, 2005, 07:48:13 PM

I cant remember the other one I read, but i think it was called 'Off the wall'??? anyways, it was the best one I'd read and was fairly objective if not rather critical of Axl and Slash. Anyway, it was a great read

Wasn't it "Over the top : the true story of Guns N' Roses"? That one is one is the best written GN'R books, if not THE best.

Was that the one with all those really cool, and pretty rare, color photos?  I remember one that basically closed with some shows in England during the Skin N' Bones leg of the UYI tour.

Does that ring any bells with anyone?


Title: Re: Interview w/ Paul Stenning (Author: The Band Who Time Forgot)
Post by: Drew on July 13, 2005, 07:49:00 PM
I really enjoyed Paul Stenning's book. Very good read and very interesting. I'd like to read the newer edition too. :)

Title: Re: Interview w/ Paul Stenning (Author: The Band Who Time Forgot)
Post by: Pandora on July 13, 2005, 07:51:59 PM

Wasn't it "Over the top : the true story of Guns N' Roses"? That one is one is the best written GN'R books, if not THE best.

Was that the one with all those really cool, and pretty rare, color photos?  I remember one that basically closed with some shows in England during the Skin N' Bones leg of the UYI tour.

Does that ring any bells with anyone?


Yes, that's the one.

Title: Re: Interview w/ Paul Stenning (Author: The Band Who Time Forgot)
Post by: jimmythegent on July 13, 2005, 07:52:39 PM

I cant remember the other one I read, but i think it was called 'Off the wall'??? anyways, it was the best one I'd read and was fairly objective if not rather critical of Axl and Slash. Anyway, it was a great read

Wasn't it "Over the top : the true story of Guns N' Roses"? That one is one is the best written GN'R books, if not THE best.

Yip thats the one Pandora, that's the best one Ive read.

Just ordered my copy of "The band that time forgot" ?:)
4-6 weeks shipping from U.S to New Zealand though ?:-\

Title: Re: Interview w/ Paul Stenning (Author: The Band Who Time Forgot)
Post by: Axl4Pres on July 13, 2005, 08:54:37 PM
From what i can take out if it hey atleast it wasnt something that Axl and his entourage tried to squash in court.  But i do like this guys take on it and is unbiased i have not read the book but certainly might look into it as im always interested in reading about GnR whether its stuff i know or stuff i didnt know and getting someone whos been able to talk to people about this whole GnR saga.

Title: Re: Interview w/ Paul Stenning (Author: The Band Who Time Forgot)
Post by: snooze72 on July 16, 2005, 03:50:27 AM
Well the big downside to the first one was the printing errors that occurred. Many gave the book a poor review because of it but it was an unfortunate accident in the printing process, certain things were done that made it look like I couldn?t spell or write, which I strongly refute!

"printing errors!"? :rofl:? Must have been why he got all those facts wrong, too!?

(And yes, the author does 'type' the book.? It would have been handed in on a disk, proofed and edited -- which obviously didn't happen).?

Title: Re: Interview w/ Paul Stenning (Author: The Band Who Time Forgot)
Post by: DoubleTalkingJive on July 16, 2005, 01:57:47 PM
THanks Gigger, I enjoyed reading that interview.  It great to hear why Paul Stenning wrote the book and his feelings about Axl, GNR and Velvet Revolver, Chinese Democracy and the album release. : ok:

Title: Re: Interview w/ Paul Stenning (Author: The Band Who Time Forgot)
Post by: erose on July 16, 2005, 04:16:05 PM
cool interview, thanks! : ok:

Title: Re: Interview w/ Paul Stenning (Author: The Band Who Time Forgot)
Post by: Falcon on July 16, 2005, 08:12:47 PM
I wouldn't advise anyone to buy the first edition, it's just not very good.  Factual errors, poor writing and endless psychoanalysis make for quite the boring read. 

Hopefuly the updated edition is vastly improved.

Title: Re: Interview w/ Paul Stenning (Author: The Band Who Time Forgot)
Post by: jameslofton29 on July 16, 2005, 08:25:52 PM
Since nothing has happened in the GNR world except the 'IRS' leak, I cant imagine there being any updates. Just the errors could be changed, but nothing new to bring to the table. This guy just wants to make more money off the GNR name. I'm not falling for it.

Title: Re: Interview w/ Paul Stenning (Author: The Band Who Time Forgot)
Post by: jrs2001_99 on July 16, 2005, 10:08:11 PM
I wouldn't advise anyone to buy the first edition, it's just not very good.? Factual errors, poor writing and endless psychoanalysis make for quite the boring read.?

Hopefuly the updated edition is vastly improved.

I wholeheartedly agree. Read my amazon review of the book below...

I saw this book just last week sitting at a bargain price and picked it up, having never really seen a "true" GNR biography before.

I'm quite a big fan of the band, but everything I know about their history etc. has been pieced together from various interviews/articles over the years, so I was excited to finally see a conglomerated attempt to document the band's history.

In essence there is nothing wrong with the intention of this book, and it may indeed prove to be a very good and informative read for a casual GNR fan. For the more "experienced" fan, the book just does not do the band justice.

My personal opinion of it is that it focuses way too much on Axl Rose, and his traumatic childhood. It comes across in a way that the author is almost trying to psycho-analyse every GNR lyric, and every quote, and relate them to Axl's personal problems.

Of course the task of writing a well-balanced GNR biography is never going to be easy given Rose's somewhat reclusive nature, I just think that there is more relevant information out there that could have gone into this book other than the chapters full of psycho-babble that at times make you question what book it is you are actually reading. There is as much star quality, and just as many interviews and anecdotes from the other original band members (Slash, Duff and Izzy in particular) aside from Axl Rose, which makes this book feel rather lop-sided.

Another qualm that has already been mentioned is the sloppy amount of spelling and grammatical errors that are present. Various quotes and pieces of information are sometimes repeated from one chapter to the next, giving the impression that each chapter was written by a different person, after which they simply threw them all together in this final, somewhat random order.

The above complaint aside, this might have been better if it was under the guise of an Axl Rose biography, but as a biography of the life and times of the GNR we all know and love, it falls some distance short I'm afraid.

Title: Re: Interview w/ Paul Stenning (Author: The Band Who Time Forgot)
Post by: jimmythegent on July 24, 2005, 05:35:01 PM
I wouldn't advise anyone to buy the first edition, it's just not very good.? Factual errors, poor writing and endless psychoanalysis make for quite the boring read.?

Hopefuly the updated edition is vastly improved.

mmm.. I wish I'd taken your advice. I received my copy that I ordered online on Friday and am about 2/3s through it.

I have to say, it is a very poor read and not just for the endless grammatical and spelling errors not to mention the appalling use of non related quotes.
The main gripe I have with it, is that it paints a very distorted picture of what went down IMO. It reminds me of some of the more Axl-biased posts on this board in parts.
The most shocking and absurd example being the brief mention of Izzys exit in 1991. according to the author, Izzy left because he was basically lazy - not wanting to contribute to songwriting or live shows, not to mention he was undisciplined because he couldnt deal with the rampant drug taking and boozing around him.

No mention whatsover of Axls lateness or no-shows as a factor, nor his marginilastion in terms of Axl wanting him to sign a contract, the out of control egos etc..

To cap it all off, the author implies that the fans didnt really care that Izzy had left as he wasnt really an important member...

mmm... very dubious writing, a big disappointment

avoid like the plague I say