Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: Jessica on July 11, 2005, 07:10:09 PM

Title: huge huge huge question !!!!!
Post by: Jessica on July 11, 2005, 07:10:09 PM
WHY is it that you all say " let's kill all arabs" because they plant bombs ?

How come i never heard any single one of yas say " let's kill all irish because they plant bombs" ?

Why is it that you say " fucking muslims" ?

How come i never heard any single one of yas say " fucking catholic or protestants ?"

Why it it you say all muslims are evil and doing things in the name of allah ?

How come i never heard any of you say " fucking catholics and protestants, doing things in the name of jesus" ??

How come ireland wasn't invaded by the usa for murdering so many british over decades ?

How come the evil ones are only muslim ?

Because i mean, seriously now, london has a long history of bombs, but up until now, they were planted by catholics, were they not ?

So why has no one ever said :


Title: Re: huge huge huge question !!!!!
Post by: jameslofton29 on July 11, 2005, 07:21:38 PM
Because these other groups you mention do not operate in such an evil manner. The Irish and others you mention are intelligent enough to come to the peace table for negotiations. Another reason derogatory terms are used against muslims is because they follow a false religion, and idolize a false God. This is discussed in Revelations. A false religion spreading across the globe. This false religion mentioned is clearly Islam, and it will be destroyed, also mentioned in the Bible.

Title: Re: huge huge huge question !!!!!
Post by: MCT on July 11, 2005, 07:48:23 PM
WHY is it that you all say " let's kill all arabs" because they plant bombs ?

How come i never heard any single one of yas say " let's kill all irish because they plant bombs" ?

Why is it that you say " fucking muslims" ?

How come i never heard any single one of yas say " fucking catholic or protestants ?"

Why it it you say all muslims are evil and doing things in the name of allah ?

How come i never heard any of you say " fucking catholics and protestants, doing things in the name of jesus" ??

How come ireland wasn't invaded by the usa for murdering so many british over decades ?

How come the evil ones are only muslim ?

Because i mean, seriously now, london has a long history of bombs, but up until now, they were planted by catholics, were they not ?

So why has no one ever said :


Simple answer:

Substantially large culture gap, recent world trends, naivete, Chris Misfit, human nature, even more naivete, and...ah...the profound revelations of the 29th jameslofton.

Title: Re: huge huge huge question !!!!!
Post by: BigCombo on July 11, 2005, 08:02:12 PM
Because these other groups you mention do not operate in such an evil manner. The Irish and others you mention are intelligent enough to come to the peace table for negotiations. Another reason derogatory terms are used against muslims is because they follow a false religion, and idolize a false God. This is discussed in Revelations. A false religion spreading across the globe. This false religion mentioned is clearly Islam, and it will be destroyed, also mentioned in the Bible.

Wow....first of all Muslims, Christians, and Jews worship the same god.? There is no evidence that any religion is superior to another which discredits your false religion claim.? Thirdly, IMHO the bible is mostly fiction.

Title: Re: huge huge huge question !!!!!
Post by: jameslofton29 on July 11, 2005, 08:08:26 PM
The Bible is MOSTLY fiction? Good luck on Judgement Day with that statement.

Title: Re: huge huge huge question !!!!!
Post by: BigCombo on July 11, 2005, 08:14:55 PM
The Bible is MOSTLY fiction? Good luck on Judgement Day with that statement.

I'll take my chances.

Title: Re: huge huge huge question !!!!!
Post by: N.I.B on July 11, 2005, 08:17:27 PM
WHY is it that you all say " let's kill all arabs" because they plant bombs ?

How come i never heard any single one of yas say " let's kill all irish because they plant bombs" ?

Why is it that you say " fucking muslims" ?

How come i never heard any single one of yas say " fucking catholic or protestants ?"

Why it it you say all muslims are evil and doing things in the name of allah ?

How come i never heard any of you say " fucking catholics and protestants, doing things in the name of jesus" ??

How come ireland wasn't invaded by the usa for murdering so many british over decades ?

How come the evil ones are only muslim ?

Because i mean, seriously now, london has a long history of bombs, but up until now, they were planted by catholics, were they not ?

So why has no one ever said :


Because Americna propaganda shows that Musilm people hate all things Western society and will do anything to kill non-musilms. Of course, thats absurd. Otherwise, we would be at war with the Arabs to this very day.

EDIT: When I mean war, I mean World War

Title: Re: huge huge huge question !!!!!
Post by: fesxine on July 12, 2005, 11:27:25 AM
Because we are living a hypocracy, where its okay for hundreds of thousands to die in iraq as long as it doesn't affect us.

Title: Re: huge huge huge question !!!!!
Post by: Jessica on July 12, 2005, 11:31:28 AM

Title: Re: huge huge huge question !!!!!
Post by: Prometheus on July 12, 2005, 12:08:53 PM
The Bible is MOSTLY fiction? Good luck on Judgement Day with that statement.

the funny thing is JL....... that in most cases ..... i would have to say that the bible is a pile of crap. knock out the OT.... start with the NT... and its a fucking aseop fable..... with revelations being teh puch line......

the Qu'ran is much more factual over all..... but i take any "holy" text with a grain of salt

Title: Re: huge huge huge question !!!!!
Post by: Jessica on July 12, 2005, 12:14:31 PM
The Bible is MOSTLY fiction? Good luck on Judgement Day with that statement.
the Qu'ran is much more factual over all.....

tell your parents they did well !!! ( from me) ( not that they care )  :hihi: :hihi: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Yep, the coran is more factual. That's true. A recollection of historical events, almost unchanged or utouched by people and centuries.

Title: Re: huge huge huge question !!!!!
Post by: *Izzy* on July 12, 2005, 12:49:10 PM
WHY is it that you all say " let's kill all arabs" because they plant bombs ?
We don't all say it, just the fucking idiots

How come i never heard any single one of yas say " let's kill all irish because they plant bombs" ?
There is a certain moderator that can make bad things happen if you say that, anyway we don't all plant bombs

Why is it that you say " fucking muslims" ?

How come i never heard any single one of yas say " fucking catholic or protestants ?"
Again only people who can't deal with emotion and pain in any other way than hating others say this
The majority of the board is probably Christian

Why it it you say all muslims are evil and doing things in the name of allah ?

How come i never heard any of you say " fucking catholics and protestants, doing things in the name of jesus" ??
Well, I've never actually heard anyone say this but my guess is they should be banned or cautioned to read the board rules

How come ireland wasn't invaded by the usa for murdering so many british over decades ?
They couldn't find Ireland it was too small and didn't have enough oil

Because i mean, seriously now, london has a long history of bombs, but up until now, they were planted by catholics, were they not ?

So why has no one ever said :


Fucking Christians

To answer the majority of your questions with one answer: on this board there are majorities and minorities, if you go to an Al-Qaedal message board you'd get all the insults you don't get here

 :smoking: Izzy? :smoking:

Title: Re: huge huge huge question !!!!!
Post by: Jessica on July 12, 2005, 12:53:02 PM
See, to me, death is death, whoever provokes it and whatever the reason, it's still death.

A bomb is a bomb, to me, it makes no difference if al quaida or the ira plants it, they are all wrong.

But christianity was never criticized when the ira planted bombs, so why is the muslim faith ?

Everyone knew not all irish were bad people. ESPECIALLY DESCENDANTS LIVING IN THE USA.

So why can't they be tolerant of others like they are for people of a same color ?

Title: Re: huge huge huge question !!!!!
Post by: Izzy on July 12, 2005, 01:20:44 PM
WHY is it that you all say " let's kill all arabs" because they plant bombs ?

Well done on that - make a statement that wouldn't even apply to a sample of Nazis ::)

''that you all say'' :confused:

There's is nothing quite like running ur mouth when u have absolutely no clue.

Ur ''view'' is as absurd as those that would claim Islam is an ''evil'' religion.

Title: Re: huge huge huge question !!!!!
Post by: Jessica on July 12, 2005, 01:34:31 PM
" there he goes again"...

Ok, once and for all, the day you speak french as good as i speak english, we'll have something to say to each other.

And this board has showed a good sample of faschism.

i generalise ?

Deal with it. Grow up.

Title: Re: huge huge huge question !!!!!
Post by: Izzy on July 12, 2005, 01:37:22 PM
" there he goes again"...

Ok, once and for all, the day you speak french as good as i speak english, we'll have something to say to each other.

And this board has showed a good sample of faschism.

i generalise ?

Deal with it. Grow up.

So u need help with ur English!

What u mean to say is ''how come a tiny number of disaffected people believe Muslims should be injured'

Now the answer is

Because they are nuts


Need any more help?

Ps. i love ur new angle - its not the fact u write nonsense its that the point is ''lost in translation'' - thats a good one!

Title: Re: huge huge huge question !!!!!
Post by: Jessica on July 12, 2005, 01:40:19 PM
" there he goes again"...

Ok, once and for all, the day you speak french as good as i speak english, we'll have something to say to each other.

And this board has showed a good sample of faschism.

i generalise ?

Deal with it. Grow up.

So u need help with ur English!

What u mean to say is ''how come a tiny number of disaffected people believe Muslims should be injured'

Now the answer is

Because they are nuts


Need any more help?

Ps. i love ur new angle - its not the fact u write nonsense its that the point is ''lost in translation'' - thats a good one!

je sus ! you annoy me like no one ever has !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i am FO REIGN GET IT ???

DO YOU WRITE SENSE IN FREENCH ????? :rant: :rant: :rant:

grrrrr  :rant:

Title: Re: huge huge huge question !!!!!
Post by: Axls Locomotive on July 12, 2005, 02:24:43 PM

Ps. i love ur new angle - its not the fact u write nonsense its that the point is ''lost in translation'' - thats a good one!

que? no comprende senor izzy...esto es estupido no?

Title: Re: huge huge huge question !!!!!
Post by: Ignatius on July 12, 2005, 02:36:15 PM

Ps. i love ur new angle - its not the fact u write nonsense its that the point is ''lost in translation'' - thats a good one!

que? no comprende senor izzy...esto es estupido no?

No comprendo with an "o" not comprende...that's ok, I don't expect you to speak spanish as good as I do.

Jessica and guys should meet for real. The attraction is there...

Title: Re: huge huge huge question !!!!!
Post by: Jessica on July 12, 2005, 02:48:42 PM

Ps. i love ur new angle - its not the fact u write nonsense its that the point is ''lost in translation'' - thats a good one!

que? no comprende senor izzy...esto es estupido no?

No comprendo with an "o" not comprende...that's ok, I don't expect you to speak spanish as good as I do.

Jessica and guys should meet for real. The attraction is there...
No it's not, i'd rather eat snakes rather than be attracted to someone who annoys me as much as he does !!!!

Title: Re: huge huge huge question !!!!!
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on July 12, 2005, 03:36:51 PM

Ps. i love ur new angle - its not the fact u write nonsense its that the point is ''lost in translation'' - thats a good one!

que? no comprende senor izzy...esto es estupido no?

No it's not, i'd rather eat snakes rather than be attracted to someone who annoys me as much as he does !!!!

No comprendo with an "o" not comprende...that's ok, I don't expect you to speak spanish as good as I do.

Jessica and guys should meet for real. The attraction is there...

snakes is very valuable meal in a lot of places. food of the riches i'd say.

izzy is just playing, he's a comedian :)

Title: Re: huge huge huge question !!!!!
Post by: Jessica on July 12, 2005, 05:59:47 PM

Ps. i love ur new angle - its not the fact u write nonsense its that the point is ''lost in translation'' - thats a good one!

que? no comprende senor izzy...esto es estupido no?

No it's not, i'd rather eat snakes rather than be attracted to someone who annoys me as much as he does !!!!

No comprendo with an "o" not comprende...that's ok, I don't expect you to speak spanish as good as I do.

Jessica and guys should meet for real. The attraction is there...

snakes is very valuable meal in a lot of places. food of the riches i'd say.

izzy is just playing, he's a comedian :)

Comedian my ass, he annoys the crap out of me and has for at least 2 years now !!!!

What's up with him ? always behind my butt !!!!

Title: Re: huge huge huge question !!!!!
Post by: Axls Locomotive on July 12, 2005, 06:11:58 PM

No comprendo with an "o" not comprende...that's ok, I don't expect you to speak spanish as good as I do.

it's been a while, so there is no surprise i got it wrong :P

Title: Re: huge huge huge question !!!!!
Post by: MCT on July 12, 2005, 09:18:26 PM
What's up with him ? always behind my butt !!!!

If he was behind your butt you'd find out pretty quick... :yes: