Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Administrative => Administrative, Feedback & Help => Topic started by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on July 10, 2005, 11:49:21 PM

Title: bumping of old threads and personal chit chat in the threads
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on July 10, 2005, 11:49:21 PM
question..   i've noticed a lot of bumping up of threads that are months old
some resulting in further contribution to the thread topic...
but some just were pointless...    why bump a thread just to say its a dumb thread?  dumb threads die... so why bring 'em back to life just to say they're dumb?!
anyhow... what are the rules, if any...   about bumping old threads


i believe there is a rule about staying on topic and i understand there is a lot of flexibility on this... but  i've noticed a lot of chatting in threads that contributes nothing towards the thread - and the posts which were on topic are buried beneath the chit chat or in some cases wisecracks and jokes being fired back and forth for no reason other than to amuse the poster or the other poster who is going at it with them

i know we can all come here to have fun and everyone doesn't have fun the same way....
but it just seems plain wrong to ruin threads... to shit on the flow of a discussion for the sake of a one liner
i'm not saying a 'one iner' is wrong in and of itself.. . i've enjoyed quite a few here on the boards...
but seems that some posters don't have a proper sense of when to let it go... and further responses just build up until the thread is basically broken..  after threads turn to sillyness no one wants to bother with it anymore

anyhow, what's up with this also?

Title: Re: bumping of old threads and personal chit chat in the threads
Post by: D on July 11, 2005, 12:04:30 AM
Since I am one of the people u are referring too Ill say this.

We do the silly shit BECAUSE a thread is either pointless or finished.

u will never see joking or silliness in a hotly debated serious,important thread.

Whats with everyone complaining here lately anyway?

Title: Re: bumping of old threads and personal chit chat in the threads
Post by: Izzy on July 11, 2005, 06:22:40 AM

Whats with everyone complaining here lately anyway?

I dunno...maybe somethings wrong and people have noticed?

....or maybe its a plot by the enemies of the free world! :o

Title: Re: bumping of old threads and personal chit chat in the threads
Post by: Pandora on July 11, 2005, 06:26:02 AM
As far as I'm concerned, bumping old threads shouldn't be allowed unless you've got something really important to add to the conversation.

And as for the chit chat, I'm sure you know what my position is. But hey, when we ask people to stay on topic, we get called humourless dictators, so I guess not everyone is ever happy  :hihi:

Title: Re: bumping of old threads and personal chit chat in the threads
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on July 11, 2005, 06:39:43 AM

Whats with everyone complaining here lately anyway?

i kinda feel the same way. people keep being agressive. mods fight backs and are agressive too.
it's crazy.
we've all gone mad or what ???
it's like in Big Brother, we've been in the same house for too long waiting for that damn album, we'll end up killing everybody ?

Title: Re: bumping of old threads and personal chit chat in the threads
Post by: Pandora on July 11, 2005, 06:54:47 AM

i kinda feel the same way. people keep being agressive. mods fight backs and are agressive too.
it's crazy.

If enforcing very simple rules is being aggressive, then I guess we're being aggressive.

Believe me, if those rules didn't exist or if no one respected them, you wouldn't even want to visit this forum because it would be a total dump. That's what we're trying to avoid.

I admit the level of insults has reached an all-time high lately, and we're trying to solve that situation. 

Title: Re: bumping of old threads and personal chit chat in the threads
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on July 11, 2005, 09:12:41 AM

i kinda feel the same way. people keep being agressive. mods fight backs and are agressive too.
it's crazy.

If enforcing very simple rules is being aggressive, then I guess we're being aggressive.

Believe me, if those rules didn't exist or if no one respected them, you wouldn't even want to visit this forum because it would be a total dump. That's what we're trying to avoid.

I admit the level of insults has reached an all-time high lately, and we're trying to solve that situation. 

yes, i understand. i'm sorry if i particaped in this all-time high, i guess i was stressed out like everybody here :)
it's just that mods shouldnt respond to "attacks" like members do. they should be the "adult one" you know ....
overall, you're all doing a good job.
except for you, i hate you ;D

Title: Re: bumping of old threads and personal chit chat in the threads
Post by: Jim on July 11, 2005, 09:54:29 AM
urm...Hang about.

Define bumping? Posting merely to get a thread back to the main page, or; posting in an old thread? Both definitions I feel come under the term 'bumping'...

...In my experiecne, surely the latter is only encouraged?

Title: Re: bumping of old threads and personal chit chat in the threads
Post by: ppbebe on July 11, 2005, 11:04:43 AM

Whats with everyone complaining here lately anyway?

I dunno...maybe somethings wrong and people have noticed?

....or maybe its a plot by the enemies of the free world! :o

I think its a bit of both. Bad money is trying to drive out good.

I don't think eva is reffering to the ppl like D as far as D is not Disgust 15.

Title: Re: bumping of old threads and personal chit chat in the threads
Post by: MCT on July 11, 2005, 12:13:33 PM
Since I am one of the people u are referring too Ill say this.

We do the silly shit BECAUSE a thread is either pointless or finished.

u will never see joking or silliness in a hotly debated serious,important thread.

Whats with everyone complaining here lately anyway?

Donnie, I think you're safe here. So why you feel compelled to defend yourself in a situation where board unity (core members) gives you protection, I don't quite understand.

Besides, you're adding fuel to a fire (certain people propagating doom & gloom as of late) that would be way less of a pain in the arse if left to burn out on its own.

Title: Re: bumping of old threads and personal chit chat in the threads
Post by: D on July 11, 2005, 01:41:26 PM
People have made a big deal about rehashing existing threads and people have stated:

Why didnt you use this thread etc etc etc

So if people are using the search engine and finding the existing topics and bringing em back why do we have a thread like this?

I personally havent seen much joking around here lately either.

I just dont want this board to turn into an uptight stuffy monotonous soulless lifeless board.

This board is great cause like a Stephen King novel you get to know all the characters so well they feel like family.

most other boards you dont get that personal connection with which is a big reason this board is so many's favorite.

Just dont change what has worked is all Im saying.

Title: Re: bumping of old threads and personal chit chat in the threads
Post by: Railantics on July 11, 2005, 01:47:10 PM
This board is great cause like a Stephen King novel you get to know all the characters so well they feel like family.

I suppose it is, ha, I like it, a mate of mine is called Stephen King.

Title: Re: bumping of old threads and personal chit chat in the threads
Post by: Kujo on July 11, 2005, 05:10:33 PM

This board is great cause like a Stephen King novel you get to know all the characters so well they feel like family.

Thanks, D. "I'm your #1 Fan!"

Title: Re: bumping of old threads and personal chit chat in the threads
Post by: MCT on July 11, 2005, 07:16:52 PM
Point taken Donald. But I don't think anything is gonna change. So just keep truckin'... : ok:

EDIT - D = Fingercuffs? I thought Alyssa was Fingercuffs... ???

Title: Re: bumping of old threads and personal chit chat in the threads
Post by: D on July 11, 2005, 08:25:50 PM

This board is great cause like a Stephen King novel you get to know all the characters so well they feel like family.

Thanks, D. "I'm your #1 Fan!"

No Annie Wilkes!!!!!!!!!! Im your number 1 fan like that fat bitch from misery! :hihi: :hihi:

Title: Re: bumping of old threads and personal chit chat in the threads
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on July 11, 2005, 11:34:52 PM
Since I am one of the people u are referring too Ill say this.

We do the silly shit BECAUSE a thread is either pointless or finished.

u will never see joking or silliness in a hotly debated serious,important thread.

Whats with everyone complaining here lately anyway?

:lol...   i wasn't referring to you in particular... not at all.  nope. 
but, thanks for proving my point.  :hihi:

Title: Re: bumping of old threads and personal chit chat in the threads
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on July 11, 2005, 11:40:49 PM
People have made a big deal about rehashing existing threads and people have stated:

Why didnt you use this thread etc etc etc

So if people are using the search engine and finding the existing topics and bringing em back why do we have a thread like this?

I personally havent seen much joking around here lately either.

I just dont want this board to turn into an uptight stuffy monotonous soulless lifeless board.

This board is great cause like a Stephen King novel you get to know all the characters so well they feel like family.

most other boards you dont get that personal connection with which is a big reason this board is so many's favorite.

Just dont change what has worked is all Im saying.

D...   :D  I totally thought of that - people bumping old topics because they searched them.   I actually have NO problem with the bumping when someone has something to ADD to the coversation - what i specifically referred to was bumping a topic just to say it was dumb.... or post a smiley only post.

and one of the reasons I have always liked this board is because the topics for discussion usually don't turn into chats and complete sillyness.... not until recently IMO.
different strokes for different folks.

Title: Re: bumping of old threads and personal chit chat in the threads
Post by: D on July 12, 2005, 02:47:38 AM
I just dont know why people are complaining.

I personally have been doing the same shit for the last year or so, When a thread breaks down or is just stupid to begin with, I insult my cat loving friend Kujo and the lovely beautiful cross dressing SLC punk.

Its kinda like the gong show.

when a thread is pointless or has ran its course, it gets the big ole gong and we start doing whatever to entertain ourselves and whoever else gets our humor.

I dont see anything drastically different on the board as opposed to when I first joined it.

people are just starting to get their feathers ruffled all of a sudden.

I just wish people would relax, chill out, have a good time, go post in one of the 8 war threads we have and just realize that nothing much has changed.

Jarmo and the mods are a little slower on the Ban trigger, u dont see people getting banned as much anymore, but thats not a bad thing.

this board is still the best and ran very efficiently, I just think everyone is overreacting.

Title: Re: bumping of old threads and personal chit chat in the threads
Post by: jarmo on July 12, 2005, 08:08:59 AM
Jarmo and the mods are a little slower on the Ban trigger, u dont see people getting banned as much anymore, but thats not a bad thing.

That's because it's more quiet now. So instead of maybe having to band one person per day, it's down to maybe one in two weeks...

As soon as Axl does something, we'll get a bunch of people here that'll call us asskisssers, stupid and sad. Those are usually the ones that get banned quickly. Since Axl hasn't really done anything lately, we get less of those people....


Title: Re: bumping of old threads and personal chit chat in the threads
Post by: ppbebe on July 12, 2005, 09:06:20 AM
- people bumping old topics because they searched them.   I actually have NO problem with the bumping when someone has something to ADD to the coversation - what i specifically referred to was bumping a topic just to say it was dumb...

is dump n nasty.
Yep, The search is a handy function to find info. but I think that Dude didn't need to make a search for the oldest page.  That thread was the last one.

Whatever the intention, bumping the innocent topic of a year and half ago to dump on it is not friendly.

Title: Re: bumping of old threads and personal chit chat in the threads
Post by: Kujo on July 12, 2005, 12:32:00 PM

EDIT - D = Fingercuffs? I thought Alyssa was Fingercuffs... ???

D dated Rick Derris and Cohee Lundon before Alyssa did.

Title: Re: bumping of old threads and personal chit chat in the threads
Post by: D on July 12, 2005, 03:46:58 PM
Kujo was the dead guy on the toilet that Kaitlyn got comatosed over. turns out Kujo wasnt really dead, he just seemed that way with his minimal effort.

I cant imagine when CD comes out the people that will come here.

So many are use to the unregulated message boards and they will bring that over here which will suck but I however am very confident in Jarmo and the mods and I honestly dont expect this board to miss a beat.

It just seems like some are making it out like every single thread on the board turns into a big joke fest and I personally havent seen that.

I brought back the HTGTH story so people could use it to get it out of their systems.

If a thread is truly serious and is hotly debated u will never see a silly joke.

Depends on the thread is all Im saying but its been that way for as long as I can remember.

A thread will be popular and debated for a few days, everyone gets exhausted and tired of arguing so it turns light.

I get tired of people bumping old threads just to prove that a thread has already been started.

But u know if a thread was started september 2001, I really dont wanna use that thread to talk about something on my mind and people should let that thread stay buried and dead and not try to prove a point by bumping it back

I agree 100 percent on that.

Title: Re: bumping of old threads and personal chit chat in the threads
Post by: Kujo on July 12, 2005, 04:26:12 PM
So, were you ever able to see the sailboat, D?

Its hard to see the same topics just keep coming up over and over and not make a smartass comment every now and than, but thats just me. I've been coming here and posting for so long, there hasnt been a new topic thats caught my interest on the main board for some time now.
So I am guilty of just kind of loitering around waiting for when things get interesting again. Im willing to bet over 95% of my posts are in the off topic sections. It just depends on the different people's personalities on how they spend their time here.

Contrary to popular beliefs Jarmo isnt the hardass some individuals make him out to be. Its his place and his rules but he is pretty lenient on what he allows as long as you are respectful to the other individuals here, minus the occasional ball busting. Hell there has been times he's contributed to the ball-busting. Anyway give the guy a break. Its bad enough hes going to grow up to look like Colonel Sanders he doesnt need more trouble here : ok:

Title: Re: bumping of old threads and personal chit chat in the threads
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on July 12, 2005, 04:50:16 PM
no problem.

i was just wondering about it. 

there has been a lot of bumping recently... and i've seen a lot of on topic posts recently buried under chatting and joking that was off topic

my feathers are not ruffled...

i just thought i would be contributing something positive to the board by asking about it  :peace:

Title: Re: bumping of old threads and personal chit chat in the threads
Post by: jarmo on July 12, 2005, 05:05:11 PM
Bumping a thread that hasn't been posted in since 2004 just to say "that's stupid" or "this isn't true anymore" is really pointless.

It's one thing to add to the discussion (which actually happens sometimes), but in most cases people will just look up old threads so they can point out how others were wrong.


Title: Re: bumping of old threads and personal chit chat in the threads
Post by: D on July 12, 2005, 06:56:34 PM
Two things that make this message board great is the moderation so there is  no flaming etc and no duplicate topics

A duplicate topic is if I post lets say "London Bombed" and the same day two more people post the thread "terrorist attack London" and "London under attack"

most boards will let all 3 stay open, but not here.

If i post "are u superstitious" and someone started that thread june of 2003, that to me isnt a duplicate thread.

I dont want to pull a topic 7 pages long back to the main page just to post why Im superstitious and I know people arent gonna read through 7 pages.

So its best to start a fresh version of a topic just cause there are new people, others may have developed new ones etc etc etc.

This board is great at shutting down duplicate threads and verbal flaming etc.

thats why its the best

as long as thatdoesnt change everything will stay perfect to me.

Title: Re: bumping of old threads and personal chit chat in the threads
Post by: MCT on July 12, 2005, 09:14:48 PM
So, were you ever able to see the sailboat, D?


Now THAT'S fuckin' funny... : ok:

This board is great at shutting down duplicate threads and verbal flaming etc.

thats why its the best

as long as thatdoesnt change everything will stay perfect to me.

That's the way it's always been. Why would it change? Because some people are kicking up a fuss over nothing? PUHLEEZE... ::)

Just don't sweat it Donnie. Ride the wave and it'll all be fine. It always has, right?

Title: Re: bumping of old threads and personal chit chat in the threads
Post by: Tied-Up on July 13, 2005, 02:15:28 AM
I am still in strong support over banning all bon jovi threads.   : ok:

And silliness is ok, in my opinion.  It helps keep us sane, which some of us need. 

Title: Re: bumping of old threads and personal chit chat in the threads
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on July 13, 2005, 02:32:01 AM
So, were you ever able to see the sailboat, D?


Now THAT'S fuckin' funny... : ok:

This board is great at shutting down duplicate threads and verbal flaming etc.

thats why its the best

as long as thatdoesnt change everything will stay perfect to me.

That's the way it's always been. Why would it change? Because some people are kicking up a fuss over nothing? PUHLEEZE... ::)

Just don't sweat it Donnie. Ride the wave and it'll all be fine. It always has, right?

i like reading MST posts, i learn new expression i can try.... " ride the wave ..."  that's pretty cool. MCT is like a surfer or something ... ?____?

Title: Re: bumping of old threads and personal chit chat in the threads
Post by: SLCPUNK on July 16, 2005, 03:10:51 AM
So, were you ever able to see the sailboat, D?


Now THAT'S fuckin' funny... : ok:

This board is great at shutting down duplicate threads and verbal flaming etc.

thats why its the best

as long as thatdoesnt change everything will stay perfect to me.

That's the way it's always been. Why would it change? Because some people are kicking up a fuss over nothing? PUHLEEZE... ::)

Just don't sweat it Donnie. Ride the wave and it'll all be fine. It always has, right?

i like reading MST posts, i learn new expression i can try.... " ride the wave ..."  that's pretty cool. MCT is like a surfer or something ... ?____?

Hang ten surfer boy................

Title: Re: bumping of old threads and personal chit chat in the threads
Post by: Prometheus on July 29, 2005, 08:59:29 AM
Bumping a thread that hasn't been posted in since 2004 just to say "that's stupid" or "this isn't true anymore" is really pointless.

It's one thing to add to the discussion (which actually happens sometimes), but in most cases people will just look up old threads so they can point out how others were wrong.


exactly, thats why threads get locked..... granted its no where near as fast for el locko of the threads in the jungle... cause well its the jungle...... but personally ive bumped about 8 over the last couple months and 2 or 3 of tehm actually managed to get a few extra pages of posts into them..... You just tend to get tired of watching threads appear that are just different enough to warrent a new thread to ahve it mutate into the same old arguement of the last 3 different threads.... IMo of course

PS thx for the help the other day jarmo... frlt like a real tool screwing up th acct  lol guess some would have been happy ;)

Title: Re: bumping of old threads and personal chit chat in the threads
Post by: Queen of Everything on October 04, 2005, 04:19:45 AM
I think that having the bear minimum of rules just so that order is held, is a good way to go.  I love the fact that HTGTH is so easy going and 99% of things can be discussed without problems!  It makes it really good and the fact that there are some, good, rules makes it comfortable at the same time. 

Title: Re: bumping of old threads and personal chit chat in the threads
Post by: Rain on October 04, 2005, 04:28:23 AM
Drama Qween are you aware you're doing just that this morning ?  ;D You must be actually bored as you are wholeover the place !  :hihi:

Title: Re: bumping of old threads and personal chit chat in the threads
Post by: Queen of Everything on October 04, 2005, 04:55:55 AM
Drama Qween are you aware you're doing just that this morning ?? ;D You must be actually bored as you are wholeover the place !? :hihi:

I know!!!  I have been doing it alot latley!  Im sorry.  But i only post in threads that i really like!!  :yes:

I was bored!  I was at school and I couldn't think of anything better to do and levive some old threads!!!

Thankyou for noticing Rain!! I feel special!!

And Technicly with my above comment, I was bumping an old thread!!  :hihi:

Title: Re: bumping of old threads and personal chit chat in the threads
Post by: Genesis on October 04, 2005, 09:26:46 AM
I was bored!  I was at school and I couldn't think of anything better to do and levive some old threads!!!

Oh, go frig urself if ur bored.  >:(

Title: Re: bumping of old threads and personal chit chat in the threads
Post by: Queen of Everything on October 04, 2005, 04:53:39 PM
I was bored!? I was at school and I couldn't think of anything better to do and levive some old threads!!!

Oh, go frig urself if ur bored.? >:(

Idiot.  That wasnt the reason I posted that was the reason I came online!!!  Next time I wont bother.  At least I typed something worthwhile reading!!!  I didn't know it was so old. give me a break jesus.

Title: Re: bumping of old threads and personal chit chat in the threads
Post by: SLCPUNK on October 04, 2005, 10:40:11 PM
I was bored!  I was at school and I couldn't think of anything better to do and levive some old threads!!!

Oh, go frig urself if ur bored.  >:(

Well if she brought up a new post, then somebody else might say "hey this has been done already."

She gets beat up either way.

We are all here to cure boredom aren't we? :hihi: