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Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: anythinggoes on July 08, 2005, 07:00:04 AM

Title: Article Axl Rose Suffers with Bipolar Disorder
Post by: anythinggoes on July 08, 2005, 07:00:04 AM
Abused child becomes angry adult
Heavy metal singer Axl Rose, who was raised as Bill Bailey, describes his childhood in mostly angry terms. He speaks of physical and sexual abuse, of a mother who was never there for him, of a stepfather who whacked him for singing along with Barry Manilow's "Mandy." He talks about singing songs of Elvis in front of the smaller children at recess when he was in third grade. He tells stories of witnessing astonishing things springing from a fervent Pentecostal upbringing, and winning prizes for learning Bible verses, yet being unable to believe anything of what he was taught.

By the age of 16, young Bill had developed into a "full-fledged juvenile delinquent," and was banned from his parents' home. He was jailed many times, though says he was not guilty except for some arrests for underage drinkingAt 17 he learned that the man who had raised him, Stephen Bailey, was not his natural father, and adopted his natural father's surname of Rose. "Axl" was the name of one of his early bands. Pundits have noted that "Axl Rose" is an anagram of "oral sex," which may have appealed to the rebellious young man.

At 18 Axl hitchhiked to Los Angeles to seek his fortune. There he met up with school friend Izzy Stradlin, and over the next several years the two struggled their way toward success, sometimes living on the streets, playing wherever and whenever they could. The band Guns N' Roses, formed in 1985, had enough success to start playing as a lead act for established groups, and eventually made a name for themselves.

Between 1987 and 1991, Axl was arrested several times for assault. At some point he was diagnosed as bipolar and put on lithium; one source says he also underwent anger management therapy. Axl himself has been quoted as saying, "I'm very sensitive and emotional and things upset me and make me feel like not functioning or dealing with people... I went to a clinic, thinking it would help my moods. The only thing I did was to take one 500 question test - ya know, filling in the little black dots. All of a sudden I'm diagnosed manic-depressive. 'Let's put Axl on medication.' Well, the medication doesn't help me deal with the stress. The only thing it does is help keep people off my back because they figure I'm on medication."

It's impossible to say categorically whether Axl Rose is bipolar. Some of his behaviors - explosive anger, alcohol use in youth, substance abuse - could point to this, but could also be signs of post-traumatic stress disorder or other affective disorders. Accounts of his life give information about his childhood that is conflicting at times. Yet certainly he has had a turbulent life, and by all accounts, not a happy one.


Title: Re: Article Axl Rose Suffers with Bipolar Disorder
Post by: layne on July 08, 2005, 07:10:10 AM
if you enter axl rose in google, this is the second article coming out.
It's a shit

Title: Re: Article Axl Rose Suffers with Bipolar Disorder
Post by: anythinggoes on July 08, 2005, 07:18:19 AM
if you enter axl rose in google, this is the second article coming out.

and your point being

i dont necessarilly agree with whats written i posted it so people could read it

Title: Re: Article Axl Rose Suffers with Bipolar Disorder
Post by: Thorazine Shuffle on July 08, 2005, 10:36:50 AM
As a diagnosed BP II, I agree with that article 100%.  I live a very clean and healthy life with my meds because of my condition.  And judging from Axls history, I would safely bet that he is BP.  Also, where that article originated, you can see all of the musicians, writers, and actors that are BP.  It's a gift and a curse. :(

Title: Re: Article Axl Rose Suffers with Bipolar Disorder
Post by: Jessica on July 08, 2005, 11:21:25 AM
well, some people who had happy lifes turn out serial killers and some who were abused turn out EXTREMELY WELL   :rant:

did i say i loved my shrink ?

I love you martine.

and axl, if you read this, we dont know, but please please give credit to that, that people with a bad start turn out good !!! Be nice.


Title: Re: Article Axl Rose Suffers with Bipolar Disorder
Post by: nesquick on July 08, 2005, 11:29:35 AM
What matters for me is the music. Axl is a great artist. I don't care if he is bipolar or not. That's his private life.

Title: Re: Article Axl Rose Suffers with Bipolar Disorder
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on July 08, 2005, 01:14:01 PM
We have always know that Axl was bi polar, at least I have.  All you have to do is watch Axl and you can tell he is bi polar.

Title: Re: Article Axl Rose Suffers with Bipolar Disorder
Post by: layne on July 08, 2005, 02:07:13 PM
We have always know that Axl was bi polar, at least I have. All you have to do is watch Axl and you can tell he is bi polar.


Title: Re: Article Axl Rose Suffers with Bipolar Disorder
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on July 08, 2005, 02:11:28 PM
We have always know that Axl was bi polar, at least I have. All you have to do is watch Axl and you can tell he is bi polar.


By his mannerisms and his antics over his career.? I have a psych degree so maybe I am better at picking up on that, but you do know what bi polar is right?

IF not read this and tell me this does not sound like Axl.

What Are the Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder?

Bipolar disorder causes dramatic mood swings?from overly "high" and/or irritable to sad and hopeless, and then back again, often with periods of normal mood in between. Severe changes in energy and behavior go along with these changes in mood. The periods of highs and lows are called episodes of mania and depression.

Signs and symptoms of mania (or a manic episode) include:
Increased energy, activity, and restlessness
Excessively "high," overly good, euphoric mood
Extreme irritability
Racing thoughts and talking very fast, jumping from one idea to another
Distractibility, can't concentrate well
Little sleep needed
Unrealistic beliefs in one's abilities and powers
Poor judgment
Spending sprees
A lasting period of behavior that is different from usual
Increased sexual drive
Abuse of drugs, particularly cocaine, alcohol, and sleeping medications
Provocative, intrusive, or aggressive behavior
Denial that anything is wrong
A manic episode is diagnosed if elevated mood occurs with three or more of the other symptoms most of the day, nearly every day, for 1 week or longer. If the mood is irritable, four additional symptoms must be present.

Signs and symptoms of depression (or a depressive episode) include:
Lasting sad, anxious, or empty mood
Feelings of hopelessness or pessimism
Feelings of guilt, worthlessness, or helplessness
Loss of interest or pleasure in activities once enjoyed, including sex
Decreased energy, a feeling of fatigue or of being "slowed down"
Difficulty concentrating, remembering, making decisions
Restlessness or irritability
Sleeping too much, or can't sleep
Change in appetite and/or unintended weight loss or gain
Chronic pain or other persistent bodily symptoms that are not caused by physical illness or injury
Thoughts of death or suicide, or suicide attempts

Title: Re: Article Axl Rose Suffers with Bipolar Disorder
Post by: Jessica on July 08, 2005, 03:34:00 PM
Do you know how many people this applies to, at least one or two combined symptoms ?  :rant:

You know why i dislike some people who have psychology degrees ?

Because they generalise and can be full of shit.

Title: Re: Article Axl Rose Suffers with Bipolar Disorder
Post by: SADIS on July 08, 2005, 04:09:24 PM
We have always know that Axl was bi polar, at least I have. All you have to do is watch Axl and you can tell he is bi polar.


By his mannerisms and his antics over his career.? I have a psych degree so maybe I am better at picking up on that, but you do know what bi polar is right?

IF not read this and tell me this does not sound like Axl.

What Are the Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder?

Bipolar disorder causes dramatic mood swings?from overly "high" and/or irritable to sad and hopeless, and then back again, often with periods of normal mood in between. Severe changes in energy and behavior go along with these changes in mood. The periods of highs and lows are called episodes of mania and depression.

Signs and symptoms of mania (or a manic episode) include:
Increased energy, activity, and restlessness
Excessively "high," overly good, euphoric mood
Extreme irritability
Racing thoughts and talking very fast, jumping from one idea to another
Distractibility, can't concentrate well
Little sleep needed
Unrealistic beliefs in one's abilities and powers
Poor judgment
Spending sprees
A lasting period of behavior that is different from usual
Increased sexual drive
Abuse of drugs, particularly cocaine, alcohol, and sleeping medications
Provocative, intrusive, or aggressive behavior
Denial that anything is wrong
A manic episode is diagnosed if elevated mood occurs with three or more of the other symptoms most of the day, nearly every day, for 1 week or longer. If the mood is irritable, four additional symptoms must be present.

Signs and symptoms of depression (or a depressive episode) include:
Lasting sad, anxious, or empty mood
Feelings of hopelessness or pessimism
Feelings of guilt, worthlessness, or helplessness
Loss of interest or pleasure in activities once enjoyed, including sex
Decreased energy, a feeling of fatigue or of being "slowed down"
Difficulty concentrating, remembering, making decisions
Restlessness or irritability
Sleeping too much, or can't sleep
Change in appetite and/or unintended weight loss or gain
Chronic pain or other persistent bodily symptoms that are not caused by physical illness or injury
Thoughts of death or suicide, or suicide attempts

Excuse me but this doesn't prove shit to me. I don't necissarily see the comparisons with Axl. Because I have never met the guy, just like you haven't. And actually he always came across pretty relaxed to me. Yeah, he has some issues with people treating him (or people he cares about) unfair. But so do I. Actually if there was one thing I can think of that would apply to Axl would be that he is highly-gifted. With an IQ over 130. The image that I see is of someone who has a very high IQ. Creative people with a high IQ always suffer extreme misunderstanding wit "normal" people. And that could make that they totally withdraw from normal life since no one ever seems to be understanding them and they set such high standards for themselves, too high.

But like I said before, I don;t know the guy. And the fact that everyone writes that he comes across very unhappy. I've never seen that, he seems to be struggleling through life, but he's not the only one so that ain't that special. He's just a regular guy living his life.....nothing special. But the difference is that he is in Guns N Roses.

Title: Re: Article Axl Rose Suffers with Bipolar Disorder
Post by: jabba2 on July 08, 2005, 04:22:18 PM
I think Axl could have a few more emotional problems than Bi- Polar. I think there is also some psychosis involved.

Title: Re: Article Axl Rose Suffers with Bipolar Disorder
Post by: gilld1 on July 08, 2005, 04:44:08 PM
Jessica, you're correct, those symptoms can be found in a lot of us but for people with this disorder these symptoms are so severe that it interferes with their ability to function on a daily basis, or in this case make an album.

Title: Re: Article Axl Rose Suffers with Bipolar Disorder
Post by: ppbebe on July 08, 2005, 05:26:58 PM
Abused child becomes angry adult
He speaks of physical and sexual abuse....................

Axl himself has been quoted as saying, "I'm very sensitive and emotional and things upset me and make me feel like not functioning or dealing with people... I went to a clinic, thinking it would help my moods. The only thing I did was to take one 500 question test - ya know, filling in the little black dots. All of a sudden I'm diagnosed manic-depressive. 'Let's put Axl on medication.' Well, the medication doesn't help me deal with the stress. The only thing it does is help keep people off my back because they figure I'm on medication."

By the sound of it, Axl himself doesn't believe the diagnosis, does he? ::)
He seems very sceptical about psycho-test thingy.

IMO, He should have been sceptical about regression therapy furthermore.
Reportedly, hypnotics got similar new "past" memories from those therapies at the time.

Title: Re: Article Axl Rose Suffers with Bipolar Disorder
Post by: Twisted Nerve 85 on July 08, 2005, 06:08:35 PM
We have always know that Axl was bi polar, at least I have. All you have to do is watch Axl and you can tell he is bi polar.


By his mannerisms and his antics over his career.? I have a psych degree so maybe I am better at picking up on that, but you do know what bi polar is right?

IF not read this and tell me this does not sound like Axl.

What Are the Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder?

Bipolar disorder causes dramatic mood swings?from overly "high" and/or irritable to sad and hopeless, and then back again, often with periods of normal mood in between. Severe changes in energy and behavior go along with these changes in mood. The periods of highs and lows are called episodes of mania and depression.

Signs and symptoms of mania (or a manic episode) include:
Increased energy, activity, and restlessness
Excessively "high," overly good, euphoric mood
Extreme irritability
Racing thoughts and talking very fast, jumping from one idea to another
Distractibility, can't concentrate well
Little sleep needed
Unrealistic beliefs in one's abilities and powers
Poor judgment
Spending sprees
A lasting period of behavior that is different from usual
Increased sexual drive
Abuse of drugs, particularly cocaine, alcohol, and sleeping medications
Provocative, intrusive, or aggressive behavior
Denial that anything is wrong
A manic episode is diagnosed if elevated mood occurs with three or more of the other symptoms most of the day, nearly every day, for 1 week or longer. If the mood is irritable, four additional symptoms must be present.

Signs and symptoms of depression (or a depressive episode) include:
Lasting sad, anxious, or empty mood
Feelings of hopelessness or pessimism
Feelings of guilt, worthlessness, or helplessness
Loss of interest or pleasure in activities once enjoyed, including sex
Decreased energy, a feeling of fatigue or of being "slowed down"
Difficulty concentrating, remembering, making decisions
Restlessness or irritability
Sleeping too much, or can't sleep
Change in appetite and/or unintended weight loss or gain
Chronic pain or other persistent bodily symptoms that are not caused by physical illness or injury
Thoughts of death or suicide, or suicide attempts

God that is such psychobabble bullshit, I have a good 90 percent of those symptoms it doesnt make me bipolar it js makes me human. Alot of ppl behave that way otherwise we'd be fucking zombies.

But as for Axl I think the stress js got to him and he felt like the world was out to get him thats why he lashed out so harshly. But who gives a fuck he was and still is brilliant  :peace:

Title: Re: Article Axl Rose Suffers with Bipolar Disorder
Post by: Jessica on July 08, 2005, 06:33:49 PM
Jessica, you're correct, those symptoms can be found in a lot of us but for people with this disorder these symptoms are so severe that it interferes with their ability to function on a daily basis, or in this case make an album.

well, dad was a bipolar and funnily enough, it didn't interfere with work because work was his only life passion.

It usually interfered with people AT work, but not ON his work, he was a perfectionnist and always did it really well and was praised for it.

My dad, when in a crisis, would need the cops, or a neighbour, or to drive mum to the hospital an hour later, have you heard anything about axl ?

I haven't.

Title: Re: Article Axl Rose Suffers with Bipolar Disorder
Post by: Jessica on July 08, 2005, 06:35:15 PM
Abused child becomes angry adult
He speaks of physical and sexual abuse....................

Axl himself has been quoted as saying, "I'm very sensitive and emotional and things upset me and make me feel like not functioning or dealing with people... I went to a clinic, thinking it would help my moods. The only thing I did was to take one 500 question test - ya know, filling in the little black dots. All of a sudden I'm diagnosed manic-depressive. 'Let's put Axl on medication.' Well, the medication doesn't help me deal with the stress. The only thing it does is help keep people off my back because they figure I'm on medication."

By the sound of it, Axl himself doesn't believe the diagnosis, does he? ::)
He seems very sceptical about psycho-test thingy.

IMO, He should have been sceptical about regression therapy furthermore.
Reportedly, hypnotics got similar new "past" memories from those therapies at the time.

Hpnosis helped me with childhood and weight, don't knock it, please. It's used in hospitals here. They treat children with it, and people with severe mental problems.


Title: Re: Article Axl Rose Suffers with Bipolar Disorder
Post by: ppbebe on July 08, 2005, 07:16:42 PM
Read my post carefully, Mademoiselle.

I've read a book about the study on the fad of ufo n new age stuff, of late '90s America.

Title: Re: Article Axl Rose Suffers with Bipolar Disorder
Post by: DoubleTalkingJive on July 08, 2005, 08:10:42 PM
Jessica, you're correct, those symptoms can be found in a lot of us but for people with this disorder these symptoms are so severe that it interferes with their ability to function on a daily basis, or in this case make an album.

I have to agree, these people don't have the ability to cope with life because what we would consider any number of those symptoms to be in each one of us, in these people it's magnified more than we could imagine to the point of a problem.

Title: Re: Article Axl Rose Suffers with Bipolar Disorder
Post by: N.I.B on July 08, 2005, 08:44:03 PM
What matters for me is the music. Axl is a great artist. I don't care if he is bipolar or not. That's his private life.

i have the same opinoin. if he wants to be a drug-addicted asshole let him. its the music that counts

Title: Re: Article Axl Rose Suffers with Bipolar Disorder
Post by: Sterlingdog on July 08, 2005, 11:29:23 PM
I also have a degree in psychology, and actually work in the field.  My opinion is that many many people are diagnosed with bipolar disorder, or other disorders, who are perfectly healthy.  People don't like to feel bad, so they decide there is something wrong with them and take medication.  If I could convince people of anything, its that mood swings are normal, feeling sad is part of life, as is feeling happy.  If you are depressed, maybe its because your life sucks.  Change what's wrong and maybe you will feel better.  Take drugs and you might feel better, but your life won't improve.  Also, if you never feel truly sad, you will never feel happy.  So with drugs, you give up human emotions.  It might be necessary for some people, but I think it should be avoided when possible.  I'm not saying Bipolar disorder and/or depression aren't real.  I'm just saying they are way over-diagnosed. 

As far as if Axl is bipolar or not, I can't tell.  His behavior may just be a reaction to his childhood.  Its not necessarily an actual mental disorder.  A diagnosis means virtually nothing.  Psychology is an art, not a science.  There is no test to prove Bipolar disorder. You could walk into 3 different psychiatrists offices and get three different diagnosis.  So don't put too much stock in what one psychiatrist told Axl 15 years ago.   

Title: Re: Article Axl Rose Suffers with Bipolar Disorder
Post by: snooze72 on July 09, 2005, 02:07:31 AM
Hey Dave, where was this article published?

We have always know that Axl was bi polar, at least I have. All you have to do is watch Axl and you can tell he is bi polar.


By his mannerisms and his antics over his career.? I have a psych degree so maybe I am better at picking up on that, but you do know what bi polar is right?

IF not read this and tell me this does not sound like Axl.

What Are the Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder?

Bipolar disorder causes dramatic mood swings?from overly "high" and/or irritable to sad and hopeless, and then back again, often with periods of normal mood in between. Severe changes in energy and behavior go along with these changes in mood. The periods of highs and lows are called episodes of mania and depression.

Signs and symptoms of mania (or a manic episode) include:
Increased energy, activity, and restlessness
Excessively "high," overly good, euphoric mood
Extreme irritability
Racing thoughts and talking very fast, jumping from one idea to another
Distractibility, can't concentrate well
Little sleep needed
Unrealistic beliefs in one's abilities and powers
Poor judgment
Spending sprees
A lasting period of behavior that is different from usual
Increased sexual drive
Abuse of drugs, particularly cocaine, alcohol, and sleeping medications
Provocative, intrusive, or aggressive behavior
Denial that anything is wrong
A manic episode is diagnosed if elevated mood occurs with three or more of the other symptoms most of the day, nearly every day, for 1 week or longer. If the mood is irritable, four additional symptoms must be present.

Signs and symptoms of depression (or a depressive episode) include:
Lasting sad, anxious, or empty mood
Feelings of hopelessness or pessimism
Feelings of guilt, worthlessness, or helplessness
Loss of interest or pleasure in activities once enjoyed, including sex
Decreased energy, a feeling of fatigue or of being "slowed down"
Difficulty concentrating, remembering, making decisions
Restlessness or irritability
Sleeping too much, or can't sleep
Change in appetite and/or unintended weight loss or gain
Chronic pain or other persistent bodily symptoms that are not caused by physical illness or injury
Thoughts of death or suicide, or suicide attempts

Title: Re: Article Axl Rose Suffers with Bipolar Disorder
Post by: Luigi on July 09, 2005, 09:43:07 AM
"Nobody suffers but you who complain" 

Title: Re: Article Axl Rose Suffers with Bipolar Disorder
Post by: killingvector on July 09, 2005, 10:51:43 AM
I also have a degree in psychology, and actually work in the field.  My opinion is that many many people are diagnosed with bipolar disorder, or other disorders, who are perfectly healthy.  People don't like to feel bad, so they decide there is something wrong with them and take medication.  If I could convince people of anything, its that mood swings are normal, feeling sad is part of life, as is feeling happy.  If you are depressed, maybe its because your life sucks.  Change what's wrong and maybe you will feel better.  Take drugs and you might feel better, but your life won't improve.  Also, if you never feel truly sad, you will never feel happy.  So with drugs, you give up human emotions.  It might be necessary for some people, but I think it should be avoided when possible.  I'm not saying Bipolar disorder and/or depression aren't real.  I'm just saying they are way over-diagnosed. 

As far as if Axl is bipolar or not, I can't tell.  His behavior may just be a reaction to his childhood.  Its not necessarily an actual mental disorder.  A diagnosis means virtually nothing.  Psychology is an art, not a science.  There is no test to prove Bipolar disorder. You could walk into 3 different psychiatrists offices and get three different diagnosis.  So don't put too much stock in what one psychiatrist told Axl 15 years ago.   

Are we talking advanced degree or bachelor's?

I agree with your post from a layman's perspective but some other people in this thread appeared to have been recruited by the Church of Scientology. Manic Depression and a bi polar disorder are serious problems which, despite what tom cruise says, do originate from brain chemistry. I think many here are just shrugging these off especially in axl's case, but until you have had a moment of complete emotional breakdown, it is difficult if not impossible to understand the power of the mind.

Title: Re: Article Axl Rose Suffers with Bipolar Disorder
Post by: Sterlingdog on July 09, 2005, 11:04:05 AM

Are we talking advanced degree or bachelor's?

I agree with your post from a layman's perspective but some other people in this thread appeared to have been recruited by the Church of Scientology. Manic Depression and a bi polar disorder are serious problems which, despite what tom cruise says, do originate from brain chemistry. I think many here are just shrugging these off especially in axl's case, but until you have had a moment of complete emotional breakdown, it is difficult if not impossible to understand the power of the mind.

Advanced.  I chose not to continue into Clinical Psychology, however, when I came to the conclusion that 90% of people don't want to change, they just want to whine and be told its not their fault.

Yes, bipolar disorder is a psychotic disorder, that studies suggest is due to brain chemistry.  But you can't have your brain chemistry tested and be told you are psychotic.  The diagnosis comes from subjective interpretations of your behavior.  I know/work with people who are truly psychotic and there really isn't too much question about their mental illness.  Its pervasive in every aspect of their lives.  But I also know plenty of people who just want to take drugs to feel better and avoid dealing with what is truly wrong in their lives. 

As far as Tom Cruise goes, he's a nut who's been brainwashed by a cult.  While psych meds are excessively over used, in my opinion, they do serve a good purpose for some people.  I know people who would surely have killed themselves with out the correct meds.  But all pysch meds have side effects and I think should be avoided when possible. 

But back to Axl, I don't think any of us will ever know enough about him to make a judgement about his mental state.  My understanding is that he has been involved with some people/practices very similar to some cults.  Who knows what that could do to a person's mind, especially someone who was on the edge anyway.  I don't know if he's ever even done traditional therapy, just regression therapy, which is questionable at best. 

Title: Re: Article Axl Rose Suffers with Bipolar Disorder
Post by: killingvector on July 09, 2005, 11:20:07 AM

Are we talking advanced degree or bachelor's?

I agree with your post from a layman's perspective but some other people in this thread appeared to have been recruited by the Church of Scientology. Manic Depression and a bi polar disorder are serious problems which, despite what tom cruise says, do originate from brain chemistry. I think many here are just shrugging these off especially in axl's case, but until you have had a moment of complete emotional breakdown, it is difficult if not impossible to understand the power of the mind.

Advanced.  I chose not to continue into Clinical Psychology, however, when I came to the conclusion that 90% of people don't want to change, they just want to whine and be told its not their fault.

Yes, bipolar disorder is a psychotic disorder, that studies suggest is due to brain chemistry.  But you can't have your brain chemistry tested and be told you are psychotic.  The diagnosis comes from subjective interpretations of your behavior.  I know/work with people who are truly psychotic and there really isn't too much question about their mental illness.  Its pervasive in every aspect of their lives.  But I also know plenty of people who just want to take drugs to feel better and avoid dealing with what is truly wrong in their lives. 

As far as Tom Cruise goes, he's a nut who's been brainwashed by a cult.  While psych meds are excessively over used, in my opinion, they do serve a good purpose for some people.  I know people who would surely have killed themselves with out the correct meds.  But all pysch meds have side effects and I think should be avoided when possible. 

But back to Axl, I don't think any of us will ever know enough about him to make a judgement about his mental state.  My understanding is that he has been involved with some people/practices very similar to some cults.  Who knows what that could do to a person's mind, especially someone who was on the edge anyway.  I don't know if he's ever even done traditional therapy, just regression therapy, which is questionable at best. 

Considering some of Axl's past statements about the pharmaceutical industry, I'm surprised he hasn't been approached by the Church of Scientology.

I do remember a report from a fan who talked to Duff on an airplane in which the bassist told him that Axl didn't like to take his medication, therefore he was prone to erratic behavior. My small dalliance in antidepressants made me  understand that although the meds level you off, they tend to numb you emotionally. When I went off of them, I had a problem controlling my emotions.

If only it were as simple as vitamins and exercise and e meters.

Title: Re: Article Axl Rose Suffers with Bipolar Disorder
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on July 09, 2005, 11:23:18 AM
Do you know how many people this applies to, at least one or two combined symptoms ?? :rant:

You know why i dislike some people who have psychology degrees ?

Because they generalise and can be full of shit.

You do not know what bi polar even is so you?? So you should really just shut your mouth. Two of my friends have it, so I know what people are like that have it esp when they are not on their meds.?? Also that post was just to give some one of idea of what some of the sympthoms of bi polar is. I am just going by what I know of Bi Polar, my two friends that have it, and how Axl has acted since I have been a fan of gnr. But just look at Axls acts, he has bi polar tendencies.
If anyone is full of this its you since you are talking out of? your ass.

Oh also remember that "rumor" that Axl checked himself into a clinic after the philly incident?

Title: Re: Article Axl Rose Suffers with Bipolar Disorder
Post by: Sterlingdog on July 09, 2005, 12:40:57 PM
Just to be clear...

I would never advocate anyone taking psych meds stop taking them without talking to their doctor.  Unfortunately that could be very dangerous.  Frequently with  bipolar disorder, people take meds, feel better, decide they don't need the drugs and stop, then go back into the cycle.

But I will say that if you are taking psych meds prescribed by anyone other than a psychiatrist (I once knew someone who got anti-depressents from her gynecologist!)  you should do yourself a favor and go see a psychiatrist to get a better idea of what you really need. 

Title: Re: Article Axl Rose Suffers with Bipolar Disorder
Post by: August 18th on July 09, 2005, 12:52:17 PM
interesting that this thread was made just one day after rocket queen and i had a discussion about this. well, soon as i get the time i will make a lengthy post about all of this. stay tuned.

Title: Re: Article Axl Rose Suffers with Bipolar Disorder
Post by: Luigi on July 10, 2005, 10:49:05 AM
WOW, some people on this board talk as if they know Axl's personal MD, hmm... and if you only knew the truth, but wait you've heard all this because some apparent friends or ex, bandmate said he take the meds. So you think he has a problem,  AND YOU BOUGHT IT. lol. That buys time for fool not I. Some people need to level out with the world! :no:     

Title: Re: Article Axl Rose Suffers with Bipolar Disorder
Post by: Gunna_girl01 on July 10, 2005, 09:01:12 PM

Axl is an awsome guy, i listen to his voice everyday, i dont care if he has bipolar or whatever else he is diognosed with. he is still a legend, and one i wont ever forget or stop loving.
i am proud of him.... he could be in a much worse situation right now. he could be an unknown living under a bridge.
but he went to the city to make a life, to get a clean start, to become a rock star..

Who says dreams cant come true!!  : ok:

Title: Re: Article Axl Rose Suffers with Bipolar Disorder
Post by: gilld1 on July 11, 2005, 02:12:47 AM
What if Axl were an acccused child molester like Michael Jackson?  Would you still be a huge fan?  What if Axl has been living the life of a serial killer these last 10 plus years?  Any change of opinion? 

Title: Re: Article Axl Rose Suffers with Bipolar Disorder
Post by: Jessica on July 11, 2005, 07:02:13 AM
Read my post carefully, Mademoiselle.

I've read a book about the study on the fad of ufo n new age stuff, of late '90s America.

hm hm.

Wasn't being agressive to you anyway, not in intention.

Title: Re: Article Axl Rose Suffers with Bipolar Disorder
Post by: Jessica on July 11, 2005, 07:04:47 AM
I also have a degree in psychology, and actually work in the field.  My opinion is that many many people are diagnosed with bipolar disorder, or other disorders, who are perfectly healthy.  People don't like to feel bad, so they decide there is something wrong with them and take medication.  If I could convince people of anything, its that mood swings are normal, feeling sad is part of life, as is feeling happy.  If you are depressed, maybe its because your life sucks.  Change what's wrong and maybe you will feel better.  Take drugs and you might feel better, but your life won't improve.  Also, if you never feel truly sad, you will never feel happy.  So with drugs, you give up human emotions.  It might be necessary for some people, but I think it should be avoided when possible.  I'm not saying Bipolar disorder and/or depression aren't real.  I'm just saying they are way over-diagnosed. 

As far as if Axl is bipolar or not, I can't tell.  His behavior may just be a reaction to his childhood.  Its not necessarily an actual mental disorder.  A diagnosis means virtually nothing.  Psychology is an art, not a science.  There is no test to prove Bipolar disorder. You could walk into 3 different psychiatrists offices and get three different diagnosis.  So don't put too much stock in what one psychiatrist told Axl 15 years ago.   

 : ok:

Title: Re: Article Axl Rose Suffers with Bipolar Disorder
Post by: Jessica on July 11, 2005, 07:08:34 AM
Do you know how many people this applies to, at least one or two combined symptoms ?  :rant:

You know why i dislike some people who have psychology degrees ?

Because they generalise and can be full of shit.

You do not know what bi polar even is so you?  So you should really just shut your mouth. Two of my friends have it, so I know what people are like that have it esp when they are not on their meds.   Also that post was just to give some one of idea of what some of the sympthoms of bi polar is. I am just going by what I know of Bi Polar, my two friends that have it, and how Axl has acted since I have been a fan of gnr. But just look at Axls acts, he has bi polar tendencies.
If anyone is full of this its you since you are talking out of  your ass.

Oh also remember that "rumor" that Axl checked himself into a clinic after the philly incident?

I know exactly what a true, violent, "not remembering what i did last night" bipolar is because he is the father of my baby and i had a father who was too, although his maniacal sides were not as bad as my companion's.

So yes, i have known what bipolarity is ALL MY LIFE.

Title: Re: Article Axl Rose Suffers with Bipolar Disorder
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on July 11, 2005, 08:53:40 AM
Do you know how many people this applies to, at least one or two combined symptoms ?? :rant:

You know why i dislike some people who have psychology degrees ?

Because they generalise and can be full of shit.

You do not know what bi polar even is so you?? So you should really just shut your mouth. Two of my friends have it, so I know what people are like that have it esp when they are not on their meds.? ?Also that post was just to give some one of idea of what some of the sympthoms of bi polar is. I am just going by what I know of Bi Polar, my two friends that have it, and how Axl has acted since I have been a fan of gnr. But just look at Axls acts, he has bi polar tendencies.
If anyone is full of this its you since you are talking out of? your ass.

Oh also remember that "rumor" that Axl checked himself into a clinic after the philly incident?

I know exactly what a true, violent, "not remembering what i did last night" bipolar is because he is the father of my baby and i had a father who was too, although his maniacal sides were not as bad as my companion's.

So yes, i have known what bipolarity is ALL MY LIFE.

There are different degrees of being bi polar too, and you should know that since  you claim you know people with it. 

Title: Re: Article Axl Rose Suffers with Bipolar Disorder
Post by: Thorazine Shuffle on July 11, 2005, 09:11:21 AM
Do you know how many people this applies to, at least one or two combined symptoms ?? :rant:

You know why i dislike some people who have psychology degrees ?

Because they generalise and can be full of shit.

You do not know what bi polar even is so you?? So you should really just shut your mouth. Two of my friends have it, so I know what people are like that have it esp when they are not on their meds.? ?Also that post was just to give some one of idea of what some of the sympthoms of bi polar is. I am just going by what I know of Bi Polar, my two friends that have it, and how Axl has acted since I have been a fan of gnr. But just look at Axls acts, he has bi polar tendencies.
If anyone is full of this its you since you are talking out of? your ass.

Oh also remember that "rumor" that Axl checked himself into a clinic after the philly incident?

I know exactly what a true, violent, "not remembering what i did last night" bipolar is because he is the father of my baby and i had a father who was too, although his maniacal sides were not as bad as my companion's.

So yes, i have known what bipolarity is ALL MY LIFE.

There are different degrees of being bi polar too, and you should know that since? you claim you know people with it.?

Exactly right.  Not everyone with BP go from maniac to ultra-depressive. 

Title: Re: Article Axl Rose Suffers with Bipolar Disorder
Post by: ppbebe on July 11, 2005, 10:49:26 AM
Read my post carefully, Mademoiselle.

I've read a book about the study on the fad of ufo n new age stuff, of late '90s America.

hm hm.

Wasn't being agressive to you anyway, not in intention.

I was so scared  :hihi: :hihi: mon ami.

I didn't mean the proper hypnotic cure which curer is aware of both the merits and the demerits of the hypnotism.

I think there's a possibility that Axl's babyhood memory might have been unconsciously made up through the regression therapy. Yeah maybe what he thought he recalled did happen but why the hell so many people who took those sessions could have had similar tragic experiences as children and had completely forgotten until the therapy. Could be the hypnotism used in those sessions of around '90 sometimes accidentally led the hypnotic attendee to recall the scariest story they'd ever heard of in their life and memorise it anew as their own experience.

Title: Re: Article Axl Rose Suffers with Bipolar Disorder
Post by: Jessica on July 11, 2005, 11:17:32 AM
Read my post carefully, Mademoiselle.

I've read a book about the study on the fad of ufo n new age stuff, of late '90s America.

hm hm.

Wasn't being agressive to you anyway, not in intention.

I was so scared  :hihi: :hihi: mon ami.

I didn't mean the proper hypnotic cure which curer is aware of both the merits and the demerits of the hypnotism.

I think there's a possibility that Axl's babyhood memory might have been unconsciously made up through the regression therapy. Yeah maybe what he thought he recalled did happen but why the hell so many people who took those sessions could have had similar tragic experiences as children and had completely forgotten until the therapy. Could be the hypnotism used in those sessions of around '90 sometimes accidentally led the hypnotic attendee to recall the scariest story they'd ever heard of in their life and memorise it anew as their own experience.


Title: Re: Article Axl Rose Suffers with Bipolar Disorder
Post by: Gunna_girl01 on July 11, 2005, 08:43:47 PM
What if Axl were an acccused child molester like Michael Jackson?? Would you still be a huge fan?? What if Axl has been living the life of a serial killer these last 10 plus years?? Any change of opinion??

Nope. still my hero...

Chopper was a murderer and i still admire him !! : ok:

Title: Re: Article Axl Rose Suffers with Bipolar Disorder
Post by: Saul on July 11, 2005, 08:50:58 PM
What if Axl were an acccused child molester like Michael Jackson?  Would you still be a huge fan?  What if Axl has been living the life of a serial killer these last 10 plus years?  Any change of opinion? 

Accused or convicted?

If he was convicted of these crimes I wouldnt buy anything new he put out or follow his career , no. It wouldnt change how much I like his music , lyrics and singing but I couldnt support someone convicted of such crimes.  >:(

Title: Re: Article Axl Rose Suffers with Bipolar Disorder
Post by: N.I.B on July 11, 2005, 09:06:15 PM
Chopper was a murderer and i still admire him !! : ok:

OJ. Damn good running back.

I'm a fan of Axl and hes been arrested God knows how many times. Still a damn good singer. Like i said before, i dont car ebaout his personall life as long as the music is good