Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: August 18th on June 30, 2005, 09:44:53 PM

Title: i'm eager to see gn'r live without buckethead
Post by: August 18th on June 30, 2005, 09:44:53 PM
actually i'm eager to see them at all, but i want to see how the band functions without buckethead and what has changed in the last 3 years, if the old songs sound better and if they will include new ones. right now i'm more eager to see them live than to see CD, i'm so used to the wait that CD ever dropping will seem un-real. :smoking: anyway even when buckethead was in the band i thought of robin and tommy along with axl as the core of the new guns n' roses, they've been there the longest and were duff and slash's actual replacements. i'm also eager to see how richard and robin can pull of their guitar duties without buckethead being involved, i think it will turn out great. do you think there's a chance they will be ready for a tour, or at least a live appearence, anytime soon? i know it's a shot in the dark but they need to excercise their live skills before CD drops to show people that they still are a live band. just my 2 cents. :smoking:

Title: Re: i'm eager to see gn'r live without buckethead
Post by: August 18th on June 30, 2005, 09:50:01 PM
btw, i just want to say that i think we all are priveliged to witness the rise of this band like this, it's a beatiful thing to follow, seeing as this community isn't really that big. once chinese democracy drops we will be the proud ones, the ones who believed from the start, and we will watch the rest of the world follow. :smoking:

Title: Re: i'm eager to see gn'r live without buckethead
Post by: jameslofton29 on June 30, 2005, 09:58:25 PM
GNR isnt even close to touring. We'll be damn lucky if there's even any work being done on the album. Although I like your optimism, its definitely fantasyland. If Axl backed out of Rio, what makes you think he'll do a whole tour? And you want Axl to tour without CD release? Damn, thats funny! Its not 2002. The novelty has worn off. He has to have an album out before he even thinks about the word 'tour'. If they try another 2002 again, he will be singing to empty arenas. No one gives a fuck about a rehash of AFD, with a couple others thrown in. I've been a fan since the beginning, but if he tours without CD in the stores, I'm not going, and many others feel the same. It's time we stop filling this guy's pockets so he can continue to sit on his ass.

Title: Re: i'm eager to see gn'r live without buckethead
Post by: snakepiter on June 30, 2005, 10:11:32 PM
yeah maybe that was the reason the tour was cd,       people behind axl didn't see any cd coming they probably said no tour. so it may not be in axl's hands anymore and he ain't gonna' talk about it.

Title: Re: i'm eager to see gn'r live without buckethead
Post by: GNRisSLASH on June 30, 2005, 11:32:04 PM
actually i'm eager to see them at all, but i want to see how the band functions without buckethead and what has changed in the last 3 years, if the old songs sound better and if they will include new ones. right now i'm more eager to see them live than to see CD, i'm so used to the wait that CD ever dropping will seem un-real. :smoking: anyway even when buckethead was in the band i thought of robin and tommy along with axl as the core of the new guns n' roses, they've been there the longest and were duff and slash's actual replacements. i'm also eager to see how richard and robin can pull of their guitar duties without buckethead being involved, i think it will turn out great. do you think there's a chance they will be ready for a tour, or at least a live appearence, anytime soon? i know it's a shot in the dark but they need to excercise their live skills before CD drops to show people that they still are a live band. just my 2 cents. :smoking:

Still a band? Were they ever a band? They played like 15 shows during an aborted tour a few years ago.  With no album, no tour, no video, no single, no dates, and no news - there is NO BAND.

Title: Re: i'm eager to see gn'r live without buckethead
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on June 30, 2005, 11:37:40 PM
actually i'm eager to see them at all, but i want to see how the band functions without buckethead and what has changed in the last 3 years, if the old songs sound better and if they will include new ones. right now i'm more eager to see them live than to see CD, i'm so used to the wait that CD ever dropping will seem un-real. :smoking: anyway even when buckethead was in the band i thought of robin and tommy along with axl as the core of the new guns n' roses, they've been there the longest and were duff and slash's actual replacements. i'm also eager to see how richard and robin can pull of their guitar duties without buckethead being involved, i think it will turn out great. do you think there's a chance they will be ready for a tour, or at least a live appearence, anytime soon? i know it's a shot in the dark but they need to excercise their live skills before CD drops to show people that they still are a live band. just my 2 cents. :smoking:

Still a band? Were they ever a band? They played like 15 shows during an aborted tour a few years ago.? With no album, no tour, no video, no single, no dates, and no news - there is NO BAND.

Go back to the hole you crawled out of. You should have stayed gone if you are going bash the band dont post.

Title: Re: i'm eager to see gn'r live without buckethead
Post by: jameslofton29 on June 30, 2005, 11:42:40 PM
GNRisSlash, I couldnt have said it better myself. I'm glad a few people here are finally starting to realize the truth. Have you been over to mygnr recently? There is ALOT of people starting to realize its a fraud. They're not really "giving up", because they want to see how the story ends. I feel the same. I dont think its ever coming out. I'm just very intrigued by the whole thing. I made a prediction along time ago, and I'm gonna stick to it: "IF" CD ever comes out, it will be forced by Geffen/Interscope, and it will be an EP with 7 or 8 songs. Tommy actually hinted at this when he said CD would be a short album. Of course, that comment by him was ignored by the extremely optimistic fans.

Title: Re: i'm eager to see gn'r live without buckethead
Post by: GNRisSLASH on June 30, 2005, 11:53:12 PM
Jameslofton - I was on this board in 2000, 2001, etc.  There were blind loyalists who had a new release date every week and defended Rose to the hilt.  And, there were realists, who, like you, would love to see the album but don't believe in Rose's ability to deliver anything.  I can't believe there are any loyalists left.  It's been 10 years since their last album.  It's been 3 years since their MTV appearance.  It's been about 5 years since their last official new song, End of Days.  They've gone through countless musicians, managers, producers, replacements for them, and replacements for their replacements.  Axl marches to his own beat and clearly isn't driven to release anything.  I agree 1000% with you.  I too believe if it ever comes out, it will be forced out and the material will be dated anyway.  As the title of this thread says: i'm eager to see gn'r live without buckethead too.  I'd like to see them with Slash, Izzy, etc.  I'd be happy with an Axl solo tour.  But after a decade, I don't think anyone should be holding their breath (DaveGnR2K7)

Title: Re: i'm eager to see gn'r live without buckethead
Post by: jameslofton29 on July 01, 2005, 12:10:39 AM
GNRisSlash, I remember those years on this forum. Back then, I didnt post, I just read the forum. Everyone thinking Axl could do no wrong, CD was right around the corner, etc. There's not as many people saying that anymore, is there? Axl's fanbase is going to explode when Jan 2006 comes around and there is no CD. People are very frustrated with this shit. I was over at mygnr the other night, and there was a thread discussing the idea of "giving up". It actually started to bum me out. LOL! I wish someone would write a book about the making of CD. It could be done without help from an insider. There is enough facts, quotes from bandmembers, etc. to be able to pull it off. Its just a matter of time before someone exposes this whole thing. The NYT article came pretty damn close, they just didn't dig deep enough. I have a subscription to Time magazine. One of these days, I'm gonna open my mailbox and it will be in there with a picture of Axl and the headline' The Chinese Democracy Hoax'.

Title: Re: i'm eager to see gn'r live without buckethead
Post by: killingvector on July 01, 2005, 12:21:33 AM
Quite a brain trust in this thread.....with fans like you, no wonder Axl is taking his time.

Title: Re: i'm eager to see gn'r live without buckethead
Post by: jameslofton29 on July 01, 2005, 12:31:29 AM
Killingvector, if there wasn't fans like me, Axl would have never made any money.

Title: Re: i'm eager to see gn'r live without buckethead
Post by: Guns N RockMusic on July 01, 2005, 12:44:55 AM
How did something as simple as a post about wanting to see GN'R without Buckethead turn into an Axl bash?? Axl Rose owes us shit, he's repeatedly told us to live our lives and not worry about his album.? Everyone reading this makes a choice to be a GN'R fan and follow Chinese Democracy.? I believe that the CD will someday come out, but when and under what terms would be purely speculation and unfounded.? Those who believe Chinese Democracy will be perfection are kidding themselves, perfection is impossible.? Members of this forum repeatedly denounce the new members of GN'R as being clueless yet constantly and consistently use their comments to condemn Chinese Democracy, GN'R and Axl.? Which is it, you can't have your cake and eat it to.? Since? there is no current news in the GN'R camp, what gives you the audacity to continually turn every thread in a negative marketplace of ideas regarding GN'R and Axl.? Chinese Democracy will come when it comes and we all know that.? Getting all worked up and bitching on internet forums is a waste of energy and if I'm correct, I believe against the spirit of the site Jarmo created.? We all know that Axl and other members of GN'R have/do visit this site, and if their biggest fans are making comments like some of you, I can understand why he may be hesitant to release the damn thing; although that assumes that he cares what other people think of his work and that is a big assumption.?

-- Back on to the original topic

I too am excited to see the band without Buckethead.? Buckethead is an amazing guitarist and I have some of his albums, but in my opinion he wasn't very "GN'R".? I think that Robin and Richard will do an amazing job with guitar duties when and if GN'R ever decides to return to the masses and perform.? Regardless of who and how Axl returns to the public with, I believe it will be one hell of a show and am going to keep living MY life until maybe one day Axl and Co. return.?

Title: Re: i'm eager to see gn'r live without buckethead
Post by: jameslofton29 on July 01, 2005, 12:58:58 AM
Guns n Rockmusic, I actually agree with your statement about everything on the forum being completely different than what was Jarmo's intentions for the site. If memory serves me correctly, when this site first started, it was mostly the hardcore fans discussing the good old days, and just a little discussion about a new album. CD changed all that. CD has created alot of frustrated people(I'm including myself). If CD had never been mentioned, this site would be like it was many years ago. But Axl opened up Pandora's Box. And there's alot of people pissed that Pandora's box apparently was empty.

Title: Re: i'm eager to see gn'r live without buckethead
Post by: killingvector on July 01, 2005, 01:57:27 AM
Guns n Rockmusic, I actually agree with your statement about everything on the forum being completely different than what was Jarmo's intentions for the site. If memory serves me correctly, when this site first started, it was mostly the hardcore fans discussing the good old days, and just a little discussion about a new album. CD changed all that. CD has created alot of frustrated people(I'm including myself). If CD had never been mentioned, this site would be like it was many years ago. But Axl opened up Pandora's Box. And there's alot of people pissed that Pandora's box apparently was empty.

The forum wasn't like that at all. Occasionally there were bullshit threads, like this one, but Jarmo quickly finds a refuse bin into which he files them.

Title: Re: i'm eager to see gn'r live without buckethead
Post by: jarmo on July 01, 2005, 02:50:01 AM
Guns n Rockmusic, I actually agree with your statement about everything on the forum being completely different than what was Jarmo's intentions for the site.

What's my intentions then?

Som people seem to think they know what this site is for and why I do it etc.

This board is still here for the same reason it was started in the first place, a place for fans to discuss their favorite band. Notice I said discuss and not whine.  :P


Title: Re: i'm eager to see gn'r live without buckethead
Post by: Dave_Rose on July 01, 2005, 02:55:45 AM
GNR isnt even close to touring. We'll be damn lucky if there's even any work being done on the album. Although I like your optimism, its definitely fantasyland. If Axl backed out of Rio, what makes you think he'll do a whole tour? And you want Axl to tour without CD release? Damn, thats funny! Its not 2002. The novelty has worn off. He has to have an album out before he even thinks about the word 'tour'. If they try another 2002 again, he will be singing to empty arenas. No one gives a fuck about a rehash of AFD, with a couple others thrown in. I've been a fan since the beginning, but if he tours without CD in the stores, I'm not going, and many others feel the same. It's time we stop filling this guy's pockets so he can continue to sit on his ass.

But this over a year ago rio was cancelled I think a lot of work can be done within one year

Title: Re: i'm eager to see gn'r live without buckethead
Post by: jameslofton29 on July 01, 2005, 03:22:19 AM
Jarmo, I figured your intentions were for people to talk about their favorite band. Hell, until I discovered your site many years ago, I didnt know that there were so many hardcore fans. I thought I was literally 'one in a million'. This site showed me that indeed, there were others like me out there after all. People who loved GNR despite the fact that it was uncool to like them. I respect all GNR fans. It has been a difficult journey and sometimes it gets very frustrating trying to 'stay the course'. But Jarmo, you have to admit, the atmosphere on this site(and other GNR forums) completely changed once Axl brought CD into the picture. Its like the GNR fanbase split into 2 different factions, and they have been at war with each other for about 6 years. You have the people who think Axl is God's gift to this earth and can make no mistakes on one side, and on the other side is people like me, who think he is the greatest frontman in history but has major problems and is having MAJOR problems at creating an album and is tarnishing the band's legacy in the process. These two different sides is basically a pressure cooker way overdue to explode. The only thing that will relieve that pressure is the release of CD. A weekly Sp1at interview or half assed tour isnt going to do it.

Title: Re: i'm eager to see gn'r live without buckethead
Post by: journey on July 01, 2005, 03:44:06 AM
This site showed me that indeed, there were others like me out there after all. People who loved GNR despite the fact that it was uncool to like them.

What's your damage, Heather?

It's never been uncool to like GNR. 

Title: Re: i'm eager to see gn'r live without buckethead
Post by: jameslofton29 on July 01, 2005, 04:01:17 AM
'What's your damage, Heather?' What the hell does that mean?? By the way, it was very uncool to like GNR in the mid 90's, late 90's, and the past couple of years. But I never cared. I was proud to wear my Axl shirts and GNR shirts. In fact, I just bought an Axl shirt 2 days ago. The front of the shirt is covered with a picture of Axl with his cap on backwards and he's wearing a GNR shirt. The back of the shirt has the barb wired skull logo. Its very cool. It was probably made in a sweatshop somewhere, but they did a DAMN GOOD job!

Title: Re: i'm eager to see gn'r live without buckethead
Post by: journey on July 01, 2005, 04:05:54 AM
'What's your damage, Heather?' What the hell does that mean?? By the way, it was very uncool to like GNR in the mid 90's, late 90's, and the past couple of years.

It's from a movie called, Heathers. (cult classic)

I guess people walk in different sands of coolness.

Title: Re: i'm eager to see gn'r live without buckethead
Post by: jameslofton29 on July 01, 2005, 04:15:09 AM
Journey, I remember that movie. I havent seen it in about 15 years. I used to really have the hots for Winona Ryder in the late 80's/early 90's. She was absolutely breathtaking in that movie 'Welcome Home Roxy Carmichael'.

Title: Re: i'm eager to see gn'r live without buckethead
Post by: journey on July 01, 2005, 04:26:58 AM
Journey, She was absolutely breathtaking in that movie 'Welcome Home Roxy Carmichael'.

I haven't seen that one. I'll have to rent it.

Topic time:

I really liked buckethead. He was different; a throw-back from the Kiss era. Unfortunatley, I never had the chance to see him play live.

It has to be incredibly hard to fill the shoes of Slash. A lot of people wrote him off, before he even got started. That may have been one factor in his leaving.

Title: Re: i'm eager to see gn'r live without buckethead
Post by: jameslofton29 on July 01, 2005, 05:22:43 AM
Someone on this forum made a really good point about Buckethead. That Buckethead's presence basically changed the dynamic of the band. The 'where's Slash' fanbase wasn't quite as loud. And those that didn't like him were starting to get used to him. His departure was definitely an unfortunate event.

Title: Re: i'm eager to see gn'r live without buckethead
Post by: disease51883 on July 01, 2005, 06:17:10 AM
I'm eager to see GNR...

That's it. I'd just like to see them together again someday.

Title: Re: i'm eager to see gn'r live without buckethead
Post by: nesquick on July 01, 2005, 06:22:08 AM
It has to be incredibly hard to fill the shoes of Slash
nobody has succeeded and nobody will ever succeed to fill slash shoes in gn'r. he is THE lead guitarist, and nobody else is and ever will be.
"replacing" slash is like "replacing" axl on vocals. It doesn't have sense.

Title: Re: i'm eager to see gn'r live without buckethead
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on July 01, 2005, 09:19:14 AM
Buckethead is better than slash so it was not hard shoes to fill but Fortus and Robin are not better than Slash so its doing to be different, but most of the solos on the 2002 tour were done by fortus or robin, if you watch the shows BH really didnt play that much at all.

Title: Re: i'm eager to see gn'r live without buckethead
Post by: Thorazine Shuffle on July 01, 2005, 09:28:33 AM
Buckethead is better than slash so it was not hard shoes to fill but Fortus and Robin are not better than Slash so its doing to be different, but most of the solos on the 2002 tour were done by fortus or robin, if you watch the shows BH really didnt play that much at all.

Buckethead may be better technically, but who comes up with the more memorable riffs?  Slash.  Buckethead is better technically than Hendrix was.  But Hendrix  is the one who revolutionalized the guitar.  And made you "feel" the instrument.  Thats whats important.  And before you guys flame me about the Hendrix statement, I'm a blues guitarist  of 20 yrs and Hendrix, along with Rory Gallagher and David Gilmour are my all-time favorite guitarists.  So keeps the flames to yourself. ;)

Title: Re: i'm eager to see gn'r live without buckethead
Post by: jameslofton29 on July 01, 2005, 09:30:18 AM
Dave, you say Buckethead is better than Slash, but then say Buckethead didnt play much?? Man, your IQ went down about 50 points with that statement. That is definitely the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. You usually make some interesting points, but you're way off base on this one.

Title: Re: i'm eager to see gn'r live without buckethead
Post by: mrlee on July 01, 2005, 09:35:17 AM
btw, i just want to say that i think we all are priveliged to witness the rise of this band like this, it's a beatiful thing to follow, seeing as this community isn't really that big. once chinese democracy drops we will be the proud ones, the ones who believed from the start, and we will watch the rest of the world follow. :smoking:

Im here and i dont beleive in GnewR.

I came here to talk about normal GNR, Look at the bootlegs, talk about VR. Find out good information and up to date news and everything else i post on.

Title: Re: i'm eager to see gn'r live without buckethead
Post by: darkmonth on July 01, 2005, 09:53:23 AM
3 fucking years.  Shit.  Think about that.  It's almost as long again since we've seen Axl and co as it took for Use Your Illusion to come out after Appetite.  :(


Title: Re: i'm eager to see gn'r live without buckethead
Post by: GNRisSLASH on July 01, 2005, 10:19:39 AM
Buckethead is better than slash so it was not hard shoes to fill but Fortus and Robin are not better than Slash so its doing to be different, but most of the solos on the 2002 tour were done by fortus or robin, if you watch the shows BH really didnt play that much at all.

I missed you Dave. I missed your keen insight, well-thought replies, and anti-Slash bias.  Buckethead is a technically amazing guitarist.  Great. Yippee.  Buckethead has/had no commerical viability, no stage presence, and no ability to write a 'hit'.  Ever heard a Buckethead single? Ever heard of Buckethead before he joined GnR? Heard of him since his little fling with Axl?  There are tons of 'Bucketheads' out there playing in basements that are amazing.  Many or most are guitar teachers.  Doesn't mean they can write a catchy riff or embody Rock n Roll on stage.  No one will miss Buckethead at all.  As far as 99% of the fans out there, he never even existed.  He was a studio musician or touring musician for Axl.  If he wants to replace him in the band, for an album, and for a tour and marketing purposes, he needs a guy like Zack Wylde - a rocker, not an unknown virtuoso who can play amazing scales.

Title: Re: i'm eager to see gn'r live without buckethead
Post by: madagas on July 01, 2005, 10:45:00 AM
Blah blah blah.....Thorazine, watch those Hendrix comments! I was watching the Band of Gypsy's documentary a few nights ago......COMPLETE command of the guitar and all sounds coming from it! Hendrix was the whole package-songwriting, technical ability, stage presence, and the most important thing...SOUL. :beer:

Title: Re: i'm eager to see gn'r live without buckethead
Post by: Thorazine Shuffle on July 01, 2005, 10:47:26 AM
Buckethead is better than slash so it was not hard shoes to fill but Fortus and Robin are not better than Slash so its doing to be different, but most of the solos on the 2002 tour were done by fortus or robin, if you watch the shows BH really didnt play that much at all.

I missed you Dave. I missed your keen insight, well-thought replies, and anti-Slash bias.? Buckethead is a technically amazing guitarist.? Great. Yippee.? Buckethead has/had no commerical viability, no stage presence, and no ability to write a 'hit'.? Ever heard a Buckethead single? Ever heard of Buckethead before he joined GnR? Heard of him since his little fling with Axl?? There are tons of 'Bucketheads' out there playing in basements that are amazing.? Many or most are guitar teachers.? Doesn't mean they can write a catchy riff or embody Rock n Roll on stage.? No one will miss Buckethead at all.? As far as 99% of the fans out there, he never even existed.? He was a studio musician or touring musician for Axl.? If he wants to replace him in the band, for an album, and for a tour and marketing purposes, he needs a guy like Zack Wylde - a rocker, not an unknown virtuoso who can play amazing scales.

Agree with everything you said, but, Zakk Wylde is a virtuoso, thats how he's famous.  Listen to his album Book of Shadows. : ok:

Title: Re: i'm eager to see gn'r live without buckethead
Post by: Thorazine Shuffle on July 01, 2005, 10:48:56 AM
Blah blah blah.....Thorazine, watch those Hendrix comments! I was watching the Band of Gypsy's documentary a few nights ago......COMPLETE command of the guitar and all sounds coming from it! Hendrix was the whole package-songwriting, technical ability, stage presence, and the most important thing...SOUL. :beer:

I agree fully.  I know, I feel blasphemous for typing that. :nervous:

Title: Re: i'm eager to see gn'r live without buckethead
Post by: madagas on July 01, 2005, 11:08:08 AM
Speaking of David Gilmour...Live at Pompeii..... :drool: :drool: :drool: It goes to show you, a killer rhythm section and one great guitarist is more than enough to raaaawwwwk. ;D

Title: Re: i'm eager to see gn'r live without buckethead
Post by: killingvector on July 01, 2005, 02:08:16 PM
Wow, a buckethead vs. slash debate. We haven't had one of those in a while.

Seriously though, who cares who is better. It is not like someone is putting a gun to your head asking you to choose one over the other. As long as you derive enjoyment from their music, I would say they have done their job.

Title: Re: i'm eager to see gn'r live without buckethead
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on July 01, 2005, 02:09:08 PM
Dave, you say Buckethead is better than Slash, but then say Buckethead didnt play much?? Man, your IQ went down about 50 points with that statement. That is definitely the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. You usually make some interesting points, but you're way off base on this one.

How did my IQ go down on this one? I was not just basing BHs playing on his time in Gnr. I have seen him before and after his gnr days live, plus ?I have most of his solo albums. ?So how am I off base with this one? And Like I said, Robin played more solos than BH did in gnr. ?If you saw the band live or watch the DVDs you will see that I am correct.

Title: Re: i'm eager to see gn'r live without buckethead
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on July 01, 2005, 02:12:16 PM
Buckethead is better than slash so it was not hard shoes to fill but Fortus and Robin are not better than Slash so its doing to be different, but most of the solos on the 2002 tour were done by fortus or robin, if you watch the shows BH really didnt play that much at all.

I missed you Dave. I missed your keen insight, well-thought replies, and anti-Slash bias.? Buckethead is a technically amazing guitarist.? Great. Yippee.? Buckethead has/had no commerical viability, no stage presence, and no ability to write a 'hit'.? Ever heard a Buckethead single? Ever heard of Buckethead before he joined GnR? Heard of him since his little fling with Axl?? There are tons of 'Bucketheads' out there playing in basements that are amazing.? Many or most are guitar teachers.? Doesn't mean they can write a catchy riff or embody Rock n Roll on stage.? No one will miss Buckethead at all.? As far as 99% of the fans out there, he never even existed.? He was a studio musician or touring musician for Axl.? If he wants to replace him in the band, for an album, and for a tour and marketing purposes, he needs a guy like Zack Wylde - a rocker, not an unknown virtuoso who can play amazing scales.

How am I anti slash because I think that BH is a better guitar player than slash? I am curious why people like you think this? I think that Jimmi is better than slash too so I guess that makes me anti slash too right? The problem with people like you is, anyone is anti slash if they dont think he is the best guitar player ever. He is not the best ever. He is in the top 20 no doubt.

And like I said before, YES I have heard of BH before he was in gnr. I saw him a few times when he toured with Primus.

You cannot even argue that Slash is better than BH techinally, so why even do it? You can claim that slash can write more hits that is fine, but BH is not about writing hits.

Wow, a buckethead vs. slash debate. We haven't had one of those in a while.

Seriously though, who cares who is better. It is not like someone is putting a gun to your head asking you to choose one over the other. As long as you derive enjoyment from their music, I would say they have done their job.

Yep but since slashisgnr is back, Im sure he will turn a lot of threads into slash vs bh.

Title: Re: i'm eager to see gn'r live without buckethead
Post by: Butch Français on July 01, 2005, 02:38:18 PM
Dave, when people say you're anti-Slash, they probably think about the stuff you write in the VR section...

and..DAMN, you saw Bucket with Primus??
that's fuckin awesome!
that's maybe the most technical able band on the planet, not only that, they make cool songs too.

this was with Brain on the drums, right?
I can't decide who my fav Primus drummer is, both Herb and Brain are fantastic, and VERY different!

back to topic, I would love to see AXL live again, doesn't matter who he's with.
if he plays with nu GN'R, then awesome. if it's the original lineup (which will never happen), then it would make my decade! :peace:
but it would be cool to see him just as a guest singer on some sort of event too.

Title: Re: i'm eager to see gn'r live without buckethead
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on July 01, 2005, 02:56:10 PM
Dave, when people say you're anti-Slash, they probably think about the stuff you write in the VR section...

and..DAMN, you saw Bucket with Primus??
that's fuckin awesome!
that's maybe the most technical able band on the planet, not only that, they make cool songs too.

this was with Brain on the drums, right?
I can't decide who my fav Primus drummer is, both Herb and Brain are fantastic, and VERY different!

back to topic, I would love to see AXL live again, doesn't matter who he's with.
if he plays with nu GN'R, then awesome. if it's the original lineup (which will never happen), then it would make my decade! :peace:
but it would be cool to see him just as a guest singer on some sort of event too.

What I say about slash in the VR is true. Slash has not written anything in VR that was as great as his stuff in gnr.  You cannot deny that. Also, to get back on topic, I still think Axl will get a 3rd player for tour. If the new songs have 3 guitar players for their songs, I dont see how they can do it with only two. Its one thing breaking up two guitar parts for three players but its another to try and make two parts when it should be three parts.

Title: Re: i'm eager to see gn'r live without buckethead
Post by: D on July 01, 2005, 03:10:02 PM
to replace a legend u have to have someone who is totally unbelievably amazing.

Buckethead with the release of CD couldve done that.

Robin and Richard are good players but they cant replace Slash

Buckethead had breathtaking ability and left fans in awe with his abilities.

Cant really use the memorable riff thing as Slash plays mainstream music, Bucket is an artsy indy type artist who hasnt had the exposure of Slash.

U cant tell me CD wont have some amazing fucking memorable riffs on it.

U gotta give Bucket the chance though and not many GNR fans did and that is sad. now instead of a Slash/Izzy combo we have two gilby clarkes cause thats bout how I rank Richard and Robin.

Title: Re: i'm eager to see gn'r live without buckethead
Post by: mrlee on July 01, 2005, 05:14:55 PM
But all Bucket head does is stand there. HES BORING. i want talent and performance. I get that from most guitar players. But bucket head does crap all.

Title: Re: i'm eager to see gn'r live without buckethead
Post by: Butch Français on July 01, 2005, 05:34:20 PM
But all Bucket head does is stand there. HES BORING. i want talent and performance. I get that from most guitar players. But bucket head does crap all.

it's rock n roll, not a cabaret act.
there are plenty of players that just stand around playing, and many of them are awesome! take Izzy for example.
besides, Bucket started moving around on stage after they had played a few dates, and he had gotten used to playing with the big GN'R circus in front of that many people.

Title: Re: i'm eager to see gn'r live without buckethead
Post by: mrlee on July 01, 2005, 05:41:19 PM
Rock n Roll is about presence and crowd controlling as well as music. Yeah the statement about "circus" was totally right. GnewR do look like a circus act.

Title: Re: i'm eager to see gn'r live without buckethead
Post by: D on July 01, 2005, 05:44:40 PM
with an average frontman u need excitement from the other players

with Axl he commands and owns the stage to the point that no one else has to move or do anything.

Slash didnt move 2 feet in either direction at the VR show I went to, but I didnt give a fuck cause I couldnt take my eyes off Scott.

Title: Re: i'm eager to see gn'r live without buckethead
Post by: mrlee on July 01, 2005, 05:54:31 PM
Slash was mad at mine, he was all over the place lol.

Title: Re: i'm eager to see gn'r live without buckethead
Post by: killingvector on July 01, 2005, 07:58:54 PM
to replace a legend u have to have someone who is totally unbelievably amazing.

Buckethead with the release of CD couldve done that.

Robin and Richard are good players but they cant replace Slash

Buckethead had breathtaking ability and left fans in awe with his abilities.

Cant really use the memorable riff thing as Slash plays mainstream music, Bucket is an artsy indy type artist who hasnt had the exposure of Slash.

U cant tell me CD wont have some amazing fucking memorable riffs on it.

U gotta give Bucket the chance though and not many GNR fans did and that is sad. now instead of a Slash/Izzy combo we have two gilby clarkes cause thats bout how I rank Richard and Robin.

I agree totally. Robin and Richard are good No.2 and No.3s but GnR need a suitable Slash replacement.

Title: Re: i'm eager to see gn'r live without buckethead
Post by: blasphemer on July 01, 2005, 10:16:13 PM
In my opinion I wouldnt doubt if buckethead is still secretly in the band.  Just my thought you can hold me to it if u want to.      But personally i didnt like him in the band, hes a great guitar player, but GnR shouldnt look like a fucken circus act.

Title: Re: i'm eager to see gn'r live without buckethead
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on July 01, 2005, 10:36:13 PM
I'm eager to see gn'r live without buckethead also....
if that's how its got to be.. so be it...
for one...  then everyone could/will get over the whole "oh my god what are they gonna do without buckethead?!  :nervous: " thing

there is so much speculation (on the part of some, negatively so) about how are robin and richard 'gonna pull it off'...
i look forward to that being answered

it's just about as disobliging as the "oh my god what are they gonna do without slash?!  :nervous:" thing

this band is yet to make their mark
we've been witness to its evolution...
let's wait for the album before discounting any member's talent.. eh?

sure bucekethead is an amazing guitar player.. no doubt

but... that has nothing to do with Robin or Richard
the extent of Buckethead's talent does not diminish theirs

IMO none of us know the extent of Richard and Robin's talents... it's yet to be seen

Title: Re: i'm eager to see gn'r live without buckethead
Post by: dustNroses on July 02, 2005, 06:53:36 AM
GnR without buckethead. Maybe thats why there is a delay on CD. Obviously somebody needs to re-record his guitar parts, I doubt Axl wants him to get any royalties from sales. With the amount of people who have came and gone from Axls CD (and probably been replaced) its no surprise to me that it is taking so long, After all, The name Guns N' Roses on its own is a legacy and they were the biggest band in the world. LEGENDS!!!!!

Title: Re: i'm eager to see gn'r live without buckethead
Post by: DoubleTalkingJive on July 02, 2005, 10:06:39 AM
I still don't see why he has to replace Buckethead.  I mean can't Richard or Robin handle it?  But then again who know's if Axl even will replace him, maybe he will put his faith in either one of those two to pull it off. 

Title: Re: i'm eager to see gn'r live without buckethead
Post by: shaun on July 02, 2005, 10:45:21 AM
Guns n Rockmusic, I actually agree with your statement about everything on the forum being completely different than what was Jarmo's intentions for the site.

What's my intentions then?

Som people seem to think they know what this site is for and why I do it etc.

This board is still here for the same reason it was started in the first place, a place for fans to discuss their favorite band. Notice I said discuss and not whine.  :P


Should imagine all areas of the band have been discussed. I am not so sure there is a band these days. Time to lock the board  ;D

Title: Re: i'm eager to see gn'r live without buckethead
Post by: freddiebrph on July 02, 2005, 11:50:44 AM
Guns n Rockmusic, I actually agree with your statement about everything on the forum being completely different than what was Jarmo's intentions for the site.

What's my intentions then?

Som people seem to think they know what this site is for and why I do it etc.

This board is still here for the same reason it was started in the first place, a place for fans to discuss their favorite band. Notice I said discuss and not whine.? :P

Come on Jarmo! I occasionally post on these boards, And I have to say, this by far is the best gnr site going today. But people can still say negative things every once in a while and still love the band. No album takes this long PERIOD! That is a fact! And I agree with the person who said that "no album, no single, no tour = no band. Bands make and sell music, that is what they do. It is a group of people making music. I think it is the rumors that make people more frustrated than anythything. Example: while driving to work yesterday, the dj says he has news on gnr, then goes on to say that geffen said album will be out noc 29th. With or with out axl's permission. He backs it up by saying that axl tried to block greatest hits, failed (THANK GOD) and goes on to sell millions. Now, I am 37 years old, have loved gnr since the beginning, still love music, but when the 29th rolls around, and still no album, I am going to be pissed! Do I still love gnr? Yes! But that gives me the right to be pissed off when I thing axl is acting like an asshole. All these stupid post about him owing me nothing? I feel that he let me and everyone down when the original band broke up. Most on this board dont understand this, because they were not there. This band was the next led zep, then one day, they just quit? I want axl to suceed, and I know the album will be good, but Every year that passes, every new song from velvet revolver (Yes, I like them too!) makes me think that axl really just gave up. And until I see proof, not opions, these are the facts.


Title: Re: i'm eager to see gn'r live without buckethead
Post by: ppbebe on July 02, 2005, 01:45:08 PM
If there was no band, there would be no fan. But here I am.

Lets back to the topic,
Seemingly buckets parts haven't been scratched off the Chinese Democracy record yet. Richard hasn't redone the parts. I think and hope they won't. Bucket and Robin match and contrast well each other in GN'R. If they were to erase the BH's parts they'd have to redo other parts by the score too or even start off from the score, as part and parcel of music is harmony.

It was 2months and a few days to go before RIR when BH "abruptly" announced his departure and shocked the management as well. It was as if He managed to stop the show on time. I suspect BH left to allow Axl to complete his parts to his satisfaction, before starting anything. Perhaps he wanted to tour as much as the rest of the band but thought Touring Without new album on the horizon wouldn't do any good for the band. As so-called "hired guns",  they would be yelled curses and swears of "where is Slash!" again and again.

In short he left because he loved the band and the music. So I think.
BH is such a man of extraordinarily delicate sensibilities in my eyes and ears.
On his leaving, he might have decided never to come back in satisfaction of the "arbitrary" deed.

Still, Yeah, I'm eager to see GN'R with Buckethead and Chinese Democracy.

Title: Re: i'm eager to see gn'r live without buckethead
Post by: Butch Français on July 03, 2005, 09:01:23 PM
Slash was mad at mine, he was all over the place lol.

yeah, same here.
he was at some points doing that Angus Young one foot walk/jump thing, like he does in the Thunderstruck video, and usually live. it was awesome ;D :peace:

Title: Re: i'm eager to see gn'r live without buckethead
Post by: Voodoochild on July 03, 2005, 11:41:18 PM
If there was no band, there would be no fan. But here I am.

Lets back to the topic,
Seemingly buckets parts haven't been scratched off the Chinese Democracy record yet. Richard hasn't redone the parts. I think and hope they won't. Bucket and Robin match and contrast well each other in GN'R. If they were to erase the BH's parts they'd have to redo other parts by the score too or even start off from the score, as part and parcel of music is harmony.

It was 2months and a few days to go before RIR when BH "abruptly" announced his departure and shocked the management as well. It was as if He managed to stop the show on time. I suspect BH left to allow Axl to complete his parts to his satisfaction, before starting anything. Perhaps he wanted to tour as much as the rest of the band but thought Touring Without new album on the horizon wouldn't do any good for the band. As so-called "hired guns", they would be yelled curses and swears of "where is Slash!" again and again.

In short he left because he loved the band and the music. So I think.
BH is such a man of extraordinarily delicate sensibilities in my eyes and ears.
On his leaving, he might have decided never to come back in satisfaction of the "arbitrary" deed.

Still, Yeah, I'm eager to see GN'R with Buckethead and Chinese Democracy.

Awesome post, ppbebe. Agreed 100%!!! : ok:

I think Bucket and Robin made some duets in the new album like they did in Paradise City live.