Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: Sin Cut on June 30, 2005, 04:48:05 AM

Title: It's just plain wrong, a topic about injustice and about asshole superiors
Post by: Sin Cut on June 30, 2005, 04:48:05 AM
I thought I'd make a topic about injustice and about incompetent superiors.

About things that made your blood boil.

So first our company fired some people and the rumour was that we would be next.

I couldn't be as unemployed as I got bills to pay, loans to shorten and mouths to feed, so I started searching for a job, since my job-agreement had been "work as needed" and if they cut down my work hours I'd be also in trouble.

I went to a job interview and they offered me a job and I asked if I can do it part-time if they let me keep my current job, and at the time there was three weeks until my job-agreement expired.

After a week they told me I could continue, "working when needed", and before my new contract started I told them I need at least some weeks part time, since I have training for my new job.

The new job would have about 600 euros better sallary, but would be far more stressing, since I would have some objective which I needed to reach every month.

The blood boiling part:

My current job won't give me the time off I need, even though they can't promise me 5 days a week and which is the main reason I'm searching for a new job, the other reason is the shitty pay, which leaves me basicly nothing after paying my bills. They say I've commited to do a full week, and that's true for my old job-agreement, but I'm pretty sure the same rules don't apply for the duration of the new job-agreement?!

So my "superior" is a handicapped bitch with a withered arm and has only got into her position because she after all can't do work with both of her hands!

Her heroin is get patted on the head after being a good girl and lick the brown hole of her own superiors (which are actually the people REALLY superior to me, too. She's just our Team Leader and has no real power).

So my absense for few days will give my Team Leader some trouble since she has told too many people that they can have their summer vacation at that time.

And she's been giving me a hard time before, but this bullshitting is just to cover her own ass. She had a crush on me before and after I made clear I'm not interested she came with this rumour that I've fucked the woman who trained me to do this job, and she's over forty and married for Gods sake!

If anyone asks her ANYTHING about the job she's supposed to do, if she's not surfing on the net or making the working shifts for workers at the amusement park she can't say. And there are several occasional when something has been done wrong and guess who has been responsible, that stupid fuck!

I'd just love to tell her what an incompetent spineless loser she is, since an uneducated bum from the street would do a better job that she is. Then I'd haul her to the gutter!

Title: Re: It's just plain wrong, a topic about injustice and about asshole superiors
Post by: TWOIFBYSEA on June 30, 2005, 10:25:41 AM
Your lucky your original employer doesnt just let you go nevermind give you time off to go to .....*cough* another job.

This is business and you have to understand your employer doesnt give a shite about your bills and or mouths to feed....thats just the hard cold truth of it.

Your also upset because she is higher up on the food chain that you?  Hey it is dog eat dog my friend only difference is she's kissed ass more and better than anyone else to reach that position....i'm sure she has "mouths to feed" and bills to pay also...and good on her.

Every heard the exprsssion "Alls fair in love and war" ? ..well guess what thats like the bible when it comes to business.

Title: Re: It's just plain wrong, a topic about injustice and about asshole superiors
Post by: Sin Cut on July 01, 2005, 09:35:07 AM
Yeah, it is good that now I'm actually "needed" when I got a break for a new job, before that it was always wonder if there's enough workdays in a month so I can pay my bills. If I'm so needed, or everyone else in my team, then why did they sign us a new cotract for only 2 months?

And no, I'm not upset since she's higher in the food chain, I don't even see her as above me, since if we gotta go, she does too. It's just that all she do is kiss as and please. Oh and the fact she doesn't got a brain or can't use it.

And she doesn't got mouths to feed, well, but her own.

Title: Re: It's just plain wrong, a topic about injustice and about asshole superiors
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on July 01, 2005, 01:17:41 PM
Well I know That kinda feeling cause I used felt that way but I dont have mouth to feed but I do have bills to pay. The thing is that if you feel upset about that and your "superior" notice it, he/she will feel good, you have to settle down and keep things happy then when you have the chance you just leave. Trust is better for this kinda of persons that you don't need to sink down to their level.  :peace:

Title: Re: It's just plain wrong, a topic about injustice and about asshole superiors
Post by: gunsnroses393 on July 03, 2005, 01:25:27 AM
there was a perfect dilbert the other day, he is sitting there with ratbert and ratbert says, im a failed ceo worth over 100 million, your a sucessful enegener worth 40,000. how does that feel?

Title: Re: It's just plain wrong, a topic about injustice and about asshole superiors
Post by: N.I.B on July 04, 2005, 12:00:14 PM
just in case the picture dosnt work:
