Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: Scabbie on January 15, 2005, 06:35:27 PM

Title: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: Scabbie on January 15, 2005, 06:35:27 PM
Fast forward to the release day!

Any plans?

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: Nytunz on January 15, 2005, 06:40:17 PM
The first in the line to buy it!
Go home!
Shut down the phone!
Lock the door!
Put CD in my cdplayer!
listen to CD 4-5 times!
Then turn on the phone!
Call some friends!
Buy a bottle Jack Daniels and some beer
Have a hell of a "Guns N Roses - Chinese Democracy" party!
"Only CD alowed" : ok:

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: Timothy on January 15, 2005, 06:41:33 PM
Go to the story to buy it then die of an heart attack cause it's actully there.

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: Sino-lieS on January 15, 2005, 06:54:32 PM
I most likely will die of severe alcohol poisoning and mass over-eating before actually listenning to it.

Actually in all reality, I will most likely need a new liver from extreme bouts of drinking from being so happy it finally came out!

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: norway on January 15, 2005, 06:54:50 PM
Headset, hot choclate if t's snowing, cat on chest, door locked and hopefully enjoy the music ?:peace:
Best thread 4 today :beer:

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: Axl Z on January 15, 2005, 06:59:29 PM
taking the day off work and getting in a hmv queue early!!

i ain't gonna buy it off the net -even if its cheaper - i can't risk not getting this album on the release date - been waiting for it too long!!

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: Scabbie on January 15, 2005, 07:02:01 PM
All us lot are gonna be like Gollum in Lord of The Rings...My Precious!!!!!!

God help anyone who gets in my way on that day.

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: odd1 on January 15, 2005, 07:11:57 PM
I guess I am goanna skip work that day....
Oh what a glorious day it will be

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: Lady Livin on January 15, 2005, 07:16:06 PM
Cancel all of my therapeutic sessions.  ???

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: Ax on January 15, 2005, 07:35:04 PM
On the day that Chinese Democracy is released, I'll call my great grand children, have them pick me up from the retirement home, get them to push my wheelchair into the record store and then probably have a massive heart attack upon seeing that Chinese Democracy has finally started.

But seriously, I'll probably take the day off of work, go to the record store as soon as it opens, run straight to the G section of the cds, stand there looking at the cd on the shelf for a moment thinking to myself that I can't believe it is actually right in front of me. After paying for it I'll rip it open as soon as I get into my car, I'll listen to the songs we have already heard live on the drive home (Madagascar, Chinese Democracy, The Blues). Once home, I'll lock the door and take the phone off the reciever and listen to the cd from beginning to end about 3 times and then come onto the gnr message boards to see what everyone else thinks of the cd. After that I'll call my friend who is also a huge gnr fan and we'll get together that night and have a lot of drinks in celebration of the cd's release. That day is going to be so surreal after waiting for it to happen for so long.

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: willow on January 15, 2005, 07:36:14 PM
Skip work! Buy cd! Listen to it all day! Probably cry a little. Not cause I'm a nut or anything. But I have a feeling this cd is going to be pretty heavy!


Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: Mama Kin on January 15, 2005, 08:04:35 PM
Wake up (No one has mentioned this yet)
Take a piss
Get in my car.
Drive to the store.
Get out of my car.
Enter the mall.
Proceed to HMV.
Enter HMV.
Go to the New Release section, select a copy.
Go to till.
Pay for CD
Leave HMV.
Exit Mall.
Enter car.
Put in CD
Drive home.
Arrive at home.
Exit car.
Enter house.
Put CD in home stereo.
Come here and listen to everyone bitch about waiting 15 years for this album and it sucks.

Yeah, not very exciting, is it? I'm excited about CD, but I'm not gonna cum in my pants that day or anything.

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: Nytunz on January 15, 2005, 08:13:24 PM
Wake up (No one has mentioned this yet)
Take a piss
Get in my car.
Drive to the store.
Get out of my car.
Enter the mall.
Proceed to HMV.
Enter HMV.
Go to the New Release section, select a copy.
Go to till.
Pay for CD
Leave HMV.
Exit Mall.
Enter car.
Put in CD
Drive home.
Arrive at home.
Exit car.
Enter house.
Put CD in home stereo.
Come here and listen to everyone bitch about waiting 15 years for this album and it sucks.

Yeah, not very exciting, is it? I'm excited about CD, but I'm not gonna cum in my pants that day or anything.

Well, are u gonna do all that naked?

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on January 15, 2005, 08:47:06 PM
Alright, I will definitely be freaking out.  Hell, I was giddy picking up Greatest Hits!  I will digest the music and lyrics for a good day, and only after 3 to 5 full listen-throughs will I visit Here Today Gone to Hell (that is if it aint too busy!)


Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: Dave_Rose on January 15, 2005, 08:57:58 PM
I'll get up around 7
Get out bed around 9

Get up that early no, on a serious note

I will prob skip work or college go down to HMV or where ever
Purchase CD
Go home
Put in the my cd player
listen to lots of times
prob find a track that I'll play about 20 times over
go out with my cd player listen to it more
then go on here and talk about the cd and how much it rulez

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: coldenim on January 15, 2005, 09:02:56 PM
run to the mall, and sigh because there will be multiple copies all sitting there getting dusty.
I will pay for it, I will probably laugh little bit, I might salivate, and ask the person at the desk for a handerchief.

I will head for the truck, and have an uncontrollable earge to say my prescious.... repeatedly

as I stroke it gently, then in a rabbid pace tear it open with my teeth. ?Get home and take a long journey to the misty mountains forgetting to bring my cd player and generator.

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: echrisl on January 15, 2005, 09:12:51 PM
Wake up from the dream.

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: Saul on January 15, 2005, 09:24:23 PM
I'm gunna buy atleast 2 copies and keep one forever in shrinkwrap.

btw .. why is everyone gunna lock their door?  ;D  Dont forget some lotion and tissue.  :hihi:

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: norway on January 15, 2005, 09:32:45 PM
? Dont forget some lotion and tissue.? :hihi:

gotta look pretty fanatic now :hihi:

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: ClintroN on January 15, 2005, 09:42:01 PM
bottle of Rum,
A quarter pre-chopped,
blasting through my mums speakers (there fuckin' huge) with my mate n' a big smile on my face!!! :beer:

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: HoldenCaulfield on January 15, 2005, 11:23:59 PM
Well, I live in a shit town where my only option would be to get the edited version at Wal-Mart. I could get it at 12:00 am that night, but I want the album to be in all it's glory, unedited. So I'll either get up and go to the nearest "big city" 45 minutes away, get to the mall when they open, then listen to it on the way home. When I get home, I'm going in my room, turning the lights off, and sit in my chair, listening to it in my headphones. Then after the album, I'll listen to it in my stereo a few times whilst reading the liner notes and lyrics...  :love:

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: Slashisthebest on January 16, 2005, 12:32:53 AM
I'll slap my self in disbeilf when I have it in my hands, not believing what im seeing

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: D on January 16, 2005, 01:09:35 AM
im gonna find a store that opens at midnight so i can hear it when everyone else does

i dont wanna sit up all night reading about it knowing i cant go get it till the next day

we have zero record stores here so i have to drive 45 minutes just to buy it.

but i will not listen to it on the way home.

get home, sit on my bed, put it in the cd player, get the booklet out

i will write all the titles on pieces of paper and draw song titles out of a hat

i will listen to the songs based on the order of what i draw out of the hat.

it will be the greatest thing ever!

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: YouCouldBeMine on January 16, 2005, 02:27:49 AM
Ill be the first one to get a copy as soon as it opens, go home, and literally fuckin listen to it for hooooooouuuuurs, meanwhile buying as many diffrent concert tickets as I can online. And then to top it off, find some chick who likes Gn'R and bone the fuck outta her.

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: vicarious existence on January 16, 2005, 02:31:19 AM
Wow, a thread on this board hasn't made me smile like this in a long time... reading everyone's posts made me feel so giddy inside!

Anyway, here is what I'm going to do...

Wake up, get out of bed, put on my pajama bottoms, and get in my car.
Drive to the music store.
Almost get into an accident on the way there because I'm still half asleep.
Think about holding CD in my hands, then become wide awake.
Enter the music store, pick up CD, marvel at the front and back covers for a few minutes with a huge smile on my face.
Proudly walk to the counter, still with a smile on my face.
Pay for CD, start to peel off the wrapping as soon as I am walking out of the store.
Put the CD in my car stereo, immediately listen to the tracks we have heard already (like someone else would do).
Get home, run to my room, shut the door, find my cd player, place CD into my cd player, shut off all lights, tv, windows, etc.
Play CD over and over until my batteries run out.
Skip school/work in the process.

 ;D : ok: :beer: :drool:

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: usurper on January 16, 2005, 02:54:39 AM
I would buy the album, skip school, buy a 12 pack of coke and listen to it so many times that I know the lyrics off by heart. To EVERY song.

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: D on January 16, 2005, 03:23:25 AM
buy a 12 pack of coke! :hihi: :hihi:

i dont know why but that cracked me up!

My brother has a friend at an FYE and he let my brother have Troy like 4 days early

so im hoping when CD arrives maybe my brother can pull some strings and allow me to get it a few days early

then i can rub it in all of my fellow boardmembers faces!!!!!!!!!!! : ok:

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: YouCouldBeMine on January 16, 2005, 03:32:14 AM
Or.....I'll develope parkinsons, won't be able to open the sealed wrapping on CD, becoming severely pissed, off myself, and then be the first person to listen to CD with Jesus.  :peace:

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: Jizzo on January 16, 2005, 03:57:10 AM
buy it at midnight from tower on sunset and crash the car on the way home

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: thelostrose on January 16, 2005, 04:38:26 AM
after probably not sleeping very much - just like i was a kid right before christmas - i'll get up, have some breakfast and then i get right to the nearest record store, with a big smile on my face, buy it, get home, unplug my phone and listen to it.
after that i guess i call my work and apologize for oversleeping! ;)

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: Wooody on January 16, 2005, 05:42:01 AM
All us lot are gonna be like Gollum in Lord of The Rings...My Precious!!!!!!

God help anyone who gets in my way on that day.

haha, so very true.
after I buy the album, and check it out,  I'll make a review. And then i'll buy a KILO of MJ and check it out a second time while I'm really high. :peace: :hihi:

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: shaun on January 16, 2005, 07:05:38 AM
Download it for free from the net ;)

I'm joking :D

If it is released in Feb, i'll go out and buy it. If it is released after Feb, i won't be able to go out and buy it, as i'll be in another part of Europe that dosn't have much in the way of music shops, atleast not yet anyway. So i'll have to wait 6 months on top of Feb to obtain my copy of CD  ::)

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: Scabbie on January 16, 2005, 07:09:50 AM
Download it for free from the net ;)

I'm joking :D

If it is released in Feb, i'll go out and buy it. If it is released after Feb, i won't be able to go out and buy it, as i'll be in another part of Europe that dosn't have much in the way of music shops, atleast not yet anyway. So i'll have to wait 6 months on top of Feb to obtain my copy of CD? ::)

I'm sure some kind board member or friend would send you a copy?

Fuckin hell, think about it, you'll be a missionary for Chinese Democracy! Spread the word!

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: Philly Rose on January 16, 2005, 07:11:10 AM
Download it for free from the net ;)

I'm joking :D

If it is released in Feb, i'll go out and buy it. If it is released after Feb, i won't be able to go out and buy it, as i'll be in another part of Europe that dosn't have much in the way of music shops, atleast not yet anyway. So i'll have to wait 6 months on top of Feb to obtain my copy of CD  ::)
you wont be able? you should be able in some cases; but you're right, the freetime of The Soul is a wonderfull thing.

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: Scabbie on January 16, 2005, 07:20:40 AM
Download it for free from the net ;)

I'm joking :D

If it is released in Feb, i'll go out and buy it. If it is released after Feb, i won't be able to go out and buy it, as i'll be in another part of Europe that dosn't have much in the way of music shops, atleast not yet anyway. So i'll have to wait 6 months on top of Feb to obtain my copy of CD? ::)

Or another way of looking at it might be that Axl has made us wait over 5yrs for the album, so now its your turn to make him wait for you to buy it!

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: MadmanDan on January 16, 2005, 08:11:52 AM

 im hoping when CD arrives maybe my brother can pull some strings and allow me to get it a few days early

then i can rub it in all of my fellow boardmembers faces!!!!!!!!!!! : ok:

At least give us 10 second clips of the songs!

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: Drew on January 16, 2005, 09:28:38 AM
The day it's released, and maybe even several days before, I'll stay away from the internet until I go pick up my copy and listen to it. I don't want to know any opinions. I don't  want any surprises from people who've already listened to the album. I want to experience it all on my own. Then, after I've listened Chinese Democracy, I'll get on the forums and share all the excitement with everyone else. : ok: :peace:

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: Scabbie on January 16, 2005, 09:38:48 AM
The day it's released, and maybe even several days before, I'll stay away from the internet until I go pick up my copy and listen to it. I don't want to know any opinions. I don't? want any surprises from people who've already listened to the album. I want to experience it all on my own. Then, after I've listened Chinese Democracy, I'll get on the forums and share all the excitement with everyone else. : ok: :peace:

Thats good advice. I really hope that the record company will refrain from sending out any advance copies of the cd to the press or journalists, as just for once I'd like to hear it without any pre-conceptions (even if you don't read the reviews, some fucker will always say 'have you read the review in such and such? Apparently the albums shit!' or something.

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: Dr. Blutarsky on January 16, 2005, 10:19:27 AM
Cash my social security check and go to the store and buy it!

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: Sino-lieS on January 16, 2005, 10:45:47 AM
Actually I realize what someone said is true....that the night before would be like Christmas when we were kids. I will be awake all night ecstatic!

I like the 12 pack of Coke ! Except you need a vat of Whiskey hehehe. ;D

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: Butch Français on January 16, 2005, 11:59:38 AM
for the guys saying "being the first one in line"....what line? I don't think there's gonna be a line of people wanting to buy it the moment the recordstores open...
ah well, Im gonna go buy it, open up all my doors and my windows, crank up the stereo to max and blast it from beginning to end. ;D

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: ppbebe on January 16, 2005, 12:32:47 PM
:sleeping: >Wake up ->clean my fucking room up->open up all my doors and my windows to get fresh air->FF->>FF->>FF->>FF->>FF->>FF->>FF->>FF->>FF->>FF->>get tipsy >play "Stairway to the heaven"   :crying: till I'm ready> :headbanger:  for the damn album :lmao:  ->>FF->> :coffee: ->>FF->>sleep. :sleeping:

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: blues rocker on January 16, 2005, 12:35:30 PM
day of release? you are assuming a bit too much...

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: younggunner on January 16, 2005, 01:05:50 PM
If I can get it somewhere around here at midnight I will, otherwise Ill get to the store by me as soon as it opens. Wont go to school that day{My luck Ill have like 2 exams}, lock my door for the whole day. Ill pop it in, listen to it on the first go around and just get the initial impression and browse through the pics and thank you's. Then ill replay it go through the lyrics. Then replay it again. ANd again and that time ill come on these boards and hopefully tell everyone how great the album is.

Im debating whether I should first skip right to cd maddy and the blues to see how they sound studio wise. Because with those 3 studio tracks and the single we will have a very good feeling on whether if this album is great or not. If the studios raise the level of those 3 songs, then I will go straight to track 1 knowing that its going to be a wonderful and worthwhile jounry.

pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee axl release itttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: Wooody on January 16, 2005, 01:12:23 PM
If I can get it somewhere around here at midnight I will, otherwise Ill get to the store by me as soon as it opens. Wont go to school that day{My luck Ill have like 2 exams}, lock my door for the whole day. Ill pop it in, listen to it on the first go around and just get the initial impression and browse through the pics and thank you's. Then ill replay it go through the lyrics. Then replay it again. ANd again and that time ill come on these boards and hopefully tell everyone how great the album is.

Im debating whether I should first skip right to cd maddy and the blues to see how they sound studio wise. Because with those 3 studio tracks and the single we will have a very good feeling on whether if this album is great or not. If the studios raise the level of those 3 songs, then I will go straight to track 1 knowing that its going to be a wonderful and worthwhile jounry.

pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee axl release itttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt

Interesting, but I rather play it from track 01 to the end..... just like it was meant to be played by AXL.

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: Vicious Wishes on January 16, 2005, 01:53:50 PM
As much as I want this to happen, I just can't actually envision it becoming a reality. Been a GnR fan a long time. If it did, and "if" is the biggest word in the world, I would listen to it all the way through, from start to finish, drink myself silly, then come here. I expect there will be alot of people who will bitch about the album, but I'll just be glad to have something new from Axl.

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: Wooody on January 16, 2005, 02:16:07 PM
I'll buy two albums, I will inframe one to keep it without dust with the plastic still on, and the other one I'll rip it first in my computer to get perfect mp3's for my ipod and then I'll blast the litte fucker. :hihi:

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: Mama Kin on January 16, 2005, 04:28:09 PM
Wake up (No one has mentioned this yet)
Take a piss
Get in my car.
Drive to the store.
Get out of my car.
Enter the mall.
Proceed to HMV.
Enter HMV.
Go to the New Release section, select a copy.
Go to till.
Pay for CD
Leave HMV.
Exit Mall.
Enter car.
Put in CD
Drive home.
Arrive at home.
Exit car.
Enter house.
Put CD in home stereo.
Come here and listen to everyone bitch about waiting 15 years for this album and it sucks.

Yeah, not very exciting, is it? I'm excited about CD, but I'm not gonna cum in my pants that day or anything.

Well, are u gonna do all that naked?

Yes. Well, ok, I won't do it naked.........I'll probably at least put socks on.

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: D on January 16, 2005, 04:44:01 PM
u know though honestly, if someone did walk out of the house naked it would be justified and acceptable only cause of the excitement of goin to get this cd!

my luck on my way there will be traffic jam after traffic jam

oh shit!

what if u get to the record store and they are sold out everywhere

would that not be the worst thing ever?

if finally be out and u still have to wait cause it sold out!

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: Nytunz on January 16, 2005, 05:32:50 PM
LOL.. i can imagine the old couple over the street say something like this? "Well, i see Nytunz going to pick up the new Guns N Roses album, coz he just wear socks. Hey Nytunz? Could u get me a copy since your heading for the mall anyway?"
 Everything will be nuts this day! Axl will hold an 2hours long speach on CNN telling the world whats been going on the last 10 years!

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: Bad_Apple on January 16, 2005, 06:06:37 PM
change my adult diapers after I crapped myself  :hihi:

(either crapped myself bc I am so excited about the release, or bc by the time the album is released I'll be 85+ yrs old and wear diapers on a regular basis!)

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on January 16, 2005, 06:43:00 PM
u know though honestly, if someone did walk out of the house naked it would be justified and acceptable only cause of the excitement of goin to get this cd!

 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

oooo!  I think I will rent a video camera for the day

if there is no school on that day my daughter will hold the camera
and film us going to get it and my first listen
i will listen to it in order of the track listing

I won't listen to it in the car
I will put it on my dolby 5.1 surround system at home

and then i will write a letter to the band thanking them for the cd :)
hm... maybe I will send them a copy of the video with the letter

then after i've listened to it at home several times i will put it in my van and drive around with it on
and go to a few more cd stores... just to see it there and see how its going ;)

maybe i will videotape some more too

ps:  i think i will buy at least 3 copies
one for car one for home and one to keep wrapped up
of course i will buy at least 2 more copies later on to send to some friends

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: Fuckin' Gunner on January 16, 2005, 08:33:55 PM
Fuck, I'm feeling like a happy kid reading this topic!

I'll buy as soon as possible, go home as soon as I can, lock the door and listen The Blues, Chinese Democracy and Madagascar. Then I'll hear the whole album and come here to post in the "Chinese Democracy - Post your own review here" topic.

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: Saul on January 16, 2005, 08:52:29 PM
Why is everyone locking their doors?!  ???

It's not like the album will be illegal to own and listen too? And if you mean because yer mum or dad will come to talk to you well they will probably just knock on the door if you have it locked.

I really think you guys wanna lock the door because you wanna look at the pretty pictures in the booklet and .. erm .. umm ...  :love:

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: jimmythegent on January 16, 2005, 10:58:34 PM
I will take the day off work definitley. Listen to the album in it's entirety at least twice.
Get together with some friends who love GN'R have a few beers and listen with them while discussing what we think.
Finally crash out while it's playing

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: Timmy on January 17, 2005, 12:39:51 AM
buy the album 5 times...

listen to it an infinity of times...

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: grog mug on January 17, 2005, 03:27:22 AM
My phone probably won't stop ringing because of all the promoting I've done for this album.  I can see it now, "Hey man this CD is the best I've ever heard".  "Dude, Madagascar is an epic."
Or maybe that's just stuff I'll be telling people?

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: Izzy on January 17, 2005, 12:13:04 PM
What a fuckin' stupid thread

What will i do about buy the album?

I'll also be on here listening to everyone complain how its not AFD all over again.

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: Krispy Kreme on January 17, 2005, 12:49:22 PM
The mail will arrive early that day, so I will first cash my Social Security check and then go buy a copy.  :hihi:

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: Sakib on January 17, 2005, 01:07:28 PM
brake down the door, catch the bus. run to HMV. get the cd and pay 4 it. then i'm gonna go bloody mad. this'll happen around 7:00am. if i have 2 i'll wait outside tell it opens

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: WAR41 on January 17, 2005, 08:54:57 PM
its not coming out

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: N.I.B on January 17, 2005, 09:28:02 PM
Pinch myself to make sure im not dreamin, then listen to the album for like ever. then see if i can learn any off the guitar riffs.  : ok:

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: D on January 17, 2005, 09:55:48 PM
Izzy is right

one thing i dread is no matter how great this cd is people are gonna shit on it cause they are haters.

Its not appetite, its not appetite

the hell with AFD!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I dont want another AFD i want something great and brand new.

For people expecting AFD i would advise u save your money

cause any negative review that mentions AFD in it isnt valid in my eyes.

this is a new band a new sound.

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: insupportofaxl on January 17, 2005, 10:02:38 PM
What will I do? 

It's more like, what will I feel and that is easy............

I'll feel really happy for Axl because the release of CD will mean bigger and better things for him as well as it'll mean that all must be going well in his world and he has conquered any outstanding legal bullshit to prevent himself from moving foward.


Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: Saul on January 18, 2005, 12:00:48 AM
Yeah , the sad thing is that this album will be constantly compared to all the previous GNR output .. I just hope it can stack up and surpass the last 3 original GNR albums.  : ok:

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: killingvector on January 18, 2005, 12:16:15 AM
Considering the time spent, I think it will do great. I really hope Prostitute is the first single; just from its title, it sounds like a street urchin GnR track.

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: Narcissa on January 18, 2005, 08:45:37 AM
Fast forward to the release day!

Any plans?

erm ...  no.

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: pilferk on January 18, 2005, 08:47:55 AM
Fast forward to the release day!

Any plans?

Day off from work to go buy it.  Then a couple of straight through listens. 

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: The Estranged MrFlashbax on January 18, 2005, 12:55:57 PM
#1~ shit my pants cuz its finally out  :o
#2~ go to school all giddy that its out
#3~ get a friend to drive me to the mall to buy the cd
#4~ buy the cd
#5~ shit my pants cuz i actually obtained the holy grail-- err-- i mean chinese democracy
#6~ this can go either of 2 ways:
----------1: cry cuz of how good it is
----------2: cry cuz of how bad it is

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: Buddha_Master on January 18, 2005, 01:51:01 PM
Listen fuckers. I don't often give anyone in here advice, so when i do, you better lend me your ear.

The day Chinese Democracy comes out, you better make sure you get your hands on some good psychedelics, because there will be nothing trippier then watching all those fucking pigs flying around.

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: Scabbie on January 18, 2005, 01:53:31 PM
Listen fuckers. I don't often give anyone in here advice, so when i do, you better lend me your ear.

The day Chinese Democracy comes out, you better make sure you get your hands on some good psychedelics, because there will be nothing trippier then watching all those fucking pigs flying around.

Classic quote!!!

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: Dust N Rose on January 18, 2005, 08:00:37 PM
Wake up (No one has mentioned this yet)
Take a piss
Get in my car.
Drive to the store.
Get out of my car.
Enter the mall.
Proceed to HMV.
Enter HMV.
Go to the New Release section, select a copy.
Go to till.
Pay for CD
Leave HMV.
Exit Mall.
Enter car.
Put in CD
Drive home.
Arrive at home.
Exit car.
Enter house.
Put CD in home stereo.
Come here and listen to everyone bitch about waiting 15 years for this album and it sucks.

Yeah, not very exciting, is it? I'm excited about CD, but I'm not gonna cum in my pants that day or anything.

Well, are u gonna do all that naked?

 :hihi: :hihi: :hihi:

It won't be such surprising as you think. Possibly we will have singles first  ;) I'll buy any version of the CD, vinyl, singles e.t.c. Anyway when I go home, perhaps I'll open a champagne. I will make a propose, before I press the play button.

The day it's released, and maybe even several days before, I'll stay away from the internet until I go pick up my copy and listen to it. I don't want to know any opinions. I don't  want any surprises from people who've already listened to the album. I want to experience it all on my own. Then, after I've listened Chinese Democracy, I'll get on the forums and share all the excitement with everyone else. : ok: :peace:

That's a good advice. DON'T listen to the critics, especially bad ones, they justify any bad point of a CD, that's not good, and I think when the CD will be released some dissapointed people here will drop their mean and misery.

Why is everyone locking their doors?!  ???

Actually there's a hot girl who lives right next door to me, she always knocks my door and asks me if I have some sugar, it's annoying you know, I don't know what she wants from me, what if she disturbs me in the afternoon while I will be listening to Chinese Democracy?

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: D on January 18, 2005, 08:56:51 PM
a hot girl next door comes over and asks to borrow sugar?

maybe she wants to borrow something else and u just arent pickin up the signal! :hihi: :hihi:

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: Mr. Nik™ on January 19, 2005, 08:39:48 AM
well, a single with related video will come out before the album... I think that, starting from the day of video release till the day of album coming out, I'll visit every day my favourite store to remember to the store-chief to keep me at least two copies of the album...

Then, the Day of Release, I'll skip work and I stay in front to the store waiting for the courier who deliver the cds.... buy it.... go home... close in my room... and listen it in loop till day after...


Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: usurper on January 19, 2005, 03:22:51 PM
its not coming out. I am big loser!

You better learn to shut your ass up.

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: blasphemer on January 19, 2005, 10:08:25 PM
the day it comes out, Hmmm well i guess i would maybe buy it. Then smash it with my sledge hammer. Then go back to the store and buy a linkin park album because there so rad. Nah nevermind linkin park is for nerdy fags that dont have friends. Ill stick with the GnR and listen to it i guess. Then ill get drunk and fart on my girlfriends head and say, see i told ya so. Then i will play frisbee with my dog cause he likes that. Then ill call my bud and see what he thinks of the new album.  Then ill polish my furniture with plege cause pledge is a quality product for wood furniture u know? Any ways when im done listening to the CD all put it on my furniture so i dont get it dusty.

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: dustNroses on June 25, 2005, 04:12:10 AM
Id like to think that on the night that Chinese Democracy is released, there will be a world wide party. I for one know that ill be with all of my friends drinking and partying, Listening to that sweet sound over and over and over. What are YOU going to be doing?

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: Izzy on June 25, 2005, 05:42:36 AM
Oh for gods sake!

We will be listening to the album and/or living our lives

What do u expect us to say?

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: ckgent on June 25, 2005, 08:49:11 AM
i reckon by the time the new album comes out, guns n roses will be performing in the fashion elvis has lately. Big screen displaying the singer in his prime, while a bunch of muppets claiming to be the original gn'r play the music under neath said screen.

I for one, will not be there. I will be getting ready to release tupac sakurs new from beyond cd, with remix of rocket queen where he raps axls part from tokoyo videos.

At this rate, im basically saying until axl is no longer in the jungle, we should just hold fire. I want the cd, but i aint getting excited anymore.

you caught me in a coma,(might be where he is)

loving his music, but fed up waiting.

On the fashion of axl

"I been reading a lot of shit lately about this fukin band guns n roses. The most dangerous my fukin ass. You wanna start singing songs?? Sing about this you home fuk.

I got a bunch of parasites living on my ass,
All of them making money from my x friends past,
Plagarising names, murdering my songs,
swinging from my braids, sucking on my schlong,

back up bitches, make fuking way,
get to fuk bucket, u cunt
and brain....
you aint gettn no pay.



Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: August 18th on June 25, 2005, 09:50:54 AM
take the bus downtown to buy the damn thing, take the bus back home and put it in the stereo, listen to it for hours straight and then call my girl to celebrate. :smoking:

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: Jamie on June 25, 2005, 10:08:13 AM
I'm gonna get up at some un-holy hour wait outside the record shop til it opens sprint through the door, punch anyone that gets in my way, sprint to wherever they are keeping it, take several copies, pay for them, run out the door curse like a motherfucker cos my bus home is late as usual and I wanna listen to Chinese Democracy. Finally get on the goddamn 56a (my bus), arrive home shit my pants and listen to Chinese Democracy for hours on end, then laugh at everyone who doubted it being released and that said the new band (except Buckethead) sucked (cos he did suck).

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: mikegiuliana on June 25, 2005, 10:15:46 AM
I am going to go to the store and buy two copies.. : ok:

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: slash4ever on June 25, 2005, 10:19:58 AM

God help anyone who gets in my way on that day.

Same here.
I will probably be queing since dawn, hopefully will be first in line, pick up a few copies of CD, pass out from shock, pay for CD, i WILL have my discman with me so i can listen to it on the way home, get home, put on CD, then laugh,shout,scream,cry, then piss myself while i ring all my friends and tell 'em what i got. ;D

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: blues rocker on June 25, 2005, 10:56:17 AM
"release".....ha....that's a good one

i will have my depends changed by the nurse at my retirement home.  then i'll ride my motorized cart into the music store and pay for the album (with a senior citizen's discount, of course)...then i'll go back to the retirement home and die of old age as the last song ends....

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: August 18th on June 25, 2005, 11:37:08 AM
"release".....ha....that's a good one

i will have my depends changed by the nurse at my retirement home.? then i'll ride my motorized cart into the music store and pay for the album (with a senior citizen's discount, of course)...then i'll go back to the retirement home and die of old age as the last song ends....

hahahaha, that actually made me laugh out loud ;D

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: Saul on June 25, 2005, 11:39:35 AM
then laugh at everyone who doubted it being released and that said the new band (except Buckethead) sucked (cos he did suck).

Thats such B.S.  If Buckets parts stay on the album or if he rejoins the band you will be sucking right back up to him.  ::)

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: killingvector on June 25, 2005, 11:43:17 AM
There is nothing more rock n roll than a civil litigation forced release. It all starts with the filing of form 27B in the California Civil Court, then ........the magic happens.

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: August 18th on June 25, 2005, 11:45:11 AM
There is nothing more rock n roll than a civil litigation forced release. It all starts with the filing of form 27B in the California Civil Court, then ........the magic happens.
wow, a person this positive must really be successful in life..

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: killingvector on June 25, 2005, 11:49:16 AM
There is nothing more rock n roll than a civil litigation forced release. It all starts with the filing of form 27B in the California Civil Court, then ........the magic happens.
wow, a person this positive must really be successful in life..

Hey, i've been here since OMG was rumored to be one of the first singles of the new album. I've had long term relationships that began and ended since that time.

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: August 18th on June 25, 2005, 11:50:31 AM
There is nothing more rock n roll than a civil litigation forced release. It all starts with the filing of form 27B in the California Civil Court, then ........the magic happens.
wow, a person this positive must really be successful in life..

Hey, i've been here since OMG was rumored to be one of the first singles of the new album. I've had long term relationships that began and ended since that time.
lmao, so what? what are you trying to say here? i've been coming to this site since around that time as well, homie.

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: killingvector on June 25, 2005, 11:52:43 AM
There is nothing more rock n roll than a civil litigation forced release. It all starts with the filing of form 27B in the California Civil Court, then ........the magic happens.
wow, a person this positive must really be successful in life..

Hey, i've been here since OMG was rumored to be one of the first singles of the new album. I've had long term relationships that began and ended since that time.

Just putting my skepticism in perspective. Even the most optimistic gunner has no illusions about  this album's prospective release being anytime soon.
lmao, so what? what are you trying to say here? i've been coming to this site since around that time as well, homie.

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: Carlos_f_Rose on June 25, 2005, 12:27:53 PM
If Chinese Democracy is eeeeeeeever released.... well I think I would go to the stores and order the american version... then listen to it... until It bores me... so that is all dudes...
ps.- ask axl to bury the hatchet with slash ;)


Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: F*ck Fear on June 25, 2005, 02:46:49 PM
Pick it up,listen to it a few times start to finish...Get drunk,invite some friends over,listen to it more....Than proabably listen to something different again lol :smoking:

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: slashsaxl on June 25, 2005, 03:34:00 PM
gonna buy it and enjoy it

rock n' roll

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: Jamie on June 25, 2005, 06:09:50 PM
then laugh at everyone who doubted it being released and that said the new band (except Buckethead) sucked (cos he did suck).

Thats such B.S.? If Buckets parts stay on the album or if he rejoins the band you will be sucking right back up to him.? ::)

Em, 'fraid not, I never liked Buckethead, even when he was in GnR, granted, he was/is an excellent player, I just hate the whole KFC gimmick thing and how he just stands there like a complete muppet when he's playing except for his stupid knum-chuck (sp) thing before his solo. And his goddamn yellow rain-coat and mask. The chap annoys me, plain and simple.

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: killingvector on June 25, 2005, 07:54:08 PM
then laugh at everyone who doubted it being released and that said the new band (except Buckethead) sucked (cos he did suck).

Thats such B.S.  If Buckets parts stay on the album or if he rejoins the band you will be sucking right back up to him.  ::)

Em, 'fraid not, I never liked Buckethead, even when he was in GnR, granted, he was/is an excellent player, I just hate the whole KFC gimmick thing and how he just stands there like a complete muppet when he's playing except for his stupid knum-chuck (sp) thing before his solo. And his goddamn yellow rain-coat and mask. The chap annoys me, plain and simple.

wow, Jaime, you weren't watching him closely or often enough. Bucket is always doing something up there, sometimes he is really animated. Check out OMG from Rio 3....

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: jameslofton29 on June 25, 2005, 10:09:52 PM
So is everyone else also gonna buy more than one cd? I'm going to buy several copies, just in case Axl tries to have it pulled from the shelves.

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: Krispy Kreme on June 26, 2005, 12:02:37 AM
This topic has been done to  death. As I said 2 or 3 years ago, I am going to collect my social security check, go buy a copy, and then go play some bingo.

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: Rob on June 26, 2005, 03:29:03 PM
I'm gonna wait outside the record store till it opens and buy my copy.  Then listen to it a shitload the rest of the day.  Then I'll probably get together with some friends and hopefully we'll all have good shit to say about it.  Then I'll ride my flying pig to an icy Hell.

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: kever20 on June 26, 2005, 04:41:28 PM
I'm gunna buy atleast 2 copies and keep one forever in shrinkwrap.

btw .. why is everyone gunna lock their door?? ;D? Dont forget some lotion and tissue.? :hihi:

Two copies, I hear that. One to display on the shelf. Make a shrine of sorts. Just kidding. Definately two copies: one to listen to, and one to look at.

/kevin miller

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: vinnylyons on June 27, 2005, 02:30:18 PM
when i get i will listen to ch dem the blues maddy and irs enjoy my few beers i have waited years for this so its not to be rushed going to savor the moment  then move on to the big guns  :beer:

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: Buddha_Master on June 27, 2005, 04:53:24 PM
Throw the cd on the toilet and cum all over it saying "That's what you get! You like that don't you?"

What am I goin to do the day of release? Probably meditate, and do some drugs.

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: jabba2 on June 27, 2005, 07:42:05 PM
Go on the internet, find a torrent site thats sharing Chinese Democracy.

Fingers trembeling on my mouse when i found the link. but wont click because of wanting to savor the moment.

Tears rolling slowly down my face thinking of the rumors i heard about Chinese Democracy being a masterpiece. and the struggels Axl has gone through.

Look for CD quality version, then finally start to download with Peerguardian 2.0, so download wont be traced by RIAA.

Print CD covers that are included with download. Put them into CD sleeve.

Burn the copy of CD so i can use the hi-fi stereo for my first ever listen.

Slowly burst into tears as the music flows across the room. I am in heaven. Drinking coffee as i listen and burn more copies.

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: visionary432 on June 27, 2005, 08:59:56 PM
Go on the internet, find a torrent site thats sharing Chinese Democracy.

Fingers trembeling on my mouse when i found the link. but wont click because of wanting to savor the moment.

Tears rolling slowly down my face thinking of the rumors i heard about Chinese Democracy being a masterpiece. and the struggels Axl has gone through.

Look for CD quality version, then finally start to download with Peerguardian 2.0, so download wont be traced by RIAA.

Print CD covers that are included with download. Put them into CD sleeve.

Burn the copy of CD so i can use the <a  style='text-decoration: none; border-bottom: 3px double;' href="" onmouseover="window.status='hi-fi'; return true;" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true;">hi-fi</a> stereo for my first ever listen.

Slowly burst into tears as the music flows across the room. I am in heaven. Drinking coffee as i listen and burn more copies.

We'll probably download with Peerguardian 3.0 by then.

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: Twisted Nerve 85 on June 28, 2005, 01:51:04 PM
Right after I buy it Im not leaving the house the entire day.  :peace:

Title: Re: What are you gonna do on the day of the release?
Post by: Neemo on June 28, 2005, 02:14:00 PM
Go to the mall on my lunch break and buy a copy. Read the booklet on the way back to the office, when I get back I put it on my computer and listen to it. then way home in my car I may listen to it in the car. I probably won't listen to it at home though. Unless, of course, I haven't gotten through the whole album by then.