Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: August 18th on June 24, 2005, 01:29:55 PM

Title: the subject of buckethead (and a small introduction if you will allow me)
Post by: August 18th on June 24, 2005, 01:29:55 PM
hey guys, this is my first post on this board, but i have been reading it for years and finally decided to join you all. let me start off by telling you that i have been a huge guns n' roses fans since 1990, when i was 7 years old. i am now 21, still just as enthusiastic about the band as i was as their music was the soundtrack to my childhood years. i absolutely loved their music and the band as a whole, knowing every song by heart by the time i was 8, lol. and axl was a role model and hero to me, quite a role model you might say but nevertheless. 8) anyway, as time passed with no new guns n' roses material since 1994 i still kept listening to the albums, still thinking that they were the coolest band ever to walk the planet. and i still do. but up till 1999, when my family finally got access to the internet, i knew nothing at all about the fate of the band i loved so much. what happened to all the members, where did it all go? only thing i heard at school was they broke up and quit. well, i was soon to find out that something was still moving in the world of guns n' roses. guess i came online at the right time, because after finding out that slash had released a couple of solo albums and duff and matt went their own ways with different bands (at the time), i soon found out that axl rose himself was still alive and well, arrested at a phoenix airport the year before and from the mugshot i could tell, my hero looked a bit older but still fit and cool as hell. well, a couple of months passed and rumours that a new gnr track was supposed to appear on the "end of days" soundtrack. this was of course very, very exiting, the first new gnr tune in forever it seemed. and then "oh my god" hit the internet, first a snippet, then the whole track. i, being the gnr fan that i am, went straight to my local record store and bought the cd. around the same time the "live era" album came out and even a set release of the new gnr album, which was years in the making already then. well, i won't go on and bore you all to death, you all know the story that followed. 8) some weird guitar virtuso named buckedhead joined and josh freeze, the drummer at the time, was suddenly out of the band. around that same time axl himself was interview by rolling stone, although no pictures were released. i myself knew very little about the remaining of the band until finally, in december 2000/january 2001, this new edition of guns n' roses hit the road and captures guns n' roses fans and others alike once again. the new material was great, the old songs were played great, everything was great. and just seeing freaking axl rose on the stage again, was HUGE. 8) well, another great thing was to finally see this strange character called buckethead, in axl's own words, "play the hell out of the old songs". and the new ones as well. i was immidiately captured by this dude, feeling that if anyone could tale slash's spot in guns n' roses, this was the guy to do it. i even got some of his solo material, and i am still enjoying it very much, there's something fascinating both about him and the way he plays. he's a guitar genius in my opinion. so this was all like a new chapter in the guns n' roses sage, picked up 8 years after it finished off. well, the 2002 tour came and the vma appearence came, and i was all exited, not really worrying about the relase date of chinese democracy at all, just enjoying the ride i guess. 8) then, after the tour ended with a crash and a long silence which we all know too well emerged, news came that buckedhead was out. this disappointed me alot, knowing his abilities for both playing and drawing crowds, and i couldn't really see who could possibly take his place. this is why i want your opinions on this. assuming we all want what's best for this new band (with a few exceptions, i know lol), what do you think of buckethead's departure? was it a severe, or maybe even devestating, blow to this new incarnation of guns n' roses? or was he just another "hired gun", and axl is better off without him? he seems to think so himself, but i'm sure he's disappointed as well. can the band manage just as well without buckethead, seeing as was is a crowd pleaser like no one else but axl himself in this new band? alright, i'll leave it at that, i have to go eat some hot dogs now. 8) please feel free to express your opinons in this thread, as i'm sure you all are used to doing, and jarmo, i love what you are doing with this site, i've been lurking in the shadows since 1999. 8) please exuse my introductuon in this particular forum but the introducton thread was gone, the link said it ain't there no' mo'. 8) peace my fellow gunners, hope to chat to you all soon. now it's time for some hot dogs, i haven't eaten in 2 days :drool: keep rockin'. : ok:

Title: Re: the subject of buckethead (and a small introduction if you will allow me)
Post by: 2NaFish on June 24, 2005, 01:32:11 PM
that gives me a headache. i can't read that. you're gonna need to break it up into paragraphs chief.

Title: Re: the subject of buckethead (and a small introduction if you will allow me)
Post by: August 18th on June 24, 2005, 01:33:34 PM
paragraphs? say what? aw man, i KNEW i should have payed attention in class  that day. :-\

Title: Re: the subject of buckethead (and a small introduction if you will allow me)
Post by: mikegiuliana on June 24, 2005, 01:36:30 PM
yeah what 2na said.. :no:

Title: hm, lemme give it a shot... how's this? just random paragraphing lol
Post by: August 18th on June 24, 2005, 01:39:52 PM
hey guys, this is my first post on this board, but i have been reading it for years and finally decided to join you all. let me start off by telling you that i have been a huge guns n' roses fans since 1990, when i was 7 years old. i am now 21, still just as enthusiastic about the band as i was as their music was the soundtrack to my childhood years. i absolutely loved their music and the band as a whole, knowing every song by heart by the time i was 8, lol. and axl was a role model and hero to me, quite a role model you might say but nevertheless. 
anyway, as time passed with no new guns n' roses material since 1994 i still kept listening to the albums, still thinking that they were the coolest band ever to walk the planet. and i still do. but up till 1999, when my family finally got access to the internet, i knew nothing at all about the fate of the band i loved so much. what happened to all the members, where did it all go? only thing i heard at school was they broke up and quit. well, i was soon to find out that something was still moving in the world of guns n' roses. guess i came online at the right time, because after finding out that slash had released a couple of solo albums and duff and matt went their own ways with different bands (at the time), i soon found out that axl rose himself was still alive and well, arrested at a phoenix airport the year before and from the mugshot i could tell, my hero looked a bit older but still fit and cool as hell. well, a couple of months passed and rumours that a new gnr track was supposed to appear on the "end of days" soundtrack. this was of course very, very exiting, the first new gnr tune in forever it seemed.
and then "oh my god" hit the internet, first a snippet, then the whole track. i, being the gnr fan that i am, went straight to my local record store and bought the cd. around the same time the "live era" album came out and even a set release of the new gnr album, which was years in the making already then. well, i won't go on and bore you all to death, you all know the story that followed.  some weird guitar virtuso named buckedhead joined and josh freeze, the drummer at the time, was suddenly out of the band. around that same time axl himself was interview by rolling stone, although no pictures were released. i myself knew very little about the remaining of the band until finally, in december 2000/january 2001, this new edition of guns n' roses hit the road and captures guns n' roses fans and others alike once again. the new material was great, the old songs were played great, everything was great. and just seeing freaking axl rose on the stage again, was HUGE.  well, another great thing was to finally see this strange character called buckethead, in axl's own words, "play the hell out of the old songs". and the new ones as well.
i was immidiately captured by this dude, feeling that if anyone could tale slash's spot in guns n' roses, this was the guy to do it. i even got some of his solo material, and i am still enjoying it very much, there's something fascinating both about him and the way he plays. he's a guitar genius in my opinion. so this was all like a new chapter in the guns n' roses sage, picked up 8 years after it finished off. well, the 2002 tour came and the vma appearence came, and i was all exited, not really worrying about the relase date of chinese democracy at all, just enjoying the ride i guess.  then, after the tour ended with a crash and a long silence which we all know too well emerged, news came that buckedhead was out.
 this disappointed me alot, knowing his abilities for both playing and drawing crowds, and i couldn't really see who could possibly take his place. this is why i want your opinions on this. assuming we all want what's best for this new band (with a few exceptions, i know lol), what do you think of buckethead's departure? was it a severe, or maybe even devestating, blow to this new incarnation of guns n' roses? or was he just another "hired gun", and axl is better off without him? he seems to think so himself, but i'm sure he's disappointed as well. can the band manage just as well without buckethead, seeing as was is a crowd pleaser like no one else but axl himself in this new band? alright, i'll leave it at that, i have to go eat some hot dogs now.  please feel free to express your opinons in this thread, as i'm sure you all are used to doing, and jarmo, i love what you are doing with this site, i've been lurking in the shadows since 1999.  please exuse my introductuon in this particular forum but the introducton thread was gone, the link said it ain't there no' mo'.  peace my fellow gunners, hope to chat to you all soon. now it's time for some hot dogs, i haven't eaten in 2 days  keep rockin'.

Title: Re: the subject of buckethead (and a small introduction if you will allow me)
Post by: Thorazine Shuffle on June 24, 2005, 01:42:19 PM
Welcome to the forum! :beer: ?

With regards to the Buckethead situation. ?in April of 04 Axl stated that the departure will "speed up" the process of CD and an announcement of CD will take place "within the next few months". ?14 months later, nothing. ?It's up to the fans to determine whether Buckets departure affected the release. ?And I think its safe to assume that yes Bucket leaving did have an effect on the release date. ?But thats my opinion. ?

Title: Re: the subject of buckethead (and a small introduction if you will allow me)
Post by: mikegiuliana on June 24, 2005, 01:43:33 PM
gilby fired matt fired duff slash quit.. From 94-98 I believe..

welcome aboard that was a hair easier to read :D

Title: Re: the subject of buckethead (and a small introduction if you will allow me)
Post by: August 18th on June 24, 2005, 01:44:24 PM
gilby fired matt fired duff slash quit.. From 94-98 I believe..

welcome aboard that was a hair easier to read :D
thanx i know now what happened. 8)
i think we all will get along just fine. : ok:

Title: Re: the subject of buckethead (and a small introduction if you will allow me)
Post by: August 18th on June 24, 2005, 01:47:44 PM
*saga ;)

Title: Re: the subject of buckethead (and a small introduction if you will allow me)
Post by: Saul on June 24, 2005, 02:06:18 PM
Bucket leaving was/is/will be a devastating blow.

Bucket and Axl could have/would have been bigger and captured the hearts and imagination even more so then Axl and slash.

Thats my opinion.  :peace:

Title: Re: the subject of buckethead (and a small introduction if you will allow me)
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on June 24, 2005, 02:25:47 PM
Like  I said in the past, all that matters to me is that BHs parts stay on the album. The rumor is they are not taking his parts off, so that is good. It doesnt matter if he plays live with the  band or not.

Title: Re: the subject of buckethead (and a small introduction if you will allow me)
Post by: Falcon on June 24, 2005, 02:31:26 PM

Bucket and Axl could have/would have been bigger and captured the hearts and imagination even more so then Axl and slash.

Thats my opinion.? :peace:

No offense Saul, you're absolutley entitled to your opinion..

..But that's just crazy talk.

That kind of dynamic will never be captured again, let alone exceeded by any party involved.

Title: Re: the subject of buckethead (and a small introduction if you will allow me)
Post by: Saul on June 24, 2005, 02:50:48 PM

Bucket and Axl could have/would have been bigger and captured the hearts and imagination even more so then Axl and slash.

Thats my opinion.  :peace:

No offense Saul, you're absolutley entitled to your opinion..

..But that's just crazy talk.

That kind of dynamic will never be captured again, let alone exceeded by any party involved.

Thats crazy talk falcon.  :peace:

Title: Re: the subject of buckethead (and a small introduction if you will allow me)
Post by: August 18th on June 24, 2005, 02:55:25 PM
well, axl and slash had a "magic" chemistry on stage which captured the fans and the world, buckethead is a crowd pleaser in his own special way but the magic wouldn't have been there in my opinion. but axl provides that magic himself so it's all good. 8)
i believe tommy has a good chemistry with axl on stage though, and possibly robin too.
seems that this band works on a personal level too, which is great and meant alot. :beer:

Title: Re: the subject of buckethead (and a small introduction if you will allow me)
Post by: madagas on June 24, 2005, 02:56:31 PM
I think Bucket could have been Axl's Randy Rhodes. Axl/Slash is pretty similar to Osbourne/Iommi and thus, Axl/Bucket would have been a nice change to me. :-[

Title: Re: the subject of buckethead (and a small introduction if you will allow me)
Post by: mikegiuliana on June 24, 2005, 03:06:40 PM
you can never say what could have been..  Buckethead is great there's no doubting it but you just can never say how it would have went.. Fuck would nirvana be legends now or another band of an era that is over??

Title: Re: the subject of buckethead (and a small introduction if you will allow me)
Post by: Falcon on June 24, 2005, 03:09:35 PM
I think Bucket could have been Axl's Randy Rhodes.

Maybe, although the Rhoads/Ozzy thing was kind of lightning in bottle. ?Much more personal than I think Axl and BH ever got, more of a shared vision.

I'd love to see Axl forge that kind of relationship with Robin, see if the two have the creative wherewithall to move forward and carve a niche on their own.

Title: Re: the subject of buckethead (and a small introduction if you will allow me)
Post by: August 18th on June 24, 2005, 03:11:01 PM
I think Bucket could have been Axl's Randy Rhodes.
I'd love to see Axl forge that kind of relationship with Robin, see if the two have the creative wherewithall to move forward and carve a niche on their own.

i agree.

Title: Re: the subject of buckethead (and a small introduction if you will allow me)
Post by: mikegiuliana on June 24, 2005, 03:17:34 PM
I think Bucket could have been Axl's Randy Rhodes.

Maybe, although the Rhoads/Ozzy thing was kind of lightning in bottle. ?Much more personal than I think Axl and BH ever got, more of a shared vision.

I'd love to see Axl forge that kind of relationship with Robin, see if the two have the creative wherewithall to move forward and carve a niche on their own.

I want them to form a relationship where everyone is in the same room long enough to get going

Title: Re: the subject of buckethead (and a small introduction if you will allow me)
Post by: August 18th on June 24, 2005, 03:26:25 PM
i think that would be really cool to see though, robin and axl forming that kind of relationshp on stage. if this band remains how it is today i would really like to see that happen, from what i've seen he already has some chemistry with axl on stage. i've liked robin from the start, his persona is definately something that would capture the crowds. richard fortus doesn't really have that charisma but is still i great player it seems. i just hope the current band stays together.

Title: Re: the subject of buckethead (and a small introduction if you will allow me)
Post by: killingvector on June 24, 2005, 10:23:40 PM
Bucket leaving was/is/will be a devastating blow.

Bucket and Axl could have/would have been bigger and captured the hearts and imagination even more so then Axl and slash.

Thats my opinion.  :peace:

When Bucket left, my heart sank and for a while my interest in this band flatlined. I still love the talent of Axl Rose, but this was a missed opportunity; he had the charisma and talent to not only fill Slash's shoes but surpass his predecessor.