Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: SLCPUNK on June 16, 2005, 12:06:44 PM

Title: This life can't be real........
Post by: SLCPUNK on June 16, 2005, 12:06:44 PM
Can it?

Title: Re: This life can't be real........
Post by: Timothy on June 16, 2005, 12:17:10 PM
Maybe it's all just something like the Matrix.

Title: Re: This life can't be real........
Post by: Izzy on June 16, 2005, 12:21:04 PM
If it was fake and/or 'built' the person(s) responsible would have done a better job....

Title: Re: This life can't be real........
Post by: SLCPUNK on June 16, 2005, 12:57:44 PM
If it was fake and/or 'built' the person(s) responsible would have done a better job....

Maybe they got drunk near the end..........

Title: Re: This life can't be real........
Post by: Timothy on June 16, 2005, 01:07:36 PM
If it was fake and/or 'built' the person(s) responsible would have done a better job....

Maybe they got drunk near the end..........

That or they are working on the biggest Punked ever.

Title: Re: This life can't be real........
Post by: SLCPUNK on June 16, 2005, 01:08:46 PM
If it was fake and/or 'built' the person(s) responsible would have done a better job....

Maybe they got drunk near the end..........

That or they are working on the biggest Punked ever.



Title: Re: This life can't be real........
Post by: SLCPUNK on June 16, 2005, 01:10:28 PM
It just seems surreal lately. Everything seems like I'm out looking in. It's not a bad thing.

But it dawned on me a while back (during a long hike) that it is probably just a short part of something else.

And it dawned on me again the night before last.

Title: Re: This life can't be real........
Post by: Tj on June 16, 2005, 01:13:18 PM
But it dawned on me a while back (during a long hike) that it is probably just a short part of something else.

Preparation for eternity?  ;)

Title: Re: This life can't be real........
Post by: Tied-Up on June 16, 2005, 01:13:51 PM
Maybe we are all just animated puppets, and there's some sicko in the sky toying with our strings.

Title: Re: This life can't be real........
Post by: SLCPUNK on June 16, 2005, 01:17:51 PM
But it dawned on me a while back (during a long hike) that it is probably just a short part of something else.

Preparation for eternity?? ;)

Prepping for something............

Hate waiting for answers though.


Title: Re: This life can't be real........
Post by: Timothy on June 16, 2005, 01:29:50 PM
The answer is 42 .

Now yoiu just need to know what the question is

Title: Re: This life can't be real........
Post by: Tj on June 16, 2005, 01:30:54 PM
Search for them then!

Just find something your heart believes in, I guess. I was reading some random Alice Cooper quote the other day, and it made me think. He was talking about his Christianity:

"When people say, 'How do you believe this? Why do you believe this?' I just say nothing else speaks to my heart. This doesn't speak to my intellect, it doesn't speak to my logic - it speaks right to my heart and right to my soul, deeper than anything I've ever thought of."

I struggle so much with my own faith, because I'm constantly questioning everything about The Church, The Bible etc., to the point where I'm verging on heretical status in the eyes of more orthodox Christians, but I know I'm just being pedantic a lot of the time - as are they - and letting my head take over my heart and soul. That quote really helped and encouraged me, 'cause the way I see it nothing is ever going to speak to and fully satisfy my intellect or my logic. I'm always going to pick faults in what I believe and what I'm taught is 'truth', but my heart normally knows what I believe in and have faith in. I reckon following your heart is really under-rated, y'know. I'm probably not making much sense, sorry ?:-\

Title: Re: This life can't be real........
Post by: SLCPUNK on June 16, 2005, 01:31:45 PM
The answer is 42 .

Now yoiu just need to know what the question is

THAT'S why I can't figure out this life.

I've always been bad at math!  :hihi:

Title: Re: This life can't be real........
Post by: SLCPUNK on June 16, 2005, 01:36:49 PM
Search for them then!

I ask lots of questions to myself. I have a general idea of what it means to me.

Just find something your heart believes in, I guess.

I do. I subscribe more to a Buddhist outlook.

I struggle so much with my own faith, because I'm constantly questioning everything about The Church, The Bible etc., to the point where I'm verging on heretical status in the eyes of more orthodox Christians, but I know I'm just being pedantic a lot of the time - as are they - and letting my head take over my heart and soul. That quote really helped and encouraged me, 'cause the way I see it nothing is ever going to speak to and fully satisfy my intellect or my logic. I'm always going to pick faults in what I believe and what I'm taught is 'truth', but my heart normally knows what I believe in and have faith in. I reckon following your heart is really under-rated, y'know. I'm probably not making much sense, sorry? :-\

You make sense.

You can follow your heart and still question authority. Church goes hand in hand with control and that is why I shy away from it.

You can be spiritual, meaningful and caring with or without (any) church.

That being said..............I am usually more in awe of life than anything. It often seem surreal.

Title: Re: This life can't be real........
Post by: Tj on June 16, 2005, 01:50:01 PM
You can follow your heart and still question authority. Church goes hand in hand with control and that is why I shy away from it.

You can be spiritual, meaningful and caring with or without (any) church.

Yeah, totally. Church is rubbish, most of the time. It's so dead and confused. This is a whole other debate though.

That being said..............I am usually more in awe of life than anything. It often seem surreal.

Mmm, I don't get it either. No explanation of life makes enough sense to satisfy me. I think in general I've resigned myself to the fact that my crappy little human mind will never fully understand or possess all of the answers, but I still can't help wondering. I was talking the other day with some friends about how I find astronomy so frustrating, 'cause everything is so infinite and just... big, for want of a better word. It confuses me, and makes me feel so insignificant. As a result of how confusing I find everything, I think the only two main things I'm really trying to do in my life are follow my heart and love people. I've had my fair share of realisations and epiphany kinda moments etc., like everyone does, but I've never and never will find a fully satisfying conclusion of what life is for, or even what life is!

Title: Re: This life can't be real........
Post by: SLCPUNK on June 16, 2005, 01:59:26 PM

 It confuses me, and makes me feel so insignificant.

 I like to say "humbles me". Because I stand in awe and respect of these things (Like looking at the Grand Canyon, or the top of a mountain hike). And even though I realise I can't fully understand it I breath it in and am mesmorized. In many ways being insignificant is a good thing. You can admit that you are in fact powerless and although you have freedom of choice, eventually, your life will turn as the wind blows you.

As a result of how confusing I find everything, I think the only two main things I'm really trying to do in my life are follow my heart and love people. I've had my fair share of realisations and epiphany kinda moments etc., like everyone does, but I've never and never will find a fully satisfying conclusion of what life is for, or even what life is!

That is all I can do. Intention is my saying.......What I intend when I shake another persons hand. If the intentions are true, so am I, and my life follows suit. I feel that I can't go wrong with that line of though.

Everything seems infinite to me........even this planet. Go hiking around the Rim of the Grand Canyon. I could spend the remainder of my life back there and never finish. That is just one small portion of the USA. That backdrop to me seems surreal to me; even more so that I get to participate in it. The pain of the hike is real though: sore legs, out of breath, sweat, dirt, hungry, falling fast asleep at the end of the day.

I watched Def Leppard last night and in the middle of it all began to laugh aloud. It was a joy to see what other humans had created and others loved to experience. In a moment the experience was over, and in another 50 years or so, most everybody in that arena will be long gone, like it never happened. I watched, like I do with many other things, and thought: enjoy every second of this moment, it will never happen again.............

Title: Re: This life can't be real........
Post by: Tj on June 16, 2005, 02:08:27 PM
Yeah there's something pretty cool about feeling so insignificant and in awe of everything. No time to give a proper response though, 'cause I gotta gooo.

Talk to you later  ;) I'm off to a rainy barbecue  :nervous:

Title: Re: This life can't be real........
Post by: Tied-Up on June 16, 2005, 02:31:44 PM
Rainy BBQ sounds like you'll be eating cole slaw and fruit salad.  :)

Art speaks to my heart, so I guess that's why I'm an artist and not a christian. 

Title: Re: This life can't be real........
Post by: Gunner80 on June 16, 2005, 02:41:34 PM
Can it?
Where's a coo-coo clock when you need one.

Title: Re: This life can't be real........
Post by: journey on June 16, 2005, 02:54:23 PM
Can it?

Yes. It's too real for me at the beginning of each month.

I think life is beautiful and heartbreaking at the same time. It's so complex, like a puzzle. I have obsessed over life and death. But maybe we're not supposed to figure it out: just learn to love it and each other.

I'm teaching myself not to stress over little things anymore. I know that, just like everyone else, I'm not going to live forever. If someone says something that hurts or pisses me off, I try to let it go, because I know it won't amount to anything in the end.

Title: Re: This life can't be real........
Post by: N.I.B on June 16, 2005, 03:01:14 PM
it feels real, but sometimes, i feel like im a surreal world, my own private fantasy land.......

Title: Re: This life can't be real........
Post by: SLCPUNK on June 16, 2005, 03:24:00 PM
Can it?

Yes. It's too real for me at the beginning of each month.

I think life is beautiful and heartbreaking at the same time. It's so complex, like a puzzle. I have obsessed over life and death. But maybe we're not supposed to figure it out: just learn to love it and each other.

I'm teaching myself not to stress over little things anymore. I know that, just like everyone else, I'm not going to live forever. If someone says something that hurts or pisses me off, I try to let it go, because I know it won't amount to anything in the end.

I have come to believe that you can learn just as much from heartbreak as well as beauty.

I don't think we were supposed to figure it out; maybe that is figuring it out right there!

Stress is not worth it. I leave for my destinations early if I can and drive slow in the right lane. The more time I stress, the less time I have to ponder........and what a true waste that is.


As for a rainy picnic, they can be the best. It's the irony I love about the entire thing really.

Irony drives my life often, and makes me laugh. To me, in many ways, irony is the best part about my life. Often times I realize the irony of a situation when I don't get something I wanted, or lose something. (Don't know what you got til it's gone, comes to mind)

Rarely is it realized upon achieving a goal.

Rainy picnic? LOL..........enjoy! ;D

Title: Re: This life can't be real........
Post by: Tied-Up on June 16, 2005, 03:27:07 PM's like raaaa-in on your picnic day....

Title: Re: This life can't be real........
Post by: Queen of Everything on June 16, 2005, 07:16:23 PM
I sometimes think the same thing, Like we are really just in like a COMA and this is all a horrible, horrible, yet beautiful dream. But the sad thing is I dont want to wake up! Because when I do/if I do... I will miss the people that my mind made for me while i was sleeping.

Of course i dont like BELIEVE that, but i think that...

Title: Re: This life can't be real........
Post by: Lisa on June 16, 2005, 07:59:48 PM
if it is, I want another go at it cuz thus far, I am failing miserably :-\

Title: Re: This life can't be real........
Post by: SLCPUNK on June 16, 2005, 08:36:34 PM
if it is, I want another go at it cuz thus far, I am failing miserably :-\

Define success....

Define happiness....

Title: Re: This life can't be real........
Post by: Lisa on June 16, 2005, 08:40:09 PM
impossible because there is only "now' differs with each individual...although I wish I could define either and find a base on which to start from ;)

Title: Re: This life can't be real........
Post by: SLCPUNK on June 16, 2005, 08:43:18 PM
impossible because there is only "now' differs with each individual...although I wish I could define either and find a base on which to start from ;)

I guess my point was that they are relative.

What is being happy? Do we really have OUR OWN concept of this? It took me a long time to strip away the layers of what I was told it was (years on this earth) before I came to my own conclusion.

After I did that, I realized that being happy wasn't too hard.

Ditto with success.

Title: Re: This life can't be real........
Post by: WiZard on June 16, 2005, 08:49:02 PM
Very impressive SLC. ?The most thought provoking thread created on this board in years.

No, this is not real. ?We are all projected illusions experiencing in this reality for the purpose of exploring our soul's desires.

We want to experience the greatest possible form of love. ?When we attain that, we want more.

Each and everyone of our experiences are by our own choice. ?A choice made by our higher selves as we exist on the other side merely projecting a part of our soul spark into this reality.

It is somewhat like, as one mentioned, very similar to the matrix.

Title: Re: This life can't be real........
Post by: SLCPUNK on June 16, 2005, 08:59:46 PM

Very impressive SLC.  The most thought provoking thread created on this board in years.


No, this is not real.  We are all projected illusions experiencing in this reality for the purpose of exploring our soul's desires.

Funny when you FEEL that, but not sure how to put it into words. I've had instances, like I said earlier, where I was out looking in. Not out-of-body. More...out of mind (insert crazy joke here)...if that makes sense. Combined with deja vu at the same time. Amazing really. For somre reason it always puts the biggest grin on my face. Maybe because I recognized the feeling of something bigger than myself at a level I could not understand yet. I knew what it was, yet unable to define it.

We want to experience the greatest possible form of love.  When we attain that, we want more.

I think it is in our human nature to not only want to experience it, but give it. In all forms, just a loving kindess to one another. To be warm, gentle and kind. It is nearly impossible to exist on that level in todays world because we are all wrapped up in our own problems (mostly self created), personal, and/or financial. I believe this is the basic root of who we are, once all the other wordly things fall aside.

Title: Re: This life can't be real........
Post by: 2NaFish on June 16, 2005, 09:08:46 PM
cogito ergo sum baby. I exist. Fuck knows about the rest of you tho.

Title: Re: This life can't be real........
Post by: Rain on June 17, 2005, 06:17:32 AM
wow great post SLC !  :beer:

2na reading Descartes here is a real experience !  : ok:
What I find amazing is that eventually these interrogations about life are kinda universal.
And the experiences described by SLC  we all can relate to them I guess.  That what makes me think there's more than just that to life.

meaning pursue of happiness, self-achievement etc ... For years we're being taught that a successful life is work - family life - and a house in the suburbs. I just fought there is more than that ... for the time being I have neither and I'm rather happy because I care about the people I love and I know there are people who care about me too.

Title: Re: This life can't be real........
Post by: 2NaFish on June 17, 2005, 10:53:54 AM
What I find amazing is that eventually these interrogations about life are kinda universal.
And the experiences described by SLC we all can relate to them I guess. That what makes me think there's more than just that to life.

Playing devil's advocate - if we all experience what slc explained (out of body, deja vu) it more likely means that they are biological occourances rather than otherworldly, etc. If these experiences were only felt by a minority but could be validated as real then it would be an example of something greater than what we know to be reality.

You're piece about being happy is also something that interests me. There's a fluffy psychological theory called the humanistic approach that says we're all trying to self-actualize (become all that we can be) and that do this we've got to fulfill certain needs in our life - material things, a good job, family are not essential. All we have to do is have a roof over our head, food in our belly, friends by our side and be able to express ourselves in truth and we can be at peace.


The theory doesn't really stand up to a great deal of scrutiny, but i've always seen it as very good was for anyone to live there life and it's something i always aspire to.