Title: SCOTT WEILAND To Rumormongers: 'Get A Fucking Life!' Post by: jarmo on June 13, 2005, 05:31:10 PM VELVET REVOLVER frontman Scott Weiland has rejected Internet rumors that the band have scrapped the final five shows of their ongoing European tour because he has fallen off the wagon and will be re-entering rehab. In a posting on the group's official web site, Weiland writes, "Christ! You people are like locusts! Every day there's more bullshit. I must be absolutely mesmerizing! You all seem to be enraptured and in need of your rock & roll fables.
1. A few days ago I was a Nazi. 2. Then the end of the Euro tour is cancelled because Slash and I hate each other. 3. Now I hear I'm going to rehab. "Get a fucking life!!" http://www.roadrun.com/blabbermouth.net/ /jarmo Title: Re: SCOTT WEILAND To Rumormongers: 'Get A Fucking Life!' Post by: younggunner on June 13, 2005, 07:34:22 PM Imagine the list Axl could compile!
Title: Re: SCOTT WEILAND To Rumormongers: 'Get A Fucking Life!' Post by: tomass74 on June 13, 2005, 09:53:12 PM youngunner :rofl: a part of the big machine is using the word mesmerizing... i really wonder how many ppl would have use this word if system of a dawn wouldnt have this album out. nevermind ignore this? :D well i suppose that the part of the big machine knows how the big machine works. yes, they need rumours weiland and also to get a fuckin life. so fuckin new. i am gonna fuckin cry .? :crying: Another post from you that just leaves me in awe.. Your level of wisdom is astounding. Title: Re: SCOTT WEILAND To Rumormongers: 'Get A Fucking Life!' Post by: Eazy E on June 13, 2005, 10:20:27 PM youngunner :rofl: a part of the big machine is using the word mesmerizing... i really wonder how many ppl would have use this word if system of a dawn wouldnt have this album out. nevermind ignore this :D well i suppose that the part of the big machine knows how the big machine works. yes, they need rumours weiland and also to get a fuckin life. so fuckin new. i am gonna fuckin cry . :crying: This post is mesmerizing. Title: Re: SCOTT WEILAND To Rumormongers: 'Get A Fucking Life!' Post by: D on June 14, 2005, 12:49:04 AM I think my IQ just dropped about 20 points reading that fuckin post.
Scott kicks ass! Fuck the rumormongers! Title: Re: SCOTT WEILAND To Rumormongers: 'Get A Fucking Life!' Post by: jarmo on June 14, 2005, 07:53:00 AM Scott kicks ass! Fuck the rumormongers! Couldn't a thread like "something not right in VR land?" be considered a rumor and speculation? Guess who started it. ;) /jarmo Title: Re: SCOTT WEILAND To Rumormongers: 'Get A Fucking Life!' Post by: Jamie on June 14, 2005, 08:52:26 AM Fair play to Scott for speakin out, seems the media hasn't been off his back of late. He's right, again.
Title: Re: SCOTT WEILAND To Rumormongers: 'Get A Fucking Life!' Post by: D on June 14, 2005, 05:06:22 PM Scott kicks ass! Fuck the rumormongers! Couldn't a thread like "something not right in VR land?" be considered a rumor and speculation? Guess who started it.? ;) /jarmo I was being sarcastic! :P :P :P :hihi: :hihi: |