Title: VR Rock am Ring'05 free Pro-Shot.... Post by: Limulus on June 10, 2005, 04:39:00 AM to all your VR fans.....we might get a (near?) complete Pro-Shot end of June 2005 from their ROCK AM RING-show in Germany. WDR-Channel is saying they're goin to broadcast:
Sonntag auf Montag, 27.06.2005 1.00 - 3.10 Uhr im WDR Fernsehen 1.00 Uhr Rockpalast ROCK AM RING 2005 GARBAGE VELVET REVOLVER (N?rburgring am 04.+05.06.05) keep your eyes open for a mint DVDR from this spreading soon? \m/ Title: Re: VR Rock am Ring'05 free Pro-Shot.... Post by: oidi on June 13, 2005, 05:07:25 AM the vr gig will last just 30 minutes, so i think, they will send max. 6,7 songs
Title: Re: VR Rock am Ring'05 free Pro-Shot.... Post by: jemin on June 15, 2005, 01:01:02 AM Well hopefully someone will record it, transfer it, and share it or trade it out. Aren't you from Germany Limulus?
Title: Re: VR Rock am Ring'05 free Pro-Shot.... Post by: GNR - CROATIA on June 16, 2005, 07:38:25 PM The way I understood it, there are solid chances the show will be complete.
The set list could be checked at www.rockpalast.de click sendetermine and then Velvet revolver Title: Re: VR Rock am Ring'05 free Pro-Shot.... Post by: Limulus on June 27, 2005, 04:15:44 AM they've broadcasted ca. 31min only from VR Rock Am Ring show. seems band management didnt allow more. there will be mint dvds from it around soon, dont worry about.
Limulus Title: Re: VR Rock am Ring'05 free Pro-Shot.... Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on June 27, 2005, 06:22:12 AM they've broadcasted ca. 31min only from VR Rock Am Ring show. seems band management didnt allow more. there will be mint dvds from it around soon, dont worry about. Limulus goooooood :) |