Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: chineseblues on May 28, 2005, 09:10:01 PM

Title: Robin's message to gnr fans!
Post by: chineseblues on May 28, 2005, 09:10:01 PM
gnr fans:

to be clear, the request to refrain from emailing me about Guns n' Roses is not a diss to you or to the band or to anyone. i simply am not eager to instigate that conversation until an official release date for the album is made public. otherwise, i'd go a little nutzo tossing " i dunnos" and "can't quite says" in every direction. i trust you may understand. there will most certainly be a time to embrace this new ship. let's first allow it to launch from the pad in all it's glory. i look forward to such a time.

what is real, is that i am alive and inspired and look forward to sharing this new chapter with you. thank you for your support and for your enthusiasm along this long and winding off-road trek. each email to me personally is gratefully received.

see you- r ob i n


Title: Re: Robin's message to gnr fans!
Post by: badapple81 on May 28, 2005, 09:13:45 PM
Thanks for posting :)

That's cool of Robin, must be a lot for him and the other guys to get so many questions about GN'R when they probably don't know themselves.

Title: Re: Robin's message to gnr fans!
Post by: RichardNixon on May 28, 2005, 09:25:48 PM
I have always liked Robin--he looks cool as shit, not Slash, but cool in his own right. I'm really hoping he gets the credit he deserves with the release of the new album.

Title: Re: Robin's message to gnr fans!
Post by: ClintroN on May 28, 2005, 09:26:29 PM
Thats fuckin' awsome!!!!!

THANX ROBIN, thats enough to get me by for a while!!

Title: Re: Robin's message to gnr fans!
Post by: Falcon on May 28, 2005, 09:29:02 PM
Cool of Robin to do some communicating, even when there's not much to talk about it's good to know he's alive and well.

Title: Re: Robin's message to gnr fans!
Post by: billsguy on May 28, 2005, 10:07:28 PM
yeah especially since he's the only one that no one has really heard anything about in a long while

Title: Re: Robin's message to gnr fans!
Post by: BaDoBsEsSiOn418 on May 29, 2005, 12:22:01 AM
i know, tell me about it.  all we ever hear about is tommy and dizzy.  other than axl, robin is the one i really wanted to hear from, especially with rumors in the past about him leaving the band.

Title: Re: Robin's message to gnr fans!
Post by: killingvector on May 29, 2005, 12:35:05 AM
It still doesn't sound like much is going on, or will go on. I wish he had dropped some hint of what is ahead.

Title: Re: Robin's message to gnr fans!
Post by: echrisl on May 29, 2005, 12:39:15 AM
Oh Robin.  Thank you so much for your elaborate communication with your fans.  You have made my life worth living thanks to your willingness to share your time and information with all of us.

Your greatest fan,


P.S.  You are my favorite musician ever, I love you so much!  Your guitar solos are the best I've ever heard, you are the greatest guitarist ever to be featured in Guns N' Roses.  None can hold a candle to your matchless talent!

Title: Re: Robin's message to gnr fans!
Post by: ClintroN on May 29, 2005, 01:48:37 AM
Oh Robin.  Thank you so much for your elaborate communication with your fans.  You have made my life worth living thanks to your willingness to share your time and information with all of us.

Your greatest fan,


P.S.  You are my favorite musician ever, I love you so much!  Your guitar solos are the best I've ever heard, you are the greatest guitarist ever to be featured in Guns N' Roses.  None can hold a candle to your matchless talent!

afuckingmen to that mate!!!!!!

Honestly, he is the best thing ever to happen to GNR!!!!

Title: Re: Robin's message to gnr fans!
Post by: Eazy E on May 29, 2005, 01:53:33 AM
Uhhh.... correct me if I'm wrong... but I detected a little bit of sarcasm in echrisl's post...

As for what Robin said, sounds like we're going to be playing the waiting game a little bit longer.  If a set release date was coming up soon, he would probably just keep his mouth shut until then.  Still, its cool that he does occasionally identify that GN'R fans are paying attention (Rio, now), even if he's a shloppy guitarist.

Title: Re: Robin's message to gnr fans!
Post by: WAR41 on May 29, 2005, 01:59:02 AM
haha yeah I think that echrisl may have had a touch of sarcasm in his post.  I am not positive but something tells me that there was some.....

honestly though, this is the best information we have gotten from a GNR member in a LONG time.  He was completely honest about the 'release date' (he told everyone he didnt know of one) and was sincere when he mentioned that he looks foward to it being released.  See Axl, that is all it takes!!!!  It isnt all that hard.

Title: Re: Robin's message to gnr fans!
Post by: gilld1 on May 29, 2005, 02:30:53 AM
So basically he's saying that he has no idea of what's going on with GNR and CD.  At least he's being honest.  I am an optimist but I am beginning to think that this is not going to happen. 

Title: Re: Robin's message to gnr fans!
Post by: Mikkamakka on May 29, 2005, 02:38:27 AM
It's great that one guy took time to write some sentences to the fans. At least he has the balls to tell that he doesn't know anything.

Maybe the whole band will watch CNN to find out the release date

Title: Re: Robin's message to gnr fans!
Post by: D on May 29, 2005, 02:55:05 AM
I dont know about any of you but to me the definiton of a tight band  doesnt quite exist with GNR.

u mean to tell me the lead guitarist has the same amount of knowledge as we do?

that is fuckin scary.

Title: Re: Robin's message to gnr fans!
Post by: dENIS on May 29, 2005, 04:32:18 AM
This is something that missing all that time of waiting! Someone from the band to speak with us - the fans. Thanks Robin! I really like hjm.

Title: Re: Robin's message to gnr fans!
Post by: awhellzno05 on May 29, 2005, 05:04:31 AM
I never liked this asshole.

He's in the band to milk Axl.


Wow, what an ass!!!

Title: Re: Robin's message to gnr fans!
Post by: ClintroN on May 29, 2005, 05:16:22 AM
Uhhh.... correct me if I'm wrong... but I detected a little bit of sarcasm in echrisl's post...

As for what Robin said, sounds like we're going to be playing the waiting game a little bit longer.  If a set release date was coming up soon, he would probably just keep his mouth shut until then.  Still, its cool that he does occasionally identify that GN'R fans are paying attention (Rio, now), even if he's a shloppy guitarist.

oh well, if ol' mate is being sarcastic then put his message under my name 'cause it is exactly how i feel.

Hey guys, ya never know, maybe Robin does know somethin' n' gave us a little message for us to hang in there cause its right around the corner, wheather he knows anything or not, he's still not gonna tell us any info on Chinese Democracy cause he cant.

Robin fuckin' F i n  c   k 8)

Title: Re: Robin's message to gnr fans!
Post by: ClintroN on May 29, 2005, 05:20:04 AM
I never liked this asshole.

He's in the band to milk Axl.


your a fuckhead to think that, milk Axl ::)
the only one milking here is your breast feedin'  arse!!

piss off

Title: Re: Robin's message to gnr fans!
Post by: Dave_Rose on May 29, 2005, 05:51:18 AM
Its nice to hear from Robin ;)

Title: Re: Robin's message to gnr fans!
Post by: gnrkoncerti on May 29, 2005, 06:21:36 AM
very good from him
thank you Robin

Title: Re: Robin's message to gnr fans!
Post by: Jessica on May 29, 2005, 06:56:20 AM
Sweet, polite, diplomatic...

That Rob is a nice guy..

Title: Re: Robin's message to gnr fans!
Post by: Jessica on May 29, 2005, 06:56:53 AM
Oops, i forgot :

Tall, good looking, ..... :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi:

Title: Re: Robin's message to gnr fans!
Post by: nesquick on May 29, 2005, 06:57:13 AM
Robin wrote me an e-mail this morning:

robin here. letting you know i got your send.
thank you for writing and for sharing.
keep on to release for you and to give.
r ob ? i ? ? ? n

cool  8)

Title: Re: Robin's message to gnr fans!
Post by: anarchy on May 29, 2005, 07:13:02 AM
Robin wrote me an e-mail this morning:

robin here. letting you know i got your send.
thank you for writing and for sharing.
keep on to release for you and to give.
r ob   i       n

cool  8)

Everyone gets that e-mail when they submit a file or letter. It's automated.

Title: Re: Robin's message to gnr fans!
Post by: nesquick on May 29, 2005, 07:21:26 AM
yes, that's what I though too.

Title: Re: Robin's message to gnr fans!
Post by: Izzy on May 29, 2005, 07:29:41 AM
gnr fans:

to be clear, the request to refrain from emailing me about Guns n' Roses is not a diss to you or to the band or to anyone. i simply am not eager to instigate that conversation until an official release date for the album is made public. otherwise, i'd go a little nutzo tossing " i dunnos" and "can't quite says" in every direction. i trust you may understand. there will most certainly be a time to embrace this new ship. let's first allow it to launch from the pad in all it's glory. i look forward to such a time.

what is real, is that i am alive and inspired and look forward to sharing this new chapter with you. thank you for your support and for your enthusiasm along this long and winding off-road trek. each email to me personally is gratefully received.

see you- r ob i n



Email dudes - fuck off, i have no idea about this ''Axl Rose'' guy u keep asking about - i don't know anything about democracy in China either, i ain't into politics

Despite 'apparently' working on an album with 'Axl Rose'(?) for years i know nothing about it, when i hear anything about the band i'm alledgedly in i will let you know, untill then - Guns N' Roses who? Didn't they do Enter Sandman? That song rocked...i think

R O b I n (possibly - when i know i'll let u know)

Thanks Robin :-\

Title: Re: Robin's message to gnr fans!
Post by: odd1 on May 29, 2005, 07:36:57 AM
I for one is happy that he broke the silence, at least he cares about the fans.

Title: Re: Robin's message to gnr fans!
Post by: willow on May 29, 2005, 08:27:00 AM
I got a e-mail from him too!
this is robin, i'm writing in graditude for your share.
you will find ithat it's posted on the 'the flock'/ letters page.

thank you for becoming a part of this page.
r ob i     n

Love this guy!! And I am really sick of people knocking him!!!!!!He's in this band, and I don't think he is going anywhere so get over it or move on!!

Thanks Robin!!

Title: Re: Robin's message to gnr fans!
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on May 29, 2005, 09:34:45 AM
  ???  Honestly, how the hell can you knock the guy?  This is a classy message that he didn't even have to write.  He sounds like a class act.  I know most of us are getting a little restless, just relax for now...when you see 'em live in concert SCREAM your head off!!!!!!!!!!


Title: Re: Robin's message to gnr fans!
Post by: GypsySoul on May 29, 2005, 10:03:08 AM
Everyone gets that e-mail when they submit a file or letter. It's automated.
It's still cool to be acknowledged.? : ok:

And it's cool n' classy that Robin took the time out to acknowledge the rest of us GNR fans too.? 8)

Thanks Robin.? :-*

Title: Re: Robin's message to gnr fans!
Post by: W. Botaxl Rose on May 29, 2005, 10:04:31 AM
here's a loose translation for all u dumbfux who think he's being a "great guy"---freaky gnr fans/whaxl luvers quit fucking bothering me all the time about botaxls grey goose. I haven't seen/talked to the dude for ages & have no idea where/what on earth that hasbeen is. Can't u all realize i'm in it for the money/exposure cause there's no way this many people would ever have known who i was had whaxl not saved me from the circus. And for all u who say i'm a great talented guitarist, i say thanx, but i have no idea how u got that impression. f i n ?c ? k.---So that's what i got from his message.

Title: Re: Robin's message to gnr fans!
Post by: ppbebe on May 29, 2005, 10:25:01 AM
 :D How nice of Robin. Thanks!
and No6rt6ni6lC - UNDERBELLY, you're pure in thought.  nice.  : ok:

gnr fans:

to be clear, the request to refrain from emailing me about Guns n' Roses is not a diss to you or to the band or to anyone. i simply am not eager to instigate that conversation until an official release date for the album is made public. otherwise, i'd go a little nutzo tossing " i dunnos" and "can't quite says" in every direction. i trust you may understand. there will most certainly be a time to embrace this new ship. let's first allow it to launch from the pad in all it's glory. i look forward to such a time.

what is real, is that i am alive and inspired and look forward to sharing this new chapter with you. thank you for your support and for your enthusiasm along this long and winding off-road trek. each email to me personally is gratefully received.

see you- r ob i n


gnr fans:

to be clear, Axl's refrainment from communicating with you is not a diss to you or to anything. He simply is not ready to instigate the conversation until everything is settled and an official release date for the album is made public. otherwise, He'd go a little nutzo tossing " i dunnos" and "can't quite says" in every direction. we trust you may understand. there will most certainly be a time to embrace this new ship. let's first allow it to launch from the pad in all it's glory. We all look forward to such a time.

what is real, is that he is alive and inspired and looks forward to sharing this new chapter with you.
We thank you for your support and for your enthusiasm along this long and winding off-road trek. Conversely, every single personal attack against each of us is gratefully received.

see you- GN'R en masse


Title: Re: Robin's message to gnr fans!
Post by: jarmo on May 29, 2005, 10:26:02 AM
here's a loose translation for all u dumbfux who think he's being a "great guy"---freaky gnr fans/whaxl luvers quit fucking bothering me all the time about botaxls grey goose. I haven't seen/talked to the dude for ages & have no idea where/what on earth that hasbeen is. Can't u all realize i'm in it for the money/exposure cause there's no way this many people would ever have known who i was had whaxl not saved me from the circus. And for all u who say i'm a great talented guitarist, i say thanx, but i have no idea how u got that impression. f i n ?c ? k.---So that's what i got from his message.

Why don't you go and drool over Matt Sorum's journal entries in the VR section?

Aren't you the one whining about GN'R fans posting "negative" comments there?

Nice of Robin to speak on the GN'R issue. People want updates and they got one. Maybe not the kind they wanted....


Title: Re: Robin's message to gnr fans!
Post by: Vicious Wishes on May 29, 2005, 11:15:41 AM
I think it's cool that he said what he said. He can't give us a release date, he's hopeful like the rest of us, and he wishes he could say more, but he can't. It's not his fault that he can't say more. I would still rather hear this, than nothing at all. At least he communicates sometimes.

Title: Re: Robin's message to gnr fans!
Post by: Evolution on May 29, 2005, 01:02:49 PM
Robin has some cool pics on his site. He looks well

Title: Re: Robin's message to gnr fans!
Post by: Johnnyblood on May 29, 2005, 01:41:47 PM
At least Robin doesn't blow smoke up our arses. He's the never given false hope of the album coming out. Axl did it in early '01 and during the '02 tour. Dizzy and Tommy have done it repeatedly. In that sense, Robin has been one of the most honest members of the band. (Buckethead's silence was/is a self-indulgence and I don't give him any credit for it.) I like Robin for being esoteric. I'm not an artsy type, and I usually can't figure that stuff out, but you can tell when someone is genuinely about creativity and not walking the beaten path. He seems devoted to that ideal. For that I respect him. Plus he's a really good web designer, or at least has hired a good web designer. I just wish he wouldn't constantly try and put himself above and beyond the alphabet and the English language by writing things w? iTH ODd caPs an D? Sp A cinG. It's a little too nu metal for my taste... otherwise, very glad to have him aboard.

Title: Re: Robin's message to gnr fans!
Post by: Dust N Rose on May 29, 2005, 02:17:45 PM
gnr fans:

to be clear, the request to refrain from emailing me about Guns n' Roses is not a diss to you or to the band or to anyone. i simply am not eager to instigate that conversation until an official release date for the album is made public. otherwise, i'd go a little nutzo tossing " i dunnos" and "can't quite says" in every direction. i trust you may understand. there will most certainly be a time to embrace this new ship. let's first allow it to launch from the pad in all it's glory. i look forward to such a time.

what is real, is that i am alive and inspired and look forward to sharing this new chapter with you. thank you for your support and for your enthusiasm along this long and winding off-road trek. each email to me personally is gratefully received.

see you- r ob i n



Email dudes - fuck off, i have no idea about this ''Axl Rose'' guy u keep asking about - i don't know anything about democracy in China either, i ain't into politics

Despite 'apparently' working on an album with 'Axl Rose'(?) for years i know nothing about it, when i hear anything about the band i'm alledgedly in i will let you know, untill then - Guns N' Roses who? Didn't they do Enter Sandman? That song rocked...i think

R O b I n (possibly - when i know i'll let u know)

Thanks Robin :-\

Depends in each person if he means what he's saying or not. Robin doesn't seem to me that kind of person.
Maybe other persons would make me realise that impress...

Title: Re: Robin's message to gnr fans!
Post by: blasphemer on May 29, 2005, 07:45:13 PM
Im sure robin knows alot more than we think.  He just keepin his mouth shut cause he knows how things can go down with GnR.

Title: Re: Robin's message to gnr fans!
Post by: ClintroN on May 29, 2005, 08:08:56 PM
gnr fans:

to be clear, the request to refrain from emailing me about Guns n' Roses is not a diss to you or to the band or to anyone. i simply am not eager to instigate that conversation until an official release date for the album is made public. otherwise, i'd go a little nutzo tossing " i dunnos" and "can't quite says" in every direction. i trust you may understand. there will most certainly be a time to embrace this new ship. let's first allow it to launch from the pad in all it's glory. i look forward to such a time.

what is real, is that i am alive and inspired and look forward to sharing this new chapter with you. thank you for your support and for your enthusiasm along this long and winding off-road trek. each email to me personally is gratefully received.

see you- r ob i n



Email dudes - fuck off, i have no idea about this ''Axl Rose'' guy u keep asking about - i don't know anything about democracy in China either, i ain't into politics

Despite 'apparently' working on an album with 'Axl Rose'(?) for years i know nothing about it, when i hear anything about the band i'm alledgedly in i will let you know, untill then - Guns N' Roses who? Didn't they do Enter Sandman? That song rocked...i think

R O b I n (possibly - when i know i'll let u know)

Thanks Robin :-\

ya dont have to be a dick head about it dude, na, a total dick head about it, GnR who?? Axl Rose guy??

why are you here??

Title: Re: Robin's message to gnr fans!
Post by: deliverthecow on May 30, 2005, 12:36:50 AM
Finck's update didn't say a whole lot but I'll give the guy props atleast he didn't blow the same old smoke up everyone's ass like Dizzy and Tommy, and he more or less indirectly stated he didn't want to do that, I like Finck.

Title: Re: Robin's message to gnr fans!
Post by: Jessica on May 30, 2005, 06:22:36 AM
I also like the revamping of his site ...

I like how he makes people participate in general...It seems like he actually LIKES people and that makes HIM likeable even more.
He does what he can to pass on a little hope to fans. In return, some people are rude.

Title: Re: Robin's message to gnr fans!
Post by: Izzy on May 30, 2005, 06:29:59 AM
gnr fans:

to be clear, the request to refrain from emailing me about Guns n' Roses is not a diss to you or to the band or to anyone. i simply am not eager to instigate that conversation until an official release date for the album is made public. otherwise, i'd go a little nutzo tossing " i dunnos" and "can't quite says" in every direction. i trust you may understand. there will most certainly be a time to embrace this new ship. let's first allow it to launch from the pad in all it's glory. i look forward to such a time.

what is real, is that i am alive and inspired and look forward to sharing this new chapter with you. thank you for your support and for your enthusiasm along this long and winding off-road trek. each email to me personally is gratefully received.

see you- r ob i n



Email dudes - fuck off, i have no idea about this ''Axl Rose'' guy u keep asking about - i don't know anything about democracy in China either, i ain't into politics

Despite 'apparently' working on an album with 'Axl Rose'(?) for years i know nothing about it, when i hear anything about the band i'm alledgedly in i will let you know, untill then - Guns N' Roses who? Didn't they do Enter Sandman? That song rocked...i think

R O b I n (possibly - when i know i'll let u know)

Thanks Robin :-\

ya dont have to be a dick head about it dude, na, a total dick head about it, GnR who?? Axl Rose guy??

why are you here??

Its called a joke, satire if u will of Robin's rather dubious knowledge of his alledged band - and as u spent the last few weeks drugged out of ur mind and trying to get banned i'd be careful who u call a dick : ok:

Title: Re: Robin's message to gnr fans!
Post by: axl_rose_700 on May 30, 2005, 08:56:36 AM
It must be something fucked up keepin the album back cos every1 seems so genuinely convinced it will be released

Title: Re: Robin's message to gnr fans!
Post by: madagas on May 30, 2005, 09:02:30 AM
You guys crack me up-he knows what the fuck is going on-it is obvious. If management, Axl, and the record company have not decided on a date, then how could he know what the date is? Give the guy a break. He puts up a nice hearfelt statement and gets bashed for it. To me, 1. he confirms he is still in the band and sounds excited. 2. There is an album or he wouldn't be talking about a release date at all. We now have Fortus' site up and confirming he is still in the band-Tommy is still in and Brain says he's ready when he gets the call. After all this inactivity, I say Axl is lucky to have these guys stick with him. Again, there is a time and a place to be negative, but I don't see this statement as something to bash . ::) ::)

Title: Re: Robin's message to gnr fans!
Post by: Continental Drift on May 30, 2005, 10:02:35 AM
I think it's an encouraging message. Say what you will about Robin, but he's not the type of guy to knowingly fvck with his fans. He seems to scrutinize everything he says BEFORE he says it. I take the message as pretty definitive proof that: (1) there still is a Guns N' Roses; (2) Robin Finck is still a member of Guns N' Roses; (3) there is a new album; and (4) that the band EXPECTS to release it at some point in time. Whether we relalize it or not- I think most of us were all "hoping" that the above was true without really knowing whether it was true. Now- we can be pretty damn near certain that the above is true- which despite the lack of a release date- makes it a pretty cool posting by Robin. : ok:

Title: Re: Robin's message to gnr fans!
Post by: mikegiuliana on May 30, 2005, 11:46:44 AM
very cool he addressed the questions that he is probably hounded with constantly by people from the forums...  It's also great that he didn't blow smoke up everyone's ass and act like something was going to happen in a hair's breadth or sometime soon... On the negative side he seemed to be saying fuck off you people are constantly emailing me about cd so please stop because nothing is going to happen anytime soon.. Shame he is the lead guitar player and must get dozens of questions about when cd will come out or song questions and he isn't even able to give some simple answers.. This at least shows nothing is going to happen soon..

Title: Re: Robin's message to gnr fans!
Post by: Intercourse on May 30, 2005, 11:49:16 AM
he told the truth, shitty though it is.... well done Robin.
'nuff said.

Title: Re: Robin's message to gnr fans!
Post by: mikegiuliana on May 30, 2005, 12:07:22 PM
he told the truth, shitty though it is.... well done Robin.
'nuff said.
he said nothing only because everyone was pissing him off cluttering up his email asking his lame ass questions about cd.. He basically wants to be left alone that is the only reason he even said anything..
I mean is there any person in this "band" that can even say one little piece of usefull information.. When the lead guitarist says to the die hard fans stop emailing me already then there is a problem..

Title: Re: Robin's message to gnr fans!
Post by: ppbebe on May 30, 2005, 12:18:35 PM
Is it true that about 30 of crackbrains from a certain board had sent him poisonpen mails? :nervous:

Title: Re: Robin's message to gnr fans!
Post by: Intercourse on May 30, 2005, 12:38:36 PM
When the lead guitarist says to the die hard fans stop emailing me already then there is a problem..

You're right Mike, I always hated that fact about the new GNR alumni. It's like GNR is a headache, an annoyance etc, they always seem angry to have to discuss it. Maybe it's the gag orders they bought into with their contracts and the frustration of not being able to speak freely gets on their tits...

Title: Re: Robin's message to gnr fans!
Post by: madagas on May 30, 2005, 12:51:24 PM
Where is the anger in Robin's statement? People really have a way of reading negativity in to things-especially on the gnr boards-it is kinda sad. He can't say anything because he is contractually bound. It is really quite simple. Tommy tried to throw hope out there and got burned-for being a nice guy!!!  >:(

Title: Re: Robin's message to gnr fans!
Post by: chineseblues on May 30, 2005, 01:06:38 PM
Some people really need to get a life. For god's sake people he posted a message saying that his website is not the place for cd info. Can you not see this? Robin probably gets hundreds of emails a day asking him the same questions over and over again. I bet that gets tiring after awhile. I know if it was me, I would have posted something like a rant telling people to leave me the fuck alone. Robin acknowledged the fans by posting the message, which is awesome. Now if some of the "fans" would stop bitching ( that means you mike : ok:) then everything would be ok.

Title: Re: Robin's message to gnr fans!
Post by: jarmo on May 30, 2005, 01:28:45 PM
When the lead guitarist says to the die hard fans stop emailing me already then there is a problem..

Maybe he posted that because he feels he's sort of letting the fans down by not being able to give them an answer?

Tommy got attacked for guessing when the album is gonna be out, Robin gets attacked for saying he doesn't want to tell people "I don't know".


Title: Re: Robin's message to gnr fans!
Post by: mikegiuliana on May 30, 2005, 02:58:10 PM
Some people really need to get a life. For god's sake people he posted a message saying that his website is not the place for cd info. Can you not see this? Robin probably gets hundreds of emails a day asking him the same questions over and over again. I bet that gets tiring after awhile. I know if it was me, I would have posted something like a rant telling people to leave me the fuck alone. Robin acknowledged the fans by posting the message, which is awesome. Now if some of the "fans" would stop bitching ( that means you mike : ok:) then everything would be ok.
Sorry he's only been in the band since 1997 and there's nothing yet..? I said it was cool he said something, but he wanted people to stop bothering him..? He acknowledge the fans because he is sick and tired of nut jobs aksing him each day about some album he has no clue about.. Say what you like about me, but I'm not on his website bothering him about details he doesn't have.. it was cool he said something but he ONLY said something because he wants all the people driving him nuts to "get a life"

Title: Re: Robin's message to gnr fans!
Post by: mikegiuliana on May 30, 2005, 03:06:59 PM
When the lead guitarist says to the die hard fans stop emailing me already then there is a problem..

Maybe he posted that because he feels he's sort of letting the fans down by not being able to give them an answer?

Tommy got attacked for guessing when the album is gonna be out, Robin gets attacked for saying he doesn't want to tell people "I don't know".


he probably does, I'm sure he has serious doubts as well about if anything will ever happen.. So each annoying message he gets is just a constant reminder fo the failure of the band and the idea his material is sitting on the shelf from 1997-2005+ whatever....

Title: Re: Robin's message to gnr fans!
Post by: chineseblues on May 30, 2005, 04:30:25 PM
Some people really need to get a life. For god's sake people he posted a message saying that his website is not the place for cd info. Can you not see this? Robin probably gets hundreds of emails a day asking him the same questions over and over again. I bet that gets tiring after awhile. I know if it was me, I would have posted something like a rant telling people to leave me the fuck alone. Robin acknowledged the fans by posting the message, which is awesome. Now if some of the "fans" would stop bitching ( that means you mike : ok:) then everything would be ok.
Sorry he's only been in the band since 1997 and there's nothing yet..  I said it was cool he said something, but he wanted people to stop bothering him..  He acknowledge the fans because he is sick and tired of nut jobs aksing him each day about some album he has no clue about.. Say what you like about me, but I'm not on his website bothering him about details he doesn't have.. it was cool he said something but he ONLY said something because he wants all the people driving him nuts to "get a life"

Is that a bad thing? Hell if you were getting hundreds of emails a day asking you questions you can't answer for one reason or another, you would want them to get a life too.

Title: Re: Robin's message to gnr fans!
Post by: February on May 30, 2005, 06:10:21 PM
Enjoy Robin's site, take a look at the link's he choose, you might learn something new. It's a site to share a diferent view on life and art.
Most of the people bashing him or the jerks who sent him email's didn't get it, it's not a GNR Offficial Site.

Title: Re: Robin's message to gnr fans!
Post by: mikegiuliana on May 30, 2005, 06:32:56 PM
Some people really need to get a life. For god's sake people he posted a message saying that his website is not the place for cd info. Can you not see this? Robin probably gets hundreds of emails a day asking him the same questions over and over again. I bet that gets tiring after awhile. I know if it was me, I would have posted something like a rant telling people to leave me the fuck alone. Robin acknowledged the fans by posting the message, which is awesome. Now if some of the "fans" would stop bitching ( that means you mike : ok:) then everything would be ok.
Sorry he's only been in the band since 1997 and there's nothing yet..? I said it was cool he said something, but he wanted people to stop bothering him..? He acknowledge the fans because he is sick and tired of nut jobs aksing him each day about some album he has no clue about.. Say what you like about me, but I'm not on his website bothering him about details he doesn't have.. it was cool he said something but he ONLY said something because he wants all the people driving him nuts to "get a life"

Is that a bad thing? Hell if you were getting hundreds of emails a day asking you questions you can't answer for one reason or another, you would want them to get a life too.

of course CB.. I would also be let down because each time someone emails me or posts soemthing in relations to the album or a future tour I would have nothing good to say.. That would really hurt me to know the fans are out their supporting the band or myself and I have nothing in information to give them.. I would feel likeI was letting the fans down to a degree.. The time to worry is when the questions or emails stop coming, as long as people ask about the album the new band lives.. Robin seems like a real nice guy and I'm glad he took the time out to say something.. it just sucks that people have to break his balls to hear something.. We have all read about merck saying 2005 is the year and i hope it is, but you would think the wheels would be turing and the idea the band could spread the word would eb aplus.. After reading what he said there are good things but it also seems like there is nothing in the near future which seems to contradict the 2005 is the year.. Axl steers the ship so he knows everything.. I also feel really bad that robin, brain, tommy and dizzy all have to comment on CD and aren't able to speak about the album with any detail..

Robin is  regular cool dude that probably had really high hopes with the new abnd adn was sure as hell planning to do something a lot sooner.. it must drive him nuts to get some questions and have to sit there and say damn we could have been touring the world now, or that is another festival we have to miss, or we could have been on our third single or video ,etc.. He might want some peace, and the out of sight out of mind theory right now..

Title: Re: Robin's message to gnr fans!
Post by: ppbebe on May 30, 2005, 06:48:14 PM
Mike, or anyone who feels that way,

You always have the option to forget about GN'R till you hear a concrete announcement.

Title: Re: Robin's message to gnr fans!
Post by: ClintroN on May 30, 2005, 07:48:33 PM

Its called a joke, satire if u will of Robin's rather dubious knowledge of his alledged band -

this part is halerious man, call me drugged or slow minded if you will, but i go for the ol' lamens terms if ya know what i mean dude, you cant go from a sarcastic message to THIS :rofl:
ok dude, we'll leave it at that : ok:

I've read Robins message a few times now, this guy amazes me man, i watched his Sessago performance again  a few times last night too, i dont what it is but his letter just makes me even more proud to know he is in my favourite band!!

Robin has total class!!!

ROBIN fuckin' FINCK!!

Title: Re: Robin's message to gnr fans!
Post by: Nytunz on May 30, 2005, 07:55:25 PM

Its called a joke, satire if u will of Robin's rather dubious knowledge of his alledged band -

this part is halerious man, call me drugged or slow minded if you will, but i go for the ol' lamens terms if ya know what i mean dude, you cant go from a sarcastic message to THIS :rofl:
ok dude, we'll leave it at that : ok:

I've read Robins message a few times now, this guy amazes me man, i watched his Sessago performance again? a few times last night too, i dont what it is but his letter just makes me even more proud to know he is in my favourite band!!

Robin has total class!!!

ROBIN fuckin' FINCK!!

I Agree sooo fuckin much!  : ok: Robin is damn Great!

Title: Re: Robin's message to gnr fans!
Post by: leesixxrose on May 31, 2005, 01:18:26 PM
I'm really hoping he gets the credit he deserves with the release of the new album.

There is a new album??? where can i buy this album???

Title: Re: Robin's message to gnr fans!
Post by: //JK75 on May 31, 2005, 02:18:16 PM
 :( It's not to much.

Title: Re: Robin's message to gnr fans!
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on May 31, 2005, 04:15:02 PM
Enjoy Robin's site, take a look at the link's he choose, you might learn something new. It's a site to share a diferent view on life and art.

yeah, I enjoyed checking out picassohead.  search for portrait by robin and you'll find one that he's done ;)

Title: Re: Robin's message to gnr fans!
Post by: McGann on May 31, 2005, 04:19:03 PM
It's optimistic.
Robin's clearly excited
And so I am, too.



Title: Re: Robin's message to gnr fans!
Post by: Drew on May 31, 2005, 06:16:54 PM
Real nice to hear from Robin. :yes: : ok:

Title: Re: Robin's message to gnr fans!
Post by: Twisted Nerve 85 on May 31, 2005, 10:37:01 PM
At least the fuckers being honest. "I dont know" is alot more promising than "soon"  :peace:

Title: Re: Robin's message to gnr fans!
Post by: ClintroN on June 01, 2005, 01:49:37 AM
It's optimistic.
Robin's clearly excited
And so I am, too.



Thats it hey!! : ok: ;)

Title: Re: Robin's message to gnr fans!
Post by: grumpy young man on June 01, 2005, 02:02:57 AM
I think it's an encouraging message. Say what you will about Robin, but he's not the type of guy to knowingly fvck with his fans. He seems to scrutinize everything he says BEFORE he says it. I take the message as pretty definitive proof that: (1) there still is a Guns N' Roses; (2) Robin Finck is still a member of Guns N' Roses; (3) there is a new album; and (4) that the band EXPECTS to release it at some point in time. Whether we relalize it or not- I think most of us were all "hoping" that the above was true without really knowing whether it was true. Now- we can be pretty damn near certain that the above is true- which despite the lack of a release date- makes it a pretty cool posting by Robin. : ok:

One of the most brilliantly accurate translations I've ever read here...good stuff, Mao

Title: Re: Robin's message to gnr fans!
Post by: grumpy young man on June 01, 2005, 02:17:40 AM
he isn't even able to give some simple answers.. This at least shows nothing is going to happen soon..

Not necessarily...

I am friends with the dj of a platinum-selling "numetal" band and also, the dj of the singer's side project.? ?I can't say who because I don't want to cause any problems for either band...not that this is really secret stuff or anything.? ?

We knew of and possessed the songs from the side project for almost 4 years before it came out.? However, our dj friend didn't know the album was actually gonna come out until a week before the release date was made public.? ?So, this wouldn't be the only case of a band member not knowing until extremely late in the process.

? ?

Title: Re: Robin's message to gnr fans!
Post by: PeterCoffin on June 01, 2005, 09:40:58 PM
he isn't even able to give some simple answers.. This at least shows nothing is going to happen soon..

Not necessarily...

I am friends with the dj of a platinum-selling "numetal" band and also, the dj of the singer's side project.   I can't say who because I don't want to cause any problems for either band...not that this is really secret stuff or anything.   

We knew of and possessed the songs from the side project for almost 4 years before it came out.  However, our dj friend didn't know the album was actually gonna come out until a week before the release date was made public.   So, this wouldn't be the only case of a band member not knowing until extremely late in the process.
You're 100% right on that. Life is so full of variables, no one can no anything for sure if it isn't 100% their project and absolutely independant from everything else. And not much exists that falls into that category.

Not to break your balls, because your post is completely right, but nu-metal still sells platinum? :o

Title: Re: Robin's message to gnr fans!
Post by: AxlsMainMan on June 02, 2005, 04:49:52 PM
Its a pretty simple message to his fans but to me at least it means a great deal. The guy has stuck with this project for almost 10 years now, and if frustration is warranted from any of the members Id say Robin is up there. Sure the message does not inspire alot of positivity, but its GREAT just to hear after alot of silence that Robin is alive and well and he in fact still has alot of optomism where his GnR comittments are concerned.

Title: Re: Robin's message to gnr fans!
Post by: madagas on June 04, 2005, 09:05:38 AM
LISTEN, it?s great that so many fans of Tool?s music are so eager for specifics about the recording process, wanting song titles, track listings, the names and social security numbers of engineers and producers, and even the ability to download samples of the recording sessions! Unfortunately, at this point I?m not at liberty to reveal these things, but if and when the band decides that they want certain details to be made public (such as social security numbers), they will undoubtedly get posted on the band?s official site (where I still manage to sneak a few things in?shhhhhhh). In the meantime, there?s always the rumor mill, and those who make up their own album titles and release dates? and do a pretty good job at that! -----while not as tortured as us, Tool fans don't get alot of info either!