Title: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: nesquick on May 22, 2005, 12:07:20 PM I'd like to know what do you like in that kind of music. I have a big problem with anything metal/heavy-metal/trash etc... and I'm very surprised to see how many GN'R fans listen to that kind of music, I just don't understand: What are you attracted by??what do you like in heavy-metal? I'm just curious to know it.
Title: Re: For those who listen to "metal" music... Post by: Izzy on May 22, 2005, 12:19:13 PM Wrong section......
Metal is so diverse that even hearin all the genre's can take a life time and i wouldn't claim to have heard a fraction of what constitutes metal Just because your music taste is so narrow don't have a go at others that can enjoy all types of music, open your mind Metal is the most extreme conveyance of emotion capable of being delivered in musical form - thats why people love it And FYI non-GNR fans consider GNR to be metal - everything from Poison and Bon Jovi to Slayer an beyond is metal. Like i said, its a huge and varied genre Title: Re: For those who listen to "metal" music... Post by: nesquick on May 22, 2005, 12:43:18 PM Quote Just because your music taste is so narrow don't have a go at others that can enjoy all types of music, open your mind 1) stay correct with me, thanks.2) I listen to everything, absolutely everything exept metal? and heavy hip-hop because I don't understand these music. That's why I create this topic, to ask "metal" fans what they enjoy in it. You don't have the right to tell me "open your mind" if I don't like metal. It's not beeing open/close minded at all. It's an opinion, it's subjective. If I don't like it nobody will force me to like it. It has nothing to do with beeing open minded. exemple: "-Do you like NSYNC? - No - Your music taste is so narow, open your mind." As you can see, this argument isn't valid. Quote Metal is the most extreme conveyance of emotion capable of being delivered in musical form - thats why people love it people? what people? most of people (general public) don't listen to metal.Title: Re: For those who listen to "metal" music... Post by: Timothy on May 22, 2005, 12:54:33 PM were are you getting metal doesn't have heart and soul ?
And only a few people listen to metal , were did you get that from? As far as why I listen to metal.Well it's Pretty simple, I love the passion and the agression that it has . Title: Re: For those who listen to "metal" music... Post by: Gunner80 on May 22, 2005, 02:40:44 PM I'd like to know what do you like in that kind of music. I have a HUGE problem with anything metal/heavy-metal/trash etc...for me it's really extremely bad music. I mean noise. I really, really can't stand that. I'm very surprised to see how many GN'R fans listen to that kind of music, I just don't understand: What are you attracted by? Get a life and stop having a go at something you could never understand.For me it's the total opposite of what Rock n' Roll is. Rock music has bluesy roots, it's feeling, it's emotion, it's passion, it's also a real culture. Listening to old school Rock like Elvis or BB king is like finding the roots of Rock N' Roll. It comes from the soul, from the heart. And metal is so far from that. It's just the total opposite. So...what do you like in metal? I'm just curious to know it. Title: Re: For those who listen to "metal" music... Post by: SLCPUNK on May 22, 2005, 02:47:13 PM Wow, who ever would of thought this would have turned into a nesquick-punching bag thread.
I'll be nice and just say "Different strokes for different folks..." Title: Re: For those who listen to "metal" music... Post by: Axls Locomotive on May 22, 2005, 04:01:17 PM im with nesquick, i dont understand it either...metal sucks as a music form as does rap and bubblegum pop
Wrong section...... Metal is so diverse that even hearin all the genre's can take a life time and i wouldn't claim to have heard a fraction of what constitutes metal Just because your music taste is so narrow don't have a go at others that can enjoy all types of music, open your mind Metal is the most extreme conveyance of emotion capable of being delivered in musical form - thats why people love it And FYI non-GNR fans consider GNR to be metal - everything from Poison and Bon Jovi to Slayer an beyond is metal. Like i said, its a huge and varied genre diverse? you gotta be joking, all metal is noise, noisier and even more noise extreme conveyance of emotion? oh please dont make me laugh, what a crap argument...rock portrays hundreds of emotions, metal portrays 1, enough said i dont know anyone who thinks of gnr as metal...hard rock, rock, rock and roll maybe but it certainly isnt metal Title: Re: For those who listen to "metal" music... Post by: Izzy on May 22, 2005, 04:03:51 PM Quote Just because your music taste is so narrow don't have a go at others that can enjoy all types of music, open your mind 1) stay correct with me, thanks.2) I listen to everything, absolutely everything exept metal? and heavy hip-hop because I don't understand these music. That's why I create this topic, to ask "metal" fans what they enjoy in it. You don't have the right to tell me "open your mind" On the contrary i have ever right, i just don't have the right to FORCE u to change, smile :) Quote if I don't like metal. It's not beeing open/close minded at all. Hogwash, to claim u dislike metal and be a GNR (METAL) fan at the same time is either close minded or stupid, u can choose which one u are Quote If I don't like it nobody will force me to like it. ??? Quote It has nothing to do with beeing open minded. exemple: "-Do you like NSYNC? - No - Your music taste is so narow, open your mind." As you can see, this argument isn't valid. I have to say NSync are kinda catchy... You are completely missing the point which is its alright to dislike songs and bands on a INDIVIDUAL basis, close minded is disliking an entire genre which is dubious or even worse, disliking a band soley because they are part of that genre. I have rap albums, blues albums, classicial albums and yes, even 'pop' albums. Quote Metal is the most extreme conveyance of emotion capable of being delivered in musical form - thats why people love it people? what people? most of people (general public) don't listen to metal.Quote U must be kidding me right? U failed to understand that? Nw i tried writing an explanation but gave up when i realised i can't make that any more obvious....maybe people means something different in your language...r galaxy? :hihi: I have to say your points are grossly unsound considering GNR are widely regarded as METAL. Bon Jovi is pop-metal. Slayer is death metal, metallica was thrash metal, nightwish is power metal, Venom are black metal. Its a wide genre, but dislike it if u will - u just might need to reconsider your love of GNR, that both GNR and Black Sabbath can be put in the same group shows dismissing it all is somewhat daft. Title: Re: For those who listen to "metal" music... Post by: Izzy on May 22, 2005, 04:10:09 PM diverse? you gotta be joking, all metal is noise, noisier and even more noise Yes. ::) Quote extreme conveyance of emotion? oh please dont make me laugh, what a crap argument...rock portrays hundreds of emotions, metal portrays 1, enough said Anger, sorrow, frustration, maybe its one side of the spectrum but off the top of my head there's three already. Pop features 10 million songs about love - can't the same argument be applied to al forms of music? Quote i dont know anyone who thinks of gnr as metal...hard rock, rock, rock and roll maybe but it certainly isnt metal U see i don't consider Black Sabbath to sit very well in the metal fold - but its there. One may ask how Bon Jovi and Venom are both metal - but they are. Where hard rock and metal meet is hard to define - but the gap between Coldplay (rock) and GNR is no greater than GNR and Pantera. To many GNR is metal. Its naive to assume all metal is Canibal Corpse. Death metal and Black metal are too heavy for me but i don't dismiss them as lesser forms of music. One who does that is surely possesing fascist leanings.... Title: Re: For those who listen to "metal" music... Post by: Axls Locomotive on May 22, 2005, 05:05:02 PM Anger, sorrow, frustration, maybe its one side of the spectrum but off the top of my head there's three already. Pop features 10 million songs about love - can't the same argument be applied to al forms of music? Quote i dont know anyone who thinks of gnr as metal...hard rock, rock, rock and roll maybe but it certainly isnt metal U see i don't consider Black Sabbath to sit very well in the metal fold - but its there. One may ask how Bon Jovi and Venom are both metal - but they are. Where hard rock and metal meet is hard to define - but the gap between Coldplay (rock) and GNR is no greater than GNR and Pantera. To many GNR is metal. Its naive to assume all metal is Canibal Corpse. Death metal and Black metal are too heavy for me but i don't dismiss them as lesser forms of music. One who does that is surely possesing fascist leanings.... sorrow????..how can banging the shit out of drums be representative of sorrow?...i dont think you understand the meaning of the word anger, frustration lumped under aggression, yes all part of the same spectrum...very narrow isnt it? you know, i have a problem with people calling coldplay "rock"...exactly which parts of their music "rock"? they are bland and for people on prozac...so i disagree with the gap comment for sure imo GNR has covered very little, if any, music that would be considered metal...which songs would that be? most of them are rock music subtle dude, calling me a fascist, maybe i just have some taste in "music"...which means organised sound btw, something that metal isnt...hisssssssss Title: Heavy Metal: yes or no? Post by: nesquick on May 22, 2005, 05:51:15 PM I agree with I.Q. I also agree to say Guns N' Roses is not metal (hoppefully, the honour is saved!), it's Rock, the musical approach is totally different. It's just another conception of what music is. But I didn't speak about GN'R, I spoke about Heavy-Metal. You know, I don't see sincerity in that kind of music, and that's what bother me. Some people say RN'B and Rap MTV trend music are fake music, ok, but Metal is not different. Do you think it's different because the second ones use guitars? No. what's the difference in the lack of sincerity between Ja Rule and slipknot? both are fake.
Quote Wow, who ever would of thought this would have turned into a nesquick-punching bag thread. Don't worry for me. I know how to speak. I changed the title to avoid confusions though. Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: SLCPUNK on May 22, 2005, 06:01:20 PM "Don't worry for me."
I wasn't. Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: sandman on May 23, 2005, 11:13:13 AM iron maiden and judas priest are pretty good representations of what defines heavy metal. loud guitars, fist punching drums, and screeching lyrics. and gnr is very similar (with a little punk and blues mixed in). there are many genres of metal.
nesquick - it sounds like you are talking strictly about death metal. heavy songs with lyrics you can barely understand, and little or no melody. i am a fan of this type of music. but even i have to be in the mood to listen to it. there is a ton of feeling and emotion in these songs - primarily anger and aggression. listening to this type of music is a stress reliever. and the speed they play is impressive....especially seeing it live. i've always liked heavy songs. they just fire me up. whether it was the stones (paint it black), beatles (helter skelter), metallica, nirvana, rage, or whoever, i've just always loved songs that rock hard. and over the years, i've had to turn to heavier and heavier music to get that same "high" i enjoy from a heavy song. Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: MCT on May 23, 2005, 11:16:43 AM Yes.
Fuck the detractors... >:( Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: mrlee on May 23, 2005, 12:50:06 PM i like metal because it has power. I still havent found anything powerfull, musically, for myself. But i love metal its just got something.
Like when you hear Skid Rows slave to the grind for the first time. It like just blows you away. Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: Kujo on May 23, 2005, 01:13:20 PM Like when you hear Skid Rows slave to the grind for the first time. It like just blows you away. Perfect example, because I definitely wouldnt call their first release "metal" but Slave To The Grind just was all out aggression all the way through, even the "ballads" An example that I use now to promote metal music is Dimmu Borgir. Listen to their "Death Cult Armageddon" cd. If you can ignore the "singer" the music is awesome. Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: ppbebe on May 23, 2005, 01:22:32 PM nes, like you I'm not a big fan of the genre. especially hair metal sorts.
But the reason differs. I don't care rn'r or not. I just don't have a feel for them. Same to MTV music in general, to me most of them sound predictable. Well, I might like some black metal. I like heavy songs like sandman listed. I listen to many kinds of music. noise, some jazz n funk, African, classical, world traditional folk etc which, I guess, would get comment similar to Nes on metal. it's true that GN'R is put into the HM category in many regions. Because of the heavy hair metal feel on AFD, the HM department of the industry, critics n such seized hold of GN'R and won't let go. It's mostly the persons concerned in the HM business circles who keep bashing new GN'R. As I see it, to them the members are like the New Ager who they've nursed deep-seated grudges against since the punk. They don't want GN'R to outgrow the genre they cover. Title: Re: For those who listen to "metal" music... Post by: Metallifuck on May 23, 2005, 02:43:51 PM im with nesquick, i dont understand it either...metal sucks as a music form as does rap and bubblegum pop Wrong section...... Metal is so diverse that even hearin all the genre's can take a life time and i wouldn't claim to have heard a fraction of what constitutes metal Just because your music taste is so narrow don't have a go at others that can enjoy all types of music, open your mind Metal is the most extreme conveyance of emotion capable of being delivered in musical form - thats why people love it And FYI non-GNR fans consider GNR to be metal - everything from Poison and Bon Jovi to Slayer an beyond is metal. Like i said, its a huge and varied genre diverse? you gotta be joking, all metal is noise, noisier and even more noise extreme conveyance of emotion? oh please dont make me laugh, what a crap argument...rock portrays hundreds of emotions, metal portrays 1, enough said Ignorant dick. Listen to Hangar 18 by Megadeth and tell me that's 'just noise', you pussy. Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: mrlee on May 23, 2005, 02:51:17 PM what asswipe said that dude, listen to metallicas early albums!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: Sakib on May 23, 2005, 02:57:41 PM heavy metal (originally) is gr8 musik. guitars r kool, and has a lot of attitude
Title: Re: For those who listen to "metal" music... Post by: Axls Locomotive on May 23, 2005, 03:09:30 PM Ignorant dick. Listen to Hangar 18 by Megadeth and tell me that's 'just noise', you pussy. i probably like a far more diverse range of music than you...but i digress did i say every song? i was talking generically about the genre...sure there are good songs in every genre but in general metal music produces a lot of crap and your terse and low-brow reply suggests that you wouldnt know a good lyric if it hit you in the face Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: Cubb on May 23, 2005, 03:13:18 PM what comes under rock?
what comes under metal? both these answers are pretty much the same. a band can belong to different types of rock and metal because of the different songs they play,eg. gn'r they wud be assumed soft rock for songs such as november rain,dnt cry and estranged,pop rock for songs such as sweet child,paradise city an yesterday,punk rock for songs like get in the ring,mr. browntone and things like that, just the same way they wud be considrd metal for songs like out ta get me,double talkin jive back off bitch. Then again other people wud consider some of thes songs to be in the wrong place,but thats what makes music great, u can decide your own taste an the songs an music that u like. u can consider gn'r to be metal or not because ther is no law to say they are or aren't. i dnt particulrly like "new rock" because i dnt think its as good as old classics like gnr,the stones,aerosmith,sabboth or zepplin an loads more but i do like some of the new songs just the same way i like some "metal" bands an not others for example i dnt like slipknot or megadeth, but that dsnt mean every1 considers them to be metal bands. Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: Metallifuck on May 23, 2005, 03:29:14 PM i dnt like slipknot or megadeth, but that dsnt mean every1 considers them to be metal bands. Please don't use a shite, un-talented pop 'nu-metal' band in the same sentence as Megadeth. If you don't like metal that's fine, but don't think that bands like Slipknot and Korn are what the majority of metal is. Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: Cubb on May 23, 2005, 03:42:35 PM If you don't like metal that's fine, but don't think that bands like Slipknot and Korn are what the majority of metal is. Quote thats xactly my point, metal isnt jus one type of music an not every1 considers certain bands to be metal like others would. Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: Rob on May 23, 2005, 03:59:52 PM There's no way you can lump metal all into one category. There are so many different types of metal its friggin ridiculous. It ranges from death metal bands like Venom to hair metal bands like Poison. When refering to metal you need to be much more specific to which types you are talking about. Also to say all metal is noise is frigging retarded. Listen to Marty Friedman, Chris Poland, Alex Scholnick, Kirk Hammet, Dimebag Darrell, and so many other ridiculously talented guitarists that play metal. And of course most of your best drummers are metal drummers because metal drumming is faster and more complicated than most drumming. And there are also many talented metal vocalists like Bruce Dickinson, Halford, Ripper Owens, Joey Belladona...just to name a few. Where metal vocalists catch a bad rap is with death metal. Ignorant people like the dude who made the "noise" comment seem to think all metal singers are constantly yelling and growling at you. Also listen to just one Iron Maiden album and you'll see that it covers a huge range of emotions and topics. Anyone who thinks it only covers one thing is just plaion stupid. A band like Iron Maiden has songs about all kinds of historical events, supernatural stuff, sometimes some personal emotional stuff, and countless other topics. I could go on for hours, but I won't so that's all.
Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: Walk on May 23, 2005, 04:49:48 PM Metal is rock music with classical influences. It's more technical and difficult to play. The songs are more complex. For a metal fan, 3 chords just isn't good enough. Heavy metal bands often see themselves as musicians instead of "rock stars". They have much more talent, and they know it.
Slipknot, Mudvayne, Linkin Park, Taproot, Limp Bizkit, and Disturbed ARE NOT METAL. MALLCORE IS NOT METAL. Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: Kujo on May 23, 2005, 04:52:04 PM Luciano Pavarotti(sp), one of the most famous opera singers ever, and one of the 3 Tenors was once asked who he thought had the greatest singing voice. His answer: Rob Halford.
Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: Walk on May 23, 2005, 05:04:18 PM Other great metal singers with great, high voices are Eric Adams, Geoff Tate, Bruce Dickinson, Michael Kiske, and Hansi K?rsch. Singers with great low death metal voices are Ruben Rosas, Chris Barnes, and Chuck Schuldiner. When it comes to singing, metal has the better artists.
Hell, metal has the better guitarists, bassists, and drummers too! It is, of course, more difficult to make good metal than good rock, because metal requires more talent. This is also why metal tends to be less popular, it's more of a selective, acquired taste. Finally, don't forget more complex doesn't always mean "better". Lots of metal is crap, and lots of rock is good. Keep a diverse taste in mind. In a while, I'll probably make a "metal bands for newbs" thread to help people discover a great new type of music. Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: Axls Locomotive on May 23, 2005, 05:09:27 PM Metal is rock music with classical influences. It's more technical and difficult to play. The songs are more complex. actually thats progressive rock youre talking about not heavy metal Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: Walk on May 23, 2005, 06:25:16 PM Have you ever heard of progressive metal? :P Classical influences can be found in all genre's of metal if you look hard enough. Gorguts, for example, is very avant-garde death metal. Graveland and Burzum are black metal with some classical influence on them. Grave Digger, a power metal band, often have classical themes in their music (and their ENTIRE Rheingold album!). Cacophony is speed metal with classical influences (and Marty Friedman, the guitarist, is better known for his work with Megadeth).
Most progressive rock just means adding a fiddle, flute, keyboards, or other "exotic" instruments. :hihi: Not all of it is like this, but a lot of it unfortuantely is. Saying metal doesn't have more classical influence is ignorant. Rock is more based in folk music. Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: Walk on May 23, 2005, 06:54:17 PM I decided not to make a new thread, but here are my recommendations. I'm going to keep this simple. Here are good bands to introduce people to the various types of heavy metal out there. Post your favorites here. No mallcore and no hard rock (AC/DC, Kiss, etc) allowed. Metal only. Grindcore with metal influences like Carcass and Napalm Death is ok, Anal Cunt and GWAR is not. Here are my recommended bands.
Power Metal- Blind Guardian, Gamma Ray, Iced Earth, Dragonforce, Stratovarius, Helloween Thrash Metal- Megadeth, Slayer, Sodom, Kreator, Tankard, Sepultura Death Metal- Death, Atheist, Cynic, Devourment, Morbid Angel Progressive Metal- Yngwie Malmsteen, Liquid Tension Experiment, Dream Theater, Symphony X, Adagio Black Metal- Burzum, Darkthrone, Graveland, Immortal, Emperor, Bathory Doom Metal- Trouble, Black Sabbath, Saint Vitus, Down Heavy Metal- Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Motorhead, Manowar, WASP, Accept, Running Wild, Grave Digger Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: gilld1 on May 23, 2005, 07:17:16 PM You can't slag something as mallcore just because a group is successful and sell a lot of albums. So is GNR mallrock? Sure Metallica doesn't rock like they used to but they still kick more ass than most bands out there. Plus, you can actually enjoy/tolerate it. Where do you classify a band like System of a Down or Soulfly that blend metal with virtually everything? What about COC and Down? Southern metal?
At any rate, the recent Anthrax stuff has been decent. Mastadon rocks pretty damn hard old school style. Lamb of God, so-so. In my opinion, the metal scene is pretty weak. Far too much cookie monster vacals. But everything comes back again, metal surely will too. Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: Walk on May 23, 2005, 07:44:41 PM Cookie monster vocals? :rofl: Sure, there are some lame death metal singers, but there are some excellent ones, too. Harsh vocals enhance the music if they're done right. The lame singers usually use machines to help them out, or their voice just isn't designed to go that deep.
As for mallcore, it's usually groove-based, stupidly downtuned, solo-less (or mediocre solos) trend music. It usually has breakdowns, soft singing, then "heavy" choruses. It has rap elements. It's dumbed down rock music with "heavy" groove. Yes, I do know many people include Pantera in this group. ;) Dimebag's solos keep Pantera out of this territory, if only just. It doesn't have to be popular to be mallcore. Mallcore is mallcore. Down is metal, I don't know what COC is, Soulfly is Max Cavalera's cash-in after Sepultura, and System of a Down sucks. There, settled that one. Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: gilld1 on May 23, 2005, 07:52:02 PM I'll throw some more at ya. Queens of the Stone Age, sure they're down tuned but Josh Homme can play the hell out of a guitar and his work in Kyuss should earn him some credit. Rage Against the Machine, rap influence with metal, Morello is the man, it hammers you and hits you just like a metal album, but is it? Say what you will about Korn, but their first album, when they were hungery and nasty, was absolutely metal. The onslaught of copycats quickly made it not metal though?
Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: Walk on May 23, 2005, 07:59:18 PM I haven't heard any QotSA, so I can't judge on that. I'll probably check them out someday, since Kyuss is a decent band. Rage and Korn are definitely mallcore.
The only album that I can't decide on as metal or mallcore is Chaos AD, by Sepultura. The previous album, Arise, was definitely metal. The following album, Roots, was definitely mallcore. Chaos AD falls in between. I guess it could be called mediocre groove-metal, but it also has mallcore elements. I do like a few songs on it. Besides this, I have absolute positions on everything else. Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: gilld1 on May 23, 2005, 08:09:19 PM Here's maybe a curveball for you. By your own current, as of today 5/23, standards I want your take on mid 80s era Ozzy, kind of cheesey, trying to sell albums, but yet rocked? The same could be said for several bands, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, for example. Rocked at first, absolutely metal, but then became kinf of parodies of themselves. IM's whole Eddie sthick for example.
Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: gilld1 on May 23, 2005, 08:18:46 PM Walk I can understand initial resistance to System of a Down but believe me, they rock. It took me several listens of their first album to finally get it and now that I do I am a true convert. You're on a GNR sight, Axl likes them, would Axl like sucky music? Sorry, couldn't resist! Anyway, sit back, smoke a j, open your head and wrap it around SOAD. The best music is the most challenging.
Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: Walk on May 23, 2005, 09:08:07 PM Axl is a lunatic. He can make great music, but his tastes are questionable. (Fiona Apple?). I have heard some SoaD on the radio and my friend's house, and it was boring. I heard Chop Suey, Toxicity, and one other song I forgot. The political gimmicks and lyrics aren't any good, either. The only good thing they have is the hilarious Steal This Album cover, but that's it.
Ozzy Osbourne mallcore? Put the joint down. ;) Mr Crowley is as metal as it gets. He had many bad songs then, but they were definitely metal. His best material during the 80's can even rival Black Sabbath at time. As for Iron Maiden, they never sold out, period. Terrible example. Hell, they started to get more commercial after they ABANDONED the Eddie concept! (Blaze era). Judas Priest have definitely made some bad albums (Turbo, Point of Entry, Killing Machine), but never mallcore. Just pop rock. They can be forgiven. Even if SoaD is mallcore's best, it's not as good as metal. I just get sick of the same chug chug chug riff and terrible singing. EDIT: Assuming SoaD is metal, the 30 or so bands I listed are better. Let's not fight over labels and admit they're a bad band compared to dozens of others more worthy of my listening time. Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: gilld1 on May 23, 2005, 09:34:26 PM You admit that JP did some thing in the vein of "pop rock", isn't that the father of mallcore? Or at least an uncle!
Another curbeball, Anthrax, the first to bridge rap and metal, always a little different than the stereotypical metal band, somewhat political, metal? IMO, yes. Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: Walk on May 23, 2005, 10:32:53 PM Anthrax did "I'm The Man" as a joke, nothing more. Also, check out the band S.O.D., which some Anthrax guys did as a side project. They have always been political in the punk interpretation of the word. Not the gimmicky SoaD/RatM type. In fact, they're the punkiest of the 4 "pillar" thrash bands (Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer, Anthrax), which explains their somewhat mavereck status.
As for pop rock, come on, that goes back to the Beatles and the Rolling Stones. Judas Priest never got close to mallcore (and the Beatles certainly never did!). Turbo is actually a fun album if you forget that it's Judas Priest you're listening to. ;) Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: Walk on May 23, 2005, 11:12:35 PM http://www.metal-rules.com/hell/hell_july_august2002.htm
Ignore the cultural argument about false rebellion and all that. Just read the musical argument against mallcore in the first part (JP is the one who knows what he's talking about). For the glam fans out here, this article is also good for trying to convince the tr00 kvlt extreme metal fanatics that glam metal is just as metal as their stuff. Kind of a hopeless fight, though. Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: psycotron on May 24, 2005, 06:44:46 AM thats a weird question because there is like 2000 different sub genres of metal. GnR are metal dude, theyre a cross between hair metal, punk and hard rock i think. i listen to metal because the musicians have a lot more talent than most every other genre except maybe classical. the guitar riffs, drums and vocals are awesome and the songs arent just about love theyre about other stuff aswell.
Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: Genesis on May 24, 2005, 10:35:30 AM Yes and no. The GN'R type is yes. The Rage, Megadeth kind no.
Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: sandman on May 24, 2005, 10:48:09 AM walk - i agree with alot of your points. i would add obituary to the list of death metal bands - they are my fav in that category. can't wait to see them live. and deicide is another i would add. (i'm actually going to see them this sunday at the troc in philly.)
what do you think of hardcore bands....do you consider them metal? specifically, what do you think of lamb of god and hatebreed? Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: gilld1 on May 24, 2005, 10:52:12 AM I am the Man may have been a joke but Anthrax's subsequent tour with Public Enemy was not. Anthrax is the Father of Rap Metal. So blame them for Limp Bizkit....
Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: Kujo on May 24, 2005, 11:03:10 AM I love that song and their collaboration with Public Enemy but didnt the Aerosmith/Run DMC version of Walk This Way come out before I Am The Man?
Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: gilld1 on May 24, 2005, 11:26:12 AM Yeah, I think you're right. But Run/Aerosmith couldn't have been out much before Anthrax, couple of years maybe?
Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: Kujo on May 24, 2005, 11:46:56 AM Walk This Way 1986
I Am The Man 1987 Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: ppbebe on May 24, 2005, 11:57:29 AM Is aerosmith metal?
Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: Kujo on May 24, 2005, 12:03:54 PM I brought up that point in another subject a month or so ago and was told to not be so frigging specific about definitions, thats why I used them as a reference.
However no, I dont consider them "Metal". They are more "Death Country"ish. ;) Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on May 24, 2005, 12:45:41 PM Heavy Metal is a genre that is common mostly for rapid solos and armonic guitar, Bands like Iron Maiden and Judas Priest are the best example, those bands are legend to the genre, anyway was good of listening these bands, unless you dont like the loud guitars, the quickerness of their solos and sometimes the progresive way to make a song I would said that is not recomendable for you to listen these kinda bands, they will make you bored to tears :hihi:, or they will simply make you start a thread like this : ok:
Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: ppbebe on May 24, 2005, 12:53:45 PM Thanks kujo for clarifying that. Much to my relief. :D
So Nes, what bands are very metal for you? Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: mrlee on May 24, 2005, 02:29:20 PM why do people all judge metal upon lame bands like slipknot and system of a down. System of a downs singer is so annoying, he sounds like a jewish rabbi, and that new song is terrible "everyone go to the party blah blah blah". I am not even gonna coment on slipknot. A bunch of idiots who tryed to do metal but failed badly.
Real metal, Skid Row, the majority of ozzy's stuff, i think sabbath sound quite metal also, black label society, obviously metallica. Those are just a few of the bands i like, to be honest i need to range my musical tastes more since i dont have much real metal and i know i should give it a try. What puts me off is when i hear either a very high pitched singer or a grunting pig basically. Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: Dot on May 30, 2005, 10:41:50 AM I think that there?s a lot fo confusion on what is Metal and what is not...Metal to me is something heavy,fast and in your face(Metallica,Slayer,Anthrax,Megadeth,Black Sabbath,Maiden,the list goes on). I can?t see Bon Jovi under the "Metal" label.
Anyway, what I like about metal, understanding metal the way I see it, is the energy and what it wants to say through some of its lyrics. Also, there?s something so amazingly cool, cooler than lots of things, about hearing fast and loud riffs. Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: gilld1 on May 30, 2005, 07:54:53 PM I think that it all comes down to the perspective of the listener. For those who listen to pop, Madonna, B Spears, and the like, a band like Bon Jovi or , I'm laughing as I type this, Def Leppard might be metal to them. While I have a different view since I grew up listening to bands like Anthrax, Metallica, Slayer, Exodus, Testament, et al. So I guess one man's metal may be another man's ultimate shit band or vice versa.
Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: Butch Français on May 30, 2005, 08:34:31 PM I hate about 95% of all metal.
and I don't consider GN'R a metal band...cos they're not! : ok: Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: Walk on May 31, 2005, 12:06:43 AM The perspective of the listener isn't important. No matter how you look at it, Burzum is black metal and Exodus is thrash metal. People who think otherwise have a bad ear for music and the wrong perspective. As for Def Leppard, their first album, On Through The Night, is NWOBHM, so they were a metal band very early on. After that, they became a hard rock band. Bon Jovi is definitely not a metal band, just a simple pop band. Skid Row, however, is excellent metal. ;)
Also, if you hate 95% of all metal, you must have heard hundreds of bad bands, since all of the bands I recommended are great. :) Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: journey on May 31, 2005, 02:21:33 AM I loved Metallica when I was a teenager. But to be honest I haven't really listened to a lot of metal bands other than Metallica and Megadeth. Those two bands are great, in my opinion. The only problem I have with metal, however, is that it seems to lack emotional range. The overall attitude is negative; dark, depressed, and angry. People aren't one dimensional.
Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: ClintroN on May 31, 2005, 03:37:59 AM anyone who thinks all metal/thrash/death etc, is all noise n' no harmony n' rythm....cant really hear music that well!!!
I feel heavy metal just as much as a ballad. I say Cradle of Filth, some say pointless crape thats just noise, i say they have more feel n' emotion then most shit out there. Yeah, it is a matter of taste n' all but if you really appreciate music, you'll give it the time or repect and atleast really hear it!! Of course a majority of metal is just straight up in your face metal.....the real deal 8) here's my short list of all genres of metal- MetallicA Deicide Cannible Corpse Satericon Megadeth Segresson (oz) Decmember Cradle of Filth Slayer PanterA Dark Funeral Anthrax Sepultura (execpt Roots, terrible shit) heaps!! Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: psycotron on May 31, 2005, 04:27:23 AM i like every kind of metal except for hardcore, nu metal (although i dont mind it every now and then), im not too keen on industrial. thrash and hair are my favourite : ok:
Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: ClintroN on May 31, 2005, 06:07:16 PM i like every kind of metal except for hardcore, nu metal (although i dont mind it every now and then), im not too keen on industrial. thrash and hair are my favourite : ok: true, yeah fuck hardcore and nu shit!! just wanna clear that : ok: Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: Dead N' Bloated on June 01, 2005, 01:49:27 AM Metal is Dead. There aint been a good Metal bands since Pantera split 2 or 3 years ago. All its is now is that fuckin emo hardcore rapcore metalcore shit. There is no fuckin aggression in metal no more, To all these pussies out there who think they're metal, Get in the Ring.
:peace: Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: ClintroN on June 01, 2005, 01:56:15 AM Metal is Dead. There aint been a good Metal bands since Pantera split 2 or 3 years ago. All its is now is that fuckin emo hardcore rapcore metalcore shit. There is no fuckin aggression in metal no more, To all these pussies out there who think they're metal, Get in the Ring. :peace: Just never say it's dead, its just resting!! : ok: Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: psycotron on June 01, 2005, 02:03:59 AM chinese democracy will be the resurrection!!!!!! : ok:
Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: Metallifuck on June 01, 2005, 07:04:49 AM Metal is Dead. There aint been a good Metal bands since Pantera split 2 or 3 years ago. All its is now is that fuckin emo hardcore rapcore metalcore shit. There is no fuckin aggression in metal no more, To all these pussies out there who think they're metal, Get in the Ring. :peace: Bullshit. Bands don't have to be as big as Pantera to be good. There are tons of good metal bands out there. Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: R4tfink on June 01, 2005, 07:18:30 AM 3 Inches of Blood to name an awesome metal band.
Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: Sakib on June 01, 2005, 07:43:24 AM heavy metal is gr8. the lyrix r gd 2 like iron maiden. all their stuff is based mostly on fantasy and there song is almost a story of some sort. sometimes, the sotry parallels 2 reality such as flight of the icarus.
Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: Skeletor on June 01, 2005, 11:06:20 AM Bullshit. Bands don't have to be as big as Pantera to be good. There are tons of good metal bands out there. Agreed. Go listen to some Opeth or Devin Townsend, and then tell me metal is dead ;) Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: nesquick on June 01, 2005, 02:43:21 PM chinese democracy will be the resurrection!!!!!! : ok: There's no way CD will be a "metal" record. I don't think Axl worked 10 years to deliver a metal album. This is not what GN'R is about. This is not a metal band.Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: Axls Locomotive on June 01, 2005, 04:33:52 PM heavy metal is gr8. the lyrix r gd 2 like iron maiden. all their stuff is based mostly on fantasy and there song is almost a story of some sort. sometimes, the sotry parallels 2 reality such as flight of the icarus. yea exactly, metal bands tend to waffle about destruction, nuclear war, death and lean towards heavy distortion and dissonance etc...not exactly guns n roses imo...if anyone thinks gnr are a metal band then name a gnr song which is a metal song... Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: Metallifuck on June 01, 2005, 04:48:40 PM yea exactly, metal bands tend to waffle about destruction, nuclear war, death and lean towards heavy distortion and dissonance etc... and? Not all metal bands do that. It's funny how you make it sound like your opnions are facts. Quote ..not exactly guns n roses imo...if anyone thinks gnr are a metal band then name a gnr song which is a metal song...Quote Who cares if some people think G N' R are metal? Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: Rob on June 01, 2005, 05:03:21 PM Children Of Bodom make 3 Inches Of Blood look like shit. They're one of the most talented bands I've ever heard. Alexei Laiho is a sick guitarist, and that keyboard in there is so cool. You can really hear the classical influence, which is also very cool. I highly recomend Children Of Bodom, definitely one new metal band that kicks ass. Unfortunately they're probably the only new metal band worth talking about.
Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: Sakib on June 01, 2005, 05:52:12 PM do they hav a websyt Rob???
Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: N.I.B on June 01, 2005, 05:59:42 PM im not into black metal and death metal because you cant understand anything the guys are saying but i think bands like:
Judas Priest Ozzy Osbourne Dio Rainbow Black Sabbath Iron Maiden Motorhead Metallica Scorpions Saxon Megadeth Pantera Black Label Society Queensryche etc. speak for themselves. chinese democracy will be the resurrection!!!!!! : ok: Guns N' Roses ain't metal. Their hard rock. Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: *Izzy* on June 01, 2005, 06:05:09 PM heavy metal is gr8. the lyrix r gd 2 like iron maiden. all their stuff is based mostly on fantasy and there song is almost a story of some sort. sometimes, the sotry parallels 2 reality such as flight of the icarus. yea exactly, metal bands tend to waffle about destruction, nuclear war, death and lean towards heavy distortion and dissonance etc...not exactly guns n roses imo...if anyone thinks gnr are a metal band then name a gnr song which is a metal song... :smoking: Izzy? :smoking: Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: N.I.B on June 01, 2005, 09:38:04 PM and then you have tonnes of metal sub typres:
Thrash Death Power Black Heavy Emo etc. Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: Eazy E on June 02, 2005, 12:02:09 AM I would bet that the majority of people in this thread that leaped on nesquick would, if approached about rap music, say "That's garbage! Its fucking trash! You can't call that MUSIC! Its just a bunch of rich children TALKING about Bling and Hoes!"
Funny when its metal you are all singing (or screaming) "You need to open your mind to more types of music!"... I could be wrong... I don't think that I am. Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: Rob on June 02, 2005, 02:51:52 AM The difference between metal and rap is that one takes a lot of talent and one doesn't. Bands like Iron Maiden and Megadeth are extremely musically talented. They are musicians that have worked extremely hard at becoming great. Rappers use machines to creat their music, or they steal their music from other songs (often rock and metal songs). Also the lyrics in metal are much more intelligent. I'll take Iron Maiden's songs about historic battles over Nelly rapping about bitches and bling bling anyday.
Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: Eazy E on June 02, 2005, 04:10:17 AM The difference between metal and rap is that one takes a lot of talent and one doesn't. Bands like Iron Maiden and Megadeth are extremely musically talented. They are musicians that have worked extremely hard at becoming great. Rappers use machines to creat their music, or they steal their music from other songs (often rock and metal songs). Also the lyrics in metal are much more intelligent. I'll take Iron Maiden's songs about historic battles over Nelly rapping about bitches and bling bling anyday. Wow. Thank you for proving my point. You obviously know fuck-all about rap music, and don't have any interest in opening an ear to it. Just like nesquick has no interest in listening to metal in-depth. Yet you guys are on his case for "not being open to all types of music", etc. BTW, nice job of picking an artist at the top of the charts to represent all hip hop (Nelly)... You'd think a fan of rock music would appreciate the fact that sometimes the best artists aren't found in the top 40. Just goes to show you how ignorant YOU are to different types of music. Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: Sakib on June 02, 2005, 06:37:37 AM i listen 2 all musik and trust me, rap is boring. u can make it fast or as funky as u want.
a good song 4 me is a song where u feel like playing an instrument along with it or u feel energy. e.g. the blues. i like the guitar in it and feel like playing evrytym i listen 2 it or welcome 2 the jungle, i feel like drummin along 2 it. rap duznt hav that feel. Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: ClintroN on June 02, 2005, 09:08:24 AM todays rap is totally fucked up!!!
I still got repect for Ice T - Cube - E n' all the old schoolers, but NOTHIN' out today is worth anything!!!!! Im still a fan of Snoops Doggystyle, but that sell out motherfucker is the worst of the lot!!! Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: Axls Locomotive on June 02, 2005, 04:03:39 PM yea exactly, metal bands tend to waffle about destruction, nuclear war, death and lean towards heavy distortion and dissonance etc... and? Not all metal bands do that. It's funny how you make it sound like your opnions are facts. Quote ..not exactly guns n roses imo...if anyone thinks gnr are a metal band then name a gnr song which is a metal song...Quote Who cares if some people think G N' R are metal? i said "tend to"...not all bands...,maybe you should read before you criticise if you didnt care, you wouldnt have replied... I would consider Out Ta Get Me, Anything Goes, Rocket Quenn, Welcome to the Jungle, My Michelle and Nightrain as glam metal and It's so Easy as metal i guess noone really knows do they?...i think that out ta get me and its so easy are bordering on metal, rocket queen,nightrain and my michelle as hard rock,welcome to the jungle as glam metal...is there a definitive answer on these genres? or is it just down to ear and guessing? Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: Rob on June 02, 2005, 11:41:34 PM Wow.? Thank you for proving my point. You obviously know fuck-all about rap music, and don't have any interest in opening an ear to it.? Just like nesquick has no interest in listening to metal in-depth.? Yet you guys are on his case for "not being open to all types of music", etc. BTW, nice job of picking an artist at the top of the charts to represent all hip hop (Nelly)... You'd think a fan of rock music would appreciate the fact that sometimes the best artists aren't found in the top 40.? Just goes to show you how ignorant YOU are to different types of music. Just to let ya know I've listened to my share of rap, some underground stuff, and I think its pretty much all garbage. I've given it a shot, its just not very good. Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: psycotron on June 03, 2005, 06:30:58 AM chinese democracy will be the resurrection!!!!!! : ok: There's no way CD will be a "metal" record. I don't think Axl worked 10 years to deliver a metal album. This is not what GN'R is about. This is not a metal band.Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: Spandex Angel on June 03, 2005, 08:20:05 AM i like skid row, poison, GNR, hanoi rocks, bon jovi etc but i woulden't say i was a 'metal' fan, when you think that what most people consider metal nowadays is slipknot and korn
early metallica/megadeth is ok, but i wouldn't say i was a 'fan' :-\ Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: nesquick on June 03, 2005, 11:58:11 AM chinese democracy will be the resurrection!!!!!! : ok: There's no way CD will be a "metal" record. I don't think Axl worked 10 years to deliver a metal album. This is not what GN'R is about. This is not a metal band.Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: gilld1 on June 03, 2005, 02:31:14 PM There's no way CD will be a "metal" record. I don't think Axl worked 10 years to deliver a metal album. This is not what GN'R is about. This is not a metal band.
How can you say that there is no way it will be metal? You say that htis is not what GNR is about, well please explain what they are about? Look at the line up: Finck and Brain are very capable of metal chops and have done so in the past. OMG is not exactly a pop song, nor is Silkworms and CD. So what is GNR about? I think that they are about to be forgotten. Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: nesquick on June 03, 2005, 04:41:42 PM Quote OMG is not exactly a pop song, nor is Silkworms Indeed they are not pop songs. You know what? they are not even "songs" for me... Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: Rob on June 03, 2005, 04:52:41 PM Quote OMG is not exactly a pop song, nor is Silkworms Indeed they are not pop songs. You know what? they are not even "songs" for me... Right on nesquick. Those "songs" are garbage. Especially Silk Worms. I can right a better song than Silk Worms. Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: nesquick on June 03, 2005, 05:24:19 PM I love Axl but I hate when he goes into this indus weirdo direction. What a crap kind of music. It's so desapointing comming from such a talented person. When I listen to those "songs", I can't believe they are coming from the same man who wrote songs like Estranged, November Rain, Sweet Child of Mine etc... it's just day and night. On the one hand you've genius art, on the other hand you've unnamed mediocrity.
The first time I heard "oh my god" I cut the song after less than 1 minute and I've never heard it entierely since that moment. I though I was listening to death metal mixed with heavy industrial crap. I can't. It gets on my nerves. It's an insult to music. I remember back in 1999, the reactions were extremely violent toward this "song". I remember fans were massively complaining. Hoppefully that wasn't my hears...the song was just very, very bad. I barely recognized Axl's voice (mixed with 1000 computer effects). WTF was that? Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: ppbebe on June 03, 2005, 05:33:54 PM chinese democracy will be the resurrection!!!!!! : ok: There's no way CD will be a "metal" record. I don't think Axl worked 10 years to deliver a metal album. This is not what GN'R is about. This is not a metal band.On AFD I recognize the sounds kin to hairmetal and also the big difference. On UYI there's no more similarity to it. Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: ppbebe on June 03, 2005, 05:49:45 PM So you two don't like GN'R anymore.
I sometimes wonder if this GN'R isn't making the music just to my liking. :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: ClintroN on June 03, 2005, 07:56:38 PM chinese democracy will be the resurrection!!!!!! : ok: ya know....this guys right man, The way i see Chinese Democracy and its effects on the world, is it either just kicks the music industry's door right fuckin' down and changes everything, and gives metal and others genres the credit and attention they deserve!! i honestly think we will see more bands being signed and playing more that have been shoved aside for a long time!! the real deal. Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: Walk on June 03, 2005, 11:07:13 PM Chinese Democracy will be rock music, and GnR have always been rock music. They have been metal influenced, but they are not metal. Crash Diet (especially that solo!) is as close to metal as they got. They have always been a pop rock band (a great one, though!) more than anything else. Metal isn't dead and there are plenty of good new bands coming out.
Let me finish this about all this (c)rap. I've heard it, lots of it. It's terrible, period. There's a HUGE difference in having an open mind and having good taste in music. Don't criticize people as "elitist" because they have higher standards than you. I'm not claiming that people will be listening to metal in 200 years, but it's clearly higher on the musical food chain than rap. Rap's problem isn't with the asthetics, or even the minimal musical skill required. Even the usually terrible lyrics aren't the problem. Complex music with deep lyrics can be bad, too. Rap's problem is its errant worldview, making it a poor medium for composing and expressing emotion in art. It expresses reality too subjectively, and it lacks the lofty idealism found in heavy metal. Harsh vocals and distorted guitars insure that metal will always have the most dedicated fans. Most people who love metal have to be open minded about it, and those who aren't avoid the scene. The point is, it keeps the poseurs out. Get used to harsh vocals and you have about doubled the amount of metal out there you can enjoy! Finally, Oh My God has nothing to do with death metal at all. Your own perception of death metal is flawed. You need to listen to more of it to appreciate it. Get some of The Chasm and Atheist, that will help set you straight! Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: journey on June 04, 2005, 03:07:53 AM Chinese Democracy will be rock music, and GnR have always been rock music. They have been metal influenced, but they are not metal. Crash Diet (especially that solo!) is as close to metal as they got. They have always been a pop rock band (a great one, though!) more than anything else. Metal isn't dead and there are plenty of good new bands coming out. Let me finish this about all this (c)rap. I've heard it, lots of it. It's terrible, period. There's a HUGE difference in having an open mind and having good taste in music. Don't criticize people as "elitist" because they have higher standards than you. I'm not claiming that people will be listening to metal in 200 years, but it's clearly higher on the musical food chain than rap. Rap's problem isn't with the asthetics, or even the minimal musical skill required. Even the usually terrible lyrics aren't the problem. Complex music with deep lyrics can be bad, too. Rap's problem is its errant worldview, making it a poor medium for composing and expressing emotion in art. It expresses reality too subjectively, and it lacks the lofty idealism found in heavy metal. Harsh vocals and distorted guitars insure that metal will always have the most dedicated fans. Most people who love metal have to be open minded about it, and those who aren't avoid the scene. The point is, it keeps the poseurs out. Get used to harsh vocals and you have about doubled the amount of metal out there you can enjoy! Finally, Oh My God has nothing to do with death metal at all. Your own perception of death metal is flawed. You need to listen to more of it to appreciate it. Get some of The Chasm and Atheist, that will help set you straight! Rap is just as beautiful as any other form of music. If you can't see that, then it's time to search your soul. Take a chance, take a risk, make a change, and breakaway. Here are a few you should take a chance on: 2Pac? philosophical style Will Smith? clean fun style Eazy E? Automobile Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: Skeletor on June 04, 2005, 04:19:21 AM I though I was listening to death metal mixed with heavy industrial crap. Death metal.............. Christ, could you be more ignorant? Just shut up, please. Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: D on June 04, 2005, 04:32:00 AM If u are gonna try out rap please dont listen to Will Smith, he is horrible.
2Pac,notorious BIG,NWA,Ice T or Eminem are who I recommend. Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: Timothy on June 04, 2005, 04:47:03 AM If u are gonna try out rap please dont listen to Will Smith, he is horrible. 2Pac,notorious BIG,NWA,Ice T or Eminem are who I recommend. also try some Public Enemy . Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: D on June 04, 2005, 04:50:56 AM Oh yeah, how did I forget
also Eazy E,Nas and Jay Z is alright Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: Chris Misfit on June 04, 2005, 05:00:33 AM "i like every kind of metal except for hardcore"
Hardcore is a form of punk. Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: Walk on June 04, 2005, 03:06:19 PM Maybe he meant metalcore.
Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: journey on June 04, 2005, 03:32:02 PM If u are gonna try out rap please dont listen to Will Smith, he is horrible. He is not! Just because he's never been shot at doesn't mean he's horrible. How can you diss the Jiggy? Will Smith incorporates humor into his music, which is very refreshing. He's like a glass of lemonade, sweet and refreshing. :hihi: It's true, it's true! Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: D on June 04, 2005, 03:35:04 PM name 5 Will Smith songs without lookin them up. :hihi:
Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: *Izzy* on June 04, 2005, 05:47:35 PM name 5 Will Smith songs without lookin them up. :hihi: I could name 4 but I'm not going to embarrass myself, anyway DJ Jazzy Jeff was much better than the Fresh Prince?:smoking: Izzy? :smoking: Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: Axls Locomotive on June 04, 2005, 06:32:55 PM If u are gonna try out rap please dont listen to Will Smith, he is horrible. 2Pac,notorious BIG,NWA,Ice T or Eminem are who I recommend. nice to know that the rappers you approve of are criminals, sexual abusers, drug peddlers, assholes or media junkies Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: Eazy E on June 04, 2005, 07:07:50 PM Ok I Q,
Listen to Kanye West or Common then. Two of the most popular rappers out there today. Rapping about world issues, family, love, jesus, past experiences that don't involve guns, or how rap songs about rims are lame. Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: psycotron on June 04, 2005, 07:55:59 PM lil jon and vanilla ice are good rappers also
Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: Axls Locomotive on June 05, 2005, 07:25:45 AM Ok I Q, Listen to Kanye West or Common then. Two of the most popular rappers out there today. Rapping about world issues, family, love, jesus, past experiences that don't involve guns, or how rap songs about rims are lame. ok, i might have a listen...i tend to avoid this genre because i thought blacks had forgotten how to talk about real and personal issues vanilla ice...add idiot to the above list Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: Sakib on June 05, 2005, 11:45:59 AM RAP IS CRAP W/OUT THE C.
all rap sux becuz theres no pleasurex Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: Rob on June 05, 2005, 02:46:07 PM Someone remind me how this went from a metal thread to a rap one.
Title: Re: For those who listen to "metal" music... Post by: Izzy on June 05, 2005, 02:53:38 PM sorrow????..how can banging the shit out of drums be representative of sorrow?...i dont think you understand the meaning of the word How can moaning about a girl leaving u be anything less than vomit inducing? Not all metal involves a thumping drum beat - or drums at all! Quote anger, frustration lumped under aggression, yes all part of the same spectrum...very narrow isnt it? No more so than any other genre which focuses on one core emotion Quote you know, i have a problem with people calling coldplay "rock"...exactly which parts of their music "rock"? they are bland and for people on prozac...so i disagree with the gap comment for sure Purely an example, but Coldplay have to be rock - what else could they be? Quote imo GNR has covered very little, if any, music that would be considered metal...which songs would that be? most of them are rock music What is rock music? Elvis was the/a pioneer of 'rock n'roll', but his music isn't much like GNR Quote subtle dude, calling me a fascist, maybe i just have some taste in "music"...which means organised sound btw, something that metal isnt...hisssssssss No, that last bit wasn't aimed at u, atleats it wasn't supposed to be, i don't think ur a fascist Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: Eazy E on June 05, 2005, 03:01:19 PM Someone remind me how this went from a metal thread to a rap one. Someone.... possibly me ;D.... tried to prove that the people defending metal by saying "you need to be open to more types of music" are a bunch of hypocrites and just as bad as the people who were arguing "metal is just a bunch of noise". Thread-starter: "I've listened to metal, I don't get it. It's shit. Just a bunch of pointless noise." Metal-heads: "I've listened to rap, I don't get it. It's shit. Just a bunch of pointless noise." Title: Re: For those who listen to "metal" music... Post by: Axls Locomotive on June 05, 2005, 05:19:51 PM Not all metal involves a thumping drum beat - or drums at all! only if you are not in touch with your emotions...i dont find it vomit enducing when the wording and the feeling is appropriate Not all metal involves a thumping drum beat - or drums at all! I like to see you find a metal song that doesnt have drums No more so than any other genre which focuses on one core emotion jazz country rock blues soul etc doesnt...what genres are you talking about? Purely an example, but Coldplay have to be rock - what else could they be? Britpop? imo dull depressing lyrics dont fit into what i define as rock music... What is rock music? Elvis was the/a pioneer of 'rock n'roll', but his music isn't much like GNR and led zeppelin's primary influences included elvis but they sound nothing like him either...and led zep sound nothing like gnr... rock music...guitar, drums, bass, singer with a strong beat of moderate to fast tempo not concentrating on any one emotion and music that gets people moving...spiritual rapture for some, passion and highly charged emotion for others...thats the best i can do...aerosmith, acdc, stones, elvis, gnr, even bon jovi but coldplay...blech No, that last bit wasn't aimed at u, atleats it wasn't supposed to be, i don't think ur a fascist no problemo Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: *Izzy* on June 05, 2005, 05:29:50 PM Rock N' Roll by Led Zeppelin does sound alot like Elvis and in my opinion there are many similarities between Gn'R and Zeppelin
:smoking: Izzy? :smoking: Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: ppbebe on June 05, 2005, 08:17:55 PM Let me clear this just in case. Zep is not heavy metal. Got a hair metal song sounding like AFD, Anyone? Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: N.I.B on June 05, 2005, 09:17:19 PM Let me clear this just in case. Zep is not heavy metal. Got a hair metal song sounding like AFD, Anyone? Let me clear this just in case. Zep is not heavy metal. Got a hair metal song sounding like AFD, Anyone? Freight Train by Nitro. Somewhat GN'Rish. Check 'em out: http://www.deepturtle.net/nitro.mpg Cordesy of Walk : ok: Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: Walk on June 05, 2005, 10:01:48 PM Someone.... possibly me ;D.... tried to prove that the people defending metal by saying "you need to be open to more types of music" are a bunch of hypocrites and just as bad as the people who were arguing "metal is just a bunch of noise". Thread-starter: "I've listened to metal, I don't get it. It's shit. Just a bunch of pointless noise." Metal-heads: "I've listened to rap, I don't get it. It's shit. Just a bunch of pointless noise." Bullshit. People who say something, even grindcore, is "pointless noise", don't understand deeper meanings in music, only the aesthetics. Rap's worldview is inferior to metal's, and it has nothing to do with the sound. Rather, the sound comes from the worldview! Rap espouses democracy and egalitarianism, and the sounds that come from this are the typical beats and spoken words that anyone can do, which explains its popularity. It's run of the mill tripe, by definition. Just accept it. Heavy metal (good heavy metal, not 6 Feet Under or flower metal) encourages elitism, superiority, and power. It's about who can write heavier riffs and higher notes. It's a contest to who can have the greatest quality. However, as the Nitro example shows, simply having the best voice and guitars does NOT make a great band. :hihi: Songwriting is the key, and combining the complex elements of metal into an emotional song make it a difficult art to master. It's not democratic, and it doesn't aim to appeal to the masses (harsh vocals, anyone?). You have to be open minded to appreciate it, but you also have to accept that not everyone can like it. It's something you're born with. I HAVE been open to music and I've heard my share of rap. I only have so long to live, and I regret the time I wasted in the rap/pop/mallcore phase I used to be in. But hell, I'll probably regret being a metalhead in 30 years when I turn into a classical snob. ;) So, just appreciate the type of music you like, but don't fool yourself into thinking it's better than something clearly superior. I love metal more than anything else, but I know that it doesn't even come close to classical. There's a difference between liking something and appreciating something. You can like rap as I like metal, but you should appreciate metal more, as I appreciate classical more. Maybe you'll learn to like it someday. Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: ppbebe on June 06, 2005, 11:26:11 AM Freight Train by Nitro. Somewhat GN'Rish. Check 'em out: http://www.deepturtle.net/nitro.mpg Cordesy of Walk : ok: but I'm not sure whether this is AFDish enough to convince the pigeonhole heads. :-\ Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: Axls Locomotive on June 06, 2005, 02:48:08 PM Rock N' Roll by Led Zeppelin does sound alot like Elvis and in my opinion there are many similarities between Gn'R and Zeppelin :smoking: Izzy :smoking: im not going to argue this one :hihi:... Let me clear this just in case. Zep is not heavy metal. according to wikipedia, led zeppelin and black sabbath were 2 of the pioneers of heavy metal...but i am unfamiliar with the origins of heavy metal so i cant say whether this is true or not... Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: N.I.B on June 06, 2005, 03:21:06 PM Let me clear this just in case. Zep is not heavy metal. according to wikipedia, led zeppelin and black sabbath were 2 of the pioneers of heavy metal Judas Priest invneted the metal we all know and love. Sabbath began something but didnt quite finish it up. Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: StoneTempleRoses on June 06, 2005, 08:09:30 PM O.K I read the first page of this thread so i dont know if it was mentioned but for the starter of this thread, you should listen to System of a Down. There words are very meaningful and show many emotions. Listen to Toxicity or Mezmerize though the first one is a lot more "noise" but its still good.
StoneTempleRoses Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: Dead N' Bloated on June 06, 2005, 10:12:20 PM Metal is Dead. There aint been a good Metal bands since Pantera split 2 or 3 years ago. All its is now is that fuckin emo hardcore rapcore metalcore shit. There is no fuckin aggression in metal no more, To all these pussies out there who think they're metal, Get in the Ring. :peace: Bullshit. Bands don't have to be as big as Pantera to be good. There are tons of good metal bands out there. Dude I'm not sayin to be metal you gotta be as big as Pantera. I'm sayin that the attitude of metal bands these days is not very metal attitude. Bands like Pantera and even GN'R started shit coz of what they believed in, where as the metal community of today are very lazy i think. I work for a production/booking agent and I booked 5 metal bands for a venue called the HOUSE OF STEEL last month and only 1 person of all bands had long hair. its just changing and i dont like it. But thats me :peace: Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: MikeB on June 07, 2005, 12:22:12 AM I like metal for the speed and shred like Metallica and megadeth. I like 70's and 80's metal . i'm not crazy about 90's metal. I hate scremo . i've met metal fans that only liked heavy stuff which i don't understand since i like all kinds of guitar music . i 'd be bored of listening to the same stuff over and over.
Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: ClintroN on June 07, 2005, 03:07:25 AM though the first one is a lot more "noise" but its still good. StoneTempleRoses you kidding....noise!! the first album is the best!! Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: *Izzy* on June 07, 2005, 04:10:54 AM I'm not a System of a Down fan but their new single is unreal
"Why don't the presidents fight the war", that's a classic line? :hihi: :smoking: Izzy? :smoking: Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: Sakib on June 07, 2005, 12:39:02 PM I'm not a System of a Down fan but their new single is unreal "Why don't the presidents fight the war", that's a classic line? :hihi: :smoking: Izzy? :smoking: becuz theyr lazy ass fux that play with themselves wilst many innocent dudes die out there Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: sandman on June 07, 2005, 02:08:30 PM Let me clear this just in case. Zep is not heavy metal. according to wikipedia, led zeppelin and black sabbath were 2 of the pioneers of heavy metal Judas Priest invneted the metal we all know and love. Sabbath began something but didnt quite finish it up. sabbath are the gods of heavy metal and there is no other way of looking at it. led zep was very heavy in their day, and did many things that hadn't been done at that point. almost all metal bands are greatly influenced by these two bands. i read that wikipedia summary of heavy metal, and i think they got it right. Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: ppbebe on June 07, 2005, 04:46:37 PM Whatever people might think of them,
Jimmy Page himself refuses to call the band metal. Also He claims that it was the alternative in those days. Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: *Izzy* on June 07, 2005, 04:59:41 PM He also refuses to call himself a Satanist? :hihi:
:smoking: Izzy? :smoking: Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: Cubb on June 07, 2005, 05:05:03 PM He also refuses to call himself a Satanist :hihi: :smoking: Izzy :smoking: :hihi: :rofl: Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: nesquick on June 07, 2005, 05:14:39 PM Quote Jimmy Page himself refuses to call the band metal. He was right.Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on June 07, 2005, 05:47:13 PM Well there's a lot of new bands that are called heavy Metal and I think they suck.
Bands like slipknot, and stuff like go that way I think they are just pure crap. Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: N.I.B on June 07, 2005, 07:01:25 PM sabbath are the gods of heavy metal and there is no other way of looking at it. They arn't gods of metal, but they were a prototype sort of slow metal. somewhat nu-metalish. it could be called metal but it isnt. the metal we know and love is speed and shred. they were slow and demoic (to a degree) when ozzy got randy rhodes, and later, zakk wylde then he began to play hevay metal. Priest was the first metal band the influence bands like motorhead, metallica, pantera, etc. led zep was very heavy in their day, and did many things that hadn't been done at that point. almost all metal bands are greatly influenced by these two bands. zep wasnt heavy in thier day. AC/DC, Alice Cooper, and Kiss were the heavy guys of the 70's. as ppbebe puts it, they were doing alternative which turned into the rock they they have become. stop brining up Zeppelin in a hevay metal thread. Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: Walk on June 07, 2005, 10:42:02 PM They arn't gods of metal, but they were a prototype sort of slow metal. somewhat nu-metalish. Black Sabbath nu-metal!?! :o Absolutely not. Down tuned guitars alone do not make nu-metal. They are completely opposite of nu-metal. Nu-metal and doom metal (what most would call Sabbath) aren't even close to each other. Doom metal is slow by today's standards, but before speed metal came with Judas Priest and Motorhead, Sabbath was fast enough. it could be called metal but it isnt. the metal we know and love is speed and shred. What about doom metal and black metal? Speed isn't everything. Riff quality, atmosphere, and song writing are far more important. Metal doesn't have to be fast at all. they were slow and demoic (to a degree) when ozzy got randy rhodes, and later, zakk wylde then he began to play hevay metal. Priest was the first metal band the influence bands like motorhead, metallica, pantera, etc. Priest was incredibly influential to heavy metal, but give credit where it's due. Sabbath did it first, years before Priest. Compare Black Sabbath to Judas Priest's Rocka Rolla. Sabbath was metal for a good 5 years before Judas Priest. Considering what had been before Sabbath (let me be frank: nothing), they are far more important to metal. Motorhead did learn from Priest, but they have some punk and blues in there, as well. Metallica and Pantera, of course, derived their sounds from what already existed. However, thrash was developing so quickly, I wouldn't say Metallica ripped off other bands, but they certainly aren't original. Pantera, on the other hand, stole their groove sound from Exhorder. zep wasnt heavy in thier day. AC/DC, Alice Cooper, and Kiss were the heavy guys of the 70's. as ppbebe puts it, they were doing alternative which turned into the rock they they have become. stop brining up Zeppelin in a hevay metal thread. Led Zeppelin is blues rock with godly solos, but it isn't metal. And come on, you know the word "alternative" seems to mean something different every decade. :P I would say Rush, Blue Oyster Cult, and Deep Purple are heavier than AC/DC, Cooper, and Kiss. I don't look down on people saying Zep is metal because they were very influential to metal (folk influence, epic long songs, solos, etc), and because metal was not a very strict definition in the 70's, it was still being formed. Of course, bringing up System of a Down is definitely inappropriate for a metal thread. They aren't metal and never have been. No good riffs, no good solos, terrible atmosphere, angst, stupidly down tuned guitars, and political gimmick shit make them nu-metal. I'll go as far to say they're probably the best nu-metal band out there, but that's not saying very much. :hihi: There are hundreds of more worthy bands out there. Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: dustNroses on June 08, 2005, 01:54:36 AM Megadeth. my second fave band after guns. Mustaine write songs with meaning, kinda like guns did.
Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: Axls Locomotive on June 08, 2005, 05:00:34 PM zep wasnt heavy in thier day. AC/DC, Alice Cooper, and Kiss were the heavy guys of the 70's. as ppbebe puts it, they were doing alternative which turned into the rock they they have become. stop brining up Zeppelin in a hevay metal thread. acdc have always referred to themselves as a rock and roll band and alice cooper and kiss were glam rock, werent they? Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: N.I.B on June 08, 2005, 05:42:59 PM zep wasnt heavy in thier day. AC/DC, Alice Cooper, and Kiss were the heavy guys of the 70's. as ppbebe puts it, they were doing alternative which turned into the rock they they have become. stop brining up Zeppelin in a hevay metal thread. acdc have always referred to themselves as a rock and roll band and alice cooper and kiss were glam rock, werent they? ya but they had a much heavier sound then Zeppelin. Compare "Detroit Rock City" to, say "Heartbreaker", which is more of a Zeppelin tread. And Walk, what i mean is that yes Sabbath started something, but metal is speed and shred, yes doom metal is slow, but Sabbath plays sort of a doom metal. Yes, I give credit for sabbath being the first "metal" band, but heavy metal didnt develope untill Priest came allong. Don't get me wrong, I love Sabbath, but like I said, they started something that Priest perfected. Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: *Izzy* on June 09, 2005, 01:05:11 PM You can't trace the origins of metal back to one band it evolved from other styles
:smoking: Izzy? :smoking: Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: mrlee on June 09, 2005, 04:15:27 PM zep wasnt heavy in thier day. AC/DC, Alice Cooper, and Kiss were the heavy guys of the 70's. as ppbebe puts it, they were doing alternative which turned into the rock they they have become. stop brining up Zeppelin in a hevay metal thread. acdc have always referred to themselves as a rock and roll band and alice cooper and kiss were glam rock, werent they? ya but they had a much heavier sound then Zeppelin. Compare "Detroit Rock City" to, say "Heartbreaker", which is more of a Zeppelin tread. And Walk, what i mean is that yes Sabbath started something, but metal is speed and shred, yes doom metal is slow, but Sabbath plays sort of a doom metal. Yes, I give credit for sabbath being the first "metal" band, but heavy metal didnt develope untill Priest came allong. Don't get me wrong, I love Sabbath, but like I said, they started something that Priest perfected. Preist didnt perfect it cause they was high pitched if i remember rightly. Or the dudes solo stuff is. I hate that cause this live thing he does is super heavy but then his voice massacres it. :'( Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: Walk on June 09, 2005, 08:16:12 PM His name is Rob Halford, and he's the metal god. His voice is perfect.
Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: N.I.B on June 09, 2005, 08:47:22 PM His name is Rob Halford, and he's the metal god. His voice is perfect. finaly, Walk, something we can agree on :yes: Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: Walk on April 20, 2006, 07:08:18 PM Um, KoRn and Slipknot aren't heavy metal. They're not even heavy. The best "pissed off" metal is stuff like Pantera, Fear Factory, Napalm Death.
Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: Dead N' Bloated on April 21, 2006, 02:57:36 AM Um, KoRn and Slipknot aren't heavy metal. They're not even heavy. The best "pissed off" metal is stuff like Pantera, Fear Factory, Napalm Death. So true man. Metal died ages ago along with punk. This punk/metal colaberation into hardcore/emo crap is the NEW metal. Even damage plan had that drowning pool feel to em. What has happened to music???????? :peace: Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: Skeletor on April 21, 2006, 04:07:32 AM What has happened to music???????? Let me put it this way - is MTV the only way you find out about new bands? There's so much great music coming out all the time, and with all the old stuff I still haven't heard, I wish I had more time to listen to it all... Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: Dead N' Bloated on April 21, 2006, 04:31:27 AM What has happened to music???????? Let me put it this way - is MTV the only way you find out about new bands? There's so much great music coming out all the time, and with all the old stuff I still haven't heard, I wish I had more time to listen to it all... Im a soundtech for a few clubs in Newcastle Australia and i used to be a promoter aswell and the amout of bands I see every week that should have a record deal or at least a huge following but dont is unbelievable. It sux to see all this talent go to waste on some fuck with a beenie-cap or a dickhead with a shitload of tats so they look tough that their mums paid for. :peace: Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: Walk on April 21, 2006, 02:39:02 PM So, you're saying that the talent is there (which is true, and it always has been), but it isn't being recognized. Well, I have some bad news. Lots of talent wasn't recognized in the 80's, either. Most people don't know about Incubus, for example. The 3rd (as far as I know, at least, from metal-archives records) band called Incubus, I mean. The death metal band that goes by Opprobrium these days because a corporate pop band stole their name with a lawyer army.
So, that's 4 bands called Incubus, and only one was really remarkable, even though the original was some decent NWOBHM, but there's always a lot of that. They should have chosen an original name. The fact that they were Christian death metal didn't help, either. :-\ It's simply miraculous that band names like Death, Cynic, and so on haven't been stolen by mallcore wannabes. Besides issues with finding a good name, bands have to find a good sound. But, if they have a good sound, they have to have a good name to match it, or they'll end up like Incubus. Toss in the problem of bad radio, MTV, and the usual suspects, and you have a lack of good music. Interestingly, bands like Metallica sold lots of records without airplay and MTV back in the day, so maybe the culture of music has changed. Even black metal fans want to be kvlt and refuse to tell people about good bands. Some bands even try to avoid exposure, even resorting to spamming metal-archives to get their names removed! :rofl: People are willing to share MP3's, but they won't share enough info about new bands. Well, I do, but the tepid responses I get aren't encouraging. :-\ Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: the dirt on April 21, 2006, 02:42:50 PM People are willing to share MP3's, but they won't share enough info about new bands. People would share more info if they had knowledge of it in the first place. Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: blues rocker on April 21, 2006, 05:13:12 PM I'd like to know what do you like in that kind of music. I have a big problem with anything metal/heavy-metal/trash etc... and I'm very surprised to see how many GN'R fans listen to that kind of music, I just don't understand: What are you attracted by??what do you like in heavy-metal? I'm just curious to know it. well...first you have to define metal...i consider metal to be anything that is completely lacking in a "blues" influence... classic rock bands (like aerosmith, led zeppelin, ac/dc, gnr, etc.) all have a very heavy blues sound to their rock...very melodic and soulful...you can distinctly recognize the catchy guitar riffs and vocal melodies...this makes for much more up-beat and positive-sounding music. metal, on the other hand is completely devoid of soul or melody...it's more about making noise than about making an actual recognizable melody. very dull, and depressing in its sound. gnr, ac/dc - those bands are "rock n roll".... disturbed, etc....that kind of shit is "metal" metallica is a band that rests on the border of metal and rock...sometimes their music can be melodic, but other times it is very dark and lacking in melody ( much like the "st. anger" album, which was very much "metal" ) in other words: rock is good....metal is garbage. Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: Skeletor on April 21, 2006, 05:24:51 PM metal, on the other hand is completely devoid of soul or melody...it's more about making noise than about making an actual recognizable melody. LMAO... that's some silly shit right there. Metal is a very wide genre, and there are zillions of bands that incorporate soul and melody into their music. in other words: rock is good....metal is garbage. In other words: you're one ignorant mofo. Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: blues rocker on April 21, 2006, 05:34:24 PM metal, on the other hand is completely devoid of soul or melody...it's more about making noise than about making an actual recognizable melody. LMAO... that's some silly shit right there. Metal is a very wide genre, and there are zillions of bands that incorporate soul and melody into their music. in other words:? ?rock is good....metal is garbage. In other words: you're one ignorant mofo. ummm...you're the one that just admitted to liking garbage...i think that makes you the ignorant mofo... oh....and suckmuhballs Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: Rob on April 22, 2006, 03:09:01 AM I'd like to know what do you like in that kind of music. I have a big problem with anything metal/heavy-metal/trash etc... and I'm very surprised to see how many GN'R fans listen to that kind of music, I just don't understand: What are you attracted by??what do you like in heavy-metal? I'm just curious to know it. well...first you have to define metal...i consider metal to be anything that is completely lacking in a "blues" influence... classic rock bands (like aerosmith, led zeppelin, ac/dc, gnr, etc.) all have a very heavy blues sound to their rock...very melodic and soulful...you can distinctly recognize the catchy guitar riffs and vocal melodies...this makes for much more up-beat and positive-sounding music. metal, on the other hand is completely devoid of soul or melody...it's more about making noise than about making an actual recognizable melody.? very dull, and depressing in its sound. gnr, ac/dc - those bands are "rock n roll".... disturbed, etc....that kind of shit is "metal" metallica is a band that rests on the border of metal and rock...sometimes their music can be melodic, but other times it is very dark and lacking in melody ( much like the "st. anger" album, which was very much "metal" ) in other words:? ?rock is good....metal is garbage. Wow, dude...that was the most hilarious shit I've ever read. Your arbitrary definitions and classifications of bands is mind boggling. Seriously though, you obviously don't know jack about metal so please refrain from embarassing yourself any further. Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: Walk on April 22, 2006, 10:13:06 AM disturbed, etc....that kind of shit is "metal" No, it's not. Listen to Helloween, Dragonforce, and Blind Guardian. That's metal. Disturbed is mallcore. in other words: rock is good....metal is garbage. Have you even heard metal before? Have you even heard Iron Maiden or Judas Priest? Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on April 22, 2006, 10:28:37 AM Better yet, heard Queen's stone cold crazy? thats what I call a first step of metal :yes:
Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: Walk on April 22, 2006, 10:50:34 AM That's a good rock song. It's not metal, but it sounds great when it's "metallized'. I'm going to flush a lot of my kvlt kr3d here, but Britney Spear's song toxic sounds really cool with metal instruments. I forgot where I heard it, but it was good.
I heard her say on VH1 that you should only dress like Rob Halford in 1982 if: #1- You are Rob Halford and #2- It's 1982. :rofl: She's brighter than people think she is, compared to the Mandy's, Jessica's, Jennifer's, Lindsey's, and whatever's popular now. Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on April 22, 2006, 11:06:19 AM Yeah but the elements of heaviness is there, the speed riff the drumming banging the shit out of the sticks, you know?, also even metallica covers sounds good but only cause the original is great : ok:
Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: the dirt on April 22, 2006, 02:52:58 PM She's brighter than people think she is, compared to the Mandy's, Jessica's, Jennifer's, Lindsey's, and whatever's popular now. I don't even know who this is; seriously. Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: WhosGilby? on April 22, 2006, 09:30:38 PM Metal has a bad reputation these days because of all the shit thats come out of bands claiming to be metal. Metallica, Megadeth, Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden, Motorhead, Dio, Judas Priest, even Guns N Roses (listen to Your Crazy) those are real metal bands.
Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: Metallifuck on April 23, 2006, 08:15:14 AM I'd like to know what do you like in that kind of music. I have a big problem with anything metal/heavy-metal/trash etc... and I'm very surprised to see how many GN'R fans listen to that kind of music, I just don't understand: What are you attracted by? what do you like in heavy-metal? I'm just curious to know it. well...first you have to define metal...i consider metal to be anything that is completely lacking in a "blues" influence... classic rock bands (like aerosmith, led zeppelin, ac/dc, gnr, etc.) all have a very heavy blues sound to their rock...very melodic and soulful...you can distinctly recognize the catchy guitar riffs and vocal melodies...this makes for much more up-beat and positive-sounding music. metal, on the other hand is completely devoid of soul or melody...it's more about making noise than about making an actual recognizable melody. very dull, and depressing in its sound. gnr, ac/dc - those bands are "rock n roll".... disturbed, etc....that kind of shit is "metal" metallica is a band that rests on the border of metal and rock...sometimes their music can be melodic, but other times it is very dark and lacking in melody ( much like the "st. anger" album, which was very much "metal" ) in other words: rock is good....metal is garbage. AC/DC is more 'soulful' than Megadeth then? ::) Quite a lot of metal (that I listen to anyway) isn't bluesy but a lot more classically influenced, which makes for excellent guitar and vocal melodies and harmonies. Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: R4tfink on April 23, 2006, 09:04:35 AM I bleed metal.
Fucking love it! : ok: Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: GNR_Green on April 23, 2006, 04:59:02 PM That's a good rock song. It's not metal, but it sounds great when it's "metallized'. I'm going to flush a lot of my kvlt kr3d here, but Britney Spear's song toxic sounds really cool with metal instruments. I forgot where I heard it, but it was good. You heard Children of Bodom's cover of 'Oops I Did It Again'?? tr00! :rofl:I heard her say on VH1 that you should only dress like Rob Halford in 1982 if: #1- You are Rob Halford and #2- It's 1982.? :rofl: She's brighter than people think she is, compared to the Mandy's, Jessica's, Jennifer's, Lindsey's, and whatever's popular now. Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: Rob on April 24, 2006, 01:25:50 AM You heard Children of Bodom's cover of 'Oops I Did It Again'??? tr00!? :rofl: Yeah, that shit was hilarious. The solo they put in there is actually really cool. Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: Megaguns on April 24, 2006, 09:32:36 AM Heavy Metal- i say YEEEEESSSSSSS!!! :yes: I dont like that type of hardcore shit where they sing about killing babies and shit :no:
Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: ClintroN on April 24, 2006, 10:31:03 AM Hey NESQUICK ......
METAL UP YOUR ARSE!!!![/u] metal FOREVER!!! :beer: :beer: :beer: :drool: :drool: :smoking: :smoking: Title: Re: Heavy-Metal: yes or no? Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on April 24, 2006, 10:32:34 AM Heavy metal is the law that keep us all united free
A law that shatters earth and hell Heavy Metal can't be beaten by any dynasty We're all wizards fightin' with our spell :D |