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Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: jameslofton29 on May 19, 2005, 05:19:53 PM

Title: If a song leaks, which one?
Post by: jameslofton29 on May 19, 2005, 05:19:53 PM
I'm not talking about a situation like IRS. Maybe a scenario where Axl decides that us fans need something to tide us over until CD release, so he decides to allow one song to "leak". Which song would you want it to be? If I had to pick one, I would have to say "Catcher in the Rye". That song title has always intrigued me. But if it wound up being a song we've already heard, as much as I love The Blues, I think I would rather hear the studio version of Chinese Democracy.

Title: Re: If a song leaks, which one?
Post by: Jonx on May 19, 2005, 05:22:16 PM
Something that is so completly out there and different that will make everyone turn their radios up and go "what the F**k was that". In a good way of course.


Title: Re: If a song leaks, which one?
Post by: AxlsMainMan on May 19, 2005, 05:33:26 PM
I want the first commercial single of new material to be an all out rocker!!! Something really catchy and original that will just dominate the charts and expose the new GnR to the public. Save the massive epics for us true fans if need be as we treasure the beauty of Estranged far more than the public ever really did.

Title: Re: If a song leaks, which one?
Post by: Dave_Rose on May 19, 2005, 05:38:38 PM
I'm not talking about a situation like IRS. Maybe a scenario where Axl decides that us fans need something to tide us over until CD release, so he decides to allow one song to "leak". Which song would you want it to be? If I had to pick one, I would have to say "Catcher in the Rye". That song title has always intrigued me. But if it wound up being a song we've already heard, as much as I love The Blues, I think I would rather hear the studio version of Chinese Democracy.

Catcher in the Rye

The Blues as well!

Title: Re: If a song leaks, which one?
Post by: Nytunz on May 19, 2005, 05:48:07 PM
Dont what a leak, but i i would like to hear a really epic rocker for the first single. And i would like it to come out this summer, so i can relate it to the beutifull summer of 2005!  :yes:

Title: Re: If a song leaks, which one?
Post by: nesquick on May 19, 2005, 06:24:30 PM
Either madagascar or the blues. fucking amazing songs.

Title: Re: If a song leaks, which one?
Post by: jameslofton29 on May 19, 2005, 06:26:21 PM
NyTunz, this summer will play a factor in the rumor of a christmas release. In the Illusions era, the band started the official hype in the summer. But they were also already touring, so I guess the situation now is different. But I think if we dont have a band sanctioned "leak" or a single by the end of summer, then we can probably rule out 2005.

Title: Re: If a song leaks, which one?
Post by: william on May 19, 2005, 06:32:16 PM

Title: Re: If a song leaks, which one?
Post by: Nytunz on May 19, 2005, 06:46:39 PM
NyTunz, this summer will play a factor in the rumor of a christmas release. In the Illusions era, the band started the official hype in the summer. But they were also already touring, so I guess the situation now is different. But I think if we dont have a band sanctioned "leak" or a single by the end of summer, then we can probably rule out 2005.

Yeah, i agree on that.. I really dont want the album to leak! It would be soo sad! But i would really like them to release a single and hype CD up with a couple of new epic songs! I wonder if they will go for alot of promotion for Cd...  ::)

Title: Re: If a song leaks, which one?
Post by: Timothy on May 19, 2005, 11:11:22 PM
A clean studio version of IRS .

I would want to wait for the album to come out ,before I hear anything else.

Title: Re: If a song leaks, which one?
Post by: gilld1 on May 20, 2005, 01:16:03 PM
We don't even know what the songs on the album will be so how can we say that we want song X to be leaked.  A 4-5 year old list of supposed titles from Rolling Stone is not a viable source.  I hope somebody steals a copy from Axl and leaks the whole thing on the internet.  That would sure piss Axl off, that's why it would be so awesome!

Title: Re: If a song leaks, which one?
Post by: smith13 on May 20, 2005, 02:31:42 PM
irs or the blues

Title: Re: If a song leaks, which one?
Post by: Neemo on May 20, 2005, 02:42:44 PM
Personally, I think if one song leaks the whole album will be. If I had to choose from "new" songs we have heard already, studio of Madagascar.

Title: Re: If a song leaks, which one?
Post by: jameslofton29 on May 20, 2005, 03:34:07 PM
gilld1, I agree with you on that. No one really has a clue what tracklist this album is going to have. Most of the song titles are probably fakes. When this album is finally released, I wouldn't be surprised if 90% of the song titles are ones we've never even heard of.

Title: Re: If a song leaks, which one?
Post by: estranged.1098 on May 21, 2005, 01:47:04 AM
We don't even know what the songs on the album will be so how can we say that we want song X to be leaked.  A 4-5 year old list of supposed titles from Rolling Stone is not a viable source.  I hope somebody steals a copy from Axl and leaks the whole thing on the internet.  That would sure piss Axl off, that's why it would be so awesome!

Yes, those of us with empty lives would be so excited if Axl gets pissed off.

Title: Re: If a song leaks, which one?
Post by: mikegiuliana on May 21, 2005, 12:33:10 PM
I can't accept anything but the album now..

Title: Re: If a song leaks, which one?
Post by: Sakib on May 21, 2005, 04:30:47 PM
the hole album wudnt b 2 bad an idea now wud it children????

Title: Re: If a song leaks, which one?
Post by: jameslofton29 on May 21, 2005, 05:24:46 PM
The results are in! Going by a few of the responses, and the lack of responses to this thread, I'm guessing that not many people are interested in a new song leak. VERY interesting.

Title: Re: If a song leaks, which one?
Post by: mikegiuliana on May 21, 2005, 05:47:19 PM
who wants a leaked songs after all these years... Who would belly ache we shouldn't listen to it or post the link..  Better to just get the damn album already.. Leak each song for the next 15 years to get one album :hihi:

Title: Re: If a song leaks, which one?
Post by: jameslofton29 on May 21, 2005, 05:50:21 PM
I agree, Mike. Of course we want the full album.  But let me speculate for a minute. Lets say the album doesn't come out until July 2007. Do you not want to hear anything until then?

Title: Re: If a song leaks, which one?
Post by: mikegiuliana on May 21, 2005, 05:53:21 PM
I agree, Mike. Of course we want the full album.? But let me speculate for a minute. Lets say the album doesn't come out until July 2007. Do you not want to hear anything until then?
Honestly I really don't care anymore.. New gnr is so distant in my memory in ways.. I don't listen to the songs anymore or ever watch the shows... Last show I watched was live msg.. I am going to sit down with cd for hours when it comes out and really enjoy it, but I don't miss new gnr like some might.. Can't miss what you NEVER had..

Title: Re: If a song leaks, which one?
Post by: jameslofton29 on May 21, 2005, 07:43:30 PM
Mike, you dont listen to the new stuff? Interesting. I guess I have the opposite take on this. As much as I LOVE the old stuff, I dont listen to it as often as I used to. When I listen to GNR nowadays, I usually play one of the new songs that I like.

Title: Re: If a song leaks, which one?
Post by: estranged.1098 on May 22, 2005, 01:25:54 AM
The results are in! Going by a few of the responses, and the lack of responses to this thread, I'm guessing that not many people are interested in a new song leak. VERY interesting.

What is NOT interesting is this thread.

The response to the IRS 'leak' proves the point you're trying to make is bs.

Title: Re: If a song leaks, which one?
Post by: gilld1 on May 22, 2005, 03:17:23 AM
Right on Mike, why should we miss them?  Axl obviously doesn't miss us.  Besides there has been so much good music of late.  System of a Down and NIN have new cds out, Audioslave come out next week, White Stripes next month, Foo Fighters soon after.  Radiohead is absolutely fabulous.  Tool, Metallica, Queens of the Stone Age, Beck, Modest Mouse,Franz Ferdinand, Eminem, the list could go on for awhile.  Point is that there is plent of good music out there.  At htis point I am more curious than anything.  A new album would be nice but I have great memories of great times with GNR, so que sera, sera. 

Title: Re: If a song leaks, which one?
Post by: mikegiuliana on May 22, 2005, 10:02:29 AM
Ihave no bad feling towards new gnr at all I jjst never got the chance to let them grow on me. That comes naturally when you like a band from album releases videos and seeing them live.. Those are all key elements I have missed so far with the band.. Now three years of nothing is creeping up so it's hard to have those strong feeling towards the new band like I have towards the old..

Insert Quote
Mike, you dont listen to the new stuff? Interesting. I guess
For me there's only so long I can listen to a handfull of songs.. We aren't talking about wttj, scom, pc, nr, and estranged here with a leak of ycbm.. A few songs right off the bat didn't interest me. I grew tired of oh my god by 2000, silkworms rhiad never even kept my interest.. Cd has potential.. maddy was cool the blues as well..

When I got into vr I already knew scott because I was an stp fan, and of course I knew matt slash and duff so I didn't have to explore backgrounds to get to know them..

Title: Re: If a song leaks, which one?
Post by: jameslofton29 on May 22, 2005, 07:55:22 PM
Estranged 1098, If this thread is "NOT interesting", why are you reading it? And then posting in it? If you dont have anything interesting to say, move on to the next thread, and go bitch about that one.

Title: Re: If a song leaks, which one?
Post by: jameslofton29 on May 22, 2005, 08:05:20 PM
Mike, you make a valid point. The band cant grow on you with virtually no activity all these years. You cant get any kind of sense of loyalty towards these "new" members of GNR. The only loyalty is towards Axl, and that is based on his accomplishments from the past. If we were allowed to see what these other people have contributed to the legacy of GNR, we would be much more accepting of the new lineup. The GNR core fanbase would welcome them with open arms. But until Axl decides to break the silence, the status quo shall continue.

Title: Re: If a song leaks, which one?
Post by: estranged.1098 on May 22, 2005, 09:56:33 PM
Estranged 1098, If this thread is "NOT interesting", why are you reading it? And then posting in it? If you dont have anything interesting to say, move on to the next thread, and go bitch about that one.

Not only am I reading it but I also replied to the very poor point you were trying to make. I can see why you ignored that though.  : ok:

Title: Re: If a song leaks, which one?
Post by: jameslofton29 on May 23, 2005, 03:45:14 PM
Why is it a poor point? Most said that they dont want a leak. They want the album or nothing. I was just stating that fact.

Title: Re: If a song leaks, which one?
Post by: estranged.1098 on May 23, 2005, 08:45:00 PM
Nope, two different things.

I didn't want IRS to leak, and I don't want any other songs to leak. But if a song leaks there's going to be huge interest in it, and this site will be loaded with traffic from all the PM's users will be sending each other.

Most people don't want another song to leak, doesn't mean they wouldn't be interested in it if it happenned.

Title: Re: If a song leaks, which one?
Post by: dENIS on May 24, 2005, 01:49:30 PM
Chinese Democracy? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Title: Re: If a song leaks, which one?
Post by: Eeebs on May 24, 2005, 04:18:48 PM
I would love to hear a real intense, orchrasta filled song.  You know, one of those "big guns" that have been discussed in the past.  A song that will totally blow me away and make me once again a believer, or something to that effect :)

Title: Re: If a song leaks, which one?
Post by: jameslofton29 on May 24, 2005, 06:00:25 PM
I really want to hear a rocker, but would also like to hear an orchestra song too. Something that would bring tears to my eyes.

Title: Re: If a song leaks, which one?
Post by: ppbebe on May 24, 2005, 06:28:31 PM
the rejects.