Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: Sin Cut on May 19, 2005, 09:44:42 AM

Title: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: Sin Cut on May 19, 2005, 09:44:42 AM
Few months back I was talking with a doctor and he told it's easier to do long days at work if you got a goal (getting promoted etc.) I realized I didn't and quit my job about a month later.

What's your goal?

I'm pretty thrilled about that my girlfirends is moving to live with me, it just gives life a positive spin, not to mention that my living expenses are cut down a notch.

I also have some job interviews coming and I hope I get some other job than this shit I'm doing now. Even tough it gives me time to surf around the net. And now I know what I want to study, so my goal is either to go studying or find I job I actually like and want to do.

What I  worry most, or what brings me down is mostly that I always seem to be at work or cleaning around the house after my dogs have played destruction derby while I was at work, just few days ago I got home at work 10 pm and my bedroom was full of pillow-stuffing, and the other dog had thrown up in my bed. Another big worry is the bills section, but I guess I'd manage if they'd let me get my pay tax-free for a couple of months.I'd just want a few hours for myself, but I just don't seem to get the time, there's always something I'd have to do yesterday.

But everything seems to go in the right direction anyway.

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: MCT on May 19, 2005, 09:54:57 AM
What's your goal?

To touch a girl's boobie... :nervous:

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: loretian on May 19, 2005, 10:19:01 AM
My main, immediate goal in life is to wrap up the music I'm working on and get my album out, for better or worse.? It's all I think about when I'm not working, and all I ever work on when I'm at home.

For longer term goals, I'm really trying to ramp up my professional work at my job and putting in the extra hours to do things really well and excel at my job.? Our company is really starting to expand again, and we've just purchased a building in downtown Minneapolis, which means we have to step up our monthly income by around 10% or so to afford the building, so we have to keep pushing ourselves forward.? Ultimately, I want to be pretty rich within the next five-eight years, then look into finding a wife and starting a family, so I can focus on my family and not be so concerned with work.? This goal is on my mind every night because I am proud at how far I've come and what I've achieved so far, but I still have so far to go.

Along with that, I'm really feeling a lot of pressure from different angles in my life to quit all my boozing and drug use, which would probably be a good idea, and I do intend to, it's just pretty hard to say, "This will be the last one...."? ?;)

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: *Izzy* on May 19, 2005, 10:53:27 AM
What's your goal?

To witness the Apocalypse and the Battle of Armageddon, to help in the the timely defeat of the Antichrist and of course to witness the second coming of Christ

 :smoking: Izzy? :smoking:

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: 2NaFish on May 19, 2005, 11:26:40 AM
i don't have a clue what my goal in life is, and thats starting to worry me. i've jsut about finished my first year at uni and don't even know what i want to do my masters in.

i wish i had something to look forward to that i could work at over time but i can't seem to settle on anything yet. i never seem to be content with my own life and i think a lack of a tangible goal is the main reason behind that.

Unless you count "living long enough to see the release of CD" as a goal.....

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: Dave_Rose on May 19, 2005, 12:49:15 PM
My goal is just to make movies for a living and get paid for it!

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: unoturbo on May 19, 2005, 01:42:10 PM
My goal in life is to win the lottery  : ok:.  I literally finished my university life 3 hours ago and I really don't want to work 9 -5 to make someone else rich.

All i worry about is my current 'status quo' i.e. I take my health and the health of others I care about for granted. That's the only thing that can fuck me up!

I plan to experience a lot more than I have. Although material things are nice, I have realised that experiences and memories are much better. Also I have realised that it is all too easy to fall into something that you don't really enjoy doing and hardwork gets noticed eventually if you have the balls to commit ot something.

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: SLCPUNK on May 19, 2005, 02:03:00 PM

I plan to experience a lot more than I have. Although material things are nice, I have realised that experiences and memories are much better. Also I have realised that it is all too easy to fall into something that you don't really enjoy doing and hardwork gets noticed eventually if you have the balls to commit ot something.

Experience is the most important part I think.

Material things are nice, don't get me wrong, and I don't think there is anything wrong with enjoying them. The question is: how much is enough?

That is the balance. I have set my life up so I can have a balance, not too extravagant, and able to have free time. Living comfortably. I could have more, and have the credit to get about anything I want, but I don't. I would end up in a cycle of working for things that ultimately do not matter to me.

I would rather have a backpack on hiking or skiing somewhere then having a house bigger than I need to impress nobody. Experience is king.

Having the balls is important too. I think fear keeps people locked in. I am doing exactly what I want, although it comes slowly (impatient) is is still awesome as I see it unfold.

There is nothing wrong with wanting money and comfort or nice things. I do. But when they are you only drive then you are wasting your time I think.

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: MCT on May 19, 2005, 05:48:16 PM
Experience is the most important part I think.

Material things are nice, don't get me wrong, and I don't think there is anything wrong with enjoying them. The question is: how much is enough?

That is the balance. I have set my life up so I can have a balance, not too extravagant, and able to have free time. Living comfortably. I could have more, and have the credit to get about anything I want, but I don't. I would end up in a cycle of working for things that ultimately do not matter to me.

I would rather have a backpack on hiking or skiing somewhere then having a house bigger than I need to impress nobody. Experience is king.

Having the balls is important too. I think fear keeps people locked in. I am doing exactly what I want, although it comes slowly (impatient) is is still awesome as I see it unfold.

There is nothing wrong with wanting money and comfort or nice things. I do. But when they are you only drive then you are wasting your time I think.

Listen to Tyler Durden... ::)

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: Carlos_f_Rose on May 19, 2005, 06:30:12 PM
Honestly My goal in life is getting a scholarship to Japan or china, it would be the greater achievement I'd  get...
In the other hand... I would really like to go to a GNR concert... I hope it to be with the original band membes....
and improving my English :)  : ok:

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: Gunner80 on May 20, 2005, 01:50:47 AM
What's your goal?

To witness the Apocalypse and the Battle of Armageddon, to help in the the timely defeat of the Antichrist and of course to witness the second coming of Christ

 :smoking: Izzy  :smoking:
So....your goal is to end up in a sanitarium?

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: *Izzy* on May 20, 2005, 02:52:14 AM

So....your goal is to end up in a sanitarium?

 :smoking: Izzy? :smoking:

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: SLCPUNK on May 20, 2005, 02:55:51 AM
Experience is the most important part I think.

Material things are nice, don't get me wrong, and I don't think there is anything wrong with enjoying them. The question is: how much is enough?

That is the balance. I have set my life up so I can have a balance, not too extravagant, and able to have free time. Living comfortably. I could have more, and have the credit to get about anything I want, but I don't. I would end up in a cycle of working for things that ultimately do not matter to me.

I would rather have a backpack on hiking or skiing somewhere then having a house bigger than I need to impress nobody. Experience is king.

Having the balls is important too. I think fear keeps people locked in. I am doing exactly what I want, although it comes slowly (impatient) is is still awesome as I see it unfold.

There is nothing wrong with wanting money and comfort or nice things. I do. But when they are you only drive then you are wasting your time I think.

Listen to Tyler Durden... ::)

Who is that?

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: psycotron on May 20, 2005, 04:00:12 AM
my goal is to put oil all over my body and then slide down a ten pin bowling lane.

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: St.heathen on May 20, 2005, 08:42:23 AM
I love music and i really feel this is where i should be. I was in a band for 6 years which i loved but the other guys fell out and it disapeard. And i have been what I call a 'phase' since then where i have felt a bit lost.  Tried working tried to be like everyone else and switch off. But factories do my head in after a while i just can't switch off. I need to be creative

So i went to uni and even that doesn't feel right.  I have learnt i dont like people trying to teach me about music.  I like my ideas to be natural and the musicians i love have all learnt music in an organic natural way - and i like that.

Whether i can break into the industry though is another thing.  Unfortunatly It is an industry and it's driven by image and money. I haven't got the look and don't want it.  And is it me or does the industry seem more closed off to the idea of new talent more than ever ?  You can't send in demos anymore.  Every A&R guy seem to be total twats lol  You have to worm your way in - that's not me though. So it will have to be based on talent if i have that. But then i wonder if writing songs for other people is also kind of selling out? 

You guys are right about experience. I feel happy with what i have done in my life have had a good time made great friends, always tried to be true to myself on things i do.  But i know i haven't experienced enough as such but hopefully i will have time on my side to make up for it.   Good luck to you all anyway.   

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: noonespecial on May 20, 2005, 11:34:48 AM
My goal is to stay present and find peace...

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: MCT on May 20, 2005, 02:20:01 PM
Listen to Tyler Durden... ::)

Who is that?

Either read some Chuck Palahniuk or watch some David Fincher to find out.

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: Sin Cut on May 20, 2005, 02:28:54 PM
Listen to Tyler Durden... ::)

Who is that?

Either read some Chuck Palahniuk or watch some David Fincher to find out.
damn, isn't this cryptic :)

Some quotes :)
"Fuck off with your sofa units and serine green stripe patterns, I say never be complete, I say stop being perfect, I say let... lets evolve, let the chips fall where they may. "

"You're not your job. You're not how much money you have in the bank. You're not the car you drive. You're not the contents of your wallet. You're not your fucking khakis. You're the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world. "

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: D on May 20, 2005, 07:15:50 PM
Tyler Durden is my hero for sure!

Like Loretian my goal is to finally finished my extremely long overdue CD and for better or worse try to get signed and do something with it.

what i fear is working a dead end job and being mediocre.

I fear being insignifcant and I fear wasting my talents.

Im getting older and I am going nowhere fast and that scares me cause some days it all seems pointless.

somedays I work on a song and I think of the state of the music industry and I get in my head that it is pointless.

Im not skinny enough, im not good looking enough and im not commercial enough to make my dreams come true.

those things worry me.

I worry about failing cause my music has kept me alive, the dream of making it somewhere has kept me alive when otherwise I didnt wanna be alive.

so what happens if my Cd sucks and im not good enough?

what do i dream then?

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: N.I.B on May 20, 2005, 07:53:31 PM
u know that cool guy on stage with the ripped jeans, the band shirt, the leather and chains wearing that cool metal guitar that every kid into rock n' roll deams about?

i wanna be his lawyer  ;D

nah im kidding i wanna be him. and if i cant get that good, then ill be his lawyer  ;D

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: SLCPUNK on May 21, 2005, 01:34:43 AM
my goal is to put oil all over my body and then slide down a ten pin bowling lane.

I did that last is over rated for sure.

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: Cornell on May 21, 2005, 10:10:38 AM
my goal is to put oil all over my body and then slide down a ten pin bowling lane.

I did that last is over rated for sure.

 :hihi: :hihi:  I think you need to carry a camera more often!

My goal is to retire early.  ;D

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: Timothy on May 21, 2005, 10:46:31 AM
My goal is to is to just live life  and not to look back when I'm 70 and have regrets.

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: DEAD HORSE on May 21, 2005, 05:56:45 PM
I know what i want, but i dont know how to get it,  maybe as someone said before is "fear" that stops me  or things like that, things that have happened through all these years, just filled me up with fears and its hard when you are in a situation like this.
Its maybe something like " I know i can do it, BUT i dont have enopugh balls to go for it" Hope you understand

By the way Thanks for the POst Blue Cut , reading what other people fears is encouraging at some points, i mean, you realize you are not the only one who feels like smashed shit.

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on May 21, 2005, 06:34:07 PM
Goals in life is quite difficult to say one, cause when I was a kid I always wanted to be an inventor, now that Im grown up I just dont know what do I want, perhaps stay stable in economics and in job, or maybe I just want somebody to love  :peace:, hope one day I just figure it out, its difficult to understand oneself.

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: jameslofton29 on May 21, 2005, 08:20:10 PM
I am currently writing a trilogy of novels. A very difficult task. It will probably take years. I'm hoping for a CD release to give me a little extra inspiration. LMAO!!

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: Carlos_f_Rose on May 21, 2005, 08:42:32 PM
I am currently writing a trilogy of novels. A very difficult task. It will probably take years. I'm hoping for a CD release to give me a little extra inspiration. LMAO!!

mmm sorta lord of the rings influence?

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: jameslofton29 on May 21, 2005, 09:30:58 PM
Carlos, absolutely not! I hate Lord of the Rings. My trilogy is about a CIA agent's drift towards insanity.

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: D on May 21, 2005, 10:12:45 PM
I am currently writing a trilogy of novels. A very difficult task. It will probably take years. I'm hoping for a CD release to give me a little extra inspiration. LMAO!!

I agree 100 percent, see the thread in bad obsession about artists owing albums.

Dude I just know deep down if I could hear Chinese Democracy, it would somehow open me up and motivate me to finish my project.

Its like if Axl finally releases his Ill be able to finally do something with mine,

pretty strange eh? but I dont know, its weird..

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: Oddy on May 22, 2005, 12:08:53 AM
my goal is to make a living off a music. oh sure the "rock star" dream is still there too. i want to continue playing guitar a lot and in about 4 years time start a rock n roll band.

if all else fails i'll have my law degree to fall back on. that is if i keep these passes up because uni is the last of my priorities, playing guitar takes place of the uni work i should be doing.

a more immediate goal of mine is to start going to the gym and get healthy. i'm really slim, but im really unhealthy too cuz my eating habits are really bad gotta fix that up.

another thing, in january i cut my dreadlocks off. long story short, i'm an idiot and regret it. the dreads were me, i was the dreads. so another goal of mine is to grow my hair real long. might get dreadlocks again we'll see but im gonna grow the biggest mop of hair it'd make the SLCPUNK of the 80's impressed. :hihi:

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: the dirt on May 22, 2005, 12:51:16 AM
I am currently writing a trilogy of novels. A very difficult task. It will probably take years. I'm hoping for a CD release to give me a little extra inspiration. LMAO!!

I'm currently writing a novel loosely based on my life...

Working on it six years strong...

So no PM's to hurry me up please, this stuff sometimes takes time

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: psycotron on May 22, 2005, 03:58:17 AM
i want to have sex  : ok:. hopefully there will still be prostitutes around next year.

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: SLCPUNK on May 22, 2005, 04:33:38 AM
i want to have sex? : ok:. hopefully there will still be prostitutes around next year.

You could always oil your body up and try your luck at the local bowling alley....

But I used to go on "Seniors night"......

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: MCT on May 22, 2005, 02:21:30 PM
I'm currently writing a novel loosely based on my life...

Working on it six years strong...

So no PM's to hurry me up please, this stuff sometimes takes time

Shit! And I was just going to PM you...

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: Tj on May 22, 2005, 02:27:24 PM
My goal is to grow my hair so it's as long as I am tall  : ok:

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: MCT on May 22, 2005, 02:30:20 PM
My goal is to grow my hair so it's as long as I am tall? : ok:

So is that a lot of hair, or...?

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: jameslofton29 on May 22, 2005, 05:57:03 PM
The dirt, that is really cool. I thought I was one of the only writers here. There's alot of musicians, but not writers. Interesting that you would write a story based on yourself. In the first book of my trilogy, the main character is quickly losing his sanity. When he has flashbacks, the flashbacks are actually experiences I've had in my life. And they're not good ones either. LMAO!! I wish everyone here the best of luck in whatever it is they are trying to accomplish. Just follow your dreams and see where they take you.

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: Tj on May 22, 2005, 09:12:17 PM
My goal is to grow my hair so it's as long as I am tall? : ok:

So is that a lot of hair, or...?

Nope, not much. I'm only two feet tall :-[

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: D on May 22, 2005, 10:11:42 PM
The dirt, that is really cool. I thought I was one of the only writers here. There's alot of musicians, but not writers. Interesting that you would write a story based on yourself. In the first book of my trilogy, the main character is quickly losing his sanity. When he has flashbacks, the flashbacks are actually experiences I've had in my life. And they're not good ones either. LMAO!! I wish everyone here the best of luck in whatever it is they are trying to accomplish. Just follow your dreams and see where they take you.

I feel you James, I hope everyone gets their shot!

If not though, whatever art u do, please yourself, enjoy doing it and do the best u can and that is success to me. : ok:

Also never give up, if u write one book or make one cd and nothing comes of it, write another book or make another cd

keep trying!

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: Timothy on May 22, 2005, 10:31:41 PM
Going to learn how to play bass and guitar. 

Also I always wanted to be in charge of a  recorded label. though I probably would have to start my own to do that .which isn?t a bad idea .

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: SLCPUNK on May 23, 2005, 02:22:52 AM
my goal is to put oil all over my body and then slide down a ten pin bowling lane.

I did that last is over rated for sure.

My goal is to retire early.? ;D

Me too.

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: Genesis on May 23, 2005, 04:57:56 AM
To learn to play guitar and get a fuckin job. I'm broke  :'(

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: MCT on May 23, 2005, 11:18:19 AM
My goal is to grow my hair so it's as long as I am tall? : ok:

So is that a lot of hair, or...?

Nope, not much. I'm only two feet tall :-[

Yeah, that's what I thought... :P

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on May 23, 2005, 12:36:01 PM
I am currently writing a trilogy of novels. A very difficult task. It will probably take years. I'm hoping for a CD release to give me a little extra inspiration. LMAO!!

I'm currently writing a novel loosely based on my life...

Working on it six years strong...

So no PM's to hurry me up please, this stuff sometimes takes time

Shit im doing the same thing, but Im making it since I was 13

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: psycotron on May 24, 2005, 07:18:02 AM
my goal is to put oil all over my body and then slide down a ten pin bowling lane.

I did that last is over rated for sure.

how many pins did u knock down? i would prolly hurt going through that thing that brings the balls back

My goal is to retire early.? ;D

Me too.

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: psycotron on May 24, 2005, 07:19:52 AM
my goal is to put oil all over my body and then slide down a ten pin bowling lane.

I did that last is over rated for sure.

how many pins did u knock over? it would prolly hurt going in that thing that brings the balls back

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: Tj on May 24, 2005, 04:03:38 PM
My goal is to grow my hair so it's as long as I am tall? : ok:

So is that a lot of hair, or...?

Nope, not much. I'm only two feet tall :-[

Yeah, that's what I thought... :P

Still bigger than the average jellyfish though  :P

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: MCT on May 25, 2005, 10:44:55 AM
My goal is to grow my hair so it's as long as I am tall? : ok:

So is that a lot of hair, or...?

Nope, not much. I'm only two feet tall :-[

Yeah, that's what I thought... :P

Still bigger than the average jellyfish though? :P

Yes, well, invertebrates rarely stand tall, so that's really no suprise.

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: Carlos_f_Rose on May 28, 2005, 11:45:05 AM
What's your goal?

To touch a girl's boobie... :nervous:

now that was cool...

in the other hand... everybody has a goal in life but... sometimes its hard and our will is not enough to achieve it..

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: MCT on May 29, 2005, 01:57:21 PM
What's your goal?

To touch a girl's boobie... :nervous:

now that was cool...

Well, I'm a cool guy... 8)

in the other hand... everybody has a goal in life but... sometimes its hard and our will is not enough to achieve it..

If only we could achieve our goals by force of will alone...

BTW (by the way) it's much more common to use, "on the other hand," as opposed to, "in."

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: Carlos_f_Rose on June 01, 2005, 06:34:03 PM
What's your goal?

To touch a girl's boobie... :nervous:

now that was cool...

Well, I'm a cool guy... 8)

in the other hand... everybody has a goal in life but... sometimes its hard and our will is not enough to achieve it..

If only we could achieve our goals by force of will alone...

BTW (by the way) it's much more common to use, "on the other hand," as opposed to, "in."

mmm ... thanks for the correction man... I really apreciate it...  On the other hand.. I would like to know... why do you think.. you cant achieve your goals by yourself?.. what are the other things or issues that dont let you grow.?

Hasta la vista boys..

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: MCT on June 01, 2005, 09:09:59 PM
mmm ... thanks for the correction man... I really apreciate it...

Well, that's what I'm here for; kinda... :-\

On the other hand..


I would like to know... why do you think.. you cant achieve your goals by yourself?

I think you said it best yourself:

everybody has a goal in life but... sometimes its hard and our will is not enough to achieve it..

And I happen to agree with that.

.. what are the other things or issues that dont let you grow.?

Life, in and of itself, is fraught with adversity. Competition is the very nature of life as we know it. And following this line of thought, I think that one should come to a fairly simple conclusion.

As for anything that might be detrimental to one's personal growth, I'd say that that's purely an individualistic matter.

Hasta la vista boys..

Hasta la vista, baby...

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: Carlos_f_Rose on June 03, 2005, 06:24:48 PM
mmm ... thanks for the correction man... I really apreciate it...

Well, that's what I'm here for; kinda... :-\

On the other hand..


I would like to know... why do you think.. you cant achieve your goals by yourself?

I think you said it best yourself:

everybody has a goal in life but... sometimes its hard and our will is not enough to achieve it..

And I happen to agree with that.

.. what are the other things or issues that dont let you grow.?

Life, in and of itself, is fraught with adversity. Competition is the very nature of life as we know it. And following this line of thought, I think that one should come to a fairly simple conclusion.

As for anything that might be detrimental to one's personal growth, I'd say that that's purely an individualistic matter.

Hasta la vista boys..

Hasta la vista, baby...

Long quote hehe

Hey man...  would you teach me some expressions like: On the other hand.. etc...
I would thank you forever  thanks!

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: MCT on June 06, 2005, 05:58:49 PM
... ;)...

Hey man...? would you teach me some expressions like: On the other hand.. etc...

Absolutely! But you have to promise me one thing:

That you will NOT, under any circumstances, use what I have taught you to bring evil upon the world.

...the temptations can be strong, my young padawan...

I would thank you forever? thanks!

<rubbing hands together> Excellent...

But don't thank me yet. First gimme an idea as to what you want to know...

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: Carlos_f_Rose on June 08, 2005, 03:56:08 PM
Carlos, absolutely not! I hate Lord of the Rings. My trilogy is about a CIA agent's drift towards insanity.

well man, sorry if I have taken such a long time to ask you what im going to... but I would like to know... if you can discuss or comment more about your trilogy... ;) carlito brigante...

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: Carlos_f_Rose on June 08, 2005, 04:10:07 PM
... ;)...

Hey man...? would you teach me some expressions like: On the other hand.. etc...

Absolutely! But you have to promise me one thing:

That you will NOT, under any circumstances, use what I have taught you to bring evil upon the world.

...the temptations can be strong, my young padawan...

I would thank you forever? thanks!

<rubbing hands together> Excellent...

But don't thank me yet. First gimme an idea as to what you want to know...

Well man,  thanks for taking the time to try to teach me some english...  I would like to know some expressions you generally use... the most common ones that would be helpful...
and do you know something about that toeffl test?

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: jameslofton29 on June 09, 2005, 05:51:39 PM
Carlos, the first book deals with the underground child sex slave trade. He is friends with a twelve year old girl, and when her parents find out about it, they freak out. So there friendship is over, but he promises to come back for her when she's older. He leaves town and lives his own life. While he is in Columbia doing a covert operation, the girl gets raped and kidnapped from a park. He finds out she has been sold into slavery and the story is about his worldwide search for the girl in the sexual underground. He eventually gets a female partner. But at the end of the book, you realize that his female partner wasn't really a partner, she was a figment of his imagination.? ? ? ? The second book deals with Time Travel. In 2012, a black hole explodes in Chicago. Its a worldwide catastrophe. This yuppie terrorist group takes responsibility. So he is sent back to 1987 Chicago, where this group is going to college. This story isn't really about the 'attack', its mostly about trying to come to terms with your past.? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? The third book deals with the issue of faith, or the lack of faith. A 747 crashes in Mongolia. The only survivors say that a man claiming to be Christ was on the plane. The only people who survived the crash are those that believed he was Christ. Basically the story is about people not believing its really Jesus, even with alot of events happening that should make you believe its true.

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: D on June 09, 2005, 05:55:46 PM
james that sounds tight dude.

Id like to read that!

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: jameslofton29 on June 09, 2005, 06:32:28 PM
Thanks, D. You'll eventually get to read it. I dont know if 'soon' is the word.

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: MCT on June 09, 2005, 08:11:48 PM
Carlos, the first book deals with the underground child sex slave trade. He is friends with a twelve year old girl, and when her parents find out about it, they freak out. So there friendship is over, but he promises to come back for her when she's older. He leaves town and lives his own life. While he is in Columbia doing a covert operation, the girl gets raped and kidnapped from a park. He finds out she has been sold into slavery and the story is about his worldwide search for the girl in the sexual underground. He eventually gets a female partner. But at the end of the book, you realize that his female partner wasn't really a partner, she was a figment of his imagination.? ? ? ? The second book deals with Time Travel. In 2012, a black hole explodes in Chicago. Its a worldwide catastrophe. This yuppie terrorist group takes responsibility. So he is sent back to 1987 Chicago, where this group is going to college. This story isn't really about the 'attack', its mostly about trying to come to terms with your past.? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? The third book deals with the issue of faith, or the lack of faith. A 747 crashes in Mongolia. The only survivors say that a man claiming to be Christ was on the plane. The only people who survived the crash are those that believed he was Christ. Basically the story is about people not believing its really Jesus, even with alot of events happening that should make you believe its true.

Did you copy & paste that? You had to!

Not saying it's not your writing mind you...

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: SLCPUNK on June 10, 2005, 02:02:57 AM
I wrote my first book when I was 16-17. It was a science fiction/comedy (inspired by Douglas Adams) named "You can't take the tub to town."

I am working on one now named "A cul-de-sac named Rubicon". It is an autobiography.

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: journey on June 10, 2005, 03:46:02 AM
I wrote my first book when I was 16-17. It was a science fiction/comedy (inspired by Douglas Adams) named "You can't take the tub to town."

I am working on one now named "A cul-de-sac named Rubicon". It is an autobiography.

That seems really interesting.

Have you considered pursuing writing as a career?

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: SLCPUNK on June 10, 2005, 04:05:19 AM
I wrote my first book when I was 16-17. It was a science fiction/comedy (inspired by Douglas Adams) named "You can't take the tub to town."

I am working on one now named "A cul-de-sac named Rubicon". It is an autobiography.

That seems really interesting.

Have you considered pursuing writing as a career?

I only got as far as having sex with my English teacher.

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: journey on June 10, 2005, 04:32:54 AM
I wrote my first book when I was 16-17. It was a science fiction/comedy (inspired by Douglas Adams) named "You can't take the tub to town."

I am working on one now named "A cul-de-sac named Rubicon". It is an autobiography.

That seems really interesting.

Have you considered pursuing writing as a career?

I only got as far as having sex with my English teacher.

You gotta start somewhere.  ;)

I love to write stories also. I hope to get some of them published before I lose my mind.

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: SLCPUNK on June 10, 2005, 04:37:26 AM
LOL, well seriously I will try to get this book published, when I finish it. It is detailed and complex.

The other I started to, but in the end, did not. My English teacher was proof reading and editing it for me before the booze years took over. It's in storage right now, it made the people laugh who read it, so that was good enough for me.

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: Sin Cut on June 10, 2005, 06:55:22 AM
I wrote my first book when I was 16-17. It was a science fiction/comedy (inspired by Douglas Adams) named "You can't take the tub to town."

I am working on one now named "A cul-de-sac named Rubicon". It is an autobiography.

That seems really interesting.

Have you considered pursuing writing as a career?

I only got as far as having sex with my English teacher.

was he/she a male?

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: *Izzy* on June 10, 2005, 07:54:09 AM
I wrote my first book when I was 16-17. It was a science fiction/comedy (inspired by Douglas Adams) named "You can't take the tub to town."

I am working on one now named "A cul-de-sac named Rubicon". It is an autobiography.

That seems really interesting.

Have you considered pursuing writing as a career?

I only got as far as having sex with my English teacher.

Was that in your scince fiction/comedy novel or in real life, I don't see the comedy in that, or do I....

 :smoking: Izzy? :smoking:

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: SLCPUNK on June 10, 2005, 02:04:10 PM
I wrote my first book when I was 16-17. It was a science fiction/comedy (inspired by Douglas Adams) named "You can't take the tub to town."

I am working on one now named "A cul-de-sac named Rubicon". It is an autobiography.

That seems really interesting.

Have you considered pursuing writing as a career?

I only got as far as having sex with my English teacher.

was he/she a male?

She was not a male. :P

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: jameslofton29 on June 10, 2005, 03:08:41 PM
MCT, those are my stories. Not copied from someone else. At first, I felt insulted by your comments. But now I'm flattered. You thought it was so good that I must have ripped it off. Thanks.

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: MCT on June 10, 2005, 06:46:04 PM
Forget I even mentioned it; you'd be better off.

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: Carlos_f_Rose on June 13, 2005, 09:25:59 PM
Carlos, the first book deals with the underground child sex slave trade. He is friends with a twelve year old girl, and when her parents find out about it, they freak out. So there friendship is over, but he promises to come back for her when she's older. He leaves town and lives his own life. While he is in Columbia doing a covert operation, the girl gets raped and kidnapped from a park. He finds out she has been sold into slavery and the story is about his worldwide search for the girl in the sexual underground. He eventually gets a female partner. But at the end of the book, you realize that his female partner wasn't really a partner, she was a figment of his imagination.? ? ? ? The second book deals with Time Travel. In 2012, a black hole explodes in Chicago. Its a worldwide catastrophe. This yuppie terrorist group takes responsibility. So he is sent back to 1987 Chicago, where this group is going to college. This story isn't really about the 'attack', its mostly about trying to come to terms with your past.? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? The third book deals with the issue of faith, or the lack of faith. A 747 crashes in Mongolia. The only survivors say that a man claiming to be Christ was on the plane. The only people who survived the crash are those that believed he was Christ. Basically the story is about people not believing its really Jesus, even with alot of events happening that should make you believe its true.

Hi man, how are you doing?
Its been a while... but I just read the summary of your trilogy....
It looks interesting... (honestly)  anyway... It would be refreshing to read something more about the trilogy... if you have the time or the will to write more... that d be amazing...

ps: when do you plan to release the books?

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on June 14, 2005, 08:59:12 AM
i'd like to put my face in bowl of soup and blow. for 20 bucks.

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: jameslofton29 on June 14, 2005, 05:18:24 PM
Carlos, I'm glad you liked it. Alot of people are going to like it when its finished, especially the first book. It deals with very taboo subjects. I have no idea when it will be finished. I haven't sent it to the publisher yet. I want it to be absolutely perfect. The artistic side of me can understand why Axl is taking so long. These books are a world that I created, and I want it to be a certain way before public consumption. I'm sure Axl feels the same way. I'll spend some time over the next few weeks doing some fine tuning to the first book, then I'll post the first few chapters.     

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: nesquick on June 14, 2005, 06:29:09 PM
Nesquick's advices
Choose the people with who you want to be. Do what you think is fair, sincere and honnest. If you have something to say, say it. Don't let anyone to tell you what you have to say or what you have to think. Don't be impressed. Neither in real life (people) nor on the internet (boardmembers, moderators etc...). Listen to your parents and Always be correct with others, it's very important. However IF some are not correct with you, you have the right to be uncorrect with them. It will be totally justified. Try to understand there will always be unhappy people who will always criticize you or say negatice comments about you: ignore them.

You've to know you can't please everybody unless you are an exeptional person admired by EVERYBODY (it happens) hypocrit person way too silencious who hides his game (the most frequent thing though).?A normal person have some enemies, it's normal, accept it. it's part of life!? After that, all will be OK.??8)

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: Carlos_f_Rose on June 15, 2005, 02:24:23 PM
Carlos, I'm glad you liked it. Alot of people are going to like it when its finished, especially the first book. It deals with very taboo subjects. I have no idea when it will be finished. I haven't sent it to the publisher yet. I want it to be absolutely perfect. The artistic side of me can understand why Axl is taking so long. These books are a world that I created, and I want it to be a certain way before public consumption. I'm sure Axl feels the same way. I'll spend some time over the next few weeks doing some fine tuning to the first book, then I'll post the first few chapters.? ? ?

Hi James, how are you doing?

I hope you dont take as much time as Axl, to post a summary of your trilogy..  :peace:  :crying:

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: D on June 16, 2005, 12:24:54 AM
My goal is to get out of life alive without going to prison

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: Tied-Up on June 16, 2005, 01:03:25 AM
My goal is to get out of life alive without going to prison
hmmm... well... my advice to you is to STOP LISTENING TO BON JOVI!  This will lead to a life of degradation!


My immediate goals are:

1.  to finish my short story so that I can get my 'zine to the printers and get this sucker printed and out to the people who are already placing orders for it.

2.  Once the 'zine is back from the printers, then I need to actually assemble them which will take work. 

My long term goals are:

1.  to watch my children grow up and mature in to beautiful adults.

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: D on June 16, 2005, 01:08:19 AM
My short term goal is to get my desire and my heart back

I dont wanna exercise or work out anymore

and I dont wanna play music anymore

I just want to lie in my room,eat,watch Tv and die

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: Tied-Up on June 16, 2005, 01:13:31 AM
My short term goal is to get my desire and my heart back

I dont wanna exercise or work out anymore

and I dont wanna play music anymore

I just want to lie in my room,eat,watch Tv and die

Are you alright, dude? 

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: Sin Cut on June 16, 2005, 06:08:58 AM
My short term goal is to get my desire and my heart back

I dont wanna exercise or work out anymore

and I dont wanna play music anymore

I just want to lie in my room,eat,watch Tv and die
D, what's going on? Are you all right? Send me a pm or something.

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: SLCPUNK on June 16, 2005, 01:08:08 PM
My short term goal is to get my desire and my heart back

I dont wanna exercise or work out anymore

and I dont wanna play music anymore

I just want to lie in my room,eat,watch Tv and die

In times like this the only thing you can do is FORCE yourself outside.

Trust me, the hardest part of the entire process is getting off your butt.

No matter how bad your head feels it will change once you are there.

Take every single bit of energy you have and motivate yourself to go OUT.

Other people will take you away from your thoughts/lackluster for life (temporary). They can't do that if you are in your room watching Springer eating popcorn.


This too shall pass.

It always does.

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: Layne Staley's Sunglasses on July 22, 2006, 02:04:47 AM
Popcorn is good.  ;D

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: Bono on July 22, 2006, 02:20:41 AM
Ummm... I got nothing. Sounds bad I know but really that's it.  No goals as of right now. I'ma surveyor, I coach kids hockey, I'ma dj and that's about it. I basically just go day by day, go with the flow and doa s I please. So for right now I guess my goal is to maintain the status quo. I'd love to have a family someday but that will take care of itself if and when.

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: Shirell on July 22, 2006, 03:54:17 AM
My immediate goal is to get through the level on the Prince of Persia:  The Two thrones I am stuck on.  After that, I'm seriously considering leaving my husband as I've just found out he's been cheating on me with a woman who lives in the town near where he works.  He works away half the week, now at least I know he hasn't been pining away for me. Bastard!  Do you think I'd get locked up if I chop his dick off and serve it up for his breakfast?

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: pebbles on July 23, 2006, 11:44:26 PM
my goal is to get my daughter thru school, hope she meets a nice guy (not the crack head she knew before) who just happened to show back up lately, that is also my biggest worry. but if he does i will fuckin hurt him some how!  :rant: :rant: :rant:

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on July 24, 2006, 09:24:33 AM
i want a mickey mouse watch.

Title: Re: Do you have a goal in life? What do you worry?
Post by: makane on July 24, 2006, 11:02:02 AM
i want a mickey mouse watch.
You can't always get what you want...
I just want to perform my music to other people, no matter if it's 10 or 10,000.