Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: chinesedemocracy05 on May 13, 2005, 11:41:25 PM

Title: Let me make a point here
Post by: chinesedemocracy05 on May 13, 2005, 11:41:25 PM
I'm sure these thoughts have been said before but I just have to make a point about something. I guess this is my year of becoming a veteran GN'R fanatic I joined this camp in 2003/2004 and I'd always liked songs like Paradise, Sweetn Child, and Jungle, but never knew who it was. Now I've been coming on boards since then and I didn't know the B.S. that came with GN'R at the time. I logged on and read stuff about a new album and was like, wow! great timing my new favorite band is releasing an album soon...........2 years later We've all got nothing to show for it. I shouldn't be bitching though because people have delt with the wait since Around 1992. (i excluded TSI cuz thats not a proper release)I love GN'R people because Iu think they have made the greatest music of all time I think there better than Zeppelin, Sabbath, The Beatles, Pink Floyd all of them. People always argue with me and say oh Axl sucks, Gn'r is a fag band, Buckethead is gay. I believe in Axl and know he's still capable of performing because of MSG 02 the guy was explosive! I'm just beginning to doubt the whole Chinese Democracy thing. Then in 2004 I thought the wait was at least postponed with the Velvet Revolver CD.......wrong! I've heard people say that it's one of the better albums ever, I totally disagree, the VR album was almost a complete dissapointment to me. I was expecting not AFD but an album where everytrack kicks ass. I don't know The point of the matter is I'm really starting to doubt my favorite band. And for everyone who is gonna say Axl doesn't owe me anything guess what, he does. He owes at least a statement beside that the progress is going well we need to here a projected time of release or that the album isn't coming out at all. He owes it to us as his loyal fans. ]Axl Stop dicking with us
................Form your opinions about thyis but don't hate me because I have my own.

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: Lisa on May 14, 2005, 12:11:49 AM
point made.... ::) go away.... no one OWES anyone anything ....and if you think they do, perhaps you should get a life? might make the wait more bearable :hihi:

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: HK-47 on May 14, 2005, 12:51:49 AM
How many shows did Axl perform with GNR? How much time did he lose to tour buses and airports to haul his ass from gig to gig? How many days of his youth were wasted in hotel rooms waiting for show-time? How many years has he spent on the new album?  How long did he struggle to work with the old band and how long has he spent putting this new line-up together? For how long has he been a figure of public ridicule? How many people badmouth him in the media and on the internet per day?

How does Axl Rose owe any of us anything?

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: Rob on May 14, 2005, 01:15:52 AM
You know I think Axl does kinda owe his fans.  We've been sticking with him for a long time now with nothing to show for it.  We defend him and continue to buy the merchandise and line his pockets and we get nothing in return.  Rock stars do owe their fans, because without them they'd never have the money or the fame they have.  If it wasn't for GN'R fans where would Axl be?  Without the support of his fans over the years he damn sure wouldn't be in position to not put out any original material in years, rarely play live shows, and still have more than enough money thatn he'll ever need.  Him not even giving his fans a statement regarding what's going on shows how selfish and egomaniacal he really is.

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: HK-47 on May 14, 2005, 01:26:53 AM
You know I think Axl does kinda owe his fans.? We've been sticking with him for a long time now with nothing to show for it.? We defend him and continue to buy the merchandise and line his pockets and we get nothing in return.? Rock stars do owe their fans, because without them they'd never have the money or the fame they have.? If it wasn't for GN'R fans where would Axl be?? Without the support of his fans over the years he damn sure wouldn't be in position to not put out any original material in years, rarely play live shows, and still have more than enough money thatn he'll ever need.? Him not even giving his fans a statement regarding what's going on shows how selfish and egomaniacal he really is.

Check out your argument from the opposite perspective; Where would GNR fans be without Axl? Short version: They'd be supporting some other band. You'd have a stack of someone else's records and t-shirts and other merch. Axl, Slash, Izzy, all those guys, would be working at a 7-eleven somewhere in Hollywood. There'd be no AFD, no Lies, no Illusions, no CD and no live GNR shows, ever. So while it's true that without the support Axl would likely be asking 'paper or plastic?' it's equally true that without Axl you'd probably be a Bon Jovi fan. It's not as though you didn't get your fair share in this deal - Axl may have a dollar or two from each GNR album you own and a buck-fifty from each t-shirt, but you have some of the best rock music ever recorded.  Your $12 spent buying AFD probably didn't cover one hour of the sound engineer's wage.

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: Mr Cowbell ? on May 14, 2005, 02:57:54 AM
Personally I don't fell Axl owes me anyting but I can see how people can look at it two different ways.

1- If it wasnt for the fans buying the Merch, Cds, and DVDS of GnR year after year I am sure Geffen would of cut Axl off from future money and wouldnt still be letting him work on CD, it is because Geffen is making money on already made material that they dont force Axl to release CD yet.  So Axl is living high and has a great life thanks to his loyal fans. Look at MC Hammer or Milli Vanilli they were huge in 1991 and now they are broke and no one wants their stuff still, the constant market for GnR stuff (the demand comes from GnR fans) is what is keeping Axl from doing "Nation wide Insurance ads".

And the other side.

2- The fans owe Axl for what he has given us.  To record and then to give up on all family and friends to tour the world to please your fans so they can see you is a demanding life and road life isnt fun all the time.  Besides all the time he has spent entertaining us I am sure the pressure of being in the limelight isn't going to make his life any easier or longer.

You can look at it both ways. I don't exactly feel he personally owes me anything, BUT NOW IF I HAD BOUGHT A TICKET FOR A SHOW, TOOK TIME OFF OF WORK, LOST WAGES, SPENT GAS AND A HOTEL ROOM, AND in the end spend a few hundred to see Uncle Axl and he didn't show up then I would feel he owes me something.   

I think the real question is really how many people thinks Axl owes them something and once you find them people ask how many of them have been stood up by Axl.

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: ATREAL1_1 on May 14, 2005, 02:59:06 AM
You can look at it any way you want, but its NOT RIGHT. Its just that simple. Axl has all these fans upset because they're being kept in the dark for years, or for whatever reason, thats not right. Yeah he may not be obligated to tell me anything, true; but the right thing for him to do would be to just step up and say, "Look, here's the deal...". Its just that easy. If you truely can't see that, something is wrong with you. Yeah, you can cry/argue and say, "Bs, he doesnt have to do shit"!. Whatever... That would just be the right thing for him to do. ?:peace: ?

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: shaved on May 14, 2005, 05:20:16 AM
Well said ATREAL1_1

Lets play a game.  I will say something, and you tell me a person who matches the description.

"A person who cares about his fans being informed about his new, LONG awaited album"

Did Axl Rose pop into your mind?

He is a complete jerk to his fans, plain and simple.  The man just does not care about us, or he would issue a statement. 

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: duffsgal on May 14, 2005, 05:26:20 AM
Why do people think that Axl owes them something?? Believe it or not but Axl's life does not revolve around his fans.? Axl does what Axl wants to and why shouldnt he.? Give the guy a break, ok so he was supposed to put an album out about ten years ago and hasnt - so what, at least we have AFD, Lies and the Illusion albums.? People should be grateful for what Axl and the band has produced instead of whining about what Axl supposedly owes them.

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: mrlee on May 14, 2005, 05:57:20 AM
your no different from anyone else, we are all GNR fans here whether it be new, old or both. As much as i dont like nu GNR i still wanna hear the new album but this is axl we are talking about here, all you have to do is read some of the things he did on the build up to this album (driving over demo tapes etc) and you know he aint getting to far.

Plus why does everyone think VR are a dissapointment, its been years since ive heard a really good rock album. Slash could have done better solos but maybe that was the sound they wanted at the time, at least they have given us a album, given us a big tour, still going i think. So i dont know how they can be classed as a dissapointment, maybe in your eyes not good, but a dissapointment certainly not.

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: mikegiuliana on May 14, 2005, 06:31:55 AM
Why do people think that Axl owes them something?? Believe it or not but Axl's life does not revolve around his fans.? Axl does what Axl wants to and why shouldnt he.? Give the guy a break, ok so he was supposed to put an album out about ten years ago and hasnt - so what, at least we have AFD, Lies and the Illusion albums.? People should be grateful for what Axl and the band has produced instead of whining about what Axl supposedly owes them.

Then why has axl been promising the fans this album for years, and why has he been talking about it for all these years, why did he tour and call it a CD tour..? He brings on his own fan pressures.. I was very content after gnr broke up and enver expected another thing, but he brought the gnr name back to life and made all these half ass promises.. I never believe anyone owes or even expect anything, but in this case he re amerged and mentioned cd numerous years, and he reformed a gnr band, he sold merchandise for CD, he told kurt loder we were getting a cd..

People need to stop acting like it's the fans fault because axl put a twenty on a string and we followed it then pulled it away.

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: shaved on May 14, 2005, 06:47:40 AM
You axl freaks make me laugh.  I like gnr too, but by god pull your head out of his butt for one second and breath some fresh air. 

People like to defend him by saying "look at how much he has toured, and how much time he has spent in the studio.. he doesnt owe us a thing!"  yeah ok man, I know it is crazy for us to ask for a 20 second update from axl in the past 6(?) years.  Hell, I guarentee you that Aerosmith// Metalica have toured longer than axl has, and put out many more cds.  You dont see them treating their fans like garbage like Axhole

But lord knows, anyone who doesn't support axl 100% needs to "get a life"

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: DoubleTalkingJive on May 14, 2005, 07:03:43 AM
I do believe Axl does owe us at least the courtesy of an update.? We all support him or we wouldn't be on here but as much as we show him that we are here and whether or not we get mad and voice our frustration, he as an artist and as a performer would be nothing without fan support, he DOES owe us, something, anything.? Not a vague or mysterious statement but real news that is going on with him and his band.? ?It's not that hard, other successfull rock bands do it all the time.

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: dolphin on May 14, 2005, 07:30:09 AM
Why do people think that Axl owes them something?? Believe it or not but Axl's life does not revolve around his fans.? Axl does what Axl wants to and why shouldnt he.? Give the guy a break, ok so he was supposed to put an album out about ten years ago and hasnt - so what, at least we have AFD, Lies and the Illusion albums.? People should be grateful for what Axl and the band has produced instead of whining about what Axl supposedly owes them.

good post duffsgal : ok:

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: jarmo on May 14, 2005, 08:15:39 AM
You axl freaks make me laugh.?


Posts like yours make me laugh.

You're only here to whine about Axl owing you something.

You think he owes you, yet you're here day after day. Is it because you need to be reminded of how "poorly" Axl treats you?

Wouldn't it be best if you just forgot about GN'R and listened to something else? That way you wouldn't have to get upset about not getting any updates from Axl.....


Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: Litti10 on May 14, 2005, 12:06:46 PM
Don't worry coz i think that Chinese Democracy will come i think in october/November this year or so their manager said. Just as well to me how long they delay it as long as it comes "soon"!!

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: ClintroN on May 14, 2005, 12:29:27 PM
I'm sure these thoughts have been said before but I just have to make a point about something. I guess this is my year of becoming a veteran GN'R fanatic I joined this camp in 2003/2004 and I'd always liked songs like Paradise, Sweetn Child, and Jungle, but never knew who it was. Now I've been coming on boards since then and I didn't know the B.S. that came with GN'R at the time. I logged on and read stuff about a new album and was like, wow! great timing my new favorite band is releasing an album soon...........2 years later We've all got nothing to show for it. I shouldn't be bitching though because people have delt with the wait since Around 1992. (i excluded TSI cuz thats not a proper release)I love GN'R people because Iu think they have made the greatest music of all time I think there better than Zeppelin, Sabbath, The Beatles, Pink Floyd all of them. People always argue with me and say oh Axl sucks, Gn'r is a fag band, Buckethead is gay. I believe in Axl and know he's still capable of performing because of MSG 02 the guy was explosive! I'm just beginning to doubt the whole Chinese Democracy thing. Then in 2004 I thought the wait was at least postponed with the Velvet Revolver CD.......wrong! I've heard people say that it's one of the better albums ever, I totally disagree, the VR album was almost a complete dissapointment to me. I was expecting not AFD but an album where everytrack kicks ass. I don't know The point of the matter is I'm really starting to doubt my favorite band. And for everyone who is gonna say Axl doesn't owe me anything guess what, he does. He owes at least a statement beside that the progress is going well we need to here a projected time of release or that the album isn't coming out at all. He owes it to us as his loyal fans. ]Axl Stop dicking with us
................Form your opinions about thyis but don't hate me because I have my own.

this guy is as crazy as Mcmurph.......yeah him!! :-\

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: Rob on May 14, 2005, 04:03:11 PM
It's not that he owes anything to any of us as individuals.  But he owes his fan base as a whole an explanation at the very least.  Because if it wasn't for all of us noone would even know who he is.  And HK-47, I'm a Bon Jovi fan anyway. ;D

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: mrlee on May 14, 2005, 04:04:35 PM
It's not that he owes anything to any of us as individuals.  But he owes his fan base as a whole an explanation at the very least.  Because if it wasn't for all of us noone would even know who he is.  And HK-47, I'm a Bon Jovi fan anyway. ;D

"bon jovi can suck my dick" i guess axl has more to answer to you now  :hihi:

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: HK-47 on May 14, 2005, 06:37:46 PM
? And HK-47, I'm a Bon Jovi fan anyway. ;D

Well, there's no accounting for taste :P

I think this whole discussion is a little silly, especially as people have such muddy reasoning behind their posts. Yes, it would be nice of Axl to hold your fragile little hands and guide you through every step of the recording process, talk you through the final mix, invite you to meetings about the packaging designs and materials and keep you all up to date on his lawyer's legal manouvers - but "nice" is all it would be. It's not a requirement, and certainly not something you should expect, nor have a right to. Sure, most of the people here just want the occasional update, a little bit of news from time to time, which is more reasonable but still definately extra-curricular. What if there is just no "news" to update you on? Picture this:


Dear fans, hangers-on and other assorted emotional cripples,

 You've all been requesting news for a while now, and thanks to a break in my hectic pool-side schedule I am finally able to comply. Not much to tell you about due to the rest of the band having finished recording a year or so ago, but I'll tell you what I've been doing. Here's a typical day in the life of Axl Rose during post-production;

Woke up at noon today. Had a glass of soy milk and three loafs of wheat toast for breakfast, in preparation for my mid-afternoon colonic. I spent a few hours in the security master conrol room, poring over the house-staff's activities via my secret cameras. I think that the maid is stealing cutlery, I'm down to like 34 teaspoons. There was a little excitement at about 3pm when some deranged groupie showed up at the gates (or maybe it was Izzy? Must add the footage to "Ex-Bandmate & Stalker Activity" file). It's my private SWAT-team's day off so I had to loose the hounds of hell on the interloper.

Spent a few hours sipping margeritas by the pool and whipping the houseboy. I'm thinking about marrying Avril Lavigne if she isn't too old by time the album comes out but Beta says to get a chia pet first and see how that works out.

Anyway, to the important part! I phoned Crazy Bob, my sound engineer, at the studio. He says that turning all of the BH sessions tape into origami swans probably wasn't a good idea, but he's unfolded most of it and it sounds great! Bit flangy, but that's life. He also mentioned something about labelling all of the tapes next time, something about speeding up the process, I don't know,  I wasn't really listening.  The jist seems to be that all of the tracks are nearly  ready for the final "Okay" from the Fuhrer. . .  I mean, "Tommy". I told Crazy Bob that Tommy wouldn't be back until September and Bob said something about "wasting his time talking to peons" and told me not to call again without Tommy's permission. That really pissed me off so I threw the window through the t.v. which wasn't half as easy as I'd read it was. I told Merck all about Bob and he said that to make it up to me I could pick the design for the tour t-shirt! YES! Fuck Tommy!

So that about  wraps it up for today. Hey, this was so much fun I think I'll do it again tomorrow! It's way more interesting than listening to another stupid mix of the album. And the t.v.'s broke so I'll have nothing to do all day anyway.

Don't blame me, Blame Jarmo!

Peace Out.



Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: jameslofton29 on May 14, 2005, 06:52:43 PM
That was hilarious!!

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: ppbebe on May 14, 2005, 06:56:36 PM

Well, there's no accounting for taste :P

Woke up at noon today. Had a glass of soy milk and three loafs of wheat toast for breakfast, in preparation for my mid-afternoon colonic.

yea, there's no accounting for taste but soy milk tastes horrid.:puke:

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: HK-47 on May 14, 2005, 07:53:44 PM

Well, there's no accounting for taste :P

Woke up at noon today. Had a glass of soy milk and three loafs of wheat toast for breakfast, in preparation for my mid-afternoon colonic.

yea, there's no accounting for taste but soy milk tastes horrid.:puke:
I actually do drink soy milk, and most brands do taste horrid :P You have to shop around for something which doesn't taste like goat mucus.

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: Krispy Kreme on May 14, 2005, 11:20:12 PM
How many shows did Axl perform with GNR? How much time did he lose to tour buses and airports to haul his ass from gig to gig? How many days of his youth were wasted in hotel rooms waiting for show-time? How many years has he spent on the new album?? How long did he struggle to work with the old band and how long has he spent putting this new line-up together? For how long has he been a figure of public ridicule? How many people badmouth him in the media and on the internet per day?

How does Axl Rose owe any of us anything?

Let us not forget that all you say is the life he VOLUNTARILY chose, and in fact, he says he works towards.

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: shaved on May 14, 2005, 11:21:50 PM
Jarmo, you crack up me.

With you guys, it is either "you are inside axls butt, or you have to leave."

Tell me.. isnt it possible to love Gnr, and be excited that the new cd is eventually going to come out. .but also realize that the guy treats his fans like garbage? ?I like Gnr just as much as you do, but I dont have to live in denial that axl doesnt treat us like crap.

I HAVE NEEEVVERRR SAID that axl OWES us anything.. I agree with a previous poster who said that it is simply the right thing to do. ?Are you able to sit back and tell me that axl is a good guy for never once speaking to us about the new album? ?Cause I would love to hear it. ?Does he technically OWE us? ?Nooo he doesn't, but that doesn't mean he's not a dick. ?

You hate that people like me come to this site because my opinion differs from yours. ?I am not waving around pom poms and chanting '"axl axl he's our man" and it irritates you. ?You want everyone to have the same positive outlook on everything, and you want everyone to close their eyes to what a joke axl is making the band for every year he delays the cd. ?Why do I come to this site? ?I have come to this site for years now because I want to find a shred of hope that the new album will come out. ?But then I see threads like "axl vs. Jesus." ? This just further illustrates my point.. that some of you people are truly insane. ?

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: Mr Cowbell ? on May 15, 2005, 04:03:25 AM
You axl freaks make me laugh.?


Posts like yours make me laugh.

You're only here to whine about Axl owing you something.

You think he owes you, yet you're here day after day. Is it because you need to be reminded of how "poorly" Axl treats you?

Wouldn't it be best if you just forgot about GN'R and listened to something else? That way you wouldn't have to get upset about not getting any updates from Axl.....


People are addicted and fasinated by Axl, they may pretend to hate or dislike him but they come back for the rumors and news because they need it and know that there is no other rock star out there that is as fasinating as Axl. 

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: Mr Cowbell ? on May 15, 2005, 04:06:36 AM
Does anyone here think Axl does owe his fans, who took off work, bought a ticket or paid for gas, got a hotel room, bought tickets to the concert, spent hours getting there, showed up and then Axl didn't show up for the concert, do you think that Axl owes something to those fans who lost $100's on going to see him only to be let down?

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: mrlee on May 15, 2005, 05:01:01 AM
Axl has a superbly sized ego so he doesnt care. I think we need to tell axl to "get the f**k out!!!!" *moshes*

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: nyd on May 15, 2005, 05:06:18 AM
Personally I don't like Axl but it is wrong for you to think he owes us anything. He has told us all to get on with our lives and don't sit around waiting for the CD.

Yet here we all are  :-\

-I'm here for all the Izzy and Tommy Stinson conversations going down  :smoking:

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: slash4ever on May 15, 2005, 08:40:43 AM
Axl doesn't owe anybody anything.
I dont think u should feel this way about one of the gr8test frontman of all time.
What more cud we want., except CD of course! ;D

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: jarmo on May 15, 2005, 09:41:02 AM
Tell me.. isnt it possible to love Gnr, and be excited that the new cd is eventually going to come out. .but also realize that the guy treats his fans like garbage? ?I like Gnr just as much as you do, but I dont have to live in denial that axl doesnt treat us like crap.

How has he treated you like crap now? Seems like it upsets you a whole lot more than it upsets me....

No updates on the album? I'm used to that. GN'R has always been that way. Axl didn't give that many interviews back in the 90s either.

The way I see it is that if he says something, and it doesn't happen, he gets called a liar. So you get an update but you call him a liar. Because it's not good enough to get an update anymore. So why bother saying anything until it's 100% sure that it's gonna happen?

No album? Well, he doesn't have to release one if he doesn't feel like it.

Cancelling shows? It happens to most artists. They cancelled a show here in 2001, it sucked but crying about it years later doesn't help....


Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: providman on May 15, 2005, 09:48:47 AM
You can look at it any way you want, but its NOT RIGHT. Its just that simple. Axl has all these fans upset because they're being kept in the dark for years, or for whatever reason, thats not right. Yeah he may not be obligated to tell me anything, true; but the right thing for him to do would be to just step up and say, "Look, here's the deal...". Its just that easy. If you truely can't see that, something is wrong with you. Yeah, you can cry/argue and say, "Bs, he doesnt have to do shit"!. Whatever... That would just be the right thing for him to do. ?:peace: ?

You're right, Atreal, It's called SIMPLE COMMON COURTESY, if people can't understand that then they deserve to be treated like garbage. Axl shows NO COURTESY to those who chose to continue to be fans of his, as a matter of fact, I think CONTEMPT would be a better word for Axl's treatment of his fans.

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: jarmo on May 15, 2005, 09:51:12 AM
Last time he said something, he basically got called a liar.

You just have to face it, some of you will never be happy with anything he does.


Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: michaelvincent on May 15, 2005, 10:32:59 AM
Axl's obligations, as far as what he owes to who, don't extend much further than his label and his lawyers. As far as the fans go? He doesn't owe them an album at all. Simple fact. We voluntarily choose to be fans, its not like we're required to pay monthly dues or something for the privelidge of being a GnR fan. We as fans have not invested a red cent into Chinese Democracy the album, so therefore we really have no right, nor are we owed anything directly related to Chinese Democracy. We chose to wait and stand by him, that doesn't mean he has to care about it. Sad fact.

The only thing we are really 'owed' is an explanation about the tour, and why it ended so abruptly. Why? Because people there are people that paid money to see him and didn't get to. As much as people want to rationalize him and say 'oh, he's an artist, he will go on when he's ready blah blah blah....', once the money has exchanged hands you've entered into an unspoken contract of sorts that pretty much states 'i paid for you to show up and play a good show, by taking my money you agree to deliver on that.' No one likes paying for a concert ticket to have it cancelled or to see a band perform like shit, or for the singer to walk off early because someone hit a bad note. Axl isn't an exception. You wouldn't tolerate it from any other band, so don't think that GnR is somehow exempt from the same logic.

I guess thats my long winded way of saying, until you are paying real money out of your own pocket to help fund the recording, mixing, mastering, promotion, or release of Chinese Democracy don't think that you are actually 'owed' anything at the end of the day.

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: chinesedemocracy05 on May 15, 2005, 12:28:26 PM
Alrite people definately took this the wrong way........first off I am a GNR fan like all of you and I still definately have a life like I'm sure al of you do. I dont think a bout the album day and night and it's Axl's decision when to release3 an album I just want to know what the fuck is going on in the GNR camp. And once again for bashers YOU DON'T HAVE TO HATE ME BECAUSE I HAVE A DIFFERENT OPINION THAN YOU.

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: DoubleTalkingJive on May 15, 2005, 12:41:08 PM
I firmly stand by my opinion that Axl should give the fans something when this amount of time has gone by.? He is the one that started all this hype and just left it out to dry.? I don't think a simple statement is a crushing thing to do, I don't understand why everybody makes a big deal out of a statement that could be given to the people that love him.? He talked alot more in the 80's and 90's with GNR then..then now.? The fans were given updates on UYI's and we got the albums and it didn't take 7 years to come out.? IMO I just don't feel it would kill him or be such a huge task to just say something.? We aren't asking for much.? To see fans happy and praising you even more so because of what you give them, to me, how could you not just want to do it.

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: mikegiuliana on May 15, 2005, 03:03:06 PM
if no one cares about if they get an album, or axl owes no one anything then why even consider new gnr anything real... Just look at it as a dot in history that ended.. Poor axl gets shit when he doesn't come through.. Well so does every player on sport's teams I watch when they don't get a hit or score a basket//.. Maybe they should all become recluses because they have to actually take heat for not coming through... :crying:

If new gnr is real, then people should be pissed that nothing ever happens.. Band can't be real if they never release materail, seems like boards just keep them alive because no one knows who they are,,

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: rocketbabii on May 15, 2005, 03:27:49 PM
DoubleTalkingJive i hear what you're saying about the statement thing... but who knows why it isnt an option at the moment. maybe this is a clue... maybe not - its from a radio interview he gave in nov. 2002:

Q: Have you made a conscious effort over the years to remain out of the public eye, or does that just come natural to you?

Axl Rose: "No, no? It didn't exactly come natural. I would say that originally, I was shy, and we would fight through it, and a lot of substance abuse would get you out there in front of those cameras. You get like, 'Hey, I can do anything.' And that was like in the past. But also? a lot of this has had to also do with? There's a lot of really difficult legal situations that have gone on over the years. I haven't been quite the recluse that people make it out ? I just don't go places were people are taking my pictures, or I know that's gonna happen, or there's gonna be interviews, or looking for the public spotlight ? I have stayed out of that. There is also talking in interviews? Anything I would say would then turn around and be used against me in these various, behind-the-scenes court cases and they're all very, very complicated ? things lasted for years in all kinds of cases that the public doesn't really know about yet ? and little by little there'll be more time to talk about those things, but I'm more interested in having the music talk first, and I'll say what happened later."

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: DoubleTalkingJive on May 15, 2005, 03:35:45 PM
DoubleTalkingJive i hear what you're saying about the statement thing... but who knows why it isnt an option at the moment. maybe this is a clue... maybe not - its from a radio interview he gave in nov. 2002:

Q: Have you made a conscious effort over the years to remain out of the public eye, or does that just come natural to you?

Axl Rose: "No, no? It didn't exactly come natural. I would say that originally, I was shy, and we would fight through it, and a lot of substance abuse would get you out there in front of those cameras. You get like, 'Hey, I can do anything.' And that was like in the past. But also? a lot of this has had to also do with? There's a lot of really difficult legal situations that have gone on over the years. I haven't been quite the recluse that people make it out ? I just don't go places were people are taking my pictures, or I know that's gonna happen, or there's gonna be interviews, or looking for the public spotlight ? I have stayed out of that. There is also talking in interviews? Anything I would say would then turn around and be used against me in these various, behind-the-scenes court cases and they're all very, very complicated ? things lasted for years in all kinds of cases that the public doesn't really know about yet ? and little by little there'll be more time to talk about those things, but I'm more interested in having the music talk first, and I'll say what happened later."

Yes, I do remember listening to that radio interview although it's hard to remember word for word, thanks.  Even with the legal matters he has, I still feel that with Merck and his lawyers involved he could say something.  Or, if he is really serious about letting the music talk first then I wish he would go ahead and let it talk already..  Unfortunately the more time that goes by I feel is worse for him and his band.

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: mikegiuliana on May 15, 2005, 05:24:45 PM
We just want music not old quotes.. What is a band without music?? WHen a new band forms and you like them you expect music otherwise without it they don't exist.. Bands are people you ca see play, bands are people that release music.. No albums, no tours, then what do you get from it?

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: discobiscuit1 on May 15, 2005, 06:08:23 PM
Jarmo, you crack up me.

With you guys, it is either "you are inside axls butt, or you have to leave."

Tell me.. isnt it possible to love Gnr, and be excited that the new cd is eventually going to come out. .but also realize that the guy treats his fans like garbage? ?I like Gnr just as much as you do, but I dont have to live in denial that axl doesnt treat us like crap.

I HAVE NEEEVVERRR SAID that axl OWES us anything.. I agree with a previous poster who said that it is simply the right thing to do. ?Are you able to sit back and tell me that axl is a good guy for never once speaking to us about the new album? ?Cause I would love to hear it. ?Does he technically OWE us? ?Nooo he doesn't, but that doesn't mean he's not a dick. ?

You hate that people like me come to this site because my opinion differs from yours. ?I am not waving around pom poms and chanting '"axl axl he's our man" and it irritates you. ?You want everyone to have the same positive outlook on everything, and you want everyone to close their eyes to what a joke axl is making the band for every year he delays the cd. ?Why do I come to this site? ?I have come to this site for years now because I want to find a shred of hope that the new album will come out. ?But then I see threads like "axl vs. Jesus." ? This just further illustrates my point.. that some of you people are truly insane. ?

One of the best 'newbie' posts Ive ever read.

As for Jarmos comment on how has he treated u like garbage??

Dunno where to begin.....well directly no, go see various concert goers for that.
Actually  the one concert I went to at age 17, after spending all the money Id saved , borrowed and stealed for months....hitchiked (800km's i might add) etc to get there, stayed in squallor.....the bastard went on 2 1/2 hrs late and the only  way of getting  to my home for the night was to leave halfway into the set. I never even held that against him, and honestly didnt even remember that until now, thats how loyal I used to be to the guy.

Kept 80,000 people waiting. Did he ever give fans a legitimate reason for this?? If Im late to a friends for dinner I say...sorry Im late...this and this happened. Name ONE time Axl ever said ....'sorry to keep you waiting', yet he throwsa tantrum when someone takes his photo, or the crowd arent as 'rocking' as he'd like.

Dont give me excuses...he wouldnt have pulled that at the Freddie Mercury tribute show.......self important twat.

The question is has Axl rose treated loyal fans well??

simple question...yes or no?? raise your hands.

I believe the negative have it.

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: jarmo on May 15, 2005, 07:31:50 PM
Dunno where to begin.....well directly no, go see various concert goers for that.
Actually? the one concert I went to at age 17, after spending all the money Id saved , borrowed and stealed for months....hitchiked (800km's i might add) etc to get there, stayed in squallor.....the bastard went on 2 1/2 hrs late and the only? way of getting? to my home for the night was to leave halfway into the set. I never even held that against him, and honestly didnt even remember that until now, thats how loyal I used to be to the guy.

Kept 80,000 people waiting. Did he ever give fans a legitimate reason for this?? If Im late to a friends for dinner I say...sorry Im late...this and this happened. Name ONE time Axl ever said ....'sorry to keep you waiting', yet he throwsa tantrum when someone takes his photo, or the crowd arent as 'rocking' as he'd like.

I saw him when I was 16. It was the best concert I've ever seen. He was a bit late there as well.

But the memories...... I guess I should still be bitter about him being late instead of being glad I got to see one of the greatest concerts I've ever seen.

Even a perfect band like VR are late sometimes. They kept us waiting in London so people had to leave before the last song was finished. Was I pissed off at them for that? No.... Their excuse "Sorry to keep you waiting, but we were saving the world".

I know this isn't about VR, but when people are pissed off at Axl for being late 12-14 years ago, then you start wondering what's going on.

Dont give me excuses...he wouldnt have pulled that at the Freddie Mercury tribute show.......self important twat.

No, but Spinal Tap were late so GN'R could only play two songs instead of the planned three.

The question is has Axl rose treated loyal fans well??

You mean, treated the fans like a fan friendly band like Metallica?  ;D


Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: horsey on May 15, 2005, 09:37:55 PM
hey you can't say the words axl and dicking at the same just get me excited !
now get a life axl owes you nothing.
 :beer: :smoking:
show em my moto'
peace and chicken grease !

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: Rob on May 16, 2005, 03:15:31 AM
I don't understand the "get a life" response to us who think Axl owes us an explanation.  Doesn't really make sense.  If your friend promises you something, then never gives it to you, and you ask him what happened he's not gonna tell you to get a life.  If you don't think Axl owes his fans then I respect your opinion, but the whole "get a life" thing is just stupid. 

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: makemyday on May 16, 2005, 06:45:49 AM
Jarmo, you crack up me.

With you guys, it is either "you are inside axls butt, or you have to leave."

Tell me.. isnt it possible to love Gnr, and be excited that the new cd is eventually going to come out. .but also realize that the guy treats his fans like garbage?  I like Gnr just as much as you do, but I dont have to live in denial that axl doesnt treat us like crap.

I HAVE NEEEVVERRR SAID that axl OWES us anything.. I agree with a previous poster who said that it is simply the right thing to do.  Are you able to sit back and tell me that axl is a good guy for never once speaking to us about the new album?  Cause I would love to hear it.  Does he technically OWE us?  Nooo he doesn't, but that doesn't mean he's not a dick.   

Haha, that was funny. And true. Normally a band writes song, records them, go on tour, gives infos.... so they're doing the usual business. In exchange the fans go to concerts, buy the albums, write love letters to the bandmembers etc. But in the Guns world it doesn't work like that. Or when they gave interviews they should just say: "I don't know anything, leave me alone."
I already wrote it in an old topic but what would have happened if Star Wars: Episode I would have been released in 1999? (Or another year sorry can't recall it)
What if Lucas would be still working on Episode I?
Star Wars fans would have already seen a trailer, know the actors, know the story
and things like that but still haven't seen the film itself. A lot of people would be upset.

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: HK-47 on May 16, 2005, 07:57:33 AM

I already wrote it in an old topic but what would have happened if Star Wars: Episode I would have been released in 1999? (Or another year sorry can't recall it)
What if Lucas would be still working on Episode I?
Star Wars fans would have already seen a trailer, know the actors, know the story
and things like that but still haven't seen the film itself. A lot of people would be upset.

That's a great analogy, because it's entirely the wrong one to make your point. If the bickering of the Star Wars fans on the various movie sites that I read are analogous to the GNR fans here, ie the core fanbase obsessed with all things related to the subject, then you've made the opposite point to the one you're trying to make. If anything, those fans are annoyed at Lucas for taking something that they cherished and screwing it up. Knowing what they know now, I'm sure that they'd be happy for Lucas to spend a lot more time on writing and making the movies in the interests of getting it right. Episode 1 seems to have been a huge letdown for those fans, as well as Episode 2, and that's largely thanks to Lucas wanting to rush through the process and get those movies out (originally he had wanted to film all three back-to-back, like the LOTR movies).

I'm sure that if Axl had rushed a GNR album or two out over the last few years, he'd be getting much the same treatment from GNR fans that Lucas gets from hardcore Star Wars fans, endless insults, ranting and raving because what they got was not what they wanted.   And Lucas has poisoned the well, after the media blitz surrounding his prequels and the resultant anti-climax as each film has turned out to be less than stellar few are going to leap onto the bandwagon next time he releases something. I'm sure that it's better that GNR aren't in that position. 

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: mikegiuliana on May 16, 2005, 09:00:48 AM
I know this isn't about VR, but when people are pissed off at Axl for being late 12-14 years ago, then you start wondering what's going on.
Jarmo I don't care either about waiting.. It's part of gnr or vr to be late.. Thing is outsided of the gnr forums and people that went to say one gnr show back in the day use to tell me about it.. They were like I had to wait fucking two hours for axl rose to show up.. Now that is probably their one and only gnr show they went to.. I've seen many bands live adn they all were on time within a few minutes so for someone who never saw but one gnr concert might feel it's fucked up to be late because it's not typical with many bands they might have seen..

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: horsey on May 16, 2005, 03:44:57 PM
I don't understand the "get a life" response to us who think Axl owes us an explanation.? Doesn't really make sense.? If your friend promises you something, then never gives it to you, and you ask him what happened he's not gonna tell you to get a life.? If you don't think Axl owes his fans then I respect your opinion, but the whole "get a life" thing is just stupid.?

the get a life thing is your life not sitting there thinking this guy owes me something cause he is a rockstar or something.don't you think axl has a life outside the music world.or didn't that occur to you.i mean sure one can say the things you are saying.and maybe believe axl will get up and jump through hoops for you all !
but i highly doubt pushing axl around by saying he owes you will do no sorry for you then axl is not jumping through hoops today or any other day in fact.
half a moto'
peace and chicken grease !

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: Rob on May 16, 2005, 03:48:37 PM
I'm not looking for him to jump through hoops.  A simple statement will suffice.  GN'R is one of the few bands that i love where I have no frigging clue what is going on with them.  Making a small statement wouldn't take too much time and it would make a lot of people much happier.

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: shaved on May 16, 2005, 06:00:45 PM
Jump through hoops?  Give me a friggin break.

I simply think it would be kind of him to make one statement in the past years.  A ten second statement in 3 years certainly isnt asking for much.   Do I honestly expect this to happen?  No I do not, because that would be a nice thing for axl to do for his fans.  I never expect axl to be nice.   

I suppose that if I walked into the mall and there is a little old lady behind me, I dont HAVE to hold that door upen for her.  I dont OWE her anything.  I'll tell you what though, I would feel like a scumbag if I didnt.

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: mrlee on May 16, 2005, 06:10:01 PM
dude whats the point in caring. Hes not doing anything so theres no need for concern. Just listen to the music you got and any live things you can find and rock out to good OLD gnr for aslong as you live!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: jarmo on May 16, 2005, 06:54:14 PM
I suppose that if I walked into the mall and there is a little old lady behind me, I dont HAVE to hold that door upen for her.? I dont OWE her anything.? I'll tell you what though, I would feel like a scumbag if I didnt.

So Axl should hold the door open even if nobody's coming that way?

I'm sure he'll say something when there's something to be said! Why is that so hard to understand?


Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: shaved on May 16, 2005, 07:35:39 PM
If he has apparently been working hard on the cd for years now, I find it hard to beleive there is nothing to say.

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: jarmo on May 16, 2005, 07:49:13 PM
If he has apparently been working hard on the cd for years now, I find it hard to beleive there is nothing to say.

Is this what you want to hear?

"We're working on the album, it doesn't have a release date yet but we hope to have news on that sooner or later".


Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: chinesedemocracy05 on May 16, 2005, 08:23:36 PM

We want Axl not even to tell us a release date for CD we want a statement about the 2002 tour, and why can't he put the damn album out since Moby said it was done like 6 friggin years ago.
It's his CD yeah that's fine and he could release it WHENEVER he feels. I don't care. I do need to hear what is actually going on NOW. Current tracks that he wants on the album, If the music is really done (I don't take Stinson serious anymore or Dizzy for that matter), Why is it taking 6 years to lay down vocals, if he can still sing, why does their site have a new release date every time an old one passes, why is the actual site Never updated, Does he care about the musicians in his band waiting with supposedly genious material that Axl's ass has been sitting on for SIX years,Does he give a single shit about the fans (like most artists do). You can't answer these questions and i know that, but how can people say the fans are treated fairly. We got a half ass single ( son't get me wrong i love it) called Oh my God in 1999. He needs to stop caring about what's hip at the moment he needs to release a GUNS N' ROSES record. GN'R re-revolutionized rock music in the 80's and Axl with an all star band can do it again in the new millenium.

And Shaved is rite people have to take their head out of Axl's ass.

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: WAR41 on May 16, 2005, 08:40:38 PM
wow, its great to see more people who do not worship Axl Rose...  I was beginning to think there for a second that I was the only one!

I still say the best way to get him to release this album is to take money out of his pockets by not buying merchandise....

Months ago I also said this, but I will say it again.  When Chinese Democracy is released I will not be paying money to get the album.  Axl has screwed me before from cancelled shows (hotel, ticket service charges, wasted time with planning).  Because of this there is absolutely no way I will give him the satisfaction of getting my money and in fact he will be repaying me for that lost money. 

I fully expect the  ::)  :crying:  :'( faces to come out after this post!  Let the mud be slung!

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: HK-47 on May 16, 2005, 09:38:51 PM
why does their site have a new release date every time an old one passes, why is the actual site Never updated, is owned and operated by Interscope, not GNR. You could email those questions to them.

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: Mikkamakka on May 17, 2005, 02:42:11 AM
why does their site have a new release date every time an old one passes, why is the actual site Never updated, is owned and operated by Interscope, not GNR. You could email those questions to them.

So GN'R doesn't have any channel to communicate with the fans, right? If Axl asked Interscope to release a short statment on their site it wouldn't happen, right? Poor little Axl.

Face it, this guy doesn't give a fuck about the fans. Because he's a jerk. That's it. As much as I'd like to hear the album or read something relevant about it (and this can mean only Axl, although that still won't be 100%), I'm sure that nothing will happen. Maybe in some years Axl will release CD. Then he'll maybe go on tour. Then some riots again and it's over. Those people who are chanting that 'he will speak when there is something to speak about' are completely wrong... Trent Reznor updated his fans (through his website) about where they are, which songs they're working on etc. It's quite simple to do these days. The only excuse for Axl could be that nothing's happenin' in Nu-GN'R's world. But if that was the case, he should tell us that 'nothing's happenin' right now, I'm o holiday till 2007, don't expect anything, see ya then'.

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: jarmo on May 17, 2005, 08:07:35 AM
Those people who are chanting that 'he will speak when there is something to speak about' are completely wrong... Trent Reznor updated his fans (through his website) about where they are, which songs they're working on etc. It's quite simple to do these days.

Yeah, and Trent Reznor is not Axl Rose.

You should get used to it by now. There were no updates between 1994 and 1999 or so.

he should tell us that 'nothing's happenin' right now, I'm o holiday till 2007, don't expect anything, see ya then'.

So you could post "But Trent Reznor wasn't on holiday, he managed to release an album and tour! Why can't Axl? Axl sucks!"?


Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: makemyday on May 17, 2005, 08:27:42 AM
Those people who are chanting that 'he will speak when there is something to speak about' are completely wrong... Trent Reznor updated his fans (through his website) about where they are, which songs they're working on etc. It's quite simple to do these days.

Yeah, and Trent Reznor is not Axl Rose.

You should get used to it by now. There were no updates between 1994 and 1999 or so.

he should tell us that 'nothing's happenin' right now, I'm o holiday till 2007, don't expect anything, see ya then'.

So you could post "But Trent Reznor wasn't on holiday, he managed to release an album and tour! Why can't Axl? Axl sucks!"?


The ones who only want to attack Axl would say this. But probably the majority would accept this statement.
As for the Star wars thing I didn't think about the quality of the movies. I just wanted to point that not everyone who is upset, is a whiny loser.

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: HK-47 on May 17, 2005, 09:23:55 AM
why does their site have a new release date every time an old one passes, why is the actual site Never updated, is owned and operated by Interscope, not GNR. You could email those questions to them.

So GN'R doesn't have any channel to communicate with the fans, right? If Axl asked Interscope to release a short statment on their site it wouldn't happen, right? Poor little Axl.

No, I was simply stating that Interscope runs the site and so any questions related to it shold and can be forwarded to them.

And why should Axl bother with a shitty website anyway? Because Trent does?! Why should Axl copy NIN, isn't that what Marilyn Manson is for? I sincerely hope that Axl gives less than a fuck about his so-called "fans" as they prove on a daily basis that they aren't worth bothering with.

If you really can't fathom why Axl isn't running around playing grab-ass with drooling internet fanboys maybe you should take a little look at the reactions to any and every little thing he's said since. . . oh I don't know,  1997?

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: Mikkamakka on May 17, 2005, 10:12:30 AM
Those people who are chanting that 'he will speak when there is something to speak about' are completely wrong... Trent Reznor updated his fans (through his website) about where they are, which songs they're working on etc. It's quite simple to do these days.

Yeah, and Trent Reznor is not Axl Rose.

You should get used to it by now. There were no updates between 1994 and 1999 or so.

he should tell us that 'nothing's happenin' right now, I'm o holiday till 2007, don't expect anything, see ya then'.

So you could post "But Trent Reznor wasn't on holiday, he managed to release an album and tour! Why can't Axl? Axl sucks!"?


C'mon Jarmo, you can't be serious.  ::)

Axl Rose is not Trent Reznor. Axl Rose is not Michael Jackson. Axl Rose is Axl Rose. I don't think he will give an update: not because he's Axl Rose, but because he's a jerk. I got used to it. You can keep making these weird posts since it seems to be impossible for you to understand: the fans want an update. A true update. Not long, and no need for Axl's wishful thinking. Just something about the state of CD like: 'we've been mixing for a year, and I think we'll need an other year to finish'. That's be enough.

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: Mikkamakka on May 17, 2005, 10:15:41 AM
why does their site have a new release date every time an old one passes, why is the actual site Never updated, is owned and operated by Interscope, not GNR. You could email those questions to them.

So GN'R doesn't have any channel to communicate with the fans, right? If Axl asked Interscope to release a short statment on their site it wouldn't happen, right? Poor little Axl.

No, I was simply stating that Interscope runs the site and so any questions related to it shold and can be forwarded to them.

And why should Axl bother with a shitty website anyway? Because Trent does?! Why should Axl copy NIN, isn't that what Marilyn Manson is for? I sincerely hope that Axl gives less than a fuck about his so-called "fans" as they prove on a daily basis that they aren't worth bothering with.

If you really can't fathom why Axl isn't running around playing grab-ass with drooling internet fanboys maybe you should take a little look at the reactions to any and every little thing he's said since. . . oh I don't know,? 1997?

So updating the fans is copying Reznor. Alright.  ::)  And the fans' biggest problem with Axl's words (since 1997) that the most important parts turned out to be untrue or wishful thinking.

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: HK-47 on May 17, 2005, 10:20:48 AM

 And the fans' biggest problem with Axl's words (since 1997) that the most important parts turned out to be untrue or wishful thinking.

So why do you want an update? Until a release date is set in stone anything he says will be "wishful thinking". You want a concrete statement? I'm sure you'll get one when there's something concrete to say.

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: Mikkamakka on May 17, 2005, 10:25:00 AM
So do you imply that Axl won't say the truth? OMG  :o

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: jarmo on May 17, 2005, 10:40:01 AM
C'mon Jarmo, you can't be serious.? ::)

I can be seriously sarcastic.

You can keep making these weird posts since it seems to be impossible for you to understand: the fans want an update. A true update. Not long, and no need for Axl's wishful thinking. Just something about the state of CD like: 'we've been mixing for a year, and I think we'll need an other year to finish'. That's be enough.

What so weird about stating the obvious?

There's no updates because they don't have anything to say. This band doesn't hype themselves by giving updates on nothing.

Aren't you still whining about the update you got last year? How Axl lied to you when he said "we hope to announce a release date within the next few months."?


Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: BKinNYC on May 17, 2005, 11:27:35 AM
You know what I think is hilarious about this?  If and when they release the CD, and it's a failure, this lack of keeping fans up to date with the band (in ANY form of media, even through a spokesman) could really come back to bite them in the ass.

Face it - no matter how successful this album is, it could be bigger if they would've kept more casual fans around with a little update or exposure from time to time.

I think sometimes we forget that we're not the norm when it comes to Gn'R fans.  No one except the diehards are waiting like we are, and even the best marketing plan in the world won't be able to make an average fan buy this CD after not hearing from Axl for years.

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: mikegiuliana on May 17, 2005, 11:33:06 AM
I love how people tell others that axl will say it when he wants is the way he is and everyone should just be cool with that because they are that way.. He sure as hell mentioned cd over the years without it being ready for release so why not look for an update years later?/ The logic when you are let down by axl :hihi: You have  a board devoted to axl and his doings but to expect anything is crazy.. Only axl fans would get pissed at others for actually wanting some new good or bad.. :rofl:

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: ppbebe on May 17, 2005, 11:56:05 AM
This owing business is getting things backwards and on my nerves.

Perhaps I am just paraphrasing what someone already said
but let me make my point here

1) about CD

Who is encumbered with the responsibility for the production? You or Axl?
Who's been put many years of effort for the production? You?
Who will be run into the trouble in case it doesn't see the light after all these years? You?
Who is most likely to take the blame for everything including the production Cost? You?
Virtually we don't risk anything. Axl does.

He says he does all this for himself. What could that mean? Think about it.

2) The Consumerism

In that logic, a civil servant would owe all the citizens.
If you or your parent (you owe them don?t you?) were in a certain business you?d owe all the clients.
Would they go claim that against you?
Especially when they're satisfied with all the products they purchased from you?
Especially when they are yet to do another deal with you?

3) About all that you've done for GN'R

I do nothing of the sort, bar for myself. That's fun.

Lets not forget that whatever we've done to see or to hear the band etc is what we VOLUNTARILY chose to do, and in fact, Axl has said, "sorry I'm late" on many occasions.

You regret that?

Do you think if you had never heard of an Axl, you would be better off?
Do you?

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: mikegiuliana on May 17, 2005, 12:32:18 PM
stop making so many excuses for axl... it's a fucking album, not the cure for cancer just give the people who will buy his prize who an update every now and again.. Geez people is that to much to ask for..? I would be pissed with any band that did this, not just axl..

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: Intercourse on May 17, 2005, 12:50:04 PM
Mike old son,

Remember where you are won't win this argument (but in the 'outside' world it is different....)
I personally cannot see what harm three lines from Axl now and again would do but sure I must be 'drooling fan boy' for wanting that.

Many here like to bark on about the nerve of people like you asking for a communication from Axl? yet they go ahead and download IRS in their thousands, despite Axls request not too.

Axl has been happy to take the cash for the Ferraris, neon horse sculptures etc but doesn't seem arsed acknowledging the source of that cash.....
Just get used to it man, it's been this way since 1996/1997 and I don't expect that to change any time soon.
It's his way and I guess he feels entitled to it.

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: ppbebe on May 17, 2005, 12:52:01 PM
I just talked common sense.

stop making so many excuses for axl...
If you stop making so many excuses for moaning.   ;)

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: Intercourse on May 17, 2005, 12:57:25 PM

There's no updates because they don't have anything to say. This band doesn't hype themselves by giving updates on nothing.

Now you really are joking aren't you?

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: jarmo on May 17, 2005, 01:09:59 PM
stop making so many excuses for axl... it's a fucking album, not the cure for cancer just give the people who will buy his prize who an update every now and again.. Geez people is that to much to ask for..? I would be pissed with any band that did this, not just axl..

Yeah, it's just an album. So why are all these people so upset that they haven't gotten a "it's not done yet" statement from Axl?

There's no updates because they don't have anything to say. This band doesn't hype themselves by giving updates on nothing.
Now you really are joking aren't you?


Count the statements made during the times when the band has not been on tour.

There was one about RIR4, one about that guitar player, Merck made a comment about the New York Times piece... Did I forget something?

It's not a big secret that if a statement was made, it would be turned against the band. By their "fans".

Those of us who'd say "ok, so it's not done yet. Well, maybe some day" would get called asskissers and those of you who'd attack the band for not being done yet, would be the "objective fans".


Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: Mikkamakka on May 17, 2005, 01:17:44 PM
Jarmo, you convinced me.  :yes: It's perfect as it is. It couldn't be better. No news is good news! No music is good music! After all 2005 will be the year of Guns N' Roses, just like 2004, 2003 etc. was!  : ok:

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: jarmo on May 17, 2005, 01:23:14 PM
Jarmo, you convinced me.? :yes: It's perfect as it is. It couldn't be better. No news is good news! No music is good music! After all 2005 will be the year of Guns N' Roses, just like 2004, 2003 etc. was!? : ok:

I didn't say it couldn't be better. Face the facts, that's the way it is and that's the way it has been for a long time.

But what good does it do to whine and moan about it year after year?

Didn't you do this same thing in 2004, 2003, 2002? "There's no update on the album  :crying: ", does it make you happier?


Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: Mikkamakka on May 17, 2005, 01:30:55 PM
It eases the frustration. Some whine about that there is no album and update, some pretend to not be upset. We all try to find the best way.

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: Tied-Up on May 17, 2005, 01:51:54 PM
Axl has been happy to take the cash for the Ferraris, neon horse sculptures etc but doesn't seem arsed acknowledging the source of that cash.....
Just get used to it man, it's been this way since 1996/1997 and I don't expect that to change any time soon.
It's his way and I guess he feels entitled to it.
The source of the cash is AXL.  He earned that cash.  If you paid cash for a concert, or for a cd or for other merch, that was your choice to spend your hard-earned cash on GnR stuff.  Axl worked for the money, it wasn't given to him by the fans freely, just because we admire and adore him.  We got what we paid for.  We got something in return for the money Axl now spends for "Ferraris, neon horse sculptures, etc."  He worked for the money, it's his previlege to spend it as he sees fit without sending "us" a thank you note every time he decides to spend some dough.

Axl owes us NOTHING.  Yes, that's right, nothing.  The music biz, like every other biz in America, is a free-enterprise/capitalist system, and you pick and choose what you want to support with the dollars you spend.  In return for those dollars spent, we get something.  We get a cd, we get a concert, we get merch.  We are not currently financially supporting Axl through cd, concert or merch sales (unless you're talking the buying of old cds, or some of the clothing or other merch at the website -- but then, if we are spending money on this, we are still getting our rewards for the money spent by way of the merch.)  Buying the old merch does not offer us some sort of "money back guarantee" that Axl will produce something new within the next year or two or twelve.

"we" the fans, do not own Axl.  We do not own the celebrities we adore and admire.  They are not our own personal robots that will do our bidding at our command.  Get over it, get a life, and stop waiting.  If the new album comes out, great, I'll probably be first in line to buy it.  But if it doesn't, I won't be on my death bed regretting that I wasted my life waiting for something that never materialized, because I'm not.

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: shaved on May 17, 2005, 01:58:34 PM
Oh my god..

This is not complicated here folks. ?All we are saying is, it would be NICE if axl would tell us something. Even if its not a huge update, it would be nice. ?It doesn't have to be wishful thinking either. ?If axl doesn't know when the album is going to come out, then just say that. ?Say anything for god sake. ?

It astounds me as to how many times we can say that axl doesn't OWE us, and then watch all of the retorts from people saying "I cant beleive you guys think axl owes you"

We know he doesn't technically OWE us.


I swear to god if I see another reply like that I am going to crap my pants and forget who I am for a few hours. ?Axl most definately does not have to tell us a god damn thing, we understand that. ?We understand that it would make no logical sense for axl to want to keep his fans happy, and updated on the progress of his album. ?Why on earth would axl do such a thing ?We are simply using an open forum to speak our minds. ?We are simply saying that we feel jipped by axl. ?Many people here have paid a good deal of money to see axl, and then were simply screwed over. ?Many people here paid their hard earned money on TSI, and were screwed over!! (hehe..j/k) ?We just want a little update. That is it.. nothing else. ?What are you people really arguing against? ?I want to know! ?We both want the same damn thing, the only difference is your motto is to "sit back and shut up. ?The man will speak when he is ready" ?This isn't the second coming of christ for shit sake, this is a fucking album. ?This is a real guy who knows that he has a shitload of fans out there. ?Get out of your fucking hobit hole and say something. ? I won't have to trouble Jarmo any longer by checking his site daily if i just get a heads up on what is going on. ?IS THAT SO MUCH TO ASK!!

"I sure hope axl tells us something"

"youuuuu selllfiishh BAAASTARRRDD!!!"

Now I shall wait for jarmo to quote one sentence from my post and try his damndest to make a witty remark about it.

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: mikegiuliana on May 17, 2005, 01:59:37 PM
Yeah, it's just an album. So why are all these people so upset that they haven't gotten a "it's not done yet" statement from Axl?

We are on a gnr forum we do want to just have some info on the status of the album.. It's not just an album to us, but it is just an album as in disk with plastic cover..... What point would there be to be on a fan forum if we never get any info on the music we are waiting for? Isn't anyone tired of 20 sound boards and a few songs?? That's the point not everyone is so in love with each new tune that for the next twenty years that will satisfy them.. We need to discuss music no more axl's hair his jerseys how the outside world views him..
How anyone can say he shouldn't update his fans is beyond me...

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: ppbebe on May 17, 2005, 02:06:32 PM
No one is saying he shouldn't.

He would explain things if he could, and He will update us when he can. So I think.

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: jarmo on May 17, 2005, 02:09:49 PM
Now I shall wait for jarmo to quote one sentence from my post and try his damndest to make a witty remark about it.

Witty remark.

Some whine about that there is no album and update, some pretend to not be upset. We all try to find the best way.

Maybe that's the difference. I don't have to pretend because things like this really doesn't upset me.

This thread is funny, it seems like the people who see themselves as the "objective non-asskissing" fans are the ones who are the most upset.

I don't care, if there's no update it's business as usual. If one is made one day, cool. I'll put it on the site and we can talk about it. Until then, what about those jerseys? ?:hihi:


Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: Tied-Up on May 17, 2005, 02:11:43 PM
This is not complicated here folks. ?All we are saying is, it would be NICE if axl would tell us something. Even if its not a huge update, it would be nice. ?It doesn't have to be wishful thinking either. ?If axl doesn't know when the album is going to come out, then just say that. ?Say anything for god sake. ?

It astounds me as to how many times we can say that axl doesn't OWE us, and then watch all of the retorts from people saying "I cant beleive you guys think axl owes you"

Yes, it would be nice... however, with these words, you are stating some sort of expectation of Axl's actions. ?Should Axl consult his fans and keep an up to date blog and let us know every thing he does? ? I know that a lot of rockers do that, and that's cool. ?But, why is it that if they don't keep us up to date, they become selfish jerks? ? I just don't understand that. ?

Maybe Axl is a jerk, I don't know, because I haven't met him. ?I know that there are people who have said that he is a jerk, and I also know that there are people who are very loyal to him that say just the opposite. ?I haven't met any of these people either. ?If you think Axl is a jerk, then stop being his fan. ?Simple. ?Go choose a celebrity that loves the limelight... like Britney Spears. ?I'm sure it would be quite easy for you to keep up to date with what's going on in her life, because she has the inquirer on speed dial. ?

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: mikegiuliana on May 17, 2005, 02:13:51 PM
anyone see the splat interview about dec 2005 seeing cd??

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: Intercourse on May 17, 2005, 02:51:17 PM
Well done Shaved!!!
It's not like we're waiting for Jesus Christ to come and cure disease and poverty war and destruction.
The point being made is 'it would be nice'.
fucking hell...

Also Tied Up, if you read my post I said 'acknowledge' not 'owe'..... big difference.

 verb to respond to something such as a greeting or message to show it has been noticed or received

to feel that something should be given to or done for somebody in recompense for something

I think we all should be clear now.

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: Tied-Up on May 17, 2005, 06:12:57 PM
Also Tied Up, if you read my post I said 'acknowledge' not 'owe'..... big difference.

 verb to respond to something such as a greeting or message to show it has been noticed or received

to feel that something should be given to or done for somebody in recompense for something

I think we all should be clear now.

Intercourse, my first paragraph of my first post in this thread was referring to you, and how you think Axl should "acknowledge the source of the cash" that he is spending on "Ferraris, neon horse sculptures etc".  Tell me, do you thank your employer (or customers, should you own your own business) every time you buy something a bit on the frivolous side?

My second paragraph was not necessarily directed at you, Intercourse, but to all those who think Axl owes the fans something.  (There have been several posts that suggest this within this thread.) 

Sorry that I didn't make it clear when I originally posted.

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: shaved on May 17, 2005, 08:55:41 PM
hahahah.. I underestimated you jarmo.. that was actually quite funny? ;D  No seriously that was fantastic.. :peace:

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: shaved on May 17, 2005, 09:02:01 PM
You are taking what I am saying and putting it to an extreme. 

It would be fucking great to have an updated blog where the new info was told.. but I would never expect anyone to do that.  To expect someone to put out a regularly updated blog entry, and to expect someone to put out a single statement are two very different things.

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: Intercourse on May 18, 2005, 08:41:06 AM

 Tell me, do you thank your employer (or customers, should you own your own business) every time you buy something a bit on the frivolous side?

Yes actually, I'm a doctor and I find that saying 'thank you' or being nice to a patient who is paying me to help them goes a long way in life.

It really is a tiny effort, as is three lines every six months saying, 'hi fans, nothing to report, just relax, more news in six months', that kind of thing.

I can't believe I am being pulled up for even expressing a wish that something this normal and rudimentary would occur.....

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: Tied-Up on May 18, 2005, 11:22:15 AM

 Tell me, do you thank your employer (or customers, should you own your own business) every time you buy something a bit on the frivolous side?

Yes actually, I'm a doctor and I find that saying 'thank you' or being nice to a patient who is paying me to help them goes a long way in life.

It really is a tiny effort, as is three lines every six months saying, 'hi fans, nothing to report, just relax, more news in six months', that kind of thing.

That wasn't my question.? Do you call your patients every time you buy a car?? Or a work of art?? That seems to be your implication in a previous comment, that Axl is shopping for "Ferraris, neon horse sculptures etc" without acknowledging the source of the cash he used to pay for these things.? So my question was, every time you choose to buy something, do you call up those that have financed you in some way, in this case, your patients, and say, "Gee, thanks, I just bought a great painting to hang above my mantle.? Thanks a lot for becoming ill, and choosing me as your doctor so I can afford to decorate my home."?

It would be nice if Axl reported to "us" the fans once in a while, but, perhaps he doesn't see the need to report when there is no news.? ?I mean, maybe he will report to us, when there is something to report, or when he feels the need to.? Who are we to dictate the way he should choose to behave?

All I'm saying is that if hearing 'news' from your favorite celebrity is something that is important to you... maybe you shouldn't choose a celebrity that has chosen to become somewhat of a recluse.? *shrug*

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: Intercourse on May 18, 2005, 12:54:38 PM

That wasn't my question.  Do you call your patients every time you buy a car?  Or a work of art? 

I think you're deliberately playing with my words here. I thank my patients for choosing me, yes. The ferraris and the art work are examples that Axl enjoys spending the money from the fans but hasn't bothered to communicate on any level with them for almost two years. He gets huge returns and won't issue a single sentence to those that support him. Maybe you think that's fair or right  but in most avenues of life, communication is viewed as a healthy and necessary human  passtime. That's my point.


So my question was, every time you choose to buy something, do you call up those that have financed you in some way, in this case, your patients, and say, "Gee, thanks, I just bought a great painting to hang above my mantle.  Thanks a lot for becoming ill, and choosing me as your doctor so I can afford to decorate my home." 

You have totally misinterpreted what I have written (see above). Bono has often thanked his concert crowd 'for giving us a great life' really doesn't hurt to do this now and again. It only bolsters fan devotion and support.

It would be nice if Axl reported to "us" the fans once in a while,

AT LAST!!! The penny has dropped!!! You finally get the essence of my argument all along. Read what Shaved said if you remain confused.,

but, perhaps he doesn't see the need to report when there is no news.   I mean, maybe he will report to us, when there is something to report,
No news? Nothing to report? Are you kidding me?
So there is no news or anything to report about the 70 or so songs written, the work with Desmond Childs, Bucketheads status in the band, a release date, the record companys activities around the album, the court case, a possible first single.......????
No news would mean: no band, no songs, no band members, no record company involvement.

A simple comparison should suffice: there is no news from the Soundgarden camp because Chris Cornell  is in a different band and they have gone their seperate ways and have not completed any 'big guns' in the studio...GNR is proposed to be alive so there is news out there. Also, in light of all the brinkmanship from Tommy and Dizzy ('it's getting mixed', 'it's out by February', 'it's awsome', 'i can't wait to tour this'...etc) which all came to FUCK ALL, a statement of clarity would help. Even from a cold, objective business stand point this would make sense.
All I'm saying is that if hearing 'news' from your favorite celebrity is something that is important to you

Yes it is important to me. I like Axls music and I'd like to know when more will be out there so I can support the effort and buy it.

So hearing nothing from your favourite celebrity is the way you like things huh? Why are you here?
That makes absolutely no sense at all and you know it.
peace : ok:

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: Elrothiel on May 18, 2005, 05:43:19 PM
You people do realize that Guns N' Roses isn't the only thing going on in the world, and they aren't the only band around. Yes I do love Gn'R and I would love to know what's happening, but I ain't holding my breath. I'm not going around thinking "Oh, I hope he says something soon!" I put it OUT of my mind, listen to either the old stuff, or another band, or fuck my boyfriend, or watch a movie, or surf the net. I don't know whether or not I should even post this because so many people on here will say "Well if you don't CARE, then why are you on HTGTH?"
The truth is I DO care, and there is NOTHING that is going to STOP me caring. Personally, I don't think any band owes anything if they've already given so much. REMEMBER THE OLD STUFF!?? HELLO!!?? That is why this site is around BECAUSE OF THE OLD STUFF!! You think that if Axl had never said anything about ChiDem in the first place we'd be having this argument? NO! Of course we would, only we'd know even less than we already do! We'd still be whining around going "Waa, when is Axl going to release a new album!!? *whingewhinge*". Maybe if we all just shut up about when ChiDem's coming out and talk about other things, then MAYBE just MAYBE Axl will think "Hahaaa! They've FINALLY stopped whinging about it, NOW's the time to release it!"

Of course we all want concrete news. Face it, if we all just forget about it and put it outta our heads and let him get on with it, then sooner or later there'll be a huge-ass fucking commercial broadcast over the entire world advertizing the release of ChiDem. Of course this will only SEEM to happen faster if we all just stop thinking about it!!!
Its like when you have a cut and it hurts real bad. You have to DO SOMETHING ELSE to take your mind off it, and before you know it, it DOESN'T HURT ANYMORE!!

Yes it would be NICE to hear something, but actually.... if you think about it.... NOT giving us information, NOT saying ANYTHING is not being a jerk, is NOT being an asshole, but is actually being totally punk rock! Do you think the Sex Pistols would have given a press release about anything they were doing. Lets not forget about the SPIRIT OF ROCK!! Do you think that if ROCK was an actual person he/she would care about anyone other than him/herself and the people closest to him/her? NOOO!!! Rock is about doing what YOU want to do and backlashing against authority and the "right" thing to do!! AKA BEING REBELLIOUS AND NON-BORING!!! Seriously!! You look at all the emo bands nowadays giving shitty little interviews in Kerrang! magazine saying what exactly their album is going to sound like. Do we give a shit about them? NOOOO!!!!

If Axl was giving shitty little interviews in Kerrang! every week, everyone on here would be telling him to shut up!
You can't win and you can't please everyone. There's always SOMEONE who has to go "I don't like you anymore because you said this/didn't say anything/haven't released anything/being an asshole/suck now etcetera".
As long as there is music around, there will be people around to criticize it.

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: Axlism on May 18, 2005, 07:31:01 PM
How does Axl Rose owe any of us anything?

He owes me! That's right, $8.50. I was at, um ...Yankee Stadium, yeah..that's the ticket, and um...he was there at the dog stand, see? and he said "Hey man, got a few bucks, I'll pay ya back in a minute". As he walked off laughing "sucker" I knew I would never see him again.

So don't tell me he doesn't owe his fans!? :rant:

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: shaved on May 18, 2005, 07:41:59 PM
You know a band has lost complete contact with its fans when the only option is to "just forget about the new album"

In all honesty, I dont sweat about this every minute of my day. ?The only time I even think about the new album is if I throw in a gnr cd, or when I surf the web and check up on this site. ?Just because I think it is rude of axl not to update his fans, does not mean that I am obsessed with the new cd. ?I am on this site about 15 minutes of my day. ?I should seek treatment.

I just cant fathom how you can argue the fact that axl isnt being a very nice guy for not speaking to his fans for years. ?Is it a huge thing? ?Nope. ?This is just a thread on some guys message board, and I am simply stating my opinion. ?I thought it was common sense that not speaking to your fans is a pretty rude thing to do. ???? ?

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: Mr Cowbell ? on May 19, 2005, 12:08:24 AM
You know a band has lost complete contact with its fans when the only option is to "just forget about the new album"

In all honesty, I dont sweat about this every minute of my day. ?The only time I even think about the new album is if I throw in a gnr cd, or when I surf the web and check up on this site. ?Just because I think it is rude of axl not to update his fans, does not mean that I am obsessed with the new cd. ?I am on this site about 15 minutes of my day. ?I should seek treatment.

I just cant fathom how you can argue the fact that axl isnt being a very nice guy for not speaking to his fans for years. ?Is it a huge thing? ?Nope. ?This is just a thread on some guys message board, and I am simply stating my opinion. ?I thought it was common sense that not speaking to your fans is a pretty rude thing to do. ???? ?

Maybe Axl should spend all day writing in his online web blog? Would that make everyone happy or would people just bitch about how he is spending too much time writing in his journal instead of working on his album.

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: Rob on May 19, 2005, 03:46:45 AM
This is why Jerry Only of the Misfits is so awesome.  Me and my friends have hung out with the guy.  He once talked to us for like half an hour after a show.  And another time he gave us all kinds of free shit out of his car.  He truly appreciates his fans, and he always goes well above and beyond what he needs to do to show his appreciation.  Its pretty obvious Axl has no appreciation for us.  All we want is a little update on what's been going on all these years.  As someone who payed for a ticket for the Philly show in 2002, I'm definitely at least owed an explanation from Axl about why he didn't show.  He doesn't care about his fans, and that's really sad.  And even after all the shit he's put his fans through, I'll still buy Chinese Democracy the day it comes out, I'd still shell out hard earned cash to see him live, and I'll still tell everyone I know he's the greatest frontman that ever lived.  Axls got some of the most loyal fans in the world, its a shame he doesn't give two shits about us.  And yeah, Jerry Only rules.

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: shaved on May 19, 2005, 05:09:54 AM
You know a band has lost complete contact with its fans when the only option is to "just forget about the new album"

In all honesty, I dont sweat about this every minute of my day. ?The only time I even think about the new album is if I throw in a gnr cd, or when I surf the web and check up on this site. ?Just because I think it is rude of axl not to update his fans, does not mean that I am obsessed with the new cd. ?I am on this site about 15 minutes of my day. ?I should seek treatment.

I just cant fathom how you can argue the fact that axl isnt being a very nice guy for not speaking to his fans for years. ?Is it a huge thing? ?Nope. ?This is just a thread on some guys message board, and I am simply stating my opinion. ?I thought it was common sense that not speaking to your fans is a pretty rude thing to do. ???? ?

Maybe Axl should spend all day writing in his online web blog? Would that make everyone happy or would people just bitch about how he is spending too much time writing in his journal instead of working on his album.

I am at a loss for words.  Do you people even read the posts?

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: Intercourse on May 19, 2005, 08:52:27 AM
I give up too. :-\

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: jarmo on May 19, 2005, 08:56:59 AM
Ok you two, just answer this: If Axl updated the fans with a statement that said there's no release date yet and they're still working on the album, what kind of reaction do you think it would get?


Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: Intercourse on May 19, 2005, 09:10:16 AM
let me ask you this..
would it be any worse than the current mood among fans?

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: jarmo on May 19, 2005, 09:18:33 AM
let me ask you this..
would it be any worse than the current mood among fans?

I think it would be the same.

Everytime there has been an update, like in 2002, some people take it as good news while others call Axl a liar.

But you didn't answer my question.


Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: Intercourse on May 19, 2005, 09:33:03 AM
I agree with you, maybe the response would be negative even if he did give us some news.
Still, bad news or not, I have always appreciated honesty and if it was his honest opinion about the whole thing I would gladly accept it.  As I said before, communication is a healthy human habit, even if the news is not what you want to hear.
As I have been trying so hard to say here:

 - I am not obsessed with Axl/CD
 - I am not winging about the delay
 - I am not waiting for CD everyday
 - I am a fan of Axl Rose/GNR/VR

 - I just think it would be 'nice' to hear something
 - I will not shoot the messenger

Cheers Jarmo,

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: madagas on May 19, 2005, 10:13:39 AM
Jarmo, maybe it is the kind of statements that Axl gives. The last one about Bucket and Rio was atrocious. He basically pointed the finger at Bucket and dropped some petty comments. Then, when he tried to bring something positive to the situation by saying he hoped to announce a release date in a "few" months, he stonewalled us for a year and a half and counting. Don't say "he said HOPED." If you are not sure of the situation, then don't say anything. Honesty is the best policy. His comments at the Mtv awards and in his 2002 press release were honest. His comments about a release date in a few months were simply misleading. :-\ In this ongoing saga, the only words that count come from Axl and the only statement that counts from him is the last one he made.

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: ppbebe on May 19, 2005, 10:59:48 AM
I think the last one is in the statement from the management.
not about a release date but he said something about the napoleon guitarist who likened GN'R to the rolling stones....

Bono has often thanked his concert crowd 'for giving us a great life' really doesn't hurt to do this now and again. It only bolsters fan devotion and support.

AXL too has already said thanks to the audience numerous times. So that's done.

No one would thank anyone for what haven't happen yet.

Ok, you've done really good services. All your patients are well again and are living their life. You go back to the medical school to do research on langerhans islet in a team of several specialists. When you finish off your study you go back to the clinic.  But some of the then patients are impatient for their fav doctor to come back to the clinic, although they don't need any further medical care at the moment particularly from you, while your study needs you. It's run into difficulties but the outcome will help a lot more patients. So you labour at it.
Do you have to go and update those impatients what you are doing in the lab every now and then?
Do so, if you feel like. and if you can well afford it.  But you're not obliged to.

Plus you don't have to deal with the stalkers. : ok:

Yeah, communication is nice. He will do it when he can.

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: Intercourse on May 19, 2005, 11:12:26 AM
that's what I am doing now!! How weird that you used an example that is right on, I have gone back to college to study here in Canada and left my practice in Ireland for a while. And yes, I do keep in touch with those patients that request it. Just a couple of lines now and again, nothing more.  It doesn't hurt and it's good manners if nothing else.

I think we've done this topic to death.
The fact is, some of us think Axl should 'do the right thing' and say hello now and again...good news or bad.
The rest think that silence is golden.
Each to their own.
I'm done with this one,

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: RustyCage on May 19, 2005, 12:50:44 PM
You people do realize that Guns N' Roses isn't the only thing going on in the world, and they aren't the only band around. Yes I do love Gn'R and I would love to know what's happening, but I ain't holding my breath. I'm not going around thinking "Oh, I hope he says something soon!" I put it OUT of my mind, listen to either the old stuff, or another band, or fuck my boyfriend, or watch a movie, or surf the net. I don't know whether or not I should even post this because so many people on here will say "Well if you don't CARE, then why are you on HTGTH?"
The truth is I DO care, and there is NOTHING that is going to STOP me caring. Personally, I don't think any band owes anything if they've already given so much. REMEMBER THE OLD STUFF!?? HELLO!!?? That is why this site is around BECAUSE OF THE OLD STUFF!! You think that if Axl had never said anything about ChiDem in the first place we'd be having this argument? NO! Of course we would, only we'd know even less than we already do! We'd still be whining around going "Waa, when is Axl going to release a new album!!? *whingewhinge*". Maybe if we all just shut up about when ChiDem's coming out and talk about other things, then MAYBE just MAYBE Axl will think "Hahaaa! They've FINALLY stopped whinging about it, NOW's the time to release it!"

Of course we all want concrete news. Face it, if we all just forget about it and put it outta our heads and let him get on with it, then sooner or later there'll be a huge-ass fucking commercial broadcast over the entire world advertizing the release of ChiDem. Of course this will only SEEM to happen faster if we all just stop thinking about it!!!
Its like when you have a cut and it hurts real bad. You have to DO SOMETHING ELSE to take your mind off it, and before you know it, it DOESN'T HURT ANYMORE!!

Yes it would be NICE to hear something, but actually.... if you think about it.... NOT giving us information, NOT saying ANYTHING is not being a jerk, is NOT being an asshole, but is actually being totally punk rock! Do you think the Sex Pistols would have given a press release about anything they were doing. Lets not forget about the SPIRIT OF ROCK!! Do you think that if ROCK was an actual person he/she would care about anyone other than him/herself and the people closest to him/her? NOOO!!! Rock is about doing what YOU want to do and backlashing against authority and the "right" thing to do!! AKA BEING REBELLIOUS AND NON-BORING!!! Seriously!! You look at all the emo bands nowadays giving shitty little interviews in Kerrang! magazine saying what exactly their album is going to sound like. Do we give a shit about them? NOOOO!!!!

If Axl was giving shitty little interviews in Kerrang! every week, everyone on here would be telling him to shut up!
You can't win and you can't please everyone. There's always SOMEONE who has to go "I don't like you anymore because you said this/didn't say anything/haven't released anything/being an asshole/suck now etcetera".
As long as there is music around, there will be people around to criticize it.

typing LIKE this IS annoying AS a MOTHAFUCKA! ::)

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: Tied-Up on May 19, 2005, 01:59:06 PM

That wasn't my question.? Do you call your patients every time you buy a car?? Or a work of art??

I think you're deliberately playing with my words here. I thank my patients for choosing me, yes. The ferraris and the art work are examples that Axl enjoys spending the money from the fans but hasn't bothered to communicate on any level with them for almost two years. He gets huge returns and won't issue a single sentence to those that support him. Maybe you think that's fair or right? but in most avenues of life, communication is viewed as a healthy and necessary human? passtime. That's my point.

I am not deliberately playing with your words.  I am asking you a simple question.  You seem to be implying that Axl enjoys spending the money without a nod to the source of the cash.  You even mentioned specifically that he is buying cars and sculptures.   So, my question remains... do you thank your patients every time you spend your money on something frivolous?  do you update them with your purchases and tell them, gee, I just bought a car, thanks a lot for enabling me to afford such a luxury?

There is a difference between thanking someone for choosing you as a doctor, and thanking them every time you make a purchase that doesn't directly relate to your basic needs.

When Axl is onstage, he says "thank you and good night" or "we love you Las Vegas" or something along those lines.  He just hasn't been onstage in a couple of years. 

No news? Nothing to report? Are you kidding me?
So there is no news or anything to report about the 70 or so songs written, the work with Desmond Childs, Bucketheads status in the band, a release date, the record companys activities around the album, the court case, a possible first single.......?
No news would mean: no band, no songs, no band members, no record company involvement.

A simple comparison should suffice: there is no news from the Soundgarden camp because Chris Cornell  is in a different band and they have gone their seperate ways and have not completed any 'big guns' in the studio...GNR is proposed to be alive so there is news out there. Also, in light of all the brinkmanship from Tommy and Dizzy ('it's getting mixed', 'it's out by February', 'it's awsome', 'i can't wait to tour this'...etc) which all came to FUCK ALL, a statement of clarity would help. Even from a cold, objective business stand point this would make sense.
Just because you believe there should be news, perhaps Axl doesn't see it this way.  Perhaps he thinks it will cause more of an uproar to just say the same ole:  "Still working on the album, no release date," than if he just kept quiet, and  kept at whatever he is doing, and then will let us know what he wants us to know, when he wants us to know it.  It's his work, and it's his perogative to keep it under wraps if that is what he wants to do.

Axl is Axl, he isn't Bono, he isn't anyone else but Axl, and he will do what he wants, when he wants.  If he doesn't want to report to us, then, he's not going to. 

I really like Elr?thiel's post.  There are other things going on in the world, my life isn't revolving around the release of information or the release of CD.   I'm here because I LOVE what Guns N' Roses has given us so far.  I'm not here to groan and bitch and moan about the fact that we haven't heard any news.  That may be why you're here, and if so, hey... enjoy yourself, man. 

 : ok:

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: shaved on May 19, 2005, 07:34:43 PM
To answer your question

It all depends upon how he says it.? If he says "I hope it will be out tomorrow" and then 6 months later it still isnt.. then he looks like a liar.? But hey.. he said "hope"

If he says something to the extent of "we have ran into more problems than we anticipated.? I am working hard on the album though, and I guarentee you that it will kick your ass when you hear it.? Please be patient, I know its been a long wait now, but the wait will be over soon enough.? All we need is just a little patience.?? Oh and shaved, you left your laundry on the floor again you bastard.? You do that again and I will drop you to the fucking pavement... and quit eating my chicken pot pies.? ?Bon jovi and suck my dick.

Peace out, and blame canada


I would be pretty happy with a statement of that sort I suppose

Also, this thread is going nowhere.  I am set in my opinion that it is rude of axl to not update his fans now and then, and others think that axl has no obligation to do so.  Neither of us are going to change our minds, soo yeah. 

great site by the way jarmo

Peace  :peace:

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: FlashFlood on May 19, 2005, 09:33:45 PM
Anyone who doesnt think Axl owes anything is dead wrong. The fact is an album has been promised and promised and he never follows through. He treats his fans like shit. Absolute shit. Well over a decade without anything.  I love Axl, dont get me wrong. But hes just been ridiculous about the whole thing. I dont need the album to be Sgt Pepper or fucking AFD, but I want something to that he still cares, because there are plenty of people who care about him, myself included. I really wish people would realize that for all the love that we show Axl, we get NOTHING AT ALL IN RETURN. Im sure hes a decent human being, and i have no idea what hes been doing the entire millenium, but i do know that wouldnt kill him to say a friendly hello, would it?

Axl owes.

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: madagas on May 20, 2005, 08:37:05 AM
"Friends don't owe! They do cause they wanna do..."-the legendary Rocky Balboa :rofl:

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: mikegiuliana on May 20, 2005, 08:55:32 AM
Ok you two, just answer this: If Axl updated the fans with a statement that said there's no release date yet and they're still working on the album, what kind of reaction do you think it would get?

Not the best, BUT it would at least 1) let you know soemthing is still going on, and 2) it would at least let you know not to expect anything this month or next so those bogus rumors could stop.. The biggest pain about being a gnr fan isn't the wait, it's the not knowing..
Just to say somethinglike hey gnr fans we are done with teh album but lawsuits are holding it up.. or we are still picking songs for the album but as soon as it's done you will see soon after, or we are planninga tour and it should happnen (insert season)..

I have no doubts that being it's the technology age that axl like any other person is curious to see what people-his fans- are thinking.. To see them support him but get so frustrated should let him think  These people come here day in and day outt o talk about a lot of stuff, the LEAST I could do is take a few minutes out of my busy day and send them some kind of short but to the point statment.. Axl knows the most common questions and the reasons people get disappointed.. 5 minutes of his time would make his fan base so happy, to me that is the least he can do for us.. Maybe he says well these dumb asses will always be here, adn the other fans who are not in the now will come out again when it's time so I am not saying shit..  :-\

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: slashdelonge on May 24, 2005, 04:41:24 PM
he is completely right....axl owes his fans.....who agrees with me come on come on...slash is awesome :D

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: ppbebe on May 24, 2005, 05:13:06 PM
Yeah everyone owes everyone.

You owe your parents and your parents owe who they work for, their clients, the consumers then the community and so on and on and on......... the whole world.

A human is a social animal. :D

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: mikegiuliana on May 24, 2005, 05:17:40 PM
does axl owe the fans in philly an apology? I hope he says one day what happened with the tour

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: jameslofton29 on May 24, 2005, 05:54:13 PM
I dont think Axl is going to give too many details about the failed 2002 tour. Its one of the few shit stains on his career. When asked about it, he'll either change the subject or walk out on the interviewer.

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: shaved on May 24, 2005, 09:10:53 PM
My voice was givin me trouble

*sip some wine, take a puff from a cigarette" 

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: mikegiuliana on May 25, 2005, 09:39:21 AM
I dont think Axl is going to give too many details about the failed 2002 tour. Its one of the few shit stains on his career. When asked about it, he'll either change the subject or walk out on the interviewer.
Weird thing is any other band would give you the details in some shape or form.. Bands really get upset when their fans get fucked over especially on something like a riot the exact minute when they are suppose to play.. I know that would really bother me if that happened and telling the fans would be my first priority regardless of the problem..

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: gnrkoncerti on May 25, 2005, 11:57:43 AM
I want to some some officail dvd from use your illusion toue(but some stadium show in usa,south america or Europe).

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: Twisted Nerve 85 on May 25, 2005, 03:17:20 PM


Dear fans, hangers-on and other assorted emotional cripples,

 You've all been requesting news for a while now, and thanks to a break in my hectic pool-side schedule I am finally able to comply. Not much to tell you about due to the rest of the band having finished recording a year or so ago, but I'll tell you what I've been doing. Here's a typical day in the life of Axl Rose during post-production;

Woke up at noon today. Had a glass of soy milk and three loafs of wheat toast for breakfast, in preparation for my mid-afternoon colonic. I spent a few hours in the security master conrol room, poring over the house-staff's activities via my secret cameras. I think that the maid is stealing cutlery, I'm down to like 34 teaspoons. There was a little excitement at about 3pm when some deranged groupie showed up at the gates (or maybe it was Izzy? Must add the footage to "Ex-Bandmate & Stalker Activity" file). It's my private SWAT-team's day off so I had to loose the hounds of hell on the interloper.

Spent a few hours sipping margeritas by the pool and whipping the houseboy. I'm thinking about marrying Avril Lavigne if she isn't too old by time the album comes out but Beta says to get a chia pet first and see how that works out.

Anyway, to the important part! I phoned Crazy Bob, my sound engineer, at the studio. He says that turning all of the BH sessions tape into origami swans probably wasn't a good idea, but he's unfolded most of it and it sounds great! Bit flangy, but that's life. He also mentioned something about labelling all of the tapes next time, something about speeding up the process, I don't know,? I wasn't really listening.? The jist seems to be that all of the tracks are nearly? ready for the final "Okay" from the Fuhrer. . .? I mean, "Tommy". I told Crazy Bob that Tommy wouldn't be back until September and Bob said something about "wasting his time talking to peons" and told me not to call again without Tommy's permission. That really pissed me off so I threw the window through the t.v. which wasn't half as easy as I'd read it was. I told Merck all about Bob and he said that to make it up to me I could pick the design for the tour t-shirt! YES! Fuck Tommy!

So that about? wraps it up for today. Hey, this was so much fun I think I'll do it again tomorrow! It's way more interesting than listening to another stupid mix of the album. And the t.v.'s broke so I'll have nothing to do all day anyway.

Don't blame me, Blame Jarmo!

Peace Out.



This is easily one of the funniest fucking things I have ever read in my life. I commend u and if there were a HTGTH forum award for biggest wiseass, ud certainly have me beat  :peace:

Title: Re: Let me make a point here
Post by: Neemo on May 25, 2005, 03:31:54 PM


Dear fans, hangers-on and other assorted emotional cripples,

 You've all been requesting news for a while now, and thanks to a break in my hectic pool-side schedule I am finally able to comply. Not much to tell you about due to the rest of the band having finished recording a year or so ago, but I'll tell you what I've been doing. Here's a typical day in the life of Axl Rose during post-production;

Woke up at noon today. Had a glass of soy milk and three loafs of wheat toast for breakfast, in preparation for my mid-afternoon colonic. I spent a few hours in the security master conrol room, poring over the house-staff's activities via my secret cameras. I think that the maid is stealing cutlery, I'm down to like 34 teaspoons. There was a little excitement at about 3pm when some deranged groupie showed up at the gates (or maybe it was Izzy? Must add the footage to "Ex-Bandmate & Stalker Activity" file). It's my private SWAT-team's day off so I had to loose the hounds of hell on the interloper.

Spent a few hours sipping margeritas by the pool and whipping the houseboy. I'm thinking about marrying Avril Lavigne if she isn't too old by time the album comes out but Beta says to get a chia pet first and see how that works out.

Anyway, to the important part! I phoned Crazy Bob, my sound engineer, at the studio. He says that turning all of the BH sessions tape into origami swans probably wasn't a good idea, but he's unfolded most of it and it sounds great! Bit flangy, but that's life. He also mentioned something about labelling all of the tapes next time, something about speeding up the process, I don't know,? I wasn't really listening.? The jist seems to be that all of the tracks are nearly? ready for the final "Okay" from the Fuhrer. . .? I mean, "Tommy". I told Crazy Bob that Tommy wouldn't be back until September and Bob said something about "wasting his time talking to peons" and told me not to call again without Tommy's permission. That really pissed me off so I threw the window through the t.v. which wasn't half as easy as I'd read it was. I told Merck all about Bob and he said that to make it up to me I could pick the design for the tour t-shirt! YES! Fuck Tommy!

So that about? wraps it up for today. Hey, this was so much fun I think I'll do it again tomorrow! It's way more interesting than listening to another stupid mix of the album. And the t.v.'s broke so I'll have nothing to do all day anyway.

Don't blame me, Blame Jarmo!

Peace Out.



This is easily one of the funniest fucking things I have ever read in my life. I commend u and if there were a HTGTH forum award for biggest wiseass, ud certainly have me beat? :peace:

I can't beleive there is no mention of the IRS leak!!! :rofl: :rofl:

That is pretty funny shit though.