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The Perils Of Rock N' Roll Decadence => Duff, Slash & Velvet Revolver => Topic started by: Carlos_f_Rose on May 04, 2005, 11:48:18 AM

Title: VR, an underrated band between the GNR fans?
Post by: Carlos_f_Rose on May 04, 2005, 11:48:18 AM
Hi guys, I dont know if you have ever talked about this before, but I want to tell everybody that VR kickes ass... their music is so fuckem great and everybody complained when they realeased the album... even I did .... so guys what you think? is VR an underrated band?

Title: Re: VR, an underrated band between the GNR fans?
Post by: chineseblues on May 04, 2005, 11:50:14 AM
Hi guys, I dont know if you have ever talked about this before, but I want to tell everybody that VR kickes ass... their music is so fuckem great and everybody complained when they realeased the album... even I did .... so guys what you think? is VR an underrated band?

Overrated seems more like it to me.  :peace:

Title: Re: VR, an underrated band between the GNR fans?
Post by: jarmo on May 04, 2005, 01:09:14 PM
is VR an underrated band?

Not at all.

If you want to talk about underrated things among Gn'R fans, compare "Contraband" to "Village Gorilla Head". One of them is underrated....


Title: Re: VR, an underrated band between the GNR fans?
Post by: chineseblues on May 04, 2005, 01:34:56 PM
is VR an underrated band?

Not at all.

If you want to talk about underrated things among Gn'R fans, compare "Contraband" to "Village Gorilla Head". One of them is underrated....


That is very true. Village Gorilla Head is an awesome album. Definately one of the best released in 2004.

Title: Re: VR, an underrated band between the GNR fans?
Post by: tomass74 on May 05, 2005, 09:39:21 AM
I don't think they are underrated. They seem to get plenty of respect and credit...

Title: Re: VR, an underrated band between the GNR fans?
Post by: nyd on May 05, 2005, 12:52:52 PM
is VR an underrated band?

Not at all.

If you want to talk about underrated things among Gn'R fans, compare "Contraband" to "Village Gorilla Head". One of them is underrated....


Excellent post!  :beer: VGH will be playing at mine for a long time to come - it's right there with "All Shook Down"  ;)

Title: Re: VR, an underrated band between the GNR fans?
Post by: mrlee on May 05, 2005, 01:27:16 PM
i think they are very under rated. That is because either axl isnt in them or they didnt sound like GNR/STP.

I think they are great and its good to get a album from some original GNR band members.....unlike axl who still hasnt released "his" album.

Title: Re: VR, an underrated band between the GNR fans?
Post by: Falcon on May 05, 2005, 01:41:12 PM
Maybe the "GNR only" fans underrate them but not the general music listening public or the industry.

Way too much success to be characterized that way.

Title: Re: VR, an underrated band between the GNR fans?
Post by: RichardNixon on May 05, 2005, 11:22:50 PM
I say they're underrated, but that's a good thing--If that makes sence. I want them to be popular, but not overexposed. Still when you think that piece of shit Linkin Park and Britiny Spears has sold 35 million albums worldwide, that's kinda sad.

Title: Re: VR, an underrated band between the GNR fans?
Post by: Genesis on May 06, 2005, 07:23:28 AM
VR? Too early to tell.

Title: Re: VR, an underrated band between the GNR fans?
Post by: yagami1gnr on May 06, 2005, 04:11:04 PM
Over rated. When people give a rating of 9 or 10 to all the songs; what does it tell you? With that point clear; I hope their next album is better because they have the talent to do it.  :peace:

Title: Re: VR, an underrated band between the GNR fans?
Post by: Carlos_f_Rose on May 06, 2005, 07:11:50 PM
Its cool to see that people support VR cause I think its a great band after all... and I hope to get a new VR as soon as its posible...

Title: Re: VR, an underrated band between the GNR fans?
Post by: mike_giuliana on May 08, 2005, 12:38:56 PM
I think they are underrated in the mainstream. I believe if they were younger doing songs like slither ftps and dlt it would get more recognition.. No doubt their past fame helped them get in the door, but the long run is all on them..
As for the gnr fans I believe certain people are on the fence witht eh breakup and support axl over the ex mates so some won't give it a fair shake.. Some may not like scott from his stp days, or some hate because it's not axl.. SOme don't like it and that's cool too, everyone is entitled to their own opinions..

When I look at outwide reviews I feel it can be underrated because scott gets the drug thing in his face, or supergroup or comparing the band to their old work... Very hard to live up to anything sucess wise in the gnr era, and stp has a lot of sucess as well..

Two groups I really loved that formed one so that's why I have a lot of interest myself..

[/Insert Quote
Over rated. When people give a rating of 9 or 10 to all the songs; what does it tell you? With that point clear; I hope their next album is better because they have the talent to do it.
Being we all are gnr fans n vr fans we all tend to exaggerate.. Unless the poll is a 1-10 on the songs itself from the album not compared to all time best songs.. Now 1-10 on freebird stairway to heaven seeing a ten would be a shock and wrong, but seeing a ten as the best song on the album is different..

I hate to sidetrack but I have seen stellar reviews for IRS (just for the 32 second mess alone) and people were declaring best song in ages, instant classic, people started saying round 2, cd starts now, I have it on my itunes playing for the 500-1,000th time so as an entire community the overdramatics is out of this world and also overrated..

Title: Re: VR, an underrated band between the GNR fans?
Post by: AxlStaleyWeiland on May 08, 2005, 11:29:17 PM
its underrated by the newGNR fans, but I attribute that to ignorance and denial. BTW fuck tommy stinson and his record, Ill take duff fucking Mckagen and his loaded record over that piece of shit any day

Title: Re: VR, an underrated band between the GNR fans?
Post by: Dust N Rose on May 09, 2005, 02:04:56 AM
That is because either axl isnt in them or they didnt sound like GNR/STP.

That's why they are not that adorable from the gn'r fans.

I think Scot is the reason what they haven't been better. Mediocre singer in my opinion. They have a good position in the charts though even with Scot. Maybe because of the modern ( a little boring ) sound they have.

Title: Re: VR, an underrated band between the GNR fans?
Post by: chineseblues on May 09, 2005, 01:35:23 PM
its underrated by the newGNR fans, but I attribute that to ignorance and denial. BTW fuck tommy stinson and his record, Ill take duff fucking Mckagen and his loaded record over that piece of shit any day

excuse me? Village Gorilla Head is a million times better the Loaded or any other Duff solo album.  : ok:

Title: Re: VR, an underrated band between the GNR fans?
Post by: Carlos_f_Rose on May 09, 2005, 01:41:27 PM
I havent listened to T. Stinson sVILLAGE GORILLA HEAD, but I think Duffs work is cool too... and... maybe you are right... but Duff is still duff ... dont forget it.. :)

Title: Re: VR, an underrated band between the GNR fans?
Post by: mike_giuliana on May 09, 2005, 01:58:50 PM
it's called a group effort, just because slash is the lead player and is a great player doesn't mean the band or the albums need to be centered around him.. A solo doesn't have to be long to be good.. He did that in snakepit already, he did that in gnr already, he has done many guest spots doing solos.. I value your polished opinion, but I feel different..

Title: Re: VR, an underrated band between the GNR fans?
Post by: AxlStaleyWeiland on May 09, 2005, 08:48:23 PM
its underrated by the newGNR fans, but I attribute that to ignorance and denial. BTW fuck tommy stinson and his record, Ill take duff fucking Mckagen and his loaded record over that piece of shit any day

excuse me? Village Gorilla Head is a million times better the Loaded or any other Duff solo album.? : ok:
I guess we'll agree to disagree, Im just way more into Duffs dirtier punk style than to Tommy Stinson creative cuteness

Title: Re: VR, an underrated band between the GNR fans?
Post by: mike_giuliana on May 10, 2005, 07:00:58 AM
I am not sayin that it has to be fast, or long or anything else... If he has decided as an artist to change musical direction thats something which is he is own fuckin biz and not mine, but for me as a fan/listener/guitarsolos-junkie,I feel stung out. the guy could make u go in other dimensions with his guitar, he aint just another guitar player!! dunno dude, the way his is playin the guitar will always reserve a special place into my heart, as for me music is vital , but shit , one way or another i just feel stung out :/? ?\Slash 'em all/? :P

Well not many people duplicate the stuff they once created.. Everything in gnr was great... Now that he's out of gnr we tend to be much tougher critics.. I think vr is just some guys with interests in jamming touring and having fun.. I don't think they are interested in chaning the wheel, just making some solid but not groundbreaking rock fans can enjoy.. I admire them for just throwing togheter soemthing in a year, getting someone who has had a lot of substance abuse problems and making a go at it..

Title: Re: VR, an underrated band between the GNR fans?
Post by: mike_giuliana on May 10, 2005, 12:23:30 PM
you make it sound like every highly regarded guitar player gets so much for their later projects outside of the bands they once ruled the earth with..
Gnr he was great, he did really good with snakepit, and I think he did good with vr so far, but as time went on from gnr-snakepit then to vr his role as an individual compared to a band changed..  Maybe you don't understand.. You make an album in a year you aren't going to keep remaking amazing guitar solos... If slash and the gand were into doing that they would have taken 3-4 years and wrote 1-2 minute solos and had all this fancy shit into the songs..

What about drug abuse../... ? I always laugh when anyone has anything to say about drug use when gnr were all adicts when they started and just about all of our favorite rockers were on soemthing one point or another..

FInally are you following me ;D

Title: Re: VR, an underrated band between the GNR fans?
Post by: mike_giuliana on May 10, 2005, 03:13:04 PM
I think slash does respect his rep, alot of people like his playing on CB.. He has done so much outside work that he gets that done elsewhere.. He did the star spangled banner in a baseball home opener here, he did one a tthe laker's game for basketball, he's been onstage with michael jackson.. He has so many other outlets to show his talents that he doesn't need to be  one man show when doing something with a group.. Maybe he really is just osme guy that want stop just play, maybe he doesn;'t worry about his own rep.. He's just some guy that likes to play that got awards and hailed, wasn't his goal..