Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: darkmonth on April 17, 2005, 06:59:18 AM

Title: Passed my UK driving test!!!
Post by: darkmonth on April 17, 2005, 06:59:18 AM
Hi guys...

I passed my driving test!!!

I'm 26 tho... a few years late! :P

Title: Re: Passed my UK driving test!!!
Post by: MadmanDan on April 17, 2005, 08:25:09 AM
CONGRATULATIONS!!  Got mine three years ago, when I was 18. First try too!

Title: Re: Passed my UK driving test!!!
Post by: 2NaFish on April 17, 2005, 08:41:28 AM
well done chief. thats my task for the summer, learn to drive.

i'm abdolutely bricking it. i hate the idea of driving, but it's really fucking useful and my dad said he'll insure me on his Merc if i get my license.....

Title: Re: Passed my UK driving test!!!
Post by: darkmonth on April 17, 2005, 11:06:20 AM
Do it... you'll love it :D

Title: Re: Passed my UK driving test!!!
Post by: axl_rose_700 on April 17, 2005, 12:16:15 PM
I'm about to start in the next few weeks, my gf has been naggin me 4 ages to do it, and ive finally caved in! I'm 18 btw, a bit late but who gives a fook

Title: Re: Passed my UK driving test!!!
Post by: Jagged Little Pill on April 17, 2005, 11:55:46 PM
good turning 19 soon and i still havent got mine and i dont plan on it anytime soon.

Title: Re: Passed my UK driving test!!!
Post by: SLCPUNK on April 18, 2005, 12:53:57 AM
Hi guys...

I passed my driving test!!!

I'm 26 tho... a few years late! :P

Better late than never...

Guess the true or false, "driving on the sidewalk is ok" question set you back a few years 'eh?

Title: Re: Passed my UK driving test!!!
Post by: Doc Emmett Brown on April 18, 2005, 02:03:30 AM
I'm feeling nostalgic.  I passed mine on the first try too...but my driving test (I kid you not) was all inside an empty parking lot.  I just had to make  a few right turns, left turns, and then park. 

Didnt even have to drive on an actual road because according to my tester, they were really busy that day.  :rofl:   :confused:

I heard UK driving tests are more difficult than US ones.

Title: Re: Passed my UK driving test!!!
Post by: SLCPUNK on April 18, 2005, 03:44:12 AM

I heard UK driving tests are more difficult than US ones.

USA is pretty easy....

Stop signs, red lights, stuff like that...all optional.

Cell phones...use often and drive slowly in the left lane while talking. If you are able, try to weave you stupid SUV into the other lanes while you drive too.

Passing.....right lane (remember left lane is for cell phone calls), center, or even on the emergency lane.

If you do something wrong an you get honked at.....give the finger.

How hard is that to remember man?

Title: Re: Passed my UK driving test!!!
Post by: matt88 on April 18, 2005, 05:19:47 AM
I just got my L's which i need for six months till i can get my full license. I just got them over 2 years late and the main reason was that i dont really enjoy driving much.

Title: Re: Passed my UK driving test!!!
Post by: Jessica on April 18, 2005, 09:35:55 AM
Hi guys...

I passed my driving test!!!

I'm 26 tho... a few years late! :P

Congrats, so, now, you can go and pick up your girlfriends huh ? :hihi:

I am almost 30 and don't drive btw, don't have a license, but do have a car. :hihi:

Title: Re: Passed my UK driving test!!!
Post by: Sakib on April 18, 2005, 01:51:16 PM
congrats! even tho im still 14 and unda age, its neva 2 l8

Title: Re: Passed my UK driving test!!!
Post by: Doc Emmett Brown on April 18, 2005, 03:28:41 PM
USA is pretty easy....

Stop signs, red lights, stuff like that...all optional.

Cell phones...use often and drive slowly in the left lane while talking. If you are able, try to weave you stupid SUV into the other lanes while you drive too.

Passing.....right lane (remember left lane is for cell phone calls), center, or even on the emergency lane.

If you do something wrong an you get honked at.....give the finger.

How hard is that to remember man?


and dont forget you gotta use two parking spaces when parking your big fucking Hummer!

They should let you play Grand Theft Auto as a substitute for the driving test  ;D

Title: Re: Passed my UK driving test!!!
Post by: darkmonth on April 18, 2005, 05:13:32 PM
Hi guys...

I passed my driving test!!!

I'm 26 tho... a few years late! :P

Congrats, so, now, you can go and pick up your girlfriends huh ? :hihi:

I am almost 30 and don't drive btw, don't have a license, but do have a car. :hihi:

yeah Jess, except I'm not sure my wife would appreciate it ;)

Title: Re: Passed my UK driving test!!!
Post by: SLCPUNK on April 19, 2005, 04:00:40 AM
USA is pretty easy....

Stop signs, red lights, stuff like that...all optional.

Cell phones...use often and drive slowly in the left lane while talking. If you are able, try to weave you stupid SUV into the other lanes while you drive too.

Passing.....right lane (remember left lane is for cell phone calls), center, or even on the emergency lane.

If you do something wrong an you get honked at.....give the finger.

How hard is that to remember man?


and dont forget you gotta use two parking spaces when parking your big fucking Hummer!

I was jogging about a month ago and saw a hummer parked. Somebody had painted " I suck" on the side of it....I laughed the rest of my run..... :hihi:

Title: Re: Passed my UK driving test!!!
Post by: Jessica on April 19, 2005, 04:14:47 AM
Hi guys...

I passed my driving test!!!

I'm 26 tho... a few years late! :P

Congrats, so, now, you can go and pick up your girlfriends huh ? :hihi:

I am almost 30 and don't drive btw, don't have a license, but do have a car. :hihi:

yeah Jess, except I'm not sure my wife would appreciate it ;)

lol !!!!!!!

I rewrote :

Congrats, so, now, you can go and pick up your WIFE huh ? :hihi:

 :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi:

Sorry to your wife and you... :-[ :rofl:

Title: Re: Passed my UK driving test!!!
Post by: im rickjames bitch on April 19, 2005, 07:28:07 AM
i went for my licence test today. and i failed because of 1 mistake at the start of the test. she told me to change from the right lane into the left lane so i could turn left at the lights. the problem was there was 100 cars in the left lane and they werent slowing down. so i waited untill very late to turn into that lane. apparently i should have turned into that lane earlier. i dont know how i could have unless i was going 100 miles an hour.  so i did everything else right in test (even the reverse park which i usually suck at) but i still failed because of that. i spose it may have been my fault cause i didn't put the indicator on for a while. anyway i wish she told me that i'd failed then instead of making me do the rest of the test that fucking bitch  >:( >:( >:( >:(. so i went home and listened to slayer really loud and then played guitar and i feel a little better now. man talk about a bad time to do the test. i hate the government. it was sooo easy for our parents to get their license. now they make us learn for 50 hrs and then make us pay shitloads of money every time we do the test which is impossible to pass. thats what the rules are in australia anyway. whats it like in the states? just because a few young drivers crash they think that noone under 20 should drive a car. i went allright for my first attempt though. evry1 fails the first time.

Title: Re: Passed my UK driving test!!!
Post by: im rickjames bitch on April 19, 2005, 07:34:15 AM
parking lot. u lucky fuck. in australia they make u reverse park, 3 point turn, kerbside stop, change lanes, drive down main street and make u drive through roundabouts.  >:(

Title: Re: Passed my UK driving test!!!
Post by: R4tfink on April 19, 2005, 08:21:38 AM
Well done dude...
Who did you use for your lessons, did you use a big firm like BSM or did you go to a local instructor?
The reason i ask is because im just starting to learn and wanna go with the best and most economic...

IE, the cheapest i can get but for the best skilled instructors.

Title: Re: Passed my UK driving test!!!
Post by: R4tfink on April 19, 2005, 08:23:37 AM
Although u dont live in the UK, it might of been an idea to put this in the UK driving test thread, as it is related...and also be a bit more descpriptive in your thread title...Im pissed off most of the time too btw!

Title: Re: Passed my UK driving test!!!
Post by: im rickjames bitch on April 19, 2005, 08:29:23 AM
 >:( fuck u arron u peice of shit!!!!! how come all the arrons i know are assholes. yeah i was gonna put it in the UK driving thread but there is more chance of people reading this way. im not gonna type that much and not have any1 read it. so shove that up your ass aron

Title: Re: Passed my UK driving test!!!
Post by: R4tfink on April 19, 2005, 08:37:15 AM
Ok dude...its up there. (My ass that is)
I dont really think it matters where you type it,cus you would type exactly the same in both threads!
Why do you care so much if no one reads it? Are you that desperate to be accepted? Big deal if no one reads it im sure you have plenty of other friends...however judging by how you reacted to a post giving you advice, i seriously doubt that!
how come all the arrons i know are assholes

Its in the are blessed with it when Christened with that name?!
Which most of the time is a bonus, unfortunately you disagree with that, what can i do? Change my name?

Unlucky by the way in your sure you will do better next time.  : ok:

Title: Re: Passed my UK driving test!!!
Post by: darkmonth on April 19, 2005, 12:58:15 PM
Why are you two arguing?

 The thread was about me passing my test... in the UK.  But it's open to anyone to reply about passing driving tests if they wish.

Arron, I used a local guy.  BSM were on about 2 month waiting lists.  I'm glad I went with this guy.

Title: Re: Passed my UK driving test!!!
Post by: R4tfink on April 19, 2005, 03:41:25 PM
Why are you two arguing?

 The thread was about me passing my test... in the UK.  But it's open to anyone to reply about passing driving tests if they wish.

Arron, I used a local guy.  BSM were on about 2 month waiting lists.  I'm glad I went with this guy.

Ozzycat, cheers man!

We werent arguing in your thread...he started a new thread about his driving test failure, i pointed out it would be better that it was placed in here, he then went off on one and then the threads were merged. By whom, i dunno buddy.

Anyway thanks for the info man and congratulations again.

Im shitting myself about starting but i hate waiting for buses and sometimes i just wanna get up and go somewhere without having to pay for the privelage!

Title: Re: Passed my UK driving test!!!
Post by: GNR-Chris on April 19, 2005, 03:58:47 PM
I should really get going with my driving lessons and test, I am 22 and only had a few lessons from family members etc. The problem is finding the cash to pay for the lessons - why are they so expensive!!!!!? ???? :rant:

I have had my provisional license since I was 17, its so old that it is one of the old paper style ones, so I can't even use it for ID.? :no:

Then there is the theory test as well, why should I have to take that when my parents generation didn't? Thats what I don't get, why is it more difficult to take the test now but yet older drivers still say they are better drivers???

I need my license though, I live in an area where if I miss my bus I have to wait for 2 Hours before the next one arrives. That pisses me off.

Of course when I actually get my license I will need to pay for a car, insurance, MOT, Tax disc, and petrol. The more I think about it, the more I am in favour of sticking to walking and public transport? :-\

So in conclusion - congrats on passing your test man!? : ok:

Title: Re: Passed my UK driving test!!!
Post by: Evolution on August 20, 2006, 06:55:02 AM
I haven't passed my test yet, but didn't want to start a whole new thread.

I've got my provisional all sorted out and have been renting a dual control car with my dad these past few weeks, wanted to get to a decent level of competance before going for expensive lessons.

Anyway, I was out a couple of hours ago, and I was coming down to a roundabout in third gear, slowing down from 35 to get into second because I had to stop behind a car. As I'm trying to do that, some fuckhead decides to act the wise guy and overtake me, just a few yards from the stopped car in front  ???

Why is it that some people reckon they own the road and are superior whenever they see a learner driver. When I pass my test I'm going to drive like a granny.

Title: Re: Passed my UK driving test!!!
Post by: anythinggoes on August 20, 2006, 06:59:53 AM
well i drive like an asshole to fast to close corners on two wheels dodgy manovers but i always have respect for learner drivers ill give them the time and the space they need but once your passed ill be tailgating you on the motorway if you dont move over :hihi:

Good luck by the way

Title: Re: Passed my UK driving test!!!
Post by: Derby Greg on August 20, 2006, 09:25:00 AM
Well done Twisted? : ok:

I passed mine (UK) in February this year at the age of 23!! An awesome feeling I can tell you.

Anyone thinking of taking lessons - my advice is go with someone that is recommended to you. Ask friends/ work colleagues etc. A big driving school might not be right for you. Someone you know has got a mate through their test will straight away instill more confidence in yourself and at the end of the day thats what is is all about.

Good luck eveyone starting lessons etc


Title: Re: Passed my UK driving test!!!
Post by: Jessica on August 20, 2006, 10:27:22 AM
i am 31 and don't have a driving license  ;D

Title: Re: Passed my UK driving test!!!
Post by: Shirell on August 21, 2006, 04:27:45 AM
Congratulations and well done :beer:

Title: Re: Passed my UK driving test!!!
Post by: Sakib on August 21, 2006, 07:59:21 AM
well done bro

Title: Re: Passed my UK driving test!!!
Post by: CAFC Nick on August 21, 2006, 06:21:21 PM
Was my 17th birthday yesterday.

Passed my driving theory test today, got 33/35 for the multiple choice and 56/75 for the Hazard Perception.

And, my first driving lesson tomorrow.  ;D