Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: damnthehaters on April 15, 2005, 03:52:22 PM

Title: I hope Axl doesn't lose his band
Post by: damnthehaters on April 15, 2005, 03:52:22 PM
The longer Axl takes with releasing this album, I think he will start losing more band members.  He already lost Buckethead, and who knows who will be next.  You don't think Westerburg has been in Tommy's ear asking what he is doing with Axl?  Or you don't think Dizzy, Brain, or any other member gets shit about working with Axl.  Sooner or later, these guys will say to themselves "yeah, what the hell am I doing?  This is bullshit".  These guys hear this stuff all the time and hopefully they stay loyal to Axl's plan.

Do you guys think this scenerio is a likely possibility?

Title: Re: I hope Axl doesn't lose his band
Post by: R4tfink on April 15, 2005, 03:56:41 PM

Do you guys think this scenerio is a likely possibility?

I think they are getting paid a lot. So no.

Title: Re: I hope Axl doesn't lose his band
Post by: damnthehaters on April 15, 2005, 04:10:13 PM

Do you guys think this scenerio is a likely possibility?

I think they are getting paid a lot. So no.

That might be true to

Title: Re: I hope Axl doesn't lose his band
Post by: estranged.1098 on April 15, 2005, 04:38:41 PM
That's a very unlikely scenario.

Title: Re: I hope Axl doesn't lose his band
Post by: NickNasty on April 15, 2005, 04:55:55 PM
The longer Axl takes with releasing this album, I think he will start losing more band members.  He already lost Buckethead, and who knows who will be next.  You don't think Westerburg has been in Tommy's ear asking what he is doing with Axl?  Or you don't think Dizzy, Brain, or any other member gets shit about working with Axl.  Sooner or later, these guys will say to themselves "yeah, what the hell am I doing?  This is bullshit".  These guys hear this stuff all the time and hopefully they stay loyal to Axl's plan.

Do you guys think this scenerio is a likely possibility?

  I think Tommy is definetly hearing from people (not just Paul) that he has other option$ out there, (just look at his interviews where they ask him about   a Mats reuinon from 2003-20005, it's gone from 'no' to 'if the price is right...'). Dizzy will always stick around in spite of himelf cuz Axl picked him up from nothing....Brain certainly has plenty of other things to keep him busy (drum clinc, claypool). Fortus is a respected studio/touring gutiarist, Robin can undoubtedly find someone to tour with (Manson?)...In my mind though, everything is predicated on Tommy. He's the musical director of this band and Axl's go-to guy..if he leaves, the others will be sure to follow (save Dizzy).
   I think we greatly overestimate HOW MUCH these guys are actually paid for their services too...after all, some of them have wives and kids..and that aint cheap.
    September will be the bell-weather for this band..if Axl has nothing set in terms of a relaese date by then, it might as well be over.

Title: Re: I hope Axl doesn't lose his band
Post by: nesquick on April 15, 2005, 05:00:54 PM
I think Axl is extremely afraid to release this album, I don't know why he is so afraid.

Title: Re: I hope Axl doesn't lose his band
Post by: ppbebe on April 15, 2005, 05:41:51 PM
I don't think they're paid much now.
I still can't believe BH left. How come?
Who could leave songs like IRS behind?
The music is bliss and grace.

I think unless the leader asks them so, they are very unlikely to leave the band before releasing everything. Temporary, yes.

Title: Re: I hope Axl doesn't lose his band
Post by: blasphemer on April 15, 2005, 05:49:18 PM
For, sure

Title: Re: I hope Axl doesn't lose his band
Post by: busngabb on April 15, 2005, 05:56:56 PM
He will eventually. Once one of them becomes big enough to not need the publicity they will walk.

If they haven't already.

Title: Re: I hope Axl doesn't lose his band
Post by: Dave_Rose on April 15, 2005, 07:44:55 PM
Axl have selected these people cos he trusts them and they wont stab him the back!

Title: Re: I hope Axl doesn't lose his band
Post by: SLCPUNK on April 16, 2005, 01:53:09 AM
They won't leave if the pay is right. So far, so good. Besides bucket.

Title: Re: I hope Axl doesn't lose his band
Post by: wadey on April 16, 2005, 05:44:05 AM
Why not start a happy thread and not one that has everyone doubting all over again!


Title: Re: I hope Axl doesn't lose his band
Post by: damnthehaters on April 16, 2005, 02:16:31 PM
Why not start a happy thread and not one that has everyone doubting all over again!


I'm not trying to put doubt in anybody's mind.  The fact of the matter is that this could very easily happen now.  Axl is taking way too long.  Members are getting frustrated, I have seen it in there faces, and can tell by certain responses, and stories.

Title: Re: I hope Axl doesn't lose his band
Post by: Tied-Up on April 16, 2005, 02:21:46 PM
Something that Axl seems to value greatly is loyalty.  If he loses band members because they lose faith or because they aren't "shouldering" abuse from the negative people, then, I'm sure that while the loss will hurt Axl, in the long run, he'll feel its better that they leave. 

Title: Re: I hope Axl doesn't lose his band
Post by: Dr. Blutarsky on April 16, 2005, 03:03:55 PM
This is a real possibility given how long they have been waiting.

Though I do think it is not likely since being in GNR is not holding them back to do solo stuff and side projects. Better to be associated with GNR for publicity at least then not at all.

Title: Re: I hope Axl doesn't lose his band
Post by: noonespecial on April 16, 2005, 07:57:56 PM
I don't think Tommy's going anywhere...he talked about paying bills the last time he played in my town and let's face it, money for nothing...can't beat that...and he gets to do a solo album, and tour... :hihi: far as Buckethead I'm glad he left because he tours a lot more on his own than he would ever do in GNR...and I get to see him more...joining GNR wasn't entirely about money obviously for him....

Dizzy will be there until hell freezes over...and Richard's using his spare time to can you beat that arrangement?

Title: Re: I hope Axl doesn't lose his band
Post by: axls earwax on April 17, 2005, 01:19:11 AM
I think that they will stay because Chinesse democracy  will be the bomb and make alot of $. :peace:

Title: Re: I hope Axl doesn't lose his band
Post by: Nightfall on April 17, 2005, 01:49:02 AM
I think that they will stay because Chinesse democracy? will be the bomb and make alot of $. :peace:
ok i don't read all the topics, i only read the 10 most recent posts a couple of times per day...and almost everyday when it comes to a topic about the band and it's current members i see a post like this. So i thought it was time to say something about it (maybe someone else already did...)

Any kind of JOB isn't all about the paycheck! It's about having fun also! No money in the world can replace that (atleast not for me...while writing this i have my doubts about the americans...).

Title: Re: I hope Axl doesn't lose his band
Post by: W Axl Rick on April 17, 2005, 04:02:34 AM
It is already happening isn't it?  I started a thread of a similar topic myself not long ago. Most people seem to think that it comes down to loyalty equals being paid well. Apparently not for Bucket, Tobias, Freese and now it looks like Forteus. Those musicians haven't had any trouble finding other work. Wonder what Finck is thinking? Hoping on a GNR revival is probably the best bet for Dizzy and Stinson. I guess thats why they are still loyal.

I recently acquired Paris 92 on DVD. Its the best GNR concert I have ever seen. Axl was great then. I really hope Axl knows what he's doing now. Although it really doesn't look promising of late. Just my opinion anyway. I hope he proves me wrong.


Title: Re: I hope Axl doesn't lose his band
Post by: axl_rose_700 on April 17, 2005, 03:32:05 PM
Dizzy won't leave, he can't get far enough away from Axl cos his tounge is too far up his ass!

Title: Re: I hope Axl doesn't lose his band
Post by: discobiscuit1 on April 17, 2005, 03:37:35 PM
Dizzy won't leave, he can't get far enough away from Axl cos his tounge is too far up his ass!

Thats a bit harsh, Dizzy is a very well respected musician in his own right. Look at how many bands and artists have asked for his keyboard magic since he joined what was the biggest band in the world, and dont get me started on his awesome solo work......breathtaking.

Title: Re: I hope Axl doesn't lose his band
Post by: ShotgunBlues1978 on April 17, 2005, 06:58:39 PM
Hopefully that won't happen.  On one hand everyone who's commented on the album says that they're very proud of the work they've done.  Stinson has said many complimentary things about Axl and the process of working on the album.  The few people outside of the band who've heard songs from the album, such as Brian May, have had nothing but positive comments.  It seems as though artistically everyone involved is happy with what's been done.

On the other side, most musicians like to get on the road and tour.  Most musicians don't want to spend countless hours in the recording studio trying to make the perfect album.  This is why the other members of the band are out on the road touring by themselves right now.  Don't forget though, it seems unlikely they'll leave the band at this point simply because the financial implications.  They can make as much money from one show with Guns N Roses as they can with an entire solo tour.  It seems that the recording process is finished, and the other group members are doing their solo projects as they await the post production getting wrapped up.  I would be surprised if anyone else quit, given the fact that they've obviously been allowed to do their own thing, whether it's releasing solo albums or touring with other groups.

Title: Re: I hope Axl doesn't lose his band
Post by: WAR41 on April 17, 2005, 07:25:38 PM
Don't forget though, it seems unlikely they'll leave the band at this point simply because the financial implications.  They can make as much money from one show with Guns N Roses as they can with an entire solo tour.

These are the comments that I love the most.  According to everything we have heard, they are paid ANNUAL SALARIES.  Who do you honestly think gets the majority of the money from touring?  Probably the guy who is paying the salaries.  Do they get a small chunk of it?  I am sure they get a small percentage of each show, but nothing outlandish that is going to let them retire after one show.  I think there is a very strong possibility they may leave.  All they are referred to now is "(insert name here) of Guns N' Roses."  After a while that may get old and they may get sick of the questions.  Plus, who wants to play with a band where a potential riot may ensue each show? 

Of course, this is just my pessimistic self.  I still dont think this album will ever see the light of day.  So whether members leave or not, in my opinion it wont matter....

Title: Re: I hope Axl doesn't lose his band
Post by: younggunner on April 17, 2005, 07:29:16 PM
the title of this thread is my only concern in regards to GNR.

Title: Re: I hope Axl doesn't lose his band
Post by: ShotgunBlues1978 on April 17, 2005, 07:34:51 PM
Obviously Axl is going to get the majority of the money from the tour, that's a given.  But when a band like Guns N Roses does an arena tour they get a load of money for every date.  On the current Motley Crue tour for example the band's being paid about $1,000,000 per show.  Even if GnR gets less than that on their next tour, say, $500,000 for a single show date and Axl takes $400,000 for himself, the other band members are still making more than they would on a solo tour date.  Tommy Stinson or Dizzy Reed probably get $2000-4000 bucks or so to play a gig, and then they have to split that up with the other people in their band.  But even so, being in Guns N Roses isn't preventing Stinson from doing his own thing, or Fortus from going on tour with another band. 

Title: Re: I hope Axl doesn't lose his band
Post by: Intercourse on April 18, 2005, 09:16:59 AM
As a failed rock star myself who was signed for a while,  I still have a few friends left in 'the biz'. The word I'm hearing is that the band haven't been paid since February when their label stopped putting more cash into CD. Tommy remains very loyal to Axl and is not budging...for the moment. Money has started to show up for a Replacements reunion but Westerbergs comments about Axl have pissed Tommy off so that will not be on the cards for now.

Bear in mind what I have been told is by a record company guy with nothing to do with GNR so it could all be a steaming pile of shite...

Just thought I'd share.

Regarding appearance fees, those guys would be on about 5-10K a night for the bigger gigs. I know guys who play as session musicians who are not even band not band members who make about 8K a week for 4 shows.

Title: Re: I hope Axl doesn't lose his band
Post by: madagas on April 18, 2005, 10:42:14 AM
The fact that Fortus just put up a web site and the opening line of his bio talks about being a member of Gnr is a positive sign. Well, at least I think it is. ;)

Title: Re: I hope Axl doesn't lose his band
Post by: providman on April 18, 2005, 11:30:34 AM
The fact that Fortus just put up a web site and the opening line of his bio talks about being a member of Gnr is a positive sign. Well, at least I think it is. ;)

Ah yes, those "positive signs". When there is nothing going on in the world of GnR, If you look hard enough & apply some creative thinking, you can always find some "positive signs" to make you feel a little better about the whole thing.

Just joking, Madagas, if I remember, you're a Wilco fan so you're allright in my book : ok:

Title: Re: I hope Axl doesn't lose his band
Post by: sandman on April 18, 2005, 11:42:43 AM
i think bandmembers leaving is a VERY good possibility. and a legitimate concern for all fans.

buckethead was the most important member of this band, and he's gone.

money is a major factor, but it's not the only factor. not all musicians will do anything for a buck.

and i'm guessing they are not getting paid much (if anything at all) right now. so it's the promise of money down the road, IF the album comes out and they manage to tour successfully behind it. those are 2 very big ifs which i'm sure every member thinks about frequently.

Title: Re: I hope Axl doesn't lose his band
Post by: jarmo on April 18, 2005, 12:03:30 PM
buckethead was the most important member of this band, and he's gone.

What do you base that on?

When people say Axl was the most important part of the band, they get attacked by people saying everybody in the band was important (including Steven).


Title: Re: I hope Axl doesn't lose his band
Post by: madagas on April 18, 2005, 12:32:56 PM
Jarmo, I would have to say Bucket was the most important part as least on the surface. He was getting the most press along with Tommy. He also really fit Axl's chaotic vision because he can literally play anything and everything. Of course, without an album, we really don't know what Axl's vision is! :hihi: So, in the end, he may not be important at all. :-[

ps Providman, you are right, I am a big Wilco fan...saw a GREAT show in Atlanta. Nels Cline..Nels Cline...maybe Axl could recruit him? Just kidding. And I AM just trying to find any reason to believe that Axl may do is a desperate situation!

Title: Re: I hope Axl doesn't lose his band
Post by: sandman on April 18, 2005, 01:30:15 PM
buckethead was the most important member of this band, and he's gone.

What do you base that on?

When people say Axl was the most important part of the band, they get attacked by people saying everybody in the band was important (including Steven).


it's called an opinion, jarmo.

based on the fact that he was by far the most talked about "added gun" in this group.

in addition, axl went to great measures to get him into the band.

(i'm not clear what your point is. are you "attacking" me because you're upset that people "attacked"axl supporters????)

Title: Re: I hope Axl doesn't lose his band
Post by: jarmo on April 18, 2005, 01:32:39 PM
No, the "point" is, sometimes people get attacked for labeling somebody as more "important" than some other member.


Title: Re: I hope Axl doesn't lose his band
Post by: sandman on April 18, 2005, 01:51:40 PM
No, the "point" is, sometimes people get attacked for labeling somebody as more "important" than some other member.


you questioned my opinion....i thought your point was that you disagreed with it.

if anyone disagrees with my opinion, bring it on. attack me. i love good debates.

axl was and is the most important member of gnr. but of the new members, buckethead was by far the most important.

Title: Re: I hope Axl doesn't lose his band
Post by: jarmo on April 18, 2005, 02:17:35 PM
Well I do disagree with it.

I think Tommy is a more important part of the band than Buckethead was. He's been there longer.


Title: Re: I hope Axl doesn't lose his band
Post by: Mikkamakka on April 18, 2005, 02:28:03 PM
Well I do disagree with it.

I think Tommy is a more important part of the band than Buckethead was. He's been there longer.


Then our man is... Dizzy!  :hihi:

Title: Re: I hope Axl doesn't lose his band
Post by: sandman on April 18, 2005, 02:32:13 PM
Well I do disagree with it.

I think Tommy is a more important part of the band than Buckethead was. He's been there longer.


and that extra time with the band has been so productive. ?:rofl:

i think buckethead is a better musician.

i think he's more interesting; and thus, would generate more interest in the new lineup.

and tommy is a coke-head, which means he's a risk. ?

Title: Re: I hope Axl doesn't lose his band
Post by: Mikkamakka on April 18, 2005, 02:34:43 PM
Well I do disagree with it.

I think Tommy is a more important part of the band than Buckethead was. He's been there longer.


and that extra time with the band has been so productive. ?:rofl:

i think buckethead is a better musician.

i think he's more interesting; and thus, would generate more interest in the new lineup.

and tommy is a coke-head, which means he's a risk. ?

Noh, noh, there are no junkies in the band anymore. Look at Finck, he looks like someone who lives without drugs. Or Brian 'Pothead' Mantia. Or Pittman. Or Stinson. Well, maybe there are still some...

Title: Re: I hope Axl doesn't lose his band
Post by: madagas on April 18, 2005, 02:39:29 PM
Tommy and Bucket are about even in my book. I don't know about Bucket being a better all around musician either. Tommy is pretty talented. As of today, he  is clearly the most important..image wise..attitude wise...very well respected in the industry as well (threw that in just for Falcon-indie cred right? That is all that's important!).? :hihi:

Title: Re: I hope Axl doesn't lose his band
Post by: HoldenCaulfield on April 18, 2005, 02:43:26 PM
All of these people are in the band specifically because they are the kind of people that *wouldn't* turn their back on Axl, but on the other side, the frustration will almost have to overpower someone in the band at some time, even if it's only temporarily. I have no clue...

Title: Re: I hope Axl doesn't lose his band
Post by: the dirt on April 18, 2005, 02:45:49 PM
on the other side, the frustration will almost have to overpower someone in the band at some time, even if it's only temporarily.

Didn't robin leave once or twice before already

Title: Re: I hope Axl doesn't lose his band
Post by: blues rocker on April 18, 2005, 03:06:35 PM
i think it's fucking rediculous that it's almost may and NOTHING has happened...what a crock of shit...they STILL have not updated that piece-of-shit website...they've still got a graphic for the 2002's so sad...

Title: Re: I hope Axl doesn't lose his band
Post by: jarmo on April 18, 2005, 03:48:00 PM
and that extra time with the band has been so productive. ?:rofl:

Yeah, they managed to release a song before Buckethead joined.  :P

Tommy is the "musical director" of the band. I guess that makes him a kind of leader, which makes him important.

You can think Buckethead is more talented, that's your opinion, but it seems like he just didn't fit in the band.


Title: Re: I hope Axl doesn't lose his band
Post by: R4tfink on April 18, 2005, 03:51:59 PM
Tommy is the "musical director" of the band. I guess that makes him a kind of leader, which makes him important.


Yes...The new Slash if you like.

Que all the Slash IS Guns N Roses posts.

Title: Re: I hope Axl doesn't lose his band
Post by: Scabbie on April 18, 2005, 04:15:52 PM
According to the 'NY Roster' part of the Sanctuary Group website, Buckethead is still in the band! Talk about good communication...

Keyboard player Dizzy Reed has been in GN'R since 1991 and along with Axl is the holdover from the band's previous lineup. New to the fold are guitarists; Robin Finck, previously of the multi-platinum selling group Nine Inch Nails, guitar phenomenon Buckethead, and Richard Fortus who was previously in Love Spit Love. Rounding put the all-star line is bassist Tommy Stinson from The Replacements, a second keyboard player Chris Pitman, and Brian "Brain" Mantia of Primus.

Title: Re: I hope Axl doesn't lose his band
Post by: sandman on April 18, 2005, 04:38:13 PM
so with tommy as the "musical director" (whatever the hell that means) for 7 years, they released exactly 1 song.  :P

i just think buckethead's stage presence is invaluable. he was the talk of the gnr world when they were touring and playing mtv (news clips, articles, etc all focused on bucket). not that i like pink, but i think she represents how alot of people feel when she said she couldn't wait to see him. musichians that generate hype like that are few and far between. and none exist in the current lineup.

Title: Re: I hope Axl doesn't lose his band
Post by: Scabbie on April 18, 2005, 04:45:25 PM
so with tommy as the "musical director" (whatever the hell that means) for 7 years, they released exactly 1 song.? :P

i just think buckethead's stage presence is invaluable. he was the talk of the gnr world when they were touring and playing mtv (news clips, articles, etc all focused on bucket). not that i like pink, but i think she represents how alot of people feel when she said she couldn't wait to see him. musichians that generate hype like that are few and far between. and none exist in the current lineup.

Have you forgotten the lead singer!?

Title: Re: I hope Axl doesn't lose his band
Post by: the dirt on April 18, 2005, 04:51:00 PM
i just think buckethead's stage presence is invaluable. he was the talk of the gnr world when they were touring and playing mtv (news clips, articles, etc all focused on bucket). not that i like pink, but i think she represents how alot of people feel when she said she couldn't wait to see him. musichians that generate hype like that are few and far between. and none exist in the current lineup.

In all fairness, half of the interest that was focused on buckethead was due to to him bieng the freak that he was/is.

Title: Re: I hope Axl doesn't lose his band
Post by: sandman on April 18, 2005, 04:52:15 PM
so with tommy as the "musical director" (whatever the hell that means) for 7 years, they released exactly 1 song.? :P

i just think buckethead's stage presence is invaluable. he was the talk of the gnr world when they were touring and playing mtv (news clips, articles, etc all focused on bucket). not that i like pink, but i think she represents how alot of people feel when she said she couldn't wait to see him. musichians that generate hype like that are few and far between. and none exist in the current lineup.

Have you forgotten the lead singer!?

no. we're talking about the new members.

i wonder if tommy's cocaine usage has caused any problems while making this album. afterall, axl did kick steven out of the band because of his drug usage. and it's tough to do any job well when you're using coke.

Title: Re: I hope Axl doesn't lose his band
Post by: sandman on April 18, 2005, 04:57:09 PM
i just think buckethead's stage presence is invaluable. he was the talk of the gnr world when they were touring and playing mtv (news clips, articles, etc all focused on bucket). not that i like pink, but i think she represents how alot of people feel when she said she couldn't wait to see him. musichians that generate hype like that are few and far between. and none exist in the current lineup.

In all fairness, half of the interest that was focused on buckethead was due to to him bieng the freak that he was/is.

i don't disagree. but he has the talent to back it up.

Title: Re: I hope Axl doesn't lose his band
Post by: ppbebe on April 18, 2005, 04:57:46 PM
the lead singer is OK.
According to the 'NY Roster' part of the Sanctuary Group website, Buckethead is still in the band!
Maybe he's still in the band?  :confused:

I think the members are all loyal to the music.
Music is the biggest factor. Money or everything comes after.

And while waiting, they can do other things.
I think No one will really quit.

Title: Re: I hope Axl doesn't lose his band
Post by: the dirt on April 18, 2005, 05:00:08 PM
i don't disagree. but he has the talent to back it up.

Yeah, I feel he was the wildcard in the band

Title: Re: I hope Axl doesn't lose his band
Post by: Mikkamakka on April 18, 2005, 05:00:32 PM
the lead singer is OK.
According to the 'NY Roster' part of the Sanctuary Group website, Buckethead is still in the band!
Maybe he's still in the band?? :confused:

No way. ?:no: I called Herbie and he told me. But anyway, does it really matter?

Title: Re: I hope Axl doesn't lose his band
Post by: AxlsMainMan on April 18, 2005, 05:23:19 PM
i don't disagree. but he has the talent to back it up.

Yeah, I feel he was the wildcard in the band

I sure hope his parts arn't erased...