Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: D on April 15, 2005, 04:22:55 AM

Title: Im getting aggravated at GNR fans
Post by: D on April 15, 2005, 04:22:55 AM
One thing that keeps pissin me off around here is the negativity.

Its like no matter what the fuck Axl releases it will never be better than the old shit.

why u ask? simply cause people have grown up with the old stuff all these years and no matter how good something that GNR puts out is, the old stuff is so sacred to so many that a lot of people will never allow the new stuff to be better.

I know music is subjective and opinions dont count, but its like i see people ripping apart "The Blues,Maddy and now IRS and it truly pisses me off.

When CD is released, even if it is 100 times better than AFD, there will be those who will never give it credit and will shit on it regardless because Appetite has this illusion around it of being insurmountable.

Maddy will always have the MLK quotes even though those are only a small percentage of the quotes in the song, the quotes piece together in a totally new innovative way of songwriting and storytelling, but Axl gets no credit for being innovative cause people cant see past the MLK shit.

IRS,Maddy and The Blues are right there with any other GNR song ever released in my opinion.

I get as excited hearing IRS *even with shit quality* as i have any other GNR song ever released, that included WTTJ,PC,SCOM,NR, whatever.

open your minds those who refuse to embrace what Axl is doing and enjoy being a GNR fan, everyone has a right to their own opinion but give it a fair chance.
i know i had to listen to Contraband 5 times before i liked over 5 songs, so give Axl that same respect
great music isnt easily digestible sometimes and it takes multiple listens to get.

so what do u say?

Title: Re: Im getting aggravated at GNR fans
Post by: Dont Try Me on April 15, 2005, 05:22:49 AM
Madagascar: whole song is innovative, qoutes (awesome for the story-telling), the singing - innovative, cool drum samples. Really awesome especially when you hear the drums alone right before the story and after Axl's last wale. Really impressive. I'm sure you'll know what I mean. I let my brother hear this song......not that big fan of Guns N' Roses but he likes the most old songs from them. Anyways, I let em hear the song.... (knowing he's been to hell and back to, stuff with my family and all) and he found it awesome, he was blown away how truthfull the song was, the lyrics, and found the singing very emotional and fittfull. He listens to it much now, and can't wait for Axl to release the disc.

IRS: Awesome potentional. Very complex song. Listen to the rythm parts you can (but hardly) hear for so far I can tell it's awesome allong Axl' singing. The singing is reinvented, A whole new Axl, different style, much more complex then the old songs. No wonder why he's taking so long on cd, these songs are a whole different ball game. A higher level. Robin Finck's first solo is simple yet very effective. Bucket's schredding is a nice opposite pole in the song to the first solo. Love the way it works eachother. Then Axl's scream, can't believe he hits those notes.

Silkworms: just a test, not a good song, but it was just a test. I don't get why people hammer / bring the song up again and again as a statement that Axl's new songs sucks. It's just a TEST. They haven't played the song anymore cause they knew the song wasn't really that good right now. The song doesnt count in my final judgement.

The Blues: Very cool song, nice little piano intro, an outragious Axl scream at start ( or so he did at the tour after a couple of dates). Good lyrics. Good solo by Robin Finck. (ye ye, he messed it up a couple of times, big deal)

Rhiad: dunno what to think of this song yet.? ?


Madagascar is great, IRS is great (not even in top 10 according to management), The Blues is good,

Take in consider what Brain May said about the songs he heard.

This album will be a masterpiece, people won't know what hit them once it's out.  :hihi:

Title: Re: Im getting aggravated at GNR fans
Post by: Cocaine__tongue on April 15, 2005, 06:19:54 AM
Well, I guess you're right D. Anything Axl releases in the future will always be compared with his previous work, but that happens with every artist.

UYI's. i LOVE both albums, and I'm happy with the fact that it is a double album, even though imo, had it been one single album, it certainly wouldn't be worse than afd.

From what we've heard and if the songs we already know make it to the album, chinese democracy will be huge, a masterpiece (if you leave out silkworms and rhyad :no:). A lot of people will love it, and a lot of them won't or if they do, they will think it doesn't compare in to the previous albums. Tastes are very personal........and you can't do anything about it.

Anyway, you're dead on about the negativity. Let's just hope the critics are fair and objetive when they review the stbrwh (soon to be released we hope) album.

Title: Re: Im getting aggravated at GNR fans
Post by: 33 on April 15, 2005, 06:21:39 AM
One thing that keeps pissin me off around here is the negativity.

Its like no matter what the fuck Axl releases it will never be better than the old shit.

why u ask? simply cause people have grown up with the old stuff all these years and no matter how good something that GNR puts out is, the old stuff is so sacred to so many that a lot of people will never allow the new stuff to be better.

I know music is subjective and opinions dont count, but its like i see people ripping apart "The Blues,Maddy and now IRS and it truly pisses me off.

When CD is released, even if it is 100 times better than AFD, there will be those who will never give it credit and will shit on it regardless because Appetite has this illusion around it of being insurmountable.

Maddy will always have the MLK quotes even though those are only a small percentage of the quotes in the song, the quotes piece together in a totally new innovative way of songwriting and storytelling, but Axl gets no credit for being innovative cause people cant see past the MLK shit.

IRS,Maddy and The Blues are right there with any other GNR song ever released in my opinion.

I get as excited hearing IRS *even with shit quality* as i have any other GNR song ever released, that included WTTJ,PC,SCOM,NR, whatever.

open your minds those who refuse to embrace what Axl is doing and enjoy being a GNR fan, everyone has a right to their own opinion but give it a fair chance.
i know i had to listen to Contraband 5 times before i liked over 5 songs, so give Axl that same respect
great music isnt easily digestible sometimes and it takes multiple listens to get.

so what do u say?

I say really good post D. That is the major thing that gets to me is the negativity surrounding the GnR world which mainly comes from people who call themselves fans! Its nice to hear someone else being positive!

Title: Re: Im getting aggravated at GNR fans
Post by: Jamie on April 15, 2005, 07:34:00 AM
Although it is a valid point, I can see where the 'negative' fans are comin from. GnR won over people with Axl, Slash, Duff etc. and the new band will always be compared to the old band, but many people have already dismissed the new band without even giving them a chance, only time will tell.

Title: Re: Im getting aggravated at GNR fans
Post by: Dave_Rose on April 15, 2005, 07:43:21 AM
I must say I love Axl new stuff regardless of the old material I love I.R.S. cos this has been said many times if GN'R remade AFD a million times you'd soon get bored thats what I like about GN'R always changing there style of music its exiciting and keeps me interesting and I love songs like Chinese Democracy, Oh My God, Maddy, Blues, Rhiad, not to keen on Silkworms but I love them I accept GN'R are changing and for the better

Title: Re: Im getting aggravated at GNR fans
Post by: Mikkamakka on April 15, 2005, 07:52:24 AM
Maddy will always have the MLK quotes even though those are only a small percentage of the quotes in the song, the quotes piece together in a totally new innovative way of songwriting and storytelling, but Axl gets no credit for being innovative cause people cant see past the MLK shit.

I don't know who made up this 'Axl's using quotes is so innovative' thing. A lot of musicians did this before, hey, Dream Theater's Space-Dye Vest which was released in 1994(!) even has a story made by quotes. So please, stop this.

Title: Re: Im getting aggravated at GNR fans
Post by: jarmo on April 15, 2005, 08:15:06 AM
A lot of people won't even give the new band a chance since they're the replacement guys for their favorite members.

Back when Matt replaced Steven, I'm sure a lot of fans didn't like him because he wasn't the original drummer. Today when you read posts/comments/articles it almost seems like Matt was a really important part of GN'R. He was important, but he still wasn't there when the band started.

I guess once you get past that whole thing about the line up being new and stop hating them for that, it's easier to enjoy the songs.


Title: Re: Im getting aggravated at GNR fans
Post by: michaelvincent on April 15, 2005, 08:56:14 AM
Madagascar: whole song is innovative, qoutes (awesome for the story-telling), the singing - innovative, cool drum samples. Really awesome especially when you hear the drums alone right before the story and after Axl's last wale. Really impressive. I'm sure you'll know what I mean. I let my brother hear this song......not that big fan of Guns N' Roses but he likes the most old songs from them. Anyways, I let em hear the song.... (knowing he's been to hell and back to, stuff with my family and all) and he found it awesome, he was blown away how truthfull the song was, the lyrics, and found the singing very emotional and fittfull. He listens to it much now, and can't wait for Axl to release the disc.

IRS: Awesome potentional. Very complex song. Listen to the rythm parts you can (but hardly) hear for so far I can tell it's awesome allong Axl' singing. The singing is reinvented, A whole new Axl, different style, much more complex then the old songs. No wonder why he's taking so long on cd, these songs are a whole different ball game. A higher level. Robin Finck's first solo is simple yet very effective. Bucket's schredding is a nice opposite pole in the song to the first solo. Love the way it works eachother. Then Axl's scream, can't believe he hits those notes.

Silkworms: just a test, not a good song, but it was just a test. I don't get why people hammer / bring the song up again and again as a statement that Axl's new songs sucks. It's just a TEST. They haven't played the song anymore cause they knew the song wasn't really that good right now. The song doesnt count in my final judgement.

The Blues: Very cool song, nice little piano intro, an outragious Axl scream at start ( or so he did at the tour after a couple of dates). Good lyrics. Good solo by Robin Finck. (ye ye, he messed it up a couple of times, big deal)

Rhiad: dunno what to think of this song yet.? ?


Madagascar is great, IRS is great (not even in top 10 according to management), The Blues is good,

Take in consider what Brain May said about the songs he heard.

This album will be a masterpiece, people won't know what hit them once it's out.? :hihi:

Re: Madagascar
Considering that Axl actually uses a sampled quote that the old band already used once ("what we've got here is....failure to communicate...") in Civil War, coupled with the fact that bands have been using sampled quotes in music for a long time time, I hardly consider it to be innovative. I actually find it a little contrived. The music behind that part is cool though. The whole song is cool for that matter.

I don't know if anything is any more or less complex, the track is a demo, and a crappy quality one at that. How anyone can make an accurate call on that song is beyond me. Overall, I like the hook. The vocals are good, I think they carry the song and based on that (the vocals being the only thing you can really hear well) I think it would do well on radio. As far as Robin's solo....meandering crap is what it is. It goes nowhere, doesn't build to anything, and doesn't make any kind of statement in the context of the song. But, it's a demo so why give it much thought, he probably dropped it in there as a placeholder for the demo and that was that. When I demo in my home studio I tend to play everything to get the idea together and that could very well be what he did here. But, I've also heard some fairly bad soloing from Robin, so who knows. Bucket's solo...well, its Buckethead. You love it or you don't....I love it.

I can't wait to hear the final, I think it will be impressive.

Re: Silkworms
Shit sandwich. Next...

Re: The Blues
Easily the best we've heard from the new band. This sounds like the most realized song so far. The music is awesome, the lyrics are awesome, the hook is out of this world, the solo is great. It's a classic GnR tune in the making. I have a lot of trouble finding fault with this song.

Re: Rhiad
I'm with you on this one. It's kind of average, doesn't really go anywhere.

Title: Re: Im getting aggravated at GNR fans
Post by: darkmonth on April 15, 2005, 09:19:19 AM
IRS,Maddy and The Blues are right there with any other GNR song ever released in my opinion.

I get as excited hearing IRS *even with shit quality* as i have any other GNR song ever released, that included WTTJ,PC,SCOM,NR, whatever.

Wow.  The ramblings of deluded Axl/GnR fans goes on.  Still baffles me sometimes.  I agree that The Blues is as good as November Rain, but Jungle, Paradise City, and Sweet Child O Mine, well they're phenomenally better than anything Axl has showcased since the new band.  Please don't talk shit just because you feel you have to defend it.

Title: Re: Im getting aggravated at GNR fans
Post by: R4tfink on April 15, 2005, 09:29:25 AM
D, I hate you as well you bastard!  :P

Know what you mean though...why pass judgement on something that hasnt been pressed onto a cd yet?

Title: Re: Im getting aggravated at GNR fans
Post by: Wooody on April 15, 2005, 09:47:12 AM
the people bashing the MLK quotes on madagascar are racists.



Title: Re: Im getting aggravated at GNR fans
Post by: Naupis on April 15, 2005, 10:19:56 AM
Its like no matter what the fuck Axl releases it will never be better than the old shit.

Well, unfortunately this is a monster created by Axl by insisting to keep the name. If he had released all of the same material under a band name other than GNR, I don't think people would be so judgemental of the music. When you call it GNR though, it better damn well be better than Appetite for you to justify having gotten rid of the rest of your band to buiild your new vision.

The time needed to record the album has also contributed to this. Some people will hear the songs, and judge them as to whether they were worth 10 years of waiting for, not whether they are good songs or not. Appetite was recorded in 6 weeks, most fans are of the mindset it shouldn't take this long to record a classic album as you have shown in the past it is possible without making us wait all that time.

Finally, it all comes back to the name again. Had Paul McCartney released all of his solo stuff under the Beattles name, people would have judged it against the best Beattles work, and not whether it was good music or not. That is just the nature of the beast when you call yourself by a well known name like that. People have certain connotations about what GNR music should sound like, and you are setting yourself up for comparisons against your best work when you call yourself that. If he was calling this band by something other than GNR, people would not be slagging him the way they do, and they wouldn't compare every song against Appetite. That is just the way it is. He knew full well what he was getting into when he decided to replace the entire line-up with different guys.

Title: Re: Im getting aggravated at GNR fans
Post by: Carlos_f_Rose on April 15, 2005, 10:26:13 AM
Maybe, it is because ... Fans love former GNR's and some of Us, are not identified with Electronic or that kinda music....

Title: Re: Im getting aggravated at GNR fans
Post by: R4tfink on April 15, 2005, 10:31:13 AM
Maybe, it is because ... Fans love former GNR's and some of Us, are not identified with Electronic or that kinda music....

Yes because all of the new tracks are Electronica based arent they?

Have you heard any of the newer tracks(as there not really new now)...Like The Blues and Madagascar?

Title: Re: Im getting aggravated at GNR fans
Post by: younggunner on April 15, 2005, 10:43:09 AM
Well, unfortunately this is a monster created by Axl by insisting to keep the name. If he had released all of the same material under a band name other than GNR, I don't think people would be so judgemental of the music. When you call it GNR though, it better damn well be better than Appetite for you to justify having gotten rid of the rest of your band to buiild your new vision

Can we stop with this lame ass excuse already? Even if Axl renamed the band he would still get the same attention and crtisism in regards to what he does witht he music. People would still say "hes nothing w/out Slash", these songs suck, etc.

If anything most of these new songs actually sound like somehting old gnr would do. SO its not like they are giving you something different. The problem i that your favorite guitar player got kicked out of the band. Yea it sux. But if you dont wanna move on and hold a grudge about it then why dont you all go floow that guitar player and move on...just like he did  ;)

I just dont get why people are interested in GNR if they arent gonna give this band an open mind to begin with.

As for the amount of time it has taken. WHat do you all want the songs to sound like in order for it to be worth the wait? Explain it to me. Also, for the 1000 time we still havnt heard the singles. Those are the bands biggest songs. All the songs we have heard thus far, according to the band are "filler" songs.
To some people these "filler" songs are great, and if they do in fact turn out to be the fillers on the album, then we are going ot be very people.
Then we have the people who hate these songs. Thats fine too. But the most important thing to realize is that there is still music to be heard. So it might work out for you in the end anyway, with the big guns. BUt it mnight not either. Will you move on or stay here and bash when that time comes.

As D said, music is subjective. SO if you hate it, keep hating. HWo the fuck cares anyway. As long as me and my fellow gnr fans who actually support this new band like the songs, then thats all i care about. If some 1 who has  hard on for Axl and cant get over his braids and keeping the name, then fuck them. As long as Im rocking out to IRS, chillen with Maddy, and being blown away by the album..then its all gravy baby.

Title: Re: Im getting aggravated at GNR fans
Post by: AxlGunner on April 15, 2005, 11:31:29 AM
Well, unfortunately this is a monster created by Axl by insisting to keep the name. If he had released all of the same material under a band name other than GNR, I don't think people would be so judgemental of the music. When you call it GNR though, it better damn well be better than Appetite for you to justify having gotten rid of the rest of your band to buiild your new vision

Can we stop with this lame ass excuse already? Even if Axl renamed the band he would still get the same attention and crtisism in regards to what he does witht he music. People would still say "hes nothing w/out Slash", these songs suck, etc.

If anything most of these new songs actually sound like somehting old gnr would do. SO its not like they are giving you something different. The problem i that your favorite guitar player got kicked out of the band. Yea it sux. But if you dont wanna move on and hold a grudge about it then why dont you all go floow that guitar player and move on...just like he did? ;)

I just dont get why people are interested in GNR if they arent gonna give this band an open mind to begin with.

As for the amount of time it has taken. WHat do you all want the songs to sound like in order for it to be worth the wait? Explain it to me. Also, for the 1000 time we still havnt heard the singles. Those are the bands biggest songs. All the songs we have heard thus far, according to the band are "filler" songs.
To some people these "filler" songs are great, and if they do in fact turn out to be the fillers on the album, then we are going ot be very people.
Then we have the people who hate these songs. Thats fine too. But the most important thing to realize is that there is still music to be heard. So it might work out for you in the end anyway, with the big guns. BUt it mnight not either. Will you move on or stay here and bash when that time comes.

As D said, music is subjective. SO if you hate it, keep hating. HWo the fuck cares anyway. As long as me and my fellow gnr fans who actually support this new band like the songs, then thats all i care about. If some 1 who has? hard on for Axl and cant get over his braids and keeping the name, then fuck them. As long as Im rocking out to IRS, chillen with Maddy, and being blown away by the album..then its all gravy baby.

youngunner, you have some good posts at times that i like, but then you also have posts like this that are complete nonsense, drivel, and blatant talking-points that you are spouting that make me question wether you even read any of what you are responding to.

a couple comments: 

"The problem i that your favorite guitar player got kicked out of the band. Yea it sux. But if you dont wanna move on and hold a grudge about it then why dont you all go floow that guitar player and move on...just like he did"

um... so slash got kicked out? i thought he quit. either way, where do you see in naupis's post any hostility or 'grudge holding' concerning slash's involvement in the band?

"People would still say "hes nothing w/out Slash", these songs suck, etc. "

yes, SOME people would still say this. just as some people still say slash is nothing without axl. but i'm sure that that far less people would say this if axl gave the new band a new name. if this was a new band, with a new name, then, for instance FINCK would not be a direct replacement for SLASH. BUT, since it's still the same band, HE IS. Hence, comparisons between the first guitarist and his replacement. If the band had a new name, finck wouldn't be a true replacement, and thus pure axl fans would have a leg to stand on when bashing those who draw comparisons to the old band.

as it stands now, naupis's post is dead on. the problem is that axl wants to keep the same name, implying that the band is essentially the same (or at least in his twisted view it is still the same because he is involved and he is and was and always will be guns n roses.)

all that said, i have faith in axl and think he can put out a good record.  dont assume that everyone who dislikes the new songs are just bitter because slash isnt in them. because that is what you tend to imply (and is the sole focus of your argument). be willing to address other critiques that have nothing to do with slash (who also, coincidentally, has nothing to do with this new band)

Title: Re: Im getting aggravated at GNR fans
Post by: younggunner on April 15, 2005, 11:47:43 AM
for instance FINCK would not be a direct replacement for SLASH. BUT, since it's still the same band, HE IS. Hence, comparisons between the first guitarist and his replacement. If the band had a new name, finck wouldn't be a true replacement, and thus pure axl fans would have a leg to stand on when bashing those who draw comparisons to the old band.
ANy guitarist attatched with Axl under the GNR name or not would be considered a replacement. Is he really a replacemen though? Who can replash Slash? Not many. But from the technical meaning of course hes a replacement. GNr do need guitarists to make music dont they?

I personally dont look at any1 in this lineup as a replacement for the old band. I guess thats the difference. I see 2 different eras of GNr. Old and new. We all know what the old did. But unfortunately that ended. And its not because of the new members in this band.
Then I see a new era of GNR. The name has been rebuilt with a completely different set who arent in any way like the old members.
There is only 1 similarity between the 2 bands. Each have music as thier number 1 goal. I dont care how great music is obtained, as long as its great then thats good. It sux the old couldnt work things out, but its a dead issue for a lot of yrs now. No need discussing.
New Era

dont assume that everyone who dislikes the new songs are just bitter because slash isnt in them. because that is what you tend to imply (and is the sole focus of your argument). be willing to address other critiques that have nothing to do with slash (who also, coincidentally, has nothing to do with this new band)
99% of the critism will come from the whole Slahs/old gnr fiasco. And thats fine, it will come with the territory. Like I said as long as I enjoy this band and songs, I could careless.
People will always say its missing that "bluesey feel", people will always say it doesnt sound like GNr. But none of thos epeople can tell me what GNr sounds like post illusions. So from that standpoint wheres there argument.

Who cares. if you dont like the songs..great. Stay here and moan and groan.

Title: Re: Im getting aggravated at GNR fans
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on April 15, 2005, 11:49:34 AM
Like I said before the ?new songs are just as good if not better than the old songs IMO. ?Here is how I see the new songs comparing to the old.

Madagascar is on par with SCOM. Madagascar IMO is one of the best gnr songs ever top 10.
The blues is on par patience or don't cry.
CD is on par with something like out to get me, my michelle etc.
IRS is on par with YCMB.
Oh my god is just as good as stuff like double talkin jive, 14 years, dust n bones.
Riyadh is on par with stuff like bad obession or pretty tied up.
Silkworms is near the bottom but id take it over stuff like anything goes, garden of eden and songs like that.

And if Axl ever gets this album out and its great people will accept the new guys. The new guys like Robin and Tommy have been in the band just as long as izzy and steven were in the orginal band.

Title: Re: Im getting aggravated at GNR fans
Post by: Timmy on April 15, 2005, 11:56:47 AM
It's pointless to compare old GNR with new GNR....

what's the phrase, apples to oranges...

Title: Re: Im getting aggravated at GNR fans
Post by: Neemo on April 15, 2005, 12:03:29 PM
It's pointless to compare old GNR with new GNR....

what's the phrase, apples to oranges...

I know but it's gonna happen. Eg. The Blues sounds like NR, Maddy sounds like estranged, IRS is like ycbm.

VR is always compared w/ old GnR too because thats what we wanna hear. What we've heard before. "Slash wrote the music for SCOM, will he do a similar solo again?"

Whenever we hear a new track our brains immediately compare it to something we are familiar with. Its not just with GnR either, when you hear a new band you think, "OK who does this band remind me of"

Title: Re: Im getting aggravated at GNR fans
Post by: Krispy Kreme on April 15, 2005, 12:16:59 PM
Like I said before the ?new songs are just as good if not better than the old songs IMO. ?Here is how I see the new songs comparing to the old.

Madagascar is on par with SCOM. Madagascar IMO is one of the best gnr songs ever top 10.
The blues is on par patience or don't cry.
CD is on par with something like out to get me, my michelle etc.
IRS is on par with YCMB.
Oh my god is just as good as stuff like double talkin jive, 14 years, dust n bones.
Riyadh is on par with stuff like bad obession or pretty tied up.
Silkworms is near the bottom but id take it over stuff like anything goes, garden of eden and songs like that.

You missed April 1st by a few weeks, but it's a good joke anyway.


Title: Re: Im getting aggravated at GNR fans
Post by: younggunner on April 15, 2005, 12:17:30 PM
I would say The Blues is more along the lines of a Dont ?Cry. And Maddy is like Estranged but different. Of the new songs, I wouldnt be able to attatch MAddy to any other old song. Simply because its something GNr really hasnt done before.

I agree IRS is like YCBM

Title: Re: Im getting aggravated at GNR fans
Post by: Naupis on April 15, 2005, 12:21:56 PM
Can we stop with this lame ass excuse already? Even if Axl renamed the band he would still get the same attention and crtisism in regards to what he does witht he music. People would still say "hes nothing w/out Slash", these songs suck, etc.

The comparisons would not be nearly as bad. Would be still compare, absolutely. They do with the guys in VR as well. But it is not nearly as intense as it would be if they were calling themselves GNR or STP. Just as people would compare Axl's work to old GNR stuff, but not nearly as intensely as they are going to when he calls his band GNR. You know that as well as I do.

D was complaining about how GNR fans and the publc can't let go of the comparrisons between new and old GNR. I was just pointing out that is a problem created by the name, not lack of support for the new band. You just have to be realistic about it. Like I said, Paul McCartney's solo work was judged for what it was, and somewhat against the Beattles stuff. Had he toured and released albums under the Beattles name, people would not have been so open minded. That is just the nature of the beast when touring and releasing albums under the name of an established act.

Hypothetical for you. If VR had released Contraband as STP instead of VR, don't you think the public and media would have been more cynical than they are even though the material would be exactly the same? They would have roasted them. Instead of comparing the music against their past bands, they would have harped on how it is not STP, and there is something missing from those guys pretending their STP. They bypassed all of that potential conflict by just not calling it that.

There is nothing wrong with carrying on the GNR banner, but you have to know ahead of time these are the problems you are going to continue being up against when choosing this path. Doesn't make it wrong, but don't act surprised or pissed when people react negatively because of the name issue and their expectations of what GNR should sound like.

Title: Re: Im getting aggravated at GNR fans
Post by: Sakib on April 15, 2005, 12:23:45 PM
All the new songs r gr8. Silkworms can b betta with a litl more rok. ok 4 testing. evrything else is gd.i agree

Title: Re: Im getting aggravated at GNR fans
Post by: Jim Bob on April 15, 2005, 01:10:18 PM
I think all the dumbfucks who dont like the new guns n roses aren't really what a gnr fan is today.  they're fans of the old band or just $lash or VaginaR and should fuck off the face of the guns boards  :beer:

Title: Re: Im getting aggravated at GNR fans
Post by: *Izzy* on April 15, 2005, 01:19:55 PM
Oh my god is just as good as stuff like double talkin jive, 14 years, dust n bones.
???? ???? ???

Chinese Democracy and IRS are great, better than some old songs

 :smoking: Izzy? :smoking:

Title: Re: Im getting aggravated at GNR fans
Post by: wadey on April 15, 2005, 01:24:51 PM
I think all the dumbfucks who dont like the new guns n roses aren't really what a gnr fan is today.? they're fans of the old band or just $lash or VaginaR and should fuck off the face of the guns boards? :beer:

And ill second that......DUMBFUCKS! : ok:

Title: Re: Im getting aggravated at GNR fans
Post by: AxlGunner on April 15, 2005, 01:38:02 PM
I think all the dumbfucks who dont like the new guns n roses aren't really what a gnr fan is today.? they're fans of the old band or just $lash or VaginaR and should fuck off the face of the guns boards? :beer:

unfortunately, since the name of the bands are the same, a guns n roses board applies equally to fans of the old band and the new band.

by the way- i think its fair to say you dislike the old band's songs? you must based on your argument.

ps- can this please be moved to the dead horse section or something??  ::)

Title: Re: Im getting aggravated at GNR fans
Post by: jgfnsr on April 15, 2005, 02:07:01 PM
One thing that keeps pissin me off around here is the negativity.

Its like no matter what the fuck Axl releases it will never be better than the old shit.

why u ask? simply cause people have grown up with the old stuff all these years and no matter how good something that GNR puts out is, the old stuff is so sacred to so many that a lot of people will never allow the new stuff to be better.

I know music is subjective and opinions dont count, but its like i see people ripping apart "The Blues,Maddy and now IRS and it truly pisses me off.

When CD is released, even if it is 100 times better than AFD, there will be those who will never give it credit and will shit on it regardless because Appetite has this illusion around it of being insurmountable.

Maddy will always have the MLK quotes even though those are only a small percentage of the quotes in the song, the quotes piece together in a totally new innovative way of songwriting and storytelling, but Axl gets no credit for being innovative cause people cant see past the MLK shit.

IRS,Maddy and The Blues are right there with any other GNR song ever released in my opinion.

I get as excited hearing IRS *even with shit quality* as i have any other GNR song ever released, that included WTTJ,PC,SCOM,NR, whatever.

open your minds those who refuse to embrace what Axl is doing and enjoy being a GNR fan, everyone has a right to their own opinion but give it a fair chance.
i know i had to listen to Contraband 5 times before i liked over 5 songs, so give Axl that same respect
great music isnt easily digestible sometimes and it takes multiple listens to get.

so what do u say?

Yeah there are A LOT of people of that mindset. 

Many of them are more fans of a certain album, almost always Appetite for Destruction, than they are of Guns N' Roses.

Why those particular ones still hang around 18 years after the fact has always bewildered me.

Title: Re: Im getting aggravated at GNR fans
Post by: AxemanOnFire on April 15, 2005, 02:18:51 PM
the people bashing the MLK quotes on madagascar are racists.


Police an' niggers,
That's right! Get outta my way,
Don't need to buy none of your gold chains today

Immigrants an' faggots?!
They make no sense to me
They come to our country,
An' think they'll do as they please,
Like start some mini-Iran,
Or spread some fuckin' disease!

Title: Re: Im getting aggravated at GNR fans
Post by: Neemo on April 15, 2005, 02:57:16 PM
the people bashing the MLK quotes on madagascar are racists.


Police an' niggers,
That's right! Get outta my way,
Don't need to buy none of your gold chains today

Immigrants an' faggots?!
They make no sense to me
They come to our country,
An' think they'll do as they please,
Like start some mini-Iran,
Or spread some fuckin' disease!

Good tune!! Probably my favorite, but, I think the lyrics are intended as generalizations of indiviuals, not necessarily racism, hence the title of the track, "One In A Million", yeah thats what you are, One In A Million, your a shooting star. (Your not like everybody else, your different)

But at the same time the majority of GnR listeners at the time were close-minded, young, angry, white males, so even though they didn't understand the lyrics, they still appealed to them.

Title: Re: Im getting aggravated at GNR fans
Post by: Wooody on April 15, 2005, 03:18:48 PM
the people bashing the MLK quotes on madagascar are racists.


Police an' niggers,
That's right! Get outta my way,
Don't need to buy none of your gold chains today

Immigrants an' faggots?!
They make no sense to me
They come to our country,
An' think they'll do as they please,
Like start some mini-Iran,
Or spread some fuckin' disease!

Good tune!! Probably my favorite, but, I think the lyrics are intended as generalizations of indiviuals, not necessarily racism, hence the title of the track, "One In A Million", yeah thats what you are, One In A Million, your a shooting star. (Your not like everybody else, your different)

But at the same time the majority of GnR listeners at the time were close-minded, young, angry, white males, so even though they didn't understand the lyrics, they still appealed to them.
I agree Neemo.
I don't think One In a Million proves axl is racist. at all.How many times have I thought something like Fuckin Moroccans get out of my way ? and yet my best friend is a moroccan and I have no problem with him, his religion or his culture, Just because some scum happens to be black doesnt mean all black people are scum.
it goes the same way for rednecks, hicks, spicks, etc.
And if you like that song because you think it's cool to hate black people, then you're a racist. and FUCK YOU.

Title: Re: Im getting aggravated at GNR fans
Post by: AxemanOnFire on April 15, 2005, 03:19:20 PM
I'm not accusing Axl of racsim (that I would accuse him of blatantly trying to stir up controversy to sell more records is beside the point). I simply say those lyrics are why people knock him for using Martin Luther King quotes, not because they're racists.

Title: Re: Im getting aggravated at GNR fans
Post by: Wooody on April 15, 2005, 03:25:44 PM
I'm not accusing Axl of racsim (that I would accuse him of blatantly trying to stir up controversy to sell more records is beside the point). I simply say those lyrics are why people knock him for using Martin Luther King quotes, not because they're racists.

care to elaborate a little more on that? cause I don't see how people would knock axl for not being racist on two songs.
I could understand if some people bashed Axl because he changed from a racist to a non racist. But that's not the case. Only people who want Axl to be a racist because they think he is cool like that would think Axl changed into a black lover. :P

Title: Re: Im getting aggravated at GNR fans
Post by: Jim Bob on April 15, 2005, 03:45:02 PM
I think all the dumbfucks who dont like the new guns n roses aren't really what a gnr fan is today.  they're fans of the old band or just $lash or VaginaR and should fuck off the face of the guns boards  :beer:

unfortunately, since the name of the bands are the same, a guns n roses board applies equally to fans of the old band and the new band.

by the way- i think its fair to say you dislike the old band's songs? you must based on your argument.

ps- can this please be moved to the dead horse section or something??  ::)
i'm a fan of both.  but i see no reason to live in the past.  of course i love the old songs.  but my point is if you aren't all about the band NOW, you aren't really a GnR fan, just a fan of the old gnr.  We should be supporting the band but with all the $lash only fans n shit bringing everyone down it just blows :( 

i dont go to velvet revolver boards and bash $lash, so why would VR fans who dont even like the new gnr come to a gnr board and bash axl or robin.

Title: Re: Im getting aggravated at GNR fans
Post by: AxemanOnFire on April 15, 2005, 03:45:38 PM
Because some people think it's rather hypocritical to use Martin Luther King when you have in the past written a song telling 'police and niggers' to get out of your way and saying that 'immigrants and faggots' are only in your country to do as they please and spread HIV/AIDs.

EDIT - This is in response to Woody's post, not Jim Bob's. :peace:

Title: Re: Im getting aggravated at GNR fans
Post by: sandman on April 15, 2005, 04:00:29 PM
this discussion reminds me of the political discussions in the jungle section.

you have your far left wingers (axl supporters):
- already have their minds made up that CD is better than AFD;
- 7 years is normal when you're making music as complex as silkworms;
- CC is to blame for axl not showing up in philly;
- and vancouver;
- any guitartist that axl adds to the band is better than slash;
- horrible quality demos by the new band are just as good as anything from appetite.

far right wingers (axl bashers):

- they no doubt will say CD is not as good as AFD;
- slash is the greatest guitarist on earth;
- axl doesn't have his voice anymore;
- axl owes his fans an album;
- izzy made AFD great.

BOTH of these groups annoy the hell out of me!!

but then you have the independants - people like myself that look at things with an open mind. i just hope cd comes out someday and that it's a great album, and that i get to see them in concert a few more times. ?

Title: Re: Im getting aggravated at GNR fans
Post by: sandman on April 15, 2005, 04:02:51 PM
I think all the dumbfucks who dont like the new guns n roses aren't really what a gnr fan is today.? they're fans of the old band or just $lash or VaginaR and should fuck off the face of the guns boards? :beer:

unfortunately, since the name of the bands are the same, a guns n roses board applies equally to fans of the old band and the new band.

by the way- i think its fair to say you dislike the old band's songs? you must based on your argument.

ps- can this please be moved to the dead horse section or something??? ::)
i'm a fan of both.? but i see no reason to live in the past.? of course i love the old songs.? but my point is if you aren't all about the band NOW, you aren't really a GnR fan, just a fan of the old gnr.? We should be supporting the band but with all the $lash only fans n shit bringing everyone down it just blows :(?

i dont go to velvet revolver boards and bash $lash, so why would VR fans who dont even like the new gnr come to a gnr board and bash axl or robin.

a TRUE fan of any band wouldn't try to define what being a fan means. 

Title: Re: Im getting aggravated at GNR fans
Post by: shaved on April 15, 2005, 04:08:10 PM
My mother tells me that she is going to make me a great feast. ?I love my mothers' cooking and have been a fan of her meals since I was a wee lad, so I get excited. ?She tells me that the feast is going to be amazing. ?She tells me that she has made over 60 different meals, and is deciding which ones she is going to put on my plate. ?5 years later she is still making the food, refining it, adding spices. ?After a while I get frustrated and hungry as hell, so she gives me a sample of one of the meals.. and its ok. ?I've certainly had better.. but its alright, and since its my mother and I love her, I am going to eat as much of it as I can and tell her that its fantastic. ?I've been hungry for so long, at least its something to eat.

I just expected a better meal considering how long its been in the oven.

Title: Re: Im getting aggravated at GNR fans
Post by: AxlGunner on April 15, 2005, 04:11:01 PM
I think all the dumbfucks who dont like the new guns n roses aren't really what a gnr fan is today.? they're fans of the old band or just $lash or VaginaR and should fuck off the face of the guns boards? :beer:

unfortunately, since the name of the bands are the same, a guns n roses board applies equally to fans of the old band and the new band.

by the way- i think its fair to say you dislike the old band's songs? you must based on your argument.

ps- can this please be moved to the dead horse section or something??? ::)
i'm a fan of both.? but i see no reason to live in the past.? of course i love the old songs.? but my point is if you aren't all about the band NOW, you aren't really a GnR fan, just a fan of the old gnr.? We should be supporting the band but with all the $lash only fans n shit bringing everyone down it just blows :(?

i dont go to velvet revolver boards and bash $lash, so why would VR fans who dont even like the new gnr come to a gnr board and bash axl or robin.

that's the same logic that brought us the "if you criticize president bush, you are being un-american and should leave the country" line of reasoning.

utter bullshit. where can fans of the old gnr go if they dont like the new songs/band? what about those who are willing to give new gnr a chance but still have problems with it and criticize certain aspects of it? where do they fall?

Title: Re: Im getting aggravated at GNR fans
Post by: Wooody on April 15, 2005, 04:12:10 PM
Because some people think it's rather hypocritical to use Martin Luther King when you have in the past written a song telling 'police and niggers' to get out of your way and saying that 'immigrants and faggots' are only in your country to do as they please and spread HIV/AIDs.

EDIT - This is in response to Woody's post, not Jim Bob's. :peace:

OK, but then It means they didn't get the song.

Title: Re: Im getting aggravated at GNR fans
Post by: AxemanOnFire on April 15, 2005, 04:25:19 PM
Perhaps they don't 'get' the song in the way Axl intended them to, but you must admit unless you're a GN'R fan/expert who knows about Axl, his state of mind, his reasoning behind the song and his history et cetera, those lyrics sound pretty damn inflammatory, don't they? Once again I say I understand what Axl's trying to say in the song, but only through reading interviews and articles on Axl and GN'R. A casual fan/GN'R virgin would not 'get' Axl's feeling behind the song if they hadn't read these interviews.

EDIT - and my apologies to Jarmo and the mods for going wildly off topic :-\

Title: Re: Im getting aggravated at GNR fans
Post by: Wooody on April 15, 2005, 04:51:39 PM
Perhaps they don't 'get' the song in the way Axl intended them to, but you must admit unless you're a GN'R fan/expert who knows about Axl, his state of mind, his reasoning behind the song and his history et cetera, those lyrics sound pretty damn inflammatory, don't they? Once again I say I understand what Axl's trying to say in the song, but only through reading interviews and articles on Axl and GN'R. A casual fan/GN'R virgin would not 'get' Axl's feeling behind the song if they hadn't read these interviews.

EDIT - and my apologies to Jarmo and the mods for going wildly off topic :-\

Ok no biggie, It's just that I have dealt with the kind of people who wanted axl to be that way.  :peace:

Title: Re: Im getting aggravated at GNR fans
Post by: Buddha_Master on April 15, 2005, 05:53:21 PM
Perhaps they don't 'get' the song in the way Axl intended them to, but you must admit unless you're a GN'R fan/expert who knows about Axl, his state of mind, his reasoning behind the song and his history et cetera, those lyrics sound pretty damn inflammatory, don't they? Once again I say I understand what Axl's trying to say in the song, but only through reading interviews and articles on Axl and GN'R. A casual fan/GN'R virgin would not 'get' Axl's feeling behind the song if they hadn't read these interviews.

EDIT - and my apologies to Jarmo and the mods for going wildly off topic :-\

Nope this is wrong. You don't have to know a thing about GNR to "get this Song." I played it to 3 people since I got it, and they aren't GNR geeks like us here. 2 totally dig it, and the other just complained about the bad quality of the boot. I am waiting to hear back from my bro so I can see if he likes it. He's a GNR fan.

Gonna call the President
Gonna call the Private Eye
Gonna get the IRS
Gonna need the FBI

Gonna make this a federal case
Gonna win and knock it outta your face
Rearrange it when your morning is noon?
And the police hang together, and their headlines true

 too sure to offer my help
I set it up again dressed as somebody else
Feel like stumbling on the road
Feel like I'll never get ya out of this song
Well I'm just too sad to kill
Maybe like I just walked in my shit
They'll be waiting on me I know
Like a broken record for so long

Its a cool fucking track that gets stuck in your head. The songs badass.

If someone doesn't think so...I feel fucking bad for you. The song gets me kind of pumped.

Title: Re: Im getting aggravated at GNR fans
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on April 15, 2005, 05:57:25 PM
D, Here here! ?Excellent post. ? :beer:

People always come into new music with pre-conceived notions. ?I tried playing a new U2 song for a buddy of mine, (Sometimes you can't make it on your own), and within 5 seconds, he's like, "That's gay...slow shit." ?I was like fuck that, and turned it off. ?Unfortunately, Axl's gonna have to deal with shit like that. ? :(

Title: Re: Im getting aggravated at GNR fans
Post by: Eazy E on April 15, 2005, 06:04:57 PM
I'm aggravated with GN'R fans too.

There are TWO types of fans that have got to go:

1. The fans that are STILL responding to stupid posts and rumours like "Radio station to play new GN'R song premiere in 3 hours!" -- I just saw a 7 page thread on this garbage, and other posts from cryptic members with one post.  We've been here for 7-8 years and you still give these people attention?

2.  The fans that think its "cool" to call Madagascar, "Maddy".  WTF?  We're giving songs nicknames now?

Title: Re: Im getting aggravated at GNR fans
Post by: Jim Bob on April 15, 2005, 06:21:13 PM
I think all the dumbfucks who dont like the new guns n roses aren't really what a gnr fan is today.  they're fans of the old band or just $lash or VaginaR and should fuck off the face of the guns boards  :beer:

unfortunately, since the name of the bands are the same, a guns n roses board applies equally to fans of the old band and the new band.

by the way- i think its fair to say you dislike the old band's songs? you must based on your argument.

ps- can this please be moved to the dead horse section or something??  ::)
i'm a fan of both.  but i see no reason to live in the past.  of course i love the old songs.  but my point is if you aren't all about the band NOW, you aren't really a GnR fan, just a fan of the old gnr.  We should be supporting the band but with all the $lash only fans n shit bringing everyone down it just blows :( 

i dont go to velvet revolver boards and bash $lash, so why would VR fans who dont even like the new gnr come to a gnr board and bash axl or robin.

that's the same logic that brought us the "if you criticize president bush, you are being un-american and should leave the country" line of reasoning.

utter bullshit. where can fans of the old gnr go if they dont like the new songs/band? what about those who are willing to give new gnr a chance but still have problems with it and criticize certain aspects of it? where do they fall?

haha yea HA!  that would rock :beer:

i'm just sick of the 'this isn't gnr' type shit.  anyone who still believes that just can't accept reality.

Title: Re: Im getting aggravated at GNR fans
Post by: Walapino on April 15, 2005, 06:32:11 PM
this discussion reminds me of the political discussions in the jungle section.

you have your far left wingers (axl supporters):
- already have their minds made up that CD is better than AFD;
- 7 years is normal when you're making music as complex as silkworms;
- CC is to blame for axl not showing up in philly;
- and vancouver;
- any guitartist that axl adds to the band is better than slash;
- horrible quality demos by the new band are just as good as anything from appetite.

far right wingers (axl bashers):

- they no doubt will say CD is not as good as AFD;
- slash is the greatest guitarist on earth;
- axl doesn't have his voice anymore;
- axl owes his fans an album;
- izzy made AFD great.

BOTH of these groups annoy the hell out of me!!

but then you have the independants - people like myself that look at things with an open mind. i just hope cd comes out someday and that it's a great album, and that i get to see them in concert a few more times. ?

AGHHH!! So true i hate those pets... get rid of them it bores me because you already know their answer when you see they have posted. CD is probably never going to surpass AFD in many levels, those kind of records are done mostly once in a lifetime for an artist. Besides the formula that made it is gone so dont even waste time expecting it to be better. CD can ofcourse be a great record and be relevant,etc but dont dream that far man.
And to those that bash Axl for everything is boring too.. get a life! CD will come out someday hopefully and uncle Axl will be on tour again and I JUST HOPE HE DOESNT PLAY THE SAME FUCKING SETLIST AGAIN  :P

Title: Re: Im getting aggravated at GNR fans
Post by: AxemanOnFire on April 15, 2005, 06:45:42 PM
Perhaps they don't 'get' the song in the way Axl intended them to, but you must admit unless you're a GN'R fan/expert who knows about Axl, his state of mind, his reasoning behind the song and his history et cetera, those lyrics sound pretty damn inflammatory, don't they? Once again I say I understand what Axl's trying to say in the song, but only through reading interviews and articles on Axl and GN'R. A casual fan/GN'R virgin would not 'get' Axl's feeling behind the song if they hadn't read these interviews.

EDIT - and my apologies to Jarmo and the mods for going wildly off topic :-\

Nope this is wrong. You don't have to know a thing about GNR to "get this Song." I played it to 3 people since I got it, and they aren't GNR geeks like us here. 2 totally dig it, and the other just complained about the bad quality of the boot. I am waiting to hear back from my bro so I can see if he likes it. He's a GNR fan.
Read the thread. Wooody and I were talking about One in a Million

Title: Re: Im getting aggravated at GNR fans
Post by: D on April 15, 2005, 08:28:47 PM
First of all im only saying the feeling i get while listening to IRS is as intense as the feeling i got when i heard the old songs

see u have to seperate shit which most GNR fans arent willing to do.

Sure we love the old shit now, because we have grown up with it for 16-17 years

when i first heard WTTJ i wasnt that blown away, when i heard SCOM i hated it the first few times, I didnt care much for PC when i first heard,

however after listening to songs for years, they get imbedded into your subconcious and they've been the soundtrack for your life and you have grown up with them so long that they take a deeper meaning than the first time u listened

I remember when i first bought UYI2 and put it on. I loved the songs but im telling u, I get just as excited if not more hearing that shitty quality IRS version as i ever have any of the old stuff.

Im not sure if the new stuff we have heard from Axl is as commercial as the older stuff but its definitely as good on a lyrical and melody level.

Also Slash,Duff and Matt started a band with a brand new name and u cant show me hardly any reviews that dont compare something to Axl and the old group. So it wouldnt matter what Axl called the group.

I cant see any song that will knock something that you've been listening too for 17 years out of the water on the first few listens, but people arent taking that into account.

I love "Oh My God" just as much as i do "WTTJ,PC,SCOM" u know what im sayin? it isnt as commercial as those songs and it wasnt as successful but to me and my personality its on the same level.

IRS fires me up more or the same as probably any other GNR track ive ever heard.  Will it live on radio and sporting events for 20 years? probably not but thats not how i judge shit, i dont care about the mass and commercial appeal, that doesnt mean shit to me. all i know is hearing IRS gave me an excitement that music hasnt gave me in a very very long time.

Title: Re: Im getting aggravated at GNR fans
Post by: SLCPUNK on April 16, 2005, 01:48:17 AM
Like I said before the ?new songs are just as good if not better than the old songs IMO. ?Here is how I see the new songs comparing to the old.

Madagascar is on par with SCOM. Madagascar IMO is one of the best gnr songs ever top 10.
The blues is on par patience or don't cry.
CD is on par with something like out to get me, my michelle etc.
IRS is on par with YCMB.
Oh my god is just as good as stuff like double talkin jive, 14 years, dust n bones.
Riyadh is on par with stuff like bad obession or pretty tied up.
Silkworms is near the bottom but id take it over stuff like anything goes, garden of eden and songs like that.

And if Axl ever gets this album out and its great people will accept the new guys. The new guys like Robin and Tommy have been in the band just as long as izzy and steven were in the orginal band.

Attention...thread hijack attempt.

Seriously though...

It's the dicks who start rumors and Axl's silence that creates negativity on the board.

In a nutshell.

Title: Re: Im getting aggravated at GNR fans
Post by: Wooody on April 16, 2005, 05:11:28 AM
First of all im only saying the feeling i get while listening to IRS is as intense as the feeling i got when i heard the old songs

see u have to seperate shit which most GNR fans arent willing to do.

Sure we love the old shit now, because we have grown up with it for 16-17 years

when i first heard WTTJ i wasnt that blown away, when i heard SCOM i hated it the first few times, I didnt care much for PC when i first heard,

however after listening to songs for years, they get imbedded into your subconcious and they've been the soundtrack for your life and you have grown up with them so long that they take a deeper meaning than the first time u listened

I remember when i first bought UYI2 and put it on. I loved the songs but im telling u, I get just as excited if not more hearing that shitty quality IRS version as i ever have any of the old stuff.

Im not sure if the new stuff we have heard from Axl is as commercial as the older stuff but its definitely as good on a lyrical and melody level.

Also Slash,Duff and Matt started a band with a brand new name and u cant show me hardly any reviews that dont compare something to Axl and the old group. So it wouldnt matter what Axl called the group.

I cant see any song that will knock something that you've been listening too for 17 years out of the water on the first few listens, but people arent taking that into account.

I love "Oh My God" just as much as i do "WTTJ,PC,SCOM" u know what im sayin? it isnt as commercial as those songs and it wasnt as successful but to me and my personality its on the same level.

IRS fires me up more or the same as probably any other GNR track ive ever heard.? Will it live on radio and sporting events for 20 years? probably not but thats not how i judge shit, i dont care about the mass and commercial appeal, that doesnt mean shit to me. all i know is hearing IRS gave me an excitement that music hasnt gave me in a very very long time.

right on !  :peace: you're a true GNF fan.

Title: Re: Im getting aggravated at GNR fans
Post by: Krispy Kreme on April 21, 2005, 10:33:01 PM
I think all the dumbfucks who dont like the new guns n roses aren't really what a gnr fan is today.? they're fans of the old band or just $lash or VaginaR and should fuck off the face of the guns boards? :beer:

Gee, here  is an enlightened opinion.

Title: Re: Im getting aggravated at GNR fans
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on April 21, 2005, 10:52:54 PM
A lot of people won't even give the new band a chance since they're the replacement guys for their favorite members.

Back when Matt replaced Steven, I'm sure a lot of fans didn't like him because he wasn't the original drummer. Today when you read posts/comments/articles it almost seems like Matt was a really important part of GN'R. He was important, but he still wasn't there when the band started.

I guess once you get past that whole thing about the line up being new and stop hating them for that, it's easier to enjoy the songs.


"Now I was uh, perusing. I was reading all about my integrity, cause that's what I'm known for I guess---selling out my integrity. That's why I'm here with you now, cause I don't give a fuck I guess. Yeah, that's why we worked real hard at this, that's why these guys worked real hard at being in a band that they can get abuse for, because "they're the guys in the way of getting the old band back together." That's horseshit."   Axl - 11/27/2002 Pepsi Arena Albany, NY, United States


Axl sure knows how to call a spade a spade!...

and nice postin' D  : ok:

Title: Re: Im getting aggravated at GNR fans
Post by: jgfnsr on April 22, 2005, 05:41:57 AM
I think all the dumbfucks who dont like the new guns n roses aren't really what a gnr fan is today.? they're fans of the old band or just $lash or VaginaR and should fuck off the face of the guns boards? :beer:

Gee, here? is an enlightened opinion.

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :hihi:    :rofl:

You have to admit though, how Jim Bob comes across is freakin' priceless.

Title: Re: Im getting aggravated at GNR fans
Post by: Kitano on April 22, 2005, 02:55:12 PM
A lot of people won't even give the new band a chance since they're the replacement guys for their favorite members.

Back when Matt replaced Steven, I'm sure a lot of fans didn't like him because he wasn't the original drummer. Today when you read posts/comments/articles it almost seems like Matt was a really important part of GN'R. He was important, but he still wasn't there when the band started.

I guess once you get past that whole thing about the line up being new and stop hating them for that, it's easier to enjoy the songs.


"Now I was uh, perusing. I was reading all about my integrity, cause that's what I'm known for I guess---selling out my integrity. That's why I'm here with you now, cause I don't give a fuck I guess. Yeah, that's why we worked real hard at this, that's why these guys worked real hard at being in a band that they can get abuse for, because "they're the guys in the way of getting the old band back together." That's horseshit."? ?Axl - 11/27/2002 Pepsi Arena Albany, NY, United States


Axl sure knows how to call a spade a spade!...

and nice postin' D? : ok:

Now let him be as honest about his "hair".  ::)

Title: Re: Im getting aggravated at GNR fans
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on April 22, 2005, 08:15:11 PM
A lot of people won't even give the new band a chance since they're the replacement guys for their favorite members.

Back when Matt replaced Steven, I'm sure a lot of fans didn't like him because he wasn't the original drummer. Today when you read posts/comments/articles it almost seems like Matt was a really important part of GN'R. He was important, but he still wasn't there when the band started.

I guess once you get past that whole thing about the line up being new and stop hating them for that, it's easier to enjoy the songs.


"Now I was uh, perusing. I was reading all about my integrity, cause that's what I'm known for I guess---selling out my integrity. That's why I'm here with you now, cause I don't give a fuck I guess. Yeah, that's why we worked real hard at this, that's why these guys worked real hard at being in a band that they can get abuse for, because "they're the guys in the way of getting the old band back together." That's horseshit."? ?Axl - 11/27/2002 Pepsi Arena Albany, NY, United States


Axl sure knows how to call a spade a spade!...

and nice postin' D? : ok:

Now let him be as honest about his "hair".? ::)

 ::) yourself