Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: gunsnroses393 on March 21, 2005, 02:46:04 AM

Title: most embrassing childhood moment
Post by: gunsnroses393 on March 21, 2005, 02:46:04 AM
one of mine was when i was prob 5 or 6 and i was at the neighbors house and they had a girl my age and we were in her room and pulled our pants down to look at each other and while that happened her dad walked in and we pulled up our pants and tried to pretend we were playing hide and seek

Title: Re: most embrassing childhood moment
Post by: borntolose on March 21, 2005, 03:50:06 AM
Haha. I'm having a hard time thinking of one.. but I remember once in pre school I fell off of the swings and got a bunch of sand in my mouth. I quickly walked over to the drinking fountian and washed my mouth out before any one saw.

Title: Re: most embrassing childhood moment
Post by: Narcissa on March 21, 2005, 04:56:16 PM

haha, that first one was great

Um, I was 5 and my brother and I were jumping onto a baby pram, and it fell with a loud crash, so we ran off and hid behind my dad's clinic ...

and then my brother needed a crap ...

and he did a crap and wiped his ass with a leaf

then our dog came round

and ate the poo.

It was funny.

Title: Re: most embrassing childhood moment
Post by: Lisa on March 21, 2005, 07:40:06 PM
crashing my brand new ten speed bike into a driver training vehicle,flying over the hande bars landing on the hood of the car...that's not the embarrassing part that part came in the hospital. I received a small gash on the outside of a part of my *ahem, lower female anatomy and having to get 4 stitches by a male doctor and his male intern assistant...hey, I was 9 and it seemed pretty mortifying at the time :-\   

Title: Re: most embrassing childhood moment
Post by: Eeebs on April 14, 2005, 06:54:47 PM
I would have to say peeing my pants in grade 2 definitely tops this list... cos my teacher would not let me leave the classroom to use the washroom. 

Title: Re: most embrassing childhood moment
Post by: Pike Pounder on April 15, 2005, 04:49:47 PM
Wow, all of those are pretty disgusting : ok: Hahaha. Me however? I think mine was when I was maybe grade 4 or 5, I can't really remember, but I was at a park, and they had those steel (gymnast) type rings, and I was messing around with them, so i swung it foreward, and I can't remember if I got distracted or what, but I guess I forgot to duck and took the ring on a back-swing right in the mouth, it chipped my front tooth, it was really scary for me at the time, and very embrassing... must've looked pretty stupid too. But I got the tooth capped, and re-tell the story quite often to this day! Hahaha.

-- Mike

Title: Re: most embrassing childhood moment
Post by: jgfnsr on April 16, 2005, 06:20:37 AM
Actually this pathetic story happened when I was a teenager but here goes...

Where I live there is a nightclub called Area 51.

However I wasn't aware of this at the time.? Anyway my buddy calls me up at work and asks me if I want to go to Area 51.? I just assumed he meant the notorious, top-secret U.S. military installation in southern Nevada.

I was working a painfully boring job as a security guard at the time so I was up for anything remotely exciting.? And this friend of mine was just about as crazy as they come.? So I thought he was serious about trying to get as close as possible to the actual base.

I said "OK man.? But we'll need to get a map, flashlights, fatigues, binoculars, a cell phone, maybe a tent, etc. etc."

He was just silent for a few seconds and then asked what the hell I was talking about.

"Well whaddya think?" I replied.? "We're just gonna drive right up to the outer parameter and they're going to let us in?"

Then it finally donned on him that we we're talking about two different things.? "No you jackass," he said.? "I'm talking about the freakin' club downtown!"

Title: Re: most embrassing childhood moment
Post by: White_Lady on April 16, 2005, 06:29:14 AM
ok mines pretty gross but hey here goes,

i was about the age of a toddler and i was at woodlands (for anyone who doesnt know its a kinda 'amusement park') and i was going down this slide and it was really hot i was about half way down the slide and i stopped moving because i decided to pee myself!!

how rock and roll ;D

Title: Re: most embrassing childhood moment
Post by: Dot on April 16, 2005, 09:40:59 PM
Oh man mine is really embarrasing I guess. I was like 5 or 6, when me and my kindergarten buds, with help from a teacher, were preparing some kind of dance for which we had to dress up like russians or something. So, the day before the teacher said "don?t forget to wear your customs tomorrow" for some reason the words "customs" reminded me of Halloween, so I got home and told my mom I had to dress up for the next day. Guess what? I dressed up as Batman! and hit the streets to wait for the school bus, it wasn?t even october, it was like March or April, so I got on the bus and saw like 10 kids dressed up with the exact same custom, and there I was with my cape and all the Batman gadgets!!!!!

But if you think that was wrong. Even though I was dressed up with the wrong custom, I still had to dance...ten russians dancing with Batman!!!!! I know there?s pictures of it but I haven?t been able to locate them.

Title: Re: most embrassing childhood moment
Post by: Lisa on April 17, 2005, 07:31:33 PM
I'm sorry Dot but that has to be the funniest thing I have ever had the chance or mischance to read...something somewhat familiar happened with my son when he was 6....I say GO Batman! :hihi:

Title: Re: most embrassing childhood moment
Post by: Queen of Everything on April 18, 2005, 06:39:18 AM
Well, I had just moved schools and we had this new timetable system that I was new to, and it was my 1st day, so I didnt have it QUITE together yet!

To start an unfortunate chain of events, I walked into the wrong class, sat down and started to get ready for a lesson, only to be informed by 1/2 of the class that i was NOT where I was MEANT to be!!!!

AND THEN!... The teacher (who is really quiet lovely) decided to give the whole class a lecture about how hard it is to be the "new girl" I just wanted to get out of there and as she was telling the class off for laughing at my mis-fortune... a boy yelled out at the TOP of his lungs!!!....


I was mortified. Why me?! WHY!? Of course the WHOLE class joined in the chant "BLUE UNDIES BLUE UNDIES!!" and I just stood, open mouthed... looking at the people cheering and laughing at my choice in underclothing. Even the teacher was laughing.

True story

Title: Re: most embrassing childhood moment
Post by: *Izzy* on April 18, 2005, 12:07:33 PM
Well, I had just moved schools and we had this new timetable system that I was new to, and it was my 1st day, so I didnt have it QUITE together yet!

To start an unfortunate chain of events, I walked into the wrong class, sat down and started to get ready for a lesson, only to be informed by 1/2 of the class that i was NOT where I was MEANT to be!!!!

AND THEN!... The teacher (who is really quiet lovely) decided to give the whole class a lecture about how hard it is to be the "new girl" I just wanted to get out of there and as she was telling the class off for laughing at my mis-fortune... a boy yelled out at the TOP of his lungs!!!....


I was mortified. Why me?! WHY!? Of course the WHOLE class joined in the chant "BLUE UNDIES BLUE UNDIES!!" and I just stood, open mouthed... looking at the people cheering and laughing at my choice in underclothing. Even the teacher was laughing.

True story
What a shitty thing to happen on your fist day, hard luck? :-\

 :smoking: Izzy? :smoking:

Title: Re: most embrassing childhood moment
Post by: Queen of Everything on May 02, 2005, 01:40:03 AM
Yeah, i rekon. Well one of my really good friends, on his 1st day @ the same school, couldnt find his class, so he went and hid in the toilet. haha. not as bad, but it cracks me up.

Title: Re: most embrassing childhood moment
Post by: psycotron on May 02, 2005, 02:41:41 AM
i was 8 or 9. i was at an amusement park and there was these 4 wheel motorbikes going around a track and i drove one didnt know how to break so i flipped it over trying to turn a corner. there was another time when i was 12 i was driving a 2 wheel motorbike in the backyard and i didnt know u had to take your hand off the accelerator to brake so i drove almost front on into a fence  :hihi: it really hurt

Title: Re: most embrassing childhood moment
Post by: D on May 02, 2005, 06:23:06 AM
I had a very embarrassing moment last year, my grandmother was in the hospital dying and we went to pay our last respects cause they thought she would go at anytime.

so as we are leaving the hospital we are walkin down the hall all sad and choked up and shit and theres this nurse walkin behind us.  All of a sudden i hear her say "Hey" so (fuck im blushing just thinking about it) i turn around and say "Hi"

fuckin bitch was on a god damn cell phone

I was so embarrassed i power walked my ass out to the parkin lot and sprinted to the car

I am not easily embarrassed and i still have no fuckin clue why i got so embarrassed at that, my brother still wont let me live that shit down and tells it whenever we are around someone who hasnt heard it.

2nd time

2nd grade i told my brother i had a crush on this chick, so that fuckhead walks up to her in front of my whole class and tells her, she says "ewwww gross, no way"

i ran all the way home crying

Title: Re: most embrassing childhood moment
Post by: Queen of Everything on May 15, 2005, 04:40:11 AM
2nd grade i told my brother i had a crush on this chick, so that fuckhead walks up to her in front of my whole class and tells her, she says "ewwww gross, no way"

i ran all the way home crying

Awww thats AWFUL!! But I must admit, it has happened to the best of us!

Title: Re: most embrassing childhood moment
Post by: Queen of Everything on August 21, 2005, 07:36:10 PM
2nd grade i told my brother i had a crush on this chick, so that fuckhead walks up to her in front of my whole class and tells her, she says "ewwww gross, no way"

i ran all the way home crying

Omg thats so soooo cute, d/w D, its happened to the best of us.

Title: Re: most embrassing childhood moment
Post by: MikeB on August 21, 2005, 07:55:08 PM
i remember the girl who was my first crush, told all her friends that me and my friends were dorks, and everybody in the class laughed at us. That really hurt.

Title: Re: most embrassing childhood moment
Post by: ClintroN on August 21, 2005, 08:15:14 PM
i had my tongue stuck in the fuckin' freezer for a while when i was little.

Dont be offended please

I'll tell ya............. :hihi: :hihi:     when me n' this girl were hangin' out in grade.....3 or 4 i think.........she must of seen her dads pornos or somethin' cause she was real curious about things and before you know it we were in the dunnys and before i knew it i was fingering her with a paddle pop shit.....she must've seen it somewhere cause she asked me to do it . i was too scared to use my fingers :rofl::hihi:so i used a paddle pop stick......she didnt mined :hihi:
I didnt have a clue what the fuck i was doin' and neither did she.....all of a sudden all these kids came into the dunnys and we were sprung, but we managed to get into one of the cans. Whenever we bump into each other anytime we laugh automaticaly!!! :hihi:

Title: Re: most embrassing childhood moment
Post by: kathryn2662 on August 21, 2005, 11:45:59 PM
I used to wet the bed like almost every night until I was in 6th grade haha  :-[ , and have peed in the beds of friends during a sleep over.  That was always fun ::)

At least once every year I would pee my pants in school, always in an embarassing situation.  Like one time in lunch line, which is the back of the entire lunch room, so I had to walk the entire lunch room just to get to the nurses office.  And one time my mom couldnt come to give me change of clothes, so I had to wear a pair of spare pants that the nurse had, and I had to carry my wet pants in a plastic bag, and on the bus as it was sitting on my lap, it obviously reaked of urine and everyone was laughing and asking WHAT SMELLS LIKE PEE.  Only 1 of the many embarassing.  Ohh that tramas of a kid......

Title: Re: most embrassing childhood moment
Post by: 2NaFish on August 22, 2005, 10:14:13 AM
we were getting our yearly class photo taken way back in nursery school. Anyway, i needed to go pee but was told to just hold it and it wouldnt be long. Needless to say it did take long and i and 30 other people are now the proud owners of a class photo of 29 angelic kids and me with my cock out.

Title: Re: most embrassing childhood moment
Post by: MikeB on August 22, 2005, 10:21:38 AM
we were getting our yearly class photo taken way back in nursery school. Anyway, i needed to go pee but was told to just hold it and it wouldnt be long. Needless to say it did take long and i and 30 other people are now the proud owners of a class photo of 29 angelic kids and me with my cock out.
DUUUUUUUUUDE!!! That's fucking funny as shit. my drink just blew out of my nose. :hihi: :rofl: :hihi: :rofl:

Title: Re: most embrassing childhood moment
Post by: anythinggoes on August 22, 2005, 12:24:05 PM
mine had to be the day the kids in Junior School (making me about 8) found out my Stepdad was a Dustbin Man (Trash Collector)  :crying: i can gladly say he is no longer my Step Dad.

Title: Re: most embrassing childhood moment
Post by: SLCPUNK on August 22, 2005, 02:09:41 PM
When my dad was out of work and went on a bender....


Title: Re: most embrassing childhood moment
Post by: Lisa on August 22, 2005, 06:25:20 PM
omg :o you amd D are related! finally....I have it figured out ;) :rofl:

Title: Re: most embrassing childhood moment
Post by: SLCPUNK on August 22, 2005, 07:08:06 PM
omg :o you amd D are related! finally....I have it figured out ;) :rofl:

Yes, we have the same father.....


Title: Re: most embrassing childhood moment
Post by: journey on August 22, 2005, 09:49:38 PM
omg :o you amd D are related! finally....I have it figured out ;) :rofl:

Yes, we have the same father.....


That explains a lot. 

Title: Re: most embrassing childhood moment
Post by: D on August 22, 2005, 09:57:06 PM

I stole this from Journey's room, its a pic of her dog, look at her pride and joy!

Title: Re: most embrassing childhood moment
Post by: J? on August 22, 2005, 11:48:11 PM
Ok so here is my story, and ladys it still works and isnt burnt anymore it was more my thigh. So back in grade 4 , I decided one night I wanted to get air bubbles in my swim suit like you get when your in a hot tub or a pool. So being smart and all I go in the shower stick the shower head down my swim trunks. Well needless to say someone flushed the toilet, very very hot water came into my drunks. Lots of pain, still remember being on the bed getting cold water splashed on me. Third degree burns on my right thigh and 2nd degree, burn my sackage of mr penis. And 1st degree burns on my left thigh. Needless to say, we got the problem fixed so you dont scauld yourself when the toilet flushes.

Next picture moment, my cousins house grade 8. I'm going to have a shower, knowing already that they dont have the shower toilet protector thing, I warn everyone in the nice country house with the cool pool and yada yada. That I am going to have a shower. So I am in the shower and blah to the fuck blah. Shampooing. Oh wait scaulding hot water! motherfucker! I cant turn it off I cant get out I jumpy through the shower curtain, jumping through dela body guard styles with Kevin Costner protecting Whitney Houston, I break my bone in my wrist. Have to have surgery to snap it back in place. Needless to say my sister is a bitch for knowing that I was in the shower and flushing the toilet.


Title: Re: most embrassing childhood moment
Post by: journey on August 23, 2005, 12:14:58 AM

I stole this from Journey's room, its a pic of her dog, look at her pride and joy!

That's not a very good picture of Baby.  :no:

Title: Re: most embrassing childhood moment
Post by: Dr. Blutarsky on August 23, 2005, 02:25:04 PM
When I was in 5th grade and went on autopilot after lunch and went to the classroom I had the year before sat down with a bunch of 4th graders. No wonder that test was so easy!

Title: Re: most embrassing childhood moment
Post by: *Izzy* on August 23, 2005, 02:28:33 PM

I stole this from Journey's room, its a pic of her dog, look at her pride and joy!

That's not a very good picture of Baby.? :no:

What the hell, it's got like seven claws on its right paw? I can see you take great care of it though? :hihi:

 :smoking: Izzy? :smoking:

Title: Re: most embrassing childhood moment
Post by: Queen of Everything on August 23, 2005, 06:14:28 PM

I stole this from Journey's room, its a pic of her dog, look at her pride and joy!

That's not a very good picture of Baby.? :no:

What the hell, it's got like seven claws on its right paw? I can see you take great care of it though? :hihi:

 :smoking: Izzy? :smoking:

OMFG!  :nervous: That thing haunts my Nightmares!!! It's like the DOG OF HADES!!!!!!!!  :nervous:  :nervous:  :nervous:

Title: Re: most embrassing childhood moment
Post by: MikeB on August 23, 2005, 07:38:29 PM

I stole this from Journey's room, its a pic of her dog, look at her pride and joy!
AHHHHHH!It's the dog from the stinking flames of hell!!! :o :nervous:

Come on people it's fake.