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Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: jameslofton29 on March 05, 2005, 03:10:32 PM

Title: Would you prefer CD or CD trilogy?
Post by: jameslofton29 on March 05, 2005, 03:10:32 PM
To be honest, I would prefer just one CD. He could always just do the other two CD's in the future. I'm starting to understand Axl's strange masterplan, and it's not a very good one. He is obviously gonna try to outdo 'Use Your Illusion'. And as far as i'm concerned,that's impossible. Every GNR record stands on its own. One album can't really be compared with another. I'm getting the feeling if he ever releases something, he's gonna try to release 3 albums at the same time. Is anyone here really interested in waiting for Axl to try and finish 3 albums? I believe releasing a massive amount of new material at once would destroy what little of his career he has left. Haven't you ever heard the saying"too much of a good thing"? It would be overkill. Axl needs to gradually reintroduce himself to the public, and I think a 10-12 track CD would be the way to go. I believe for this CD to ever be released, Axl and all of us hardcore fans need to get over thinking CD has to be a very long album with every song being a masterpiece. There are unrealistic expectations for this album. Why can't it just be a normal album? I would like to know one thing: Who put the idea in Axl's head that this has to be the greatest album of all time? If Axl is really turning CD into a trilogy it will become a never ending project. In 5 years we will all be talking about the same thing. Someone close to Axl needs to tell him its time to wrap this thing up. Tell him he cant eclipse what GNR of the past has done. That shouldn't even be the reason for CD. If we're all waiting for Axl to outdo AFD and Use Your Illusion', when Jesus Christ comes back the first thing out of his mouth will be: "Did CD come out yet?"

Title: Re: Would you prefer CD or CD trilogy?
Post by: gnr1967 on March 05, 2005, 03:24:05 PM
I think Axl has always been driven to "top" his previous albums.? In many ways, I think that is very admirable.? I really like the fact that he has always worked hard to achieve something greater with every album.? (Whether he has actually done so is another question...AFD is a tough album to top!).?

But I also think you have a valid point.? CD is being heralded as a "masterpiece" (which I hope it is).? As much faith as I have in Axl, I don't know if he can ever live up to the hype for the average music fan.? This has been one of the most publicized, expensive, most-anticipated albums of all time.? A trilogy may be over the top.? Although us long-time fans will probably love the album, whether or not Axl will ever live up to the hype is something that remains to be seen.?

Nevertheless, regardless of whether Axl "lives up to the hype" and makes a heroic come-back, I am looking forward to CD and could care less what the mainstream thinks.? The music industry has lost a lot of credibility in my eyes.? I just want to hear what he's been working on for the past ten years.? ?: ok:

Interesting post.?

Title: Re: Would you prefer CD or CD trilogy?
Post by: Wooody on March 05, 2005, 04:05:25 PM
i wanted to bury appetite
-speaking about the illusions-

I think he did.

Can he do it again? I don't think so.

I don't mind three albums, althought I believe it was one album a year thing.

 : ok:

Title: Re: Would you prefer CD or CD trilogy?
Post by: mrlee on March 05, 2005, 04:19:19 PM
i think he should just annouce that ke canrt be arsed to make it. And let people live with peace.

Title: Re: Would you prefer CD or CD trilogy?
Post by: jameslofton29 on March 05, 2005, 04:21:21 PM
I think the "one album a year" story is misinformation. If that were the case, we would have already got the first one. I truly believe he's gonna try to do all 3 at the same time. There is basically only 2 plausible theories to the LONG wait....He's either gonna do it all at once or he isn't doing anything. It doesn't take this long to do one full length cd. Basically its either all or nothing. Axl has just about reached the point of no return.

Title: Re: Would you prefer CD or CD trilogy?
Post by: Wooody on March 05, 2005, 04:26:40 PM
I think the "one album a year" story is misinformation. If that were the case, we would have already got the first one. I truly believe he's gonna try to do all 3 at the same time. There is basically only 2 plausible theories to the LONG wait....He's either gonna do it all at once or he isn't doing anything. It doesn't take this long to do one full length cd. Basically its either all or nothing. Axl has just about reached the point of no return.

misinformation ?
axl gave an interview. He SAID one album a year.

Title: Re: Would you prefer CD or CD trilogy?
Post by: mrlee on March 05, 2005, 04:27:30 PM
axl says alot doesnt he?  The album will be released on blah blah date...oh no i dont seem to have released it.

Title: Re: Would you prefer CD or CD trilogy?
Post by: tHeElEcTrIcSiNtAr on March 05, 2005, 04:28:08 PM
I believe that he is recording them all at once so he can release them while they are on tour without having to stop touring to record the next one or two or however many albums he wants to release.

Title: Re: Would you prefer CD or CD trilogy?
Post by: dont_damn_me on March 05, 2005, 04:29:03 PM
Axl is prob. long finished with CD and is finishing up the songs for the next two albums, which i think will come out shortly after CD. ?I could also see a double disk CD with a 3rd release after a tour.... I'd rather see that than a 10-12 song CD or a trilogy release. ?

Title: Re: Would you prefer CD or CD trilogy?
Post by: jameslofton29 on March 05, 2005, 04:38:47 PM
Axl has been putting out misinformation for years. And if CD is done, why not release it??? Why let it sit in a vault and become irrelevant while he works on 2 more albums?? It doesn't make any sense!! As most people know, albums become dated real quick. And that will probably wind up being CD's downfall. If CD has been done since 2002 like some people here believe, his career is in big trouble.

Title: Re: Would you prefer CD or CD trilogy?
Post by: gnr1967 on March 05, 2005, 04:56:16 PM
axl says alot doesnt he?? The album will be released on blah blah date...oh no i dont seem to have released it.

Do I sense a bit of frustration?   :hihi:

I think it's time to pull CD out of the vault.

Title: Re: Would you prefer CD or CD trilogy?
Post by: jameslofton29 on March 05, 2005, 06:30:49 PM
Yes you're sensing massive frustration!! CD is not only becoming a joke, it is past the point of being ridiculous!!!

Title: Re: Would you prefer CD or CD trilogy?
Post by: mikegiuliana on March 05, 2005, 06:34:00 PM
I'll take one, that seems about what he can handle.. :beer:

Title: Re: Would you prefer CD or CD trilogy?
Post by: jameslofton29 on March 05, 2005, 07:08:52 PM
Actually, Mike, I don't think he can even handle one!! If he could, CD would have came out in 2001 and we'd be waiting on number 2. I just want CD!! I don't give a damn about 2,3, or even 4 more cds. If it ever comes out, I'm going to listen to it and consider it his last album. If he does anything else, it will just be icing on the cake!! But this time I'm not gonna wait 10 years for some icing!!

Title: Re: Would you prefer CD or CD trilogy?
Post by: Sakib on March 06, 2005, 12:06:59 PM
i dont mind. a gd album will do

Title: Re: Would you prefer CD or CD trilogy?
Post by: WAR? on March 06, 2005, 03:47:53 PM
Fucking anything. Jesus Christ, a soundtrack entry, single, EP, b-side, 30 seconds in a goddamned commercial, SOMETHING.

If I can dream, one album. One brilliant, challenging, compelling album. Sgt Pepper's, OK Computer, Dark Side of The Moon, Chinese Democracy, I want it in THAT kind of company.

Title: Re: Would you prefer CD or CD trilogy?
Post by: fartinabag on March 06, 2005, 07:21:53 PM
axl says alot doesnt he? The album will be released on blah blah date...oh no i dont seem to have released it.

Axl never said there was a release date.  In 2002 he said he didn't think CD would be released soon.

Title: Re: Would you prefer CD or CD trilogy?
Post by: Malcolm on March 06, 2005, 08:22:37 PM
I wanna see one cd in 2005..then another in early 2006 and then one at the end

Title: Re: Would you prefer CD or CD trilogy?
Post by: St.heathen on March 07, 2005, 10:29:19 AM
The problem now is that there has been years of a build up for the release of CD.  Even those not really bothered about GN'R know about this elusive album.

I can understand why he maybe thinking of a much bigger project than just the one album.  Because unless it is jaw breakingly awsome. The time it took to make will over shadow the work.   I don't mind whatever way he goes with but it really needs to be coming out soon.

Title: Re: Would you prefer CD or CD trilogy?
Post by: mikegiuliana on March 07, 2005, 04:56:06 PM
The problem now is that there has been years of a build up for the release of CD.? Even those not really bothered about GN'R know about this elusive album.

I can understand why he maybe thinking of a much bigger project than just the one album.? Because unless it is jaw breakingly awsome. The time it took to make will over shadow the work.? ?I don't mind whatever way he goes with but it really needs to be coming out soon.

No doubt the longer you take the more people expect.. Pretty normal if you think about it.. Using the gnr name brings pressure too.. Honestly though how many people have been anticipating cd for years.. I am not lying when I say I can ask 40 people on my job site about cd and axl's new band and they wouldn't know a thing about what I'm saying.. So it's new to alot of people.. Forum members are waiting and some people in the industry..

Today's youth will be the measure of wether they suceed or fail.. Some of our old asses aren't going to do it.. :hihi:

Title: Re: Would you prefer CD or CD trilogy?
Post by: welshrose on March 07, 2005, 05:06:32 PM
I think releasing a triple album would be totally far out..I dig that idea a bunch.

Guns N' Roses
Chinese Democracy
August 2005
Geffen Records
Produced By: Sean Beaven, Roy Thomas Baker, W.Axl Rose

Vocals, Piano: W.Axl Rose
Guitar, Backing Vocals: Robin Finck
Bass Guitar, Backing Vocals: Tommy Stinson
Guitar: Buckethead
Guitar: Richard Fortus
Drums: Brain
Keyboards, Synth Programming: Dizzy Reed

30 Songs

10 Per CD

Special Price of $21.99

Featuring: Madagascar, Twat, IRS, Catcher in the Rye and many more : ok:

Title: Re: Would you prefer CD or CD trilogy?
Post by: Twisted Nerve 85 on March 07, 2005, 06:16:37 PM
Im into the idea of a trilogy. Not all at once but yeah, let em out do illusions. Im sorry if u feel differently but with Axl's talent and all this time he's had that doesnt seem like a difficult task (CALL ME CRAZY). Ill take on every yr, sounds cool to me. Shit Ill take a trilogy,a bunch of long ass video's and a big ass world tour.

This way after all is said and done he can dissapear for another 10 yrs in his 50's. Picture this an Axl with gray cornrows singing welcome to the jungle. (Sorry bad joke)  :peace:

Title: Re: Would you prefer CD or CD trilogy?
Post by: jgfnsr on March 07, 2005, 06:53:51 PM
I think releasing a triple album would be totally far out..I dig that idea a bunch.

Guns N' Roses
Chinese Democracy
August 2005
Geffen Records
Produced By: Sean Beaven, Roy Thomas Baker, W.Axl Rose

Vocals, Piano: W.Axl Rose
Guitar, Backing Vocals: Robin Finck
Bass Guitar, Backing Vocals: Tommy Stinson
Guitar: Buckethead
Guitar: Richard Fortus
Drums: Brain
Keyboards, Synth Programming: Dizzy Reed

30 Songs

10 Per CD

Special Price of $21.99

Featuring: Madagascar, Twat, IRS, Catcher in the Rye and many more : ok:

You forgot Josh Freese on drums too... ;)

Title: Re: Would you prefer CD or CD trilogy?
Post by: welshrose on March 07, 2005, 11:07:25 PM
Josh Freese drum parts were re recorded homeboy when Brain joined in 2000.

Title: Re: Would you prefer CD or CD trilogy?
Post by: Thorazine Shuffle on March 08, 2005, 02:18:37 PM
Josh Freese drum parts were re recorded homeboy when Brain joined in 2000.

Ahem, Paul Tobias on guitars.? Oh and homeboy, he is on the album.

Title: Re: Would you prefer CD or CD trilogy?
Post by: coldenim on March 09, 2005, 12:26:46 AM
Commercially I dont know if it would the best thing to do.  Fan wise, why not?  Merck said that Axl was only making music, not for mainstream, but for people who are real music fans.  So I wouldnt be suprised if he did bring all of them out at once, being that it is Axl.  Bringing the albums all out out once would definatley show the fruits of his labor, and if it was a perfect album, the critics would shut the hell up, then again maybe not.  On the realistic scale I believe it wouldnt be the best way to go, even though us fans would want this, but I  reckon he wouldnt just put all his work, and slap it on the table, for fear the fans not being able to ingest all that he has been cooking up.  I know in the gunnroses world ever thing is subject to change, who knows, but whether the albums will be out all at once or year after year, I like the idea of a trilogy.  First its a song trilogy and then rumours of a album trilogy, souds like an Axl opus thats going to rock are faces off. 

Title: Re: Would you prefer CD or CD trilogy?
Post by: jgfnsr on March 09, 2005, 06:36:16 PM
Josh Freese drum parts were re recorded homeboy when Brain joined in 2000.

Ahem, Paul Tobias on guitars.? Oh and homeboy, he is on the album.

Thanks 'Thorazine Shuffle' for correcting 'welshrose' before I had a chance too, being as I would've felt inclined to rip the little wiseass a new asshole.   :yes:

Title: Re: Would you prefer CD or CD trilogy?
Post by: welshrose on March 10, 2005, 05:01:36 PM
My bad. Where am I wrong though? In the recent NY Times interview it said that Richard Fortus and Brain re recorded parts layed down by former players..which would most likely mean Josh Freese and Paul Tobias..are we so sure that they are still on the record?

Title: Re: Would you prefer CD or CD trilogy?
Post by: jgfnsr on March 11, 2005, 02:53:25 PM
My bad. Where am I wrong though? In the recent NY Times interview it said that Richard Fortus and Brain re recorded parts layed down by former players..which would most likely mean Josh Freese and Paul Tobias..are we so sure that they are still on the record?

The NY Times article said a lot of stuff.

I wouldn't be surprised if Richard Fortus re-recorded certain rhythm guitar parts done formerly by Paul Tobias.  But a musican no longer "in the band" doesn't mean they won't be on the record.

Just because Buckethead is gone now, do you expect his guitar-parts to no longer be on the album?

Axl wants to make the best record possible and that means going with whatever musican happens to work best for each part of a song.  You're hard pressed to find a better session-drummer than Freese today and Axl paid the guy a lot of money for his work.  Same goes for what Buckethead contributed. 

All that said, in certain interviews both Axl and Brain have said that Josh's playing will still be on the album.

Title: Re: Would you prefer CD or CD trilogy?
Post by: Scabbie on March 11, 2005, 07:17:23 PM
Release a single album, full of energy and hits - Like AFD for 2005 (Chinese Democracy).

When the album's run it course immediately follow up with two cds released simultaneously - Axl's version of what he'd liked UYI's to have sounded like. That would be cool!