Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: GypsySoul on March 03, 2005, 02:19:29 PM

Title: Merck comments on Axl vs Slash
Post by: GypsySoul on March 03, 2005, 02:19:29 PM
Gypsy note:? Obviously, this is just the Axl mention part not the entire article/interview.
Gypsy comment:? Notice that Merck didn't answer the question that was asked.
? :hihi:

Billboard (newspaper) March 5, 2005

The Last Word
A Q&A With Merck Mercuriadis


? ?As an extension of his devotion to music, Mercuriadis is known for his rapport with artists and his fierce protection of their interests.? One of Sanctuary's management clients is Guns N' Roses, whom Mercuriadis handles personally.? Asked when the band's long-awaited "Chinese Democracy" album will see the light of day, Mercuriadis says, "Axl is one of the most extraordinary artists of all time.? When people hear this album, they will realize what [Axl] did in this band, versus what Slash says he did.? It will be evident to everyone who the heart, soul and passion of Guns N' Roses is."
? ? ?

Title: Re: Merck comments on Axl vs Slash
Post by: Rhythm-n-Booze on March 03, 2005, 02:27:34 PM
I find that comment to be ridiculous, honestly. I don't like to take sides with the Axl and Slash thing but this just seems to completely downplay Slash's involvement with GNR. I think that Axl and Slash did the same amount of work while in GNR, it's arguable who did the most but the songs wouldn't be the same if one of them was left out.
Saying that Axl is the heart, soul, and passion of GNR is true, but is he saying Slash wasn't? I dont know, it seems a little odd. And it is kind of funny how he completely avoided the question all together.

Title: Re: Merck comments on Axl vs Slash
Post by: ppbebe on March 03, 2005, 02:41:31 PM

Thanks GypsySoul.
Notice that Merck didn't answer the question that was asked.

Let's see how many ppl moan how he doesn't know a shit.... :hihi:

I don't like to take sides with the Axl and Slash thing
Neither do I. I don't think it good for the present and future of GN'R.  Let bygones be bygones.

Title: Re: Merck comments on Axl vs Slash
Post by: Voodoochild on March 03, 2005, 02:46:14 PM
Thanks for the quote, Gypsy!
Maybe Merck was only defensive about the whole thing, and I think he's not the only one who thinks like that.

Title: Re: Merck comments on Axl vs Slash
Post by: Jim Bob on March 03, 2005, 02:49:19 PM
I am in 100% agreement with Merck  : ok:  I love seeing this kind of stuff being said.

Title: Re: Merck comments on Axl vs Slash
Post by: McGann on March 03, 2005, 03:12:31 PM
Interesting that Merck said "When people hear this album".  It's probably PR, but that does give the implication that there is a product to hear, and that he has heard it.


Title: Re: Merck comments on Axl vs Slash
Post by: Naupis on March 03, 2005, 03:20:42 PM
Let's be realistic here though. What else is the guy going to say, "Yeah.....we have 13 million dollars riding on this album which sucks because without Slash Axl will never be anything."

Oh course he is going to try and hype up Axl and make claims about him not needing the old band. Saying anything to the contrary would be bad for business even if it were true. It's like when everyone around here hitches their wagons to the old "Axl is so easy to work with and gives all of the band members so much involvement because they said so in an interview" argument. What else are  those guys going to say, "We're nothing but hired Guns playing what Axl tells us." Of course not, even if it were true those guys are going to say that because they don't want to lose a good paying job that requires minimal work and commitment. Comment's like Merck's are nothing but good old fashion showmanship and bravado.

Title: Re: Merck comments on Axl vs Slash
Post by: ppbebe on March 03, 2005, 03:26:12 PM
It's probably PR, but that does give the implication that there is a product to hear, and that he has heard it.

and also the implication that Not a one in the GN'R camp is really bigmouth when it comes to a certain thing.

Title: Re: Merck comments on Axl vs Slash
Post by: D on March 03, 2005, 03:41:01 PM
I agree 100 percent with Naupis

Merck is axl's manager of course he is gonna lick axl's balls

anyone who doesnt think Slash's contributions in GNR were significant dont deserve to call themselves GNR fans.

the solo's,riffs etc are just as memorable to me than any Axl melody or lyric.

just cause Slash isnt in the band, that doesnt mean u have to take sides

i love both those guys and im not gonna choose between them.

Title: Re: Merck comments on Axl vs Slash
Post by: madagas on March 03, 2005, 03:42:47 PM
Naupis, considering Merck DEALS with artists like The Who, he may know talent when he sees it. He isn't going to lose his credibility over someone like say Vince Neil. You seem to assume a lot of stuff you have no earthly idea about (for example the quality of the album-whether there will be multiple albums-etc) AND IT IS ALWAYS A NEGATIVE ASSUMPTION WITH AXL. Granted, I don't see a lot positive right now but your half assed wannabe psychologist ramblings about Axl's mindset, the music industry, lawsuits and everything else are getting a little played out.? ?::)    amended for inaccuracy! :hihi:

Title: Re: Merck comments on Axl vs Slash
Post by: gigger on March 03, 2005, 03:44:29 PM
Naupis, considering Merck deals with artists like The Who and Neil Young, he may know talent when he sees it.

Merck represents:
Morrissey, Guns N' Roses, Jane's Addiction, Iron Maiden, Buddahead, Overseer, Rob Dickinson

Neither The Who or Neil Young are even represented by his office in New York. Before you go slagging people you should make sure you're not talking shit. I don't even think Neil Young is represented by Sanctuary Artist Management!  ::)

Title: Re: Merck comments on Axl vs Slash
Post by: noonespecial on March 03, 2005, 03:54:21 PM
"Let's be realistic here though. What else is the guy going to say, "Yeah.....we have 13 million dollars riding on this album which sucks because without Slash Axl will never be anything."

Oh course he is going to try and hype up Axl and make claims about him not needing the old band. Saying anything to the contrary would be bad for business even if it were true. It's like when everyone around here hitches their wagons to the old "Axl is so easy to work with and gives all of the band members so much involvement because they said so in an interview" argument. What else are  those guys going to say, "We're nothing but hired Guns playing what Axl tells us." Of course not, even if it were true those guys are going to say that because they don't want to lose a good paying job that requires minimal work and commitment. Comment's like Merck's are nothing but good old fashion showmanship and bravado."

I agree...Merck is going to hype his product and endeavor to portray it in a postive light and as far as the negative Axl thing, well didn't he create that vibe himself by his actions and his victum like rants of the past...showmanship and bravado...I like that ;D

Title: Re: Merck comments on Axl vs Slash
Post by: madagas on March 03, 2005, 03:59:40 PM
Gigger, deals with......comments about talent and Naupis' long winded tirades still stand.

Title: Re: Merck comments on Axl vs Slash
Post by: gigger on March 03, 2005, 04:06:13 PM
Gigger, deals with......comments about talent and Naupis' long winded tirades still stand.

Merck doesn't "DEAL" with The Who.

And I like the way you removed Neil Young after I pointed out that he isn't even represented (or dealt with) by Sanctuary Artist Management.

Title: Re: Merck comments on Axl vs Slash
Post by: madagas on March 03, 2005, 04:10:55 PM
ahhhhh...he knows his shit..... :nervous: I'm Scrambling....need some more rumors...can you get me some? ;D   ::)   Bored at work, spoiling for a fight. Enlighten me some more oh grand wizard of Splat!

Title: Re: Merck comments on Axl vs Slash
Post by: gigger on March 03, 2005, 04:12:32 PM
ahhhhh...he knows his shit..... :nervous: I'm Scrambling....need some more rumors...can you get me some? ;D? ?::)? ?Bored at work, spoiling for a fight. Enlighten me some more oh grand wizard of Splat!

Rumour has it you realised you're talking shit and rather than admitting it you decided to come up with a petty insult.  ::)

Title: Re: Merck comments on Axl vs Slash
Post by: dolphin on March 03, 2005, 04:13:40 PM
Gigger, deals with......comments about talent and Naupis' long winded tirades still stand.

Merck doesn't "DEAL" with The Who.

And I like the way you removed Neil Young after I pointed out that he isn't even represented (or dealt with) by Sanctuary Artist Management.

I think this is where the Neil Young reference was made because Merck spoke about it in his speech.

Madagas made an HONEST mistake, Gigger. ?He didn't base his wording on a RUMOR  ::)

Title: Re: Merck comments on Axl vs Slash
Post by: jarmo on March 03, 2005, 04:14:09 PM
Are you two done?


Title: Re: Merck comments on Axl vs Slash
Post by: madagas on March 03, 2005, 04:18:15 PM
 Gigger, I am not insulting you..said I was scrambling and will stand corrected as to the accuracy of my first sentence. I do believe the guy knows talent and understands what a good record is. Is it part showmanship and bravado-yes. Is it also part confidence that he may have an ace up his sleeve-I believe yes. To always take the negative side gets old. Some posters do and quite frankly, long winded tirades saying the same old shit gets old. You can regurgitate their posts before even reading them. I am trying to make people think about what they say-like something I was just called on the carpet for. ;D

Title: Re: Merck comments on Axl vs Slash
Post by: ppbebe on March 03, 2005, 04:19:15 PM
Naupis' long winded tirades still stand.
Yes and I totally back ya on this one.

Title: Re: Merck comments on Axl vs Slash
Post by: gigger on March 03, 2005, 04:19:27 PM
Are you two done?


Yep ?;)

Title: Re: Merck comments on Axl vs Slash
Post by: mrlee on March 03, 2005, 04:20:50 PM
the heat and soul of GNR is all of them together (Axl, Duff, Slash, Izzy, steven or matt) not axl on his own. Axl contributed i agree but so did the rest if it was not for all of them we would not have the GNR we know of. (this was directed at that mans answer in the interview)

Title: Re: Merck comments on Axl vs Slash
Post by: Naupis on March 03, 2005, 04:30:19 PM
Granted, I don't see a lot positive right now but your half assed wannabe psychologist ramblings about Axl's mindset, the music industry, lawsuits and everything else are getting a little played out.


There is nothing half assed about anything I have said. His actions throughout the course of his career and during the last tour especially prove beyond a shadow of a doubt his confidence and mindset are fragile. All of the ridiculous regulations that go into dealing with him in any type of situation support this. He gets spooked possibly easier than any other artist out there, or maybe ever. You have to treat him with kid gloves. Nothing I have said is a lie or can be proven otherwise.

The lawsuits......I would think that the other participants in the lawsuit being able to tour for a year and release an album which planning a second one all within the span of that lawsuit being filed is proof positive that it is not the lawsuits that hold back CD, but Axl, as everyone around here takes the lawsuit shit waaaay too sersiously as it does not impede his ability to write, record, release music or tour. Again, no half ass guessing on my part, just proving a fact to dispell the myth amoung alot of the whiners on this board that his life is so burdened by lawsuits that he can't release a CD. THat assumption is stupid and ridiculous as it is Axl and not lawsuits that keep this project from moving forward.

Music industry same thing. I showed where he was at one point with his old band. Were he not to reach those similar heights with his new one that can only be considered an ultimate failure, as no one in their right mind trades a sure fire championships team in for a team that doesn't make the playoffs. It would be like Bob Kraft who owns the New England Patriots trading his entire team away to Bill Bidwell and the Arizona Cardinals for their guys on gut feeling that group could win 4 Super Bowls in 4 years instead of 3 Superbowls in 4 years like his team now. If it didn't happen that way, the trade goes down as a failure, as it was stupid to trade away a group of guys ?who proved to be so successful for a group that you weren't sure about and ultimately couldn't match the previous groups level of success and achievement.

Again, no half-assed argument there as only a retard would think in hind site it was a good idea to disband a group that had achieved all the old Guns had if the new Guns don't end up achieving at least that much and more. Otherwise what was the sense in doing so as not achieving that prior level of success would prove that the public rejected Axl's vision of how Guns music should sound. Not a whole lot of guess work there if you ask me.

I am a big Axl fan, I am just realistic about his situation which obviously don't seem to be if you are trying to discredit what I am saying as nothing I have said is even remotely close to a lie, assumption or half-truth. Everything I have presented to you in these arguments are facts and entirely irrefutable.

Title: Re: Merck comments on Axl vs Slash
Post by: gabble on March 03, 2005, 04:31:43 PM
'I Never Go Anywhere Without 10,000 Albums'

5 March 2005

Copyright 2005, VNU eMedia Inc. All rights reserved.

While Merck Mercuriadis, worldwide CEO for the Sanctuary Group, clearly is comfortable making strategic decisions that will affect his publicly traded company, he is much happier talking about music. Even a discussion about the economic implications of digital distribution inevitably leads back to music.

During an interview with Billboard in his office, Mercuriadis related that in addition to an iPod, "I have a hard disc with thousands of albums on it, and I can shift things back and forth quite easily. So I never go anywhere without 10,000 albums. Eventually, I will have my entire record collection of 50,000 albums on my hard drive so I can access it any time I want, but I will still want the hard version so I can look at the artwork and feel the textures."

The first thing Bob Chiappardi, president of New York-based Concrete Marketing, says about Mercuriadis is that he is "a true music lover." Chiappardi lauds Mercuriadis as a man of his word who remains family-centered even though he seems to travel prodigiously. He is also "amazingly responsive," Chiappardi adds. "I think he lives with the Blackberry attached to his hip."

As an extension of his devotion to music, Mercuriadis is known for his rapport with artists and his fierce protection of their interests. One of Sanctuary's management clients is Guns N' Roses, whom Mercuriadis handles personally. Asked when the band's long-awaited "Chinese Democracy" album will see the light of day, Mercuriadis says, "Axl is one of the most extraordinary artists of all time. When people hear this album, they will realize what [Axl] did in this band, versus what Slash says he did. It will be evident to everyone who the heart, soul and passion of Guns N' Roses is."?

Q: What can we expect from Sanctuary this year?

A: We have a tremendous catalog, which has been under mined in the U.S. We are releasing probably over 100 [titles] for 2005 in the U.S. We will also have about 20 front-line releases. The real core of the company is focusing on the new releases, whether that be from new bands or established bands. For 2005, there is a handful of releases which we believe can be as big as Morrissey was for us last year: Robert Plant, Billy Idol and Kelly Osbourne. On the other side of things, outside the U.S. we have [new acts on subsidiary Rough Trade] like Arcade Fire and Antony & the Johnsons.

Q: Do some of your deals allow artists to own their masters?

A: We have no set rules. We are only concerned with one thing: that we are making a deal that is commercially viable. If the P&L works, and it's an artist we want to be in business with, we will make a deal that works for that artist and that works for us.

Q: How does Sanctuary's 360-degree approach work?

A: No other company can provide what we have: a record company, management, merchandising, publishing and a premier agency. All are proven. There are a number of companies that are vertically integrated, but no one out there has the 360-degree approach. If it wasn't for the talent and art, there wouldn't be a reason for us to supply a service. I am sure that it won't be long before some people start chasing our tail.

Everything that we do is born out of the philosophy that, first and foremost, we are an artist company. If the artist does well, we will do well. The important thing is to work with great artists and create an environment that makes them confident to do their best work. They bring their art, effort and enthusiasm to the table, and we bring our expertise, infrastructure, effort and enthusiasm to the table. Then we go out there in a way that has no conflict whatsoever, and we make things work for the artist. The model works extremely well. The approach gives the artist an opportunity to go into partnership with us.

Q: What differentiates Sanctuary from the majors?

A: If you go back 20 or 30 years, the great labels focused on developing the relationship between the artist and audience. After that, you would try to cross it over, but the economic model was based on the core audience, not the crossover potential. Fast forward to now. You have four labels, and the economic times are different. Each major has to focus on four or five records a year that each can sell millions of copies. In order to do that, you have to focus on selling to what I call the passive consumer, instead of an enthusiastic audience. It's all about crossover or about nothing. Today, everyone is focusing on fast-tracking success by radio and by MTV, rather than building careers. We believe that radio and MTV are great enhancers of success, but that success has to be built on developing the relationship between an artist and an audience that really considers music to be an important factor in their lives. The best days of the music industry were when we were selling to music fans who will buy tickets, travel to see their favorite band and buy his legal albums and his bootlegs, so that everyone who knows them will know that that band means something to them.

Q: How is Sanctuary managing the transition to the digital world?

A: If you have a great brand?whether that is Iron Maiden, Morrissey or Robert Plant?people are going to want to buy it because it has integrity. Sanctuary and the music enthusiast don't care if the carrier is a digital download, vinyl, CD, 8-track, a DVD with 5.1 sound, a DualDisc or whatever. Nor do we care if it's bought at a brick-and-mortar store or online. That's irrelevant to me, as long as there is demand for the brand that we created.

If you look at wallpaper or ringtones, we have gone through expensive audits to figure that business out, because we want to ensure that we are stretching and pushing the envelope on the deals that we are making in those areas. But that is not because we are focused on new technology. What's more important is to develop the brands that people want in those areas.

Q: Is the album format being compromised in the digital era by consumers who buy only songs?

A: In terms of protecting the integrity of the album as an art form, that is something that I am very aggressive about, and I will continue to place that argument in front of people. The art form of being able to make a great 40- or 45-minute record is something that has been distorted by the CD a little bit, because people felt that there is space for 77 minutes of music. That's a big problem today. There are many examples of records that merited a double album, but when you are just looking to fill space on a compact disc, I think it is dangerous. It's amazing how many classic albums only had eight songs. It's those little nuances, and that's why things have come to be about songs again, rather than about great albums and great album tracks.

Q: What is the real issue facing the music business right now?

A: The transformation that has taken place is one of an economic model that doesn't work, which is trying to sell records to the passive consumer. As an industry, we have abandoned the hardcore music consumer. So while there are legitimate issues like piracy and unauthorized downloading, if you start making great music that hardcore fans can get into, then they become lesser issues.

Q: Your company has revenue of about $500 million. When you cross the billion-dollar barrier, can we start calling you a major?

A: No, you can say, "This is the future of the music business."

There is a 15-year period?from 1947, with Ahmet Ertegun starting Atlantic, through 1962, when Chris Blackwell founded Island and Herb [Alpert] and Jerry [Moss] founded A&M?when almost all of the great artist development labels that dominated music for the next 50 years were founded, with only a handful of exceptions.

I believe we are now a few years into a new revolutionary period, which will probably be shorter?maybe five or 10 years?where the companies that dominate music for the next 50 years are being determined. If we asked the industry experts five years ago if Sanctuary might be one of those companies, most would have asked, "Who?" But I believe that today most of them would bet on it.

Title: Re: Merck comments on Axl vs Slash
Post by: Naupis on March 03, 2005, 04:40:02 PM
Naupis' long winded tirades still stand.

Yes and I totally back ya on this one.

As tired as you guys are of me, I am equally as tired of the same bullshit excuses out of so many posters on this board about the stupidest shit. Everyone's default answers of lawsuits, 3 albums, Bucket leaving, and this that and the other thing are all equally stupid in their own right. It isn't the lawsuits, Bucket could have been replaced in a week like Izzy was by any good guitarist worth anything, and 3 albums being recorded at the same time is not the reason this project has taken so long as recording 70 some odd songs doesn't take 7 years.

I love Axl to death, can't wait for the album, but I know this is all 100% his doing. Not management, other band members lawsuits or any of that shit. If the board as a whole could at least realize that there would be no reason for me to have my "tirades" as being wouldn't be ignorantly trotting out stupid shit that is entirely unrelated to the reason we don't have that album.

Title: Re: Merck comments on Axl vs Slash
Post by: Doc Emmett Brown on March 03, 2005, 04:48:51 PM
I agree...Merck is going to hype his product and endeavor to portray it in a postive light

In that case, I wish he had said something more like:

"When people hear this album, they will realize what [Axl] did in this band, AND what Tommy, Robin, Brain, et al. contributed b/c Axl doesnt play lead guitar, drums or bass"  instead of bringing up Slash and the past... too much salt on wounds for me, personally.

and as far as the negative Axl thing, well didn't he create that vibe himself by his actions and his victum like rants of the past...showmanship and bravado...I like that ;D

true, true.

Title: Re: Merck comments on Axl vs Slash
Post by: Intercourse on March 03, 2005, 05:24:16 PM
Axl is one of the most extraordinary artists of all time.  When people hear this album, they will realize what [Axl] did in this band, versus what Slash says he did.

What a load of balls. In Behind the Music Slash says Axl is one of the best front men of all time and an amazing songwriter. Axls passion was never called into question in the old band. The breakup was all to do with with power sharing and musical direction.

This guy is on Axls pay roll. he's hardly going to be objective now is he??

Title: Re: Merck comments on Axl vs Slash
Post by: madagas on March 03, 2005, 05:27:39 PM
Naupis, you have your points, but they are not fact. Axl is fragile-yes. But, you don't know him at all and you have no idea why he hasn't released a record. Simple as that. It could be exactly what you are saying....or it could be a thousand other reasons-perfectionism, laziness, just doesnt want to deal with the industry, etc etc. You always assume the negative. I agree that there are other people who swing in the opposite direction and they should be called out as well. The truth is: nobody knows anything on these boards-good, bad or indifferent. Sorry if I singled you out, but I am frustrated like you about this train wreck. ?:peace: ?I need a vacation again from this nonsense.

Title: Re: Merck comments on Axl vs Slash
Post by: RichardNixon on March 03, 2005, 05:28:27 PM
And still no news about a new album release date. Sounds like a lof of smoke and mirrors.

Title: Re: Merck comments on Axl vs Slash
Post by: Naupis on March 03, 2005, 05:32:26 PM
You always assume the negative.

You are totally right. Unfortunately with him I do, because I am 100% sure if he truly wanted this thing done and out it would be done and out. His refusal to do so is for whatever reason you mentioned is the reason, not because of anyone else stopping him from doing so.

I agree with you 100% I want all of this behind us, but I just don't see any situation in which this is not 100% his fault there is no album yet. Hence the reason for my negativity. I wouldn't be so negative about him if this weren't all his fault. I don't question his talent 1 bit, it's just everything else he seems to need help with.

Title: Re: Merck comments on Axl vs Slash
Post by: Scabbie on March 03, 2005, 05:39:06 PM
Well, a little banter never harmed anyone...its hardly likely that Merck will give away Axl's biggest secret but I think its good that he's starting to 'name drop' gnr in the press more frequently ? :smoking:

Today I read his speech...what struck me the most is how much emphasis he places on the artist and their relationship with the loyal fanbase...nuff said.

Merck, if you read this board, this thread, this message, I can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to listening to the album ?: ok: Enough talk more action!

Title: Re: Merck comments on Axl vs Slash
Post by: Walapino on March 03, 2005, 06:01:26 PM
What a pet this Merck dude is

Title: Re: Merck comments on Axl vs Slash
Post by: jarmo on March 03, 2005, 06:14:34 PM
Nice to see some positive remarks once in a while.

Thanks Gypsy.


Title: Re: Merck comments on Axl vs Slash
Post by: nesquick on March 03, 2005, 06:26:34 PM
It's called comunication: "my artist is better than yours"
what's next? "Axl's pants are nicer than Slash ones" or "Axl can piss twice faster than Slash"? :hihi:
I'm sure the album will be great, I strongly believe in it, "the blues" and "madagascar" studio versions could be impressive songs, but if Merck was Slash's manager, he would have said the contrary.
It's called comunication.

Title: Re: Merck comments on Axl vs Slash
Post by: norway on March 03, 2005, 06:33:20 PM

you know real people exist? : ok:
and merch seems a cool, intelligent guy as readin his speaks and interviews :peace:

Title: Re: Merck comments on Axl vs Slash
Post by: Continental Drift on March 03, 2005, 06:50:21 PM
I agree a lot with what's been said here... obviously Merck is not a purely "objective" source, but at the same time- he's not going to trash his reputation by praising Axl to such a high degree if he thinks CD is the next Generation Swine. Nevertheless, it is frustrating that he dodged the question for all intents and purposes and then later on fails to mention CD as an album they're looking forward to releasing in '05. :nervous:

Anyway, I wouldn't put much weight into his Axl-Slash assessment. Who knows what he actually believes. Point is- when CD comes out- I expect it to be financially beneficial to BOTH GN'R and VR to play up the Axl v. Slash/Duff rivalry anyway they can. I expect no less from VR's management as well. It's just too much of a goldmine not to tap into it. Everyone who hasn't really been paying attention to Guns the last 10 years or so- will want to rush out and grab a copy of CD and Contraband and stack 'em up against each other. I expect all the rock mags to do track by track comparisons, etc. This will be huge. I don't think music has ever really seen something quite like this... and there will be plenty of $$$ for all involved.

Title: Re: Merck comments on Axl vs Slash
Post by: mick on March 03, 2005, 06:57:04 PM
Gypsy note:  Obviously, this is just the Axl mention part not the entire article/interview.
Gypsy comment:  Notice that Merck didn't answer the question that was asked.

Billboard (newspaper) March 5, 2005

The Last Word
A Q&A With Merck Mercuriadis


   As an extension of his devotion to music, Mercuriadis is known for his rapport with artists and his fierce protection of their interests.  One of Sanctuary's management clients is Guns N' Roses, whom Mercuriadis handles personally.  Asked when the band's long-awaited "Chinese Democracy" album will see the light of day, Mercuriadis says, "Axl is one of the most extraordinary artists of all time.  When people hear this album, they will realize what [Axl] did in this band, versus what Slash says he did.  It will be evident to everyone who the heart, soul and passion of Guns N' Roses is."

Blah Blah Blah

Ok Merck, thanks for the info, when is the release date again???

 :rant: :rant: :rant:

Title: Re: Merck comments on Axl vs Slash
Post by: Narcissa on March 03, 2005, 07:17:28 PM
"Axl is one of the most extraordinary artists of all time.? When people hear this album, they will realize what [Axl] did in this band, versus what Slash says he did.? It will be evident to everyone who the heart, soul and passion of Guns N' Roses is."

great hype, but he's probably lying.

Title: Re: Merck comments on Axl vs Slash
Post by: coldenim on March 03, 2005, 07:26:58 PM
Yeah Merks sounds a lot like Foxe's dad on Back to the Future, taking shit from his artist, and laughing nervously at getting intimidated, Yeah and you guessed it Axl is Biff ?:rofl: . ?I understand you have to listen to an artist and respect what they are doing, to envelop greatness. ?Man sanctuary must be the real deal, when it comes to respecting artist integrity, all the artist seemed to have the clout around there, maybe thats good. ?I think most bands nowadays dont get what they want, and the bosse's force to make music that there aritist's hearts are not in, for the radio and Mtv. ?I didnt like that little comment on slash, GnR were incredible not because of one person but the whole of its parts. ?Maybe it was his way of trying to boost axl's morale. ?Or maybe his love or music is legit, and he was just stating something that he know's will be a break through. ?Heck Axl has had 10 some odd years to try to duplicate what made GnR tick. ?So he could knowingly or subliminally hide the artifacts of what made the old band great, and get it down pat, so there wouldn't be a hint, of some red neck eaten buffalo wings that couldn't tell if this was in fact the new GnR. ?People will say hey I thought GnR broke up and another will say sounds the same to me. Listen, theres slash, hes great isn't he, oh listen to that screech, theres axl. ?I think Axl ?has had enough time to find the artist he knows that can make the grade, but time will tell, but like life' its priceless, and you can't by another slash, I don't care what some big money making honcho says. ?That goes for Axl to, as slow as an ent, but as witty as an elf, he is a legend and can never be replaced. :peace:

Title: Re: Merck comments on Axl vs Slash
Post by: 2NaFish on March 03, 2005, 07:38:47 PM
If we can get past over-analysing two lines of text from merck on if he thinks the album is good or not, we could look at the fact that Sanctuary (on the face of it) appears to be a really great group who put the two most important people in music first; the artist and the real fan. I enjoyed reading the interview, and merch seems like a real music-head who looks for purety and soul in music; which is what i love about axl's work.

Title: Re: Merck comments on Axl vs Slash
Post by: jarmo on March 03, 2005, 07:47:57 PM
Somebody says something nice about Axl ("Axl is one of the most extraordinary artists of all time") and people are just complaining about it?

Are you aware that Axl actually is in the band you like?

I know about being objective and all that, but sometimes it seems like a lot of people are here only to whine about everything. Even if it's a nice compliment to the singer of the band we all like.

I agree with 2tuna, Merck seems like a music lover who happens to work in the business. I wouldn't be doing whatever I do if I didn't like the band and their music, so it's nice to see there are people who still put the music first in the business. Instead of seeing everything as products.


Title: Re: Merck comments on Axl vs Slash
Post by: 2NaFish on March 03, 2005, 07:55:23 PM
I know axl has difficulty pronouncing your name, but i'd think you could atleast spell mine (jk).

Title: Re: Merck comments on Axl vs Slash
Post by: jarmo on March 03, 2005, 08:03:30 PM
Ok TwoNaFish.  ;)

I'm surprised nobody is saying "how can Merck call it Guns N' Roses without Slash/Duff/Izzy/Steven/Gilby/Matt in the band?".  :P


Title: Re: Merck comments on Axl vs Slash
Post by: GypsySoul on March 03, 2005, 09:06:27 PM
Here's the pic & career highlights of Merck from this Billboard interview.
(I don't see any photographer credit listed.)


Merck Mercuriadis:? Career Highlights

1982:? Joins Motown Records as a radio plugger
1983:? Joins Virgin Records as marketing manager
1987:? Joins Smallwood/Taylor Enterprises to manage Iron Maiden
1996:? Smallwood/Taylor Enterprises grows into Sanctuary.
1997:? Mercuriadis is named CEO of Sanctuary Artist Management.
1998:? Sanctuary Group carries out an initial public offering.
2000:? Named CEO of U.S. operations
2004:? Named Sanctuary Group worldwide CEO

On topic:? I'm curious why Merck brought Slash's name into the conversation.? ???
The question he was asked was about when CD "will see the light of day" NOT about ex-gunners.? ?:confused:

Title: Re: Merck comments on Axl vs Slash
Post by: Booker Floyd on March 03, 2005, 09:45:42 PM
Somebody says something nice about Axl ("Axl is one of the most extraordinary artists of all time") and people are just complaining about it?


Do you think most of the people who posted have a problem with that single comment? 

Title: Re: Merck comments on Axl vs Slash
Post by: gabble on March 03, 2005, 09:47:25 PM
The question he was asked was about when CD "will see the light of day" NOT about ex-gunners.

Actually, the question wasn't quoted; it was implied.? ?Why omit the question, yet follow it with a verbatim question and answer session?? It seems to me the discussion which preceded and prompted Merck's response was simply edited for content.? If so, it is entirely plausible the interviewer brought up specific points pertaining to Slash.? Moreover, the topic of the paragraph in which Merck speaks of GN'R deals with Merck's "fierce protection" of his clientele, based on his personal passion for music.? In that context the quote is applicable.? ?The narrative pertaining to Chinese Democracy's release seems oddly out of place.

Title: Re: Merck comments on Axl vs Slash
Post by: Voodoochild on March 03, 2005, 10:51:12 PM
Somebody says something nice about Axl ("Axl is one of the most extraordinary artists of all time") and people are just complaining about it?
If he would say something bad about Axl or how bad CD could be, a LOT of people here would be happy and quicky to post some sarcastic shit.  ::)

Title: Re: Merck comments on Axl vs Slash
Post by: noizzynofuture on March 04, 2005, 12:25:04 AM
Somebody says something nice about Axl ("Axl is one of the most extraordinary artists of all time") and people are just complaining about it?


Do you think most of the people who posted have a problem with that single comment??

Booker is right,  the problem people have is with Merck's strange bashing of slash when asked when axl will release CD.

His comments are ridiculous and do nothing but avoid and dodge a question that he's too big of a pussy to answer.

Compliment axl til you're blue in the face  :yes:  but quit being axl's apologist.

Title: Re: Merck comments on Axl vs Slash
Post by: Booker Floyd on March 04, 2005, 12:30:28 AM
Booker is right


Someone has obviously hacked into your account... ;D

the problem people have is with Merck's strange bashing of slash when asked when axl will release CD.

Its not just Slash he slighted, it was essentially everybody thats been in the band.? In fact, its not even very flattering to the current members.? It only confirms what most of us already know: this project is about Axl Rose.? Everybody else is peripheral.

Title: Re: Merck comments on Axl vs Slash
Post by: killingvector on March 04, 2005, 01:43:41 AM
Booker is right


Someone has obviously hacked into your account... ;D

the problem people have is with Merck's strange bashing of slash when asked when axl will release CD.

Its not just Slash he slighted, it was essentially everybody thats been in the band.  In fact, its not even very flattering to the current members.  It only confirms what most of us already know: this project is about Axl Rose.  Everybody else is peripheral.

I think you are reading too much into this. Axl wrote and produced this record. From my understanding of how it was put together, the band noodled around with sounds which axl sifted through for the most appetizing threads. The band expounded on the appealing bits and songs were born.  Make no mistake about it, Axl is the general of this project and controls the direction it takes. He is getting out of the band exactly what he wants. Why would Merck's comments slight individuals who are being paid as employees? Is it always outrageous to extol the talents of a producer and writer? Merck's comments were merely a compliment of Axl's talents.

From what I recall, Slash and Duff have made comments about axl's contributions to past songs; why is it so horrible that someone stands up and defends axl's talents? Merck paid the redhead a compliment and people here immediately take it as a swipe at ole Slash and Duff. they are big boys, they can respond if they feel compelled.

Title: Re: Merck comments on Axl vs Slash
Post by: Crowebar on March 04, 2005, 02:08:04 AM
I don't think it was necessary for Merck to slag-off on Slash like that. :no:

However, what he said about the album (he's obviously heard the new shit) and this; - "Axl is one of the most extraordinary artists of all time." is from someone who is legitimately "IN THE KNOW". : ok: :confused:

With him saying these things only serves to prove what I've felt all along about what Axl's been up to. :beer:

The new material is gonna' kick some serious fucking ass and even fuck-up Axl's worst critics when they hear it. :nervous:

That's what I believe and the way I've felt for the last ten or so fucking years of my life. :crying:

To hell with the pundits!!!!! :yes: : ok: :beer: :smoking: ;D


Title: Re: Merck comments on Axl vs Slash
Post by: Naupis on March 04, 2005, 02:10:32 AM
Make no mistake about it, Axl is the general of this project and controls the direction it takes. He is getting out of the band exactly what he wants. Why would Merck's comments slight individuals who are being paid as employees? Is it always outrageous to extol the talents of a producer and writer? Merck's comments were merely a compliment of Axl's talents.

Shhhhh!!!!!! Don't say the words "Paid Employees" too loud around here or you are going to get a lecture on how tight this band is and how amazing the chemistry is, and how we all need to watch the 2002 tour DVD's if we don't believe it. You are right on though, it's his show. Other members may bring him stuff they think is cool, but if he doesn't like it it's not going anywhere near his album. Merck commented on it being Axl's album because it is exactly that: Axl's album. It may say Guns N' Roses on the wrapper, but it's Axl's album. The fact Merck referenced strictly Axl and not the group as a whole should dispell any myth's held by some on this board that this whole fiasco is anything but his solo project as Merck essentially promoted strictly Axl. ?

Title: Re: Merck comments on Axl vs Slash
Post by: Crowebar on March 04, 2005, 02:23:14 AM
Merck commented on it being Axl's album because it is exactly that: Axl's album. It may say Guns N' Roses on the wrapper, but it's Axl's album. The fact Merck referenced strictly Axl and not the group as a whole should dispell any myth's held by some on this board that this whole fiasco is anything but his solo project as Merck essentially promoted strictly Axl. 

What's your point man? ???

So it's Axl's solo effort with him clinging on to the GNR brandname. : ok:

Who fucking cares anymore? ???

Axl, release the fucking new shit man and so be it. :yes: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:

Title: Re: Merck comments on Axl vs Slash
Post by: Naupis on March 04, 2005, 02:38:38 AM
[What's your point man? /quote]

Point was exactly that it's Axl's album. I'm cool with that, and could care less about the name thing. Can't wait to hear it. Just pointing out to a certain segment of posters on this board who will fight to the death that it is truly GNR and all that other bullshit that when management singles out Axl with the rest of the guys as an afterthought, that should tell you how band like they really are. That's all. Not trying to start up with the name bullshit again.

Title: Re: Merck comments on Axl vs Slash
Post by: Crowebar on March 04, 2005, 02:54:30 AM
Everybody here already knows it's Axl's fucking project man. :yes: :beer: :smoking:

Anybody who doesn't know this fact is a complete ignoramus. :rant:

Title: Re: Merck comments on Axl vs Slash
Post by: leesixxrose on March 04, 2005, 03:54:06 AM
he didnt even answer the question

Title: Re: Merck comments on Axl vs Slash
Post by: jarmo on March 04, 2005, 07:48:37 AM
Do you think most of the people who posted have a problem with that single comment??

There you are. Finally you "arrived" in this thread. No comments on the subject, but you took time to comment on my reply.

People like to focus on the negative.

If somebody says something positive, it's only because he's an employee.

Its not just Slash he slighted, it was essentially everybody thats been in the band.? In fact, its not even very flattering to the current members.? It only confirms what most of us already know: this project is about Axl Rose.? Everybody else is peripheral.

That's your take on what he said. Another way of seeing it is that he's saying everybody has downplayed Axl's role in the band, crediting Slash, Izzy etc and not credited Axl enough, because he's the asshole who broke up the band.


Title: Re: Merck comments on Axl vs Slash
Post by: ppbebe on March 04, 2005, 09:36:42 AM
Its not just Slash he slighted, it was essentially everybody thats been in the band.  In fact, its not even very flattering to the current members.  It only confirms what most of us already know: this project is about Axl Rose.  Everybody else is peripheral.

So you think it confirms GN'R, old and new, was/is about Axl Roses and Slash, Izzy or anybody else was peripheral. If that was the case, I might have a beef about that. I'm not an Axl's nutsgroupie as you are  :hihi: but a healthy fan of GN'R(existing).
But the truth is more like what chindem, the clearer head already said.

The question he was asked was about when CD "will see the light of day" NOT about ex-gunners.

Actually, the question wasn't quoted; it was implied.   Why omit the question, yet follow it with a verbatim question and answer session?  It seems to me the discussion which preceded and prompted Merck's response was simply edited for content.  If so, it is entirely plausible the interviewer brought up specific points pertaining to Slash.  Moreover, the topic of the paragraph in which Merck speaks of GN'R deals with Merck's "fierce protection" of his clientele, based on his personal passion for music.  In that context the quote is applicable.   The narrative pertaining to Chinese Democracy's release seems oddly out of place.

Title: Re: Merck comments on Axl vs Slash
Post by: PhillyRiot on March 04, 2005, 09:45:09 AM
"When people hear this album, they will realize what [Axl] did in this band"

As Chuck, from Chuck' Bike O Rama, says in Pee-Wee's Big Adventure, "When will this be?  Long time we wait!"

Title: Re: Merck comments on Axl vs Slash
Post by: younggunner on March 04, 2005, 10:20:51 AM
Shhhhh!!!!!! Don't say the words "Paid Employees" too loud around here or you are going to get a lecture on how tight this band is and how amazing the chemistry is, and how we all need to watch the 2002 tour DVD's if we don't believe it. You are right on though, it's his show. Other members may bring him stuff they think is cool, but if he doesn't like it it's not going anywhere near his album. Merck commented on it being Axl's album because it is exactly that: Axl's album. It may say Guns N' Roses on the wrapper, but it's Axl's album. The fact Merck referenced strictly Axl and not the group as a whole should dispell any myth's held by some on this board that this whole fiasco is anything but his solo project as Merck essentially promoted strictly Axl.
I think you need to buy yourself a cane

Title: Re: Merck comments on Axl vs Slash
Post by: norway on March 04, 2005, 10:23:29 AM
Other members may bring him stuff they think is cool, but if he doesn't like it it's not going anywhere near his album.
:hihi: same thing happen 2 alot of material on oldgnr, but i guess you won't call that axl's solo-project ?::)
I'm whith jarmo an ppbebe on this, he aknowledges axl's talent and people don't like. ?;)
But is cool, and is very succesfull ?:beer:

Title: Re: Merck comments on Axl vs Slash
Post by: younggunner on March 04, 2005, 11:08:59 AM
lol,sorry ive been super busy the past week or so..
and its only going to get worse. Baseball starts sunday and Ill be in school, buses and on baseball fields from sunday till May.
Plus Ill be away for 10 days in FLorida for Baseball as well. Last year I come home from that same trip and foud out that Bucket left the band ...nothing better happen this year. I hate missing a beat. Actually I called my sister last year to read me the headlines off the main page to keep me updated lol. GNR is an addiction..

Title: Re: Merck comments on Axl vs Slash
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on March 04, 2005, 12:43:59 PM
From what I
From what I recall, Slash and Duff have made comments about axl's contributions to past songs; why is it so horrible that someone stands up and defends axl's talents?

that is exactly how i took the comment - it's apparent that Merck has heard these comments specifically made by Duff.

"We wrote the music without Axl" - Bass Guitar World
"Axl never wrote any of the music..." - later retracted by Duff who gave Axl credit for "My World"  ::)
'We wrote all the music... rehearsed the music.... sometimes had the lyrics already written... Axl just came in at the end' (paraphrasing as I can't find the exact source/quote at the moment)

...he's saying everybody has downlayed Axl's role in the band, crediting Slash, Izzy etc and not credited Axl enough, because he's the asshole who broke up the band.


surely Merck is aware of many 'fans' animosity towards Axl, may times fueled by comments from former members.
I think its cool that he is speaking up on Axl's behalf.   : ok:

Title: Re: Merck comments on Axl vs Slash
Post by: RICHEY on March 04, 2005, 01:16:26 PM
Same bullshit different asshole.We heard this from Tommy,Dizzy,Ronnie,Bonnie,and Tiny Tim. Merck bashed slash to get press, since Axl's career is at an all time fucking low. If the album is so amazing and will piss all over GNR's past work GIVE US A RELEASE DATE! But that is out of the question boys and girls! So Merck who also fronts a band called DIO told us all we needed to know......"But you got to have a little patience" Get it? HA! HA! HA! MELTING POT??

Title: Re: Merck comments on Axl vs Slash
Post by: killingvector on March 04, 2005, 02:17:27 PM
Same bullshit different asshole.We heard this from Tommy,Dizzy,Ronnie,Bonnie,and Tiny Tim. Merck bashed slash to get press, since Axl's career is at an all time fucking low. If the album is so amazing and will piss all over GNR's past work GIVE US A RELEASE DATE! But that is out of the question boys and girls! So Merck who also fronts a band called DIO told us all we needed to know......"But you got to have a little patience" Get it? HA! HA! HA! MELTING POT? 

wow, you should issue that as a press release. With such logic and insight, we should all defer to your good graces. Lousy self hating axl bashers.

Title: Re: Merck comments on Axl vs Slash
Post by: christina_rose on March 04, 2005, 02:37:43 PM
That's your take on what he said. Another way of seeing it is that he's saying everybody has downlayed Axl's role in the band, crediting Slash, Izzy etc and not credited Axl enough, because he's the asshole who broke up the band.

*applaudes*  Thank you Jarmo. My sentinments exactly. Well done.

Title: Re: Merck comments on Axl vs Slash
Post by: Jim Bob on March 04, 2005, 02:51:07 PM
I dont get how some of these axl bashers can call themselves GnR fans.  Whether you people like it or not Guns N' Roses is Axl's band and there aint jack shit you can do about it so shut the fuck up and stop complaining about it.. or go to a fucking VR forum.

Merck seems like a very intelligent guy.  Its great to see someone like this involved in Guns.   He makes a positive statement about Axl and the new album and some people rip him to shreds  ::) 

$lash and Matt Soreass have been slagging Axl and spewing their garbage to the press for a few years now.  Its about time someone stepped up and defended Axl.  read what he said one more time.  it was a response to things $lash has said in the past.   And besides, what Merck says is 100% true.

Cheers Merck!  :beer:

Title: Re: Merck comments on Axl vs Slash
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on March 04, 2005, 04:38:46 PM
Same bullshit different asshole.We heard this from Tommy,Dizzy,Ronnie,Bonnie,and Tiny Tim. Merck bashed slash to get press, since Axl's career is at an all time fucking low. If the album is so amazing and will piss all over GNR's past work GIVE US A RELEASE DATE! But that is out of the question boys and girls! So Merck who also fronts a band called DIO told us all we needed to know......"But you got to have a little patience" Get it? HA! HA! HA! MELTING POT?

wow, you should issue that as a press release. With such logic and insight, we should all defer to your good graces. Lousy self hating axl bashers.


That's your take on what he said. Another way of seeing it is that he's saying everybody has downlayed Axl's role in the band, crediting Slash, Izzy etc and not credited Axl enough, because he's the asshole who broke up the band.

*applaudes* Thank you Jarmo. My sentinments exactly. Well done.

 : ok:

I dont get how some of these axl bashers can call themselves GnR fans. Whether you people like it or not Guns N' Roses is Axl's band and there aint jack shit you can do about it so shut the fuck up and stop complaining about it.. or go to a fucking VR forum.

Merck seems like a very intelligent guy. Its great to see someone like this involved in Guns. He makes a positive statement about Axl and the new album and some people rip him to shreds ::)

$lash and Matt Soreass have been slagging Axl and spewing their garbage to the press for a few years now. Its about time someone stepped up and defended Axl. read what he said one more time. it was a response to things $lash has said in the past. And besides, what Merck says is 100% true.

Cheers Merck! :beer:


love it!  :D
you did mean Sorebum though didn't ya? ;)

hey its not like Axl himself came out and say this  ;D... however, judging from the response to Merck's comments, if/when Axl does make reply to all the fuckin' shit that has been spewed by Slash 'there really isn't anyone else to blame but Axl' Hudson, Matt 'what's with the piano' Sorum, and Duff 'we wrote the music without Axl' McKagan (*takes breath*) - if/when he does reply there will be major  :crying: :crying:  :crying: from some fans...

something like this perhaps:  "Can you believe Axl said that? I mean my god. I mean he hasn't put out a record. I don't know why he would say that. I mean who does he think he is? That's not very nice. The other guys, they have gotten over it and they're his friend now and they're willing to be his friend and he just needs to grow up."


Title: Re: Merck comments on Axl vs Slash
Post by: Jim Bob on March 04, 2005, 05:18:33 PM
Duff 'we wrote the music without Axl' McKagan (*takes breath*)

you mean Duff 'we wrote the music without Axl, oh wait I dont even remember anything from 1989-1995' McKagan :rofl:

something like this perhaps:  "Can you believe Axl said that? I mean my god. I mean he hasn't put out a record. I don't know why he would say that. I mean who does he think he is? That's not very nice. The other guys, they have gotten over it and they're his friend now and they're willing to be his friend and he just needs to grow up."

i like your posts!! i can tell ur one of the great fans.  : ok:  :beer:


Title: Re: Merck comments on Axl vs Slash
Post by: norway on March 04, 2005, 05:37:40 PM
eva is one of the cool ones, many cool people here,  :beer: but a diverse board.

Hey, so funny merch didn't answer the question? ::) i wonder when will that be?

Title: Re: Merck comments on Axl vs Slash
Post by: jarmo on March 04, 2005, 05:50:57 PM
Merch = short for merchandise

Merck = short for Merck Mercuriadis, CEO for the Sanctuary Group and manager of GN'R


Title: Re: Merck comments on Axl vs Slash
Post by: norway on March 04, 2005, 05:54:03 PM

yeah, i mean merchandise mercuriadus  :P

Title: Re: Merck comments on Axl vs Slash
Post by: killingvector on March 04, 2005, 05:58:21 PM
Is there any Merck Merch floating around the net?

Title: Re: Merck comments on Axl vs Slash
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on March 04, 2005, 08:36:12 PM
edit:? intended for pm

Is there any Merck Merch floating around the net?

well...  looks like he's endorsing this very lovely HTGTH T-shirt  :hihi:

sorry... i just had to! ;)

Title: Re: Merck comments on Axl vs Slash
Post by: reynics22 on March 04, 2005, 08:48:41 PM
If we can get past over-analysing two lines of text from merck on if he thinks the album is good or not, we could look at the fact that Sanctuary (on the face of it) appears to be a really great group who put the two most important people in music first; the artist and the real fan. I enjoyed reading the interview, and merch seems like a real music-head who looks for purety and soul in music; which is what i love about axl's work.

I miss reading your posts on a day to day basis on the

well said 2na.

Title: Re: Merck comments on Axl vs Slash
Post by: D on March 04, 2005, 10:25:15 PM
what he said about axl's talents are 100 percent true


he doesnt have to slag off on slash and the old band to gain more approval for Axl.

dont tell us, show us

thats where i stand

The significance of Izzy and Slash cannot be downplayed as if Axl was the mastermind telling them what to play

to me thats how Merck comes off and i dont like it.

To me Merck seems like the dudes Mike Tyson had during his Don King era

guys who were hangers on and wouldnt tell Mike the truth or control him which ultimately helped lead to his demise

Merck needs to be axl's manager, not his best friend and publicist.
he needs to get axl to release the cd, then we can all judge for ourselves.

even if CD is the greatest record ever made, it still will not take away from the old bands contributions on the old material.

praise axl all u want

but dont shit on slash and co. to do so.

Title: Re: Merck comments on Axl vs Slash
Post by: DIABOLIK on March 05, 2005, 08:52:50 AM
Merck has been able to do something that the rest of us have not whihc is hear Axl's new music versus that of Velvet Revolver.? Since Contraband is nothing special (and if Contraband had come out as a GNR record everyone would be up in arms about how weak it is BUT because it's Slash and Duff fans are willing to overlook the obvious and yes I did buy mine the week it came out) if that's what Slash considers "doing it for the fans" then he better come up with better material.? Fall To Pieces is nothing compared to November Rain or Estranged and if Slither or any other VR song was on UYI they would have been overshadowed by the likes of Pretty Tied Up or You Could Be Mine or Dead horse.? Maybe what Merck is saying is that Slash gets all this credit for the guitarwork and songwriting that without having Axl's input anymore, Slash ain't all that (see Snakepit).? Many great guitarists can't write great songs.? They can shred (Steve Vai), they can come up with riffs or parts (John Sykes), but as far as writing great songs that actually mean something, they can't do it.? By understanding what a great hook or melody is, like when Slash wanted to remove the intro bit, his signature, to Sweet Child and Axl managed to convince Slash to keep it, then maybe what Merck is saying is valid. Contraband gives me no reason to believe otherwise.

Title: Re: Merck comments on Axl vs Slash
Post by: Nytunz on March 05, 2005, 10:44:03 AM
Merck has been able to do something that the rest of us have not whihc is hear Axl's new music versus that of Velvet Revolver.? Since Contraband is nothing special (and if Contraband had come out as a GNR record everyone would be up in arms about how weak it is BUT because it's Slash and Duff fans are willing to overlook the obvious and yes I did buy mine the week it came out) if that's what Slash considers "doing it for the fans" then he better come up with better material.

I agree in this part.. I think the record is OK! But nothing more! If it would be the new GNR record, it would really be a disapointment!
? Fall To Pieces is nothing compared to November Rain or Estranged and if Slither or any other VR song was on UYI they would have been overshadowed by the likes of Pretty Tied Up or You Could Be Mine or Dead horse.

I Dont agree! Remember, Songs like Estranged and November Rain cant be compared to VR songs! In any way! The music style is so different! And thats whay the old GNR ended! Because Slash n Duff whanted to play more straight ahead Rock n roll! And not the masterpiece thing that Axl whanted!
Maybe what Merck is saying is that Slash gets all this credit for the guitarwork and songwriting that without having Axl's input anymore, Slash ain't all that (see Snakepit).? Many great guitarists can't write great songs.? They can shred (Steve Vai), they can come up with riffs or parts (John Sykes), but as far as writing great songs that actually mean something, they can't do it.? By understanding what a great hook or melody is, like when Slash wanted to remove the intro bit, his signature, to Sweet Child and Axl managed to convince Slash to keep it, then maybe what Merck is saying is valid. Contraband gives me no reason to believe otherwise.

Snakepit is also an OK albume. And there are som great Guitarwork on it! But it dont appeal to the BIG audience! Dont have the kind of melody that Axl is really good in making!


Title: Re: Merck comments on Axl vs Slash
Post by: mikegiuliana on March 05, 2005, 11:41:29 AM
I agree 100 percent with Naupis

Merck is axl's manager of course he is gonna lick axl's balls

anyone who doesnt think Slash's contributions in GNR were significant dont deserve to call themselves GNR fans.

the solo's,riffs etc are just as memorable to me than any Axl melody or lyric.

just cause Slash isnt in the band, that doesnt mean u have to take sides

i love both those guys and im not gonna choose between them.
I agree with you and rythm n booze.. : ok:

Title: Re: Merck comments on Axl vs Slash
Post by: ppbebe on March 05, 2005, 04:14:17 PM
I think the record is OK! But nothing more! If it would be the new GNR record, it would really be a disapointment!
Ditto, Nytunz!

the first 2 weeks, I really enjoyed the Contra but afterwards's not my fault I'm caprocious by nature and listening to Whitestripes more often. It was only rock n' roll and nothing more on balance.
Yeah music is one of the time arts.
not to mention new GN'R tunes haven't bored me yet after two years. I myself find it strange though.

Same bullshit different asshole.We heard this from Tommy,Dizzy,Ronnie,Bonnie,and Tiny Tim.   
Haha, I've been waiting for the post like yours since I first saw this thread. :rofl: