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Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: RnT on March 02, 2005, 06:47:25 AM

Title: Do you think Axl is ready ...
Post by: RnT on March 02, 2005, 06:47:25 AM
... to handle with questions like:

"do you miss the old guys?"

"how about the finishing touches since 2001? did you guys lied just to the fans stop askin you guys the same questions?"

"you and Slash are still friends?"

"what do you think of Velvet Revolver?"


you know, when Axl and GNR come back for the real thing, at least 1 in a milion ( talking ?bout reporters / interviews here ) will ask questions like that ... I will hate if, before the interview happens, Axl or his manager said something like "... these few questions will not be answered, if you not agreed, he won?t do the interview"
IMO, if Axl is proud of his album and his band, he can always answered questions like that... I just wish that the 2 bands get along playing rock n roll


Title: Re: Do you think Axl is ready ...
Post by: usedname on March 02, 2005, 06:56:51 AM
Is Axl ready?  Who knows?  All in good time :peace:

Title: Re: Do you think Axl is ready ...
Post by: gnrkoncerti on March 02, 2005, 09:16:50 AM
Axl is reafy but the question is:is axl want...

Title: Re: Do you think Axl is ready ...
Post by: DemocracyRose on March 02, 2005, 09:20:32 AM
Apparently not.... :-\

Title: Re: Do you think Axl is ready ...
Post by: Nytunz on March 02, 2005, 09:27:11 AM
... to handle with questions like:

"do you miss the old guys?"

"how about the finishing touches since 2001? did you guys lied just to the fans stop askin you guys the same questions?"

"you and Slash are still friends?"

"what do you think of Velvet Revolver?"


you know, when Axl and GNR come back for the real thing, at least 1 in a milion ( talking ?bout reporters / interviews here ) will ask questions like that ... I will hate if, before the interview happens, Axl or his manager said something like "... these few questions will not be answered, if you not agreed, he won?t do the interview"
IMO, if Axl is proud of his album and his band, he can always answered questions like that... I just wish that the 2 bands get along playing rock n roll


Intresting Topic RnT!
Coz if Axl will be back in the spotlight soon, and have to do som interviews, then he will get alot of question like that! Can he deal it. I even thnik he looked a bit angry when Loder said; "This is taking a looong time" ?:hihi: But sure, he gotta deal with it, and tell the truth, or else the media gonna write bad stuff about him again!

Title: Re: Do you think Axl is ready ...
Post by: SINSHINE on March 02, 2005, 09:38:17 AM
My guess is that Axl WILL shy away from the more personal and unrelated topics such as his relationship with Slash, the old band, etc. He will want the focus on his new music...and that's it.

However, I wouldn't be surprised if he did do an 'in-depth' interview with Kurt Loder or someone of that nature in which he addresses some of these less important issues with the caviet (sp?) that it will be the one and only time he will discuss/answer questions of this nature (in order to both satisfy the public's curiosity and to get the rest of the press off his back with regards to dwelling on the past).

Sounds at least plausible to me.

Title: Re: Do you think Axl is ready ...
Post by: Nytunz on March 02, 2005, 09:40:41 AM
My guess is that Axl WILL shy away from the more personal and unrelated topics such as his relationship with Slash, the old band, etc. He will want the focus on his new music...and that's it.

However, I wouldn't be surprised if he did do an 'in-depth' interview with Kurt Loder or someone of that nature in which he addresses some of these less important issues with the caviet (sp?) that it will be the one and only time he will discuss/answer questions of this nature (in order to both satisfy the public's curiosity and to get the rest of the press off his back with regards to dwelling on the past).

Sounds at least plausible to me.

im with u on thet one!  : ok:

Title: Re: Do you think Axl is ready ...
Post by: providman on March 02, 2005, 11:48:42 AM
Enough with Kurt Loder already! Jesus, he does an interview with him years ago & everyone carries on like they have some sort of spiritual connection.

Title: Re: Do you think Axl is ready ...
Post by: noonespecial on March 02, 2005, 11:52:03 AM
LOL...the ooommmm connection with Kurt....LOL
Well he'll probably pull the diva thing and have restrictions on what you can and cannot talk about...or
he'll act like a 43 year old rock star and he won't pull punches and just say what he thinks--I would hope for the latter ;D

Title: Re: Do you think Axl is ready ...
Post by: Saul on March 02, 2005, 12:24:58 PM
well during the 2002 tour when he did interviews there was a strict list of things that could and could not be asked to axl given to each DJ before the interview. I dont see that changing. I could see him giving one or two candid and in-depth interviews but for the most part I'm betting most interviews will follow a guideline of what axl wants to answer and what he doesnt.

I'm sure we'll hear his opinions on former members and whatnot onstage though.  :hihi:

Title: Re: Do you think Axl is ready ...
Post by: C0ma on March 02, 2005, 12:51:38 PM
Enough with Kurt Loder already! Jesus, he does an interview with him years ago & everyone carries on like they have some sort of spiritual connection.

Actually they do have a connection...... every major interview with Axl has been done by Kurt. Why you ask??
Because Axl is comfortable with him, and can some what control the questions and subject matter. He doesn't have that pull with anyone else and isn't important enough at this time to demand things from an interviewer. Sure a local rock Station DJ will bow down to the requests of W. Axl Rose, but you won't see many heavy hitters agreeing to sit down with him if they get a script of 5 questions they get to ask him. Sure it will be good to get exposure in all markets by doing interviews at radio stations during the 2012 Chinese Democracy World Tour, but the big scores will be with shows like Stern, and Howard Stern would tell Axl and his script to go back to 1987 where people were impressed by him. He would never agree to pull punches and would probably just make Axl look like an ass if he did agree to even allow him on the show.

I can see it now:

Merk: Howard here is a list of approved questions, and pay attention to the disclaimer, no talking about the former members or the tour cancellations in 2002.

Howard: No problem, this is going to be great, Axl will have an easy time.

fast forward 20 minutes

Howard: Lets Bring out Axl whos here to promote his new CD Chinese Democracy
Artie: I am psyched to be meeting Axl, I used to love listeing to Welcome to the Jungle while I did blow getting ready for MAD TV
Robin: I hear he has a great new band for this CD
Howard: Here he is..... your looking great...sit down get comfortable
Axl: happy to be here.... I'm a huge fan of the show.
Howard: I have something Ive always wanted to ask you,....... What's Slash like.... That guy seems like a real class act.
Axl just sits and scowls.
Axl: actually I came here to talk about this new disc, Im real proud of it.
Howard: Exactly......So how hard was it making this album without Slash?
Axl looks around the room for someone to bale him out.
Merk: actually we won't be commenting on former members oif the band.

That goes on for a few more minutes... Axl walks out then gets shit on untill 10:45 a.m. EST Then the negative stories begin to roll out.

The only one who will either agree to his lame ass questions, or actually stick to them is Loder, strictly because he is the only medai member left that has a hardon for Axl Rose

Title: Re: Do you think Axl is ready ...
Post by: Crowebar on March 02, 2005, 12:56:31 PM
I remember reading the text of some interview Axl did in 2002, where he specifically said that the truth (as he remembers it) about everything that went down in the past would be revealed someday, after the new album is finally released.

This will either be a one-time exclusive like the ones mentioned above or better yet, an Axl authorized biography book. : ok:

That would be very cool and would probably contain a ton of never before seen photos and stuff. :beer:

I hope that's what Axl has up his sleeve for us down the road. :yes:

Title: Re: Do you think Axl is ready ...
Post by: Scabbie on March 02, 2005, 01:02:54 PM
Personally I don't care if Axl doesn't do any interviews, although I would like to hear the 'story' behind Chinese Democracy, including some clarification on some of the more entertaining rumours (Las Vegas Strip Club, IRS etc).

If he just released the god damn album and turned up to gigs that would be sufficient!

Title: Re: Do you think Axl is ready ...
Post by: Pandora on March 02, 2005, 01:13:06 PM
I hope Axl will go on the Rockline radio show. That guy Bob Coburn is smart. I'm sure he would ask interesting questions without having to kiss his ass. Plus listeners could call in and ask their own questions.

Title: Re: Do you think Axl is ready ...
Post by: Falcon on March 02, 2005, 01:36:05 PM
I hope Axl will go on the Rockline radio show. That guy Bob Coburn is smart. I'm sure he would ask interesting questions without having to kiss his ass. Plus listeners could call in and ask their own questions.

Rockline is fantastic and Coburn is a class act, asks tough/relevent questions with extreme tact.

Listeners questions are always the wildcard, I've been on Rockline numerous occassions with The Cult guesting and have had mixed results.? They screen the questions and basically make you tell them verbatim what you would like to ask of the band.? I reworded a question about the inclusion of Billy Morrison as touring bass player into a question about Martyn LeNoble's firing from the band and was thoroughly chastised by the producer after the call.? She said the band's management wasn't happy in the least and threatened to ban me "for life" from the show.? Turns out, Billy Duffy answered my question brilliantly and I've been on a few more times since the "incident".

Title: Re: Do you think Axl is ready ...
Post by: welshrose on March 02, 2005, 03:23:25 PM
I read that Axl's lawyers or managers or someone gives pre approved topics for DJ's and journalists to discuss. I am sure we can generalize and asssume that you cant bring up.

What happened with the old guys
Have you had surgery
Why has this album taken so long
When is this album going to come out
Is it true that you are into new age religions and have spiritual advisors?
What is a homefuck?

Title: Re: Do you think Axl is ready ...
Post by: tonya_ytzerman on March 02, 2005, 03:56:15 PM
No matter what Axl will say about "what went on" will be his own version. Remember Steven Adler "revealing the truth" of what was going on back at the time when blah? Every person has his very own version of what has been going on. Think of the last girlfriend / boyfriend you split up with (why did you, actually?)?

So yeah, it definitely would be interesting to hear "Axl's truth", and what he thinks about foo and blah. Bu ast there's not "a reality", this ain't gonna bring any light into anything, and certainly it's rather irrelevant concerning the new album which Axl will be supposed to promote when such an interview might (not) take place. So probably ther's not much of any relevance to say anyway, so why not remain quiet. There are many realities, and every one of us has their own .

Title: Re: Do you think Axl is ready ...
Post by: ppbebe on March 02, 2005, 03:59:48 PM
I think we already know some of the answers ... :D

What happened with the old guys.                    -they fuckin quitted.
Have you had surgery                                        -You wish!
Why has this album taken so long                     -shorter than expected. Some ppl even said it would never come out.
When is this album going to come out               -do you think I'm here just to answer your silly questions?
Is it true that you are into new age religions and have spiritual advisors? -I wish!
What is a homefuck?                                          -ask younggunner : ok:

Title: Re: Do you think Axl is ready ...
Post by: norway on March 02, 2005, 04:02:49 PM
I think we already know some of the answers ... :D

What happened with the old guys.? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? -they fuckin quitted.
Thank god 4 that,? ::) cause gnr couldn't be more intrestin 4 me than it is now? :peace:

Bandwise they were goin... somewhere with that spagettin disaster...? ::)
so it kinda kewl now...instead of continuin like rollin stones? :D

Like rollin stones was cool, i liked  :)

Title: Re: Do you think Axl is ready ...
Post by: jameslofton29 on March 02, 2005, 06:02:21 PM
No Axl isn't ready!! I can't even imagine Axl doing a cover story for ANY magazine. I would love to see it just like everyone else, but it just isn't likely to happen. Even if CD is finally released, I don't think we will see any in-depth interviews with Axl. Yes there will be shitloads of news stories about CD's release,in fact I believe it will be the biggest news story of whatever year it is released, but I don't see Axl playing a part in it.

Title: Re: Do you think Axl is ready ...
Post by: jgfnsr on March 02, 2005, 06:14:11 PM
I hope Axl will go on the Rockline radio show. That guy Bob Coburn is smart. I'm sure he would ask interesting questions without having to kiss his ass. Plus listeners could call in and ask their own questions.

Rockline is fantastic and Coburn is a class act, asks tough/relevent questions with extreme tact.

Listeners questions are always the wildcard, I've been on Rockline numerous occassions with The Cult guesting and have had mixed results.? They screen the questions and basically make you tell them verbatim what you would like to ask of the band.? I reworded a question about the inclusion of Billy Morrison as touring bass player into a question about Martyn LeNoble's firing from the band and was thoroughly chastised by the producer after the call.? She said the band's management wasn't happy in the least and threatened to ban me "for life" from the show.? Turns out, Billy Duffy answered my question brilliantly and I've been on a few more times since the "incident".

Falcon, on a completely unrelated topic - sorry but I have to ask - who's the guitarist in your pic???

Title: Re: Do you think Axl is ready ...
Post by: RnT on March 02, 2005, 09:35:51 PM
No matter what Axl will say about "what went on" will be his own version. Remember Steven Adler "revealing the truth" of what was going on back at the time when blah? Every person has his very own version of what has been going on. Think of the last girlfriend / boyfriend you split up with (why did you, actually?)?

So yeah, it definitely would be interesting to hear "Axl's truth", and what he thinks about foo and blah. Bu ast there's not "a reality", this ain't gonna bring any light into anything, and certainly it's rather irrelevant concerning the new album which Axl will be supposed to promote when such an interview might (not) take place. So probably ther's not much of any relevance to say anyway, so why not remain quiet. There are many realities, and every one of us has their own .

just remember, JOURNALIST is not a FAN
of course, in one moment of the future GNR tour / interviews, Axl will be asked what his vision about the old GNR and the new band, the old music and the new music, what he thinks about the 2 bands and so ... and then, he will be asked about velvet revolver and his former frinds... then we?ll see how Axll will behave in that situation, if he?s still that "same" Axl rose that the world knows ( or used to know )

Title: Re: Do you think Axl is ready ...
Post by: Falcon on March 02, 2005, 09:46:43 PM

Falcon, on a completely unrelated topic - sorry but I have to ask - who's the guitarist in your pic???

That's The Cult's Billy Duffy, playing a Gretsch White Falcon.

Title: Re: Do you think Axl is ready ...
Post by: disease51883 on March 03, 2005, 05:24:45 AM
Well, I think, and mainly hope, that he's ready for those kinds of questions. That's one of the few things I miss about the "good ol' days". If you read older interviews in the article section of this website, Axl always seemed very open, honest, and precise. That made for good reading.

Title: Re: Do you think Axl is ready ...
Post by: RnT on March 03, 2005, 11:24:52 AM
That?s what I?m talking about
IMO, he will hear a lot of questions like this in the future... and boy, are we ready to hear Axl shooting (maybe or not ) Slash and Duff about the past, about old GNR and about the "present" of the 2 bands?
you know, is 50/50, Axl could laugh and just joke about it OR ... ( you have an idea hehe ) will Uncle Axl be pacific about it? will Slash and Duff be too? ... you guys already saw some Axl 2002 rants, hun?
wow, I can?t wait

prepare for the war!  :rofl:

Title: Re: Do you think Axl is ready ...
Post by: February on March 04, 2005, 06:14:14 PM
Axl loves to talk about and diss his old band mates, as they do for him unfortunatly, he did so in all the interviews he did in 2002 tour. They can't let go none of them.
I do think he has a problem with the way he looks or is afraid to lose control, because he didn't do a single tv interview with the exception of loader after VMAS if you consider a min talk an interview.
He probably would be a lot more unconfartble with questions about wife abuse for instance then Why is this album took so long that's an obvious question he can't run from, and i'm sure he would love to explain what's a homefuck  :hihi:

Title: Re: Do you think Axl is ready ...
Post by: Twisted Nerve 85 on March 04, 2005, 06:21:15 PM
THERES NO WAY HES READY AFTER A DECADE!!!!. Thats not enough time, lets give him another ten yrs.

Ull see him at the 2015 VMA's with a cane,gray dreads, and a voice box!! We-l-come to the Jun-gle
:::::Machine Static::::

Sorry had to let some frustration out  :peace:

Title: Re: Do you think Axl is ready ...
Post by: N.I.B on March 04, 2005, 08:18:31 PM
hell i thought he was ready to make chinese democracy the last 5 years but apparently i guess hes not ready for that either

Title: Re: Do you think Axl is ready ...
Post by: ShotgunBlues1978 on March 05, 2005, 09:48:00 PM
Axl hates the media and with good reason.  They've painted him in a horrible light at almost every chance and show very little respect for his accomplishments and instead choose to focus on negativity and barbs.