Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: Breakdown on February 18, 2005, 03:20:33 PM

Title: Jakob Dylan of the Wallflowers sounds off on Axl missing concerts
Post by: Breakdown on February 18, 2005, 03:20:33 PM

Its the last question asked to him. He makes a good point. Axl Rose is an asshole.

Title: Re: Jakob Dylan of the Wallflowers sounds off on Axl missing concerts
Post by: younggunner on February 18, 2005, 03:25:36 PM
doesnt really sound off but ok

Title: Re: Jakob Dylan of the Wallflowers sounds off on Axl missing concerts
Post by: Breakdown on February 18, 2005, 03:27:39 PM
Dude..learn to comprehend. He says guys like Axl Rose, who cancel concerts because they arent feeling it are assholes, and that they owe it to the fans who has paid to see them to play.? He basically calls Axl an asshole.

Title: Re: Jakob Dylan of the Wallflowers sounds off on Axl missing concerts
Post by: jarmo on February 18, 2005, 03:31:35 PM
So add him to the list of people who doesn't like Axl. Big deal.


Title: Re: Jakob Dylan of the Wallflowers sounds off on Axl missing concerts
Post by: Breakdown on February 18, 2005, 03:34:32 PM
My bad Jarmo...i figured this new quote from an artist on how they feel about Axl would be a better topic than "Your dream concert list" and shit like that. You need to lighten up buddy.

Title: Re: Jakob Dylan of the Wallflowers sounds off on Axl missing concerts
Post by: tp4ever84 on February 18, 2005, 03:39:18 PM
Thats cool it his opinion, but I'm sure he doesn't know why Axl cancelled the concerts just like we don't so I think its dumb to call him a asshole for it. ?I do agree though Axl can be a Asshole but its more of an attitude and that makes him cool and I like that Axl doesn't care what everyone thinks and doesn't change himself for others . ?Once Jakob Dylan sells out a concert venue of at least 10,000 people or makes a "multi-platinum"  ;) record I'll start listening to his opinion, maybe Jakob Dylan needs to become an asshole and put some attitude in to his music instead of continuing to make wimpy ass shit that he has been making. ?His music reminds me of the scene in animal house when Belushi takes the guitar from the fag playing it and smashes it agains the wall (Axl is Belushi and Jakob Dylan is the fag with the guitar).

GNR for fucking ever.

Title: Re: Jakob Dylan of the Wallflowers sounds off on Axl missing concerts
Post by: Breakdown on February 18, 2005, 03:40:42 PM
Jakob has sold 2 platinum albums, my friend.

Title: Re: Jakob Dylan of the Wallflowers sounds off on Axl missing concerts
Post by: Lady Livin on February 18, 2005, 03:42:14 PM
This is a universal opinion!! It's no more "newflash" worthy than anything else posted on here!! Be sure to update us when someone compares Axl's behavior to global warming!! Jesus.

Title: Re: Jakob Dylan of the Wallflowers sounds off on Axl missing concerts
Post by: reynics22 on February 18, 2005, 03:43:34 PM
My bad Jarmo...i figured this new quote from an artist on how they feel about Axl would be a better topic than "Your dream concert list" and shit like that. You need to lighten up buddy.

seriously, i'd rather dream about a gnr concert than talk about all the fucking assholes who either got famous cuz of there name or because they rip off beatles songs (oasis)

"he makes a good point. axl rose is an asshole"

do you just like look for famous people who agree with you and rush here to post them?

Title: Re: Jakob Dylan of the Wallflowers sounds off on Axl missing concerts
Post by: Vicious Wishes on February 18, 2005, 03:43:56 PM

Its the last question asked to him. He makes a good point. Axl Rose is an asshole.

I don't think Axl is an asshole. He's a person, just like you, just like me. Maybe at some point he did feel it was like a job, maybe not. If you create something, music, art, whatever, and people love it and can't get enough of it, does that mean it's now your job to keep supplying everyone with it. He makes music. The best music, in my opinion, and it's up to him whether he wants to share it with us. Yes, I know it's given him millions of dollars and worldwide fame, but he doesn't owe us anything. Hopefully someday he'll let us hear CD, and maybe we'll be lucky enough to see him on tour. If so, great, wonderful, fantastic. But if not, it's his life, and he decides what to do with it.

Title: Re: Jakob Dylan of the Wallflowers sounds off on Axl missing concerts
Post by: 33 on February 18, 2005, 03:46:18 PM

Its the last question asked to him. He makes a good point. Axl Rose is an asshole.

Fuck off

Title: Re: Jakob Dylan of the Wallflowers sounds off on Axl missing concerts
Post by: Breakdown on February 18, 2005, 03:47:38 PM
It was news worthy. And hell, dream about a lost cause all you want. It was something new...i posted it...and so be it. Sorry the whole world doesnt love Axl, and Ill let you guys go back to talking about the the dreams youve had about GnR , and the latest rumors from splat, and which guitarist is better topics. My bad.

Title: Re: Jakob Dylan of the Wallflowers sounds off on Axl missing concerts
Post by: tp4ever84 on February 18, 2005, 03:50:11 PM
ban this asshole Jarmo he's a fag.  Go to the wallflowers forum you faggot go talk to the other two fans.

GNR for fucking ever.

Title: Re: Jakob Dylan of the Wallflowers sounds off on Axl missing concerts
Post by: Lady Livin on February 18, 2005, 03:51:45 PM
I mentioned it was universal because we don't try and deny that there are people out there against him. For fucking crying out loud, you're just as bad as those who come here with the bogus rumours. Get a life and stop trying to stir meaningless shit. You're not going to change the mind's of people who are this loyal to an artist. It's a waste of time on your part.

Title: Re: Jakob Dylan of the Wallflowers sounds off on Axl missing concerts
Post by: 33 on February 18, 2005, 03:54:31 PM
It was news worthy. And hell, dream about a lost cause all you want. It was something new...i posted it...and so be it. Sorry the whole world doesnt love Axl, and Ill let you guys go back to talking about the the dreams youve had about GnR , and the latest rumors from splat, and which guitarist is better topics. My bad.

Why are you on a guns n roses web site if you dont like Axl? Whether your post was news worthy or not is irrelavent if you dont like axl or the new band! Ent you got nothing better to do with your time? Probably best of you didnt come back cos I cant imagine you being all that popular on this site with those sorts of posts. To me a fans web site is as simple as it sounds 'its for fans' not doubters!!

Title: Re: Jakob Dylan of the Wallflowers sounds off on Axl missing concerts
Post by: Breakdown on February 18, 2005, 03:54:54 PM
Man...i was just posting a recent article that mentioned Axl Rose...and I get called a fag and shit. Rules are being broken here. You guys need to get a grip. Im sure if someone else read this, they would have posted it also. I wasnt stirring shit up...I was just reading an article and found the quote and thought Id share. Therapy is needed for the lot of you. And I love Guns n Roses...have since 1987...but Axl can be an asshole. Man, you guys are hostile...if I was Axl, I wouldnt release an album or do another concert for fear of psychos like you guys. Damn....

Title: Re: Jakob Dylan of the Wallflowers sounds off on Axl missing concerts
Post by: reynics22 on February 18, 2005, 03:55:48 PM
not upset that you posted it.

Title: Re: Jakob Dylan of the Wallflowers sounds off on Axl missing concerts
Post by: jarmo on February 18, 2005, 03:56:15 PM
It was news worthy. And hell, dream about a lost cause all you want. It was something new...i posted it...and so be it. Sorry the whole world doesnt love Axl, and Ill let you guys go back to talking about the the dreams youve had about GnR , and the latest rumors from splat, and which guitarist is better topics. My bad.

Wow, and you tell me I need to lighten up just because I don't care what Jakob thinks of anything.

It's another guy with another opinion. Who cares? If you think I get upset about somebody not liking Axl, then you might have misunderstood something....

The funny thing is, people still remember Axl. Once again he gets mentioned in the press. Pretty good for a "has-been recluse". ?:hihi:

Those of you posting personal attacks, I suggest you stop.


Title: Re: Jakob Dylan of the Wallflowers sounds off on Axl missing concerts
Post by: Lady Livin on February 18, 2005, 03:58:59 PM
I wasnt stirring shit up...I was just reading an article and found the quote and thought Id share.

"Axl Rose is an asshole."

Jakob didn't say that; you did. I'd say that's stirring shit up. ::)

Title: Re: Jakob Dylan of the Wallflowers sounds off on Axl missing concerts
Post by: 33 on February 18, 2005, 04:01:08 PM
Those of you posting personal attacks, I suggest you stop.

Apologies Jarmo mate! Its just fucking frustrating when we are all ready for something we believe is gonna be great and it seems it may be coming soon! But there still seems to be negative trouble making dickheads floating around this site! I just bit to his bullshit post! Sorry man!

Title: Re: Jakob Dylan of the Wallflowers sounds off on Axl missing concerts
Post by: Breakdown on February 18, 2005, 04:06:33 PM
Hey the article again..and realize that Jakob was calling him an asshole...not I. Think before you speak, my friend. ::) ::)

Title: Re: Jakob Dylan of the Wallflowers sounds off on Axl missing concerts
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on February 18, 2005, 04:07:10 PM
The funny thing is, people still remember Axl. Once again he gets mentioned in the press. Pretty good for a "has-been recluse". ?:hihi:

that was my first thought when i saw the thread title...
I'm not bothering to read the article...
did the guy have tickets for one of the cancelled shows, or what? ?:hihi:

Title: Re: Jakob Dylan of the Wallflowers sounds off on Axl missing concerts
Post by: Mateoson on February 18, 2005, 04:18:01 PM
I'm not sure why people jumped down your throat dude... because I and many others have a love/hate relationship with Axl. Usually little comments here and there about him being an asshole don't stir up so many emotions. Maybe since it's been so quite lately people are just on edge man. But don't worry, Tommy or someone will give us some bullshit news soon so we can rest easy.

There are a lot of fans who have "beaten wife syndrome"... no matter how many times Axl spits in their face, they will defend the shit out of his actions.

I for one think he is an amazing artist... but I also think he is an asshole sometimes.

Title: Re: Jakob Dylan of the Wallflowers sounds off on Axl missing concerts
Post by: RitzWalker8 on February 18, 2005, 04:27:27 PM
Doesn't love / hate relationship imply that Axl even knows who you are.  I am glad Axl is asshole.  I am an asshole too, so fuck everyone. 

Title: Re: Jakob Dylan of the Wallflowers sounds off on Axl missing concerts
Post by: providman on February 18, 2005, 04:31:11 PM
ban this asshole Jarmo he's a fag.? Go to the wallflowers forum you faggot go talk to the other two fans.

GNR for fucking ever.

the axl people are showing their true colors today.

Title: Re: Jakob Dylan of the Wallflowers sounds off on Axl missing concerts
Post by: providman on February 18, 2005, 04:32:06 PM

Its the last question asked to him. He makes a good point. Axl Rose is an asshole.

Fuck off

soooo, so clever. typical axl fan.

Title: Re: Jakob Dylan of the Wallflowers sounds off on Axl missing concerts
Post by: MadmanDan on February 18, 2005, 04:37:20 PM
WOW! A member of the legendary group The Wallflowers criticises Axl! ?I hate Axl too now.

Give me a fuckin break!!!

Title: Re: Jakob Dylan of the Wallflowers sounds off on Axl missing concerts
Post by: jbenzz on February 18, 2005, 04:54:23 PM
Personally, I'm questioning the intergrity of this guy.  I mean, I get that you owe it to your fans to get out there and perform, but how disapointing is it when a band puts on a shit performance.  This mostly has to do with bands that are so overworked that they can't play, who are playing 5-6 shows a week, by record companies that want to minimize their costs and shit.  I saw Alice Cooper last summer and I was pissed off as fuck cause the whole show seemed like a routine and they didn't seem into it at all.  "Faking it" just lets the fans down.  I'd rather see a rescheduled show where the band kicks ass then to see a scheduled show where they are a let down.  And second, how many shows has Axl cancelled cause he's not up to it?  He's got this huge reputation, but he's stood up less then a handful of shows.

Title: Re: Jakob Dylan of the Wallflowers sounds off on Axl missing concerts
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on February 18, 2005, 04:56:34 PM
There are a lot of fans who have "beaten wife syndrome"... no matter how many times Axl spits in their face, they will defend the shit out of his actions.

what is it with this beaten wife syndrome and some gnr fans....
sorry to go off topic - but lord - i am sooooo sick of this reference

*rant on*

how the fuck is admiring an artist who has given us a lifetime's worth of music and countless kick ass good times... someone who has shared his art with us make us like an abused spouse?
how the hell does not letting the dissapointment of a cancelled show/tour or an album delay get the better of us make us abused?

We admire the man and his life's work and look forward to a time when we will be able to experience what he's been working on for many years. ?We support him in that we express that we believe in him and his good intentions and believe in his talent.
If a show is cancelled or a tour 'aborted' I should turn on him and claim he doesn't give a shit about me?

Why the fuck should I take it so personally? ?Why should I think it means that he doesn't care about me as a fan?
Why the hell should I think that my wants as a fan take priortiy over whatever may be going on in any given situation anyway?!
Axl OWES nothing to us. ?We don't own him for chrissake and he did not take a marrige vow to live his life to please us!!

An abused wife first of all is in a dependent relationship with her abuser. ?We are not dependent on Axl and Axl is not in control of us. ?What makes you think we are 'dependent' on Axl? ?An abused wife often puts up with the abuse because she has low self esteem - often blaming herself. ?The abusive husband hides his abuse from the outside world... ?None of this criteria fits or calls for the use of this terminolgy to describe - simply put 'loyal supportive fans'.

Not performing a scheduled show or not releasing an album your fans want is not like 'beating your wife' ?::)
and I think it is a really making light of a very real societal affliction to make comparisions like these.

An abused wife needs real help to get out of a real situation.
GN'R fans who support Axl and the new band are NOT being harmed in any way by Axl's actions or decisions.

augh... ? anyone who thinks that whether GN'R releases an album in a certain timeframe or makes an announcement...
or puts on a show/tour or anything like this - ?is equivalent to living with and feeling you need someone who physically and emotionally abuses, beats, terrorizes, and controls your life is making a ridiculous claim.

Axl has a life and a career that is HIS business.
We have our own lifes. ?Seperate lives. ?Get it?
When and if Axl shares his art/talent with us and the band releases an album and tours... ?great, wonderful... cheers! yay! etc.
it does not make my life miserable in the meantime.
He is not hurting us! ? What the hell is so hard to understand about this?! ?>:(

If your life is all wrapped up in Axl then you seriously need help.
And if you think for one minute that my life or the lives of any of us who simply express our support and belief in the guy is wrapped up in Axl then you are making a baseless wild assumption...
and in the process - like I said - using a bad example.

*rant off*

Title: Re: Jakob Dylan of the Wallflowers sounds off on Axl missing concerts
Post by: disease51883 on February 18, 2005, 05:01:33 PM
In related news, Axl's reply via press release...

"Jakob Dylan of the Wallflowers, what, you pissed off cause your dad gets more respect than you do? Fuck you. Suck my fuckin' dick."


Title: Re: Jakob Dylan of the Wallflowers sounds off on Axl missing concerts
Post by: mikegiuliana on February 18, 2005, 05:03:01 PM
some of you people need to chill, you get like school children, the guy didn't make the article up he just posted it.. People are on him like stink on shit..

Title: Re: Jakob Dylan of the Wallflowers sounds off on Axl missing concerts
Post by: February on February 18, 2005, 05:08:26 PM

I for one think he is an amazing artist... but I also think he is an asshole sometimes.

I agree, like everybody else, the problem with Axl is that everytime someone in the music industry ou press whant's to exemplify an asshole, gess who's name came to mind?
By the way, and taking jbenzz  hint, this is a usual topic of discussion and i allways wanted to find, anyone knows how many shows did Axl canceled? I don't but for a gruop that did one of the most longest tours (91/92), i don't know if the number is that significant.

p.s. I believe people have right to their opinions and the ones stirring things up are the ones calling names just because they don't think alike why take such a personal ofense?


Title: Re: Jakob Dylan of the Wallflowers sounds off on Axl missing concerts
Post by: Acquiesce on February 18, 2005, 05:17:47 PM
ban this asshole Jarmo he's a fag.? Go to the wallflowers forum you faggot go talk to the other two fans.

GNR for fucking ever.

You should be banned for breaking the rules by bashing another forum member and acting like a whiney little pre-schooler.

Title: Re: Jakob Dylan of the Wallflowers sounds off on Axl missing concerts
Post by: jmrgnr on February 18, 2005, 05:24:47 PM
Jakob's jealous that Axl has made more money off of his dad than himself. Axl probably is an asshole sometimes.....who isn't? We ?aren't in the public for everyone to dissect and analyze. ?When Axl is in a crappy mood at certain times it can affect alot of a stadium with thousands of fans. Or millions of people waitng for CD. So Axl isn't that different from alot of us (some good days some bad days) its just he has more power and influence over more people therefore he we be judged accordinly by more people.

Title: Re: Jakob Dylan of the Wallflowers sounds off on Axl missing concerts
Post by: ppbebe on February 18, 2005, 05:26:23 PM
what is it with this beaten wife syndrome and some gnr fans....
GN'R fans who support Axl and the new band are NOT being harmed in any way by Axl's actions or decisions.

Instead, we've got quite a few beaters who try to beat up on us- fans, Axl, present members and the band
here and there, as witness on this thread.

Title: Re: Jakob Dylan of the Wallflowers sounds off on Axl missing concerts
Post by: Eazy E on February 18, 2005, 05:28:29 PM
Thats cool it his opinion, but I'm sure he doesn't know why Axl cancelled the concerts just like we don't so I think its dumb to call him a asshole for it.  I do agree though Axl can be a Asshole but its more of an attitude and that makes him cool and I like that Axl doesn't care what everyone thinks and doesn't change himself for others .  Once Jakob Dylan sells out a concert venue of at least 10,000 people or makes a "multi-platinum" ;) record I'll start listening to his opinion, maybe Jakob Dylan needs to become an asshole and put some attitude in to his music instead of continuing to make wimpy ass shit that he has been making.  His music reminds me of the scene in animal house when Belushi takes the guitar from the fag playing it and smashes it agains the wall (Axl is Belushi and Jakob Dylan is the fag with the guitar).

GNR for fucking ever.

I found that link you were looking for:

Anyways, on topic, fuck Conan O' Brian.

Title: Re: Jakob Dylan of the Wallflowers sounds off on Axl missing concerts
Post by: Lady Livin on February 18, 2005, 07:32:59 PM
Oh, my God. I love when people just totally ignore my sentiments, which in my opinion, do reflect a majority of Gn'r fans. This has nothing to do with denial; it has to do with redundancy. Do you think this is the first time someone has taken a stab at Axl? Do you think this is the first time he's ever been mentioned in a goddamn interview? It's the same opinion after another, and it just gets old. Threads like these take up space and serve no purpose. People should just put the damn man as a metaphor in the dictionary, for crying out loud. Everyone has the right to use him as an example, only making themselves look like the actual asshole, but it doesn't need to be shoved in our face. We come here for news, not cliche mentions/stabs.  >:(

Title: Re: Jakob Dylan of the Wallflowers sounds off on Axl missing concerts
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on February 18, 2005, 09:23:46 PM
Its the "IN" thing to bash Axl right now.

Title: Re: Jakob Dylan of the Wallflowers sounds off on Axl missing concerts
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on February 18, 2005, 10:24:55 PM
Please, please, please AXL, use this in a rant upon your return. 

There was also a small blurb in the new Rolling was related to VR's nomination for Slither...I mention it because it was also a jab at Axl.  Even the people who hate Axl want to see his return, I think that's pretty damn cool.   8)

Title: Re: Jakob Dylan of the Wallflowers sounds off on Axl missing concerts
Post by: KeVoRkIaN on February 18, 2005, 10:36:41 PM
Wow - I completely forgot about Jakob Dylan like 7 years ago - I am more perplexed a person put a mic in front of his mouth.

Welcome back Jakob Dylan - the world hasn't missed you cause they never embraced you

Title: Re: Jakob Dylan of the Wallflowers sounds off on Axl missing concerts
Post by: cineater on February 18, 2005, 11:50:32 PM
I will always think Axl wants to perform and when he doesn't show up, he can't.  And when he can't, that hurts him more then it hurts me.   Always happy to see him.  And you know, if ever he tries and it doesn't come off so well, I'll be waiting for him to try again.  Cause when all is said and done, I'm waiting on Axl, he's worth it.

Title: Re: Jakob Dylan of the Wallflowers sounds off on Axl missing concerts
Post by: D on February 19, 2005, 12:42:42 AM
what the fuck is wrong with u people?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Axl is an asshole which is partly why he is the most intriguing mysterious frontman in music history and also why he is one of the best

saying Axl is an asshole is like saying he has red hair

but who is jakob dylan to comment on anything?

what did showing up on time and playing do for his career?

he said axl was an asshole, fuck i thought that shit was common knowledge but this guy couldnt lace up Axl's Converse.

funny how axl disappeared and went away cause he wanted too.

funny how the fans just made Jakob go away.

pretty good for an asshole id say!

Title: Re: Jakob Dylan of the Wallflowers sounds off on Axl missing concerts
Post by: SLCPUNK on February 19, 2005, 02:13:34 AM
in the reel world

noshow nocall = ur fired@!

Title: Re: Jakob Dylan of the Wallflowers sounds off on Axl missing concerts
Post by: jgfnsr on February 19, 2005, 05:10:24 AM
in the reel world

noshow nocall = ur fired@!

That's part of what makes the "rock n' roll lifestyle" so exciting.

The rules of the real world don't apply.

At least not to Mr. Rose.

Title: Re: Jakob Dylan of the Wallflowers sounds off on Axl missing concerts
Post by: 33 on February 19, 2005, 05:48:47 AM

Its the last question asked to him. He makes a good point. Axl Rose is an asshole.

Fuck off

soooo, so clever. typical axl fan.

Dont try and judge me mate! you dont know me! Well deduced though of course I am an Axl fan and a guns n roses fan thats why I come to this website. I told that dude to fuck off cos I am sick and fucking tired of seeing people bashing axl and guns n roses, it makes ya wander why they come here if they are not fans! If I hate some particular kind of music then I wouldnt be using a fans website for that band on a regular basis, dont really make sense to me!

Title: Re: Jakob Dylan of the Wallflowers sounds off on Axl missing concerts
Post by: Butch Français on February 19, 2005, 07:44:43 AM
ban this asshole Jarmo he's a fag.? Go to the wallflowers forum you faggot go talk to the other two fans.

GNR for fucking ever.

Id say this post is more shit stirring than the topic, it's probably the dumbest piece of writing Ive seen in quite some time! that's quite an accomplishment dude, I congratulate you! :yes: ::)

Title: Re: Jakob Dylan of the Wallflowers sounds off on Axl missing concerts
Post by: tp4ever84 on February 19, 2005, 11:31:24 AM
thank you

Title: Re: Jakob Dylan of the Wallflowers sounds off on Axl missing concerts
Post by: Dust N Rose on February 19, 2005, 12:30:17 PM
In my opinion the whole thread is a mistake.
I mean, Breakdown you showed as an article that contains the point of view of a person about another person.
From the article you've concluded "Axl Rose is an asshole". what did you think it would happen?
Many people here like Axl and have a respect of him because of his contribution in the music world or they just like his music and his attitude, whatever, they like him for their own reason. But all of them consider Axl a friend you may say.
So, it's like you offend them. I mean you would be offended if someone insulted a friend of yours (whether the person that insulted him had right or wrong).
For me Axl is acting like a jerk sometimes, especially if his cancelling a show , but he has his reasons to do it, I guess everyone's mood isn't top every time, but you still got to do your work. You should be responsible.

My advice is the thread to be closed in order to avoid more fighting.

Title: Re: Jakob Dylan of the Wallflowers sounds off on Axl missing concerts
Post by: younggunner on February 19, 2005, 12:36:06 PM
I like how all these rock guys call Axl an asshole but the fact is rock doesnt have that frontman anymore. I know grunge killed the whole excess thing but look where that has left us. The world needs more frontman who act as if they are bigger than life, over the top, dont give a shit about anything. Fur coats, the whole 9 yrds. Thats what makes it exciting. Wheres the bigness. its gone. As a result we have whiny lil bitches running around standing on stage doing nothing. And then when they get off stage they tell us how cool they are and how frontman like Axl are asshole. yea he could be an asshole but like D said...thats part of the whole appeal. The world needs some more assholes...

Title: Re: Jakob Dylan of the Wallflowers sounds off on Axl missing concerts
Post by: ppbebe on February 19, 2005, 01:28:04 PM
No matter who they are, Everybody has a right to express their own opinion.
If only it was their real opinion!

When he states his opinion based on mere hearsays or others views as a fact, he shouldn't be taken seriously.
It's the same with the biased title of this thread.

Title: Re: Jakob Dylan of the Wallflowers sounds off on Axl missing concerts
Post by: Butch Français on February 19, 2005, 10:15:36 PM
thank you

no problem man

Title: Re: Jakob Dylan of the Wallflowers sounds off on Axl missing concerts
Post by: AxlFink on February 20, 2005, 11:44:28 AM
jacob dylan is a fucking tool.  who cares what he thinks.  he's a retard.  his band sucks.  he shouldnt talk about other bands. its dumb.

Title: Re: Jakob Dylan of the Wallflowers sounds off on Axl missing concerts
Post by: gunznroses on February 20, 2005, 12:39:14 PM
i will just say this jacob dylan would be shit if it werent for his last name and who his dad is.

Title: Re: Jakob Dylan of the Wallflowers sounds off on Axl missing concerts
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on February 20, 2005, 12:47:28 PM
Personally, I'm glad I'm a huge fan of a true artist who won't go on stage and "fake it."

Title: Re: Jakob Dylan of the Wallflowers sounds off on Axl missing concerts
Post by: providman on February 20, 2005, 01:22:23 PM
I like how all these rock guys call Axl an asshole but the fact is rock doesnt have that frontman anymore. I know grunge killed the whole excess thing but look where that has left us. The world needs more frontman who act as if they are bigger than life, over the top, dont give a shit about anything. Fur coats, the whole 9 yrds. Thats what makes it exciting. Wheres the bigness. its gone. As a result we have whiny lil bitches running around standing on stage doing nothing. And then when they get off stage they tell us how cool they are and how frontman like Axl are asshole. yea he could be an asshole but like D said...thats part of the whole appeal. The world needs some more assholes...

Younggunner, are you a fan of music? Or are you a fan of celebrity. That's about the shallowest, lamest post I've seen, wanting to see grown men prancing about in fur coats acting like primadonna assholes. I suggest you  broaden your horizons & start becoming a fan of music, not superficial tennybopper idol worship or cult of personality worshipping, maybe you'd be taken more seriousaly by those here who care more about music than the silly shit which seems so important to you.

Rock doesn't need more assholes. There are enough assholes in the world already. I listen to music & go to concerts to get away from the assholes of the world.

Title: Re: Jakob Dylan of the Wallflowers sounds off on Axl missing concerts
Post by: younggunner on February 20, 2005, 01:36:09 PM
Younggunner, are you a fan of music? Or are you a fan of celebrity. That's about the shallowest, lamest post I've seen, wanting to see grown men prancing about in fur coats acting like primadonna assholes. I suggest you? broaden your horizons & start becoming a fan of music, not superficial tennybopper idol worship or cult of personality worshipping, maybe you'd be taken more seriousaly by those here who care more about music than the silly shit which seems so important to you.

Rock doesn't need more assholes. There are enough assholes in the world already. I listen to music & go to concerts to get away from the assholes of the world.
You obiviously didnt get what I was saying.

Before you chastise me just stop and think what frontman I greatly admire. Heres a hint. Hes been out of celebrity, out of the spotlight, not worshiped by teenyboppers, etc.

Title: Re: Jakob Dylan of the Wallflowers sounds off on Axl missing concerts
Post by: ppbebe on February 20, 2005, 03:15:20 PM
Younggunner, are you a fan of music? Or are you a fan of celebrity. That's about the shallowest, lamest post I've seen, wanting to see grown men prancing about in fur coats acting like primadonna assholes. I suggest you  broaden your horizons & start becoming a fan of music, not superficial tennybopper idol worship or cult of personality worshipping, maybe you'd be taken more seriousaly by those here who care more about music than the silly shit which seems so important to you.

Rock doesn't need more assholes. There are enough assholes in the world already. I listen to music & go to concerts to get away from the assholes of the world.
:yes: Yeah, A Real Profound n impartial Music fan wouldn't really mind whether a grownup man wears oversized jerseys or masks, or even prances about in fur coats or acts like prim n donnish assholes.   

Anyway Dude, can you please say something along those lines, when you saw the lamest and shallowest posts like "BH or Robin is not rock?n Roll" or "Axl doesn't look badass anymore" kinda shits? I'd appreciate it. 

Title: Re: Jakob Dylan of the Wallflowers sounds off on Axl missing concerts
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on February 20, 2005, 04:30:05 PM
to me, my definition of an asshole is someone who really just does not give a shit about their fans or their performance.

this does not define Axl to me.

sometimes a person, in doing what they think is best - best for themself, may cause others to think they don't care about others... but, its like this:  if Axl doesn't think of himself, who is going to?  Whose job is it to do what you think is right for yourself?  The media?  The public?  The music industry?  I don't think so.  I think, whatever goes on with Axl in any given situation - its his responsibility to live with his decisions.  I think he can live with / deal with some/ many people simply blaming him for everything and calling him an 'asshole' - what choice does he have?  He deals with it and can deal with it because he knows he has done / is only doing the best he can.
So long as you can answer to yourself, and live with your own decisions - then that's all a person really needs to feel 'all right'.  Whoever wants to jump to judgements about him - that's there perogative.  After all, Axl does not offer excuses or as many have noted feel compelled constantly to make apologies to fans.  For those that need that - well, you are going to be dissapointed a lot when being a fan of Axl/GN'R.  Me, I don't need that, I may not know - in fact I don't know what happened in certain situations - but I just believe that Axl is not an asshole - therefore, I don't sit around and stew with crushed/frustrated feelings wondering or whining:  oh why doesn't he care/ oh, he owes me!/ etc.  I believe he cares and I understand that it ain't all as simple as people try and make it out to be or wish it were.  Until you  walk in another man's shoes - I don't think you are in a position to judge him. 

Title: Re: Jakob Dylan of the Wallflowers sounds off on Axl missing concerts
Post by: providman on February 20, 2005, 07:16:52 PM
Younggunner, are you a fan of music? Or are you a fan of celebrity. That's about the shallowest, lamest post I've seen, wanting to see grown men prancing about in fur coats acting like primadonna assholes. I suggest you? broaden your horizons & start becoming a fan of music, not superficial tennybopper idol worship or cult of personality worshipping, maybe you'd be taken more seriousaly by those here who care more about music than the silly shit which seems so important to you.

Rock doesn't need more assholes. There are enough assholes in the world already. I listen to music & go to concerts to get away from the assholes of the world.
:yes: Yeah, A Real Profound n impartial Music fan wouldn't really mind whether a grownup man wears oversized jerseys or masks, or even prances about in fur coats or acts like prim n donnish assholes.? ?

Anyway Dude, can you please say something along those lines, when you saw the lamest and shallowest posts like "BH or Robin is not rock?n Roll" or "Axl doesn't look badass anymore" kinda shits? I'd appreciate it.?

You're right ppbebe, all that Robin, BH crap, oversized jersey crap just points to the shallowness & lameness of whoever decides to make a big deal such garbage. It seems a lot of people on these boards, whether they love or hate Axl, love or hate VR, etc...are really not fans of music but instead fans of personalities & idols. And that goes for both GnR only and VR only "fans". And it's quite lame.

Title: Re: Jakob Dylan of the Wallflowers sounds off on Axl missing concerts
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on February 20, 2005, 10:25:11 PM
I think a fan can 'love'/ 'hate/ or not give a shit really about' Axl's personality AND be a fan of the music...
as well as 'love' or 'hate' or not give a shit about the personalities of the VR members AND be a fan of the music...
hm... perhaps though a fan of the music only is just that - only a fan of the music and not of the 'band' or the 'performer'
Whereas a fan of the performer/artist would be both a fan of the performer/artist AND a fan of the music.   : ok:

Title: Re: Jakob Dylan of the Wallflowers sounds off on Axl missing concerts
Post by: Smoking Guns on February 20, 2005, 10:59:07 PM
Is Kid Rock the closest we will ever get to the old Axl?  Like, if the old Axl had a lot less talent, would he be Kid Rock?

Title: Re: Jakob Dylan of the Wallflowers sounds off on Axl missing concerts
Post by: D on February 20, 2005, 11:48:19 PM
Is Kid Rock the closest we will ever get to the old Axl?? Like, if the old Axl had a lot less talent, would he be Kid Rock?

please never never never ever mention that cheesy shitty fuckin Kid Rock in any sentence with Axl Rose and i will be forever grateful. If Axl was in a wheel chair and was a parapalegic and couldnt speak, he'd still be more interesting just blinking his eyes than that piece of shit Kid Rock.

Title: Re: Jakob Dylan of the Wallflowers sounds off on Axl missing concerts
Post by: Lady Livin on February 20, 2005, 11:49:40 PM
 :hihi: It's hard to compare Kid Rock to anything.

Title: Re: Jakob Dylan of the Wallflowers sounds off on Axl missing concerts
Post by: Smoking Guns on February 20, 2005, 11:56:47 PM
D, calm down, I was being sarcastic.  Kid Rock used to put on a great show, and still does.  His biggest bad ass moment ever was the VMA's when he did Bawitiba and Walk This Way.  I was actually commenting on Younggunner's post cause he thought it was cool if you wore a fur coat (like Axl used to).  Since Kid Rock wore them, I was wondering if that made him acheive Bad Ass level.  I do actually find Kid Rock live performances to be quite entertaining, he just can't sing or write good music, but, he can rock if need be.  He is no Axl Rose just to clear that up, incase you were implying that I was trying to say he was.

Title: Re: Jakob Dylan of the Wallflowers sounds off on Axl missing concerts
Post by: D on February 21, 2005, 12:10:29 AM
I think a fan can 'love'/ 'hate/ or not give a shit really about' Axl's personality AND be a fan of the music...
as well as 'love' or 'hate' or not give a shit about the personalities of the VR members AND be a fan of the music...
hm... perhaps though a fan of the music only is just that - only a fan of the music and not of the 'band' or the 'performer'
Whereas a fan of the performer/artist would be both a fan of the performer/artist AND a fan of the music.? ?: ok:

its almost a given that i have to like the artist's personality and have to be able to relate to them in some way to be the ultimate fan

GNR,Prince,Bon Jovi, RHCP's,Motley Crue, Aerosmith and Limp Bizkit albums i buy the first day regardless if i have heard a single song because i love the individual members so much.

other bands that i dont connect or dig the members i dont buy

i love metallica's bandmembers but strangely dont buy metallica records, so thats kinda weird.

also if an artist i love doesnt like someone i dont like em

for instance
tommy lee hates kid rock so therefore i hate kid rock, pretty strange huh? :hihi: but its true, i hate admitting that.

Title: Re: Jakob Dylan of the Wallflowers sounds off on Axl missing concerts
Post by: Captain Obvious on February 21, 2005, 01:04:05 AM
Once again, this thread needs a little dose of the obvious. I'll walk you guys through it. Repeat after me.

Did Axl miss concerts?.........Yes, he did.

Is Jakob Dylan right about Axl missing concerts?...............Yes, yes he is.

Is Jakob Dylan a moron who makes crap music or a genius? Well, we're not sure


Is Jakob Dylan right about Axl missing concerts?............... Yes, yes he is.

Dammit people. It might be a Gorilla using sign language to say that Axl missed concerts. And you won't even be able to argue with that gorilla, cuz its got a point.

Title: Re: Jakob Dylan of the Wallflowers sounds off on Axl missing concerts
Post by: Dust N Rose on February 21, 2005, 02:20:30 AM
Sorry to interrupt again but in Greece we have an old saying: "Whatever the fox can't reach it makes it hanger" which means that when someone can't reach someone else's abilities or can't achieve a same goal he defames the other one that made it or knocks off his achievement because he's jealous or does it to improve a little his own image.?
It's what Aristotle said, the attack on the guise of the speaker is a way when we have lack of arguments.? ;)

Check this:
"When I'm at a show, I'm not there to see how an artist feels that night -- you know, like the notorious stories about Axl Rose? " [starting the attack]

"In all these years, I've cancelled one show, because of extreme illness. You have to take your job seriously -- and don't pretend it's not a job. Get over it. I prefer to play as often as possible, but you're not going to be inspired seven nights a week. " [Congratsulations, you're a good man]

If you're not feeling it, then go out there and fake it. Don't be an asshole. [ We got it, Axl is an asshole, you are the great, man]

Pretty simple techinique.
We always knew Axl is not an ordinary man  :hihi:, do we need Jakob to reminds it?

Title: Re: Jakob Dylan of the Wallflowers sounds off on Axl missing concerts
Post by: Axlative on February 21, 2005, 02:36:49 AM
Once again, this thread needs a little dose of the obvious. I'll walk you guys through it. Repeat after me.

Did Axl miss concerts?.........Yes, he did.

Is Jakob Dylan right about Axl missing concerts?...............Yes, yes he is.

Is Jakob Dylan a moron who makes crap music or a genius? Well, we're not sure


Is Jakob Dylan right about Axl missing concerts?............... Yes, yes he is.

Dammit people. It might be a Gorilla using sign language to say that Axl missed concerts. And you won't even be able to argue with that gorilla, cuz its got a point.

I must say this is one of the oddest threads for a while....

I should walk y'all a bit further:

Did Jakob Dylan say Axl Rose has missed concerts?.....................No!

Did Jakob Dylan call Axl Rose an asshole?....................................No!

Did Jakob Dylan refer to stories of Axl missing gigs?...........Yes, he most definitely did!

Did Jakob Dylan refer to artists missing gigs as being assholes?..Yes, or at least it was very strongly implied.

What I conclude from all this is:

a) Dylan is basically saying he doesn't know for a fact of Axl missing gigs (or the reasons behind those events)

b) Dylan has heard several times this has happened

c) Dylan has deducted it's very likely it has happened several times and at least sometimes for unacceptable reasons

d) He thinks all artists missing gigs for unacceptable reasons are assholes

e) What he says about Axl can be summed up like this: "If Axl has missed a gig for "not feeling it", he is an asshole" Axl, however, is only the big-name example here and the statement is still very general and refers to all performing artists. Or at least musicians.

Title: Re: Jakob Dylan of the Wallflowers sounds off on Axl missing concerts
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on February 21, 2005, 01:54:56 PM
oh my... 4 pages now

its simply really
as i've pointed out in the past
either one thinks that axl misses gigs cuz he is an asshole who doesn't give a shit
or not

anyone with one opinion of the other is not going to be swayed by Jakob Dylan or anyone elses' opinion
so really... big fuckin' deal - another person that thinks Axl has missed gigs simply cuz 'he's not feeling it'?

Title: Re: Jakob Dylan of the Wallflowers sounds off on Axl missing concerts
Post by: realgunner on February 21, 2005, 03:07:14 PM
So add him to the list of people who doesn't like Axl. Big deal.

He never says he doesn't like Axl.  People should take their jobs seriously and don't be an asshole,that's all.

Title: Re: Jakob Dylan of the Wallflowers sounds off on Axl missing concerts
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on February 21, 2005, 07:52:28 PM
i think some fans need to take Axl's 'job' less seriously

its entertainment

it's not like a doctor cancelling life saving surgery because he was invitted to play golf!

Title: Re: Jakob Dylan of the Wallflowers sounds off on Axl missing concerts
Post by: jgfnsr on February 21, 2005, 09:54:26 PM
Is Kid Rock the closest we will ever get to the old Axl?? Like, if the old Axl had a lot less talent, would he be Kid Rock?

please never never never ever mention that cheesy shitty fuckin Kid Rock in any sentence with Axl Rose and i will be forever grateful. If Axl was in a wheel chair and was a parapalegic and couldnt speak, he'd still be more interesting just blinking his eyes than that piece of shit Kid Rock.

Perfectly said D, perfect said...   :yes:

Title: Re: Jakob Dylan of the Wallflowers sounds off on Axl missing concerts
Post by: jgfnsr on February 21, 2005, 09:57:07 PM
Once again, this thread needs a little dose of the obvious. I'll walk you guys through it. Repeat after me.

Did Axl miss concerts?.........Yes, he did.

Is Jakob Dylan right about Axl missing concerts?...............Yes, yes he is.

Is Jakob Dylan a moron who makes crap music or a genius? Well, we're not sure


Is Jakob Dylan right about Axl missing concerts?............... Yes, yes he is.

Dammit people. It might be a Gorilla using sign language to say that Axl missed concerts. And you won't even be able to argue with that gorilla, cuz its got a point.

I'd probably pay more attention to the gorilla than Jakob Dylan but I digress.

I think it's not so much whether Dylan has a "point" or not. 

It's what the fuck business is it of his anyway and why does he care?