Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: D on February 16, 2005, 11:24:10 PM

Title: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?
Post by: D on February 16, 2005, 11:24:10 PM
ive seen posters comment on how they dont want GNR on TRL and they dont want young kids buying GNR albums etc

i was 10 years old when i became a fan of GNR as im sure most of you on here were very very young

so whats the big deal of young kids buying GNR records? that doesnt make them less cool it only means they transcend generations.

Title: Re: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?
Post by: bad tripp on February 17, 2005, 01:52:23 AM
i think it might be because of the fact they just want the 'image' of an actual gunner fan like the shirts at hot topic or whatever. and maybe cause they are old and bitter

Title: Re: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?
Post by: SADIS on February 17, 2005, 03:16:41 AM
I couldn't care less who likes GNR. I was 10 years old when I got my first copy of AFD....and I loved it and now I love it still. So those kids could grow up being huge GNR fans so I don't see a problem in young kids liking GNR.....I prefer them listening to GNR than listening to the Backstreet Boys and thinking that that's music.

Title: Re: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?
Post by: norway on February 17, 2005, 03:20:01 AM

i was 5-6 when i got into gnr?  :P would not mind gnr-interviews on mtv? : ok:

Title: Re: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?
Post by: leesixxrose on February 17, 2005, 05:38:57 AM
I think its really gay to have your band on TRL... just coz there have been alot of gay bands on there and the show is just a bunch or retarded girls screaming when ever a camera is pointed thier way....

I dont care who buys CD... If it comes out it will be bad ass but i dont think anyone has to worry about the band being portrayed as a Backstreet boy band by MTV or the screaming kids...

Title: Re: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?
Post by: willow on February 17, 2005, 06:04:24 AM
I think its great that the younger people are into gnr. Just proves you have a band that can stand the test of time.

Title: Re: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?
Post by: shaun on February 17, 2005, 06:08:01 AM
Heh, i was 19 when i first heard a GN'R track, up until then i liked techno music much more, to me rock was terrible and metal was for  long haired biker types  ;D then a friend of mine played AFD in the car not long after it came out, all that bad language. I think it was Nightrain that i liked most of all. The TV then showed some gig, GN'R live at the Ritz, which was the cut version showing only 5 songs played back to back with any pauses in the music. It rocked!  ;)

Title: Re: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?
Post by: michaelvincent on February 17, 2005, 07:44:08 AM
In 1987 I was 10 years and heard Welcome To The Jungle hanging out in a friends basement. He put it on and my eyes bugged out of my head.  :o

That was the first rock album to change my life. I say the younger kids get into good music the better.  : ok:

Title: Re: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?
Post by: *Izzy* on February 17, 2005, 08:08:59 AM

i was 5-6 when i got into gnr? :P would not mind gnr-interviews on mtv? : ok:

I was also around this age when I got into Gn'R? ;D
I don't mind who likes Gn'R as long as they don't like them just because it's cool to like them, I hate people like that, that can't choose what they like themselves >:(? (totally off topic--) Dance music? :( It's hardly music and it's all just a rip off of old songs anyway. If you hadn't guessed I HATE DANCE MUSIC >:( >:( >:(

 :smoking: Izzy? :smoking:

Title: Re: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?
Post by: Pandora on February 17, 2005, 08:12:30 AM
I would like to see young kids get into the new band if it's a genuine interest in the music. What I wouldn't like is to see them become a fad, with teenagers buying the record and wearing the t-shirts because it's the cool thing to do, and then moving on to the next trend a year later. Which, let's face it, is more or less what happened 10-15 years ago.
That being said, considering the musical direction they seem to be heading in, I can't picture them having enough commercial and image appeal to become trendy, so there's nothing to worry about.

Title: Re: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?
Post by: ppbebe on February 17, 2005, 08:13:43 AM
Q: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?

They attempt to interfere with sales of Chinese Democracy. : ok:
I guess it?s somewhat akin to the reason for their not accepting the new band/ the members.

scared of the changes? Jealous of youth? eager to keep GN'R their own?

Title: Re: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?
Post by: leesixxrose on February 17, 2005, 08:16:50 AM
I would like to see young kids get into the new band if it's a genuine interest in the music. What I wouldn't like is to see them become a fad, with teenagers buying the record and wearing the t-shirts because it's the cool thing to do, and then moving on to the next trend a year later. Which, let's face it, is more or less what happened 10-15 years ago.
That being said, considering the musical direction they seem to be heading in, I can't picture them having enough commercial and image appeal to become trendy, so there's nothing to worry about.

yes... what you just said.....  :yes:

Title: Re: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?
Post by: mrlee on February 17, 2005, 08:34:42 AM
well if these *young kids* didnt buy albums then sales would definatly go down.

I heard GNR at the end of 2003 i think.A bit late lol but at least i finally got into them. As soon as i heard that first album that was it...addicted to the music and then to please me some more after i had heard all there albums VR came out so the rock hasnt stopped yet lol. I think its better that younger people hear this music so rock memory lives on and new rock bands come out...come on who wants a world of rap artists and britneys *shudder*.

GNR N VR RULE. VR are keeping it alive, Axl sort of fell asleep lol.

Title: Re: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?
Post by: Lady Livin on February 17, 2005, 08:37:52 AM
I couldn't care less if a five year old popped in a Guns N' Roses album. It's not the age that matters, it's the type of show said band is being promoted on. TRL is a specific show targeted for mostly young girls (they could be twelve or twenty) who can't make their own decisions and enjoy screaming for a half hour (or hour, I forgot how long it is). Besides, although I am a female myself, I can agree to the fact that being into a band is based majorly on how they look. Obviously, I am an exception to the rule. No offense, but at the moment, I don't see anyone in this band that accessible, except for maybe Tommy and Brain.

There are many exceptions to the rule, but it's not the age. It's where they're being promoted on, and I just don't see Guns N' Roses right now being advertised or played on the current state of MTV. The only time they show any type of music video is at three or four in the morning. I'm going to have to get MTV2 or Fuse or something because that's honestly the only way I think I'll/we'll ever get to see their music videos or appearances. VH1 is reserved for pseudo-indie bands and nostalgia trips, and God knows we want to try and stray as far away from the latter as possible.

Title: Re: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?
Post by: *Izzy* on February 17, 2005, 08:41:09 AM
TRL in the UK is quite funny, of late. The music still sucks though ;D

 :smoking: Izzy? :smoking:

Title: Re: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?
Post by: ppbebe on February 17, 2005, 08:50:39 AM
No offense, but at the moment, I don't see anyone in this band that accessible, except for maybe Tommy and Brain.
Also Robin was very popular among NIN fan chicks. They say hes cute.

Title: Re: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?
Post by: snead hearn on February 17, 2005, 08:54:26 AM
Well, I would say only some posters slag off. The ones who don't want to share.

I was 15 years old in 1987. I first heard "LLAS" before "AFD". I used to religiously buy Rock City News. I saw them at the Felt Forum Show in NYC in '88. GNR will always be one of my fave top 3 bands. I was fortunate enough to have been there, and still be here, listening to their albums and bootlegs and least once a week.

But what about bands that I was born too late for that I am absolutely fanatical about? The Doors. The MC5. The Stooges. The Pistols (+Thunders solo). Hanoi. And so on. I too would be one of those younger people. Does one of those 'been there' fans want to slag me off? I'm still keeping the flames high and strong for those bands and will pass on such for yet to be born children.

When the album comes out, everyone will be peeing themselves. MTV will be all over it. Then after all the hoopla, we, the real fans, will still be here. Fightin and cussin and lovin and hatin.

Title: Re: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?
Post by: mrlee on February 17, 2005, 08:56:08 AM
No offense, but at the moment, I don't see anyone in this band that accessible, except for maybe Tommy and Brain.

just a little patience yeaahhh oohhhh a little patience.


Title: Re: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?
Post by: Lady Livin on February 17, 2005, 08:56:59 AM
No offense, but at the moment, I don't see anyone in this band that accessible, except for maybe Tommy and Brain.
Also Robin was very popular among NIN fan chicks. They say hes cute.

Yeah, I agree, and I somewhat think the same as well. But not for audiences like TRL. This isn't 1999 anymore.

Title: Re: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?
Post by: *Izzy* on February 17, 2005, 09:04:10 AM
When did this turn into a "who's accsessible, to female's, in Gn'R thread"? :hihi:

 :smoking: Izzy? :smoking:

Title: Re: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?
Post by: usurper on February 17, 2005, 10:27:23 AM
I think it is the fact that the fans that hate the younger generation can't accept that GNR got to big to fit in their back pocket, they are jealous that other people like GNR, sometimes I feel that way. I dont personally like to see all these 10 year old listening to music which was released before they were born but I ain't gonna stop them. Its their choice.

Title: Re: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?
Post by: marknroses on February 17, 2005, 10:44:28 AM

MTV got me into GNR when they played KOHD on Celebrity Deathmatch in 1998 after Nick got knocked over from the booth and went into a COMA.
If anything, the world needs to hear more GNR. I wouldn't mind if they sold out a bit more of their catalog so that the world could hear the great ol' stuff all over again. If anything, the rock charts are wide open right now and there's no reason for WTTJ not to chart again!


Title: Re: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?
Post by: Buddha_Master on February 17, 2005, 11:49:32 AM
The question should be changed to Why do SOME posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?

Nothing would please me more then a new generation digging Axl Rose and Guns N' Roses.

So there is a very simple answer to this question.

Because they are fags.

Title: Re: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?
Post by: Dave_Rose on February 17, 2005, 12:00:26 PM
A lot of young people are getting into GN'R now days I see kids wearing GN'R and younger people I know buying cds and stuff

Title: Re: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?
Post by: Cocaine__tongue on February 17, 2005, 12:10:46 PM
I really don't understand it. I guess for gnr's fans like us, the more the places they play gnr's songs, the better it gets. Trl, top40 or whatever show it is, it's one more chance to see gnr's videos, etc...

As for young kids buying the album, I bought AFD in 88 when I was 13 years old, so I'll encourage the young posters to buy C.D. anytime.

Title: Re: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?
Post by: Twisted Nerve 85 on February 17, 2005, 03:43:14 PM
Im only 19 so its wierd for me to say this but Motherfuck the youth of America, they've so blinded by all this phony manufactured crap like Evanescence and shit. Listen I think some of the kids out there will find the GnR music to be extremely deep (As in its not the manufactured garbage that they have grown accostomed to). But most of them will js be buying it because it happens to be cool at the time (If it does hit big). I say I dont want it on TRL because I dont want to associate a great legacy like GnR had and a great Artist like Axl with that recycled tripe thats being forced on the youth of America today. And as far as that demographic is concerned I wouldnt mind them buying Chinese Democracy js for the sake of record sales, but then again Id rather they left it to ppl who are looking for REAL MUSIC to listen to and of course GnR fans and those kids can have all the Usher and fucking Ashlee Simpson they can choke down.  :peace:

Title: Re: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?
Post by: *Izzy* on February 17, 2005, 03:55:55 PM
Im only 19 so its wierd for me to say this but Motherfuck the youth of America, they've so blinded by all this phony manufactured crap like Evanescence and shit. Listen I think some of the kids out there will find the GnR music to be extremely deep (As in its not the manufactured garbage that they have grown accostomed to). But most of them will js be buying it because it happens to be cool at the time (If it does hit big). I say I dont want it on TRL because I dont want to associate a great legacy like GnR had and a great Artist like Axl with that recycled tripe thats being forced on the youth of America today. And as far as that demographic is concerned I wouldnt mind them buying Chinese Democracy js for the sake of record sales, but then again Id rather they left it to ppl who are looking for REAL MUSIC to listen to and of course GnR fans and those kids can have all the Usher and fucking Ashlee Simpson they can choke down. :peace:

Damn straight, and well said? : ok:
I hate Usher >:(

Title: Re: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?
Post by: Jim Bob on February 17, 2005, 03:58:41 PM
ive seen posters comment on how they dont want GNR on TRL and they dont want young kids buying GNR albums etc

i was 10 years old when i became a fan of GNR as im sure most of you on here were very very young

so whats the big deal of young kids buying GNR records? that doesnt make them less cool it only means they transcend generations.

I could'nt agree more.. I was around the same age, and GnR's music got me through some rough times in my life.   Any time the band gets more fans, its a good thing.

Title: Re: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?
Post by: shaner on February 17, 2005, 04:13:43 PM
I remember I was about 12 years old listening to guns, around 1988. I remember me and me friend getting send home from school because I had the lies shirt on with the girl on it and my friend had the afd girl on his. Man did we stir up some shit wearing gnr shirts to school. The principal was pissed, and so was my mom. She went over all my tapes, and out went all my gnr, afd and lies in the GARBAGE! Man I was pissed off. But I got another copy and hid it so my mom couldn't find it. That made the music so great to listen too. Becasue If my mom didn't want me to listen to it, then this is cool shit! GnR just fit with how if was feeling in my life, the music helped me get my anger out, having to deal with a drunk step dad that would beat my mother and social shit at school, man listening to "out ta get me" and "Rocket queen"...that was life changing music. It helped me stand up to people that tried to push me around and say...fuck get out of my way.

Title: Re: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?
Post by: *Izzy* on February 17, 2005, 04:32:37 PM
Sorry to hear about your sad childhood and drunk step dad :(
What Lies shirt are you speaking of ???

 :smoking: Izzy? :smoking:

Title: Re: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?
Post by: KeVoRkIaN on February 17, 2005, 06:29:23 PM
Every album sale sustains the livelihood of this band and will spark Axl to make another - I could care less if Richard Simmons buys it.

Title: Re: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?
Post by: shaner on February 17, 2005, 06:36:11 PM
there was a gnr lies t -shirt that had the album cover on the front, but on the back it had a picture of the naked girl from the inside of the lies cover. Such a great t shirt. Someone stole it from me.
I think Axl is waiting for the right time to hit the right next generation with his music and please his old fans aswell.
Put out music that both generation can get into.
As far as TLR and shit shows like that....well I use to work on one as a camera man in canada call MOD. What a crap show that is... seeing all the crying girls going nuts over flash in the pan stars is just madding!!!
Thats not real music or really stars, just bubble gum flavor of the month Bull shit.....
Bands like GnR, Rolling Stones,VR,Rush are the true Icons. They have lasted and the music nerver gets old!
Just the Stars!!!haha

Title: Re: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?
Post by: Saul on February 17, 2005, 06:42:47 PM
I think it's really sad when any "fans" get upset when new/young people get into "their" band.

I've seen the same thing happen within the buckethead community .. alot of the older "hardcore" crowd ripping into the newer younger fanbase. It's silly. If you are a fan you would hope your favorite artist would garner attention from new people to help boost his/her career.

Title: Re: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?
Post by: the dirt on February 17, 2005, 07:12:21 PM
In terms of the stage setup and axl's current stage attire even he does'nt want to garner towards his olad fan base

Title: Re: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?
Post by: D on February 17, 2005, 07:14:56 PM
why do posters doesnt mean "some" or "all" i dont have exact figures on how many do.

MRLEE its totally not fair that you just got into GNR in 2003 that means u havent had to wait like the rest of us :rant: :rant: :rant: :hihi: :hihi:

i think since we've got older we view young kids as being uncool

i feel sorry for young kids cause they have the shittiest music of all time to grow up with right now.

but i bet stones,beatles and zepplin fans from back in the day probably said the same shit about us

so maybe that new music out doesnt suck as bad as we think?

what the fuck am i saying, hell yeah it sucks. : ok:

Title: Re: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?
Post by: Saul on February 17, 2005, 07:23:58 PM
In terms of the stage setup and axl's current stage attire even he does'nt want to garner towards his olad fan base

I dont understand what you mean? The stage setup? I dont see how the stage setup would alienate the old fans.  ???

And the way he dresses .. him , I dont think the fans from back in the old days still wear the same kinda clothes they wore back then either. Atleast we hope not. He still wears Leather pants , still wears the bandana and depending on what city he is in some of those jerseys are pretty damn cool.

That said , I have a funny feeling that come next tour those jerseys wont be part of his stage attire. Just a hunch.

Title: Re: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?
Post by: *Izzy* on February 17, 2005, 07:26:53 PM
The sad thing is that young kids think that older people are uncool and think that rock n' roll sucks? :hihi:
But that's probably because rock n' roll does suck nowadays? :( But alot of people just don't like old stuff because it ain't cool to like it :(
The new music out nowadays is worse than you think actually? :yes:

 :smoking: Izzy? :smoking:

Title: Re: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?
Post by: jimmythegent on February 17, 2005, 09:23:49 PM
I think it's cool that younger people dig GN'R - it just goes to show that Guns music is timeless - that 87-91era has cemented a place in the collective psche of Rock n Roll. Guns can stand along side the greats  :yes:

Title: Re: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?
Post by: DOASHK on February 17, 2005, 11:42:38 PM
its the teens who dont want more people getting into gnr, im in high school and everyone who posts like this, is just sayin it cause they wanna be unique and be the only one at school who like gnr, they dont want a lot of "jabronis" listenin to their band. its sall about bein unique, heck i dont really want the whole school likin gnr but whatever.

Title: Re: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?
Post by: Acquiesce on February 18, 2005, 01:37:30 AM
I think people don't want GNR to hit in big with kids today because kids in general are basically viewed as tasteless sheep who are into whatever is popular at the moment. They are also viewed as being into the image and looks more than the music itself. They just rub hardcore fans the wrong way because hardcore fans have been in it for a long time and have followed a band through thick and thin but many kids just latch onto whatever is popular and never truly get it.

That being said, I don't mind it if young people get into them. Personally, I wouldn't mind it if their image was plastered everywhere and their music was played all the time because it sure beats having to deal with sub-par music being shoved down our throats. However, I don't want to suddenly be surrounded by a bunch of screaming teenies who haven't got a clue. I also think GNR appearing on shows like TRL would be incredibly lame. Somehow, I don't think we'll have to worry about any of this.

Title: Re: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?
Post by: Eazy E on February 18, 2005, 01:47:11 AM
I think people don't want GNR to hit in big with kids today because kids in general are basically viewed as tasteless sheep who are into whatever is popular at the moment. They are also viewed as being into the image and looks more than the music itself.

Wasn't this the same complaint that was made about "Hair Metal"?  GN'Rs original explosion was before my time, but from what I've read the music scene was "boring" and people were "into the image" of the hair metal bands.  Then GN'R came along and gave music a huge kick in the ass...

Is this situation different because you're familiar with the band now?  Who's to say that GN'R won't return and make people realize that the music that's currently in their CD player is garbage?  IMO, if the band releases good music, the more people that like it, the better.

Title: Re: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?
Post by: Acquiesce on February 18, 2005, 01:55:10 AM
I think people don't want GNR to hit in big with kids today because kids in general are basically viewed as tasteless sheep who are into whatever is popular at the moment. They are also viewed as being into the image and looks more than the music itself.

Wasn't this the same complaint that was made about "Hair Metal"?? GN'Rs original explosion was before my time, but from what I've read the music scene was "boring" and people were "into the image" of the hair metal bands.? Then GN'R came along and gave music a huge kick in the ass...

Is this situation different because you're familiar with the band now?? Who's to say that GN'R won't return and make people realize that the music that's currently in their CD player is garbage?? IMO, if the band releases good music, the more people that like it, the better.

I'm sure that was the case as it is with anything mainstream, but I a bit too young so I can't answer it accurately.

I never said these were my views, just that I wouldn't want to be surrounded by screaming teenies.

Title: Re: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?
Post by: mrlee on February 18, 2005, 09:44:05 AM
Im only 19 so its wierd for me to say this but Motherfuck the youth of America, they've so blinded by all this phony manufactured crap like Evanescence and shit. Listen I think some of the kids out there will find the GnR music to be extremely deep (As in its not the manufactured garbage that they have grown accostomed to). But most of them will js be buying it because it happens to be cool at the time (If it does hit big). I say I dont want it on TRL because I dont want to associate a great legacy like GnR had and a great Artist like Axl with that recycled tripe thats being forced on the youth of America today. And as far as that demographic is concerned I wouldnt mind them buying Chinese Democracy js for the sake of record sales, but then again Id rather they left it to ppl who are looking for REAL MUSIC to listen to and of course GnR fans and those kids can have all the Usher and fucking Ashlee Simpson they can choke down.  :peace:

If you think thats bad come to the UK. As soon as i mention any band to do with rock, almost everyone seems to think they are all like slipknot??? Im like dudes this is GNR, we have real rock, proper lyrics, proper solos, proper singing. We dont all like the streets ya know lol.

Most people in UK have terrible musical choices, the streets get numbers 1's,awards. When all they do is talk..WTF??

Well at ;east i know i listen to real music and thats what counts.

Title: Re: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?
Post by: *Izzy* on February 18, 2005, 09:52:46 AM
Slipknot isn't really rock anyway though, they have another name for it....oh yeah, ShitMaskMetal? :hihi:

 :smoking: Izzy? :smoking:

Title: Re: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?
Post by: DOASHK on February 18, 2005, 12:26:31 PM
naw most kids at school reject the big names in music, they all want underground emo music that no one knows about so they can be unique.

Title: Re: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?
Post by: Sakib on February 18, 2005, 04:00:20 PM
im 14 now and i dont giv a shit. ppl take the pisso out of me just cuz i'v GUNS N' ROSES written in Big letters all ova my bag. and if im honest, i dunno y but i luv the new band compared 2 the old gn'r by a little bit. GN'R taught me the definition of what real music is and they'll always be my favourite band until the day i die. by the way, i havent seen n e posters that slag off chinese democracy. what type of stuff do they write? I'll kill em. i dont care if ppl think im a maniac, all the new bands r crap.

Title: Re: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?
Post by: Twisted Nerve 85 on February 18, 2005, 06:27:55 PM
im 14 now and i dont giv a shit. ppl take the pisso out of me just cuz i'v GUNS N' ROSES written in Big letters all ova my bag. and if im honest, i dunno y but i luv the new band compared 2 the old gn'r by a little bit. GN'R taught me the definition of what real music is and they'll always be my favourite band until the day i die. by the way, i havent seen n e posters that slag off chinese democracy. what type of stuff do they write? I'll kill em. i dont care if ppl think im a maniac, all the new bands r crap.

Listen Sakib Im 19 and have only been into GnR for a yr. My friends were into them, and I was looking for REAL MUSIC when a friend of mine let me borrow AFD, Since that night Ive been completely obsessed. I went out and bought EVERY FUCKING ALBUM and been on EVERY FUCKING WEBSITE OF THEIRS. I have over 5000 songs on my iPod MOST of which is GREAT SHIT but no matter what I cant stop listening to GnR. I was looking for REAL MUSIC and got much more than that. So let those other idiots talk their shit js because the shit u like is real and their all listening to fucking Evanescence and Creed and GOD KNOWS WHAT ELSE. Once u start on GnR u CANT stop, its a "Bad Obsession"  :peace:

Title: Re: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?
Post by: *Izzy* on February 19, 2005, 10:19:08 AM
im 14 now and i dont giv a shit. ppl take the pisso out of me just cuz i'v GUNS N' ROSES written in Big letters all ova my bag. and if im honest, i dunno y but i luv the new band compared 2 the old gn'r by a little bit. GN'R taught me the definition of what real music is and they'll always be my favourite band until the day i die. by the way, i havent seen n e posters that slag off chinese democracy. what type of stuff do they write? I'll kill em. i dont care if ppl think im a maniac, all the new bands r crap.

Listen Sakib Im 19 and have only been into GnR for a yr. My friends were into them, and I was looking for REAL MUSIC when a friend of mine let me borrow AFD, Since that night Ive been completely obsessed. I went out and bought EVERY FUCKING ALBUM and been on EVERY FUCKING WEBSITE OF THEIRS. I have over 5000 songs on my iPod MOST of which is GREAT SHIT but no matter what I cant stop listening to GnR. I was looking for REAL MUSIC and got much more than that. So let those other idiots talk their shit js because the shit u like is real and their all listening to fucking Evanescence and Creed and GOD KNOWS WHAT ELSE. Once u start on GnR u CANT stop, its a "Bad Obsession" :peace:

It's a "Good Obsession"? : ok:

 :smoking: Izzy? :smoking:

Title: Re: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?
Post by: Sakib on February 19, 2005, 10:26:10 AM

Listen Sakib Im 19 and have only been into GnR for a yr. My friends were into them, and I was looking for REAL MUSIC when a friend of mine let me borrow AFD, Since that night Ive been completely obsessed. I went out and bought EVERY FUCKING ALBUM and been on EVERY FUCKING WEBSITE OF THEIRS. I have over 5000 songs on my iPod MOST of which is GREAT SHIT but no matter what I cant stop listening to GnR. I was looking for REAL MUSIC and got much more than that. So let those other idiots talk their shit js because the shit u like is real and their all listening to fucking Evanescence and Creed and GOD KNOWS WHAT ELSE. Once u start on GnR u CANT stop, its a "Bad Obsession" :peace:

thanx. feel betta. it really is an obsession because since i bought AFD, TSI and Illusion 1, thats all i've hurd since summer. i've neglected iron maiden (gr8 band but gn'r betta) and evry otha band in my collection. "Its always messing with my mind."

Title: Re: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?
Post by: *Izzy* on February 19, 2005, 10:48:00 AM
Sakib are you sayin' you don't have UYI2 and Lies ???
If you don't you've got to get them? :yes:? : ok:

 :smoking: Izzy? :smoking:

Title: Re: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?
Post by: shaner on February 19, 2005, 03:18:27 PM

Listen Sakib Im 19 and have only been into GnR for a yr. My friends were into them, and I was looking for REAL MUSIC when a friend of mine let me borrow AFD, Since that night Ive been completely obsessed. I went out and bought EVERY FUCKING ALBUM and been on EVERY FUCKING WEBSITE OF THEIRS. I have over 5000 songs on my iPod MOST of which is GREAT SHIT but no matter what I cant stop listening to GnR. I was looking for REAL MUSIC and got much more than that. So let those other idiots talk their shit js because the shit u like is real and their all listening to fucking Evanescence and Creed and GOD KNOWS WHAT ELSE. Once u start on GnR u CANT stop, its a "Bad Obsession" :peace:

thanx. feel betta. it really is an obsession because since i bought AFD, TSI and Illusion 1, thats all i've hurd since summer. i've neglected iron maiden (gr8 band but gn'r betta) and evry otha band in my collection. "Its always messing with my mind."

You should try listening to some Motorhead"Ace of Spades" Ablum. That was a big influence of slash and duff growing up....
Anthrax are some good metal to get you going too!!!

Title: Re: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?
Post by: Sakib on February 19, 2005, 03:44:26 PM
i no. im gonna get UYI2 and i want 2 get lies. unfortunately, parents dont want me 2 spend money on CD's and Lies is a well rare and expensive album. its ?7 for AFD illusion (separately) and ?18.99 for lies. TSI only ?3. so its bloody hard when parents reduce pocket money. man i really wud die 4 those albums

Title: Re: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?
Post by: *Izzy* on February 19, 2005, 04:14:06 PM
I'd give you a copied CD of both of them if I could. You could try borrowing from a friend if any of them have those albums? : ok: Lies is a great album, to bad it's so exspensive :-\ :( :-\

 :smoking: Izzy? :smoking:

Title: Re: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?
Post by: Twisted Nerve 85 on February 19, 2005, 05:24:23 PM
No GnR collection would be complete without Lies or UYI2, Lies is an ok record but UYI2 is excellent, yes there are a few fillers, but for the most part You could be Mine,Civil War, and Estanged are fucking perfect 10 songs.

And yes Izzy I like 14 years as well  :peace:

Title: Re: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?
Post by: *Izzy* on February 19, 2005, 05:35:06 PM
No GnR collection would be complete without Lies or UYI2, Lies is an ok record but UYI2 is excellent, yes there are a few fillers, but for the most part You could be Mine,Civil War, and Estanged are fucking perfect 10 songs.

And yes Izzy I like 14 years as well :peace:
;D Yeah 14 Years is great ;D? : ok:
You're right UYI2 is excellent, I don't think there's any filler on it, except for My World and recently everyone's been sayin' they like that track ??? : ok:

Title: Re: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?
Post by: mitchejw on February 19, 2005, 05:47:23 PM
TRL=image and lacking substance, validity, credibility

Kids today are growing up in a music world filled with anything but music. Who thinks we'll be listening to Britney Spears 20 years after her debut album? Jessica Simpson? Usher?

I mean, are you serious? These people are flashes in the pan compared Gn'R, Led Zeppelin, Beetles...etc....

They fit the niche for now...sadly...

My question to the world is why does the simple music sell so well? When did sexual appeal become ten times more important than ability?

Title: Re: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?
Post by: *Izzy* on February 19, 2005, 06:44:12 PM
TRL=image and lacking substance, validity, credibility

Kids today are growing up in a music world filled with anything but music. Who thinks we'll be listening to Britney Spears 20 years after her debut album? Jessica Simpson? Usher?

I mean, are you serious? These people are flashes in the pan compared Gn'R, Led Zeppelin, Beetles...etc....

They fit the niche for now...sadly...

My question to the world is why does the simple music sell so well? When did sexual appeal become ten times more important than ability?

I think it started in the late '80's. Unfortunetly it's gotten out of control in todays world :(

 :smoking: Izzy? :smoking:

Title: Re: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?
Post by: Eazy E on February 19, 2005, 07:33:06 PM
It's a "Good Obsession"  : ok:

WOW.   Would you like some wine to go with your cheese there sir?

Title: Re: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?
Post by: shaner on February 19, 2005, 09:25:18 PM
i no. im gonna get UYI2 and i want 2 get lies. unfortunately, parents dont want me 2 spend money on CD's and Lies is a well rare and expensive album. its ?7 for AFD illusion (separately) and ?18.99 for lies. TSI only ?3. so its bloody hard when parents reduce pocket money. man i really wud die 4 those albums

Hey dude... email me threw msn or e mail....I will send you a copy of lies and what ever gnr stuff ya!!
GnR was big for me growing up and I would be happy to send ya a copy.......Cheers from Canada

Title: Re: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?
Post by: IronMaiden415 on February 19, 2005, 11:01:32 PM
im 14 now and i dont giv a shit. ppl take the pisso out of me just cuz i'v GUNS N' ROSES written in Big letters all ova my bag. and if im honest, i dunno y but i luv the new band compared 2 the old gn'r by a little bit. GN'R taught me the definition of what real music is and they'll always be my favourite band until the day i die. by the way, i havent seen n e posters that slag off chinese democracy. what type of stuff do they write? I'll kill em. i dont care if ppl think im a maniac, all the new bands r crap.

Dude, you're me. I'm 15 and have been into Gn'r for about two years. My first taste of Gn'r was actually a mix CD that my friend made for me because he knew that i wanted expand my interests in music. I heard songs like Paradise City, Patience, Civil War, and Don't Damn Me and was blown away. I immediatly became addicted and started buying the albums and dvd's. I look back at some of the shit i used to listen to (stuff like Blink 182, Backstreet Boys, Good Charlet) and wonder wtf i was thinking for liking it. And yeah i do get alot of bullshit from the kids in my school for liking Gn'r, but i dont care. I JUST DON'T CARE, MOTHER FUCKERS!  :peace:

Title: Re: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?
Post by: Sakib on February 20, 2005, 08:51:26 AM
im 14 now and i dont giv a shit. ppl take the pisso out of me just cuz i'v GUNS N' ROSES written in Big letters all ova my bag. and if im honest, i dunno y but i luv the new band compared 2 the old gn'r by a little bit. GN'R taught me the definition of what real music is and they'll always be my favourite band until the day i die. by the way, i havent seen n e posters that slag off chinese democracy. what type of stuff do they write? I'll kill em. i dont care if ppl think im a maniac, all the new bands r crap.

Dude, you're me. I'm 15 and have been into Gn'r for about two years. My first taste of Gn'r was actually a mix CD that my friend made for me because he knew that i wanted expand my interests in music. I heard songs like Paradise City, Patience, Civil War, and Don't Damn Me and was blown away. I immediatly became addicted and started buying the albums and dvd's. I look back at some of the shit i used to listen to (stuff like Blink 182, Backstreet Boys, Good Charlet) and wonder wtf i was thinking for liking it. And yeah i do get alot of bullshit from the kids in my school for liking Gn'r, but i dont care. I JUST DON'T CARE, MOTHER FUCKERS! :peace:


Title: Re: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?
Post by: *Izzy* on February 20, 2005, 09:28:18 AM
im 14 now and i dont giv a shit. ppl take the pisso out of me just cuz i'v GUNS N' ROSES written in Big letters all ova my bag. and if im honest, i dunno y but i luv the new band compared 2 the old gn'r by a little bit. GN'R taught me the definition of what real music is and they'll always be my favourite band until the day i die. by the way, i havent seen n e posters that slag off chinese democracy. what type of stuff do they write? I'll kill em. i dont care if ppl think im a maniac, all the new bands r crap.

Dude, you're me. I'm 15 and have been into Gn'r for about two years. My first taste of Gn'r was actually a mix CD that my friend made for me because he knew that i wanted expand my interests in music. I heard songs like Paradise City, Patience, Civil War, and Don't Damn Me and was blown away. I immediatly became addicted and started buying the albums and dvd's. I look back at some of the shit i used to listen to (stuff like Blink 182, Backstreet Boys, Good Charlet) and wonder wtf i was thinking for liking it. And yeah i do get alot of bullshit from the kids in my school for liking Gn'r, but i dont care. I JUST DON'T CARE, MOTHER FUCKERS! :peace:
That sounds a bit like me, my friend wasn't in to rock at all so I copied all my Gn'R cds and forced him to listen to every song? :hihi:

 :smoking: Izzy? :smoking:

Title: Re: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?
Post by: mrlee on February 20, 2005, 11:09:59 AM
No GnR collection would be complete without Lies or UYI2, Lies is an ok record but UYI2 is excellent, yes there are a few fillers, but for the most part You could be Mine,Civil War, and Estanged are fucking perfect 10 songs.

And yes Izzy I like 14 years as well  :peace:

use your illusion 1 is better.

And Appetite just owns em all.

Title: Re: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?
Post by: usurper on February 20, 2005, 11:29:20 AM
When Axl tours again I dont wanna fucking sit next to a 10 year old whom does not no shit. I wanna sit next to an adult, I am a hardcore fan. If someteeny boppers came to sit next to me and start talking shit like "I hope Axl does not walk off tonight, its like what happened with the BackStreet Boys" I will seriously deck in straight in the face. I don't feel comfortable with young kiddies buying GNR songs just because they know one song, they should go buy the new Green Day album or something. Damn fuckheads. LEAVE GNR ALONE AND GET YOUR OWN DAMN MUSIC YOU DIPSHITS.

Title: Re: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?
Post by: younggunner on February 20, 2005, 01:10:03 PM
After reading the last few pages I am realizing Im getting older! LOL I thought I was a younggunner. Ill be 20 next week. Im gettin old. Dam time flys. I remember being 15 or 16 chiming in on the old site. NOw Im a "legend" and Bookers pal  :peace:

Title: Re: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?
Post by: mrlee on February 20, 2005, 03:31:38 PM
When Axl tours again I dont wanna fucking sit next to a 10 year old whom does not no shit. I wanna sit next to an adult, I am a hardcore fan. If someteeny boppers came to sit next to me and start talking shit like "I hope Axl does not walk off tonight, its like what happened with the BackStreet Boys" I will seriously deck in straight in the face. I don't feel comfortable with young kiddies buying GNR songs just because they know one song, they should go buy the new Green Day album or something. Damn fuckheads. LEAVE GNR ALONE AND GET YOUR OWN DAMN MUSIC YOU DIPSHITS.

Dipshit, are you calling mwa a dipshit? Grab this guy i cant beleive this shit. lmao. aahhh Terminator 2, perfection. Great film and a great soundtrack you could be mine rules.

Title: Re: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on February 20, 2005, 04:40:08 PM
I think its cool when music made before someone was even born.. or still in diapers... attracts them.  : ok:

GN'R is timelss... and i believe the new music will follow suit. Ten or fifteen years from now there will be yet even more new fans discovering both eras of the catalogue ;)

Title: Re: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?
Post by: mrlee on February 20, 2005, 04:52:10 PM
*cries* i remember the first time i heard GNR. It was mr.brownstone my all time favourite and it was......most excellent. :beer:

Title: Re: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?
Post by: mitchejw on February 20, 2005, 05:05:00 PM
im 14 now and i dont giv a shit. ppl take the pisso out of me just cuz i'v GUNS N' ROSES written in Big letters all ova my bag. and if im honest, i dunno y but i luv the new band compared 2 the old gn'r by a little bit. GN'R taught me the definition of what real music is and they'll always be my favourite band until the day i die. by the way, i havent seen n e posters that slag off chinese democracy. what type of stuff do they write? I'll kill em. i dont care if ppl think im a maniac, all the new bands r crap.

Dude, you're me. I'm 15 and have been into Gn'r for about two years. My first taste of Gn'r was actually a mix CD that my friend made for me because he knew that i wanted expand my interests in music. I heard songs like Paradise City, Patience, Civil War, and Don't Damn Me and was blown away. I immediatly became addicted and started buying the albums and dvd's. I look back at some of the shit i used to listen to (stuff like Blink 182, Backstreet Boys, Good Charlet) and wonder wtf i was thinking for liking it. And yeah i do get alot of bullshit from the kids in my school for liking Gn'r, but i dont care. I JUST DON'T CARE, MOTHER FUCKERS! :peace:
That sounds a bit like me, my friend wasn't in to rock at all so I copied all my Gn'R cds and forced him to listen to every song? :hihi:

 :smoking: Izzy? :smoking:

Dude, give me some help on that...I try so hard to get my buds into Gn'R but it just won't stick. They laugh and have stuck a label on me like I don't understand music (even though I'm the only one of all of them to even play an insturment).

So how'd you break them in?

I showed Welcome to the Jungle to one of my friends a few years back in high school and he looked at me and said..."how gay...who would write a song about being in the jungle?"

Needless to say, it has been a frusterating experience...I remember everyone in high school new the lyrics to every single damned blood hound gang song...but couldn't tell me what Appetite for Destruction was...

Pisses me off...

Title: Re: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?
Post by: *Izzy* on February 20, 2005, 05:11:54 PM
I showed Welcome to the Jungle to one of my friends a few years back in high school and he looked at me and said..."how gay...who would write a song about being in the jungle?"

No offense, but that friend must have been retarded :-\? "Who would write a song about being in the jungle"? :hihi:
Anyway I never said I broke my friends, I said I broke one friend : ok: I don't really want my friends to be into Gn'R? :no:
Just that friend I mentioned before because he's the rythm guitarist in my/our band? ;)

 :smoking: Izzy? :smoking:

Title: Re: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?
Post by: a fan on February 20, 2005, 06:20:10 PM
ive seen posters comment on how they dont want GNR on TRL and they dont want young kids buying GNR albums etc

i was 10 years old when i became a fan of GNR as im sure most of you on here were very very young

so whats the big deal of young kids buying GNR records? that doesnt make them less cool it only means they transcend generations.
Actually, it does make them less cool.? Well, less credible, to be exact.? Think about what the kids listen to today.? Meaningless sounds.? If you are a kid, and something is popular and in the mainstream, you're going to flock to it.? And if you are jumping on the bandwagon, you don't really care what you are jumping on to.? So to them it is just more meaningless sounds that they listen to 'cause it's popular.? And people who aren't on the bandwagon, but are real fans, don't want something they love like that to be turned into something meaningless and cheap.?

Also, even if you are just young but are not on the bandwagon, people will still make an issue out of it, because there are certain things that you can't fully understand or relate to until you are old enough to have had certain experiences.  And if someone is listeing to something that they can't fully understand or relate to, you have to wonder why they are listening to it.  'Cause they think it's cool?  It is catchy?  Well, that is why things are popular in the mainstream.

Title: Re: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?
Post by: mitchejw on February 20, 2005, 06:45:01 PM
I showed Welcome to the Jungle to one of my friends a few years back in high school and he looked at me and said..."how gay...who would write a song about being in the jungle?"

No offense, but that friend must have been retarded :-\? "Who would write a song about being in the jungle"? :hihi:
Anyway I never said I broke my friends, I said I broke one friend : ok: I don't really want my friends to be into Gn'R? :no:
Just that friend I mentioned before because he's the rythm guitarist in my/our band? ;)

 :smoking: Izzy? :smoking:

You're right, my friend is retarded...can i play rhythm guitar for your band?

I wish I didn't live in such a small ass town...maybe then I could find some band mates who didn't wanna do covers of The Big Wu and Blink 182

Title: Re: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?
Post by: ppbebe on February 20, 2005, 06:46:20 PM
I think its cool when music made before someone was even born.. or still in diapers... attracts them.  : ok:

GN'R is timelss... and i believe the new music will follow suit. Ten or fifteen years from now there will be yet even more new fans discovering both eras of the catalogue ;)
To Add to Zep, the Beatles n such, I listen to and even learn the music made some hundreds years before I was born, as well as the latest. And it makes me wonder that people at these great distances would have felt the very music beautiful just the same as we do now. How come?

Likewise, I hope GN'R will be still loved after some hundred years.
It's like sympathizing with the people of the past and the future through the music.
Yes, music goes beyond time and space.  It's sorta time machine.

Title: Re: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?
Post by: IronMaiden415 on February 20, 2005, 08:41:57 PM
When Axl tours again I dont wanna fucking sit next to a 10 year old whom does not no shit. I wanna sit next to an adult, I am a hardcore fan. If someteeny boppers came to sit next to me and start talking shit like "I hope Axl does not walk off tonight, its like what happened with the BackStreet Boys" I will seriously deck in straight in the face. I don't feel comfortable with young kiddies buying GNR songs just because they know one song, they should go buy the new Green Day album or something. Damn fuckheads. LEAVE GNR ALONE AND GET YOUR OWN DAMN MUSIC YOU DIPSHITS.

SPOKEN LIKE A TRUE ASSHOLE! :rant: There are two different kinds of kids; kids who listen to a band because they can relate to their music and it helps them get through hard times, and kids who listen to a band for the sake of listening to them. Me and millions of other kids listen to GNR because it's an escape form all the bullshit that might be happening in our lives, NOT BECAUSE OUR FRIENDS TELL US TO! When Axl tours again, I'm not gonna piss and moan about him walking off, I'm gonna shut my mouth and prepare myself for one of the most remeberable nights of my life. And wtf do you mean by "get your own damn music"?! It's not like only certain people can like them, anyone can as long as their mature enough to appreciate them AND I AM, ASSHOLE!  :rant:

Title: Re: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?
Post by: IronMaiden415 on February 20, 2005, 08:50:02 PM

Dude, give me some help on that...I try so hard to get my buds into Gn'R but it just won't stick. They laugh and have stuck a label on me like I don't understand music (even though I'm the only one of all of them to even play an insturment).

So how'd you break them in?

I showed Welcome to the Jungle to one of my friends a few years back in high school and he looked at me and said..."how gay...who would write a song about being in the jungle?"

Needless to say, it has been a frusterating experience...I remember everyone in high school new the lyrics to every single damned blood hound gang song...but couldn't tell me what Appetite for Destruction was...

Pisses me off...

Yeah that's me. I made my freind sit through all the Gn'r videos and I always got "Why is he wearing tight pants? Is he queer or something?" and I'd go "Shut up and listen, dammit!" She was really immature though. 

Title: Re: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?
Post by: usurper on February 21, 2005, 11:04:01 AM
When Axl tours again I dont wanna fucking sit next to a 10 year old whom does not no shit. I wanna sit next to an adult, I am a hardcore fan. If someteeny boppers came to sit next to me and start talking shit like "I hope Axl does not walk off tonight, its like what happened with the BackStreet Boys" I will seriously deck in straight in the face. I don't feel comfortable with young kiddies buying GNR songs just because they know one song, they should go buy the new Green Day album or something. Damn fuckheads. LEAVE GNR ALONE AND GET YOUR OWN DAMN MUSIC YOU DIPSHITS.

SPOKEN LIKE A TRUE ASSHOLE! :rant: There are two different kinds of kids; kids who listen to a band because they can relate to their music and it helps them get through hard times, and kids who listen to a band for the sake of listening to them. Me and millions of other kids listen to GNR because it's an escape form all the bullshit that might be happening in our lives, NOT BECAUSE OUR FRIENDS TELL US TO! When Axl tours again, I'm not gonna piss and moan about him walking off, I'm gonna shut my mouth and prepare myself for one of the most remeberable nights of my life. And wtf do you mean by "get your own damn music"?! It's not like only certain people can like them, anyone can as long as their mature enough to appreciate them AND I AM, ASSHOLE!? :rant:

Fuck off kiddie, I hear Blink 182 are making a new album, go listen to them :yes:

Title: Re: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?
Post by: Pandora on February 21, 2005, 11:57:31 AM

SPOKEN LIKE A TRUE ASSHOLE! :rant: There are two different kinds of kids; kids who listen to a band because they can relate to their music and it helps them get through hard times, and kids who listen to a band for the sake of listening to them. Me and millions of other kids listen to GNR because it's an escape form all the bullshit that might be happening in our lives, NOT BECAUSE OUR FRIENDS TELL US TO! When Axl tours again, I'm not gonna piss and moan about him walking off, I'm gonna shut my mouth and prepare myself for one of the most remeberable nights of my life. And wtf do you mean by "get your own damn music"?! It's not like only certain people can like them, anyone can as long as their mature enough to appreciate them AND I AM, ASSHOLE!  :rant:

Fuck off kiddie, I hear Blink 182 are making a new album, go listen to them :yes:

No, fuck you and your condescending attitude. Most people on this board were teenagers when they first got into the band, so you're basically shooting down everyone here. Real clever.

Title: Re: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?
Post by: Sakib on February 21, 2005, 04:12:58 PM
My m8s said that Nirvana r betta than GN'R. So I got well pissed off and i made them watch the GN'R tribute hour on Scuzz tv, where they played almost all of GN'R vids

Title: Re: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?
Post by: mrlee on February 21, 2005, 05:56:08 PM
When Axl tours again I dont wanna fucking sit next to a 10 year old whom does not no shit. I wanna sit next to an adult, I am a hardcore fan. If someteeny boppers came to sit next to me and start talking shit like "I hope Axl does not walk off tonight, its like what happened with the BackStreet Boys" I will seriously deck in straight in the face. I don't feel comfortable with young kiddies buying GNR songs just because they know one song, they should go buy the new Green Day album or something. Damn fuckheads. LEAVE GNR ALONE AND GET YOUR OWN DAMN MUSIC YOU DIPSHITS.

SPOKEN LIKE A TRUE ASSHOLE! :rant: There are two different kinds of kids; kids who listen to a band because they can relate to their music and it helps them get through hard times, and kids who listen to a band for the sake of listening to them. Me and millions of other kids listen to GNR because it's an escape form all the bullshit that might be happening in our lives, NOT BECAUSE OUR FRIENDS TELL US TO! When Axl tours again, I'm not gonna piss and moan about him walking off, I'm gonna shut my mouth and prepare myself for one of the most remeberable nights of my life. And wtf do you mean by "get your own damn music"?! It's not like only certain people can like them, anyone can as long as their mature enough to appreciate them AND I AM, ASSHOLE!  :rant:

Fuck off kiddie, I hear Blink 182 are making a new album, go listen to them :yes:

hmmm sounds like a asshole, dont you agree?  :rant:

Title: Re: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?
Post by: *Izzy* on February 21, 2005, 05:58:24 PM

Fuck off kiddie, I hear Blink 182 are making a new album, go listen to them :yes:
usurper, this is a bit offensive don't ya think? :(

 :smoking: Izzy? :smoking:

Title: Re: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?
Post by: *Izzy* on February 21, 2005, 06:02:05 PM
Oh I didn't notice that she called you an asshole ??? Still Blink 182 that's a bit harsh? :hihi:

 :smoking: Izzy? :smoking:

Title: Re: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?
Post by: mrlee on February 21, 2005, 06:03:25 PM
blink 182 are crap since they released the newest album. They were alright before, something decent to listen to.

Title: Re: Why do posters slag off on young kids buying Chinese Democracy?
Post by: jarmo on February 21, 2005, 06:45:04 PM
This thread is going..... nowhere.
