Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: RnT on February 16, 2005, 05:54:03 AM

Title: Could we get an "official update" doing this!?
Post by: RnT on February 16, 2005, 05:54:03 AM
I remember a while ago ( I think years... wow ) a lot of people saying "what if we just close all the sites or foruns about the band with some kind of message about "we are tired of waitng..." ( or something like that )

and I was talking to some friends, and one of my friends works for a publicy company and told me this: "the worst things get, bigger the reaction is"... and that made me think about what if we just shut down ( not for a long time ) the fans sites with the same message just to try to hear something from the record comapny or even ( who knows ) from Axl himself?

Just my thoughs about this hole this
if you have an opinion about it, let me know if something like this could happen


Title: Re: Could we get an "official update" doing this!?
Post by: ccorn69 on February 16, 2005, 05:59:13 AM
i dont think it would work... besides i would be to frustrated if the site was shut down... i've come to love this place to much

Title: Re: Could we get an "official update" doing this!?
Post by: Evil Ash on February 16, 2005, 05:59:42 AM
It might work, but only if all the big gnr boards would do this IMO

Title: Re: Could we get an "official update" doing this!?
Post by: RnT on February 16, 2005, 06:02:45 AM
not just the "big" gnr sites... EVERY SITE about the band...

that will spread in 5 minutes for sure

Title: Re: Could we get an "official update" doing this!?
Post by: Wooody on February 16, 2005, 06:09:53 AM
maybe a "one day" kind of a thing would do the trick, enough to get it on the news.

Remember how the fans made a petition for a fiona apple album ? it was on the news !  :peace:

Title: Re: Could we get an "official update" doing this!?
Post by: Wooody on February 16, 2005, 06:18:08 AM
maybe a "one day" kind of a thing would do the trick, enough to get it on the news.

Remember how the fans made a petition for a fiona apple album ? it was on the news !? :peace:

maybe someone can make something like this ?

Title: Re: Could we get an "official update" doing this!?
Post by: SADIS on February 16, 2005, 06:21:19 AM
I think it would be very cool but it would never work I think...there's always one or two fuckers who just don't want to participate .....

Title: Re: Could we get an "official update" doing this!?
Post by: Skeletor on February 16, 2005, 06:22:38 AM
not just the "big" gnr sites... EVERY SITE about the band...

that will spread in 5 minutes for sure

Are you joking?

Title: Re: Could we get an "official update" doing this!?
Post by: Wooody on February 16, 2005, 06:23:47 AM
damn, there was already a petition  >:(


Title: Re: Could we get an "official update" doing this!?
Post by: *Izzy* on February 16, 2005, 06:26:49 AM
I don't think the record company gives a damn about us ?:( ... but mabey we could do the "shut down the websites thing", but would Axl even notice this ???? I hate internet petitions I've signed so many of them and none of them have ever amounted to anything ?>:( ?, it might work though, but I think shutting down the sites would be more effective ?: ok: hard to do though
 :smoking: Izzy ?:smoking:

Title: Re: Could we get an "official update" doing this!?
Post by: Pandora on February 16, 2005, 08:00:28 AM
If I remember correctly, that's more or less the reason why gnrx closed down two years ago, and it was the biggest board at the time. Didn't seem to have much of an impact.
Even if all the big sites closed down, I don't think it would change anything. Axl's not the kind of guy who will be pressured into doing something.

Title: Re: Could we get an "official update" doing this!?
Post by: hackvresse on February 16, 2005, 08:03:46 AM
gnrx was closed because of all those fake rumours (pure, dany etc.)

Title: Re: Could we get an "official update" doing this!?
Post by: Pandora on February 16, 2005, 08:10:40 AM
gnrx was closed because of all those fake rumours (pure, dany etc.)

Are you sure it was the only reason? I seem to remember they closed it after the aborted tour and said it would be reopened when the fans are given an explanation. Or something.

Title: Re: Could we get an "official update" doing this!?
Post by: Sino-lieS on February 16, 2005, 08:15:11 AM
If this site closed down I would cry! I come here about 3 or 4 times a day looking for some huge update and contributing (or trying to..) to topics. Besides, Axl has had pressure from his old band, the record company, millions of $$ on his back, the press and millions of fans....the 'big garbage can' (internet) probably wouldn't fizz him.
He is the stubbornest man I think I have ever seen! :hihi:

Title: Re: Could we get an "official update" doing this!?
Post by: Scabbie on February 16, 2005, 08:23:28 AM
I doubt it. What would we be left with if this happened? No official update and no unofficial updates!

Title: Re: Could we get an "official update" doing this!?
Post by: RnT on February 16, 2005, 09:00:44 AM
nothing could happen
.... but .... every single word of ANY people around the GNR camp is treated like "important news" around the globe...

I think is time to face it, ok, You can say that Tommy, Brain, Dizzy don?t know "much" what?s goin?on ... but damn, all these 3 already said things that came close to a sentence like "yeah, next week the album will be released..."

damn, I think Tommy ( correct me if I am wrong ) said that the music is done for a while... so WHY not just come and say "hey fans, we?re done with the music,,, but there?s others things to work now... hope you all understand... peace, GNR"

no, I?m not whining like I used to do 3 years ago...
the only thing I?m thinking is make "news" about it ... Axl could never care to get to internet to see it, BUT ( a BIG BUT here ) he could hear about it on the internet and realize that we don?t want him to release an album if he?s not thinkin ir perfect, but just update us with something... or even Sanctuary... or even Axl?s manager...

That?s my point... make some buzz... not make preasure to make Axl release the damn album

Title: Re: Could we get an "official update" doing this!?
Post by: usurper on February 16, 2005, 09:07:47 AM
nothing could happen
.... but .... every single word of ANY people around the GNR camp is treated like "important news" around the globe...

I think is time to face it, ok, You can say that Tommy, Brain, Dizzy don?t know "much" what?s goin?on ... but damn, all these 3 already said things that came close to a sentence like "yeah, next week the album will be released..."

damn, I think Tommy ( correct me if I am wrong ) said that the music is done for a while... so WHY not just come and say "hey fans, we?re done with the music,,, but there?s others things to work now... hope you all understand... peace, GNR"

no, I?m not whining like I used to do 3 years ago...

the only thing I?m thinking is make "news" about it ... Axl could never care to get to internet to see it, BUT ( a BIG BUT here ) he could hear about it on the internet and realize that we don?t want him to release an album if he?s not thinkin ir perfect, but just update us with something... or even Sanctuary... or even Axl?s manager...

That?s my point... make some buzz... not make preasure to make Axl release the damn album

I still signed the petition.

Title: Re: Could we get an "official update" doing this!?
Post by: leesixxrose on February 16, 2005, 09:18:23 AM
I dont think it would work.. 

1. Plain and simple.. Axl rose doesnt give a damn about if his fans are updated..

2. Axl doesnt like the internet and im sure he would appreceate it if we all packed it up and went home.

3. You could never orginize the damn thing to begin with..

4. All the sites would be back up within 24 hours again anyways .. everyone would be afraid that they might "miss" something...

Title: Re: Could we get an "official update" doing this!?
Post by: *Izzy* on February 16, 2005, 09:21:28 AM
He is the stubbornest man I think I have ever seen! :hihi:

Yeah, Axl can be very stubborn when he wants to be ?:hihi: But I agree with RnT if he could just tell us what's happening ???

 :smoking: Izzy ?:smoking:

Title: Re: Could we get an "official update" doing this!?
Post by: Dont Try Me on February 16, 2005, 09:48:58 AM
Jesus Christ, what you all tend to forget is that there is nothing to report. If there is important news, you'll hear it. If the album is ready to roll, you'll hear it. What do you people want? An update right now??? You will get something close as. "where working on it people, there are much issues going round yet to solve before we can get this fucker started". Or this "well, I'm now busy with working on The Blues, still some tweaking to do on the volume of different occuring instruments, but right now, uncle Axl goes to the toilet to take a dump so I can think about it while doing my thing".

Will that make you happy?? Wouldn't such statement be kinda obvious? We know more then enough for whats going on now. They are working on it, they are still busy with all kinda things before they can effectively bring out CD. Tadaaaa, there is your update. Axl doesn't need to tell you that coz we already KNOW that. So why bitching?? He does not owe you a fuck.

This hasn't got ANYTHING to do with Axl not giving a damn about his fans updated or anything. Just fucking wait. And if you can't wait, then don't wait. go on with your lives but don't take your frustration out on Axl.

How old are you? 12? "I want a statement right now or otherwise I don't like Axl anymore". Thats how some of the boardmembers sound like. Childish and plainly stupid. You know why Axl doesnt give us a statement. Because it could bite him back in the ass if it doesn't happen. Would you then be happy? He is just as frustrated as all of you. To make this all work takes allot of time. Time you all wouldn't even imagine it would take. And noooo not the supposibly 10 years in the making. That is bullshit. The bandmembers are kinda roulating aren't they? When did we first saw Richard Fortus? 2000 or something? Get my drift? Ohh and isn't buckethead gone? Wouldn't that take time to sort it out.

Title: Re: Could we get an "official update" doing this!?
Post by: *Izzy* on February 16, 2005, 10:14:38 AM

How old are you? 12? "I want a statement right now or otherwise I don't like Axl anymore". Thats how some of the boardmembers sound like.?


Seriously all they're trying to say is that they don't want to be left in the dark. Details like "the music is complete" "all songs have been recorded" "the album art has been chosen" "I've decided not to release CD for another few years" thats all they want from Mr. Rose they ain't exactley jivin' him. Anyway it would be nice if he could HURRY IT ON a bit, afterall as a wiseman once said; "Time went by and it became a joke"? ;D

 :smoking: Izzy? :smoking:

Title: Re: Could we get an "official update" doing this!?
Post by: Luigi on February 16, 2005, 10:36:01 AM
Didn't I say something about this yesterday but you were to busy talking off topic about sex and the cd whole? ( Were is the announcement ??? ) or was I up to late?

Title: Re: Could we get an "official update" doing this!?
Post by: Luigi on February 16, 2005, 10:37:50 AM
Norway, help me out here!

Title: Re: Could we get an "official update" doing this!?
Post by: *Izzy* on February 16, 2005, 11:09:38 AM
Didn't I say something about this yesterday but you were to busy talking off topic about sex and the cd whole? ( Were is the announcement ??? ) or was I up to late?

Are you reffering to me or Don't Try Me? ???

 :smoking: Izzy? :smoking:

Title: Re: Could we get an "official update" doing this!?
Post by: norway on February 16, 2005, 11:15:06 AM
unless you do something quick, they'll continue to keep us in the dark.
i think it's this he is referrin 2? :phone:

Title: Re: Could we get an "official update" doing this!?
Post by: *Izzy* on February 16, 2005, 11:27:02 AM
But Luigi didn't even post on this thread till today, mabey you guys are talkin 'bout a different thread. I'm honestly just confused ???

 :smoking: Izzy? :smoking:

Title: Re: Could we get an "official update" doing this!?
Post by: Luigi on February 16, 2005, 11:33:16 AM
Not that I got a responce yesterday, witch I didn't, except for Norway.  I was  reffering to this topic title and yesterdays, ( Were is the announcement ??? ) really no one in genral was I reffering to,  it was quite funny.  But now we have a post and it happens to be what I was talking about yesterday. Izzy, I'm so tired of hearing nothing it kinda of makes you crazy.

Title: Re: Could we get an "official update" doing this!?
Post by: Luigi on February 16, 2005, 11:38:24 AM
the thread from, Were is the announcement.... I posted yesterday. sorry 

Title: Re: Could we get an "official update" doing this!?
Post by: younggunner on February 16, 2005, 12:38:50 PM
I had mentioned this a long time ago. I think it would be a good idea. But in order for it to mean something every GNR fan site and forum would have to shut down for a certain amount of time.

I dont think anything would happen because of it but it could atleast show the wtf is going on aspect. IDK. The funny thing is if all the sites did do this, GNR would release an annoucement and nobody would see it on the boards.

Title: Re: Could we get an "official update" doing this!?
Post by: RnT on February 16, 2005, 12:43:19 PM
I had mentioned this a long time ago. I think it would be a good idea. But in order for it to mean something every GNR fan site and forum would have to shut down for a certain amount of time.

I dont think anything would happen because of it but it could atleast show the wtf is going on aspect. IDK. The funny thing is if all the sites did do this, GNR would release an annoucement and nobody would see it on the boards.

But you hear the "official anouncement" from fans messages boards?
first the official thing is posted online in others sites "not related" to sites / messagens boards from GNR fans...

Title: Re: Could we get an "official update" doing this!?
Post by: Luigi on February 16, 2005, 01:05:27 PM
we are the ones that could do something about this, but we need some type of an idea to get started. I'm ready lets do it boycott the mutherfucker 

Title: Re: Could we get an "official update" doing this!?
Post by: Luigi on February 16, 2005, 01:15:56 PM
I'm sorry but if your gonna treat your fan base like shit, and keep em in the dark w/out any official updating the boycotting must begin. 

Title: Re: Could we get an "official update" doing this!?
Post by: Pandora on February 16, 2005, 01:26:05 PM
This website / board won't be down with it. The idea has been put forward in the past and Jarmo stated he was against it.

Title: Re: Could we get an "official update" doing this!?
Post by: ppbebe on February 16, 2005, 01:31:30 PM
Jarmo stated he was against it.

Thanks god for that.

Sorry but I'm totally with Dont Try Me on this one.

Title: Re: Could we get an "official update" doing this!?
Post by: Luigi on February 16, 2005, 01:54:57 PM
well then I guess we could read and not post if we choose, not attend any concerts, burn cd etc...

Title: Re: Could we get an "official update" doing this!?
Post by: Continental Drift on February 16, 2005, 02:35:29 PM
I think this is a classic case of "be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it." Somehow, antagonization and public embarassment does not seem the best way to get Axl to do something. The fvcker would probably delay the album an additional year just to prove that he takes orders from no one. Not even his legions of loyal fans.

Everyone needs to chill. Things are moving glacially, as is typical with GN'R, but they ARE moving. I think we're all going to get some great news before 2005 is out. So- it boils down to whether we can all hack it for another 6-8 months (possibly less)... given that most of us have been obsessing about this since '94- I think we can handle it.

Instead of dwelling on CD- see if you can give GN'R a lift somewhere else. Put your energy into converting that one friend of yours who's never been in to GN'R. On a macro level, it's that kind of sh1t that will help GN'R a ton when they finally do re-emerge. :beer:

Title: Re: Could we get an "official update" doing this!?
Post by: Vicious Wishes on February 16, 2005, 04:27:19 PM
I don't think Axl gives one hot fuck whether this site, or any site shut down for a day, week, forever. I'm sure it's not keeping him up late worrying about it.

Title: Re: Could we get an "official update" doing this!?
Post by: Acquiesce on February 16, 2005, 04:33:48 PM
It's not a good idea because you can't even be sure that Axl would be made aware about it.

Title: Re: Could we get an "official update" doing this!?
Post by: usurper on February 16, 2005, 04:35:55 PM
I am seriously growing tired of Axl's never ending stream of bullshit he is telling us. For fuck's sake, is it that hard to give us a few lines to tell us what the hell is going on? No, it aint, but what the hell. He does not care about the fans who got him where he is today. Oh well.

Title: Re: Could we get an "official update" doing this!?
Post by: AdZ on February 16, 2005, 04:38:24 PM
Answer? No.

Title: Re: Could we get an "official update" doing this!?
Post by: usurper on February 16, 2005, 04:40:57 PM
I dont think shutting down all websites and forums for a few days is a good idead, well because I think asshole got his internet connection taking away.

Title: Re: Could we get an "official update" doing this!?
Post by: Luigi on February 16, 2005, 06:21:52 PM
Your wright, he don't care cause,  A) he's not planning on releasing this year,  or B) were just a bunch of impatient fucks or C) there rehearsing new gutairist and new songs albums finished they'll be releasing in June. pick one

Title: Re: Could we get an "official update" doing this!?
Post by: *Izzy* on February 16, 2005, 06:26:10 PM
I'd pick B) or C)? ?;D
O.K I pick C)
Yeah, the album's out in June? :)

 :smoking: Izzy? :smoking:

Title: Re: Could we get an "official update" doing this!?
Post by: leesixxrose on February 17, 2005, 06:04:22 AM
Jesus Christ, what you all tend to forget is that there is nothing to report. If there is important news, you'll hear it. If the album is ready to roll, you'll hear it. What do you people want? An update right now??? You will get something close as. "where working on it people, there are much issues going round yet to solve before we can get this fucker started". Or this "well, I'm now busy with working on The Blues, still some tweaking to do on the volume of different occuring instruments, but right now, uncle Axl goes to the toilet to take a dump so I can think about it while doing my thing".

Will that make you happy?? Wouldn't such statement be kinda obvious? We know more then enough for whats going on now. They are working on it, they are still busy with all kinda things before they can effectively bring out CD. Tadaaaa, there is your update. Axl doesn't need to tell you that coz we already KNOW that. So why bitching?? He does not owe you a fuck.

This hasn't got ANYTHING to do with Axl not giving a damn about his fans updated or anything. Just fucking wait. And if you can't wait, then don't wait. go on with your lives but don't take your frustration out on Axl.

How old are you? 12? "I want a statement right now or otherwise I don't like Axl anymore". Thats how some of the boardmembers sound like. Childish and plainly stupid. You know why Axl doesnt give us a statement. Because it could bite him back in the ass if it doesn't happen. Would you then be happy? He is just as frustrated as all of you. To make this all work takes allot of time. Time you all wouldn't even imagine it would take. And noooo not the supposibly 10 years in the making. That is bullshit. The bandmembers are kinda roulating aren't they? When did we first saw Richard Fortus? 2000 or something? Get my drift? Ohh and isn't buckethead gone? Wouldn't that take time to sort it out.

YES AXL Does owe a fucking explination.... He owes a fucking explanation about why he didnt fucking show up in Philly or the rest of the tour....

To just fuck your fans the way that they did is fucking bullshit.... .. Bands dont do that... schedule a tour and then in the middle just pack it up and go home quietly and never say another thing untill thier next "show" is OHHH my god!! CANCELLED!!!!!   coz the fucking guitar player quit...

Axl owes alot of explanation about why he gets peoples hopes up and then fucking cancels after everyone has made plane ticket and hotel reservations...

He has some of the most die hard fans in the world and all they fucking want to know is what is going on with thier favorite band......  he owes.. he owes lots.....   


Title: Re: Could we get an "official update" doing this!?
Post by: Lady Livin on February 17, 2005, 08:54:09 AM
I agree that he owes back those cities from the '02 tour, but I don't think he needs to speak up until the album is completely finished. I'm come to accept the others giving us the, albeit very ambiguous, updates. Axl hasn't changed a damn bit, and some things never change. Ironically, that's in a sense comforting.

Because all we need is just a little patience. Hmm hmm, yeah.

Title: Re: Could we get an "official update" doing this!?
Post by: *Izzy* on February 17, 2005, 09:06:57 AM
But I've got "no more patience, man.... you dig, what I'm sayin"? ;D

 :smoking: Izzy? :smoking:

Title: Re: Could we get an "official update" doing this!?
Post by: Mateoson on February 18, 2005, 02:00:48 PM
This really sucks ass... Still no official word yet. I am so sick of hearing news about VR and reading random fan speculations and rumors. I don't think taking sites offline would do the trick... But I understand the logic because torture drives people to do dumbass things.

Fuck Merck by the way. That asshole can update anxious fans of other artists he is involved with, but he doesn't say shit besides the usual "no news yet" to GnR, I mean Axl, fans. Your beat Merck. As exciting as the news about Sanctuary was... there hasn't been a single official announcement regarding the future of CD. Only the "future" recordings bit. This is seriously agonizing. I guess I'm just not used to this horse shit since I took a break after the original band dis-banded. I can't believe some of you people have been coming here and waiting so patiently this long.

Every day I come here and see the same lame as fuck ass Axl vs. Blah, Remember When..., My GnR wetdream, VR, etc. And every day I get pissed off and say to myself, "self, you should stop checking for updates everyday, your only going to be disappointed." But I can't fucking help it and I keep coming back... I'm fucked.

Title: Re: Could we get an "official update" doing this!?
Post by: McGann on February 18, 2005, 02:10:54 PM

YES AXL Does owe a fucking explination.... He owes a fucking explanation about why he didnt fucking show up in Philly or the rest of the tour....

To just fuck your fans the way that they did is fucking bullshit.... .. Bands dont do that... schedule a tour and then in the middle just pack it up and go home quietly and never say another thing untill thier next "show" is OHHH my god!! CANCELLED!!!!!? ?coz the fucking guitar player quit...

My understanding is that the tour was cancelled by Clear Channel, not the band.  The reason we haven't heard anything from Axl is that he's most likely still in litigation w/CC and can't speak about it at all.

As far as being owed:

Did you get a refund for your ticket to the shows?  Then you've gotten what you're owed.
Did you exchange currency of some kind for existing Gn'R music?  Then you got what you were owed.
Have you given Axl money for the upcoming CD?  Well, THEN you might have a case.
The only way Axl owes anyone is if they personally handed him some form of currency as prepayment for Chinese Democracy...and that's Universal/Interscope/Geffen and nobody else.

Not to be a hardass or anything, but I have a hard time with anyone...from a homeless guy to a lottery winner to a CEO to my family...saying they are OWED anything they haven't already paid for.
