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Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: neko on February 14, 2005, 04:06:50 PM

Title: 10 years is the same as 10 days for an artist.
Post by: neko on February 14, 2005, 04:06:50 PM
i been reading alot of what type of music is Axl making to put 10 year into an album  or people saying that the album will be great but cant be "10 years waiting great"  the main thing as i see it is that people is not looking into Axl as an artist , Axl as any other artist can make "art" in 1 day or take 20 years , because feelings dont respond to time , when you make art you have to look into your self and sometimes touch things that are very strong , that period can take tou a hole live to do it , Axl made appettite maybe pretty quickly but he had in that time all of his live making the album in his mind . 20 years or something?  if we one day have the album maybe we can say "that took 10 years?! , but Axl maybe needs that time to find himself and give that part of himself to the public . i came to that conclusion reading this book "A Portrait of the Artist As a Young Man" by James Joyce, its a great book . so in conclusion art can be made in 10 days or in ten years ,  even by the same person.

Title: Re: 10 years is the same as 10 days for an artist.
Post by: Mateoson on February 14, 2005, 04:35:10 PM
yeah... i believe that. But, what's your freakin point?

Title: Re: 10 years is the same as 10 days for an artist.
Post by: anarchy on February 14, 2005, 04:41:34 PM
Well then it better be out tomorrow.

Title: Re: 10 years is the same as 10 days for an artist.
Post by: Captain Obvious on February 14, 2005, 04:42:26 PM
What do you mean, "What's your freaking point". I'm pretty sure its not too hard to see his point. That you can't push an artist to finish his art, in this case, Axl.

Good post but one can also use the notion that time is what truly seperates the genius from the average. Specifically, everyone can achieve anything, but in a different time frame. For some, it will take a year, for others 10 years, for the rest 80 years would not be enough.

Title: Re: 10 years is the same as 10 days for an artist.
Post by: Twisted Nerve 85 on February 14, 2005, 04:55:21 PM
Id rather wait 10 yrs for a Masterpiece than 1 yr for a piece of shit, or maybe 2 or 3 for a mediocre album. U cant hurry art, But the thing is I honestly believe its done. Its js all the red tape and beauracracy he's gotta get through. But I have faith in Axl that he will do right by all the ppl anticipating, after all this time he's got alotta shit to get out and BELIEVE ME!! Hes going to get it out one way or another. His perfectionism may be a pain in the ass but unlike Slash,Duff, and Matt I think its worth it.  :peace:

Title: Re: 10 years is the same as 10 days for an artist.
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on February 14, 2005, 05:08:04 PM
if axl is an artist, i am an artist and everybody here.

poor michelangelo, delacroix, picasso ....

Title: Re: 10 years is the same as 10 days for an artist.
Post by: neko on February 14, 2005, 05:16:34 PM
what ever man , i know your just buggin. :peace:

Title: Re: 10 years is the same as 10 days for an artist.
Post by: Vicious Wishes on February 14, 2005, 06:57:28 PM
if axl is an artist, i am an artist and everybody here.

poor michelangelo, delacroix, picasso ....
I believe Axl is an artist. A different kind of art maybe, but an artist nonetheless. Just my opinion, of course, but noone else grabs me quite like he does. Not even Michelangelo.

Title: Re: 10 years is the same as 10 days for an artist.
Post by: MadmanDan on February 14, 2005, 07:48:12 PM
if axl is an artist, i am an artist and everybody here.

poor michelangelo, delacroix, picasso ....

Funny you mentioning Picasso. While everyone admits that Axl is talented, despite all his "problems", a lot of people think Picasso was a talentless piece of shit

Title: Re: 10 years is the same as 10 days for an artist.
Post by: Tied-Up on February 14, 2005, 08:40:48 PM
Picasso was brilliant!  As is Axl... and I completely agree with the original post.  It's something that I've been trying to say for a long time now (in several posts throughout this forum) ... an artist doesn't really have the same concept of time or space as other people do. 

If you go back and read one of his more recent interviews with Rolling Stone (the one that was published in 2000, I believe) when he jokes about how he postponed thanksgiving, and is trying not to do that with christmas because new years comes right away...  This is the way an artist works.

In college, I would be late for every single class, but the only teachers that understood my tardiness was my art teachers, because artists really don't have an understanding of the measurement of time.  It escapes them.

There are exceptions to this, of course... as with everything... but all the artists I've dealt with, and all the artists I've known, and from my own experiences in my own life, I can say that time is probably one of the most difficult concepts for us (artists) to grasp and get a handle on.  It's too scientific. 

It's not a cop out... I wish it was, because then I could turn around and get a grip on "reality" and be able to deal with time better. 

Title: Re: 10 years is the same as 10 days for an artist.
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on February 14, 2005, 09:20:53 PM
artists really don't have an understanding of the measurement of time.  It escapes them.
There are exceptions to this, of course... as with everything... but all the artists I've dealt with, and all the artists I've known, and from my own experiences in my own life, I can say that time is probably one of the most difficult concepts for us (artists) to grasp and get a handle on.  It's too scientific. 

i get what your're saying... to a smaller degree I can relate... when doing something creative I become totally immersed into it... and lose track of time... time isn't really an issue.  Its the purest form of distraction... And i can return to some works many many times and change it.  Its not like that with every work... just some.  Some just 'come' to me and I am immediately satisfied with it...  Others I find pleasure in returning to.  In either case - I've never said to myself "gee, I been working on this too long - I should stop"  or "oh i've changed this x amt of times, I better stop." 

anyhow... axl has literally spent a segment /an era of his life/career on this work.  he is the one to know what's best for it...
and ultimately - regardless of what we want - what is best for him.

disclaimer:  I am not saying that axl is 'having a problem' finishing the album due to creative issues or anything like that.

I just believe that he has been through his process - and whatever that includes on this project is not for us to judge.

Title: Re: 10 years is the same as 10 days for an artist.
Post by: Cocaine__tongue on February 15, 2005, 04:01:40 AM
sorry to say, but you just can't compare picasso, michelangelo, bernini, leonardo, rafael, etc. etc to axl rose. yes, i love axl and his music, but common people......

Title: Re: 10 years is the same as 10 days for an artist.
Post by: jimmythegent on February 15, 2005, 06:09:15 AM
Part of the process of art is distancing yourself from said piece

This is where Axl is struggling ( and it is worth mentioning that he is in good company here).

Axl needs to distance himself from his artwork sufficiently enough to allow it into the public domain and thus become open to interpretation. Therefor it ceases to become his own and the process of allowing it to become "owned" bt everyone begins

The problem here is that not only does it become open to interpretation, it also becomes open to critisism. This I feel, is the hardest part in letting go of any artwork and is probably the biggest hurdle Axl faces in releasing CD.

Title: Re: 10 years is the same as 10 days for an artist.
Post by: *Izzy* on February 15, 2005, 08:10:49 AM
Yeah you can't rush art or expect an album or a band to be great overnight that's what Izzy wrote 14 Years about :-\

 :smoking: Izzy? :smoking:

Title: Re: 10 years is the same as 10 days for an artist.
Post by: Izzy on February 15, 2005, 11:48:56 AM
Yeah you can't rush art or expect an album or a band to be great overnight that's what Izzy wrote 14 Years about :-\

14 years has nothing to do with that :confused:

Title: Re: 10 years is the same as 10 days for an artist.
Post by: ppbebe on February 15, 2005, 12:01:54 PM
Yeah you can't rush art or expect an album or a band to be great overnight that's what Izzy wrote 14 Years about :-\

 :smoking: Izzy  :smoking:
deep understanding of the lyric, *   *.   ;)

Title: Re: 10 years is the same as 10 days for an artist.
Post by: ShotgunBlues1978 on February 15, 2005, 12:11:26 PM
The original post is so true.  Anyone who's an arist, whether they're a musician, a writer, a painter, or whatever, can tell you that there's only a certain frame of mind that you can be in to create art that you're satisfied with.  You need inspiration and you need to feel like you can express what you're feeling, and sometimes you just don't feel like that.  No matter how hard you try, if your mental and emotional state isn't in the right place, you can't do it right. 

Title: Re: 10 years is the same as 10 days for an artist.
Post by: *Izzy* on February 15, 2005, 12:13:15 PM
Thanks ppbebe : ok: but I thought that actually was what 14 Years was about, what is it about ???

 :smoking: Izzy ?:smoking:

Title: Re: 10 years is the same as 10 days for an artist.
Post by: mrlee on February 15, 2005, 12:27:05 PM
i would absolutly lmao if this album turned out to be crap. Which really is what it is seeming to be with the guitarists problems and axls vocals slowly getting worse.

How could it have  taken 10 years? look at his little come back in 2002 was it? that when most of the newest material came out so i think he only started it about then. though if theres any major evidence thta proves me wrong then im a ass lol.

Title: Re: 10 years is the same as 10 days for an artist.
Post by: thelostrose on February 15, 2005, 12:32:14 PM
if axl is an artist, i am an artist and everybody here.

poor michelangelo, delacroix, picasso ....

Funny you mentioning Picasso. While everyone admits that Axl is talented, despite all his "problems", a lot of people think Picasso was a talentless piece of shit

maybe some people should take a look at the drawings he made as a kid. i'm not into picasso's paitings, but he was very talented.

Title: Re: 10 years is the same as 10 days for an artist.
Post by: mikegiuliana on February 15, 2005, 01:00:43 PM
I love how people will make up any reason for the delay of this album, .. yeah he's an artist in the music field as is 100 other groups,. I'm sure the album will be very good, but stop trying to use logic to explain why this album isn't out..

I hope one day axl tells all what took so long..

Title: Re: 10 years is the same as 10 days for an artist.
Post by: neko on February 15, 2005, 01:43:42 PM
mikegiuliana every thing has a reason , of course theres a reason why the album isnt out yet ,  it can be because Axl cant make music anymore , because he doesnt give a crap about it , or because he hasnt say what he really wants in the album yet.

but people is here waiting for the album , how do you expect people to dont give reasons for the delay of the album??

Title: Re: 10 years is the same as 10 days for an artist.
Post by: Gunner80 on February 15, 2005, 01:50:02 PM
if axl is an artist, i am an artist and everybody here.

poor michelangelo, delacroix, picasso ....
Axl IS an artist whether you believe it or not! And no, you're not an aritst.  Talk to me when you've sold eighty million records worldwide. until then, be quiet fool!

Title: Re: 10 years is the same as 10 days for an artist.
Post by: ppbebe on February 15, 2005, 02:41:05 PM
How much you sell doesn't make you an artist. 

True, neko : ok: this is a good topic.

Although this thread overlaps with the replays in the other "even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldn't??"one, here we can focus on the way we see GN'R's music or rock music as an art and go deeply into the matter.

Art is long, life is short.  Fart not about.

Title: Re: 10 years is the same as 10 days for an artist.
Post by: shaun on February 15, 2005, 02:56:31 PM
I had my 2nd CD dream last night. Want to here it?

I had it (CD) in my hands, it was like a NIN cd cover, made of soft card (rather that a plastic box). The colour was black and on the front was the image of a melting face, the face looked like a pig?s face (what ever that means?). It was a static image, is was melting and moving in and out of focus (I could almost touch it). The weirdest part was when I opened the cover. On the left sat 1 Cd and on the right there was room for a 2nd cd. I thought it (1 of the cd's) was missing? I had been short changed. Then I looked closer, there were words. The words implied that the spare space (on the right) was there for a reason, as the a 2nd disc would become available in the future (so CD was going to be released in 2 parts?).

Title: Re: 10 years is the same as 10 days for an artist.
Post by: shaun on February 15, 2005, 03:00:09 PM
Moved it now. Thanks  ;D

Title: Re: 10 years is the same as 10 days for an artist.
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on February 15, 2005, 05:59:07 PM
here we can focus on the way we see GN'R's music or rock music as an art and go deeply into the matter.

art, to me, is common feelings... themes which are universally experienced... expressed in various unique combinations of universally understood terms, which the artist is only able to present due to his unique perspective

from my GN'R homepage:

'Dear Axl.... Your words and music are melded into the background of our collective consciousness. The inspiration, excitement, comfort, and strength channeled through your career and life, lives amongst your fans and lingers everpresent ... a harmonious underlying hum sustained through the passing of our energies between us. There are doubtless, many sources of such an energy.... but, I believe that for each of us whom you have moved... it is because you strike a chord within us that will only tune to your 'touch'. Despite the commonality of the human experience, we are individually bound to find ways to understand, appreciate, and express our unique perspectives. We seek to connect with others whom might reflect our otherwise inaudible echo.

I find so many words, yet, they are, to me, mere pencil sketches. The full beauty of that which I seek to portray, I find, however, in the vibrant hues of your own life's portrait. A unique prism, producing colors beyond the common spectrum -- you are beautiful. I feel blessed to be able to see that. And blessed to recognize it within myself. -- That I could find it poured out of me in the form of music, I would begin to know your passion. :) Yet, to hear, and see, and feel you perform, is to know its full beauty. For that, I'm ever grateful, and inherently gratified...."

we don't all see and appreciate 'art' in the same forms... much as we all each hold unique perspectives on life
it is however a really cool thing when, as fans of one particular form, do come together and share our views with eachother on art that has similarly moved us

Title: Re: 10 years is the same as 10 days for an artist.
Post by: *Izzy* on February 15, 2005, 06:15:17 PM

'Dear Axl.... Your words and music are melded into the background of our collective consciousness. The inspiration, excitement, comfort, and strength channeled through your career and life, lives amongst your fans and lingers everpresent ... a harmonious underlying hum sustained through the passing of our energies between us. There are doubtless, many sources of such an energy.... but, I believe that for each of us whom you have moved... it is because you strike a chord within us that will only tune to your 'touch'. Despite the commonality of the human experience, we are individually bound to find ways to understand, appreciate, and express our unique perspectives. We seek to connect with others whom might reflect our otherwise inaudible echo.

I find so many words, yet, they are, to me, mere pencil sketches. The full beauty of that which I seek to portray, I find, however, in the vibrant hues of your own life's portrait. A unique prism, producing colors beyond the common spectrum -- you are beautiful. I feel blessed to be able to see that. And blessed to recognize it within myself. -- That I could find it poured out of me in the form of music, I would begin to know your passion. :) Yet, to hear, and see, and feel you perform, is to know its full beauty. For that, I'm ever grateful, and inherently gratified...."

Did you write this I never read anything with so much feeling? : ok:

 :smoking: Izzy? :smoking:

Title: Re: 10 years is the same as 10 days for an artist.
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on February 15, 2005, 06:21:05 PM

Did you write this I never read anything with so much feeling  : ok:

 :smoking: Izzy  :smoking:

yes I did...  *blushes*
thank you  :)

Title: Re: 10 years is the same as 10 days for an artist.
Post by: Twisted Nerve 85 on February 16, 2005, 06:34:03 PM
Yeah Eva, I couldnt have said that any better myself. Thats pretty much my definition of Axl in a nutshell

I mean among other things that arent so flattering  :peace:

Title: Re: 10 years is the same as 10 days for an artist.
Post by: neko on February 18, 2005, 01:04:05 PM
How much you sell doesn't make you an artist.?

True, neko : ok: this is a good topic.

Although this thread overlaps with the replays in the other "even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldn't??"one, here we can focus on the way we see GN'R's music or rock music as an art and go deeply into the matter.

Art is long, life is short.? Fart not about.


in fact i made this topic after reading the "even if cd is awesome" topic , thats why i puted the 10 days and 10 years in mine , its not that im against the other one , but i had read so many topics about the time on this album and why Axl needs so many years to complete an album , that i just create a new one to express why i think the album is not done yet , and i know many people think the same.