Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: milkboy72 on February 11, 2005, 03:10:16 PM

Title: Where's all the Inside Info? Street Teams? ??
Post by: milkboy72 on February 11, 2005, 03:10:16 PM
I remember a few years ago, there was a big push for the formation of GNR street teams as it seemed as if the CD was going to be released. Insiders like Mysterion and Darknemus were providing lots of vague information and it seemed like things were starting to roll.

Now 2 years later, it appears as if things have started up again. Tommy's talking more than ever. The Sanctuary deal went through, and it seems like rumor after rumor is starting to surface again. I was just wondering if our reliable insiders had any thoughts or info to validate all of this activity? I'm looking for a somewhat "credible" source to add his two cents to this current state we find ourselves in.


Title: Re: Where's all the Inside Info? Street Teams? ??
Post by: SonofAGun on February 11, 2005, 03:13:38 PM
It all seems the same to me. The biggest news was BTH music that CD would be released in November 04. Since then we have had Bumblefoot, and the usual Tommy/Dizzy stuff. Probably the European tour news is the best since BTM.

I have been on "heightened alert" since BTM came out.

Title: Re: Where's all the Inside Info? Street Teams? ??
Post by: gigger on February 11, 2005, 03:21:44 PM
Guns n Roses will be reconvening next week I would have thought. Tommy has mentioned this in the past and the fact that Dizzy and Tommy's dates both end at similar times is a very big coincidence. I also know that Richard is going to be in California from next week.

Back in November Tommy mentioned plans of being in Europe in February and he hasn't yet booked any European dates, so if he was to be go to Europe it would have to wait until mid/late March at the earliest (he is playing in Hollywood on March 16th). The delay of these dates being confirmed? Guns n Roses possibly..

This doesn't neccesarily mean we'll get any news any time soon, it never does with Guns n Roses but I genuinely think the planning stage that the Publishing Deal made possible will actually start to happen. A release date should be set, ?tour dates will booked and perhaps a few European festivals confirmed. There could be good news coming from Guns camp soon but who knows for sure!

What I do know is that Richard was working with a band called "The Compulsions" in January (he did some recording and gigging) and he told the lead singer that it would be out "soon".... Oh how Guns n Roses fans have come to dread that word!

Round 2? Chinese Democracy Starts Now? You're guess is as good as mine! ?;D

Title: Re: Where's all the Inside Info? Street Teams? ??
Post by: milkboy72 on February 11, 2005, 03:53:54 PM
I agree with you about how all of the band members are probably about reunite. I can certainly acknowledge the fact that this is good news and a step in the right direction.  My biggest hesitation is the fact that this band hasn't played together in over 2 years. For normal bands, this could take awhile. I'm worried that our boy Axl will take this normally-1 to 2 month process and stretch it out another year. Anyone who has followed this band even casually would admit that this is definately possible. Hopefully not. I'm hoping for the best, but have trained myself to plan for the worst with this band. 

If in fact the record is really coming out in April or May, or even July as some rumors persist, I would guess it would be really hard to keep it quiet. I would think it would have to leak. I'm wondering what our veterans in here are hearing? What are the people who know people hearing?

I'm hoping more sources start popping up and word starts spreading soon.

Title: Re: Where's all the Inside Info? Street Teams? ??
Post by: jarmo on February 11, 2005, 05:03:47 PM

Anybody who posts rumors are considered "insiders"?


Title: Re: Where's all the Inside Info? Street Teams? ??
Post by: milkboy72 on February 11, 2005, 05:20:40 PM

Anybody who posts rumors are considered "insiders"?


I guess as close to insiders as we can get.  Most people who have spent the past several years reading post after post have figured out who is legit and who isn't. There's 2 or 3 on here that I hope to hear from. They've usually had info in the past and if things are truly on the verge, I would think they'd have the scoop?

Title: Re: Where's all the Inside Info? Street Teams? ??
Post by: Mysteron on February 11, 2005, 05:38:56 PM
Street teams will activate when Sanctuary announce the release of CD

Until then, we just smoke cigars and wait  :smoking:

Title: Re: Where's all the Inside Info? Street Teams? ??
Post by: the dirt on February 11, 2005, 05:44:35 PM
Until then, we just smoke cigars and wait? :smoking:

Oh well..

If at all possible, would you be able to send me a cigar (or two)?

I'd like to try that insider's blend  : ok:

Title: Re: Where's all the Inside Info? Street Teams? ??
Post by: gigger on February 11, 2005, 05:44:49 PM
Street teams will activate when Sanctuary announce the release of CD

Until then, we just smoke cigars and wait? :smoking:

We may all have cancer by then!

But soon is the word... ?;)

Title: Re: Where's all the Inside Info? Street Teams? ??
Post by: Mysteron on February 11, 2005, 05:52:16 PM
The new album is special, and it's been said by too many people for it not to be true

People on here are hardcore gnr, be you offensive of defensive towards Axl and co.  , but I would strongly assume that once gnr do release the new album you will all be squirtung like cockles.

Good things come to those who wait

Title: Re: Where's all the Inside Info? Street Teams? ??
Post by: gigger on February 11, 2005, 05:56:56 PM
The new album is special, and it's been said by too many people for it not to be true

People on here are hardcore gnr, be you offensive of defensive towards Axl and co.? , but I would strongly assume that once gnr do release the new album you will all be squirtung like cockles.

Good things come to those who wait

My "soon is the word" comment was a serious comment not a sarcastic one, although the inappropriate choice of smiley made it quite confusing.

Whether the album comes or out or not doesn't unduly effect my life and I can live without the album, but I have to admit I would give my left testicle to listen to the album, out of curiousity if nothing else! ?:peace:

Title: Re: Where's all the Inside Info? Street Teams? ??
Post by: the dirt on February 11, 2005, 05:58:24 PM
Whether the album comes or out or not doesn't unduly effect my life and I can live without the album, but I have to admit I would give my left testicle to listen to the album, out of curiousity if nothing else! ?:peace:

I just wanted a cigar :smoking:

Title: Re: Where's all the Inside Info? Street Teams? ??
Post by: Jan-Christoph K?hler on February 11, 2005, 06:07:48 PM

Good things come to those who wait

Yes, someday we get this new album and we?ll get a tour and we?ll meet with our wheelchairs and with our grey hair and our 6th teeth and after Paradise City we can get our heart attacks...

Maybe there should not be any bonus cd with chinese democracy but some pace makers? for the old fans

Title: Re: Where's all the Inside Info? Street Teams? ??
Post by: Mysteron on February 11, 2005, 06:18:11 PM

once gnr do release the new album you will all be squirtung like cockles.

I'll quote you on that. Again.? ;)

Remember to spell check that though  :hihi:

Title: Re: Where's all the Inside Info? Street Teams? ??
Post by: Mysteron on February 11, 2005, 06:19:32 PM
The new album is special, and it's been said by too many people for it not to be true

People on here are hardcore gnr, be you offensive of defensive towards Axl and co.? , but I would strongly assume that once gnr do release the new album you will all be squirtung like cockles.

Good things come to those who wait

My "soon is the word" comment was a serious comment not a sarcastic one, although the inappropriate choice of smiley made it quite confusing.

Whether the album comes or out or not doesn't unduly effect my life and I can live without the album, but I have to admit I would give my left testicle to listen to the album, out of curiousity if nothing else! ?:peace:

Any band that say their album is out 'soon' gets a cease and desist order from gnr  :rofl:

Title: Re: Where's all the Inside Info? Street Teams? ??
Post by: R. R. Dadfield on February 11, 2005, 06:45:42 PM

Anybody who posts rumors are considered "insiders"?


I guess as close to insiders as we can get.? Most people who have spent the past several years reading post after post have figured out who is legit and who isn't. There's 2 or 3 on here that I hope to hear from. They've usually had info in the past and if things are truly on the verge, I would think they'd have the scoop?

I honestly don't think it makes any difference if there are any 'insiders' on this board (and I suspect there are a few - they just aren't the loud ones who claim to be).  It's obvious what would happen.  They'd post some 'news/opinion', and some would believe.  But most would just shout them down, explaining why the rumour isn't true.  That's the weird stage this thing has got to:  most people are desperate for CD to come out; but those same people are unwilling to believe any rumour that it's on the way.  It wouldn't even matter if Axl himself said it - people would cite the times he lied before.  Personally, I think that multiple rumours are worth something, and I'm cautiously optimistic.  Now watch me get shouted down... 

Title: Re: Where's all the Inside Info? Street Teams? ??
Post by: Funeral on February 11, 2005, 08:02:22 PM
.. but I would strongly assume that once gnr do release the new album you will all be squirtung like cockles.

Any band that say their album is out 'soon' gets a cease and desist order from gnr  :rofl:

Funniest lines I've read in a while.  : ok: 


Title: Re: Where's all the Inside Info? Street Teams? ??
Post by: RnT on February 11, 2005, 10:00:17 PM
The new album is special, and it's been said by too many people for it not to be true

People on here are hardcore gnr, be you offensive of defensive towards Axl and co.? , but I would strongly assume that once gnr do release the new album you will all be squirtung like cockles.

Good things come to those who wait

sorry dude, But I have to ask ... did you heard any tracks of the album? Merck told you something about? do u have any kind of "news" or any kind of "good to know" to us?

you couldn?t said it better, "People on here are hardcore gnr"... so just refresh our hopes with something good... if you have this.  :)  :peace:

Title: Re: Where's all the Inside Info? Street Teams? ??
Post by: D on February 12, 2005, 04:12:05 PM
I remember a few years ago, there was a big push for the formation of GNR street teams as it seemed as if the CD was going to be released. Insiders like Mysterion and Darknemus were providing lots of vague information and it seemed like things were starting to roll.

Now 2 years later, it appears as if things have started up again. Tommy's talking more than ever. The Sanctuary deal went through, and it seems like rumor after rumor is starting to surface again. I was just wondering if our reliable insiders had any thoughts or info to validate all of this activity? I'm looking for a somewhat "credible" source to add his two cents to this current state we find ourselves in.


as ive specualted for a long time and truly believe

it was all bullshit!! : ok:

anyone waiting for some board "insider" to break the news are gonna be very disappointed.

No news will be leaked until axl speaks

people would save themselves a lot of heartache and aggravation if they just realized that and stopped believing "insiders" who i honestly dont think know anymore than i do

Title: Re: Where's all the Inside Info? Street Teams? ??
Post by: jarmo on February 12, 2005, 05:32:52 PM
as ive specualted for a long time and truly believe

it was all bullshit!! : ok:

Speculate all you want. Street teams aren't anything exclusive for GN'R and once this album has a release date, I wouldn't be surprised if GN'R used street teams to promote it. Actually, it's been done before. Remember 2002?

The timing wasn't perfect, but the idea itself has been proven to work.

There are many people, who seem to crave attention and will make up stories/news just to get noticed. We've seen some of them get banned from here, because we're not interested in having a board full of "insiders" who have way too much free time and imagination.
